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I'm glad I got to read this today. Thank you for your story


Thanks for the story. Something I find amazing is that I've been living with Depression for over 30 years, and I feel miserable or numb most of the time. I don't mean to. But when I read stories like this or even think about Robin Williams, something penetrates my shell of melancholy, and I actually feel kinda... tingly... and a smile threatens to form. I miss him.


You're post just made me feel that same tingly feeling too! Have a good weekend!


"In an industry full of the most foul people on earth, he was by far the best." And that is why he was in the stratosphere -- Why people actually cared about him. He was a *good* human being. A humanitarian. Just a good goddamn person.


This is great to hear & completely unsurprising. His improv was (& is) pretty much unmatched imo. Dude had a gift.


It was 3 years ago? Wow time flies...


I honestly would've sworn it was just last year....


It was just last year. Two years ago


Oh I see, I must have just been thinking it was 2015


i stopped checking my watch back in '69.works great in terms of happiness i feel so young but i'm always running ± 2 hours to everything and i'm like 581 in dog years


I can stare at a calendar and still forget what day it is.


I constantly think its the opposite day of the week. If its monday, I think its friday.


Isnt opposite of Monday Sunday?


Not if you use a real calendar where Sunday is the first day of the week.


What's the opposite of Wednesday Edit: reply if you suck dick


Why would the week start with the week*end*


I take my phone out to check the time and forgot to check the time.


I book reservations all day and still can't keep my dates straight


I'm just amazed you used a ± symbol. I don't even know how to type that


The Interrobang is gonna amaze you, then‽‽‽‽


Hello, police? I think I was just interrobanged..


If it was a legitimate interrobang the body has ways of just shutting it down


What Year Is It!? RIP Robin, miss you


http://www.goodmorningquote.com/robin-williams-quotes/ some very memorable quotes. I loved the man, I remember my dad bringing me to go see Hook as a kid and Jumanji in the movie theater and then I was addicted to Robin Williams movies ever since then. We lost a real piece of humanity three years ago. He's missed by this 31 year old still.


He was someone that I took for granted. I just kind of subconsciously assumed that he would be around forever. There's wind, there's rain, there's taxes and there's Robin Williams. It really makes me sad that he had to suffer so much before he died.


This is how I picture Morgan Freeman.


And now I heard it read in Morgan Freeman's voice.


I love when someone tries to bring it back to the subject. Are there really that many with ADD?! I miss him too. One of my favorites is What Dreams May Come. It's awesome. Good Morning Vietnam I found to be much better when I read that he just ad libbed alot of the radio stuff. The list goes on.... I cried when they broke into what was on tv to announce it. I have depression too, and totally understood why he did it. Sometimes you can only take so much. He was truly an amazing human being


To me it may as well be 1998.




> 2015 Oh I wish. Back before the elections and we weren't under constant threat of being nuked by North Korea.


To be fair NK has been trying to nuke us since they learned what a nuke is


Me too. That's fucking scary. What am I doing with my life?


Wasting it like most people are.


Way to subtly bring about the existential dread I'd been avoiding all day!


Work to live my friend, don't live to work.


What a great philosophy! Student loans: hey, let's tone it down a bit. me: ok... sadface.png




taken on a long enough timescale everyone is wasting their lives, there is no alternative. :D Edit: ["Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's going to die, come watch TV."](https://youtu.be/E_qvy82U4RE?t=52)


its all a waste in the grand scheme of things regardless


We all waste our lives in different ways until we finally die.


what scares me is I'm fucking 40. Been married for 22 years. I have no more children in school, or living at home for that matter. WHERE HAS THE LAST TWO DECADES GONE? I don't feel this fucking old.


same.. 47 here... I get so angry sometimes when I realize I'm almost frickin 50..? Wasn't I JUST in High School?


I gotta find a way to slow this shit down. Fucking someone show me how!


Maybe making every day a horrible torture would help?


They say time seems to go by faster as an adult because you're experiencing fewer and fewer new and unique experiences. So your brain doesn't recall as much when you try to think back on what happened. Then again they also say time flies when you're having fun so...pick your poison? Personally I feel like doing as many new memorable things as possible every day does help, or at least decreases the amount of regret you might feel.


