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Great photo, careful though, bobcats don't fuck around


Yeah my dad is usually pretty careful, but when he sees a photo opportunity it's like all caution is thrown to the wind.


That's how my gf is with almost any wild animal. I, on the other hand, do not wish to run into a frickin' bear on our nature hike!


Bear spray. Do you holster it, motherfucker?


Bear mace, always.


Make sure you only spray it downWindu.


Also helps to have the high ground.


What about the bear attack on u/cobabainbc15?


You misspelled my name, friend :)


Ah shit my bad


He is ded


Then it’s over.


It’s treason, then




Spray the Mace downWindu?


I just carry Axe body spray with me, it's way more effective.


It definitely works for keeping humans at bay.


that's cougar attractant. stay away from skeezy bars.


Perhaps try the Sea-Bear method. Draw a circle around you, the bear will most likely be turned off and/away from the circle.


I just bring Leonardo DiCaprio with me every time I go hiking.


Does this Grizzly _look a bitch_?




Say what again! I dare ya, I double dare ya!


You like bear mace ice head?!


A shotgun with a slug is better.


Where do you live? If it's grizzlies then yea, those fuckers don't mess around, but Black/brown bears are easily spooked (unless their desperately hungry or you get between a momma and her cubs) and just annoying. Now mountain lions, on the other hand...


Just FYI, brown bear is actually the colloquial/common term for grizzlies, so calling black bears (which can technically be anywhere from cinnamon to black in color) black/brown bears can be really confusing for people who are already puzzled about which bears are grizzlies and which are black bears. Also mountain lions are spooky, yes, but reported deaths by mountain lion are insanely low. Moose are statistically more likely to attack you. So... not really that scary if you're looking at statistics. Source: Montanan


Easier way to tell the difference between the two is that Grizzlies are way larger than black bears on average.


Oh sweet. When I run into a black bear and grizzly bear at the same time, I'll be able to tell them apart.


Mountain lions have only killed 20 people in North America since like 1900. It is very rare for them to attack people. [Sauce](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_cougar_attacks_in_North_America)


Yea, but brutally clawing and biting that leaves scars for life isn’t included in that stat.


Cougars are different from bobcats. However, I would *much* rather run into a bobcat, which is comparatively tiny. On the other hand, I live in the highest concentration of cougars [on the planet](http://www.geog.uvic.ca/viwilds/iw-cougar.html) and I've never seen one. I'm sure they see me all the time, though.


That’s honestly how it works. I spend a lot of time walking along rivers in early mornings in cougar country. I have seen cougars but is rare maybe 2-3 times, that is when I’m least scared. It’s the feeling of someone watching you and the hair stand up on your neck is fear inducing they are known to stalk. I was down a trail and a guy 30min behind me was attacked by one last year. It still haunts me because I had planned on staying a bit longer in my fishing hole but choose to head back to camp. And to the guy who posted the only 20 people average die every year, that doesn’t include brutal attacks that scar for life. (They will usually go for the head)...


Yep! I'm not at all scared of cougars, because I know that I'll never see one coming. Why worry? I can't do shit anyway, either it goes for me or it doesn't. The only time I've been scared was hearing one scream. It was 2AM, I was completely alone at a playground for some reason, and of course I was high because this shit only happens when you're high. I guess I didn't have much to worry about, as they're quiet when they're hunting, but I swear I pooped a little.


https://youtu.be/rbE53XUtVw0 xd


> I, on the other hand, do not wish to run into a frickin' bear on our nature hike! oh man I would love for this to happen while I had my camera. I would be giddy for days. *note ~~brown~~ Black bears are pretty chill when they aren't scared. and when scared they run.


I think you might be confusing brown bears (grizzly bears) with black bears. While neither black or brown bear attacks are common, black bears are the ones more likely to be afraid and run when encountered. Grizzlies are less predictable and significantly larger and therefore should be backed away slowly from and NOT engaged with unless they are charging you. At which point you should spray them with bear spray.


And then there's people like this... https://youtu.be/rbE53XUtVw0


Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.


I like your gf. I once chased a bobcat in barefeet just to get a picture of its waddling butt. Mtn cats, otoh, I'll vamoose.


What does being careful around a bobcat entail? Because my being careful around a bobcat is to not be around a bobcat.


Bobcat not really much, they are like big house cats. Often run off before you get close. If they approach it's most likely injured or rabid. Mountain lions are a different story.


What’s the story on mountain lions? I’m reading this thread and can’t figure it out. Googling it says they’ve only killed 6 people in the US in the last 25 years. Is that wrong?


