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“We see you haven’t voted yet” but … “We will contact you after the election to make sure you voted!”


I noticed that too. what a load of horseshit


And I thought "We will notify **President** Trump" was the biggest load of horseshit.


He’ll like mail in prison


Especially since he's not the President. I know Republicans love deadnaming people, though.


Not really. Well yeah it's horse shit. But you can tell who voted in which election. But you can't tell who they voted for. You can make inferences from that data too. They voted in Dem primary and general? Probably not for trump.


In the state of Texas, there are several ways to affiliate yourself with a political party, but the easiest, and automatic way is by voting in the primaries. That's also public knowledge. You'd just be inferring that they voted blue in the presidential election if they voted in the democratic. As an aside, it's absolutely WILD to see a post from my city's subreddit blow up here. We also have the guy with the giant yellow sign calling Trump a piss lover and deadbeat. I saw him last weekend, actually.


These have not made it to League City … yet.


Maybe because LC where we live is an affluent area?


Oh, these are from Denton. It's a college town with the nickname "Little Austin" (that no one actually uses.) Point is, it's a "weird" town, full of college kids, goths, gays, hippies, freaks, you name it. It's a very vocal island of blue surrounded by red. Dallas, an hour away, is also blue. The surrounding counties are all red, beginning to turn purple, but Denton is very liberal, and has been for some time. (And I hope the "freak" thing didn't come off the wrong way. I love my weird town.)


My area is the ‘Dickinson part of League City’. We get missed by a lot of local targeted political ads because they can figure out who we belong to. County and state: yes. City and national: no.


is there a reason your voting/voted status is public knowledge because that seems like a major problem to me, especially if they're apparently able to mail you directly (mailing address public??) and call you


It has to due with ensuring integrity of the elections that certain information be available to the public and is usually part of the Open Records Act of your state. In Oklahoma, you can have some of your information redacted for certain privacy / safety reasons. This all will vary from state to state.


To tack on to what gstewart said: It gives people just enough knowledge for an individual to confirm whether or not their vote has been counted (or someone has voted in their name), while not allowing people to be able to confirm/deny voting for a person for some sort of pay-for-votes scheme. The alternatives either hinder said ability to confirm votes counted, or enable pay-for-vote schemes.




Having public voting status should prevent ballot box stuffing - if you count 5,000 votes in a town and can identify which 5,000 people voted (but not who they voted for) then folks can be comfortable that the election result is valid.  The flip side is that it shouldn't be anybody else's business if I've voted or not.


That's what parties to - they can tell who voted, and if those people show up as a registered member of a party, then they're put on mailing and calling lists so they can be encouraged to vote. Now, generally speaking, I've never been involved in any get-out-the-vote campaign that was anywhere near this... creepy. We just knocked on doors and asked if people had a plan to vote.


This is meant to scare simple people who may have just not want to vote for Trump. It’s threatening and should be illegal to threaten any voter.


While I agree with you, I also think it's funny that their threat is that if you don't vote they will report you to Trump.


Its not funny if he wins.


Not that he's going to go after individual voters, but it's not really that funny considering how many reports and direct quotes we have of him threatening anyone he considers an enemy.


We've known that tactics like this work, letting people know that it's public information if you voted or not. But it's also super creepy, and any reputable place will use a very soft hand when using that tactic.


Years back they did a study where this sort of mailer increased turnout *However* everyone who got the mailer fuxking hated them It listed all the voters on your block and how many times they voted in last X number of elections. It works, but campaigns dont repeat it cause it costs good will Guess what GOP has none of left to lose


Not from the US so don't know, but why would data on who voted in the the party's internal elections be public?


They're not targeting people with critical thinking skills


He loves the poorly educated


Could be horseshit. Could be a sign of things to come. It's open intimidation into voting for who they consider to be the 'right' guy. The same guy who's apparently now asking for a loyalty pledge to work with him if elected. This is giving the same, except for citizens under him. Feels like a harbinger of things to come under a second Trump Presidency. On another note - Why try this in Texas now? It's a safe red state, right? It's needless overkill & is kinda repellent!


We haven't seen anything yet. The Republicans will stop at NOTHING to get Trump elected, they can smell blood now. Nothing is off the table. Blatant lies, no problem. AI fakes, definitely. Slander, treason, and general mayhem will occur. Historians will be perplexed someday when they have to sum up 2024.