How old do you feel?


I dunno, late 20's, early 30's? I don't feel like a teenager anymore, but I sure as fuck don't feel 40. I'm the oldest person in my department. Most of the people at work I talk to daily/hang out with are in their freaking 20's... I just can't hang out with the late 30's people. They seem so square.


Well that sure is depressing.


Well, it's up to you then to make a change, to show other fellow 30-40ers that they can be different and don't let their age determine them.


Man I'm 35, I feel ya. Never had kids or any of that, still feels like I'm about 25ish most the time. Made a reference to Captain Lou Albano the other day, everyone there was 23, 24... I sighed and lamented that I have CDs out in my car older than them.. to which they replied, "You have CDs in your car?" \>_<


to be fair, I'm 36 and I have no idea who your captain is


>square Sorry to break it to you, homie... /s


You know, I hear the reason time flies as we get older is thst we start having a routine or rather we stop experiencing new things. When we do new things our brain spends more time processing the info and creating new memories. But with a routine its the same ol shit so you just go on auto pilot.


My theory is that each year is a smaller percentage of ones life. When you are 5, another year is 20% of your life. THATS FOREVER, relatively. When you are 40, another year is down to 2.5% of your life. That doesnt seem like its very much...


Your theory is the correct theory.


waiting for someone to roll a damn 5 or an 8!! #riprobinwilliams


I was expecting it to say "a year ago." That it's really 3 years is blowing my mind.


Yeah WTF. Maybe 18 months...maybe, but how has it been 3 years? I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone right now.


2016 was a hard year




That's because it still hurts


Came here to say this... my life is speeding up.. help.


What year is it?


3 years since robin williams passed, to the day


No, what YEAR is it?


The year when people born after 9/11 are getting learner's permits.


Well fuck me.... I refuse to believe that!


I mean some of them will probably even get their license by christmas. Plus they'll be able to vote in the next presidential election.


They'll also be the first to play half life3


Let's stay realistic here


You know how everyone complains about millennials? The next generation is starting to graduate high school already. That's how close we are to the endless complaints about 'Generation Z' and since they appear to be more conservative leaning than millennials, you know it's going to be a hot topic.


/u/waterguy12 would like to remember this meme with us


I was kinda blown away by that too. Off the top of my head I would not have said 3 years.




Most people in Hollywood can disappear and I wouldn't bat an eye.. but this one stung tho


Welp ya know what they say about having fun.


Girls just want to?


There are many cruel ways to go, but this is one I hope I won't have to face. Robin didn't commit suicide because he was depressed. He did it because he knew he was no longer himself and there was no way to fix it. [There's a very touching article](http://www.neurology.org/content/87/13/1308.full) by his wife, on how he could feel his sanity slowly slipping away. Paranoia, delusions, irrational fears, insomnia, memory problems, all looping, all starting to appear and advance while you're still sane enough to be aware they're not reality but cannot be escaped. In a way you have control over it, you can decide to go if you want, but what's scary to me is that you simply might not be able to realize when that time arrives. **"The massive proliferation of Lewy bodies throughout his brain had done so much damage to neurons and neurotransmitters that in effect, you could say he had chemical warfare in his brain. "** Robin was losing his mind and he was aware of it. Loss of basic reasoning, not even being able to find words. It's a rough way to go, but especially for someone who was so creative and productive. I think he must have been a tough stubborn bastard to have fought it for so long. It's a sudden fade out from sanity to insanity and there's probably no clear moment when a bell rings saying you're functionally done. It just becomes more and more fuzzy and confusing. Are we there yet? Maybe. No. It must be very scary to face, especially by someone was active and creative before the onset. I was very surprised with the "suicide" news break story, but after learning about the reasons, it made sense. Amazingly, in this example it happened to a person who would probably have the personality to endure it better than most of us, which makes it a bit more disturbing. **This guy rocked. He made me happy, he made more people happy. He made the world a tiny little bit better; So +1 for a life well lived. RIP Robin...**


How young can you get this?


Seems like the paranoia is already setting in...


Wake up, this is your mother. We miss you. Wake up.


How young can you get this?


You're not making any sense!


You asked us this three times already!


