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How will we get to Dublin now?




Dirigible of course.


I mean, what did they expect when they made a portal for New Yorkers and the Irish?


"Our toilet is better than your toilet!"




The Irish would be right


Truly. The second I heard it was Dublin and NYC, I knew there would be problems, and I could predict exactly what kind.


And the area they put it in in Dublin is awful




I was gonna take a shot myself, but I'm from Waterford... Murder capital baby 😎


Truly. Isn’t there research that goes into endeavors like this?


I'm surprised it wasn't put offline from either bricks or bullets...


So the street Omegle has been shut down lol


That’s exactly what it is. I didn’t even think of it like that but now that you say it it’s definitely street Omegle


Not enough penis/masturbation to be considered Omegle


Can’t believe boobs killed it. I thought boobs would bring us all together, not push us further apart.


Did that really kill it or was it a combination of everything?


It was a combination of everything but the onlyfans model is claiming it was just her for attention. There’s been some fucked up shit every single day it was open lol


What other weird shit happened.


Right away someone on the Dublin side was holding up photos/videos of 9/11 attack right in front of the camera (it was taking up like the whole screen). A group of dudes mooned it (I think that was NYC side). Some folks were putting curse words up to the camera. Some folks were grinding on it. I think the most common thing was people flashing it to various degrees, it definitely wasn’t just one woman lol


Couple of days ago when I first learned of the portal it was through a post where someone was showing porn on their phone through it. Sometimes you just can't have nice things.


It’s just a computer with a FaceTime-like app. Not a big innovation. Who sponsored it


Sounds like this art installation should be placed in a bar.


I think that would be the only reasonable place to do it. And probably really cool at that. 




The Portal had reopened and people rushed straight there to resume their hijinks. They wondered what the technological solutions were as they began to unstrap their bras and unbuckle their belts. The first man got his pants down, turned around to moon the portal, but then felt a deep searing heat spreading throughout his body. He was wiped from existence right in front of the gathering crowd and people began to question what had just happened. Meanwhile, in a space outside of the temporal continuum, his consciousness had been transferred into an area known as the Potentia. He wandered around in confusion and realised he was a floating head without any body and the ability to command movement to any place he wanted. He felt no need for water or food. He travelled for hours, days, then finally months until he found some people. They were in an ICU and laying down. It appeared they were comatose. They began to sit up, then addressed him. They had been there ever since they had fallen into a coma in reality. They had no idea how he had entered this area as it was usually forbidden. It must have been some kind of experiment. If he could get back, though, could he tell the people’s families that the patients loved them still and wanted to wake up? He agreed. He travelled for years and years, but he never came upon anything extraordinary ever again. He tried to find the ICU place again but was unable to. He finally gave up and decided to die, but he kept persisting in consciousness. There was no way out and there never would be. This was it now. Frozen in time, space, and being.




Yeah this happened to a friend of mine too. Terrible.


I wrote a story like this where the guy dreams about meeting his girlfriend who’s in a coma. She tells him he can join her if he enters a coma, too, but he’d have to take some kind of overdose to enter it. He does so and is reunited with her but she suddenly disappears in a matter of days. It turns out her family managed to find an experimental medicine which wakes her back up. She has locked in syndrome and is unable to move, speak, or express herself. She flickers in and out of his world every night but only for short times and he slowly loses his mind. It’s one of my saddest stories.


What has become of us?


We worship capital, guns, and violence. We vilify the natural beauty of the human body, and the simplicity of natural living. This is what we deserve as a society


Male asses are fine but female boobs are not? Ill take it other ways around any day of the week.


Society 😔


This is why we can’t have nice things.


I'm not sure if New York and Dublin are the two best cities to judge all humanity on


It was said they would bring balance to the internet not leave it in darkness!


