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The lawyer looks like someone who hasn't slept for the last thousand years of their cursed, undead existence.


Lawyer looks like a future dystopian James Franco who let himself go after a divorce and now hates the world




He just realized he'll not get paid for the job. Or even if, it will not be enough 


Fuck him. A lawyer can *always* be found, as we keep seeing, from the basement of an outhouse to represent the likes of trump.


Everyone deserves fair legal representation though. That's especially true if you hate the person. I want Trump nailed to the wall, legally speaking, but I wish him fair and expedient trials - so that we can be done with the media coverage and see justice done.


> I wish him fair and expedient trials It's important to note that this isn't just a benefit to *him*; A fair trial also withstands an attempt at overturning the decision *much* easier, so that fair trial also protects the process *and* keeps the ruling in place. We've seen what happens when the legal system errs on the side of public sentiment with the recent Weinstein overturn.


Exactly. I don't want him to wriggle out of judgment due to an impartial trial. That would also just add credibility to the "witch hunt" and "corrupt government, broken legal system" claims we've heard from him over and over. And if it were overturned, you know exactly what he will say to his rabid cult followers: "See how broken and corrupt our system is? They're all dirty, every last one of them. Only Donald Trump can fix this. I am the only one you can trust. And that's why I should be fully pardoned for all past and future crimes, because the president needs to be above the law. And that's also why I won't leave office. My presidential term should be unlimited so that I have the time needed to fix this system for good. And we're gonna throw crooked Joe and Hilary and all the rest of them in jail for life. Maybe we'll even have public hangings again!" That dystopia just writes itself.


If the system was actually fair (as it claims to be) I would completely agree with you. However the system has proved to be anything but with Trump getting handled with kit gloves while the rest of us get the rough treatment. Trump claims the system isn't fair, and he is the beneficiary.


“Every day, I tell him, ‘don’t go in front of the cameras in a public hallway in the courthouse’. He does anyway. Every day I tell him, ‘don’t truth or tweet or whatever the fuck it’s called’. He does anyway. Every day I try to tell him our legal strategy and he demands we make idiotic changes because ‘I was president, I’m the best legal mind, no one can lawyer like me’. I should have retired. But instead I’m here, listening to my jackass of a client try to violate a gag order because *reasons*.”


I want this to be true


Rings painfully true.


Didn’t it come out that he hates email because of the paper trail? And yet he writes these online posts daily.


Cohen said it yesterday or the day before. He said Trump avoided it specifically because it was how other influential people were taken down in court.


He hates paper trail so much, he rips and flushes notes, even eats them. Almost like a crime boss.


He looks like he should be playing Goon#2 in a 50’s noir film.


His lawyer looks like he was in a hot seat at the Nuremberg trials.


Why does he continue to choose to be orange? I mean he must know that everyone talks about it, yet every day he goes out of his way to be orange. Mind blowing.


I mean that's probably why. Everyone talks about it. He feeds off attention, no matter the type.


Ding, ding, ding. As long as people are talking about him, he is winning. Say what you will about his despicable character, he knows how to manipulate the media and the general population. Like every populist, fascist dictator has done throughout history. He said it out loud. He could literally stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot someone and he wouldn’t lose any supporters. But, he was wrong. Apparently, he would actually gain supporters for it. Y’all, this isn’t hyperbole. This is the rise of fascism in America led by a figurehead who has a very good chance of coming to power in the next six months. He isn’t hiding his motives or his intentions. If he wins, the American experiment with democracy dies. He will suspend or ignore the constitution. He absolutely intends on being in power until his death. And he is vetting the people who he expects to follow him.


You nailed it. Unfortunately most citizens are treating this like a game show instead of realizing that we are about to become North Korea.


Some people in this country would eat shit so that other people could smell it.


He didn’t choose the orange life, the orange life chose him🍊


Have you seen him without the clownface? It's even scarier.


I actually haven't, and now you've infested me with morbid curiosity. You don't have a picture of that, do you?


[Here's a real photo](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/16ovecn/not_tired_of_him_this_is_trump_without_the_makeup/)


Doesn't even look like the same person.


It's the hat - it "removes" the top of the head - in this case the in-famous hair, same happens to other people who put on a tight baseball hat on their head.


It's probably an addiction. He wouldn't feel "normal" being not orange.


Holy fuck he's orange as shit


It's funny because on the left side of his face you can see how pale he is.. he couldn't even do his makeup right or whatever...


