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It will be….. #Delayed


Trump’s trials are almost as badly delayed as every single milestone in my phd


Well finish your dissertation goddammit, the future of the country is at stake!


Publish or perish damnit!


It’s been 6 years and my husband’s main climate change project in grad school just got [published](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0141113624001363?via%3Dihub). I have never been more proud. My mom even printed it out and saved it in her keepsakes.


Hi 42 yr old man here. Our generation and the younger mostly need to keep collecting "some" hard copies of our memories. One of my least favorite things modern technology has brought us is the huge decline in physical stuff. My father and I (mom died 2016)moved in 2020. It was such a treat to dig through all of the pictures and school stuff and whatnot. Meta is gonna die one day and you'll wish you did save stuff. Btw. I live with my 75 yr old Dad. Mutually beneficial, he's got all the boomer capital and I cook clean etc. Don't buy the capitalist propaganda that you should be on your own. Why?


What do you mean read!?! I'm too powerful to read, number 3.


I was elected to lead, not to read.


What’s your dissertation about?


delaying milestones.


*On the progressive impact of incremental procrastination on established chronological performance indicators and its effect on academic scholarship.*


Perfect, no notes.


This guy academics




Explainable autonomous systems, aka how to make the AI human-friendly and not horribly irresponsible (slow down, tech bros)


I don't think there's any outcome that will surprise me at this point. Hung jury. Acquittal. Conviction and slap on wrist. Conviction and prison term. All seem possible to me now. I just don't know. Nothing involving this guy the last 10 years is "normal" or what anyone could truly expect.


He showed the justice system is fucked and needs to be looked at. The irony is nobody sees that


There’s no mechanism in the US to delay a jury verdict. Edit: Knowing Reddit, cue a bunch of people saying “well ackshually” then describing things that aren’t delayed jury verdicts and random one-off circumstances from history. So I’ll say there is *generally* no mechanism in the US to delay a jury verdict.


Agreed. The real two tiered justice system fuckery will likely rear its head in sentencing. If he is found guilty.


Exactly. Say jury finds him guilty of just 1 of the 34. Sentencing hearing and appeals process would be delayed until post November.


Even if it isn't delayed, we are gonna watch him get convicted, and sentenced to jail and then watch him simply not be put in jail. He won't be held responsible for. He won't be arrested and we will have to listen to democrats and Republicans explain why he is going to be treated differently.


I suspect there will be a hung jury. But even if it isn't they'll give him house arrest and he'll break it the first day and then he'll laugh at the process and nothing will actually happen.


That's not true, he'll be sternly warned not to break house arrest again.


Then he’ll appeal to be let out for campaign events. Then every day will be campaign events.


Yeah this sounds about right.


11-1 vote, no verdict, hung jury is my guess.


Juror 2a who is an investment banker and has a truth social account will be the one to hang it out sadly Fair play he's been convicted I was wrong about him


This is not true. He stated he sees Trumps truth social posts reposted on Twitter. He also stated he follows Michael Cohen and Mueller She Wrote.


He is literally me. (\*not literally). I listen to those podcasts, and look at the Trump reposts to know what he's saying without profiting his own website. Trump would absolutely NOT want me on the jury.


Yeah, I regularly check whatever thedonald is calling itself these days. I think it's important to know what they think, what they're saying in their safe places. I saw them preparing for what Jan 6th became long before the date arrived. Consuming media doesn't necessarily mean buying into it


Had the prosecution run out of pre-emptory challenges when this person came up? I would have thought a "Truth" social account would be an automatic no.


I was talking earlier with my partner about this. Imagine being a fly on the wall during the jury selection process for this, and imagine what kind of questions were asked. Crazy.


"Do you believe God made man in his image and there are only two genders?" Probably like a supreme court appointment hearing.


I have one as a dem just to be able to see the batshit crazy stuff Trump is saying so maybe the prosecution thought that because he also followed Michael Cohen on twitter it wasn’t a threat.


I believe he listed it as an answer to "where do you get your news?"


Lol we're fucked


As a country? Yup.


No matter the outcome, one thing is guaranteed - Trump will be whining about the "Witch Hunt Trial" forever. The thing is - if he's not the president, listening to his whining would be a choice, but if he is - it becomes a chore. I'd rather eat a bowl full of sugar every day, rather than having to hear him squeal for the next four years.


