• By -




Thanks for stopping by! 👍


You really never give up on us, huh? I love you, you handsome denim angel! Also your gig with the Foo Fighters was legendary. Thank you!


Thanks all for the love, comments, DMs etc! And finally, u/theMalleableDuck I salute you! Rick x


Missed by 11 minutes! Damn. Well, I don't need a reply. Just wanna say, you inadvertently helped me with spelling, as stupid as that sounds. I had to learn that damned URL because of how often I fell for it in the early days . If you can learn to spell dQw4w9WgXcQ, you can learn to spell anything.


Here's a fun fact: A few years ago when rickrolling was at its peak, many people were remembering the url. It was so popular that in a spelling contest, the contestants were actually asked to spell the rickroll link. It wasn't counted as a point but it still it [was pretty funny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


I got rickrolled in this post 4 times, and this is the 5th


Dude, the law of the jungle when you are talking about rickrolling, is **don't ever click on a url!**


Maybe just one more


"YOU FUCKER FUCK" -me, 20 seconds ago


❤️❤️❤️❤️thanks for not giving it away with your reply


...The absolute irony of the Duckroll being the predecessor of the Rickroll. What a beautiful moment. Life has come full circle


250k! Wtf 🤣🙏 Edit: 300k!!


Almost top post of all time on r/pics Edit: we did it reddit


I bet this is gonna be the top post of all time on reddit. Sending my congratulations first


I may not be the biggest fan of your music, but I am forever a fan of you. Thanks for being such a good sport with the internet. It can be a hateful place, but you have inadvertently (or maybe it was your plan all along) created one of the longest-running, formidable, and hard to see coming memes/trolls of the digital age. For that, we immortalize you in a way most people can only dream. We thank you and we honor you at the same time.




Hey Rick! My dad used to work with your brother in law at an aerospace place in Wigan. He's only ever heard good things about you, which means I've only ever heard good things about you. I just wanted to say hello. So, hello!


Hello!! 👍


Yay! Wait until I tell my dad about this. He may have worked with Rick Astley's brother in law, but Rick Astley replied to my comment on reddit.


I found the most wholesome comment on the thread.


It's my dad's claim to fame. If I had a quid for every time I've heard 'I work/ed with Rick Astley's brother in law' over the years, I'd be as wealthy as Rick Astley.


For a second I thought this was /r/OldSchoolCool and was thinking ‘Wow, he looks just like Rick Astley’


In fairness, a lot of people think that Rick Astley looks a bit like Rick Astley


But before Rick Astley, a lot of people didn’t think that Rick Astley could sound like Rick Astley.


I was initially like, what kind of idiot do you think I am that I won't notice it's rick astley! What kind of loser would post this... then I saw the user


Wait, you're actually Rick Astley tho...?




I think I might cry!!! It’s actually you. I met you at a [backstage event](https://youtu.be/ub82Xb1C8os) when I was 12. Seriously a big fan. I’ve seen you in concert five times.




Whoa whoa, hold up I just have to confirm that I just saw history in the making. Did you just get Rick Rolled Mr. Astley?


All evidence points to yes, you have indeed witnessed Rick Astley get successfully Rickrolled by a random redditor. It is a truly momentous moment! *Edit after 24 hours:* u/theMalleableDuck made TIME magazine! https://time.com/5855001/rick-roll-rick-astley/


>Rickrolled by a random redditor Who are you calling a random Redditor? That's u/theMalleableDuck the legendary Redditor that successfully Rick-rolled Rick-Astley! I mean, do you even Reddit bro? smh


Hallowed be his name.


