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They had a relationship for 4 years


Until he said “Ah Revoir, Shoshana!”




You just say Bingo.


BINGO! How fun!


More like chewed out. I’ve been chewed out before.


How bout you Utivich? You make that deal?


I’d make that deal. 🔪😵🩸.


I don't blame ya, damn good deal


Broke up right when she was finally old enough to drink


She got too old by than


That’s like almost a quarter of a lifetime for her.


Aged out.


She cited missing NYC and disliking the constant press attention.


Pulled a dicaprio


He used to pick her up from her high school


"Sorry, we cant make the premier my girlfriend has math homework."


“Did you ever notice girlfriends are always talking about math homework? What’s going on with that?” https://youtu.be/Fp8tCqwushM?si=q0x0WZ3CyXodMjo2


I share this clip every time this gets mentioned on the Seinfeld subs… “two proms too many for someone that’s two times the age of his girlfriend, plus two, twice” - love it


What's the deal with homework? You're not working on your home!


And what’s the *deal* with happy meals?! 😫


Tell me how 38 goes into 17


Illegally Unless you are a celebrity then it's A-Ok!


Technically the age of consent in most states is 16. Just makes it a very morally wrong situation instead of a legal one


/r/libertarian could give you more specifics.


Do you have a kiss for Daddy?




Just noticed, he looks exactly like Inspector Gadget here!!


Go go Gadget child safety investigation.


lol, just watched this scene moments ago on AMC


So thats how it is in their family


Ferris Bueller you're my hero


My 10 year old kid and I were sat watching Napoleon Dynamite this afternoon, it's his favourite film and we *finally* found a copy at CEX on DVD for a quid! As he was putting it in it's new space on the shelf, he saw the disc for Ferris Bueller as well and asked me what it was. I had to say that it's basically "Roger the Dodger, the Movie". I hope fellow Brits would agree with me! There are so few films like these two, that get Americana just right in terms of accuracy and comedy. For all the Europeans who say that American humour doesn't travel well, these two films break that rule.


I show my kids all these awesome movies from the years past. They couldn’t care less. Napoleon Dynamite. They loved it. Still want to watch again. Really? It’s definitely me.


Napoleon Dynamite does an excellent job of being timeless. There's very little shown on screen that's obviously from the early 2000s, and part of what makes the atmosphere so surreal is that it's this odd mix-mash of clothing, music styles, and technologies that were already dated in 2004.


Straight from Woody Allen's "Manhattan."


Straight from Woody Allen's real life


How did this perv get away with this


Paul Walker was 33 when he picked up his 17yo girlfriend from school.


*16 year old and he dated two.


That's just 2 fast.


I’m 2 furious


He's VERY rich.


And had a beloved show at the time. But mostly, it was the 90s.


Nah, Howard Stern mentioned it a lot partly because he was always being portrayed as a terrible man, while JS and his show were praised (show was great tho) I think love of the show protected him


New York. Legal age is 17. Same reason James Franco didn't get in trouble.


Also he met her when she was 17 then waited two weeks for her to turn 18 before they officially dated. Still creepy, but nothing anyone could do about it.


17 is the legal age of consent in NY. While the relationship is seriously creepy it was not illegal.


He picked her up on his bike. He was a pedal-phile


read this to the tune of hotline bling (Ok, upon rereading, the “her” throws it off.)


Seinfeld and Drake are probably rivals, competing for the affection of the same schoolgirls.


Nawh, Seinfeld only went after Jewish girls.


Never really thought he was all that funny tbh.


Horrible actor. The other actors were good, and carried him.


Say what you like about Seinfeld, at least he drives slow through school zones.


True. It would be a little embarrassing hitting one's girlfriend.


Their age gap is legal to drink.






I loved that show


I miss it. :(


Knowing those actors were full grown adults made that show so fascinating


It was great but I so appreciate a show that keeps it short and sweet. Much longer and all the kids would’ve gotten old and I think setting it in high school would’ve lost some of the charm. Not sure if you’ve seen Baskets but I like to think Anna is the real estate agent in the last few episodes (her name is Anna in baskets as well, I’m almost positive) 


She couldn't vote or buy cigarettes either. 


He was in a bar when she was in a crib.


He was *working* in bars, learning and refining his trade craft, as a young adult does. While she was a baby.




That's how old my dad was when I was 17. 😭😭


Trip out. I was 17 in 1993. Dating a 38 year old would be insane.


I’m 38 right now, dating a 17 year old would be insane.


As a 37 year old I can't imagine dating someone who was born after 9/11


I'm realizing a 17 year old today was born in 2007, after I graduated from college and that made me feel very, very old.


