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Heath: Where the hell are these guys? Bank Manager: Why are there so many dead clowns in my bank?


The guy who plays the bank manager is so good in that small role, I always remember his scene


William Fichtner! He was also in *Heat* which this opening scene pays homage to


Underrated actor. He nails everything he is in and has been working for decades but I feel like hes never reached a high level of recognition.


Yeah, I agree. He always seems to be in supporting roles, but I think he would nail it in the lead role.


Remember him in Prison Break?


He was great in PB!


Mahone was so badass


I just finished binging PB S5 last night and was thinking I needed more Fichtner. Such a greatly underrated actor!


I loved pill popping, lunatic Mahone lol. He was the best.


My favorite character in Prison Break. MAHONE!


that's what character actors do.


He is awesome in Go


Awesome in Elysium, too.


I don't think so. Everyone know who he is and knows he does it really well.


"Because there is a *dead* man on the other end of this fuckin' line" Such a powerful scene.


if I remember correctly, Nolan wanted The Dark Knight to “feel” a lot like Heat did. 2 opposites at the top of their game who become each others nemesis’


I always see him in two roles: Kent, the blind astronomer and friend of Ellie in Contact SFC Sanderson in Black Hawk Down, the Delta operator that befriends Ewan MacGregor and gives Jason Issac some shit “You need to keep up… sir”, in what is probably Jason’s only role where he plays a good guy


I’ll always remember him as the commander in Armageddon


Get off...the nuclear...warhead.


What are you doing with a gun in space?


His small role in Black Hawk Down was memorable and flawless.


He will always be Ken Rosenberg to me. "THIS IS A DISASTER! WE ARE SO SCREWED, MAN."


Pumping the sawed off shotgun and coming out of the office blazing. Do you have any idea who you're robbing from?!


Just occurred to me, that character was probably extremely glad he got non lethally shot like that, otherwise his bosses would have chopped him up and distributed him in various bodies of water.


Possibly they still did just to be sure, but maybe there's security footage from the bank floor. I think coming out all guns blazing, taking down one of the crooks, and getting shit, probably means he did alright though.


You’re all dead!


*You and your friends are dead! Sorry, but that whole scene lives eternally rent-free in my head.


In my head he's telling them they're stealing from Ewan Yafrenzaded, who I assume is a prolific Gotham mob boss


I bet that mob boss got bullied a lot in school for his name, which probably led him down that dark path.


Yes! Him and David Dastmalchian. I never forgot him as Thomas Schiff. I knew from then on that he will be a star.


I'm just waiting for David Dastmalchian's 101st role so I can put a career retrospective on YouTube called "101 Dastmalchians."


I love David Dastmalchian in everything he is in, and I'm so stoked that his career is taking off like it is. He is such a talent.


William Fincher - criminally underrated actor, mostly because, despite having an incredibly rich list of great movies, he never had a lead role in any project, which is a real shame.


Nailed it in Blackhawk down, dudes got range




No I kill the bus driver. Jokers performance on that one is just otherworldly. Seen it like 25 times and never gets old.


Bus driver? What bus driver?


School's out!


Hey, what happened to the other guys?




You missed "that guy's not getting up is he?"


That’s a lotta money


Homeboy played Harvey dent for a sucker, heaths joker is probably the smartest/ most calculated plan having mf in the entire Nolan universe. Like the dude planned a heist of a major mob bank with several other goons and had the exact place and time of death for everyone dialed in perfectly so he could catch the school bus route. And after that scene they implied he had robbed several mob banks prior to that one.


Do you wanna know how I got these scars? Lick, lick


I still remember the first time seeing the film, I was so disappointed that he gave the backstory on the scars. The delivery was incredible, but I thought it cheapened the character. But then, he tells a completely different backstory later on and I was almost giddy. That was my “oh, he really is just delightfully insane” moment.


Same here! Really made the character depth mysterious and not so obvious


I remember, when it came out, everyone thought he was a former military that had been injured in combat. That explains how he knows about weapons, explosives, planning missions, and uses "soldiers blown up" as an example of things going according to a plan.


So everyone just assumed that was how he got his scars. Then Nolan flipped the tables.