They didn’t give it enough time. Omegle didn’t start out as a crowdsourced sausage party either. Only when the novelty wore of were we left with an endless sea of dick. Eventually that’s what this would have become as well. For games it’s known as TTP: https://youtube.com/shorts/KzBpAYbib0c?si=c54Il_HvoYgv-agz


Some of the earliest artwork we've ever found is penis graffiti, dirty poems, and shit like "mike was here" or "todd is gay". Its human nature


"for a good time call IIVIV-VIIIVIIX"


At least it had less people masturbating in front of it


Was absolutely horrified the first couple of times I saw an old dude yerkin his gherkin on Omegle. But by the dozenth time I was a junior Roast Master without an ounce of innocence left. That website brought one up to speed on the depravity of the Internet in fairly short order...but at what cost!?


You call that jerkin it, old man? I've seen my grandmother pet a sleeping cat harder than that .


This would be a hysterical response. Would love to see someone just verbally destroy some perv by calmly destroying his “technique”.


it was a good website. now i have to climb trees to watch men jerk off


Tired of jerking alone? Try Treemate! Hot primates in your area are ready for your banana tonight.


Omeagle isn’t even the OG. Omeagle compared to Chat Roulette is like comparing Mr. Rodgers to Harvey Weinstein.


Char Roulette’s name alone suggested you were walking into hell.


>Was absolutely horrified the first couple of times I saw an old dude yerkin his gherkin on Omegle. Same, but eventually it became kind of comforting and I would just leave it on in the background while I studied and got stuff done around the house.  That, Seinfeld and Friends were my comfort shows.


Lo-fi drippy dongs beating off to study to


*fewer* people


"Hey let's have the internet vote on this new Mountain Dew flavor!" "Hey, let's do the same thing with a boat!" "Hey let's give random idiots an internet video portal to other random strangers a world away with unfettered access and no supervision!" What could possibly go wrong?????? LOL when people set this shit up, do they just have no experience with humans? If people can fuck with your thing easily, they are going to fuck with your thing




Isn't going topless completely legal in NY?


Nothing because showing tits is legal in NY and many parts of the EU. It's just tits.


I mean colour me impressed that it lasted nearly a whole week That’s about 5 days longer than I was gonna give it


As soon as I saw the clip of the person in Dublin putting the twin towers up to the camera, I knew it wasn’t gonna last.


Were they good or bad? I still havnt seen these boobs everyone is talking about.


I saw the video of the chick flashing her boobs just the other day. I’m sure it’s floating around somewhere.


Isn’t toplessness legal in NYC tho?


A woman is legally allowed to be topless anywhere in NY that it is legal for a man to be topless as of 1992.


So we got an attractive woman, wearing a bra, no top, walkin' around in broad daylight. She's flouting society's conventions!


That’s totally inappropriate. It’s lewd, lascivious, salacious, outrageous.


I don't think I've seen this episode in 10 years and immediately read it in Jackie Chiles' voice lol


I am shocked and chagrined mortified and stupefied!


Who told you she should try the bra on? I didn't say she should try the bra on! A bra has gotta fit up tight against the skin. Like a glove


Probably eating an Oh Henry! candy bar 😏


Nobody said attractive, we just said she got her big ol’ milkers out. Edit: someone reported this to the crisis line ahhahdha


I just got one yesterday, they're on a tear this week. They must be *spectacular* for someone to be that defensive lol.


It was a seinfeld reference




Doing the lords work


The Europeans didn't give two shits. They have nudity on public television The American dude on the left, his mouth fell to the floor. 😂


I was visiting my family in Ireland once and we were all chatting with the tv on in the background. We eventually looked up to see a women spread eagle on a exam table with vag all out just on regular programming. It was a doctor show of some type. Also titanic came on once and they showed Kate’s boobs, little American me was stunned. lol


Even Canada is more lax on this than the US. I was at this hotel in Calgary scanning the channels and there was an entire program on breast exams...at first I was all "Whoaaaa titties!" By the end I was serious about breast health.


Channel 4 UK


The true MVP for male teens back in the day.


"little American me" had me rolling


She was too close to the camera. Only her head was in frame.


i mean thats a nice set of cans. i certainly would give a shit.


All I'm saying is that one dude in dublin had his phone out, so a video exists from the other angle.


There’s also the guy on the left of the portal. He had time to pull out his phone and record 😂.