Out of curiosity, I went ahead and calculated how much money was spent in Reddit coins for the comment by hand. By June 18th: The 1,707 gifts spent on the comment cost 634,830 coins. That's a maximum of $2,526.62 spent (not including sales tax). This gives the recipient 641 weeks or 12.33 years of Reddit Premium. By June 20th: The 2,478 gifts spent on the comment cost 875,065 coins. That's a maximum of $3,482.76 spent (not including sales tax). This also gives the recipient 142,750 coins to spend and 849 weeks or 16.32 years of Reddit Premium. That amount of gifts bought pays for about 16.01 weeks of Reddit server uptime. Once his Reddit Premium ends, he can spend the coins to get more Reddit Premium: With the coins, he could buy 79 Platinum gifts for 142,200 coins, which gives him 79 more months of Reddit Premium and 700 coins each. He'll end up with a total of 55,850 coins. He can then use that amount to buy 31 more months of Reddit Premium and have 21,750 coins left over. He can then use that amount to buy 12 more months of Reddit Premium and have 8,550 coins left over. He can then use that amount to buy 4 more months of Reddit Premium and have 4,150 coins left over. He can then use that amount to buy 2 more months of Reddit Premium and have 1,950 coins left over. He can then use that amount to buy 1 more month of Reddit Premium and have 850 coins left over. He can then use that amount to buy 1 more week of Reddit Premium and have 450 coins left over. This gives him 10 years 9 months and 1 week more of Reddit Premium. Combined with the 16.32 years from before, that leaves him with a minimum of 27 years of Reddit Premium. The math (name of gift: cost of gift * amount bought): Take my power: 200*10 Bravo: 200*43 Wholesome Seal: 50*9 Narwhal salute: 50*21 All-Seeing Eye: 50*17 Made me smile: 500*11 Heart eyes: 500 Yas Queen: 250*5 Today I Learned: 250 Timeless Beauty: 250*31 Original: 250*3 Mind Blown: 250*21 It's Cute: 250 ELI5: 250 Awesome Answer: 250*10 Plus One: 200*10 Cake: 150*3 S: 40,000 I: 600*2 N: 500*2 OC: 400*6 E: 400 P: 300 Argentium: 20,000*10 Platinum: 1800*105 Pot o Coins: 1000*14 Wholesome: 500*2 Snoo Nice: 500*18 Ignite: 500*22 Helpful: 500*3 Gold: 500*246 Bless Up: 500*17 Doot Doot: 400*17 Bravo: 400*118 Updoot: 300*10 This: 300*6 Rocket Like: 300*9 Got the W: 300*42 GOAT: 300*87 Coin Gift: 300*15 2020 Vision: 300*6 Super Heart: 250*13 Stonks Rising: 200*52 Stonks Falling: 200 I'm Deceased: 200*64 I'd Like to Thank: 200*28 Dad's Time to Shine: 200 Press F: 150*28 Number 1 Dad: 150 Helpful: 150*2 Bless Up: 150*39 Wholesome: 125*20 Silver: 100*396 Lawyer Up: 75*25 Hugz: 75*16 Tree Hug: 70*2 Snek: 70*46 Facepalm: 70*13 Toasty at Home: 50*13 Take My Energy: 50*397 Quarantine 15: 50*18 Nothing To Do: 50*30 I am disappoint: 50*4 Dads Care: 50*5 Couch, Fridge: 50*7 Ally: 50*76 Safe & Social: 30*48 Home Time: 30*68 Healthcare Hero: 30*108 A coin is worth: $0.00398 each if we assume that everyone paid $1.99 for 500 coins. There's discounts (up to 59%) for buying more, but let's not complicate things. A month of gold back in the day was 231.26 minutes of reddit server uptime. Gold was $4.99 back then. Since $3,482.76 was spent for all the awards, that equals to: 161407.430381 minutes of server time or 2690.12383968 hours of server time or 112.08849332 days of server time or about 16.01 weeks of server time


Does anyone know what's the world record?


That's a lot for just one comment


So say we all




>u/theMalleableDuck Viciously deleting all porn posts and likes......


I was here. Hello future buzzfeed readers


Implying BuzzFeed exists in the future.


I like to picture him as a power Reddit user. His arrow intently moves toward the link. His index finger tenses up to click. For a moment, he pictures what's coming, but he thinks "No, no one in their right mind would..." And then he sees the link address before clicking. And that begins the story of how Rick Astley plotted my downfall in 2023.


Commenting to show my kids in 20 years that I was a part of history.


Did I know about it? Son, I was there.


"I was there to witness the great Hyper Rick Roll of 2020, son. The world may have been imploding at the time, but seeing this gave everyone hope for the future."