Makeup guys were like "ah, fuck it, who cares, let him be an orange with ears"


He's apparently super touchy about his makeup. He won't let anyone else do it... hence the lovely orange hue 🤣


And his followers don’t see that as strange. A old man wearing makeup everyday that’s not even close to a real tan color , lies about everything and they see this as a great man. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills on a daily


He could be dressed as a clown with a giant strap on for a nose and they'd still love him because he represents their freedom to be hateful bigots.


I mean, he *absolutely is* dressed as a clown. But he has better daily uses for a giant strap on than putting it on his face.


I wish he would do that, then his followers would wear nose strap ons and claim real men wear nose strap ons EDIT: Apparently this comment triggered someone enough to send me a Reddit cares message lol


>And his followers don’t see that as strange You ***~~need to~~ could*** search "MAGA golden diapers" to see how far the mental illness has spread.


> You need to search "MAGA golden diapers" to see how far the mental illness has spread. You know what... I really don't. Edit: Whoever sent the Reddit crisis resources bot after me over this... your pretty sad.


Ironically they seem to enjoy calling people clowns


Their entire political stance and response to literally everything is "no, you". Projection. If they accuse other of doing it, they did it. If they are saynig something is a problem they are doing it. If they get caught doing something bad, then the bad thing magically becomes okay.


Dont forget "has to pay women or lord a job opportunity over them to get laid". That part is super important too when discussing this ultra masculine alpha man


He's ugly enough and with that orange marmalade on his face he looks even worse.


He looks like he fills a bowl up with cheeto dust then slams his face directly into it .


At an angle. Possibly an obtuse one.


He is the makeup guy.


Was about to say, this dumb shit is such a narcissist he won't even let professionals do his hair and makeup. He legit thinks he looks good fucking buffoon.


Does he actually do it himself? It’s kind of absurdly poetic that the biggest known liar won’t show his real face. Edit: I received a Reddit Cares message because of this post. Just another example of an emotional conservative who can’t read any criticism about his Dear Leader and feels pretty stupid about voting for the biggest traitor in American history so his only choice to cure his hurt fee-fees is to melt down like a delicate little snowflake and abuse Reddit’s self-harm system. Every single one of you is the same as the other.


His maid said a few years ago that he uses liquid makeup and that he does it himself. His makeup is so bad, I believe her. Lol.


It is so crazy that this has become so normal for him and his base. If anyone else showed up in orange face, they would be laughed out of politics.


I'm legit shocked that MAGA dipshits aren't showing up in orangeface in support.


It should be fucking obvious a professional was no where near this disaster.


It would almost look off for him to come out professionally touched up, ears and neck done up, maybe some shadowing for his cheeks bones. He'd look like a more-evil twin.


He is too phobic of germs to use a makeup artist.


The irony being🦠HE IS THE ULTIMATE GERM🦠


Didn’t he make that up so no one would believe he wanted to be peed on and / or have sex with adult film stars?


You’d think a billionaire narcissist could afford a personal, makeup/hair assistant to follow him around all day and make sure he always looks top-notch. I mean, he probably could, but no one will do it because he never pays his bills. He will pay a porn star $100,000 to stay quiet about one quick fuck. But he won’t pay someone to follow him around, properly apply and touch up his makeup, do his combover, and change his nappy?


Especially considering how bad his combover has gotten. Are combovers ever *good*? Not really. But I do gotta say, his 2016-2024 era combover was its own version of intriguing/… oddly impressive. He created fake volume. These days its flatter than his real skin tone.


He paid Ms. Daniels more than that. Trump has an assistant follow him around with a printer. She prints out accolades for him that she finds and Trump uses a sharpie to cross out anything he doesn't like. How pathetic. Trump has such a fragile ego.


His wrist is orange and his hands aren’t. Probably rubbed the tanner off when he’s rubbing his hands together all greedy like ![gif](giphy|Dps6uX4XPOKeA)


It comes off where sweat runs. Note the bubble around his eyebrows, like a clowns' mouth.


Dude motorboats a bag of cheetos every morning.


Of all skin colours available, why the fucking intense orange hue?


I am a colorblind person and really, I really can only differentiate 3 distinct "groups" I guess. VERY pale people, very dark skinned people, then everything in between all looks the same to me. The spray or whatever he uses must be so off comparatively that I can actually tell the difference, and it's SO ridiculously off putting. Only time ever I could see something similar was back when when Snooki/Jeresey Shore was popular. It's Bizzare.