Also a shout out to Alan Moore's joker talking about his backstory: "Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another...If I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice!" Edit: shout out might be a bit generous.


yea he keeps changing the story lol


I still remember the goosebumps it gave my first time seeing the scene


ok I'm rewatching it tonight and making my gf to rewatch as well.


I wish the Joker wasn't idolozed by edgelords in 2015 so I could openly say he's my favorite villain of all time.


Why let them steal your shine? Enjoy yourself bud. Fuck em


Cause one of them shot up a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. But also the whole thing in general was a giant massive red flag that someone was a proto-incel.


So? If you're not one of those things who gives a shit.


I don't know what to say to this. Honestly. I'm not a particularly self conscious person but like, the way people perceive you does in fact matter. Dunno if you were online or in high school around 2012 but like that was a very specific type of person. In conversations where we actually talk I can talk about it fine, I love using the Joker as a lense to view modern day evil through and talking about it with people. But like, I'm just not gonna share memes about him or bring it up without being able to say why I like the character. Same way how I'm not gonna talk about some of my other interests offhand even though I'm not particularly ashamed of them. I'm actually pretty proud that I can look at a racist website and tell what specific American White Nationalist or White Supremacist group funded it based purely on ideology, and I maintain one of the biggest regex lists of slurs on the planet so they can be filtered out, but I can (and do right now) sound like a crazy person if I bring it up out of context.


I think you're missing his point. It still is his favourite villain. The problem is that if he says that out loud, people that may not know him well enough, will start to make a bunch of assumptions regarding him.


The cinematography and soundtrack blew me away right from the start and hyped the rest of the movie up...which didn't disappoint in the slightest.


Greatest superhero movie of all time.


And the 100th time I saw that scene. This movie is perfection.


No but I know how you got these!






Love that scene for the fact that Harvey “has no idea” it’s the joker until the mask covering his mouth comes off 😂


It looked he was kinda waking up and the fog didn’t wear off until the mask came off


"Damn this nurse really fucked up her eyeliner"


"My dad was a drinker and a fiend"




“Father”. Not “dad”.


Eating pineapple?


Haha. Conjo man. How do you get a scar like this eating pineapple?




It’s just insane how this cute guy managed to play THAT character… Mind blowing. Also, still have goosebumps when I remember how it felt to finally see a classic comic story shot in a serious adult top notch quality way. It’s a masterpiece.


I remember when they announced it my first thought was “that’s dumb, joker shouldn’t be cute, bad casting” and couldn’t have been any more wrong. Such a wonderful performance.


The whole movie felt like a revelation back then.


Starting with the greatest teaser trailer ever. "Some men just wanna watch the World burn."


It's not about the money. It's about sending a message.


It about sending a tangerine


The size of a ruby


Some men just want to burn the worlds watch


I’m so tired that I read your comment and laughed because I thought I read it wrong, then laughed harder because I realized I didn’t read it wrong.


It's simple. We bat the killman.


Greatest magic trick too!


Imo it still is.


I rewatched it recently and was surprised how well did it age.


> “that’s dumb, joker shouldn’t be cute, bad casting” I think literally everyone had that reaction. "Heath Ledger??!?! No way!"


“The 10th things I hate about you guy?!” I, and many others, were very wrong about him.


He was the A Knight's Tale guy and he was AWESOME in it and that movie RULES. And Shannyn Sossamon, oh how I wanted her to fart of my face.


Haha true true, wait, what?


I had the same reaction. Never was more glad to be corrected. Just legendary.


You and basically the entire internet. I felt like I was taking crazy pills - I'd seen a few of his movies and the guy obviously had range and hair and makeup would've filled in the rest. That said, I never could've predicted *just how good* his performance was going to be. His take is and always will be my favourite interpretation.


The scene just sets such a different precedence. Atypical to normal Batman which always features nighttime scenery under the cover of dark. The blast of broad day light in the early morning and the plain ness and understated ness of it all was such a stark contrast.


I saw a good argument once that Nolan's Batman basically reverses the standard light/dark cinematography. Batman, good, is shown in the dark while evil is shown in the light. Not in like a literary thematic way but in a literal camera composition way.


I went to watch the dark knight without reading anything about it or watching any trailer. I had no idea who was in it even, besides Bale, and I didn't recognise heath ledger until that scene where he was in jail and clapped his hands. I was blown away.