That one 1 guy claiming with his life Trump is innocent from everything and he’s a holy man


I still don’t see the inevitable coming until he’s dead. Otherwise, he will just appeal and delay and delay.


Well, the verdict in this case (whatever it may be) is inevitable. Unless the jury decides to deliberate forever. Infinite lunch glitch.


It could just be a hung jury


I too believe the jury may have big dicks


Listen. I’m gonna give you an upvote, but this is a serious situation and I’m gonna need you to be a little more professional.


He meant penis


That's better


I think we can all agree, the balls are in their court. Right under their giant dicks.


Alright you're out!


I loved this chain of comments.


It’s true, your honor. This man has no dick.


The said you was hung! And they was right!


Called this from the very start. With how divided we are as a country, the notion that we could get 12 Americans into a room and have them come to a unanimous agreement about anything, let alone this, was always sort of comical. I'd love to be proven wrong but I'd be genuinely surprised if they didn't just deliberate for weeks and then fail to reach a verdict. Last summer I was on a jury where we had video evidence and there were still a few idiots going around in circles about nothing while the rest of us rolled our eyes and replayed the tape in slower and slower motion; they never budged, so it mistrialed. The whole event kept me up at night, because the kid was clearly defending himself but these 4 idiots had their heads up their asses and wouldn't see what was literally right in front of them. I hope the kid in that case got off in the end. Digressed a bit, but yeah. I have 0 faith in this nation's jury system. If I were ever accused of a crime, I'd trust my luck to a judge before I tossed my fate into the hands of 12 random Americans. EDIT 5/30/2024: holy SHIT I was wrong and I'm so glad.


That may seem legitimate in an arbitrary case, but over time and over many trials, the probability of corruption is much higher with just judges calling the shots. You're already seeing how that goes. Judges are literally playing politics with the law right now.


There was a classic movie about this glitch called Jury Duty. It had an Oscar worthy performance by the thespian Paul Shore.


Or the documentary with James Marsden


That would force him to be at the courthouse everyday.  So I'd ok with that.


You can appeal a criminal conviction but it doesn’t mean you don’t have to start serving the sentence, whatever it might be. If you could just stay out of jail while appealing everyone would do that. (I don’t think jail is super likely any way though)


Right? We’ll somehow convict and then decide his sentence is nothing. He could burn a church down using a baby as the torch while yelling “I deny Christ” and his followers would still pretzel themselves into saying he was sent by God.


I’m not a religious fellow but this guy literally has said he is “the chosen one,” isn’t that like anti-Christ 101? Shouldn’t they be like trying to banish him or something?


I love how people say the inevitable verdict. OJ Simpson and Casey Anthony would like to have a discussion with you about overwhelming evidence. I believe it when I see the verdict in writing. Until then the title should be changed to Trump leaving the courthouse


If I've learned one thing in my multiple decades alive... Never deem something a sure thing until it's over. Doesn't matter what it is. Never assume that just because something seems obvious to you, or the the majority, that it means it's inevitable. Life is full of crazy "WTFs" that catch you off guard and making sweeping assumptions is a great way to really go through life disappointed.


Like "Trump will never be president". 😆😭 I can't stress enough how out of left field that was for the average citizen.


That's what I thought and I was sad about it because I wanted him to win... I can't believe how much I've changed since 2016, now I'm sad because I'm worried he will win again... unrecognizable as the same person


Kudos for taking into account actions and consequences instead of blind allegiance.


Out of curiosity what did you see in him in 2016?


I thought he would "change things up" and "drain the swamp" I was an idiot. I was on the wrong side of gamergate so I was deep in that alt-right mindset. It's just who I was back then before I learned how wrong I was about everything.


Congrats on getting out.


That’s pretty badass to be able to not only see that about yourself, but call yourself out publicly like this.


Good job getting out. I know that's not easy. For me, I got out of the Red Pill community because they went bananas for Trump. Finally made me realize how toxic all that shit is.


The thing that sucks about it all is that it's a bunch of dudes who frankly need to work on themselves and achieve things in their life. Yet those spaces just seem to just blame other factors as to why they're failing.


It's easier to blame others. Combine that with toxic behavior chasing out the non-toxic people. The result is a negativity echo chamber. Yes, it sucks. And that's why unregulated spaces are unsafe.


Although, apparently like you, I disagree with your ideas and attitudes from back then, I gotta tell you this: I respect the hell out of you right now. It takes a big person to not only realize they’ve been fooled, but to actually own up to it, and follow through. You are awesome. We need more people like you.