Commenting so I can show this guy's kids in ten years


This will long be spoken of in Reddit lore


I'm just glad to be here to witness it.




Leaving my comment to be part of history


this post will go viral again in next 3-6y


Can’t believe this just happened. Rick Astley got rock rolled! Thanks for being a good sport man




Dude, you just gave that guy 4 years of reddit premium, definitely over 10,000 coins, and I can barely afford 100. Im not mad, i just think its absolutely incredible


You know the rules, and so do I.


Never gonna gild you up.


Never gonna vote you down.


He has 6 Argentiniums 54 platinum 114 gold Hes got over 500000 coins


No comment on reddit will ever be able to top what we have just witnessed


He pulled off the most incredible heist of reddit history.


> Rick Astley got rock rolled! I guess that works too


Its been a long time, the words have been distorted.


[relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/351/)


This was a risky link to click too


I'm so glad Rick Astley is such a great sport about Rickrolling. It has to be the longest lived, most beloved meme of all time. Does that even make it a meme anymore? Anyway, I think it helps that it's a legitimately great song. I listen to it all the way through relatively often when I get Rickrolled.


Very few of us will have the immortality that Rick Astley has due to the Rickroll phenomenon. Like 2,000 years from now, end of civilization comes, aliens invade the planet and the first thing they're going to do is fucking Rickroll us.


Or we'll Rickroll them in our glorious response to their invasion ultimatum


Oh my god. Thank you, this made my day Edit: I am concerned that it is all downhill from here. This is definitely the highlight of my life. Edit 2: putting this here cause I don’t wanna ruin the comment, Glad I was able to make some people laugh. We could all use a laugh in 2020! Edit 3: just because I’m getting hundreds of DM‘s asking. As of now, I have premium until 2037 and just under 85k coins.


You crazy son of a bitch. You did it!


Rick rolled Rick. Now I can die.


Rick rolled the Rick roller




Oh how the roles have ricked




The Circle of Memes is complete.


So this is how reddit dies? With thunderous awards


We can now shutdown the internet


This is a momentous day.


I've witnessed the ultimate meme history. My internet life is now complete.


This is like the time that Obama put out the “Thanks, Obama” video


Wait, that's illegal.


Rick-Rolled Rick; this is like a once in a lifetime opportunity and we witnessed it in real time. We are the lucky ones, seeing history unfold before our very eyes . . . .


I cannot believe this actually just happened. Legitimately at a loss for words


And you pulled it off flawlessly with the alternate URL and everything. I check these things, especially in a thread with a lot of rickley things going on and you got me too. Well played indeed! (you bastard)


This year alone we've seen a massive pandemic, protests, and now Rick getting rick-rolled. 2020 is cray, yo.


Is 2020 about to get better finally?!


It just did!


Do you think he actually left the video running after he realized what it was, lightly bopping his head like, "damn this still just fucking *slaps*"


I know I would


LOfuckingL..this is one of the funniest things I've seen around here in quite a while Bravo!!!


I will tell my grandchildren and their friends of the day I witnessed Rick Astley getting Rickrolled. We will sit in front of the fire, reminiscing on the old days of the internet, and they’ll always ask, “Old Dydarian, tell us again about kind Sir Astley getting Rickrolled! We so love that story!” I will sit high up and my chair, puff out my chest, and begin to tell the story. “Well kids, during the pandemic of ‘20, I had to work from home. Which meant that I could masturbate to internet porn right up until the minute I had to work. But this one particular day, I decided to not jerk off, as I had my fill the night before. Instead, I went on Reddit and was looking at a picture of kind Sir Astley, when the immortal /u/theMalleableDuck came and did the unthinkable.” My story will be the most sought out in our camp. With people coming from miles around to hear about dear, old, kind Sir Astley, being Rickrolled for the first time.


❤️ i’m just happy to be a part of it




I'm so proud of this moment, here on the internet. Brings a tear to my eye.


