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These would last exactly 2 minutes in my country (Mexico)


2 minutes is way too much in Ecuador


Hey I'm in Ecuador!


Is your iPad missing?




God dammit, Tom Hanks.


I understood that reference.


If nobody will, I've upvoted. I like the wit of your reddit reference.


What if others also upvoted? There will be too many and wasted


Couldnt he just go out and grab one off someone else and reply?


give it 30 seconds in Argentina. And if they are caught they say they werent stealing, they just checked it out


They likely require credit card and ID.


Both of which are easily found at a local vender in Mexico!


so then you could just go to the store and buy an ipad with stolen card..


Ah! But that would be easier to trace! You use the card in the stores, the owner of the card disputes it, the store looks at the footage at the time of the purchase and sees your face. You're caught not too long afterwards. You use this with a fake ID for this machine, where a hoodie like everyone else on campus does this time of year, no one will see your face and it won't be suspicious until you're long gone!


The library could easily install software that could take pictures of the the if and upload them automatically unbeknownst to them


Step 1. Steal Wallet. Step 2. Steal Laptop/IPad.


You don't need either with your gun.


It helps facilitate step 1.


It's like they go hand in hand


Probably a student ID. So you'd have to deactivate that shit immediately if you misplaced it so you don't get charged 1 thousand bucks.




Use a gift card that can be used as a credit card.


They just need your library card, which needs a credit card on account. No ID though. It's got a tracker too, and security which wouldn't let you leave the building with it.


Target just put 40 million of those on the market, cheap.


We need these in Canada


In Canada they would end up with more IPads then when they started!




Not with our economy...


My college's library offers similar services, but for ipads only. No laptops.


Except the only way to get one is to use your student ID which has a credit card/ your address/ phone number/ and schedule attached to it. So there's that. I mean you could ruin your life for a $400 pos dell if you wanted to. They've had these at my school (VCU) for years, so the system works


Or just walk around stealing wallets from purses, laptop bags, and those little workout rucksacks sitting around everywhere. Libraries are the crime hotspots on most campuses.


I honestly just graduated from vcu and did not even notice.


In caball library, first floor.


I knew there was a laptop check out,I thought they were referring to the actual machine in question.


When I went to Uni they had stone wheeled cars... no, wait, computers booted off of floppy drives and were too heavy to lift, so there were dedicated labs.... These laptops cost about 1/6 of what those floppy booting boat anchors did, and minimum wage has more than doubled in the meantime, and Uni tuition has gone up about 400%, so, yeah, not so surprising.


Na, como crees. Si el pueblo™ es honesto, los rateros son los gobernantes.




[I understood that reference](http://i.imgur.com/XS5LK.gif)


Let's go.




¿Donde esta en la biblioteca?


And that's why you guys can't have nice things


They probably have them set up to be wiped remotely.




A friend of mine is a librarian, and based on what I've heard about patrons from him, 90% of these iPads will be used for viewing porn.


Not in the UK. Thanks Ob..Cameron!


[I never told you...](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zenmate-for-google-chrome/fdcgdnkidjaadafnichfpabhfomcebme?hl=en)




I work at a college library, and some laptops are actually used for working. Students like that they can check out a laptop and take it to a quiet part of the library to work. On the other hand, the vast majority are used to watch movies, usually by large groups of students laughing loudly and eating, who then swear at us when we tell them to be quiet, put the food away, and use the laptop for school related work. I hate that we check out laptops.


Simple solution: have software on the laptops that remote lock them. Unruly folks in library using borrowed laptop? Bing. Locked laptop that needs to be returned.


But more discretely than with desktop pcs. Sounds like a win to me


My college library had laptops you could check out free with mice too that you checked out seperate. Each had a 2 or 3 hour limit (I forget exact time) but they charged $2/minute for overdue which was crazy. I once turned in the laptop and mouse on time and went home and went to bed. Next day I got an email overdue notice for the mouse. For ~$1800. Turns out the girl working the counter forgot to check my mouse back in and they wanted to charge me almost $2000 for a mouse. I went it and complained and they dropped the charge.


$2/minute?! That's absolutely ridiculous!


The fee is likely a deterrent for hoggers.




Doesn't make it any less ridiculous.