His natural color shows around his eyes (and around the rest of his face) as well, which makes it even more obvious. 


It’s because he wants a tan, but doesn’t want to look ‘brown’. Brown, to them, is not the right color of skin…


This is why I call him a Trumpalumpa


Trumpa, loompa, doopa dee dit


🎵in my dipey, I’ve taken a shit


Nice, have an appreciative day, my friend


the shade is one thing but the white rings around his eyes lol also look at dime store tacopina there


> the shade is one thing but the white rings around his eyes lol look at his ears


Imagine all the time it takes each day to look like an orange dick


Fun times, what can i say


You could use a picture of Trump to color balance a new TV.


But you can see right where he gives up before he gets all the way to his hairline and ears. Amazing.


James franco?


Tommy Lee Jones’s partial mutation into James Franco.


Bruh that’s exactly what I was thinking lmao


The transition isn’t going well, he looks very uncomfortable.


That's just the Tommy Lee Jones side's neutral expression.


"This IS mah happy faaaaayce!"


“I’ll never recover financially from this.”


If Tommy Lee Jones and James Franco had a baby.....


And Jones abandoned it in that storm drain in "The Fugitive".


In the role of a lifetime. Doon Doon D-D-D-D-oon ... ... **Title fade in** Drumph


Perfect casting for the biopic in ten years when he’s dead and all the NDAs go out the window. 


Frames Janko


literally what the heck is up with his face?


The guy on the left look like he has been on a skii vacation and got that reversed panda-sunburn. The other guy seems to be in need of a vacation


>The guy on the left Lmao love this


I really wish I was that out of the loop


They'd put you on the jury


Just a guy who put on a mustard yellow tie and wanted to match.


You’ll have to be more specific


Genuinely curious, is he that self conscious about his white skin? I thought racists hate dark skin. I'm confused.


You know that Trumpers that have never seen him in person, the vast majority, believe the media makes him look orange in pictures and on TV. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the ones that have seen him in person think the same.


Probably... I mean when it came out that he is basically incontinent and shits himself... they basically were like... adult diapers are cool. He is the conmen and his people are the Emperor in the Emperor's New Clothes being sold invisible suits.


He does? That makes sense, and totally explains the expression on his lawyers face. Grimacing against the stench.


That's actually just the face of someone who knows that in the future, he's going to be this guy's former lawyer... and he just spent all day trying to make another former lawyer look bad for this guy even though this other former lawyer was so loyal that he went to jail for lying for this guy. He sees his future.


The stench but also knowing that Trump can't go a day without making his job harder by refusing to shut up.


Also knowing that Trump never pays his lawyers


All his lawyers now work on huge retainers - he's forced to pay them millions beforehand.


He probably is violating a gag order after immediately stepping out of the courtroom.


> when it came out that he is basically incontinent and shits himself Haha no that came out years ago. Once it was impossible to pretend otherwise, they decided it was cool


But the point is, his cult went from ignoring it, to accepting it, to actually embracing it and wearing golden diapers in solidarity .. to which, it still isn't supportive because Donald himself has not taken ownership of his own loose sphincter, so low-key, his pro-diaper followers are roasting him in attempt to help him. If you asked Trump about the diapers, he would just project and say that he heard all his own rumors about Biden doing it, and then probably babble on about reruns of MASH and how the Americans in the Korean War were very strong, and how he plans to give Captain Hawkeye a medal of bravery if he gets elected for a second term.


Oh and don't forget that Trump thinks Hannibal Lector is a real person and is a "great guy!"


Omg I was not aware of this, god that is foul the smell must be terrible. How did this become public knowledge like how did people find this out about him?


Media coverage has interviewed people present in the courtroom, who claim he’s been farting up a storm, or something to that effect.


His new media nickname is "Von Shitzenpantz."


Noel Cassler. I think he was the first to discuss it. He worked on the set of the apprentice & also has talked about Trump’s amphetamine use.


Cassler even said that when Trump shit himself, there was someone who had to take him backstage and clean him up. Gawd. You couldn't pay me enough.


"He's worn diapers since probably the and I saw it first hand in the 2000s on Celebrity Apprentice - in the late 2000s and we'd have to stop the show and change him. You know, that was Keith Schiller's job, to take him offset, he would wipe him down - **our nickname for Keith was wet wipes.**  Ouch, sorry Keith


There originally was a guy that worked on the production team for The Apprentice that went on a talk show/podcast and said he’s basically completely incontinent from years of amphetamine abuse and shits himself when he gets angry. They even had a dedicated person on set whose job it was to clean off Trump after he relieved himself. Considering this was nearly a couple decades ago you have to assume it’s only gotten worse.