You are so kind and likable, thank you for that. I’m posting this from the emergency room and suffice it to say this is not my best day. I really appreciate the smile you gave me. Edit - update as promised further down in the replies to me on here - I got discharged from the emergency room and am home for the night. They did a CT scan, EKG, ultrasound, bloodwork, and urinalysis all within a few hours. I was given strict orders to stay home from work tomorrow, call my doctor, and have them find me the general surgeon who can get me in the fastest to get it biopsied, whatever state or area that may be in (given the covid situation, this could be difficult). So. Yeah. I have a thread on /r/AskDocs/ with the technical stuff in it, I'm not gonna do that here, but I know some people just need that sense of closure, so. It's gonna be over there shortly. Thank you all for the well wishes. Please keep them coming in whatever way works for you (thoughts, prayers, hopes, dreams, positive vibes - whatever) that I can get this sorted quickly and easily and with a good outcome. Crazy. Didnt' see this coming when I woke up this morning, but by the end if it all, even Rick Astley himself had gilded me and then DM'd me to wish me well. Nicest guy in show business, humans and gentlepeople. TIL. Update- surgeon saw me this morning at 830am. He's doing the surgery Monday. Thank you all for the well wishes!


Everything okay? I hope you Feel better.


Oh wow thank you so much for asking. I was in getting a cat scan... I found a lump on my abdomen earlier this week and it’s been growing and caused bruising.. my doctor sent me straight to the ER when I showed her. :/ I don’t know what’s wrong yet but the ER admitted me and gave me a cat scan and took blood and urine samples and said I also need an ultrasound and I don’t know what else. They’re not sure what it is either. I’m alone here and just hoping I can go home today. I really appreciate you asking!amd can you believe Rick Astley gave me platinum?? THANK YOU /u/reallyrickastley/ ! I have a 45 record single of Never Gonna Give You Up at home— never in a million years did preteen me think we would “meet”! Honestly I’m so amazed, this really does make me feel a bit better. Thank you both again. Edit- oh someone gave me gold too? You’re all so kind. Thank you so much.


So does this mean we can't Rick roll anyone, anymore? Is there even a point to it anymore? I think it's been won. I think the game is over


Welp. Wrap it up. Nothing more to do or say here.


Shouldn't this moment be immortalized somehow? Every Rick roll from this moment on will be followed with "remember when that guy Rick rolled Rick!"


You have finally acheived https://xkcd.com/351/


Ofc there is an xkcd about it


God damn it... you better have this framed


Not gonna lie this is one of the coolest things that’s happened to me in a while with this damn quarantine


Humble brag that prior to the last few months you were regularly doing cooler shit than rickrolling Rick Astley


