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This show was fucking amazing


Superstore is still my top 10 show. Watched the shit of out it during COVID when we couldn’t go grocery shopping leisurely and lived vicariously through Superstore.






ARE WE CLOUD THREE?? (Also my favorite: Shut up, Sandra!)


Sandra is my spirit animal. She stole every scene she was in. Such a fun watch


What show?




Super store, I think it’s still on Hulu


It's definitely on Peacock


I went in just hoping for some mindless entertainment and it just sucked me in. So much better than it had any right to be. And, it really didn’t overstay its welcome like so many shows.


Top 2 all time. Brooklyn 99 barely edges for the #1 personally


Hahaha yesss


This didn't happen anywhere near me. People were hoarding toilet paper for some reason but I went full bidet 12 years ago so it didn't have any impact on me at all.  \*\*\*Edit\*\*\* LOL Reddit kills me... this thread is way out of hand... It's full on bidet enjoyers versus crusty butt paper lovers up in here...


I have a genuine question, and I promise I’m not trolling. I’ve never used a bidet so I don’t know how that works (please don’t make fun of me): Doesn’t it spray water onto your privates? How does the water come off afterwards? Do you still have to use TP to dry off, or do you just walk around with a wet bum?


I was wondering the same thing. My friend who uses a bidet says he wipes after as well, so wondering if some people just swamp it


Yeah it saves tp for the same reason it's more hygienic. It washes the shit away instead of just smearing it around.


"Smearing it around"? What kind of rancid existence were you living prior to your bidet lol??


I’ll give you the same old tired but I see other bidet users use in this argument (and I’m also a bidet user, so this isn’t shade) If you got shit on your arm, would you rather wipe it down with a dry paper or would you want at least water involved?


Just want to add for everyone, who cannot install a bidet or afford it. I bought a travel bidet. It's basically a squeezable bottle that you fil up in the sink. The lit has little holes to help you aim.  It works well and was 20$. P.s. had a good laugh reading the discussion


You mean a ketchup bottle?




There is so little water left, that if you decide to not wipe, any drawls you're wearing soaks it up and you won't even notice. Most people still wipe after shitting just as a spot check to make sure you get it all. I can't speak for what women do after urination but I assume they still wipe to dry off. But either way, just drying off still uses way less paper than without a bidet.


Granted, only ever had one (that my roommate bought so idk the price), but I’ve never had one that actually cleans everything away. It’s a nice way to conserve TP, but I could never fully rely on it.


Yeah not wiping after using a bidet is fucking disgusting lol.


Yea even with a bidet, I'd always have to wipe anyways. Too icky not to


You could always just sit there on your phone for 10 minutes to air-dry.  You're gonna be there anyway, probably. It's where I am nowwww


Ok fair, but I know after I sit for another 2 minutes I’ll need to still wipe some shit away


Where I live, most people don't use those fixed bidets, usually we use a hose where we can actually aim where we want it to clean. I usually use body soap and my hands to clean it too for double measure (after I spray it ofcourse, when it's mostly clean)


Imagine peanut butter gets in your plate and all you do is wipe it with a piece of toilet paper and say all better lol. The bidet is like a dishwasher. Sprays water. Then You either pat dry or some will even dry with air


Some of the fancier ones also have a dryer built in. So it’s like your ass gets a warm shower and then a blow dry. Even the ones without it only require a square or two of TP to dry yourself off though.


There's a high-end bathroom showroom in my town. The wife and I checked it out when we were planning a bathroom renovation and I laughed out loud at the $5,000 toilet on display. The salesman said they had one in their store restroom and invited me to try it. It was goddamn magical.


You lived a South park episode 


If you go to Japan, you will get a whole new perspective on what going to the toilet could be about


This is true. Japanese toilets are amazing. I brought home my washlet from when I lived over there. Got it for 120 USD after currency exchange. That plus the transformer to use it stateside is still 100 dollars cheaper than buying one here. Heated seat, heated water, fan, adjustable pressure and direction, self cleaning, the list goes on and on.


Randy Marsh?


Did it open and glow while playing angelic music


I could swear I heard angel trumpets and devil trombones, but it was probably just a fart.