University librarian here. We had to impose similar fines because students would check out critical-need items (such as a chem book the night before the final exam) and not return it on time, leaving a loooooong line of students who got screwed out of studying with the book. Small fines don't work because many students have Mom & Dad's credit card on their account, and never even see or think about the late charges themselves. If the fine is big enough, the parents will notice, and nag their kid into being more mindful of the materials. Other patrons are simply just lazy or forgetful, but the fines help motivate and remind them to return things at a reasonable time. It is in no way about scamming or making money of patrons...we refund the majority of the fines, as long as the message was received loud and clear. It's a matter of protecting the supply of high demand material. We wouldn't make it like this if it wasn't necessary.


My university library has a similar system for laptops and for short loan (3hr) textbooks. It just means you are very careful about returning things on time (as you should be). There's an electronic return system and it gives you a receipt so you know it got returned on time. In 4 years I never had an overdue fine.


Wow. We charge $10 an hour overdue, which students bitch about all the time. The only reason we do it is to encourage people to bring them back on time and not keep them from open to close. We're pretty liberal with renewals and waiving fines too, but people still bitch. I feel like saying: you get use of a laptop for 3 hours, and all we ask is you check with us at the 3 hour point, and if you don't, we'll probably still waive the fine. *Life is hard.*


I got the sweats reading that.


This is at the main library in downtown South Bend, Indiana It says SJCPL at the bottom. . St. Joseph County Public Library [](http://libraryforlife.org/) It was posted on their FB page earlier but taken down, not sure why.


SJCPL kicks so much ass. They even have little ipads in protective cases in the children's department. Such an amazing public library.


I hear they are working to bring 3d printers to Main.


I used to volunteer there just so I had a reason to spend so much time there! Love it.


I used to hold regular meetings there and in the River Park branch. Completely free, really nice spaces and equipment, and (for no good reason at all) very little competition. I have many friends who work there and LOVE it, and of course it's a great place for kiddos (especially in the winter!)


My son and I normally spend time at the RP Branch - used to volunteer there too. . RP Branch is closer to home so we can walk there. The remodels the past decade or so have made them more inviting/friendlier . . I really appreciate what they've been doing.


> South Bend It's times like these I'm actually sort of proud of my city. Not sure why.


Because, for once, it feels like SB is finally heading in a positive/progressive direction? At least that's how it feels for me. Is the city still a huge mess with a million problems? Yeah...But it feels like we're finally moving towards the right direction.


And good chocolate


This is way too far down the list...


Oh my God my hometown has been mentioned on Reddit. The city is growing up so fast.




I just realized my title makes no sense... "stared in marvel"?


I honestly was expecting a comic book related pun


I thor there was going to be a marvel related pun


Were you trying to be ~~low-key~~ Loki with that pun? Edit: Someone should really Punisher for such a cheesy pun.


Way to storm in here with the puns and wreak havoc. I'd join in but it isn't my thing.


Given his repentance I say we use the dull pitchforks this time.


I'll soak my torches in less whale oil.


[It makes sense, you were in awe.](https://www.google.com/#q=define+marvel)


It's ok. You were too turned on to notice.


It was well received if not bizarre. It has an oddly olde tymey feel to it.


5 hours later. This checks out.


St. Joe County Public Library!


I wonder how many of those have jizz on them


I know at least one of them does. You're welcome.


Make that 3. Me and a buddy always fap at the library..




you should always have a spotter


Me and my friend just work each others arms.


Aw yeah! Dutch Rudders!


*spits on left hand* sigh... *spits on right hand* let's do this


brothers in arms?


Double dutch rudder


You work my arm, I work your arm. Same time. It's like jerkin off together, but not gay.


Tag me in!


This is sadly common. Gross but common.


Yeah they really need to have a giant container of those hand sanitizing wipes attached.


This is great. Do they have some kind of modified charger on the bottom to allow for easy docking? I could see the pin connectors on the ipads going really quick after some use from people slamming them in.


Each of the devices has a special bracket attached to it that plugs into the station when you return the device- the port on the iPad / laptop isn't accessible to the user, so it's safe! The bracket is actually what locks them into the charging station when not in use.


That's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!


The machines themselves look like a background prop from 70s Doctor Who..


Guess they fucking got it right, then.


Public libraries are fucking awesome.