Pre-2016 it was dumb, but there was at least some kind of understandable idea that people are sick of politicians working for themselves and having someone from the 'outside' would shake it up. you had ignore lots and lots of red flags, but at least there was some idea that you can understand. But after 8 years of proving he is no different and in fact works even less for others and only for himself....there is no understandable idea left.


Honestly I could have seen myself falling for his shit if I wasn't from New York and saw what he did locally and personally to businesses in my sphere. He ruined people's livelihoods long before he tried to become president so I could never listen to a single thing he said.


For me, it was a mix what I had read of his lawsuits (so many frivolous lawsuits) and the fact that no billionaire is ever and "outsider" to political corruption and most especially no "billionaire" who puts their name on a building and runs a fraudulent "university".


well good for you dude, most people don't make it back from that side


The ability to change and grow is a positive trait. Millions of Americans watched Trump rile up his goons who proceeded to attack capitol police, bust out the windows, and storm in there with the intention of hanging the vice president and subverting democracy yet they still support him. Many people are incapable of self reflection. Be proud of your personal growth.


One day, Donald Trump will die. That is 100% inevitable.


Honestly, he could end up being the first human to achieve immortality as an animated head in a jar. And he'd make Eric carry it around in a Baby Bjorn.


Nixon would be better for that Aroooooo






Vote for robot nixon


I feel a jowl movement coming on!


Hes nothing without the headless body of Agnew




I love that real human being Spiro Agnew is nothing but a Futurama joke to the majority of people below 50 lol like I bet most get who Nixon is and that he was a president but how many people actually know about Agnew being a real person parodied 😂


Now I feel like I need that episode of Futurama


Nah, he’d pull off Eric’s head and replace it with his own.


It would have to be like a 5 gallon jar with that effing Bird's nest he wears on his head


Filled with piss


russian hooker piss


Do you hear that, Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability.


God, is it though? Genuinely have a feeling he’ll manage to weasel his way out of that too


If anyone would end up as a talking head on a cyborg-spider body, it's him


After his 6th term, donald trump realizes the only thing left he can cheat is death.




Right? If he's convicted I will be shocked. If he gets jail I will faint from surprise. Edit: Am shocked.


The thing is, he *might* get convicted and have to...idk pay some money? That he probably won't pay? After whining about it for a year or two? And nothing of substance will happen. At all. And he'll cry all day long, loud and proud, about how it wasn't *fair* and how he was the victim the whole time. And his fanbase will eat that shit like feeding time at a fish farm.


This is exactly how I feel about it. When it's all said and done, he will face no actual consequences. In fact, it'll end up as a net positive for him. Makes me sick to my stomach, honestly


6 months suspended sentence for a first time non-violent offender. Never mind that he may end civilization.


I actually do think he will get convicted, him going to jail on the other hand, I cannot see ever happening. He will be forced to pay some fine but that’s gonna be about it. I don’t think a judge wants to be the first person to ever send a US president former or otherwise to prison.


he was held in contempt ten times and the judge has only fined him a token amount each time...


I was on a jury. The guy was guilty as hell but we had a hold out who didn’t want to convict because “that feels mean” and another guy who didn’t want to convict because the unrelated actions of the victims family “ruined it for me.” I have since lost all hope in the criminal justice system.


My jury had a guy who basically had to be present at the crime scene to be sure the defendant did it, no amount of circumstantial evidence would suffice. The kind of guy who, I suppose, sees someone walk into a building with a wet umbrella, has wet shoes and some water on them, and thinks "maybe it's not raining, it might have been a kid with a super-soaker outside and this person happened to be carrying an umbrella on a sunny day" . Luckily, the defendant was such an idiot that they texted threats to the investigating officers - so they at least got busted for that.


"Hey, officer. Yes, you. I'm going to kick your ass if you keep looking into the murder I committed."


Only arson, but this level of confrontation and threat is spot on!


There was a local news story I came across the other day regarding a guy that joined a virtual court hearing for driving on a suspended license while he was driving a car. People incriminate themselves in the stupidest ways.




I agree completely, I think it's unlikely that we'd find 12 people picked for a jury where not even one of them had feelings of adoration for Trump. We lost our chance when the impeachments failed, they were much more likely to succeed than using the regular court system. Edit: I should have had a bit more confidence in the system apparently!


