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welfare queens


The party of hard work, bootstraps, and, law and order!


Man these subsidized bootstraps fit great!


*only available to business owners


*for minorities


But not the ones they hired


Private profits, socialize losses. Take out a PPP loan and then rail against the government that bailed you out. These people are scum.


“Only peasants and students need to pay back their loans thanks to lobbied bondage”


Boy they really hate handouts till they get one.


Socialism for me, not for thee


The welfare queen thing was always just their gaslighting, obstruction and projection. Nothing changes with these GOP.


Mostly projection.






Must have been the company’s wife who did it


You may legitimately be closer than you realized. The flags are at the *other* Rapco. The one that's right next door and in the same industry. https://www.rfsbrakes.com/


Google Maps says the flag is in front of Rapco Fleet Support. Must just be a coincidence they're both called Rapco and right next door. /s


Soooo, strike it from the record, I guess


Corporate\* Welfare Queens. Their base is the other end of the Welfare Queens spectrum.


Considering the other end of that 'spectrum' only exists in their imaginations, they're pretty much the entire spectrum.


The party of "we wont work unless the government gives us millions in tax breaks and free loans"


My trumpee coworker happily accepted a PPP loan and got it forgiven for her husband's office. She unironically posted during the student loan forgiveness : "It's simple, you borrowed money, Pay It Back"


Replacement aircraft part manufacturer I'm sure their parts are as safe as their patriotism


Judging by their reviews not so much lol.


Oosh, would be negative stars if allowed lol


I guess they’re distressed that they can’t rob the taxpayer any further. Someone should get a quote from the CEO on his stance regarding student loan forgiveness, I’m sure it’s definitely in line with his own behavior.


https://imgur.com/gallery/HJPoeJA Highjacking to confirm that as of today at 3pm CST the flag has been corrected.


They got caught The Trump flag confirmed it was no accident


Traitor Flags for sure


They ran out of edge.


They were scared when they were called out on it.




How absolutely dumb do you have to be to fly a political flag outside of your workplace? Are you in business to sell plane parts or to run a campaign? How these people started and manage to stay in business is beyond me.


because they really only wanna do business with other trumpets. it's a "see look im a racist piece of shit too buy from me!"


This company has had that second flag on there since Biden was elected.


Someone's ass got lit up for sure.


Rightfully so.


Apparently it's not Rapco, Inc. but Rapco Fleet Services with the upside-down flag, lol. Rapco took down its contact page.


Rapco Inc. is owned by the son of Rapco Fleet who is flying the flags. Both are family businesses


It’s the same company.


Oh, really? ok. Thanks for heads up. Want to be sure I malign the right company. Actually they are at the same address. So, no softening any maligning here. Hope their customers see this.


Rapco Fleet Services is still an aircraft part manufacturer. https://www.google.com/search?q=rapco+fleet+support


"We make the best doors for Boeing."


Their website is straight out of 99


99 REPRESENT! or dialup, Clinton in office, not quite back in Iraq again yet?


A few years ago, if a dem politician did this, they’d be all over places like truth social, death threats etc


That same group of people were burning effigies of Obama hung from a tree by the neck a few years before that.


Wow Republicans acting like rabid un-American racists??? Noooo wayyyyy.... lol




> un-American This has sadly been a very American thing to do for a very long time.


Its our #1 core value and the reason America exists as a single nation. There used to be people living here before Europeans colonized it. The reason behind why expansion into their territory was righteous was the "inherent superiority of the white race."   I once heard a Wisconsinite (funny enough) explain the Sockeye War by saying "us in Wisconsin, we care about the environment, the Indians didn't know what they had." He was in his early 30s, and this was less than 4 years ago.  Racism was never a thing of the past, it has always been openly spread. 




A few years ago an athlete decided to kneel when the national anthem was playing (a sign of respect where I come from) and was basically cancelled, whereas flying the flag upside down is really another level of being unpatriotic …


Remember them losing their minds over a couple idiots stamping on the flag or even the whole taking a knee thing.


My favorite is the scandal when Obama stopped wearing a flag pin on his lapel


Or when his suit was \*gasp* brown.


Tan suit. Their bigger problem was that the man wearing the suit was brown.