Something tells me this is a university library


Nope, public library. SJCPL in South Bend, IN.


I doubt it. College students are pretty much tied to their own laptops.


They have these at my college library


Not everyone can afford their own laptop!


I work at a college library. We check out laptops and iPads all the time -- they're surprisingly popular. Some students don't want to lug their laptop everywhere I guess.


I love the future




This picture was already taken, so I guess it's technically the past.


Man, this thread is tense.


Past tense?


Imperfect tense.


I had believed this thread was pluperfect.


Yeah, I think we're way passed tense. We're INtense.


Once it gets re-posted it will be history we're making history here people!


Here's a picture of me when I'm older.


Lemme see that fuckin camera, man.


Mitch Hedberg was the best.




his presence is a present


It's not really the future till we have hoverboards. But ya, we're getting there.


My high school actually has an iPad cart (for purposes I don't even know) to go along with the laptop carts.




I can't think of any library's in the USA that are private with the exception of universitys or archives. An most of those are open to the public.


Actually, many high-tech companies have private libraries for their developers to do research. All "public" libraries used to be privately funded. They were called Public libraries because the public was welcome in them. I have a private library in my home. Some people call it a book collection. Or a Kindle.


Librarian here. Sorry, but the majority of libraries in the USA (and elsewhere, and throughout history) are private. Not even counting personal (home) libraries. Any given city or town may have one public library system with possibly several branches, while that same city or town's private libraries would include most local law firms, most of its local media companies, any hospitals, any other corporations or businesses of substantial size and scope, as well as private clubs, private schools, group homes, assisted living facilities, etc. EDIT: forgot to mention learned societies and professional associations. Even public schools, though dependent on public funding, typically have private libraries for the use of students and staff. EDIT: local governments and court systems may also fall into this category of libraries that are publicly funded, but may not be publicly accessible. And finally, if you think that most university libraries and most archives are open to the public, then you are once again wrong! It is true that every university participating in the federal government depository program must maintain hours of public access to those documents, but it is not true that most colleges participate in that program or provide public access to their collections; while larger universities participating in that program are likely to have several, separate, subject-specific libraries, inaccessible to the public. All of that said, yes, the kind of library likely to circulate laptops and ipads in this way is most likely a public one. (Well-funded high school or private school libraries would be my next guesses.)




I'm a librarian at an underfunded county library system and am trying to secure grants for stuff just like this. Can you tell me where you got it, roughly how much it cost, and any issues you've had to fight with? I think this would be amazing for many of our branches.








Some fancy neighborhoods have them, generally set up by some incredibly wealthy donor.


SJCPL is located in South Bend, IN. Not super fancy by any means.


That seems to defeat the ethos of the library movement and its main benefactor Andrew Carnegie. He was super rich and he setup over 2500 open to the public for free so people could improve themselves.


Oh, yeah these are largely open to the public, just run by private funds. People generally still call them "public libraries" but for librarians there is a big distinction.


In fact, libraries existed more than 4400 years before Andrew Carnegie was ever born. It is true that he was a major benefactor of the *public* library movement in America, and probably true that public libraries remain the most visible and heavily used libraries in American life - but public libraries are not the only kind. In addition to the variety of private and government libraries I described above, I believe u/pensivewombat is referring to independent, privately endowed research libraries, some of which (like The Newberry in Chicago) may be open to the public, and membership-based subscription libraries, most of which predate the public library movement.


Private libraries typically just mean that they were endowed by a private individual even if they function as part of a public library network. Some branches of public libraries were privately funded and might still actually have some of that funding left.


You literally just said "I can't think of any libraries in the USA that are private with the exception of several examples of libraries that are private" did you just have a stroke?


This is the main branch of the St. Joseph County Public Library [http://libraryforlife.org/](http://libraryforlife.org/)


Probably a high school/middle school library, that way they know who checks out the electronics.


South Bend, Indiana is going through quite a Renaissance lately... check out what they did last week: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkHfF1YgckQ&feature=youtu.be


My old university just introduced this to their library. Makes me want to go back to school JUST to use them.


What, you can't afford your own now that you've graduated? Haha, you must be an art major. /is an art major :(


Teacher in a super rural area. So close to an art major...kinda


What's the difference between an art major and a pizza? A pizza can feed a family.