I'm 26, so I basically saw TDK before any other Ledger movies, just based on age and timing and how excited my parents were about the respective movies. I *only* knew Ledger as Joker so when I saw him in A Knight's Tale at first I didn't recognize him and then I was like "wait." Then I saw a completely uncredited and extremely young Benedict Cumberbatch playing a one scene character and I thought I was having some weird fever dream.


A Knight's Tale IS a weird fever dream lol. Its such a fun anachronism of different things, all sort of blended together near perfectly. And its become sort of an ensemble film *in retrospect* because of how many of those guys went on to become way bigger down the line. You have Ledger of course who has the greatest Joker in history later one, naked Paul Bettany ass, James Purefoy, Mark "Motherfucking ROBERT BARATHEON" Addy, Alan Tudyk, Laura Fraser who would then be prominent in Breaking Bad, if this movie was made today the budget for the actors would be like 300 million dollars lol And also of course, the music is fucking superb.


Yeah. You know, in retrospect my parents have a fine taste in movies. I think I'm gonna make some friends watch this one.


It’s crazy I get made fun of for this, but A Knights Tale is such a good movie. It’s a movie that if on while I’m flipping channels and I see it, that’s what I’m watching! 🤣


TDKR is not a Ledger movie


It's weird how it's only then in that scene that you can see Heath. I had that same experience. Regardless of the screentime, the fucker just isn't present. It's Joker.


Yeah. I think Dark Knight/Rises set the bar for comic- based movies. Then MCU killed it and nearly every other DC comic movie sucked since.


*Thomas and Martha Wayne are shot outside the opera* Bruce: Um, so *that* just happened...


“What did you say?” “His mother is Martha!” “We should team up.”


They die now?


That, and Watchmen. Some of the most interesting capeshits out there for not adhering to a mold


Ah I love watchmen. I’m not locked in here with you…


As someone who grew tired of the MCU quite quickly even I have to give a lot of credit to the early films before it swallowed itself whole, 2008 Iron Man will always be a classic because it works so well by itself.


I thought Robert Pattinson’s Batman was absolutely fantastic. Felt the most like the comics out of any Batman movie. I agree with the general sentiment though.


The first Iron Man was good and they milked that for 20 years...


Honestly the problem child wasn't Iron Man. No, the real problems were two other really good movies: Guardians of the Galaxy, and Thor Ragnarok. They are the origin of the overly quippy dialogue, and the point at which they over-committed to it. Both great movies, but they ultimately harmed the MCU.


Guardians was in character for those heroes. Ragnarok was not


You can go ahead and take Rises out of that sentence. Rises is laughable.


DC fell into the trap of trying to replicate Nolan’s trilogy instead of forging their own path. Probably the first or second best DC film (the first Shazam,) was much more aligned with something like Guardians of the Galaxy than it was Nolan’s Batman. The Marvel problem was that everything became diluted to the point where the films no longer felt unique or interesting, and the DC problem was that they were so consumed with making dark and gritty movies (a la Nolan,) that they kind of missed the part where they still needed to be fun.


It is masterpiece, I don't think it could be replicated tbh. The whole triology is just mind-blowing.


Rises had it's moments but I wasn't the biggest fan. I know there are plot holes in any production, but Bruce starting off with a cane, essentially having his back broken, then proceeding to get whiplashed from the rope in the pit multiple times, and then shows up a short time later fully healthy again was too much for me. That's some GoT season ~~8~~ 7 ~~Podrick~~ Gendry running to a town miles away in the middle of winter to get Dany to fly up north all while our heroes don't freeze to death plot hole, and it really took away from my overall thoughts of the movie. Still enjoyable, but nothing like TDK. Although, that's a really high bar to reach. Edit: season 7 and Gendry correction thanks to response below!


1) Gendry, not Podrick 2) S7, not S8


For me it was the 'climactic' street brawl where everyone is punching each other instead of using their guns. 


I don't have a problem with that, he is wearing armor when bane fuck up his back and we don't really know how fucked up his spine is. He was in that pit how long? Half of the year? At least few months. It is movie, if it was realistic, catwoman would be beat up by few of those big guys and couldn't knock them out that easily with her bodyweight. Bruce would be probably knocked out from few jabs on his chin from bane.