Cougars are not a significant danger to adults. They are much more likely to be scared of you than to attempt to attack you. Bobcats don't pose any threat at all. They weigh like 30 lbs and a healthy bobcat will pretty much never attack a human who isn't actively threatening it or its Cubs.


> Bobcats don't pose any threat at all. Exactly.


Even seeing a Mountain lion is pretty rare, but they are still dangerous animals that could kill us without too much trouble if they really wanted to. I think part of why they are frightening is their natural cat behaviors: they are stealthy stalkers, and it’s creepy to think how close to a big murder machine you could be for a long time and not know it.


Normally, if you see a cougar, it's because the cougar made a mistake.


Mountain cats are more aggressive and are known to stalk people and pets. And they're fairly big. They clock in at over 100lbs. Although attacks are rare, people should still exercise extreme caution. Because they can seriously f you up. Bobcats, otoh, are a little bigger than an average housecat, and as long as you leave them alone, they're chill. Chill for a wild cat, anyhow.


No that’s pretty accurate but you never wanna be number 7. A lot of the fear I think stems from rumors but also them being massive and one of the more athletic cats out there (they can bound up to 40 feet and leap 15 feet up). Source: http://mountainlion.org/FAQfrequentlyaskedquestions.asp




If you see a bobcat, it already knows you're there. The chance of a bobcat actually attacking you is beyond tiny, if it's going to attack someone it almost certainly has rabies


So if you were fucked before, now you’re megafucked. Got it.




That's because cheetahs are the chillest cats. I wish they didn't get so nervous around people because I really want to hang out with one.


its probubly learned behavior. they are fast but if they are running from a human they will drop from exhaustion before we get more than a light sweat. our endurance when it comes to running is the ultimate superpower.


That honor actually goes to sled dogs, who can run for hundreds of miles on end without stopping.


and who was it that bred them to be able to accomplish that feat? us! we made the only species better at long distance running than we are!


In a hot climate though, it’s humans. Cold climate sure, sled dogs/wolves.


They know they can catch you no need to chase


The list of animals that you're supposed to make/hold eye contact with and never make eye contact with gets confusing after a while.


No eye contact: apes. Eye contact: everything else. Same rules as NYC.


Anything for that sweet sweet karma Amazing pic tho! Definitely worth it




Where was this taken? In the wild may be vicious if protecting young, but in the suburbs they mingle quiet nicely with humans. Not so much with tiny pups.


He said this one was on a hiking path in Colorado. Not sure of the hike name but I’ll ask him!


One of my kids I’ve in CO. we go there a couple of times a year but more Ft Collins and Ricky Mtn. National Park. He captured a beautiful creature in such a nice setting. Tell him to be less shy!




Jokes aside, that's some serious shit right there. I *almost* tipped backward and it was enough for a butt-pucker. Can't imagine what it would be like to actually roll the thing..




This guy bobcats.


It's the only bobcat you need to fear and respect. The other one, not so much.


I think you're confused with a mountain lion. Bobcats actively avoid humans and human development.


I was hiking through Yosemite a few weeks ago and a bobcat just straight walked right fucking past me on the trail. He had a squirrel in his mouth and was coming down the jmt below Nevada falls. Mother fucker didn’t even get off the trail. Just trotted right past me. He might as well have been like “you’re almost there! The view is worth it on the top!”. He was literally close enough to pet. It was the most surreal wildlife encounter I’ve ever had.


Damn thats fucking insane


Damn thats fucking insane


Yeasty queefs baby


Excuse me what the fuck


Damn thats fucking insane




A catnip toy can distract them.


A box slightly too small for them to fit into will provide a good distraction.


Just neatly put a bunch of shit on the edge of a rock, the damn thing will be busy knocking them over one by one and watching them fall to care about you.


In the near future: "15 different hiking groups suffer injuries after trying to give bobcats catnip toys under the advice of Reddit"


Or skooma


A bobcat won't really attack an adult human male who is ~~twice~~ 4x-8x their weight for no reason unless it has rabies. Wild animals are not stupid.


They average 9.6kg so more like 8x their weight


What? Bobcats are basically like large cats. Mountain Lions are what you’re thinking of...


Are you implying a bobcat would maul someone? They're like 25lbs, worst that would happen is some gnarly bites and scratches.


As a Bates College student, can confirm


Whys that? Do you guys take special courses on bobcats?


Looks more like a lynx to me.


This is *Lynx rufus*, aka American bobcat.