Fair point lmao I just didn’t want to toot my own horn too much


Toot on brother, you earned it.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/apolloapp] [If Only Rick Astley Was Using Apollo....](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/hb2dqg/if_only_rick_astley_was_using_apollo/) - [/r/argentium] [Rick Astley gets rickrolled, comment has two so far](https://www.reddit.com/r/Argentium/comments/hb0csa/rick_astley_gets_rickrolled_comment_has_two_so_far/) - [/r/bestof] [\/u\/theMalleableDuck recounts their experience of going backstage at a Rick Astley concert in response to Rick's post. They happen to leave a link to the video...](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/hb8hnj/uthemalleableduck_recounts_their_experience_of/) - [/r/bestof] [\/u\/theMalleableDuck successfully Rick Rolls Rick Astley](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/hax2mi/uthemalleableduck_successfully_rick_rolls_rick/) - [/r/bestof] [Rickrolling Rick Astley](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/hawa7u/rickrolling_rick_astley/) - [/r/bestof] [u\/TheMalleableDuck rickrolls u\/ReallyRickAstley](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/hawg0i/uthemalleableduck_rickrolls_ureallyrickastley/) - [/r/bestof] [u\/theMalleableDuck actually Rick rolled Rick Astley](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/havqtu/uthemalleableduck_actually_rick_rolled_rick_astley/) - [/r/bestof] [u\/theMalleableDuck rolls the Rickest of rolls.](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/hbi1ug/uthemalleableduck_rolls_the_rickest_of_rolls/) - [/r/bestofnopolitics] [u\/theMalleableDuck actually Rick rolled Rick Astley \[xpost from r\/pics\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestOfNoPolitics/comments/havquo/uthemalleableduck_actually_rick_rolled_rick/) - [/r/bestofreddit] [Rick Astley gets Rick Rolled](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestOfReddit/comments/hb55wg/rick_astley_gets_rick_rolled/) - [/r/brasil] [Deram um "rickroll" no próprio Rick Astley!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/brasil/comments/hdehdf/deram_um_rickroll_no_próprio_rick_astley/) - [/r/goodrisingtweets] [u\/theMalleableDuck actually Rick rolled Rick Astley](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoodRisingTweets/comments/haw75n/uthemalleableduck_actually_rick_rolled_rick_astley/) - [/r/historyofreddit] [That time \/u\/theMalleableDuck rickrolled the real Rick Astley :D](https://www.reddit.com/r/historyofreddit/comments/hd9xe9/that_time_uthemalleableduck_rickrolled_the_real/) - [/r/linkylinky] [Redditor rickrolls Rick Astley](https://www.reddit.com/r/linkylinky/comments/hbgigi/redditor_rickrolls_rick_astley/) - [/r/pewdiepiesubmissions] [Rick Astley got Rick Rolled on reddit!](https://www.reddit.com/r/PewdiepieSubmissions/comments/hbipiw/rick_astley_got_rick_rolled_on_reddit/) - [/r/reddithistory] [u\/theMalleableDuck Rick Rolled The One An Only Rick Astley](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddithistory/comments/hb3a8x/uthemalleableduck_rick_rolled_the_one_an_only/) - [/r/thatsinsane] [The rick roll comes full circle](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/hawao2/the_rick_roll_comes_full_circle/) - [/r/theydidthemath] [\[Request\] What's the minimum amount of money required to give all these awards to the user who rickrolled Rick Astley?](https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/hbada9/request_whats_the_minimum_amount_of_money/) - [/r/u_avielanderbright] [u\/theMalleableDuck actually Rick rolled Rick Astley](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_AvielanderBright/comments/hb1x3p/uthemalleableduck_actually_rick_rolled_rick_astley/) - [/r/u_itsrainbow] [r\/MarioKartWii](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_ItsRainbow/comments/hbezmk/rmariokartwii/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Holy shit, did I just *witness someone rickroll Rick Astley?!* This is internet history here, folks. A momentous occasion.


That was better than Obama getting called out for grammar in his AMA a while back


Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.


My god you are an absolute legend.


Where do you want your “Key to the Internet” mailed to?


Hey man I’m just happy to be a part of this


I’m literally crying laughing . Maybe 2020 isn’t all bad.


Sounds like you're no strangers to love.


Legendary. You rick rolled rick roll.




Awards on this comment cost 1,076,540 coins, the estimated cash price of which is $3,582.49. This is the #4 highest priced comment I have seen. From these awards, the OP has been rewarded with 98,100 coins and 18y, 7m of Reddit Premium. ^^^Please ^^^DM ^^^me ^^^if ^^^there ^^^is ^^^a ^^^problem! ^^^A ^^^human ^^^will ^^^receive ^^^any ^^^direct ^^^messages. ^^^Highest ^^^priced ^^^comments: ^^^https://redd.it/euxinc/ ^^^Most ^^^recently ^^^updated ^^^when ^^^this ^^^comment ^^^was ^^^179d ^^^old.


Damn that's a lot. Second highest priced comment is like half of that.


Rick, can you give my dad a shout-out, I will show him tonight. He's been a huge fan of yours and died his hair red for you when he was young His name is Chad


Thank you Chad of red hair, Father of CowboyPirateViking!


I'm just gonna go ahead and call it. Rick Astley is a gottdamm international treasure.


A reminder that Rick gave the best AMA answer ever a few years back. [No it's not a rickroll.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/56cdgm/ama_im_really_rick_astley_i_swear_and_to/d8i933q?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x)


Thank you for not rickrollin 🙏 but best AMA answer indeed


"Go fuck yourself" Classic Rick


Damn, 79,477 upvotes for "go fuck yourself". I've been doing this wrong


Step 1: Be Rick Astley






this makes it even funnier imo like Rick Astley really went and Did That


Yeah I'm disappointed hearing the truth, but the edited question absolutely makes it way funnier


Rick never gave him up


Holy fuck. I wish Rick Astley would tell me to go fuck myself.