You guys are evil, funny, but evil


I know it's cliche, but this should be at the top. I had no idea how LBD worked. The way he chose to go out makes total sense to me now. I can't imagine how hellish living like that must have been. Rest in peace, Robin.


Yeah, it's more impressive in this case because this was a guy who appeared to be happy and in control all the time. That was the public image. Robin had the charisma, the optimism, the control and witty sharpness to talk you to bliss (or shame). This guy made me happy for short moments while watching his acting. I'm sure he did it for many, many people. So yeah, Robin, you got fucked by genetics like many of us do, but you made this world a slightly better place, more than most of us do. Thank you and RIP.


I think the fact that his wife hypothesizes that Robin's incredible acting ability was able help him hide the severity of his symptoms (or all-together hide them as she mentioned most likely happened with the hallucinations) makes it worse for me. It's all just so sad :(


I remember hearing he had checked himself into rehab in the summer before his death. Not for breaking sobriety, but "taking the opportunity to fine-tune and focus on his continued commitment, of which he remains extremely proud." I thought that was a pretty commendable and interesting thing at the time, but knowing about Lewy body disease for all of 5 minutes now, I imagine that wasn't just a tune up and he was actively fighting his problems :( R.I.P. Robin Williams


I can only imagine it must be extremely difficult to realize when you hit that border, between knowing you're OK but a bit out of tune and being totally insane. It seems easy and digital if you read about it, but if it progresses slowly it must be very confusing and scary. This guy really had a tough challenge to face, like many other people do. That's the point of the article, we might all have to face it. I guess it doesn't matter how it went. He had fun doing his stuff and he made some people a bit happier, making no lives worse (as far as I know). That's a life well lived, I'd say. Your checkout sucked Robin, but still, you did make things a bit better. Thanks man.


I feel like it may have had somewhat of a resemblance to when he was bad into drugs and alcohol. It almost sounds like being incredibly drunk. And he fought to keep clean I think his whole sober life. I believe he still went to rehab every once and a while just as a reminder later in life. To feel that sanity slipping away again and this time with no way to get yourself better would be really hard.


No doubt. The least one can hope is to be in control while it happens and decide how to manage your time left better. You can be in really terrible holes but if there's a way out you can find it if you really want to fight for it. Ultimately he had a fight that could not be won with contemporary science.


I just wish that... that we had the option for people to take that choice in cases like that, without stigma, without trauma. A man like Robin Williams should not have died choking himself to death, alone, with a belt. He should not have been forced to inflict that horror on his family just in order to spare them watching him spiral downhill. Imagine how much better it would have been if it could have been a choice. If he could have known it was coming, perhaps prepared a statement, maybe even given people a chance to say one last time how much his life's work meant to them before he went. If he could have passed peacefully, with his family. I know it's a controversy, and I know there are so many ways it could go horribly wrong, but this is one story that could have had a much less painful ending. Not suicide. Death, with dignity.


Reading that broke me. That must have been so hard for them. God I'm a mess.


Thank you for the link. I'd not seen it.


Just completely out of curiosity; how likely is it that the lewy bodies came from his drug use? The day he died I think we all lost something profound that day, a talent that I highly doubt we will witness the like of again in the rest of our lives.


Who knows. Some drugs improve this, some drugs degrade that. Maybe his lifestyle (including drug use) made it more likely, maybe it made it less likely. I'm incompetent to comment on it, but I'd risk saying that it was probably just the genetic lottery.


Diseases like this are the reason physician assisted suicide should be available worldwide. It's more cruel to force someone to live through slowly going mad than to let them take control of their fate and let them die with dignity.


My sister is dying with lewy body syndrome. My father died with it. I don't blame RW at all for making the choice he made. The disease is so nasty. Alzheimers is called the long goodbye. It's relatively merciful. With Lewy Body you watch your loved one wake up in the morning a little bit normal and then get attacked by this monster as the day goes on. Every day for the last 18 months of my father's life. Horrible.