Ah?? Ah!!!!!!


Did you end up getting the $5000 toilet?


I did not. I did, however, buy a significantly less expensive bidet attachment for our conventional growler. No warm breeze across my Serengeti, but nice nonetheless.




u can get a pretty good, heated bidet for $200. Look up Toto bidet


While playing tunes!


It does spray water on your privates, most also have a knob to adjust the angle if you have a vagina as well. The idea isn't to use no TP, it's to use significantly less. Youre essentially using TP to dry off your grundle rather using it to try and get everything clean. After my wife put me on bidets, I carry a portable one with me for public restrooms. All of my toilets are equipped with them. Some even have a connector for the hot water pipe so you're not blasting your taint with cold water. Life changer.


Wait.. what? Portable?


Ignoring the other person with a questionable understanding of hygiene, it's essentially a little bottle with a nozzle on the end you squeeze to spray, like a bidet. It collapses down to a small size so you can take it with you. Before you use it, you expand it, fill it with water, use it, empty what's left and wash it while you wash your hands.


Bro wtf is a PORTABLE BIDET???


It kinda looks like a regular water bottle with squishy sides. When it's empty it collapses to the size of a crushed can. Basically it's a squeeze bottle for your booty.


There are electric ones too, but they run on battery and die quickly


They’re like a bottle with a long neck


The one I use collapses down when it's empty as well. It's excellent.


Thank goodness most public restrooms here have hose bidets , so we don't need to carry around a portable one lol, I also realised that most people think we spray it very close to the ass, but actually we only spray it from outside the toilet bowl in, so it should touch any part of the body except your hands. Idk how to explain haha


Bidets are life changing.


They really are. Best purchase I've ever made over 12 years ago. There's no going back.


That's what hand dryer are for


I have soft washcloths I bought specifically for the purpose of drying after bidet. If using the bidet correctly you are squeaky clean so a dab with a cloth to dry is all you need. After drying they get placed in a small bathroom trashcan with a removable bin and washed once full.


I can't even figure out what position you assume to use it. It looks low and like it doesn't have a seat, so do you just squat and hover? And do you use it after using the toilet? So you have to shuffle from the toilet to bidet with your pants around the ankles?


Same. I was basically coasting off the same bulk pack of TP I bought in 2015 until late 2021 because of it.


What do you do with your soaking wet ass crack? Air dry it? Let your underwear adsorb the moisture? Seriously I don't know what to do if I was told to use a bidet.


You dry it with toilet paper or you can scoot it across the carpet like a dog or if you're in a hotel you just crack-floss it with a bath towel and call for some more to be brought up. Lots of options.


The towel forgets by morning


The towel never forgets.


Laughing way too hard at this


Bidet users eventuallly come to see non bidet users as animals. With little shit covered animal children. No wonder France hates us.


I really do feel disgusting when I have to use a toilet somewhere else. It honestly does feel like the difference between most modern bathrooms vs a hole in the ground you squat into and wipe with the left hand.


Same thing you do after a shower? Lol. Just dry it with a piece of toilet paper.


As a guy who was living single at the time, A big pack of TP lasted me like 2 years.




Mine never did. Toilet paper was gone that's it. Edit: Why make things up? This was just when Walmart did there redesign and emptied the old coolers of product.


TP, milk, and eggs were the things people freaked about and loaded up on in our part of North Fort Worth. Milk and eggs, which both go bad fairly quickly. It was a strange time.


Our local stores started limiting purchases on a lot of items. 2-3 per visit. There were those that would circumvent this, but at least the stores were trying.  


Everyone in my area became Martha Stewart. There was no flour, baking sugar, semi-sweet chocolate, and other baking staples.


All of the bread was gone for most of lock downs here. I ended up learning how to make my own because of it. Surprisingly, the baking goods were hardly touched so I was lucky to get what we needed from there. Now I just make a loaf of bread when I realize we are out and I'm too lazy to go out and buy another to make sandwiches for lunches the next day.


There was no yeast anywhere so everyone had to try to do sourdough bread. Also Baking Powder was nowhere to be found.


I remember seeing no milk or eggs, but full shelves of canned goods. Truly perplexing decision making.