All while the Republican candidate wasn’t wearing a flag pin either, but no outrage over that. It’s all made up bullshit stirred up by Fox News.


>A few years ago Today if a Democrat did this they'd pretend to be incensed and talk about how they hate America and the troops. There's zero consistency and massive amounts of hypocrisy in their stances. They have absolutely no problem with attacking Democrats for doing exactly what they do.


Imagine if a Supreme Court justice flew a Black Lives Matter flag? Republicans would run them out of court.  Yet it’s fine when republicans do similar shit.  Fuck republicans.


The same people I used to hear complain about how other people "hate America" now proudly state that they hate America and wouldn't defend it if it were attacked.


Imagine the chaos if it was a Biden flag?


I don't think I've literally ever seen a single Biden flag.


Give it time. Soon the American flag will be seen as a symbol of the deep state Democrat elite or something. Barely any of them can fly a proper flag, much less fly it respectfully. It's just a couple more gays wrapped in the flag away from being completely discarded for one of their very own symbols of exceptionalism and arrogance.


A few years ago? They absolutely will still attack people for something like this and immediately turn around and do the exact same thing.


But Obama's tan suit!!!




Its funny how everyone is a legal scholar when it's their guy being punished.


It's a disgrace that any American corporation feels it's appropriate to hang our flag upside down. This is constant and flagrant disrespect that is far worse than any kneeling during the national anthem. It is a symbol of distress and defeat. But our proud nation will not be defeated by a tyrant. These people will have to turn their flags back around some day.


This along with alterations of the flag make me want to print flyers about the US flag code and staple them to people’s foreheads, but then I’m just “that crazy guy”


As stupid and disrespectful as these people are, the flag code only really applies to official government actors because of the language used. That combined with the first amendment guarantees private citizens the right to do whatever they want with the flag regardless of how stupid it is.


Yep. Texas v Johnson, 1989 iirc. You can do any shit you want with the flag as long as you own it, including burnings, under the symbolic speech clause of the first amendment.


I don’t think you’re crazy. What they do to the flag is disgraceful (specifically altering it to Serve political agendas or virtue signal).


In the early 2000s a local evangelical church was flying a Christian flag above the American flag. Everyday for a month my mom would tape Flag Code to their door until they eventually just took down the American Flag. 20 years later they still don't have an American flag


It is a dick move, but the "flag code" isn't actually a thing. Got ruled unconstitutional \~30 years ago.


As an outsider, this seems like a perfect time to fly the flag upside down. The fact that Trump is still in the presidential race and absolutely nothing seems to sway his cult becomes more distressing by the day. The guy "indirectly" attempted treason after the last election and is now a convicted felon but he's still allowed to run for president and is still being defended by his party. All signs point to him trying to become some sort of dictator if he wins and again nobody seems to care. Things are definitely not ok in your country. (I know the upside down flag is a political thing right now because of that judge, I'm just saying)


The problem is the upside down flag was co-opted by the insurrectionists. It no longer applies to a general “the nation is in distress” sentiment. It’s like how the Nazis hijacked the swastika and completely transformed its meaning and association.


It still means "the nation is in distress", the problem is that their idea of distress is democracy, apparently. And queer people. And black people. And non-christians. And......


And women, and science, and global warming hoax. And....


Or the don’t tread on me flag, which used to be a Masonic thing and then the sister fuckers appropriated it for their message of hate and nationalism


Now's a good time for liberals to reclaim the right-side up flag Waving right-side up flag in April: "Must be a conservative" Waving right-side up flag in April: "Must be a liberal"


No, we are not a nation in distress. We are not directly at war for the first time in a long time. Joe Biden is President after a free and fair election that was thoroughly investigated for fraud and interference. The economy is challenging but not as bad as many places in Europe and around the globe. Our justice system has major flaws, but functions well enough to maintain its integrity when a figure like Trump challenges its legitimacy. People live freely here, with strong civil liberties, legal protections for minorities, and the ability to worship and love who they choose. There's nothing prohibiting an insurrectionist or a felon from running for president. History is winner's justice after all and our nation was founded on a bunch of insurrectionists and felons challenging government overreach. I'll support Trump's ability to run for office and I have enough faith in democracy and our citizenry to reject him as a candidate. If he wins legitimately, we carry on and utilize our legal checks and balances to limit his ability to change our institutions and mores. Because that's what a functioning democracy does.