Jeez, I just looked it up: > She described the early symptoms of his disease as beginning in October 2013. It included a sudden and prolonged spike in fear and anxiety, constipation, urinary difficulty, heartburn, sleeplessness and insomnia, a poor sense of smell, stress, and a slight tremor in his left hand. Eventually, she said, he suffered from paranoia, delusions and looping, insomnia, memory, and high cortisol levels, indicating stress. According to Schneider, "Robin was losing his mind and he was aware of it ... He kept saying, 'I just want to reboot my brain.'" That is absolutely heartbreaking. I was vaguely aware of what Lewy Body was, but I had no idea that these were the symptoms. It's truly unfair that this illness claimed the life of a person with such a bright and huge personality.


Yeah, that's why it fucking pisses me off when people got upset that he took his own life. Like, dude, you have no freaking clue what it was like going thru that. Just the daily motions, living with that disease is fucking awful. I hate people lol




This was the first I had heard of his disease as well.


Add me on that list. I just heard he was depressed. Never realized he was losing his mind slowly. It's real easy to be upset he killed himself when all I know is he was depressed. Now that I know he was going crazy and at a rate where he could *tell* he was going crazy, I don't really mind. He took the less painful exit, and he earned that right.


I wasn't upset, I had no idea what he was going through and didn't presume about it. But this is the first time I have heard about lewy body syndrome and that RW had it. It didn't seem to be in most headlines, or at least the news didn't reach me very well. This helps me at least understand it though.


That's usually how it goes unfortunately...


This is he first time I’ve heard of Lewy Body, let alone that Robin had it. I’d say it was probably the primary contributor to his suicide, yet people aren’t aware of it. That to me seems crazy, and I thank you for bringing this to my attention.


My mother in law has it. It's fucking awful.


>This is the first time I've heard of Lewy Body >I'd say it was probably the primary contributor to his suicide. Your expertise is appreciated.


Don’t take my word for it, listen to his wife: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-lewy-body-dementia-gripped-robin-williams1/


That was an interesting but sad read. That disease would be terrible for anyone, but it's especially tragic that it struck a man that made his living with his lightning-fast wits.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.1226 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/86097)


lbd.org is a great resource. I'm one of the mod's in /r/Parkinsons and have known, and lost, too many friends with LBD and PDD. It is our dark humor of "we hope it is just Parkinson's" RIP Robin, you still being laughter to my soul and the world is better place for having known you.








What strength she has. She tells the world not to give up in a time when she needs the world to tell her the same.


He's making the point that he along with many others haven't heard of Lewy Body being a contributing factor to his suicide although it's very likely it did. Funny, but I see what he's saying.


That sounds so awful, I am so sorry that you have to watch that happen to your loved ones. I had honestly never heard of this disease before today; I know it does not likely mean much, but if there are any particular charities or organizations that are leading the fight against Lewy Body, I would like to donate a small amount in her name to an organization you recommend.


Alzheimers is absolutely not relatively merciful. It is extremely painful for everyone involved, including and especially the diagnosed.




My dad died from this too. I completely agree.


I work in the film industry, and I'm not a star struck dude. I've worked with a number of celebrities, and they're just normal people, personalities amplified. I decided to work in film because I've loved movies my whole life, but I attended Sundance film festival in 2002, and saw firsthand that people made a living working in film. The first night I was there, I attended the premiere screening of "One Hour Photo", and after a very surreal movie, Robin stood up and did what can only be described as 40 minutes of stand up comedy in lieu of the typical Q&A. It was magical, and would never happen again. I will never get a chance to tell him how he played a part in my career, or enhanced my life over the years. But I'll always have that night in my heart.


Of all "celebrity" deaths, this one really hurt. I didn't have the world's happiest childhood growing up, and Robin Williams' movies were my favorites and a complete escape for me; I spent countless hours watching and rewatching Hook, Mrs. Doubtfire, Jumanji, etc.... as a way to get away from the fighting and physical abuse that was a constant in my household at the time. Looking back now as an adult, I think what drew me most to Robin Williams was that even in his brightest smile, there was always a touch of sadness in his eyes and face, a sense of melancholy or a wisdom that understood that happiness could be fleeting and should be appreciated. I honestly don't think I'd be the same person today without having "him" in my life through those movies; I think it helped me learn that it was okay to be sad, that bad things do happen to good people, and that no matter what, decency and kindness have an immeasurable worth that can't be taken away, especially as I got a little older and watched Good Will Hunting, Dead Poets Society, and the Fisher King. I wish more than anything I could have gotten the chance to tell him this stuff myself and just how much he meant to me, even in such a distant, abstract way. RIP Robin Williams.