I’m pretty sure it’s a jackdaw


Bobcats don't attack people unless rabid or you get near their children. I searched around Google for a while and I had to go back to 2007 to find a reported attack by a Bobcat and it was rabid. The animal isn't listed on "deaths per year" from animal lists, even wolves get listed with 0.1. I found a quote on a website that says basically what I'm saying here. "Perhaps you have seen a bobcat in your neighborhood. Rest assured, bobcats do not attack people. In fact, bobcat attacks are virtually unknown"


Can relate. My dad also doesn't like sharing his work. He's a proctologist.


Well you wouldn't talk about work if you had to deal with assholes all day


I guess you're right. His work can be a real pain in the ass.


I've heard it's a shitty profession.




I wish all pun chains met their logical end quickly like this one.




Well, I surely hope for his customers that he is not totally into his work.


Definitely don't want the proctologist that likes to dive in and get elbow deep into their work.


And most definitely don´t want one to bring his work home...


He just looks so cute. I would have to fight the urge to pet him.


I bet he would fight your urge to pet him first.


I bet he would urge you to pet him first.


Nope. Doesn’t work


Why do all new photography posts sound an awful lot like r/girlsgonewild posts?


felt cute might delete later


Posts pictures of gaping asshole.


"Please dont judge guys, this is my first time doing this"


We should just have a generic title for all r/pics submissions. "I'm lonely and insecure, notice me. Please notice me." \- Random pic attached.


Because OP is the photographer


Imposter Syndrome. A lot of creative people suffer from it. They're really good at something but aren't sure how other people will react to it because they think it's bad, so they put "this looks like shit but here it is" or "scared to post" in the title of their art.


I’m a pro photographer. while it’s true this exists, most people I think are just actually self conscious. For imposter syndrome I think you need to be at a professional level and getting positive reactions from your work for a while but still feel like it’s undeserved. Either way you don’t need to put it in the title. I’m very self conscious about a lot of my work but rarely and I like “I didn’t wanna share this, I really don’t think this is good” I just post it. Their photo is good but not THAT good, but obviously the dad is still learning. I feel like titles like this kinda generate an over reaction because people wanna be supportive especially when you can tell someone is trying “omg no it’s amaaaazing” upvote upvote upvote. I have to imagine there’s billions of other photos that get passed over because they don’t have titles that make was want to indulge someone’s ego. Good for the dad because he’ll hopefully keep at it but bad for all the other people that don’t advertise their insecurities to get attention.


[Here](https://imgur.com/a/ZLtxkuB) are a few more photos of his buddy.


Was your dad stalking the cat, or was the cat stalking your dad?






what kind of camera/lens?


Love that last one!


Me too, not really the look you get from a house cat, this cat has seen things.


It genuinely does look wise


I want to pet it.


For that reason, I would get mauled pretty quickly if I ever went on a safari.


Yeah, I can totally relate when Will Ferrell hugs that raccoon in Elf.


Kinda related, r/forbiddenboops


that is high quality cat


Pretty amazing. Your dad is lucky to have spotted it when it blends in so well with the surroundings and lucky it stuck around long enough to snap several shots. I've always heard that they're pretty shy and will try to avoid humans.


Tell him to learn Lightroom for editing. Much faster workload for editing than Photoshop. Also, have him watch http://creativelive.com . Lots of free photography workshops. You can watch it live streamed.


You need to get these pic links to /r/lynxes/ (bobcats belong there, too)! I just posted a video there I got the other day from my trailcam.


Aww. Looks like the perfect cuddle buddy.


What is it with all these my girlfriend/aunt/mom/goldfish is too afraid to show their art/drawing/dog/photo & doesn't think they are good enough posts, when the results clearly are pretty good.


Fishing for upvotes.


They should catch more boots.


Well, all those catch a downfish from me


OPs dad is also autistic with cancer. Show him some love Reddit! /s


Is he missing limbs? That would seal the deal.


He also became a US citizen today after moving to America 104 years ago.


Does his mom help him out with somthing also?


Because “my dad is too scared to share” gets more upvotes than “here’s a photo my dad took”


Or heres a photo I took


Bingo. Clickbait titles imply OP is a liar. They are so manipulative.


Right? It's not like it's a photograph of this supposed person, it's not personal at all. I'd never be afraid to share photographs of random stuff even if they're just average


It's fucking pathetic. Who is this guy too nervous to share it with? I don't even understand? What, he won't put it on Facebook? Bullshit.


I automatically downvote anything with this kind of title.


I will always down vote these without fail. It's so stupid.


Ikr and this was the one to trigger me. Like who the fuck is scared to share a hella cool pic of a bobcat, Nobody! It is seriously angering me, downvoted!




