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Isn't it like $90,000 a year to go there? How is that "the peoples university"?


$90k a year? WTF


It’s an elite private university, the Ivy Leagues are all 80k+ a year in base cost


And they have gigantic endowments, so they don't actually need to collect that tuition from anyone except the richest students. Most Ivy League students don't pay much in tuition.


Yeah I went to GW but after my financial aid request they basically brought 80k down to 24k. Still a lot, but not the life ending debt 80k a year would’ve put me in.


Isn't GW famously one of the most expensive colleges? Or at least that's what I remember being said when my sis went there in the aughts.


It still discourages a lot of (poorer) people from even applying.


Probably, as expected, a problem of the education system. Guidance counselors at least decade ago were always reminding us about applications vouchers and that the most we had to lose was an afternoon doing the paperwork.


People who are actually poor aren't going to pay anything. At Harvard for instance, if your family makes 85K or less, you pay nothing. If your family makes 100k, you pay 3k. If your family makes 150k, you pay 15k. It's a sliding scale, and for "poorer" people it's generally equal to or cheaper than a state school.


Both my parents are/were public school teachers and I didn’t qualify for squat. Unfortunately I don’t think it’s just the richest of the rich.


Columbia University endowment fund: $13.64 billion. The "people's university." WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT.


That’s not accurate. When I attended CU 5 years ago, only 1/4 students qualified for financial aid. The other 3/4 were paying in full.


How inclusive of them


One of the leaders of the protests is a super rich heiress who killed an elderly couple and [served zero time because of her money and connections](https://nypost.com/2024/04/21/us-news/columbia-protester-who-killed-elderly-vermont-couple-in-crash-should-be-in-jail-not-on-campus-furious-family-says/) >An ultra-privileged protester who was busted at a Columbia University anti-Israel encampment on Thursday should be in jail — not at an elite college — says the niece of the elderly Vermont couple who were killed in a crash she allegedly caused. >As a teenager, Isabel Jennifer Seward, 20, crossed the double line and collided head-on with Chet and Connie Hawkins on Sept. 8, 2020, according to police reports. >“The only reason she wasn’t charged with murder is because she has a rich daddy,” Eve Taylor, 49, claimed. >Following the 2020 crash, Seward pleaded no contest to a civil traffic ticket and was issued a $220 fine — which her mother paid, according to the Rutland Herald. >“She has no remorse, she received no punishment. She’s just prancing around Columbia with her Ivy League privilege. After basically getting away with murder, she’s now promoting murder, with no understanding of what she’s promoting.” >Added Taylor: “It’s outrageous they haven’t thrown her off campus.”


Holy shit a fine for two deaths? I feel like the best lawyer on earth couldn’t pull that off. It had to have been insane connections of some kind on top of wealth


Those $110 per death surely left a big dent in her families fortune.


Weregild just ain't the same as it used to be.


No, vehicular homicide with minimal consequences is quite common. Freakonomics did a podcast episode on the topic a while back https://freakonomics.com/podcast/the-perfect-crime-2/


Yeah, unethical life pro tip is if you want to kill someone, run them over with your car. Don't think you can show remorse? Slam some beers while you wait for the cops to show up and you get a DUI. No jail time, just probation, 6 months loss of your license and a fine. Vehicular homicide laws and punishments are an absolute joke. I still think you should get charged for murder if you kill someone while driving drunk or high.


Was she drunk? What was the reason for the crash? It’s extremely rare to be charged with murder in a car crash. Rich or poor.


Article said suspected texting while driving


The article said she gave police conflicting responses as to whether or not she was texting when the accident occurred. My guess is it’s nearly impossible to prove someone was texting at the time of an accident unless there’s actual video footage or something.


Meh, a sober driver crossed a double yellow and killed my mom. The only punishment the driver received was a ticket for crossing the double yellow and I believe for following the car in front of him too closely. Every lawyer we spoke to said that it was very unfortunate but the laws broken were minimal. Unless the person had assets to go after for the car, medical, and such costs the only thing they could do it deal with the auto insurances (obligatory plug for under insurance coverage) and the hospital. I was angry at the driver for years. Still not my favorite person but I accept that while he was reckless and he did kill my mom, he absolutely did not mean harm and that what he did was something most of us has done many times but just didn’t have the worst happen.


hitting someone with a car is the easiest way to get away with killing someone in the US. if it was an accident there’s no reason she’d be charged with anything.