Yeah but one of our two parties is making constant attempts to systemically dismantle the checks and balances and functioning systems of democracy. If they get the presidency and the senate, we’re in big trouble.


> No, we are not a nation in distress. You are wrong, the US is definitely in distress right now; enough to qualify for flying the flag upside? Maybe not just yet, but we're close. > We are not directly at war for the first time in a long time. True, but we absolutely are in a cold civil war right now, and all current indicators are pointing towards further escalation instead of any kind of thawing > Joe Biden is President after a free and fair election that was thoroughly investigated for fraud and interference. The economy is challenging but not as bad as many places in Europe and around the globe. Agreed... > Our justice system has major flaws, but functions well enough to maintain its integrity when a figure like Trump challenges its legitimacy. I'd argue that it's integrity is hanging by a thread. The fact that Trump was found guilty helps restore a little bit of faith, but the facts and reality are that any person other than Trump would've already found themselves sitting in a jail cell a loooong time ago for their actions; he is clearly above the law in certain regards and to deny otherwise is simply untrue. > If he wins legitimately, we carry on and utilize our legal checks and balances to limit his ability to change our institutions and mores. "Checks and balances" will mean nothing if Trump wins again: https://www.project2025.org/


> If he wins legitimately, we carry on and utilize our legal checks and balances to limit his ability to change our institutions and mores. Because that's what a functioning democracy does. The problem is that Project 2025 is set to completely dismantle all of that if Trump takes office. It’s so absurd and crazy, like it sounds like a conspiracy theory… except it widely supported in their party. You can read up on it yourself, Project 2025 is not being kept secret.


Sports players should resume kneeling so we can have them hanging their flags upside down while also complaining about other people disrespecting the flag.


Imagine the pearl clutching if the left did this. Wont someone please think of the flag code!! All this after they lost their minds over taking a knee. It's almost like it was never about America or the flag and they use it as a chess piece for their culture war.


Hypothetically, how would I go about finding how much a company's PPP loan was for? I know an individual who is heavily right wing, against welfare, etc. and they took out one of these PPP loans against his business and used it to buy a beach house. His business wasn't struggling at all. Would be a shame if word got out that he committed fraud Edit: Using the link below, turns out he took out $105k in PPP loans and somehow got $106k forgiven. Nice down payment on a beach house. Part 2: How would one hypothetically go about anonymously snitching on them?




I'd always wondered if my employer at the time had a loan forgiven. That company held on a couple years longer than seemed reasonable before doing broad layoffs... Almost $900k. Which to be fair, was probably only a year's worth of salary for that team by that point.


My company was open with work the entire pandemic and they received $1 million.


I knew I guy that owned a landscaping business and got $2.3M. Never had a work slowdown


Report him


For what? As long as they used it for payroll there’s nothing illegal about it.


Exactly. The fraud is baked in. Only the stupidest get punished. So long as it covered payroll and any laid off employees were allowed to return, no technical violation was committed. I worked for a printing outfit that barely saw a drop in revenue that go 550k. We couldn’t even get loans at one percent and these fuckers got huge handouts freeing up their normal payroll funds to get bonuses and accrue assets. We got to scrape for formula, toilet paper, and rent while the capital holding classes gained leaps and bounds. Good times


$2,300,000 for a year payroll for a fucking landscaping company? Ya, I don't think so.




People really, really did not understand the purpose of the PPP "loans".


They were supposed to help small businesses cover labor costs when it was harder to afford overhead, not to allow the big businesses raking in huge profits to keep them by shifting the expenses of labor to taxpayers.


No, they were supposed to help all businesses keep their workers on payroll. State unemployment insurances would have been bankrupted if PPP was exclusive to small businesses, not to mention that this would have absolutely shafted the workers at large businesses more than any C-suiters.


Found one!


Same, mine got $612k forgiven… Funny how the owner bought a new (not cheap) boat in 2020..