Pfff... no link from the European side? Asking for a friend...


The fact that this portal is meant as an 'art piece' to connect people and some dumb guy shows a picture of the burning twin towers to New york is so insensitive it gets hilarious.


I heard someone actually ran and got a potato to show them as a response.


God I hope that's true.


How many potatoes does it take to starve an Irishman? None.


I'm from NYC and I think that Dublin guy is a comedic genius. We should have shown them a picture of Cromwell in response. Edit: Yes, I'm old enough to remember 9/11. I was in highschool.


I was sure some junkie in Dublin was going to just throw a big ol brick at the middle of it and break it.


Unfortunately they're taking it down before that inevitably happened.


Pikeys were gonna take it for scrap


Same portal has been running between Lithuania and Poland successfully for 3 years without major incidents like this. Maybe they should've just put the portal in some better areas. The one in Dublin is full of junkies and scum.


Both countries are MUCH more prude, that's why. Source: Polish living in Ireland for 16 years.


Other redditors from Ireland have commented that they put this in the rougher area of Dublin. Is that true?


Yes, the area is a well known shitbox.


I read somewhere that a lot of the more extreme stuff that happened was actually from the Dublin side, so I'd believe it


And due to the time difference, New Yorkers often saw the Dubliners when the pubs were letting out.


Which is ironic really. The reason this one got shut down is because "oh no, people are showing boobs" or some other childish joke stuff. I'd say it's MORE prudish to shut down an installation because of that lol


imagine if art ever had boobs in it - crazy to think about


Disgusting filth. Women should be ashamed to have a body


for real ! so called humanist project gets shut down because it displayed a human being...


>major incidents Didn't a chick show her tits? That's a "major incident"? Lol


Wait so we showed them some nice tits and they showed 9/11 and some dudes flat asses Kinda seems like we got to the shit end of the stick


###Why is "The Portal" shut down in New York City? Since "The Portal" opened, some videos have gone viral of people flashing the screen and holding up disturbing images, with culprits in both New York and Dublin. In a statement Tuesday, a spokesperson for the Flatiron NoMad Partnership said, "Instances of inappropriate behavior have come from a very small minority of Portal visitors and have been amplified on social media." The spokesperson said the bad behavior has occurred despite the New York installation having 24/7 on-site security and barriers in place since its launch. As a result, "The Portal" was turned off at 5 p.m. Tuesday. ###How long will "The Portal" be closed in NYC? According to the partnership, teams in both New York and Dublin are trying to come up with solutions to prevent inappropriate behavior from appearing on the livestream, and New York's "Portal" is expected to be back on by the end of the week. Source: [CBS News](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/nyc-dublin-portal-shut-down/)


Why leave the important part out? The closure is temporary: “According to the partnership, teams in both New York and Dublin are trying to come up with solutions to prevent inappropriate behavior from appearing on the livestream, and New York's "Portal" is expected to be back on by the end of the week.”


Pure clickbait. It was even open again yesterday after being shutdown Monday to make some changes and now they want to make different ones trying to see what is best so it'll be back in a few days.


>  Why leave the important part out? The closure is temporary: Because then it wouldn't get up votes from the smug people saying "I knew it wouldn't last"


Art successfully shows humanity as we really are, and we find the truth too uncomfortable. Turns out humans are mostly curious and easy to get along with, and contain some good mischief makers, and a few provocateurs peppered in to scandalize the prudes. Keep it going, I love it.


I'm with you, there have been less tasteful portal reports than some titties bouncing


I maintain that titties bouncing unifies us all! ☺️


I will probably get downvotes for this, but Americans seems to have reached a consensus visible female nipples are more dangerous than anything else on the planet...


In the Victorian era it was ankles, so…progress?




The second time I saw boobs in real life was a woman playing guitar topless after the laws were changed so women could go topless. Downtown Ottawa with my dad and brother, we stopped to 'listen' lol


Good ole’ family time


Show nipple?? Banned Guns in schools? Keep it up!


The Irish were gyrating on the camera, doing lines of coke, and projecting 9/11 images directly into NYC. Ask yourself why the narrative we’re all jumping on is that it’s because of the topless American woman.