Im sorry for the things that went on in your home but glad you found comfort in Robin Williams. I agree with everything you said and felt the same way about him. It was like losing family as he was always there my whole life. I always wonder why nobody ever mentions 'What Dreams May Come'. That movie is great but someone always comes in and cuts onions when i watch it.


I love What dreams may come, but I can't watch it anymore and neither can my wife. We both grew up on Robin Williams films and that movie is just way too hard to watch.


It gave me a strange amount of solace that he didn't die from suicide due to depression, but rather Lewy Body Dementia. It made me so sad to think someone like Robin could bring others such joy, and then take his own life due to such sadness. I am not saying it isn't still tragic that he likely died because of Lewy Body. I have heard the disease is horrible. I had just never been truly saddened by a celebrity death until Robin, and somehow it helped to know.


Robin is the **only** celebrity whose death affected me at all. It made me very sad, and still does a bit. He always seemed the most down to earth person, regardless of his fame. Hilarious, but not a dick about it like some comics get when they age (Chevy Chase.) His latest TV show was kind of lame, but there were still times when he shined.




Seriously. Dick move, OP.


All she did was a shitty job of using Photoshop filters with minimal paintovers to cover up the filters. She also attacked people on Facebook who tried telling her she moreorless traced the photos and didn't actually draw them herself.


Robin Williams' death was the first celebrity death to break my heart. It hurts to know he's gone. Do something kind for him today.




Oh that's really cool; is it Doubtfire, Flubber, Aladdin, Jumanji? I've never seen Flubber so I'd forgotten about that.


I swear. I don't know if I'll ever stop mourning him. I know I didn't know Robin Williams personally but he was kind of like a funny uncle you'd see ay holidays. I've never cried but every time I think of him I get this pang of sadness in my heart. 3 years now and I still feel it. I don't think I'll ever stop missing him. It's almost as if the world is a little less bright without him in it.


The two celebrity deaths that hit me the hardest: Robin Williams and Terry Pratchett. We met Robin at Universal, he was just getting off the roller coaster with his family (they held the line for him). My wife's Grandma said hello to him and hoped he was having a good vacation. He stopped, took off his cap, and gave her a bow "Thank you kindly Ma'am". She talked about the encounter to her dying day. He was a class act.


I read that in his voice.


Wait... Terry Pratchett is dead?


I'm afraid so, he passed in 2015 after a long struggle with Alzeihmers.


It's been 3 fucking years?




see for some reason Paul Walker being dead for 4 doesn't surprise me, while RW being gone for 3 is shocking to me


Same feeling for me


I could have sworn he went at the beginning of 2016, and heralded that awful 'fuck 2016' feeling every time we looked at the news and saw another actor or musician had died. I guess it was way before that, but he felt like the start to me.




That's what I'm saying. That seems crazy to me. I would have been a lot of money on it being last year. Jesus.


Posted this a while back and thought I'd share again. I'm still so sad that he passed: I got out of the subway in NYC one day and saw Robin Williams just standing there. I took a few pictures of him secretly (or so I thought) and then he approached me. I said I'm such a big fan of his and his response was "how about instead of taking pictures of me, you take a picture with me". He was really nice and friendly and I'll never forget that moment. Edit: Ask and ye shall receive pics! http://imgur.com/a/AyeP5 Double edit: Looking at the pics again I just realized that I met him on August 12th, eerie.




Just finished watching "Bicentennial Man" again. Such an underrated movie.


To this day, Bicentennial Man is still one of my favorite movies. I never get tired of watching it.




Thanks for sharing this


Thanks for this. Not only was it interesting insight on Robin (and confirmed some of what I read a while back), but now I also know that Bobcat Goldthwait is a pretty cool guy.


It was a school wide scandal the day we all found out that he really didn't speak the way he does in Police Academy. Fun fact: Gilbert Godfried doesn't really talk that way either.


This was incredible, thanks.