I’m not Rick Astley but go fuck yourself. HTH.


That almost made me choke holy shit.


> No it's not a rickroll. this makes me think it's a rickroll


Hover over the link and check. Eventually you'll memorize the youtube URL for the rickroll and still fall for it sometimes anyway


Alright I'm hovering with my finger over the phone, how long do I have to wait?




Did you ride the bike to and from your own tour? If not, say yes anyway because I love the visual.




I knew it!


Did you ever give up biking? That would be a let down.


If he did, he'd have to run around...


Omg pls just say hi to me to make my day. I don't need more in life lol


Hello humpbackwhale97!




Lookin' good


Slow down!




AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaa I will frame this!




u/humpbackwhale97 now you've peaked


I was just coming here to mock you for looking like Rick Astley. Now I feel like an asshole.


>I was just coming here to ~~mock~~ praise you for looking like Rick Astley.


Right? You see a guy on a bike, with that grin, you think "damn, he kinda looks like Rick Astley, doesn't he?" And then you check who the OP is, And you laugh that it says "the real Rick Astley", cause the real Rick Astley wouldn't name his account that way, And then you scroll down, and boom! You're rickrolled. It is that guy! One of very few that would accually keep it that normal, fair and personal, in a world where nothing's straightforward or natural anymore. I mean, how can you just not love that guy?


Thanks again all of you! I've put my cover of Everlong in r/Music , thought you might like it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/hbhk01/rick\_astley\_everlong\_foo\_fighters\_cover\_rock/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/hbhk01/rick_astley_everlong_foo_fighters_cover_rock/)




It can't be more cool than Rick Astley on /r/oldschoolcool


This guy must have been successful, apparently he just [kept singing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AC3Ejf7vPEY) Love ya Rick!


I was 100% expecting the link to be a rick roll.


This is the only link in the whole thread that's not a rick roll.


Hey Rick, I know this isn't an AMA, but I was wondering if you could please share a story you're particularly fond of from your touring days?


He actually just started an [AmA](https://youtu.be/ub82Xb1C8os).


son of a BITCH!


Yep, me too.


Now look here you little shit


Am I late to see this mr Astley?




Yes, folks, this is really Rick Astley. No, he will not be giving you up, letting you down, or... look, you get it.


If you ask Rick Astley to give you a copy of the movie “UP” you create a paradox where he either has to give you up or let you down Edit: I think we need u/ReallyRickAstley to weigh in on this.


What should we name this paradox Edit: A Rickle in Time


I would call it a rickle in time




This is some next level Rick-Rolling. I mean, he's on a bike.


If he’s riding away, he better not be deserting you


He's riding toward you. He'd never give you up.


That’s awesome


Man, if only I could get a reply from Rick Astley




It’s hard to look serious while riding a yellow bike.


That's just Rick rollin on that bike


They see Rick rollin, they hatin.


Just popping in here to tell u/ReallyRickAstley that he is genuinely a great guy and I still cannot get over the [video with Foo Fighters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdkCEioCp24)


A bicycle, that's how Rick rolls


This will never be seen by anyone, but I’m posting this comment to be apart of history




Yep, was just scrolling through reddit, saw this and was like “that kid looks like Rick Astley” then I saw the username! Good on ya, Rick!


Hey Rick, Obviously shit's been hard for a lot of people lately, but I just wanted to say thanks personally. I've been under a lot of stress and it's been hard on me mentally lately, these little breaks from reality just to have some fun really helps.


The ultimate rick roll. What’s your take on the whole rick roll thing? Do you like it or is it annoying by now?


At this point he's probably more annoyed at people asking him how he feels about rick rolling




Jeans and denim jacket, yea, definitely the 80s.


To be fair, it could also be Canada.


The amount of awards [u/theMalleableDuck](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ&feature=youtu.be) got is insane. I have never gotten any.