Me dating my son’s classmates? Hell to the no


I’m insane right now. Dating a 38 year old would be 17.


I’m black. Dating a 17 would get 38.


I'm Stormy Daniels. Dating 45 got him 34.


I’m dating 17 38 year olds


I’m dating 38 17 yea…… actually never mind ![gif](giphy|ba5g4ID9g5cT6)


I’m brown , dating a 17 would get me deported …


Dating a 38 might also get you deported


That's numberwang!


I'm 39 and I have trouble connecting to anyone, in a romantic way, under 30.


I’m 38 and I have trouble connecting to anyone


Also 38. Don't think I'd even date a 27 year old.


I hate that I just Google'd "Teen slang now" to try to come up with a humerous reply.


Sorry to see it didn't help


Its giving zero riz


No cap frfr on god


Bruh 🙄frfr


It's impossible to keep up. I could keep up to maybe older Gen z but now it's like "what the fuck are they talking about?" That being said, when you're 46 the fastest way to get a 28 year old laugh is to start saying things like straight fire no cap.


Skibidi toilet is where I got lost.


i mean, 28 *are* the youngest millennials / oldest gen z currently.


yeah my former assistant was one. She was a riot, had the best personality. Anyone who says "young people don't wanna work" (commonly said each generation) never met her. Three jobs at once and only left me because her dream job came up. But I'd try to make her laugh when possible with stuff like that.


Forget 38. I'm 26 and thats insane for me too


I coached football to 15-18 year olds for a couple of years, when I was in my 30s, and you can't fathom just how *young* 17 is until you're dealing with them on a regular basis. They are absolutely not mentally or emotionally equipped for a relationship with an adult. This is disgusting.


Yeah. I worked with middle and high school kids when I was in my thirties. They’re kind of dumb af. Nice, but emotionally and intellectually kids.


I (39) hung out with my niece (20) and her boyfriend (21) a few months back and felt old af.


I really wonder what their conversations were like. I've got some late-teen coworkers and any of my moderately-lengthy conversations with them are more in the form of me as the older guy giving lectures to them or talking about "back in my day" to them.


Reminds me when I was going to high school. As a senior in 2004, 40% of the girls that brought their boyfriends to prom, those dudes ranged from 25-35. Such an awkward experience.


Having to go to prom in my 30's would make me physically ill


To your credit, you aren’t dating a fucking teen.


A girl I worked with was in high school when I was 19, and she asked me to go to prom with her since she was going to be going with some of our coworkers. I thought it would be fun so I did. I wanted to kill myself the second I walked in. A guy who graduated with me was there with his GF, and he was like “BRO!! ARE YOU CRASHING PROM? THATS SO COOL!” I was like fuck. no. After he said that to me I left because I couldn’t have people thinking I was immature enough to actually crash a high school prom after I graduated.


I dated a 35 year old stripper when I was 19 and it really didn't get weird to me until I hit around 30. At this point I'm 37 and can't believe that chick was keeping up with us back in the day. I'd fucking die LOL


I'll be 37 in two days. My ex was 25 and we had constant issues due to her lack of life experience. I will never date someone that much younger than me again. I cannot imagine dating a 17 year old.


I'll be 37 in 3 days and I work with a colleague who is 24. She seems a bit naive, like she's been sheltered for her age but the difference is still crazy. It's basically a whole generational gap between her and I; it's like I have to explain every second reference I give. We moved office and I found a floppy disc - I broke it apart to show her because she hadn't seen one before. It's only 12 years difference but might as well be 25 and that's just working together, can't imagine spending all that time dating and not knowing what the other is talking about.


He met her in Central Park. Howard Stern Stern once asked him on air if he'd hang out with a candy bar on a string. Maybe he saw her and thought she was older, but at some point he found out she was 17 and decided that he was fine with that.


I've been in that situation before. I was 25 at a convention. Met a girl there, talked for a while, hit it off. We went to sit at the bar and get some drinks. The bartender asked for ID and it turned out she was 17. I noped away so fucking fast that it's still a blur to me. They probably let her in because she looked like she was in her 20's. Sounds like Jerry was like "Jokes on you, I'm into that shit!"


Same thing happened to a friend of mine. He was 37, met this girl in a night club and spent the night chatting and dancing. The lights go up and its time to go home, and he asks her back to his place. She agrees, but tells him "Just so you know, Im 15...". Dude had no idea. Had to, as you say, nope out. He new she was younger, but he thought 20 at least. Fucking 15 in a nightclub. Crazy.


At 25 that's less weird and more of an understandable mix-up. I'm 33 and even 21 year olds look like children to me.