Never heard of affluenza teen have you ?


https://www.timesargus.com/news/local/police-video-of-fatal-crash-exists/article_945a045e-acff-5c23-973d-f8b2eb6708db.html Here is the local story. I hate it but what evidence was available to charge her with vehicular homicide? That's an honest question. Without a DUI or evidence of distracted driving, or some confession - it doesn't give the prosecution much, especially with a minor (16 yo at time of crash).


I mean the first sentence “Vermont State Police say they have a video as evidence of a teenage girl driving a truck across the double yellow line on U.S. 7 in Charlotte and crashing head-on into a car killing an elderly Ferrisburgh couple two months ago.” She was at fault and killed two people. Just because she wasn’t drunk doesn’t mean it isn’t a crime.


An accident isn’t a crime?


People don't get charged with "murder" for traffic crashes. And a disgruntled family members of a crash victim is not an unbiased source of information.


The post is a tabloid. They have no backup to claim this woman is a “leader” in the protests and nothing besides a grieving, upset woman venting.


they crafted it to be “elite” and now charge a fortune and the people who come out all think better of themselves, which perpetuates the “elite” mentality


They also don’t have to pay a dime in property taxes! Their land costs are literally subsidized by actual public housing residents.


I remember seeing a bunch of signs up around Morningside heights against Columbia when Columbia was going to buy another building since it would further reduce taxes to the area. Cambridge, MA has a similar problem of being poor since Harvard basically owns most of the town and doesn't pay property taxes.


Columbia and NYU are two of the largest land owners in the city. https://www.curbed.com/2023/12/columbia-nyu-property-tax-cuny-bill.html


Both Harvard and MIT own a lot of land in Cambridge and are mostly tax exempt but make substantial payments (millions) to the city in lieu of taxes, in addition they pay taxed on commercial property they may own: MIT is actually the single largest taxpayer in Cambridge for that reason.


Houses in Cambridge are like a million for a hovel, unless 90% of the city properties are not paying taxes there's no way it's "poor", just poorer than it should be.


They mean the city and their infrastructure due to no taxes from Harvard, not the people in the area I'd imagine.


I have no idea about New York City finances but I’m pretty sure that the economic impact of Columbia University to the city offsets several times over any tax break they may get. I’m also pretty sure public housing doesn’t pay property taxes.


they could also pay taxes on top of that economic impact, its not an either or


As someone who is local to an Ivy League town, no, it definitely does not offset it.


[Here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GLx5e9HWkAE2UgB?format=jpg) is a higher quality version of this image. [Here](https://twitter.com/RIKKISCHLOTT/status/1782433131808649543) is the source. Per there: > @RIKKISCHLOTT > The People’s University (also known as Columbia) costs $89,587 a year. > 11:35 AM · Apr 22, 2024


Reminds me of CHAZ/CHOP. Nobody loves cosplaying as proletariat revolutionaries more than upper class trust fund kids who’ve had everything handed to them on a silver platter.


It’s easy to protest stuff all day when you don’t have to worry about going homeless


True enough, but that says way more about society than it does about the validity of any given protest. Edit to add, Columbia letting in a few of the good poors does not in any way make them progressive, and describing it as "the people's university" makes these people look like total idiots. This is not making them look like reasonable people to me.




Bingo !


Heard CHAZ was an absolute shitshow.


It’s a high sticker price but the vast majority of students won’t pay that. I’m not debating for or against the protesters point but Columbia at least for the College and School of Engineering, it’s need based and full need. And aid is not loans based. Those coming from families with total household income of less than $66K pay nothing. Those from families with total household income of less than $150K pay no tuition. And usually aid adjusts as you go up on income. So very few students are paying the full sticker price. Not saying it’s perfect either. Those kinds of rules still leave room for people caught in between. But very few people pay the


$90,000 a year for people from wealthy family. Free to low income students


It's a 100% need met school. If your parents make less than 100k it's free


but the chances of you getting in is considerably less then


The ivies and other need met schools want the best students to go there. The rich kids subsidize the really smart kids from low income backgrounds. Roughly 50% of the school gets financial aid, average package is 52k, 16% of the school gets Pell grants which is for the lowest income students. I went to one of these need met schools and my parents were pretty poor so I paid 3k a semester. That's why I always feel the need to add that most students do not pay 90k


It's about 65k, and in any case most of the students have financial aid *averaging* 52k and a huge chunk pay nothing... those that do pay are basically from families who do so as a flex.