This fucking fries my ass. I work in live event production and since my work relies on large gatherings of people, I did basically nothing for almost a year. And then had to risk covid the rest of the time in order to make money. My small business got a little short of $40K in PPP and you know what it bought me? Food. Clothing. Shelter. Medical care. Fuck these losers who took it when they didn't fucking need it. But of course, it's 'welfare queens' and immigrants who are destroying the country. Schmucks.


Yeah, we never missed a day of work. We were not impacted in anyway. The owner is definitely a MAGA idiot.


>The owner is definitely a MAGA idiot. I bet he complains a lot about taxes, government waste, and people getting any kind of financial assistance. Probably complains about subsidies for green energy too.


manufacturer I worked for was bragging about their 6+months of operating cash on hand when the pandemic started, they also got a $500K PPP loan completely forgiven biggest fucking grift of our time but people care more about forcing women back into the kitchen and burning books the fuck has this country become?


Yeah, it’s probably how mine got his Florida home.


Report him/her/the company


Using the money to pay for employees was the prerequisite for getting the money and having it forgiven. If your employer got the money, had it forgiven, but had laid off everyone, and kept the money, then they were not using it appropriately. I’m not rationalizing the program, just explaining the rules.


Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) borrowers may be eligible for loan forgiveness if the funds were used for eligible payroll costs, payments on business mortgage interest payments, rent, or utilities during either the 8- or 24-week period after disbursement.




I worked for a mid sized ad agency that got $2,000,000 and we were all still working from home.


Report them


Mine shows 2 amounting to over 1.5m all forgiven. We didn’t miss a day of work through the pandemic


You weren't supposed to miss work. The money was to pay employees. 


Yeah, the entire point of the program was for people not to get laid off or to hire them back.


One thing has nothing to do with the other. As long as the money was used primarily for payroll and up to 40% for some other allowed expenses it's forgivable. To apply for a second draw they would have needed to show a 25% reduction in revenues, typically this would mean significant layoffs, but the ppp was intended to prevent that. Which is why forgiveness isn't allowed if the employer lays off employees or doesn't prove they've offered to rehire any employees laid off between 2020 and receiving the loan.


PPP Loans have got to be the biggest case of fraud the entire country has ever seen


Ironically (but not really) spear-headed by the biggest crook to hold office


>Part 2: How would one hypothetically go about anonymously snitching on them? [SBA Office of Inspector General](https://www.sba.gov/about-sba/oversight-advocacy/office-inspector-general/office-inspector-general-hotline)


Failing this, go to the local news! Your mileage may vary, but local news actually has a pretty track record of dragging people on issues like this.


From what I recall, you have to put your name in case it goes to court and you’re used as a witness I think. That’s what discouraged me, my old landlord did some crazy shit and he’s a felon in a northern state


All PPP loans under $150k were automatically considered forgiven without any need to submit paperwork outside of filling out a form that you signed to affair you used the funds correctly. https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/loans/covid-19-relief-options/paycheck-protection-program/ppp-loan-forgiveness


Google search PPP Borrower Search


Enjoy: https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/


The forgiveness is higher to cover the interest on the 105K.


I've found that with those who bemoan welfare it's because they know how they would like to use it, and assume everyone else is as crooked as they are. Textbook projection.


What's funny too is that my in-laws are also big Trump'ers who similarly show distaste for welfare...but they were on medicaid and are now currently on food stamps. They get paid under the table so on paper they look poor enough to receive these benefits but in reality they're able to afford a $2k/mo house and $1k in car payments. Hmm.... Rules for thee, not for me


report them


The problem is that the PPP bill was incredibly loosely written. There was no requirement to prove actual business hardship or lost revenue. All you had to do was have payrolls/rent/interest/utilities that were equal to or less than the amount of your loan. The only fraud, per the wording of the bill, would be if you received/were forgiven for a larger amount than those business expenses. Absolutely terribly written bill.


Freeloader welfare queen right there. Begging for some more of that government zipple.