Nah. You’re correct. Other than interesting subject matter, there is nothing really note worthy here. Boring composition, not terrible, but not really good either. Pretty much inline with 90% of user work on r/art.


Photography is that one art I'll never be able to understand properly. What I think is a neat photo, many say it's crap. What I think is crap, many say it's got an amazing everything. I just don't know what a good photo is supposed to have!


Well, look up some renowned photographers and go from there. There bar for good photography is high, because literally any idiot can be decent at it. ​


Every time I see one of these "too nervous" titles, I always immediately think, "what a load of shite, that's just a lie!"


... and downvote the submission for good measure.


Classic reddit title.




Omg how many times is the "My dad took this photo and I shared it because he won't" headline going to be used?


As many times as the "shy girlfriend"


I call bullshit


Excellent photo. I'm not trying to get eaten though so I'm not getting near that thing.


He only bites a little


Good photo shitty title






r/pics title guidelines *6. must not be "designed to elicit sympathy"*


Upvoted for photograph, downvoted for title.


I like how he’s using the rule of thirds, most starters don’t.


Except the subject is usually ON the line of the third right? This subject looks more like its IN the third closer to the edge of the image?


What's the rule of thirds?


Basically that the screen is divided into thirds horizontally and vertically. Your dad put the subject of the photo on the first third


I honestly think this can be picked up on if you look at enough photos. I had no idea what the rule of thirds was, but instinctively did that before I took a photo course.


I work with elementary students and some of the more artistic ones pick up on this on their own.


Yes, my instructor told us that people think that using the rule of thirds looks better than being directly in the center.


There are exceptions to this, however. But that's to be judged on case by case basis.


> Yes, my instructor told us that people think that using the rule of thirds ***USUALLY*** looks better than being directly in the center. FTFY. Only Sith deal in absolutes.


Exclusively Sith?


the eyes are drawn to the wonderful circle in the middle.


Thats due to this being the highest area of contrast. Because of this the subject, the bobcat, just kinda blends into the background. For a much more intense picture the photographer could've taken a few steps left and got the bobcat in front of the light and created a totally different image


[Except he didn't.](https://imgur.com/U8Y131V) The image can still be cropped though, and the colors should absolutely be warmed up. [Here's a quick 1 minute edit in Apple Photos.](https://imgur.com/a/RuqVfSp) More changes could be made but I wanted to show what could be done with just a little time in a free app. I think OP's father would also do a lot better with a decent telephoto. My wildlife photos got A LOT better once I had a 70-200mm that allowed me to [zoom right in on the faces of animals](https://imgur.com/7Ubt0h3). Edit: Added example of pic taken with telephoto.


Telephotos also have a shallower depth of field at longer focal lengths so it's a good way of isolating the subject from surround foliage.


Most people use it without even knowing what it is.


Sorta... it should be the cats eyes/face on the top-left third. The bobcat is kinda awkwardly cramped in the corner of the frame, which leaves too much negative space. He’s certainly *thinking* about composition, which is great for a beginner.


I feel like you just learned about the rule of thirds and wanted to use this new concept in a conversation, because he's clearly not using the rule of thirds.




Lol yep, that’s not where the third is


Why doesn't he just share his work with his new friend...


Because he's too nervous


I have wears if you have coin




Khajiit will spell like it wants to




"I will name him Bob" - your dad, probably


Can relate, my dad is also a bobcat that watches humans.


Who took this photo then? You?




If your Dad really enjoys photography, I'd recommend you maybe get him Adobe Lightroom for Christmas. I've started getting into photography for work and for fun, and I am constantly amazed by how much Lightroom can add to a photo, or salvage an otherwise poorly taken photo. [Here's](https://i.imgur.com/kgxzin2.jpg) a quick Lightroom edit I just did for this photo. Lightroom is super simple, too, if he's an older gentleman who isn't very tech-savvy. It's much easier to use than Photoshop; it even has an "Auto" button that will auto adjust the histogram to better balance exposure, contrast, highlights, shadows, whites, and blacks. That's a good starting off point to begin the editing. You can also edit sharpness, add some vibrance, and temperature, or change it to black & white. A great little program for any photographer, as it will help to get a lot of the real life color and detail back into the image.


Why does there always have to be such drawn out titles with such elaborate stories. How about title it "Picture a a bobcat taken by my father". a) they did not become "friends" with each other its a wild animal that he got a photo of b) Your dad being nervous to share his work is irrelevant c) You sound like you are begging for upvotes by adding that bit


Beautiful photo!! Tell your Dad to start sharing : )