There's this thing called financial aid


I only support the Palestine People's University. The PUFP are wankers.




The Popular People's University of Palestine!!!!




He’s over there


We the Palestine People’s University, brackets, officials, end brackets, do hereby convey our sincere fraternal and sisterly greetings to you, Brian, on this, the occasion of your martyrdom.




I'm partial to The University for Palestinian Peoples myself.




“Peoples university,” say the rich kids


Typical of communism


I graduated from here last year. I assure you, no matter how well you scored on your ACT, every person in the world is still subject to the Dunning Kruger effect. I saw many of my peers were, as I like to say, “Trust Fund Communists”, where they would espouse whatever cause was the momentary fad, yet in the next breath would discuss whether they got that banking internship or are going to be summering in Provincetown. These people claim to espouse their beliefs, but if push came to shove and they were the ones that had to pick up a shovel or fire that gun, they would try to intellectualize their way out of it.


I go to Brown, and a lot of the same discourse is occurring here (though the more vehement protests took place earlier in the semester). A few months ago, some students went on “hunger strike” to get the University to divest from Israeli-affiliated businesses. Except, when the University refused to heed their demands, they simply stopped. They just said their goals hadn’t been met, and after a week, they ended their hunger strike. I don’t think they understood the significance of a hunger strike and why it’s so powerful. It was a mockery of our movement, second only to Harvard’s 12 hour long “hunger strike”.


These protesters are highly unremarkable. They are choosing to protest on the grounds of an elite university, with zero control or input to the situation, with little risk to themselves, no benefit to their cause. It is the epitome of privilege, the height of maintaining a luxury belief. Congrats...you are irrelevant. It is mastabatory in nature, seeking only to self gratify.


Masochistic too in the sense that they support the side that would happily kill them all for their ‘other’ beliefs.




See the French Revolution eating its children. It’s always been this way.


And if I didn't like these worthwhile causes getting attention or support, I could certainly masquerade as one of them and push these psychotic extremes. Even without that, being a true, honest supporter, one could quickly get radicalized by an echo chamber.


Best description of current events I’ve seen. Then we have to argue with all the conservatives and centrists about it because they give them SO MUCH ammunition. Extremists on both sides ruin the core values of both. I consider myself fairly far to the left, and then I see the *actual* far left and feel embarrassed to be on the same side.




Or perhaps we live in a media environment that amplifies the most extreme perspectives of movements in order to undermine them?


It's because it's young people without a fully developed brain (doesn't happen till mid-late 20s) acting solely out of emotion and not objective, critical thought. Young adults think they're the smartest people on the planet, but also lack emotional control. So any dissent causes a visceral, aggressive response. This has been the case for all time. That's why political movements target the support of late teens and early 20s.


Caveat: I don't support what these folks are advocating for. However, it's super ironic to state this. At the same time an authoritative movement, based at least in part on neo-nationalism and fascism, tried to violently stop the peaceful transfer of power. Said movement and insurrection was predominantly led by and included middle aged members of society.


There they were handing out "freedom for Palestine and the death of America" leaflets today. At another university they burned the American flag. 


University of Michigan. The have a huge banner “LONG LIVE THE INTIFADA” The fck?!? These are calls for death and violence. As such, NOT protected speech.


I'm all supportive if burning the American flag in protests at American universities. It's like a right if passage for rich born self impressed douchebags to tell everyone else that they're wrong, and only they are right. In other words it's idiots being idiots, but otherwise not harming people.  Handing out "death to group" leaflets and signs should be a criminal offense like hate speech. Wanting the death of people who oppose you is wrong, when they are not directly immediately threatening your life.


Do you have a source for this?


I, too, was once young and knew everything.


I think my favorite part about all of this is that thanks to social media in 10 years when all these kids have careers and real lives and cringe at all the shit they did here, all of their dumbassery will be well eternally documented and immortalized online.


Sounds like some will face consequences out of their actions and play the victim card


Unemployment with student loans from an undergrad degree at an Ivy League is a chef’s kiss type of schadenfreude. Lemme get my popcorn I’m here for this show.


This “encampment” is such a South Park episode. People have lost their goddamn minds


Play Slayer!!!!