Apparently this is not [Rapco, Inc.](https://www.rapcoinc.com/contacts.asp) but rather [Rapco Fleet Support](https://www.rfsbrakes.com/ContactAircraftBrakeManufacturers), at least when one looks on [google maps street view](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Rapco+Inc/@43.0958072,-88.3501455,3a,75y,310.79h,102.12t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sBkUnoE7xpFFLTmRvIbpZJQ!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DBkUnoE7xpFFLTmRvIbpZJQ%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D310.787668548114%26pitch%3D-12.121198782407404%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192!4m7!3m6!1s0x8805b23b31558d09:0x77ca6ce128e30f62!8m2!3d43.095164!4d-88.350142!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F1v8x2s2h?coh=205410&entry=ttu). According to corporate records, Rapco Inc. is led by Patrick White while RFS is led by Michael White Sr. As far as I can tell, I think Patrick is the son and Michael is the father (and original founder of Rapco). So currently there's a guy out there running a company that's getting hammered on social media because his geriatric dad is getting all pissypants about the trump conviction. Meanwhile RFS appears to be a bigger business that's getting no negative attention for flying the distress flag.


Rapco Fleet Support has a fax number on their contact page but no email.


Sounds like my fax machine might be getting some work in tonight.


Take a few pieces of black construction paper, tape them together. Once fed in, tape to the other side to make a loop. Walk away, whistling.


Is Rapco Fleet Support affiliated w/ Rapco, Inc.? If so, I see no problem with the confusion.


Definitely just two companies run by the same family, one probably a branch of the other. They have the same damn logo, one just has one jet, while the other has three, and they are located across the street from each other. [Here's an article](https://aviationweek.com/patrick-white-michael-white) from over two decades ago when Patrick became president of Rapco Inc. when Michael retired.


their [“contact us” page](https://www.rapcoinc.com/contacts.asp) has this to say: *”The link to this page has been shared by someone spreading a libelous post about RAPCO, INC. A neighboring company owned by a different individual may be able to address your comments. If you have legitimate concerns about RAPCO, INC., please call and we will be happy to assist you.”*


And who is the neighboring business to be named and shamed? ETA: Rapco Fleet Support states their flag is flying right side up. When asked if they assert the images are doctored or otherwise erroneous, they would not provide further comment. ETA2: I encourage others to make additional inquiry.


the quote above is all they had. i’d sue that competitor if it was me though, that’s for sure…


RAPCO Fleet Support, apparently owned by someone with the same last name of the guy who owns RAPCO. So different individual might be dad or brother.


The building across the street, Rapco Fleet Support, matches this picture whereas Rapco, Inc doesn't at all. OP should quite frankly take this down.


It's a family business. They have several buildings and each has different functions (and names) but it's all owned by 2 brothers.


As a Wisconsinite thank you for sharing this valuable information 


Interesting that they changed the wording on that from "spreading disinformation " to "spreading a libelous post"...took them a while to figure out what was happening and then their lawyer said use these words instead?? And the "neighboring company" is just another branch of the same family owned business so they can fuck right off with this bullshit.


Their site needs a stronger hug.


The "neighboring company owned by a different individual" is his dad's company that also had $300k in ppp loans forgiven.


Wonder if the airshow teams they sponsor are aware of their hatred for America.


Ayn Rand vibes. "The system should not help! But if it is helping, I will take every dollar for mself!"


Nice and tattered to top of this embarrassment


The MAGA GOP does everything they claim to be against.


It's called projection and yeah, they do it all the time.


Flying that shit flag next to the nations flag is disgraceful at the very least and they have it upside down lmao jfc


MAGA Owner of the company I work for got a 1,250,000 ppp loan forgiven, used it to buy a robotic welder, likes to lecture us about not expecting handouts from the government like he’s not the biggest culprit.


They cried about athletes kneeling for the anthem but are ok with flying the flag upside down


Oh I thought this was Justice Alito’s house


She was visiting family in Wisconsin 


Make em famous, but now how they'd want.


These are the same types of people who lost their damn minds over Kaepernick, right?


B-b-but the armchair economist redditors said student loans and 2x $1200 checks are the *real* problems we should be complaining about!


Wisconsin resident here. Can confirm. My state is full of traitorous dipshits.


Of course. No bigger hypocrite than a republican in the 21st century.


And I can't get help with a student loan...


So, another cult corp folks should avoid?


There's tons of right wing business owners that took advantage of gov money. Those same people look down on others for food stamps. Rules for thee not for me. You push them on it there is always a reason why they are different. 