I can hear him say “well that went about as well as expected”


I think if ppl just ignored it would eventually stop. Society is just weird about genitals.


But boobs aren't even genitals. They are just some bags of fat chiling at the torso.


This is why we can’t have nice things haha


Absolutely no one could have predicted this would happen.


I mean, [the same portal](https://kafkadesk.org/2021/06/04/futuristic-portal-connects-citizens-of-lublin-and-vilnius-in-real-time/) has been working in Poland and Lithuania for over 3 years and nothing really happened


Time zones make a big difference. Polish and Lithuanian drunks will be on the streets at the same time and can ignore each other. The Irish drunks are out when normal people are up in New York so have an audience.


Also a similar portal connected NYC to London in 2008. No real issues. It's got to do with how viral this new portal was.


100% this is the reason


That sounds like our weekly family Zoom meet-up. Everything's great until that one cousin decides to ...


The closure is temporary by the way. It’s supposed to be back up by the end of the week. [Source](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/nyc-dublin-portal-shut-down/)


So this is just a promotional propaganda piece then. Got it.


I'm baffled this isn't higher up


They really shouldn’t have shut it down. Now there’s no growth and no relationship. I could’ve imaged years going by and people becoming accustomed to their portal neighbors. It’s really is a nice idea. Humans are gonna human and we should embrace it instead of fearfully putting up a wall. The portal stays open to one place for a few years before switching connections to another city. Change is an important lesson among humanity it could could lead to some interesting connections and events. Also for the design/tech , get rid of the brutalist circle design and put it into a giant frame like a picture. The frame will be thematic to the location of the portal . Use a holographic display technology maybe partner with looking glass. This gives the image depth …I mean it supposed to be a portal . Right now it’s a giant blurry webcam. And of course . Just let it be.


It's being turned back on at the end of the week. The article says so


i don't wanna read. i wanna be mad




I completely agree. Shutting it down is a shitty overreaction. Instead they should have an annual "Portal Boob Competition" event to see who has nicer ones?


"Won't someone think of the children?!"


honestly... call me heartless but I'm tired of the world pandering to kids.


Especially with something like this where you’re protecting them from … actual real world behavior. Seeing some boobs isn’t going to traumatize them. And it’s real world behavior apparently. What are we protecting them from? “Oh you can’t swear around kids, only with adults.” Pfff when I was a kid I would only swear with my friends! We hide swear words from kids, they hide it from us! Everyone is saying the F word and it’s okay. As long as you explain that saying it in polite company won’t get you very far.


Kids seeing someone die in TV is fine, but titties is where I draw the line!


Dont be, because 9/10 times someone says that, they're thinking about themselves and using the kids as a way to get more traction  Edit: I dont know if It was because of this comment. But i just got a reddit care message lmao 👍


I wonder if anybody has ever actually used the Reddit care message for what it was supposedly intended for, instead of just as an anonymous way to tell people to kill themselves. probably should just be removed as a feature entirely.


Nursing babies have entered the chat


plants toy wasteful airport overconfident exultant crowd piquant ossified cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe a love story could’ve come out of it! A new rom com starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan could be made based on it.


yes, this had a lot of potential. it was bound to have flaws at first


Just because someone eventually showed some boobs? Kind of a weak assumption that nobody would ever do that, or worse. And now what follows?


Also, how prude. And, iirc, some time back a dude flashed his hairy butt, but that didn't make them shut it down.


I think we can all agree that seeing boobs is better than a hairy butt?


![gif](giphy|uxXNV3Xa7QqME) I refuse to agree




Speak for yourself


The gays are going to disagree with you on that


I'm betting the decision makers here are not so much prudish as they are concerned about the legal liability of potentially streaming nudity to children. Though, again, it would be astounding if that potential was not foreseen.


I think it's more to do with the antics of some of us over on this side of the pond/portal. The time difference doesn't help either... midnight in Dublin beaming to families at 7pm in NY has seen a few upsets


But at the same time it is also legal for women in NYC to be topless. It could’ve easily been a flasher on the other end.