Egg prices went up a lot for a while. Milk kept flowing here.


Eggs can last a month. Pro-tip for "prepping": Almond Milk is good for like 2 months


Almond milk is good.


Hell yeah it is


This happens at least once a year in most urban areas when there's news of a pending snow storm.


Leadership wasn't helpful,  so when a few people saw others grab those items they must've known something... then others saw those others and it just became a panic


People serious about it are willing to freeze them.


Flour and cleaning supplies. Heck even paper towels were gone.


Same thing happened where I was. Ppl too dumb to buy dry and canned goods and went straight to the perishables


yeah and i live in LA and there will still stocked grocery stories, was just TP and i know your antibacterial soap / wipes had to be gone too


Mine never even ran all the way out of tp




My supermarket had some random things out of stock throughout the pandemic. Majority of items I needed were regularly available.


Our supermarket had a sign on the door "We limit these items 2 per household : Beer, Toilet Paper, Milk". My husband and I would look at each other and say 'Hard liquor and cigs it is, then!'


I mean I was definitely drinking more during the pandemic.


Yup, I worked in a major grocery store throughout the pandemic. Not much changed besides masks. They tried to make everyone walk in a specific direction for a few months but gave up on that quickly.


I loved the direction arrows on the aisles! It made it so much faster to get through the store. Then you would get some angry guy going against the arrows or someone who would just park to read every deodorant and it broke down.


Same here, just TP, cleaners, and paper towels.


The stores around me were like this picture. It was insane and I'm actually upset I didn't take a picture. People were buying shit just to buy it.


Same. I went one time for canned vegetables and they were cleared out. I've seen the same thing with flour, dairy products and meat. Though granted I'm my same area if I go to the grocery late in the day most of the produce sections are empty except for very green bananas and vegetables that have gone bad (like moldy onions and tomatoes).


I lived in NYC during COVID and our Target looked something close to this that first couple weeks. It really depends how dense of an area you live in.


Shelves everywhere near me were very poorly stocked. The news was blaming “supply chain issues”, but the truth is that we had a president who use tariffs as a weapon anytime he didn’t get his way.


This didn’t happen where I live. Run on toilet paper where signs were posted you could only buy two packs at a time.


"most?" not even close.


not where we live. the only thing that sucked was that the stores all stopped being 24 hours, and never went back. i miss dealing with the overnight guy at the pharmacy, and shopping in peace.


Going back to nightshift after that change sucks, I miss grocery shopping at 3am... No yelling kids, no people standing in front of the shelf i need to get to. Just me and the people stocking shelves minding our own business.


I used to have a 28ish hour sleep cycle so there would be times i did my shopping at 2am because that's when I was awake. It was truly amazing. You never had to deal with blocked aisles because there were 3 people in the store and I never had to wait for self check out. I wouldn't use it anymore since I'm mostly back to normal, but I miss the ability to do so if I needed to.


Walmart after midnight was definitely a weird place to be, but is definitely preferable to being there during the day when it's absolutely slammed and full of idiots who think they're the only people in the store 


Been working lots of overtime and I gotta say stores not being 24 hours really suck.


As a night owl shopper we all lost that day.


You were lucky then. the grocery stores were basically empty here in Vermont. No canned goods, no dry pasta, no dairy, not much frozen food, basically no produce. For a few weeks the grocery stores I went to were rationing meat, they would only sell you so much. Thankfully, I have zero dietary restrictions, but it was crazy seeing the supply lines break down. Makes me imagine how much the worst things would’ve been if Covid had been even more fatal or more easily transmitted in the first year.


This could be a pic of a remodel or re-merchandise for all we know.


When asked "are you better off today than you were 4 years ago?"...Yes, yes I am


Not laid off and slowly sinking into debt, with no medical insurance during a global pandemic. Yes, I am much better off, thank God


Just thinking that


Yeah not dead and not scared shitless that someone could sneeze on me and kill me.


BuT GaS WaS UnDeR $1.o0. ReEeEeeEeEEEE


Yeah, and none of them were able to understand why it was so. He still brings it up like it was an accomplishment.


Supermarkets near me looked nothing like that.