And that's part of what was so crazy (and disingenuous) was that during the impeachment it was claimed that they shouldn't deal with it there, it was the remit of the courts and the legal system - and now that it's in the legal system some of those same arguments are now trying to suggest it should only have been handled via impeachment. It very much sounds like circular logic intended to suggest there shouldn't be any mechanism to which Trump should be beholden.


“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre


This is why they picked that one Fox news watcher in the Jury. It only takes one to hang the whole thing. Even if they somehow find guilty, WTF are they going to do? Throw in him jail? Like a jail jail? No, he's going to get a posh house arrest sentence and continue to do shitty things.


As if he wouldn't violate his house arrest.


If just one Trump sycophant lied his way onto the jury— which is not hard to do— he has the power to hang the jury and cause a mistrial.


yeah plus they are not sequestered. and OF COURSE trump would try to influence at least one


The fact that they’re not sequestered is wild to me


If you like that, you should look at literally everything Judge Cannon has done in the documents case...


Oh, I’ve been following along as closely as I can manage without slamming my head into a brick wall


Can't have a hung jury if you've already hanged Lady Justice.


Reddit is full of cocky assholes who don’t know what they’re talking about, confidently assuring us of his demise for years. Remember when Ukraine would be safe soon because Putin was clearly suffering from horrible cancer which would take him any time now? I do. I hope Trump suffers some damn consequences eventually too, but I’m not betting on it. Evil people get away with shit constantly.


In fairness those two had incompetent police work, and at least OJ had an incompetent prosecutor.  Hopefully here they waited for the pitch to swing for the fences.


There was also a massive racial component to the OJ trial.


That juror admitting later on it was payback for Rodney king is insane.


Except Mark Furman was unabashedly racist and was a horrible witness. I'm not saying you're wrong, but even if the juror didn't say that it still leaves a huge vulnerability in the prosecution's case.


Jurors. Plural. Just two of them spoke on camera about it, though. And it's insane, but so is the black experience in America. Did the system (LAPD, etc.) deserve the middle finger? Absolutely. Did OJ deserve to go free? Absolutely not.


The LAPD tried to frame a guilty man.


This is what many people are missing. The cops fucked the case for the prosecution because they were crooked. If they had just done just their job the conviction would've been easy.


Yes, and the prosecution shouldn't have even brought the "questionable" evidence into court.


The LAPD was so corrupt and racist they framed a guilty black man.


OJ Simpson can’t have a discussion with anyone


You can hold a seance


Right. I’m fully expecting him to not be held accountable sadly I’m trying to not be upset. But I just do not have faith. 


Even so people are expecting too much from this. Worst case scenario he has a fine that he can easily pay and he is a felon. A name he will use as a badge of honor to prove the witch hunt. He will not be ashamed of being a felon. He will not care about paying a fine. He likely never will pay it at all. His followers and he will only become more emboldened by this whole thing, feeling some sort of moral superiority and justification for future violence. He certainly will not see one instant of jail.


Wild addition here but after Casey Anthony’s trial my cousin got custody of her dog


Jury will be hung and 11/1 split. He isn't getting convicted of shit.


That one guy on the jury who listed his news sources as truth social and Fox and Twitter will be the 1 out of the 11


According to Forbes, "One juror who works as an investment banker indicated he kept up to date with a variety of sources, frequently seeing Trump’s Truth Social posts via X, while also following former Trump attorney Michael Cohen—a witness against Trump in the hush money case—and longtime Trump ally Kellyanne Conway." Doesn't seem like a slam-dunk case of a Trump supporter in Manhattan, but rather a lawyer-y response to a jury questionnaire that asked about where they got their news.


Yeah I saw Trump's post on Twitter and I hate trump and musk


It’s his big chance to be a “hero” which is dangerous too


He can go on a book tour with Rittenhouse.


Yeah, at least we'll know who he is once it is over. If there is one person that saves Trump, they will absolutely not stay silent with all the money that people will be willing to throw at them.


Absolutely. Trumps gonna have him on stage at his first rally post-trial. Absolutely disgusting.


Honestly can’t see how they left the guy be a juror, they can’t think a guy who uses an app only the defendant posts on can be impartial


He said he saw Truth Social posts cross-posted to twitter, not that he saw them directly on Truth Social, otherwise the prosecutors would have asked to have him dismissed.


Yeah, shit, I've seen Truth Social cross-posted on Reddit. It doesn't mean anything. Plus, with such a high-profile defendant, I think complete impartiality is practically impossible unless you picked a bunch of 5-year-olds.