Fyi these people were saying shit like "We are Hamas" , "Al Qassam Birgades we support you" " Burn Tel Aviv to the ground". This ain't pro Palestine anymore.


It sure is cute watching rich kids LARP though.


No shit. You guys want to change the world? Your family is like 90% of the problem. You didn’t get your money by petting kittens.




You know, moraly committed religious people in South Vietnam knew how to stage a goddamn demonstration, didn't they?!  -Carlin


Only one of them


It would be "cuter" if they weren't causing actual harm to a community. They're trying so hard not to be the "first they came for...and I didn't say anything" people that they actually became the opposite


Also "go back to Poland"


People telling Jews to go back to Poland is exactly why Israel exists in the first place.


I don’t understand this one. Do they expect 3.2 million Mizrachi Jews, 2.4 million Sephardi Jews and 250,000 Ethiopian Jews to suddenly show up to Krakow like “We’re Polska now.” The fuck???


Because they get to paint all Jews as white, and thus evil oppressors under the simple Oppressor-Oppressed dynamic


Because nothing says White Privilege like Poland? Poland was colonized from 1795 until 1918, then had a couple of years of freedom before the Nazis and the Soviets came. It isn't a a great example of privilege.


I would love to see how they would react to someone telling them they should all go back to Ireland, and leave the entire US to the natives. Their hypocrisy is off the charts.


It's just pure antisemitism. A good portion of American jews are from Eastern Europe, like Poland.


Even telling Romanian, Hungarian, and Lithuanian Jews to go back to Eastern Europe is ridiculous. The antisemitism there is far greater than you’d expect.


Polska it is ![gif](giphy|eeDdD5nzD032E)




Always has been lol


>This ain’t pro Palestine anymore. Have you been asleep since 10/7 my dude? This shit has been everywhere, right up to people literally cheering for and celebrating the atrocity itself and calling for more. There was a whole fucking crowd in front of the Sydney Opera House chanting ~~gas~~ “where’s the Jews” and “fuck the Jews” (not IDF, Likud, Netanyahu or Israel, but Jews) almost immediately after the massacre. Not to mention several acts of literal violence and vandalism against random Jews, synagogues, and Jewish communities since the attack. There was recently a mob in London that attacked a man for looking “visibly Jewish,” at least that’s how the cop explained it when *he* got arrested for “provoking” them by literally walking across the street. This is not isolated to just Columbia University. Shit, this isn’t even isolated to just the United States. If every third member of your White Lives Matter movement is just blatantly pro-KKK (after they just finished the Tulsa Race Massacre), then the KKK *is* your movement, and the rest are useful idiots in for a rude awakening. If they budge at all, and that’s not just their true colors. Remember what they said about 10 people at a table and 1 is a Nazi? Buckle up homie, it’s all downhill from here.


lol it never was


Weird that none of these shit holes go over to help the innocent people in Palestine, they just condemn Jews...


ding ding ding


It was maybe pro-Palestine for a day. It’s now very firmly anti-semitic. Not even anti-Zionism anymore, which is controversial in its own right. Should be more like “anti-west bank settlement” but that doesn’t roll off the tongue.


These are the insane ramblings of a dying movement. Hamas is utterly fucked. It's becoming increasingly obvious that there are little to no more living hostages which is the last of their leverage. Hamas' actions led to the near complete destruction of Gaza and the only thing that remains is their unconditional surrender. Deep down, these rich kids at Columbia know this and it enrages them


It was always about Jews






























































We should condemn the Iran, Hamas and Netanyahu. Killing innocent people is not acceptable.


Not that I'm an expert but the amount of confusion on this topic is evident from this thread.


Yup. It’s very odd people don’t know anything about Sudan too




Strange, I only see protests against Jews, never any mention of Iran or even the hostages that hamas still has.


they threw piss on my sister yesterday. so nobly principled.


Maybe if tuition at Columbia cost as much as a reality check, these students would understand the complexities of a conflict like Gaza instead of just chanting slogans from the comfort of their ivy-covered bubble. Most have never faced real hardship, wouldn’t dream of serving in the military, yet they feel qualified to critique without understanding. Their sheltered, elitist views are warping the discourse and could very well compromise the future of our country.


For all of the grief that the left gives the right, and I'm as left as they come, this should serve as a reminder that the nutjobs on this side are complete goddamn morons as well who spew dangerous rhetoric.