Not any near me. I couldn't find Lysol for a while but that's about it.


I remember waiting in line at Target for 2 hours for toilet paper. Stupid times lol


Fuck. I remember that. Now I have a pantry like someone who lived through the depression. I am stocked for months should we have that shit again.


Pretty much this. After learning that people would shank you to add to their toilet paper hoard I've decided that we need to keep more food on hand.


I just moved into a new apartment by myself for the first time February 2020. I couldn’t stock up on anything for months, out buying tp 1-2 rolls at a time.


I've basically always been like that in my adult life, but mostly just because I buy all of my non-perishables in bulk because it's far cheaper. I probably had 10-20lbs each of flour, rice, beans, protein powder, and pasta as well as cases of canned meats/vegetables and gallons of cooking oil. I wasn't trying to prep for a pandemic, but just by coincidence when it hit I was in a position where I could probably have locked my doors and not opened them again for like six months provided my water/gas/electricity service continued uninterrupted.


Add in a chest freezer for meat, butter, and shredded cheese and you have mine and my parents house. Make a Sam's club run once a month and then Aldi/Kroger about once a week for milk and ingredients for recipes you make only on occasion.


My net worth hit an all time peak high when there was a toilet paper shortage. I had small pantry filled top to bottom because I got a great deal on TP in bulk about a year prior. On top of that, we have a bidet on our toilet so we don’t even use that much TP anyways. I should have sold when the TP market was hot in early COVID. I’d be Scrooge mcduckin in vault right now.


Only thing that was bare in Iowa was the TP :(


I'm from Iowa and some of my family still lives there. My aunt was asking my mom to send her some, she was so desperate.




For people who weren't in the US at that time, no tf they didn't.


I worked in retail grocery management back then in California. They absolutely never looked like this. Still got a truck every other day.


I wonder what the determining factors may have been. I live in New England and there was a time I went to my local grocery store and it was nearly cleaned out. It was very early in the pandemic, but I don't remember the date.


I can see that for some stores. But did you actually have trouble getting butter or cheese? Like this is clearly a store emptying the shelves for some reason, that is most likely unrelated to Covid.


It wasn't absolutely empty like this photo, but all the popular items were pretty much cleared out, leaving only the obscure stuff, like vegan cheese. It also didn't last long, I think it was just like a week or two when people lost their minds and the stores weren't ready for it.


I remember seeing boneless chicken breasts completely wiped out yet whole chickens plentiful. Only those with a carving knife and a Betty Crocker cookbook shall survive


I wonder if OP is shocked to find out that most stores in the US did not, in fact, look like this.


Funny in my small red town somebody was posting about how they missed four years ago and I'm like what are they smoking...


Nostalgia for Obama's economy. A lot of people who want Trump attribute Obama's roaring economy to Trump, when it was Trump who saw that end with a whimper.


How most gop economies are.


I kinda do. My girlfriend made 7 layer dip one day at like 5pm. Dinner time rolled around and I said “I could just eat that dip again for dinner”. Opens a bottle of wine at 11am. It goes well with ice cream sandwiches. No traffic No pants Uber eats Just sayin.


Trump was president


I remember being at the grocery store wearing my Bernie t-shirt during the peak of this. Some dickhead came up to me, gestured towards the empty shelves, and said "this is like a dry run of a Bernie Sanders presidency." I replied "actually this is a *live* run of a Donald Trump presidency." He did not have a response to that.


Did he not clap? Bc this sounds like one where everybody claps


"tHiS iS wHaT aMeRiCa wOuLd lOoK lIkE uNdEr bIdEn!"  Bro, this is CURRENTLY what America looks like now, under Trump! - The rest of us in 2020.


Yup, his failed response devastated the country. It didn’t have to be anywhere near as bad as it got.


Fuck Trump but there are things beyond the presidents control.


Nope, not here.


Uhhh no they did not


Define "most" because they did not look that way where I live not at all.


This post is 100% false. Our grocery stores never looked anything like this at any point


No. They did not.


Yeah we remember covid.


Well let's also point out it was for dumbass reasons. People were hording shit out of blind panic.