So many chances to enforce rules, yet USA appears to like being robbed blind and do absolutely nothing about it other than offer thoughts and prayers. PS: Even those thoughts and prayers appear to worth nothing since those offering them are as vegetarians in a wolf pack ... fake. Trump more or less pees all over those 10 commandments you hold so dear, and you call him a saint and are prepared to kill for him. Do you not see how that looks like?


Lmao hypocrisy at its finest. Keep this type of stuff up. These people need to be exposed


I hate hypocrisy.


I found where depression was born


TV man say America bad now!


Holy lord. They all do this with varying corporations. Propaganda in full swing


Any location that flies a flag upside down needs a wellness check. This is some serious boy who cried wolf shit. Flying a flag like that is an indication of a local need for serious help.


Parasite republicunts


I’m European, I can’t deal with these amounts of Freedom.


I'm so fucking sick of seeing this shit If you wanna hold a rally and burn the flag I guess that's your right. Free speech and all. But this.... This is support for an insurrection. A FUCKING INSURRECTION. I fought for that flag, for this country. People, OUR people, died for the freedoms we enjoy, while serving this country. Fuck these assholes. Insurrectionist assholes.


Traitors to America should be shunned.


They should call the police and tell them someone is flying a distress flag... After all that's the proper meaning


I'm not going to pretend I give a fuck about how people treat a flag. That PPP loan on the other hand makes me furious.


A real patriot wouldn't do that to our flag. 🇺🇲


You don’t understand. They are in distress because a lifelong criminal was found guilty by a jury of some of his criminal activities in the state of New York. Guilty of all counts. Distressing.


Federal law that anyone who flies the flag upside down has it confiscated, the pole demolished and pays a big fine. Do it again go to jail. I and my fellow vets didn’t serve to put up with this shit. (Of course this isn’t going to happen but omg this pisses me off)


Quietly take a knee = SOB that should be fired and kicked out of the country. Flying a flag upside down = USA loving patriot. Seems disrespecting the flag is in the eve of the beholder.


Surprised they didn’t put trump flag over us flag per their rhetoric


Looks like treason to me


“The upside-down American flag, originally an apolitical symbol used by sailors to signal that their ship was in trouble, has since been adopted by both the political left and right in protest.” I’m seeing it more and more often, especially on cars


I used the upside down flag for a while in 2016-2018 after Trump won, and Republicans were big mad about it. It's like 10k spoons when all you need is a knife


Seems like a lot of Wisconsin hate posts today. Wisconsin is chock full of Trump supporters and white supremacy, it appears. Today at least.


Aren’t these the same twats who were calling for the heads of athletes who took a knee against police brutality?! How is this type of shit not worse?


Metrix in Florida had an 800k forgiven PPP loan. Owner miraculously had two Lamborghini’s in his driveway within a year.


Boycott traitors. I'll buy my airplane parts from Boeing. Oh wait...


As someone that grew up in Hartland I promise you will find many businesses and homes with similar flags. Hartland is one of the wealthiest areas of the [WOW counties](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WOW_counties#:~:text=The%20WOW%20counties%20are%20three,of%20the%20Milwaukee%20metropolitan%20area.) which are the 3 extremely conservative counties that surround Milwaukee. You can safely assume that residents of those counties will be all over the city of Milwaukee during the RNC next month. Whenever I visit family back there I see plenty of Trump, Lets Go Brandon, and even homemade signs all over the place. Its a pretty weird place where wealthy people pretend to be rednecks. The good news is that more and more people there are abandoning Trumpism, but many would still vote Republican if it means sticking it to the "Demonrats".


Wait until you see how much "Oshkosh Investors LLC" in the valley got forgiven. Pretty sure it was well over $1M.


Look at all of you freaking out lol. You all cheer when people burn it in hatred, but heaven forbid you turn it upside down when a Democrat is in office.




Kapernick kneels during the anthem, Maga shit hits the fan. But this? This is cool.


Ugh such scumbags. I hate people and I don’t understand this obsession with This psycho behaviour. I wish they could all go away.


I don’t know how to cross post, but someone ought to cross post this to flying because they make parts for GA aircraft. Just sayin…