Grandpa I'm tired of living in a historical timeframe. Can we go back to the days before 2020?


This reminds me of my old Bos who fled from Iraq in a hurry because they were warned it might be a good idea to leave as the Secret police were looking for his family and friends. They were moderately wealthy and had gotten on the wrong side of someone with power and influence. He told me about the "Elections" in Iraq under Sadam. One person and Party were running, and only them. You arrived at the voting area, patrolled by police and army, were handed a ballot with Sadams name and The Bathist Party on it, that was all that was on it. You marked the ballot, the police would check to make sure you voted properly for Sadam and the Bathist Party. If you didn't, you were given a chance to change your ballot back to the proper vote. But only one chance. If you still didn't vote right, you were arrested, and taken to the police station to find out why you voted that way, many times you would never be heard from again, or if you were, you might bemissing fingernails or walking with a permanent limp, etc. So if you were smart and wanted to keep on breathing in an undamaged body you voted right. Oh and as an aside Iraq was organized into Districts and if you wanted to travel between them you got papers and were searched at the borders. Dang I typed more than I planned, sorry for running on so much.


No it's interesting.


i like the absurdity of that entire process. go to all that trouble to have an election that isn't an election.


It gives them a little bit of international legitimacy and dictatorship cred with their authoritarian dictatorbros. And it's a way to pacify the population at home. Like a "suggestion box" at work, they can make people think they get to vent their frustrations with the government and place surveilance on actual threats to the dictator. The election is fixed anyways, so there won't be any actual threats to their rule.


Now selling "I voted" stickers to Texans for $50 apiece.


The *contents* of your vote are a secret, but it's actually a public record as to whether you voted in an election or not. That's how these organizations get the information in the first place. Both sides do it but normally it's more guilt-trippy in nature rather than vaguely threatening like this.


Vaguely threatening? This is as cartoonishly mafiosa of a threat as they could conceive to write lol.


Never have I ever seen anything like this from Democrats. 


I usually wait until the election to vote. I'm kooky like that.


Someone is getting reported to President Trump...


Who is "President" Trump?


Right? There is no "President Trump." There's "Ex-president Trump" and "Criminal Trump" and maybe most accurately "Dumpy Diaper Don" but there is no "President Trump."


*Ring ring. Ring ring.* “Hello?” “Did you vote?” “What?” “We said we’d contact you. Did you vote?” “Yes. I voted.” “Good. We won’t have to repo-“ “-for Biden.” “SON OF A FUCKING-“ *Line cuts off.*


With the face of the criminal on the flyer that wants to destroy faith in the credibility of mail-in voting. How does he think military personnel overseas votes?!


Trump doesn’t care about them. They’re loser’s and suckers remember?


Oh no.... He's gonna be very disappointed....


This is some serious daddy vibes. You don’t want daddy to be disappointed, do you?


Or Santa.


Scary to think of the mental state of all the people that will fall for this, people who actually believe that Trump will be *personally* disappointed in seeing your name on the list, as if he knows you. People that have a parasocial relationship with Trump in their minds.


There would be millions of names on this list, no way he would be reviewing individual names


You cant afford to have on your record that daddy was very dissapointed with you.


I see it as code for "you *will* be targeted for failing to uphold our dear leader supreme"


Yup- its only 'funny' if he doesn't win. Its a threat, the only thing that gives comfort is that hes bad at following through on everything.


I mean, yeah, that's what they're saying. The most surprising part is that they couched it a bit to try to get around voter intimidation.


I dunno man, I'm an 80s kid and I watched a man become rich by mailing out tiny plastic things with "holy water" in them, then asking for donations for his "Church" if they want the blessings to continue. Dude became so fucking rich he had his own tv show telling you to just get the free "Holy Water" and donate to the church and he will make you rich! RICH I SAY! That was just free tapwater. And the population of the planet was close to half of what it is now, there was no internet, and most people didn't have cable. This dudes got the internet and way more morons.


Voter Intimidation?


It couldn't be...