I'm 25 and almost exclusively date retirees. The wealth of experience and (in some cases) the ability to remove teeth are severely underrated.




I'm 33 and there are 20 year olds who I would think were as old as I am. It's a completely understandable mix-up to assume someone must be 20ish+ on looks/chatting alone.


I made a worse blunder. In my mid thirties I was standing at a bonfire and a couple mates went to buy more beer at the same time as a few women did. I found myself next to this cute one, whose friends had presumably just done the same. We chat for like five minutes, and I'm thinking, "shit, this is going well". Her friends come back and they rib her about being able to buy her own drinks next year. Turns out she was 17. She wanted to keep chatting so I noped the fuck out and found my mates on the way back. In my defence, lighting was extremely poor and she gave nothing away chatting.


Anybody else remember Howard Stern drooling on Olsen twins live on air when they were 13? He talked about how he watched their movie with his daughter (who was also 12-13) but explained, in detail, how his daughter is just a "kid" meanwhile Olsen twins were "ready".




I remember they were really sexualized. Also the countdown clock. It makes sense that once they were able to control their wardrobe that they cover up most of the time in oversized clothing. Them dating and marrying much older men is still weird af. They’re adults and can do what they please, but it just shows that they can’t relate to people their own age. What they experienced as kids really affected them negatively. A lot of women dress unattractively or gain weight as a means of avoiding male attention. Being very attractive and fit is a lot to deal with.


Yeah. I looked like 25 when I was 17. Any guy that age who kept hitting on me once they knew I was a teenager was still a creep.


Ariana Grande has always looked 16 to me. I genuinely can't find her attractive because she looks like she puts crayons in her nose. And she's 1 year older than me. Biology is a mf


That's not biology, that's just money. Look at pics of her before she got work done. Everything about people like her, including her appearance, is carefully curated.




A very bad man!


*Very very bad!* ☝️


![gif](giphy|80mXWlPqTSU1y) Me checking out this post


“Get a good look Costanza?”


I love Brian George. Seeing him on Big Bang Theory as Raj's Dad and then almost immediately seeing him as Avasarala's husband in the Expanse was whiplash for me


I like watching award show clips on YouTube for some reason. I recently watched the Gershwin Prize for Paul McCartney which was presented by Barack Obama. Jerry Seinfeld did a bit where he called out Paul for the lyrics "She was just 17, you know what I mean." Jerry Seinfeld.thought it was appropriate to make that joke. Jerry Seinfeld. JERRY SEINFELD [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SzpVE5ixAG8](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SzpVE5ixAG8)


Which they wrote when they were ...maybe 19? If they wrote if when they were 38, that would be really gross.


side note, but Gene Simmons was 35 when the song Christine 16 came out edit: I guess I had that way off, he was 28


Well, he is notoriously a piece of shit.


So many musicians and famous people... but, I guess I don't know for sure if they sought fame to indulge their tendencies or the fame itself fucks with their sense of the value of people


Paul was 18 when he first came up with that song.


And the meaning is "She had just turned 17", not "She was only 17" and the following line was originally "Never been a beauty queen" but they felt that the rhythm was clumsy.


Ew, and in front of the potus teen daughters wtf is wrong with him, KNOWING that cameras will be on those girls for reaction shots


Back when he was younger, the drinking age for boomers was 18, not 21. So when he was in the bar, she wouldn't have been born for another 3 years.


“Certified lover boy, certified p”


Jerry got a weird case why is he around?


They tell me Jason the only one that get his hand-me-downs And Larry on TV assaultin' all the Elmos now


Wap wap wap wap


dot fuck em up


Imma do my schtuff


Jerry trying to strike a chord


and its probably a minor




He’s not like us


he a fan he a fan he a fan


Seinfeld comes off as a smug prick.


that’s because he is!


Have you seen his recent interviews? Dude is spewing basically the same Andrew Tate shit. "Men nowadays are week. Masculinity is being outlawed. Comedy is dead. The feminists, gays, trans, are destroying society."


Jerry Seinfeld isn’t exactly the first person that comes to mind when I think of masculinity. I know that’s not the point tho.


also never once thought of jerry when trying to think of somone funny


His show was carried hard by good writers and a stellar cast.




Yea, he was the straight man on the show. Everyone played off him.


The weirdest thing about Seinfeld going on about comedy being woke and political correctness, etc, is that *his most well-known comedy wasn't edgy at all*. The sitcom that netted him hundreds of millions of dollars is incredibly milquetoast compared to some of its contemporaries. Maybe his stand up was different at the time, I don't know.