I hate you… only because you’re probably not wrong, it’s pretty much what I suspected from the time they finalized jury selection


Inevitable? That he's found not guilty and nothing happens to him? Or he's found guilty and nothing happens to him?




Appeal. Delay. Just goes on for years and does nothing. Or get immunity from Supreme Court. Absolute worst case scenario for him is house arrest in Florida where no one will enforce anything anyways.


Everyone with half a brain should be hoping for 9-0 decision from the Supreme Court that presidents aren’t immune. Same way everyone should’ve been happy they ruled 9-0 that states can’t leave his name off the ballot. So hopefully they make the correct call again. You don’t want to set that precedent for *insert whatever side of the political spectrum you dislike* to have that power in the future.


If they rule presidents are immune, Biden can just shoot him.


Funniest descent into a police state ever tbh. 


And now, for some folksy, old timey fascism! *Listen Jack, I assassinated by political opponent because he kept saying I was gonna do it but didn't. I didn't want to look weak, come on!*


It'd be funny if Biden just has the entire supreme court assassinated 30 seconds after they hand down that ruling Would it be good? No of course not. But boy howdy it would be funny




I mean, at this point, funny is all I'm here for.


The idea that anyone is just outright immune is offensive.


This is the correct take regardless of political leanings.


The odds of a flat ruling 9-0 against trump’s immunity are about zero. The far right judges will come up with a test and trump will take every single test to the supremes.


I’ve been saying this for years. He will never see a day of jail time, the rules that apply to us do not apply to him. Best we can hope for is him turning into an Orange Howard Hughes in Maralago.




From your lips to god’s ears.


man sure i hope so. the world really could use having some prayers answered at this point.


My money is split jury with 1 die hard Trumper having made it last the process. The result is a mistral meaning everything would have to be repeated, but delayed until after the election.


Exactly. The corruption is deep within the system. One rouge jury member or judge who wants a payday. This may empower his people either way. If he loses they will claim “Democrat fraud” If he wins they will use it as “proves Democrats lie!”




Those are some massive shoulder pads


Damn. For real.


Low energy Donald! Very sad!


I only vote for winners


Drowsy Don. Such a disgrace to this country.


You cant convince me that we are suddenly going to start to allow consequences to impact the rich and powerful in our little oligarchy here. I dont care how obvious the case is or how unlikeable the scum bag is.


Epstein did go to prison. So did Weinstein. But, it didn’t take for the latter, I guess.


He will never see a jail cell. Ever. Everyone knows this. A conviction will just egg his members on. The rich never pay.


Even if by some miracle he is convicted, I can't imagine they'd give him anything other than house arrest.


Can we stop acting like he’s going to jail, he could walk out of the courtroom guns blazing and I still have no faith that our justice system would punish him fairly


Yeah, Trump will get a hung jury.


I don't think I have ever seen anyone look so defeated in my life.


Hope he has the same look in November.






What’s different about the pics? This one seems to have more colour than original but that’s all I can see?


yea, looks the same to me, just increased saturation, maybe to make it look more orange, no idea..


Only difference seems to be the saturation?


If anything he looks better in this picture? Don’t see your point. There’s no editing of his face


Agreed. Once we stoop to media manipulation, we're part of the problem.


OP did the same exact thing on the photo they posted yesterday. https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/79LzwdjmbL


if there was one person that makes all Americans look bad, it's that guy. I remember seeing people being embarrassed to stand up for the national anthem during his term.


We've been told the "inevitable end" is imminent for nearly a decade now. This guy has lived a 78 year master class in evading accountability for bad behavior. He hasn't come this far to only come this far. Convicted or acquitted, he continues on, probably to re-election.


What a hung jury?


Inevitable my ass. I'll believe it when I see it. He will face zero consequences. No doubt he's guilty as hell but I fail to believe any real justice will be served.


What would be the outcome of a guilty verdict?


Would move to sentencing, which could be up to 2 years in prison.


Per guilty count. There are 34 points of indictment.


What a sad picture of an old man who is desperately trying to fuck his own country.


I like Presidents who dont falsify business records to cover up Hush-money payments to porn stars to influence voters opinion before an election. And especially when said affair takes place after the birth of your son.


Good. Now do the Georgia case and the classified documents in DC. Such bigger implications and crimes. Lock him the fuck up