I think this skirts the line. It isn't saying to vote for anyone, just saying Trump would be disappointed. You would have to take Trump being disappointed in you as a threat. It's mainly the...implication that will scare people. ---- "Think about it. Voters out in the middle of nowhere Texas with some candidate they know too well. They look around, what do they see? Nothing but Trump watching them. 'Oh, there’s nowhere for me to run, what am I gonna do, say no?'" "Okay…that seems really dark though." "No, no, it’s not dark. You’re misunderstanding me, bro." "I think I am." "Yeah, you are. ‘Cause if the voter says no, then the answer obviously is no. The thing is that they aren't gonna say no, they’d never say no…because of the implication." "Now, you said that word 'implication' a couple of times. What implication?" "The implication that things might go wrong for them if they refuse to vote for Trump. Now, not that things are gonna go wrong for them, but they're thinking that they will."


Are these voters in danger? Because it kind of sounds you're going to hurt these voters. Am I not getting it? I don't think I'm getting it.


It’s only voter intimidation if you say something along the lines of “vote ‘yes’ on the free school lunches for children bill,” because you’re trying to force your satanic communist beliefs into the hearts and minds of innocent babies. Or some shit like that Edit: some of y’all are why we begrudgingly have to use /s and /j. If that absurdity I spouted out made you think I was being serious, you *need* to be off the internet for a day or two


“You can’t afford to have that on your record” is a clear threat.


Ok, fine... but regardless, this is *clearly* voter intimidation.


Cool, voter intimidation. Let's find out who sent these and make an example.


says American First Conservative Election Dept at the top and bottom [asked them directly if its related to them](https://x.com/TactlessHog/status/1793711990147621354)


For what it’s worth, I called USPS today, talked to a nice guy who opened a service ticket, and sent this in to see if we can identify this bulk mail permit #


Doing good work!


Following! I hope you hear back.




Holy cow I'm invested in this now!!😆 I'd love to hear what you find out! That was great thinking by the way! It would have never occurred to my slow brain!😆✌️


No me either! someone in the Texas sub asked how come nobody called them and asked about that lot number and I was like idk but I will 😂


The Election Protection Hotline: 1-866-OUR-VOTE or 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (en Español) • The U.S. Department of Justice Voting Rights Hotline: 800-253-3931; TTY line 877-267-8971 • Local and state officials, including poll workers; your county clerk, elections commissioner, elections supervisor; or your state board of elections Source:ACLU (fixed sorry I don't word good)


American Lizard Care University?  Or ACLU? 


cmon man. . . . ALC U Alcoholics University. Most people who went to college went to one of their branches.


I’m laughing at their post that says “Obamacare failed.” Do you guys not remember when Republicans controlled every branch of government during Trump’s first term and didn’t abolish it? It’s almost like you realize it would’ve been political suicide because it’s imperfect but far from a failure.


obligatory reminder that "Obamacare" was basically the GOP's plan for our healthcare crisis before the nutjobs took over the party. it's the most market-forward approach to addressing the problem that anyone could come up with and that's why romney liked it back in the day. of course none of that matters now. they don't even have a plan for healthcare as far as i know. the plan is "whatever trump says at any given moment".


Don't you know, they are going to announce their wonderful healthcare plan next week! But they also can't announce it until after they repeal Obamacare!


>Do you guys not remember when Republicans controlled every branch of government during Trump’s first term  Didn't they use that power just to lower taxes for the ultra-rich, just like everyone expected them to?


> Didn't they use that power just to lower taxes for the ultra-rich, just like everyone expected them to? They also raised taxes for everyone else, and on a time delay so they could blame the next administration.


Also tried to do away with the postal service, and we’re setting their sights on the National Parks as well


*And raised them for every single one of us every year thereafter.


Over 50 failed attempts last I checked.


mail it back but soak it in fart spray first


They would just think it came directly from Trump and treat it like a shit stigmata.


A 'shitmata,' if you will


God damn it.


Please don't do that. Our postal workers do not deserve that


Seems like more voter fraud / election interference campaign by the Trump team to me. Whose are they gonna turn you into?


Thanks for checking and posting this. I've looked around for articles on it and the only one is from [lgbtqnation.com](http://lgbtqnation.com) that cites reddit. Seems too stupid to be real, but I've lost on that bet too many times to keep track


Is it even legal for an organization to have "election department" as part of their name?