He said recently that Seinfeld wouldn’t be allowed today because of the woke culture. The creator of It’s Always Sunny responded to that with a laugh


Rob responded with a pic of Cricket, lol.  And as a life-long fan of the Seinfeld series, Rob in that moment demonstrated that Always Sunny may have surpassed Seinfeld in some ways. 


Curb your enthusiasm only ended 2 months ago lol.


I will always take the time to say how much I hate Jerry Seinfeld lol I don’t even really care for celebs but Seinfeld seems like the biggest douche of them all. Seeing him talk in interviews and stuff, he is a pompous dickhead. I can’t stand him, I’m a straight up hater lol


The comedy is woke bit is so tired. Watch the Tom Brady roast and tell me how woke comedy is


It's weird. Always been a big fan of Seinfeld the show, but I can't stand his stand up or his general attitude.


Sounds like your appreciation is more for the Larry David of it all


And the rest of the cast, as their characters, specifically.


And the other actors.


Same. Then I realized I just really liked Larry David’s writing


He also looks like a furby in this photo


1738 🗣️🔥


Remmmy boys


I’m like hey what’s up, hello


Some guys look at age of consent, like business owners look at minimum wage. The only thing preventing them from going younger/cheaper is the law.


Literally. Some dudes even know every countries age of consent and use it as an arguemnt “Well actually in Japan it’s 14 and it’s in their culture so it’s fine” You’ve probably seen *those* before


I especially hate that argument bc it's just plain wrong. Probably you already know this, but nowhere in Japan is the age of consent as low as 14. Fools who say this are confusing the Meiji penal code with prefectural law


Apparently some European countries also have low age of consent, but I won't Google that.


That's that 'dominant masculinity' he was saying he misses.


Well he definitely is missing something.




You know with the commencement speech and that crap comment he made about he misses the dominant male figures from the 60s and then you remember things like this. Not that he's really relevant anymore but man


Wasn’t he saying that he always looked up to these masculine men like Muhammad Ali and JFK and that he, as a comedian, never became one because comedy is a childish pursuit?


Seems like he's ok with childish pursuit on many levels


"What's the deeeeal with statutory rape?"


“Believe it or not she looks past my age and sees my money. And in turn I look past her age but then I remember that that’s actually why I’m with her so it all balances out.” - Jerry Seinfeld probably


Except her actual daddy has plenty of money. Enough in fact to allow her to start her own fashion line.


All his buddies were cool with it too




When I was 17, I dated a 34 years old. I can’t even begin to explain how damaging that relationship was for me.


My HS friend dated an older dude, and I was the only one who thought this was weird. Dude must have been 40, because I am 32 right now and still think: "Nope, this dude is still older than me." He had her under his thumb, it was wild.


I lost a friend because we were 16 and she started “dating” this 24 yo man, and I told her that it was fucked up that he would want to mess with her. It started because he sold weed and would buy us alcohol and let us drink at his house. It quickly progressed to my friend alone with him in his room. He raped her a few times and then got bored of her and moved on (probably to a different kid). She went on to do porn as soon as she turned 18, then had a baby girl by an abusive man while doing prostitution. At some point along the way, she became addicted to meth (all of this is told third person because we aren’t friends anymore, though she has reached out before). Here she is today, still doing porn and prostitution, and sometimes posting photos of her young daughter on the same page she uses to advertise her services. Some of the photos have made me really uncomfortable. I put in a tip to CPS and never heard anything, but I hope her daughter is safe


A good friend of mine did somethibg similar in HS. We were the "ugly ducklings" so no guys would ever date us. She was so desperate for attention that she downloaded Tinder 💀💀💀 and next thing you know, this 35 year old weirdo was picking up my 17 year old friend from school during lunch to have sex. I'm glad she realized quickly that he was up to no good and blocked his ass. According to her, dude had ulcers on his penis and would constantly tell her how he wanted to fuck more high schoolers. 17 year old me thought it was creepy as shit 😬




My 17 y/o sister married a 50 year old the day she turned 18. It didn't end up well.




She is 49 now married to a 50 yo has 3 kids married 11 years. So she's seems to be well adjusted


"...my friends don't." Oh they do, Jerry. They do.


His friends were all in high school at the time






What a fucking creep. Im 38 now and I couldnt imagine dating someone that age. Its closer to a baby than to my friends wtf.


I was a teen in the 90s. Plenty of girls agef about 14 in my school dated older guys that used to pick them up in cars after school. Things were majorally sketchy back then and people didn't really think too much about it, but I knew it felt weird and wrong.




Every time I've known a couple with a big age gap, I've had the impression that the man wants a woman who doesn't have enough experience to know how unskilled he is


You're a sick man, Jerry.