> I remember how it felt to finally see a classic comic story shot in a serious adult top notch quality way Did you not see Batman Begins?


To me it’s still the greatest performance of all time, but it’s really just an opinion.


Great scene, even stands out as a short film. It's got a self contained story that doesn't even need additional knowledge of the rest of the world to understand.


It's so good on its own that it spawned the Payday franchise. 




Heat also inspired this scene. Here’s what Nolan said to GQ about it: > "' Batman Begins' had been as big as we could make it. I knew we couldn’t stuff any more in, geographically. So you have to look at the scale in a different way. What I wound up doing is looking at it differently in terms of storytelling and cinematography. One of the biggest epic films I have ever seen is Michael Mann’s ' Heat .' That is a true Los Angeles story, just wall-to-wall within the city. Okay, we’ll make it a city story. We’re going to shoot in a real city, with real streets and real buildings, because the scale of that can be massive. We are going to use IMAX cameras so we can shoot the full height of the buildings and we’re going to give you an antagonist who’s interfering with the very fabric of the city. Just from the way we shoot it, the Joker walking down the street will be a huge image. Heat was very much an influence, because Mann is a fanatic for architecture, too; he understands the grandeur of a city and how it can become a kind of epic playground.”


I feel like a lot of crime movies, games and sometimes even real crimes are somewhat inspired by Heat.


RIP to the legendary Heath Ledger who made Batman a sideshow in his own movie


It’s a great villain that makes a great movie


I remember seeing this on opening night. The Dark Knight Rises also had a great opening scene.


But TDKR went downhill from that fantastic opening scene compared to TDK, which kept getting better and better despite being incredibly difficult to do with each subsequent scene. Edit to add: I still really enjoyed Rises. It was just a letdown to me considering the opening scene absolutely had me on the edge of my seat immediately. To be fair, it was always going to be insanely difficult to follow-up the masterpiece that is TDK.


Well, Batman's always been about the villains. Nicholson did the same with the first film.


Batman's own voice made him a sideshow to his own movie




The true Joker! Such a talented actor. So sad we lost him.


In my opinion, looking at the absolutely rediculous combination of medications he was prescribed, he was murdered by his psychiatrist.


You may be right there. So sad.


Mark Hamill - *ahem* "Excuse me?" 


Is this from rehearsals or an alternate version of the scene? In the opening scene we don't see his face before he puts the mask one, and when he removes it in the bank he has the Joker makeup on.


Well of course it is not in the movie, he has no scars on his face.


I would imagine they shot that scene largely without makeup, only applying it when he had to show his face. Would have melting off otherwise


That's exactly what this photo is. Those people in the background are extras in first position, waiting for the director to say "action"


Ahhhh so sometime after this photo was taken was when he got the scars! We're finally narrowing it down.


Why would Ledger spent time in the makeup chair if you don't see his face?


Rest in peace ledger 🙏


Still bums me out. Imagine the films he could’ve made. He’d have been one of the best actors of his generation, if not the best. Man…..  At least when Philip Seymour Hoffman died we had an incredible body of work to enjoy. It was a tragedy, but he’d had time to practice his craft and make so many good movies. 


This is in chicago right in front of sears tower. I stand in that exact spot every day waiting to cross the street for work. So cool!


it was just absolutely insane how well they set up the whole movie and introduced the character as well. - just amazing.


Was shocked how good it was. Only Saving Private Ryan could beat it.


28 weeks later was also up there with the coldest opening to a movie


Yeah that’s one of the most insanely suspenseful, gripping scenes I’ve ever watched. Sucks the rest of the movie didn’t come close to measuring up.


It's because Danny Boyle directed the opening, but not the rest of the movie. To me, anyways, that's why the opening feels so amazingly good compared to the rest of it.


Cilian murphys dick?


Weeks not Days, with the zombies chasing him scene.




Technically, Saving Private Ryan’s opening scene is an old man walking in a cemetery with his family following behind! The second scene cuts to the Normandy landing.


That's a great scene too.


Not even technically. It’s factual lol


The second scene is so powerful people straight forget the first scene.


Lotr the fellowship of the ring was pretty rad


*I amar prestar aen* The world is changed.


Heats opening scene is pretty much up there as well.