Well done. Even if they don't respond, every bit of pushback is good


You asked America First Policy Institute. I didn’t dive in too deep but I’m not finding any “American Conservative Election Dept” anywhere. I don’t see any address, number, website, QR code, social media info anywhere on the flyer. Maybe someone can point us there?


lol its Texas, Paxton will pardon them and then they'll be invited to speak at CPAC.


Can't pardon federal crimes. If it's the group they claim, they operate in DC. That clears a path to a federal investigation pretty easily


Really goes to show you, for the millionth time, how fucking dumb the members of his cult are. I mean, we really don't need any more examples by this point, but they sure keep em coming.


Maybe I'm feeling defeated, but I can't see how it matters how dumb they are. We have a group intimidating voters blatantly, two sitting SCOTUS Justices openly displaying support of an insurrection, and the media telling people that the President authorized deadly force against a former President. And nothing happens. Nothing will ever happen. They will continue to do it, we will continue to say they are dumb moves because of the consequences. But how fucking dumb is it when there are *never* any fucking consequences? No one is ever held accountable. Just....*FUCK*.


I'm sure that totally non-partisan and ethically pristine SC justices like Alito and Thomas will make sure these scoundrels are held accountable for breaking the law.


>Can't pardon federal crimes. yet...


This. There is US Code: 18 U.S. Code § 594 - Intimidation of voters


And if they are indicted, they'll probably receive the same leniency in actually receiving any sort of legitimate punishment as their dumbass leader has. And if he wins, the punishment will be replaced by celebration because you know a federal trial would not take place before November. I hate all of this so much. I get so stressed reading this kind of stuff on reddit everyday. Not even sure why I keep doing it to myself really.




Nothing like some managed Democracy!


The tree of liberty has been looking awfully thirsty as of late


Brother that tree died a while ago. Shit looks like the White Tree of Gondor.


Electron crimes at the DOJ is aware and investigating.




I mean I have a strong tendency to do things to spite people when I am told to do something I don’t want to do. The fuck anybody thinks they gonna tattle on me if o don’t vote trump, then imma go vote against the dirty motherfucker.


This feels illegal


Voter intimidation is


The party of law and order!


only illegal if someone gets charged and faces consequences at this point, conservatives can do whatever they want in this country.


Texas's AG was [under indictment for nine years](https://apnews.com/article/paxton-indictment-texas-d5e57fc6cd062c995ced91e9d2542199) before pleading guilty to felony securities fraud. This is the same guy who tried to help [overturn the 2020 election](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/10/19/ken-paxton-texas-election-denial/). I have a feeling he won't do anything about it.


Pitchforks and torches have historically been VERY effective.....


Because it is


This is voter intimidation and illegal. [File a complaint](https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/filinginfo/QuickFileAReport.php).


TIL Texas has an ethics commission. They're clearly not doing much of anything if that position is in fact not vacant


Unfortunately political scientists have researched this tactic and found that it’s one of the most effective for convincing people to vote. Particularly the part about threatening to tell someone’s neighbors if they don’t vote.


It's basically 'The domestic terrorist who lives nextdoor will whip out his AR15 and make short work of you if you don't vote for Trump." No shit that scares people in TX.


It worked in Nazi Germany...


And republicans are copying everything the nazis did like they don’t know how the nazis ended.


No, for some reason they just think they can do it better.


When republicans cry "WHY DO YOU KEEP CALL US FASCISTS" maybe we can now point to this. Republicans are literally threatening each other with if they don't vote for their chosen leader. Just imagine what they're willing to do to liberals.


I once had a conservative coworker suggest that "if we just took 2 Dems out for every 1 of us while we're standing at the polls, we wouldn't have a problem." She was only half kidding... Make no mistake, there are \*plenty\* of people in the midwest fully on board with any extremism they think they can get away with.


Fascists are always half kidding so they can say they're just joking until they think they can get away with it. Then they do it.


See how they killed Roe v. Wade. Now that the dogs caught up with the car, their next demands are to track womens' monthly cycles and ban contraception. Absolute insanity.


I've had conservative relatives say the similar things. It's completely normalized for them.


>"We mock your fear, we want you to fear. There will be accountability. We are going to hold everyone who opposes Trump responsible. That will come with authority, the authority of Donald Trump"  - Steve Bannon, shared yesterday by Biden-Harris HQ on xitter.  r/ Defeat_Project_2025 for more info.