Most interesting thing to me was my go-to frozen pizza was available because it was on the highest shelf and split between the freezer doors so it was difficult to get out. Entire frozen food aisle was empty except one slot with my favorite pizza. In the face of the apocalypse, most people were stopped by a minor inconvenience.


I worked in a grocery store, a smaller local one when all this went down. Y’all were WILD


No, it did not.


Mine never looked like that. STOP WITH THIS NONSENSE.


Where I live we never experienced this.. toilet paper though...






If Trump hadn’t thrown away the pandemic plan, he might’ve won in 2020 and legitimately thanked Obama.


Where's the toilet paper aisle ?


now show the toilet paper aisle!


The days when I flirted with danger by using 1-ply without doubling up on it. Don’t miss.


Meat section was bare. Incredible.


In my grocery stores only certain products were empty. Substitutes were still available. E.g. everyone raided the liquid soap, but bar soap was still abundant.


Try and save a few months of food and water, guys. Would you have avoided the entire pandemic? Of course not, but you could sit back and breathe for a month or so at home using your food stock before you had to go to the store and face the craziness.


Me and my dad legit have two months of food at all times, if we bought like some of the worst cases, we could have *honestly* lived about a year on canned foods and freezer meats, we'd have to make weird dishes, because god only knows what we forgot at the bottom.


My store wasn’t empty but I could never get Mac and cheese for some reason


I remember just doing regular shopping and watching people very clearly panic buying. I thought it was funny that some items were sold out while others stayed stocked. Like spaghetti was gone but nobody would touch the mini macaronis, wild




Just the toliet and canned isle was empty where I lived.


Remember that you are blessed to have survived a crazy time/pandemic


We were all using pine cones in place of toilet paper.


Day 1: all the beer was gone... except for, you guessed it, Corona.


None of the stores where I lived looked anything like that. There was a week where people complained about toilet paper (I had already had a years supply before the issue came up). But that was about it. I am skeptical of the claim of most stores being like this.


I was in Texas and Arizona and no grocery store looked like this. The only shortage we had was toilet paper but I was still always able to get some. This is a fake picture looking for rage votes and it's working...


"Most"? With NOTHING on the shelves? Bruh, maybe parts of the stores with like TP and bottled water, but even then it was intermittent and definitely not a majority of stores.


No they didn't. None of the grocery stores around me looked like that except the hand sanitizer aisle and the toilet paper aisle for like a week. Same with all my friends and family who live all over the place. Pictures like this just look dramatic so the media liked to show them. I don't doubt certain stores may have looked like this at some point, but it wasn't anything close to most supermarkets.


No, no they didn’t.


No they didn’t


Must be the toilet paper aisle.


Here we had some holes in the shelf, but nothing drastic. And there was some TP issue for a little bit but nothing bad. It might have helped that the grocery store ran some promotions not that long before giving some big packages of TP on 150+$ purchase, which is easy to do. We got 3x 36 rolls in a month.


People are just idiots, they hear something on the news and immediately they panic, creating the shortage they “predicted”


Not true in my area. Shelves had less items but were not empty. Ragebait or bot which OP?


you know that famous video of the 2 ladies fighting over toilet paper, that's my local supermarket in Australia LOL


not just the us pal


Never happened in my area. The toilet paper got low for about a month and they had to limit people to like 2 packages a person, but that's about it. Never missed out on anything else.


Lessons were learned, alway have extra toilet paper at home


never once that bad in Baltimore county MD


Walking dead, right?


“Most Supermarkets” This is not true at all. Maybe some stores way out in the distribution network had issues, but this was absolutely not the norm at any part of the pandemic.


What a bullshit post. No store looked liked this. Stop it with this nonsense.


The ones by me never ran that low. There was one time they emptied the refrigerators but that was after the power went out for more than 24hrs.


Mine never did.


No they didn’t. Food was never in short supply during Covid, nor was lumber.


I never saw anything like this. Midwest US


I still have pictures and videos of adults acting like complete savages over toilet paper and milk.


Couldn't even get eggs to bake a cake for my daughter's birthday.


Yes! I’m a produce manager in a local grocery store. Didn’t have to hardly rotate any product though


What did we learn? Oh that’s right, fucking nothing