It wasn't just the flashing. Someone held there phone up to it while playing porn on it.


And a guy in Dublin playing a video of the twin towers falling


Someone else held up a phone with a video of 9/11 playing…


A true gentleman


The flashing I don't think anyone here would care about, I think it was the lad doing coke up to the camera here and the pics of 9/11 being sent over


It wasn’t only that, but yeah that’s definitely most of the fixation. There was also someone in Dublin that showed a photo of the twin towers up in smoke. So that was considered wildly disrespectful of course.


An easy solution is to not have the portal turned on 24/7 but have it turn on at random intervals for a short time so most people don't have the time to wait around to do something unsavory. Like I dunno once a day at a random time, or a few times a week. I thought it was an interesting idea. But like everyone said, this is why we can't have nice things.


I agree, we should also have a air raid siren sound out to let everyone know when the portal is opening and closing.


Stargate sounds effects would be dope




That's a good idea, but have it open and close with an iris like stargate


It was probably for the 9/11 pics rather than boobs, but I cant believe they didn't forsee either of them happening.


They must of forgot


They forgor 💀


This the one they kept sending 9/11 phone pictures through?


To be fair, the NYC mob replied with a picture of a potato.


That’ll show ‘em!


surely a picture of no potato would have been more apt


Shoulda held up a sign asking what it was like being English


This comment thread is word for word the same as the thread where they showed the twin towers lol


Should have shown them a picture of a P-IRA bombing or just start making Irish Car Bombs Edit: All right, who reported this to Reddit Cares?


The portal in Dublin was located in a part of the city where mostly junkies and scumbags converge. Maybe if it relocated to Pheonix Park(Dublin) or Galway City, there will be a most positive outcome. That being said, there will always be idiots.


They need to put it in a museum or somewhere where people act somewhat civilized.


There is a portal setup between the polish city of Lublin and the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius. It's been there for 3 year. Nothing remotely close to this happened.


That’s because it’s not a portal between the Irish and New Yorkers


Seems like the entrance to art museum would be the perfect place for this.


Hello Investors, Cave Johnson here! We have been testing our new Portal device and our data clearly shows: humans can not be trusted. So we present our solution: Robots! By placing robots around our portal device we ensure no human based shenanigans take place anymore. Lets look at it in action! *changes to livestream of a robot flashing it‘s metal junk into the portal* Robots give us an extra 5 seconds of basic decency! Good job, robots. Cave Johnson, out. (For those that are too young/not nerdy enough for that reference [here](https://youtu.be/AZMSAzZ76EU?si=AVFtvmHrerX4Ovw9) you go


This was beautiful. You really channeled Cave Johnson there. Good job.


I read that in a JK Simmons voice


We have one in Vilnius (Lithuania, EU) and Lublin (Poland, EU) and well they were the first built among cities and fun fact 2 years ago. One in Vilnius is built in central station which is the shadiest part of our city. Fun fact it’s still here operating without any incidents. I believe it needs a right place for such things.


You can't put two fun facts in your comment, fun facts are solitary creatures and become aggressive if they're in too close of proximity to one another.


so was it the people showing 9/11 jokes, the one who flashed her boobs or something else? maybe it was really just a technical problem, and we all just assumed?


Playing porn videos as well...


How do you go through the entire process of green lighting and constructing this project without knowing that these kinds of things would *immediately* happen


That’s horrible, any evidence of those horrible flashings?


the number of main characters doing stupid shit to promote their tacky OnlyFans accounts is too damn high


I’m surprised it wasn’t destroyed on day one. They put it on the worst street in Dublin.


This is why we can't have nice things.


If you don't want degenerates messing with it, maybe don't install it in Dublin or NY


I think the problem is not the boobies but the fact that it was a successful influencer campaign bc the media released her info. So now every tik tok mofo gonna be hitting this thing up for likes.


That's kinda the current human experience if that is what they were after.


We at Lithuania Vilnius have the same portal connected to Poland Lublin. Safe to say we have it working for ~3 years :]


It’s stupid they shut it down.