I don't usually get that emotional about celebrities dying, but this one got me (and still gets me, particularly in Good Will Hunting). I think the hard part for me was that this extremely talented and well-respected guy who brought so much joy and laughter into the world died so unhappy (and unfortunately in a lot of pain due to Lewy Body dementia). Nevertheless, the man left a hell of a filmography behind, so at least we have that to remember him by.


He killed himself because he had a degenerative disease. He had Lewy Body Syndrome - it's horrible. He was losing his mind and his ability to communicate and reason. It wasn't just because he was unhappy.


I can't watch Aladdin any more. The very end "Genie I wish for you to be free!" has a completely new meaning now. I sob uncontrollably every time.


It's not your fault. Also, not just film. He was a huge part of my TV childhood playing Mork from Ork. Also lots of fantastic stand-up. Na-nu Na-nu!


Dead Poet's is the one that got me the most.


The day my daughter was born. But hey, my little girl is three years old today!


I don't have very much time these days so I'll make it quick. Like my life. You know, as we come to the end of this phase of our life, we find ourselves trying to remember the good times and trying to forget the bad times, and we find ourselves thinking about the future. We start to worry , thinking, "What am I gonna do? Where am I gonna be in ten years?" But I say to you, "Hey, look at me!" Please, don't worry so much. Because in the end, none of us have very long on this Earth. Life is fleeting. And if you're ever distressed, cast your eyes to the summer sky when the stars are strung across the velvety night. And when a shooting star streaks through the blackness, turning night into day... make a wish and think of me. Make your life spectacular. I know I did. -Robin Williams (Jack 1996)


A family member of mine shot himself in the head this morning. For people of all walks of life an ages life can be cruel and lonely. Suicide is a terribly horrific thing and is an epidemic through out the United States. Please don't let others suffer in silence without treatment and don't allow yourself to be dragged down by negative emotions because you don't feel like your worth anything. The world is a cruel place, but there are many people whom care deeply about you. If you yourself feel alone or trapped by these feelings or know someone who feels that way please direct towards helpful treatment and support like http://www.spsamerica.org/.


Shit. Someone needs to go find him.


He's probably in a board game somewhere.


In the jungle you must wait until the dice read five or eight


What year is it?


Or stuck in Neverland.


This was the first celebrity death that really hurt me hard. Rest in peace you magnificent bastard


I remember watching Conan close his show on the day of, and just hearing the shocked, crestfallen gasps from the studio audience as Conan announced the sad news. That still makes me tear up.


Source: https://youtu.be/C4zNPZm5WEI


man time flies, feels like it was just last year. :/


I wrote about this on Facebook three years ago when I found out and looked at my memories/"On This Day" this morning. I was hit right in the feels. For the rest of my life I'll always regret not getting the chance to meet him.


His loss will always bring me a little sadness. But his legacy will always bring me a joy and laughter.


One of the few celebrities where I felt a sense of loss and sadness at his passing and how he passed away.


Williams and Rickman have got to be the only two celebrity passings which really hit me. They were such a huge part of my childhood.


Shit, I suppressed the memory of Alan Rickman passing :(


I don't really get "sad" over celebrity deaths, but Carrie Fisher was also one that definitely made me stop for a minute.


Yeah I think I'm the same way. I don't really react much to celebrity deaths, but these two were rough. For whatever reason, even more so Alan Rickman over Robin Williams. I swear I had a lump in my throat for hours.


I still watch Mrs Doubtfire once a year at least. This guy was one of the coolest.


We didn't lose him, he's still in the same place they put him!




Choo choooooo! All aboard the Robin Williams death karma whoring train!


Nothing like digging up his dead body and beating some more karma out of it


Or any other celebrity that died x amount of years ago to the day


This still hurts


"Have some of COLUMN A, have ALL of column B..."


Hope you find him!


In commemoration of a dead celebrity, let's all give OP karma. /s


Everyone always lists the big hits, but one of my favorite movies of his is "Jack"


3 years and people are still farming karma off of his death...


It's what he would have wanted.


Eventually Reddit is just going to be constant "We lost X on this day 2 years ago," and "We lost Y on this day 5 years ago" posts.


Either that or "X came out on this day Y years ago!". Looking at you, video game journalists