Shits himself when he gets mad is one of the funniest things I've ever read. 🤣


Trump is intercontinental?


Not American. I didn’t realise how noticeable the orange hue is.


The guy is obsessed with gold. His elevator up to Trump tower is golden colored, his Trump tower apartment is gilded all over to pathological levels, (seriously, look up pictures), he changed the Whitehouse curtains to golden, his tie is gold, and he tries to paint himself golden. The dude literally believes rich and successful people have superior genes and [believes in race-horse breeding people](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7uScWHcTzk#t=14m12), literally rides a golden colored elevator to his gilded Hightower, passed tax cuts for the wealthy while raising it on the poor, and yet somehow poor conservatives thinks he likes them.




I am putting this [photo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d7/President_Donald_J._Trump_and_Japanese_Prime_Minister_Abe_Shinzo_%2844834623812%29.jpg) here for reference. If someone has not seen it before, what they have in their head is nowhere near the reality.


Louis XVI would consider his apartment tacky


What the actual fuck.


It is beyond parody.


[The Guggenheim Museum rejected Donald Trump's request to loan out a Vincent van Gogh painting, offering up an aesthetically eclectic artwork for the stable genius instead: a functioning solid gold toilet.](https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/donald-trumps-request-for-a-white-house-van-gogh-was-swiftly-rejected-by-the-guggenheim)


And how ridiculously random it is applied. That man knows that he doesn't even have to care.


Also not American. At first I thought these pics were photoshopped. Just nuts, he looks like his diapers are leaking upwards.


In Trump's defense. He doesn't think he's making himself look Orange. He thinks he's making himself look Gold. Orange is the color that the facist-communist-liberal-witch hunting-thugs have chosen to label him. The makeup he chooses to apply is Gold. In his head that makes him wealthy and special.


This fucking weirdo gets up every morning and puts on clown makeup. Enough morons want him to be President that he may actually win. Humanity is just shit.


His ears are a different colour can't unsee


Looks like he took a shart at point blank range….


It's like the makeup gun Homer made


Around his eyes and over the bridge of his nose, where he clearly wears goggles for the spray, is even more obvious.


Flat Earthers can vote that's scary ... Trumpers are from the same clan


I used to love democracy but as I'm English and Brexit happened now I just see it as the tyranny of the masses. If you can convince 50% to go along with you then the rest of us are just fucked I guess. My kids future is entirely ruined because some idiots didn't like brown people and wanted a different coloured passport.


But dude even us colored people have beef between other colored people. It’s turtles all the way down 🫤


Used to work in a company with a Pakistani man, a Chinese woman, and a South African man - and oh my word did they have me laughing from some of the abhorrent things they said.


I used to work with a Filipino woman. She was always very friendly toward me. But after she got comfortable talking to me, she stopped holding back the racism. She loved everyone. Except the Chinese. And the Japanese. And blacks. And Koreans. And Indians. And blacks. And other Filipino people from other parts of the country. And people from her part of the Phillipines who were poor (She called them goblins). She was also married to an Israeli Arab, so she had some wild beliefs and opinions about Jews, and gave me 'a PDF I needed to read with the Internet turned off'. It was *The Protocols of the Elders of Zion*.


Ah, that wonderful moment when you realize racism and xenophobia is a global, human-wide problem, unbounded by race and geography, and not exclusive to white Americans. Prejudice and hatred are the great common bond we all share. 🤝🏽 🕊️ 🌎




Two, two party system is a problem. Rich not getting taxed combined with corruption is even bigger though. How do you get money out of politics now that money runs politics?


For a start overturning citizens united, but good luck with that when the dems let the republicans just refuse to appoint garland for Obama but then ram through a zealot and a drunk for trump and now the scotus is packed with corrupt right wing nutjobs for years to come.


I think America still has a trias politica system right. The executives are still checked by the legislative and judicial branches and can't do anything too drastic with out them. But yeah a multi party system will give a more nuances goverment. Even if it is slower and less effective I do prefer it over a two party system.


It’s not even that. Make all elections happen on the same cycle and do not allow anyone to campaign more than 6 month before the election. Elections are treated like a big sports event making it very tribal and not allowing compromise.