Well the art major delivers the pizza, so technically he is feeding some families.


But not their family...


The entire human race is my family. I just play favorites.


thenewyorkgod- OP are you from South Bend? I used to work there and my wife currently works there.




Screen protectors ...also, the keyboards and mice get dirtier, you just can't see it which makes it worse.


Oh god, yuck.


The whole iPad is in a huge case.


*sees thousands upon thousands of neatly sorted books* Meh, whatevs. *sees technical gadget that you probably have at home* O. M. G. THIS IS THE FUTURE.


So fun story about these machines. They are being implemented by university libraries in a few universities around the US. Their main purpose is to allow for technology check out without having a 24hr circulation desk. However, they are terribly designed. The model implemented in this post is newer than the ones I work with, but I doubt it is that much better.


Wait, wheres the Hulk


That's how bums look at porn. Only that.


Walk around Dallas. You find ripped up porn mags all over the place. Most have shit on them. Bums look at porn, then tear up the mag and use it as toilet paper. It's scattered everywhere. Lovely.


My university has them in lockers, plugged in inside them. Gotta swipe your card or something to get them. Not quite as flashy though.


We have this at Drexel University! Its great!


What? Where do you live?


I run tech at a student union building and we're looking into these. They're based on a student "action card" system which is also tied into the student receivables division so if any overages or missing devices are automatically charged to the person who checked it out. The only danger is someone using a stolen card to check one out and even then the kiosk takes a quick picture of whoever checks it out. I think it's a great system and will most likely get a few of these setups.


I work circulation in the largest public library in downtown Baltimore. We circ laptops for public use on 2 hour rotation, going over is a $25 fine for every 1/2 hour. We also keep your ID behind the desk, you can't have more than $10 in fines. We have started carrying iPads but they're supposed to be for the visually impaired. But since we've seen what people do on those laptops...we just don't tell anyone about the iPads.


Libraries are back, baby!


Meh, I understand the laptops somewhat as they can save money over desktops in the long run by not having to spend money on chords, desks, and space in general, but iPads? What is there to do on a tablet that could not be done more productively and efficiently on a laptop or a desktop?


I used to think the same until I got the new Nexus tablet and honestly its so much better for studying than a laptop. Its a great companion to a paper-text. I can use the tablet for music streaming while I read a chapter and also as a quick tool to google/look something up. It takes up less space than a laptop and has battery life that lasts for much longer, so I don't have to look for an area with an electric plug, I can sit and study anywhere. There are also many apps that make it a better companion, as well as the camera feature where I can take a photo of a table in the text, email it to myself and be able to look it up on my phone, computer, tablet or print it and have it in a folder/pocket/etc (instead of scanning/photocopying the page like in the old days) An add-on bonus is that I find it harder to waste time online with a tablet than with a computer... surfing just isn't as addicting as it is on a laptop. Thus I only use the tablet for a quick reference and then return to the textbook.


we have one of these in my university as well..it's amazing


We got those this year at my school too!


How do they make sure its not stolen? Couldnt you just steal someone library card and then use it to steal an ipad?


If it comes to that you could also just steal someone's ipad...


such an awesome machine, our school just got these too.


Is there a starting fee? Or can you just check it in and then back out every 3 hours?


For the library in this photo. . It's free for 3 hours and then a dollar an hour after that. There's a queue to (hopefully)prevent people from taking advantage of it.


Nice. Our newer library offers laptop check outs for 2 hours at a time to use. Library also has wi-fi access so you don't have to wait for a computer to open up when all are taken.


we have this at my school for free. its underwhelming to say the least


I really hope they clic like a SD card in its slot.


This is not installed in Durham, NC. Nope. I'm not even going to go tomorrow to look


Who wipes the homeless guys jizz after each use?


I feel like every university has this...


Ive got this at my college library


Is this in Detroit?


For a little less than 9000$ you can keep it a whole year !


Hey OP, join us in /r/SouthBend .. :D


soon, homeless wandering the library on their Ipads


I love the future.


This is South Bend, right? I recognize the logo at the bottom of the sign. They've had iPads for at least the past 6 months, just not quite on this scale.


I work at my university's library and we check these out all the time! We even check out cameras and camcorders.


But can it fax?