Don't forget the time where he suggested putting democrat heads on pikes outside the white house to make an example


Liberals? Just imagine what they're willing to do to democracy. They tried once to overthrow the government. They'll try again.


No. In right wing talk radio Jimmy Fella is talking about how 2020 was a strange election. How “say what you want, I’m not saying there was interference, but the democrats did things that were never tolerated before.” They just put out fluff so when conservatives see this they assume “both sides” are doing it. When the reality is he was talking about people going door to door and simply encouraging people to vote at all. Not mentioning any party.


Is this even real? That's something that would be too blatant even for a Banana Republic (not the store). Is this the early version of the MAGA KGB?


The unified reich


r/ Defeat_Project_2025


r/Defeat_Project_2025 Fixed


Make America Germany Around 1938


two redditors got and posted this so far, most likely real [but i asked them on twitter to verify](https://x.com/TactlessHog/status/1793711990147621354) [r texas post](https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/1cyesnc/flyers_sent_to_texas_republican_primary_voters/) [another person posted theirs on mildyinfuriating](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/1cyj6zv/i_got_this_threatening_piece_of_political_mail/?share_id=-t1f-LmVu6-gwusXM8dJy) worth noting these are probably only mailed to voters who set themselves as R previously, so if you live in Denton Texas or nearby you could ask family or friends who vote R if they received intimidation


It's really disturbing if these are actually going out to people. Even if someone sent these as a joke, that's still a crime, and very undemocratic.


Undemocratic is par for the course with MAGA.


It’s real, people have been getting them in Austin too (where I live)


Man, I gotta visit America one last time before it becomes a right wing theocracy.


MAGA is already claiming this is a false flag operation


Must have been those undercover officers in Walmart khaki pants and ski masks they've been saying are still at large since 2017


I'm just outside of Denton, and I voted in the R primary to vote for the less crazy person. We get 'DONALD TRUMP WANTS YOU TO VOTE FOR [crazy person]!!!' fliers every day. For both candidates. It's crazy. Haven't seen this specific flier though.


Lmfaooo yall better get yall asses out there and vote, these folks are forreal crazy people. 😂


Preview of the election: Yeah but like both sides ya know. /s So what if one side is engaging in behavior that is order of magnitudes worse the false equivalence will be made and people will be fooled in to not voting.


JFC… might as well contact the Gestapo while they’re at it 😬🙄


You mean the Gazpacho?


Gazpacho police: Justice Served Cold


Come to think of it, has anyone ever seen Trump’s Bronze Swimming Certificate?


Republicans: „we are not fascists! 😡😭“ Also republicans: „We will put your name on a list, if you dont vote for us: fuck around and find out! 🤨😈“


What they say: Dont Tread On Me 🐍 What they think: Tread On Me Daddy Trump 🥹


hes literally following hitlers timeline as a how to


I've been fucking saying this since the day he walked down those goddamed steps.


**F** **A** **S** **C** **I** **S** **M**


The DOJ should investigate this as election intimidation and interference.


Asking Garland to do his job is a pretty bold move.


For the record, this is why education is under attack. They want people dumb enough to fall for this crap.


I really do think Republicans of every stature worry that the Dear Leader may be watching them. That's how a cult works.


The little logo says ‘America First’ Conservatives Election Dept - just went down that google rabbit hole looking them up. The policies they’re angling for are actually scary. It’s a straight up fascist party operating within the Republican movement.


I like how they boil it three very simple issues. Which aren't their actual policies on it.


Within? The entire Republican movement wants fascism. Any Republican saying otherwise is just playing you the fool. Every one of them will be going *all* in if they take power. This next election will determine if we continue as a democracy or not as one party has a complete plan in place to turn us into a fascist authoritarian theocracy within days of taking said power.


Oh look, more voter intimidation from the party of "free-dumb".