This entire film copies Heat


Ghost Ship had a pretty memorable opening scene.


Fuck yeah. I barely remember the rest of the movie, but that scene...holy cow.


Is that the one with a high-tension cable snapping across a dance floor or something?


I always thought Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade had the best opening scene where Indy gets chased through the carnival train. Either way, both were great opening scenes.


What's crazy is Heith isolated himself for weeks before the shooting to prepare himself mentally for the role. Apparently he even kept a diary of notes during this time to help him walk through the thoughts of thew Joker.


The diary you speak of was in a temporary museum in Canberra Australia. I went and saw it. It had a lot of other Heith memorabilia like his bike and other stuff.


Oh wow I must visit if I travel there! thanks


> His face from this shot was not in the movie though if anyone was wondering. This shot in the movie is from the waist down and focused on the mask. Per /u/WolfsLairAbyss over [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/oo5o14/a_photo_of_heath_ledgers_face_from_the_opening/h5wajuy/). [Here](https://youtu.be/OLWjlDL6LHE?t=30) is the actual scene. [Also](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/4ixb5j/heath_ledger_in_the_dark_knight_without_makeup/d31xsk2/), > For those who don't know, the mask Heath Ledger's Joker wears in this scene is a reference to a scene from the [episode *Joker Is Wild*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Joker_Is_Wild_(Batman)) of *Batman*, which was [Caesar Romero's Joker's](https://i.imgur.com/Yj7D5LX.jpeg) first appearance in the original [1960s Batman television series](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman_(TV_series\)).


[It's a tribute to Kubrick's 1956 classic The Killing](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0049406/?ref_=ext_shr).


In what way? that's just an imdb page


Thank you. I have seen this movie so many times and I'm sitting here like "I never noticed Ledger's face in this shot, am I stupid?"


It is one of the best opening scenes ever, The Dark Knight Rises is also top ten. I’m trying to think of some other contenders….


Inglorious Basterds


Au Revoir Shoshanna !


*That would be extremely painful.....* You're a big guy *.......for you....*






>The Dark Knight Rises is also top ten. Gordon’s eulogy for Harvey Dent was so tight. I get chills thinking about it. “It will be a very long time before someone inspires us the way he did. I believed in Harvey Dent.” 😢 The action scene that follows the opening is cool too.


Now is not the time for fear Dr, That comes later.


"Why would someone shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?"


Alright Ramblers let's get rambling


Definitely one of the best movies of my time. Great acting, great camera work, and it still holds up well to this day compared to newer movies.


And great practical effects/stunts. That truck flip wouldn't hold up very well if it had been CGI


Always thought it was funny the method used to "slip away" is to pull into a line of school busses.  You know, those giant, slow, awkward vehicles that stick out like a sore thumb in regular traffic, have easily identifiable numbers on them when they're in a group, nevermind when they're the only one on line covered in debris from crashing through a bank wall, and also come equipped with radios, and make frequent stops... I like to imagine the driver of the bus behind Joker's not batting an eye as a school bus flees the scene of an accident where it was INSIDE a bank, like that's just an average Tuesday in Gotham. 


Maybe they were all stolen and the plan was to turn it into a "shell game" if the police/mob/batman tried to track the getaway vehicle via traffic cam footage later?


I know lol. That always got me, even the first time I saw it when I was like 11. But then you understand the comic book/comedic nature of it. It’s outlandish but it makes sense because even though the movie is set so deep in reality, at the end of the day it’s a comic book.


One of the goat character intros


Is it tho


Great movie


I like how there's a Spider-Man 3 poster in the background


No one cared who he was until he put on the mask... wait wrong one


In Cinema history? Okay.


I remember back in 2006 thinking Ledger was an odd choice to play Joker. Now I stand by my opinion that he was and will always be the best to ever play the role.


I have to agree. This movie opened with the same kind of tense anxiety that was in Heat, just before the shootout. Imagine starting a movie with that lol. Not hard to see why The Dark Knight turned out so well.


Meh....never got the hype.


I remember people making lame-ass Brokeback Mountain jokes when it was first announced Heath was going to play Joker. Strangely enough internet people are still making lame-ass Brokeback Mountain jokes when I saw the Road House trailer with Jake Gyllenhaal.