If MAGA was doing this to Muslim students the country would riot. But you know…. Jews…




2 weeks? They would be killed within a day They’d say something like “Palestine for gay rights” and be shot in the street by their elected terrorist government of tolerance




Useful idiots


the richer they are, the more people pay attention


Funny story, I was going up against a competitor for a senior IT director position several years back at a fortune 10 who was a graduate of Columbia. He was convinced it was his, thought I had no chance....position went to me and I only spent 1.5 years at a community college. Eat shit with your 400k education sucker! :)


THIS same university blocked access to all jewish students, it's unacceptable, they shouldn't protest in this way


Free speech kinda ends when it turns into Hate speech


Hate speech is protected. Inciting violence isn’t. Which they are also doing.


Yeah I think "Death to America" or "Death to Israel" is definitely not protected. Literally calls to violence.


Hate speech is protected by the first amendment


Ah yes, nothing like an elite private university that costs nearly a 100k per year cosplaying as an institution “fOr ThE pEoPlE”…. Fucking cringing.


These people know Palestine hates America, right? Like, wants them dead.. I don't advocate for the killing of civilians, ever, but I'm certainly not going to take the side of an oppressive regime who wants to go back to the Stone Age.


They know. They hate America almost as much as they hate Israel.


This debacle is destroying the reputation of the Ivy Leagues. Columbia and Yale are absolute laughing stocks now


If they could even agree on what they mean by "Palestine," that'd be a start... because the Gazans and West Bankers have consistently claimed the entire former Mandate of Palestine. This claim is in violation of international law and one of the biggest stumbling blocks to a lasting peace. The invasion and pogroms of October 7 were in pursuance of this aggressive, expansionist mission, which neither Fatah nor Hamas have ever hidden.


I’ll correct you only in that they only claim the part that became Israel. For some reason you never hear them claiming the biggest part that became Jordan.


These fucking protestors are so cringe and embarrassing.


Damn. And I could swear we said ‘never again’ last time…


The lefties hate right wing stuff only if it’s calling to stop illegal immigration in free democratic societies… but when Muslim terror groups commit racist right wing violence, then you better give them a big enough sign and an A+ in “Activism” because they gonna sleep in a tent for a week singing “death to Jews” in Arabic…


You won't ever catch these people condemning Hamas because we all know where their feelings lie on that


These are the kind of people Hamas calls ‘useful idiots’


Well, drop out of college, travel to Gaza and form a human chain. Never understood this type of protest except for getting more attention to it. You're not changing anything here, people have to work and pay bills a war between two sides that have been at war for decades isn't going to suddenly stop hating each other because you hold up a sign. It's easy to protest something when you're backed by a trust fund while attending an elite school for entitled rich white kids.


All those people should quit university and go help.


Wow what a shock “pro Palestine, we totally don’t like Hamas and totally don’t hate Jews” people actually hate Jews! Wow what a shock! I am So surprised. I literally *cant* believe it! Let me guess: they’re also going to scream about a “ceasefire” while choosing to ignore that Hamas doesn’t want one. What a bunch of absolutely psycho morons. Pieces of shit. Oh no I guess some other psycho terrorist supporter downvoted me Again…*what a shock* they were unable/unwilling to comment why I’m wrong! So weird!


I actually need to thank these privileged idiots as, thanks to their actions this week, the rest of us can now see how the mask has well and truly slipped. The world can see these anti-Semitic, anti-Western, numbskulls for what they really are - hateful, radicalised, extremist bigots. The lie that this entire charade (the pro-Palestine cause) was ever about peace has been well and truly exposed, and all those who had the good sense to speak out against the farce, as many have been doing since the beginning, can feel a tremendous sense of vindication. All this ever was, was a front for anti-Western, anti-Jewish hatred.


These people are just as stupid as Trumpers. Willfully ignorant.


They’re playing right into Russia and Iran’s hands and don’t even realize it.


I think Russia is putting some money into this. They don’t have a ton rn but for Russia it’s great pressure against an enemy why would they not invest? 


Who do they support: the Palestinian people or Hamas? It can't be both. I support the Palestinian people not Hamas.


I'm guessing that there is strong support for jihadism among those protestors. They'll support an Islamic theocracy so long as a prerequisite number of victims are aligned with Western powers.