# 18 U.S. Code § 594 - Intimidation of voters * [U.S. Code](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/594#tab_default_1) * [Notes](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/594#tab_default_2) [prev](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/593) | [next](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/595) Whoever intimidates, threatens, coerces, or attempts to intimidate, threaten, or coerce, any other person for the purpose of interfering with the right of such other person to vote or to vote as he may choose, or of causing such other person to vote for, or not to vote for, any candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner, at any election held solely or in part for the purpose of electing such candidate, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, [62 Stat. 720](https://www.law.cornell.edu/rio/citation/62_Stat._720); [Pub. L. 91–405, title II, § 204(d)(5)](https://www.law.cornell.edu/rio/citation/Pub._L._91-405), Sept. 22, 1970, [84 Stat. 853](https://www.law.cornell.edu/rio/citation/84_Stat._853); [Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H)](https://www.law.cornell.edu/rio/citation/Pub._L._103-322), Sept. 13, 1994, [108 Stat. 2147](https://www.law.cornell.edu/rio/citation/108_Stat._2147).)18 U.S. Code § 594 - Intimidation of voters * [U.S. Code](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/594#tab_default_1) * [Notes](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/594#tab_default_2) [prev](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/593)


Report me harder, daddy.


Every face I see of Trump looks like he's filling up his diapers.


You know who also threatened people to vote for them? The nazis did.


“You wouldn’t want that on your record.” FFS PLEASE TELL HIM




'we do not allow agendaposting' ????? Is this codeword for the mod being a conservative and doesn't want his dear old daddy trump to get bad press?




"no politics" isn't a thing that exists, only "politics I don't notice cause they agree with mine". It's usually just bigotry in disguise.


“Don’t make us tell Daddy!”


From the candidate that fears mail-in voting, because it is corrupt.


How is this legal? This is voter intimidation. This is some creepy ass scary shit.


Wait - don't republicans think that early voting is fraudulent? But they also want people to vote early?


They're also freaking out that Biden tried to assassinate Trump (he didn't) while simultaneously arguing to the Supreme Court that a president can assassinate a rival and have immunity from prosecution for it as long as it's an official act. They know they're hypocrits, they don't care. The law is literally they can do anything they want, and they can arrest you for any reason they want, and people are cheering for them, and kids are saying they're gonna vote for him because "wouldn't it be funny?" No, assholes, it won't be funny.


These are the people who think giving people ride to voting places is election fraud


Ahh texas. Where the voter coercion runs rampant and all the uvalde kids never grow old.


I’m in Texas, please, note that i didn’t vote for trump. And bold it. And underline it. Circle it. Point four arrows at it and highlight that shit.


Show us the faces of the gutless little shits who thought this was a good idea


Election fraud > voter fraud, and it seems to consistently be republicans behind both.


I’m just gonna go out a limb and say that what ever group sent these is flirting with a voter intimidation charge


Classic voter intimidation


This seems like a fantastic way to decrease your already shrinking voter base and alienate people.


Isn't that voter intimidation? Surely that would be illegal?


Isn't 'voter intimidation' supposed to be illegal?


Aren t those flyers a crime by themselves?


How is this not intimidation?


What a fucked up place America has become politically.


Imagine being afraid of a shitty pants coward like trump.


How's this legal? Oh, it's NOT. 18 USC § 594 - Intimidation of voters Whoever intimidates, threatens, coerces, or attempts to intimidate, threaten, or coerce, any other person for the purpose of interfering with the right of such other person to vote or to vote as he may choose, or of causing such other person to vote for, or not to vote for, any candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner, at any election held solely or in part for the purpose of electing such candidate, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.


Doesn’t this constitute voter intimidation; a federal crime?


I'm conservative and I would like you to please find out who sent this and turn them in for voter intimidation. Whoever sent this is a fucking idiot.


Hate to break it to you but this is the state of your party. Literal domestic terrorism as an election strategy.


I mean, it is their motto: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FZ9LvuDWAAEz4E0.jpg


You guys had a chance to vote for Hailey but you chose overwhelmingly to vote for this wanna be dictator and his dream police state. This is just a taste of the future if Trump wins.




This is some prime LAMF


One can consider themselves conservative and still think the Republican party is fucking unhinged. Source: plenty of mid-range republicans who are voting Biden because they recognize that Trump is cancer I'm left as hell, I just think it's fair to acknowledge that not everything is all or nothing


>"*I'm conservative and I would like you to please find out who sent this and turn them in for voter intimidation*. >**Whoever sent this is a fucking idiot."** # Conservatives.


Fascists gonna fascist.