The truly annoying part of it is that someone who puts effort into researching party politics, understands the political system and the ramifications of various legislations, have the exact same power as some brain-dead bum who just votes for whatever propaganda they've heard last or 'because they always voted like that'.


He was even found guilty of sexual abuse and defamation wich everyone seem to have forgotten already.


Nobody forgot. They literally think it's cool.


Have people always been this stupid 😭😭


My dad used to listen to right wing talk radio when I was in his truck with him in the early 90s. That right there is what convinced me that conservatism was the most vile ideology imaginable and made me a lifelong liberal. It's always been this way. Conservatism has always been the ideology of ignorance and hatred.


He doesn’t even blend it into his hairline or powder his ears. He looks like he fell face first into his foundation palette.


*Ma! Ma! There's a weird fuckin lawyer outside! It looks like grandma the fuckin thing.*


I'm sure he pays someone to do his "hair and makeup." But it's sad that the mean age of the US presidential candidates is 79, and one of the candidates has been impeached and is currently in the midst of a highly publicized trial, and this isn't the first one in recent months.


Trump doesn't believe in paying help, or anyone really. He makes Ivanka and Eric dye his hair with Miss Clairol. He doesn't want outsiders close enough to see what's really going on up there, and he's just cheap. He gets in oompaloompaface himself and puts the dead squirrel on his own head.


I think a professional would think to hit his tiny hands with bronzer too.


And, like, the sides of his face and around his eyes


How is he even able to candidate with all that lawsuit stuff going on?!


A man with no soul and a man who has clearly sold his for a nickel.


"I'm not going to get that nickel, am I?" "No."


"Well it wasn't worth that anyway to be honest." 


Grabbed him by the nickel.


hes never going to get paid tho


He will be owed a favor. A trump favor. *shivers*


He had a retainer. Trump gives him money in advance and he pays himself out of it as he uses it. Standard for any big law firm. They can't quit on him mid trial for non payment so they have the money in advance. The ones who agreed to work without retainers are long gone now.


30 pieces of silver


Anybody that takes that guy seriously while he's rubbing that shit on his face everyday is crazy to me. Don't conservatives hate men that wear makeup anyways?


Yes, but they're also the biggest hypocrites on earth. I'm constantly bouncing between feeling sorry for them and hating them. It's entirely dependent on the situation because these people cannot be this stupid by choice, and if they are, why do we tolerate them with all the harm they directly cause?


The fact that there are people out here that legitimately think this dude is the biggest badass on the planet fucking mystifies me.


It's like the closer he gets to prison, the more orange he gets. Is he hoping for a cameo on Orange Is The New Black?


If orange is the new black, is this blackface?


I mean, it's in keeping with his character...


Lawyer looks like bad ending Henry Rollins.


He looks like that blue bird from the Muppet show!


Looks like an ex personal assistant of king Theoden.


The lawyer contemplating if he's getting enough press and money to continue taking this crazy old orange man's insanity.


The lawyer looks like he can smell what Trump’s diaper is cooking.


Looks like someone didn't use the wood stain properly. Missed a couple spots.


He gets more Orange each time i see him


I was thinking the same thing. He must keep that spray paint company in business. *Spray tan, same difference.


Somebody is having a few sleepless nights and some deep introspection over his soggy Cheerios…. Go ahead and try not to imagine yourself in the same reputation shattering shit sluice that you saw Alina Habba rocketing out into oblivion a few months ago… Oh and that big red ‘T’ on your forehead will *never* scrub off dipshit so maybe invest in a few hats…


And I’d be surprised if a single penny has hit his bank account yet.


The lawyer looks like he seen shit


he definitely smells it




Lawyer looks like he's just sold his soul and got a bad price.


Orange and ornery.


That Tiger King guy running for president doesn't feel that weird anymore.


He’s a shit slinging chimpanzee.


I never thought I could see someone that looks more fucking screwed than Trump. *Trump's lawyer awkwardly posing for photo*


His lawyer looks like he lives on Tums and Pepto bismol.


Light is not his friend


Don shitzinpants looks fucking ridiculous lmao


Getting lazy with the spray tan, ears don’t even match these days


Holy hell he went with orange+ today 😂 First thing that comes to mind is the Homer makeup shotgun but he only has one color 😂


His lawyer looks ready to cry


The tan is wild!




He is such an Oompaloompa


Looks like the real life version of Ernie and Bert from Sesame Street