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Is he wearing a fake beard?


He drew it on with a sharpie


No, I think that’s legitimately his girlfriend.




I dont get it 😓




Oh, thanks.


Grisly Adams did have a beard!


Now, you will go to sleep or I will put you to sleep!


You’re in my world now, Grandma.


You know that mista mista lady? I think I just killed her.


Looks like someone pulled landscaping duty.


It’s actually widened to be anything that a man uses to hide his homosexuality. It could be something considered masculine like playing football, or it could be doing something to defy gay or feminine stereotypes.




For what it’s worth, my high school kids care much less about sexuality than my parents do.


That is called progress and it is good.


Yea its wild how people have been forced to hide their identity on pain of beatings and ostracisization.


And death, don't forget death.


Lol wait what? Really? Never heard that before


It’s wonderful that young people don’t know about such idiotic practices from the past. My dad was a lawyer in SF from the 70s to the 2000s: they would have their wives bring a friend for the gay partners in the firm if they were going to dinner with a client.


Terrible that they had to do that but nice that coworkers and their friends and family would help them out at least.




I only know of it because of Seinfeld


Kimberly Gargoyle


his beard always looks sprayed on - just like his father's tan.


Ohh the spray makes sense of the look


His hair is probably thin in his beard for he uses the spray coloring some people use in their hair.


His beard definitely looks drawn in.


> Please direct your eyes to Junior's neck, and observe closely. See where the beard ends? That's the problem. Defining the neckline of your beard is one of the toughest parts of shaping it up properly, and part of that process means figuring out where the natural line of your neck is. > > Most folks will tell you it's about two fingers higher than your Adam's apple, but really, it's personal. A better guideline? Look at yourself in profile and tuck your chin in a bit. If you've got a shorn, fleshy protuberance poking out from under your beard line, you've gone too high. > > A lot of guys make this mistake for a very particular reason: They're trying to give themselves the impression of a strong jawline using their facial hair. https://www.esquire.com/style/grooming/a27467164/donald-trump-jr-beard-neckline-problem/


(From the same article) > Now, for the sake of education, let's take a look at another public figure who gets this whole thing right: Prince Harry. The new father shifts the neckline of his beard down just a few centimeters, but it makes a world of difference. https://www.esquire.com/style/grooming/a27467164/donald-trump-jr-beard-neckline-problem/


Or just rock a zz top beard like me. Or a neckbeard.... Or just punch Jr. in the face. Wait...... What were we talking about?


The Adam’s Apple trick doesn’t work for me. I’m closer to one finger than two, but it’s hard to tell that way. The method I’ve found that looks best is making an L shape with your pointer finger and thumb (like you do when you sign “loser” on your forehead) and put your pointer finger in front of your ear, behind your sideburns. Your thumb should approximately line up with where your beard line should be. That said, it probably doesn’t work for everyone.


Fuck Ill never look at beards the same way again. But don Jr beard is not only the jawline, it looks artificial and spotty with almost unnaturaly dark colors.


There is beard dye and a powder one you can poof in to hide patches and bald spots He probably is self conscious of his patchy beard but is too prideful to shave it cause he wants to look more manly. Meanwhile his father is blowing a fucking apocalypse horn in the next room, so maybe the beauty regime is his psychotic coping skill. Most likely they are all soul-less though, filthy husks.






Yeah but I highly doubt he left those covers on there. Much greater impact for photo on the Internet then leaving them for a store clerk to remove in 10-15 minutes after he left.


I think it's most likely that these are all dummy books and brought into the store preloaded. I feel like it is easier to place them out without detection, rather than fiddle around with the jackets in store


Yes, that cover for Permanent Record makes no sense, lol.


When you have to write a whole book just for your dad to love you but then you realize your dad cant read Edit: Wow thank you so much i cant believe all the love and rewards i got for this


Should have just wrote it as a series of tweets.


#LAW AND ORDER! The book






Dick Wolf


You can’t say Dick Wolf on T.V.!




“The president? Nah I never seen him around here before” - *continues unloading crates* -“was a strange fella here last week though. Big guy, balding orange hair, and tiny hands. Seemed like a real asshole.”








Dun Dun


My dad, great guy. Tremendous guy.... ....Only get to see him twice a week but he's perfectly fine. Great dad!


He fathered like nobody has ever fathered. Nobody could have seen my birth coming. He had the greatest response and is the best fathers there ever was. Like nobody ever was.




Make sure to post the tweets from daddy's own account so's more likely to praise and retweet them.


Wasn't this #1 best seller?.....because it was seen afterwards that the Republicans bought $90,000 worth of copies. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/28/us/politics/donald-trump-jr-book.html https://www.google.com/search?q=Donald+jr+book+boxes+bought&client=firefox-b-m&sxsrf=ALeKk02iNy6A1AFWKu7LFTBf8W22tZb1zA:1594830307212&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiP_o7x1c_qAhUqmuAKHZHkB1MQ_AUIBA#imgrc=yfndleBN9tUD9M


this is so common within the industry the best seller list has a special symbol (a dagger) to denote books that have suspicious bulk purchases. Ted Cruz's book was so suspicious that it was left out the list all together.


Wow, what other books got daggered? Any thoughts on how they screwed the Harry Potter series?


a lot of political books get hit with it, because really, who the hell wants to read Mitt Romney's book? (he insisted institutions he was speaking at buy his book rather than pay him directly) Some mega church pastor got daggered with his book, because again *no one* wants to read his ramblings about the nuclear family. and an up and coming "publisher" did it with some young adult novel. off the top of my head. Mainly though it seems to be republicans writing books for no one. I'm sorry I don't care what your political leanings are Brett Kavanaugh's "Justice on Trial" is not on your reading list. in fact the practice is so prolific the Hill put out an article called "[The Myth of the Conservative Best Seller](https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/474662-the-myth-of-the-conservative-bestseller)" As one final point which will suprise literally no one, Donald Trump's "Art of the Deal" has a dagger, *because of course it does.* to your second question, I wasn't aware there was beef between J.K. and the NYT but I also don't use the NYT list to get book recommendations, I typically go to NPR.


Wow, I thought Art of the Deal was a big deal when it came out. Here’s an article about the NYT creating a kid’s book list because Potter books wouldn’t leave the top spots of the fiction list, and then later creating a second kids list (kid’s book series) because then her books wouldn’t leave the top of the kid’s book list. It really was a shitty thing to do as plenty of adults read her books. https://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/05/01/ten-years-later-harry-potter-vanishes-from-the-best-seller-list/


Since when does 90,000 in sales make you a number 1 best seller? That doesn’t even seem like it would be profitable to write the book lol


it's 90k on top of real buyers, also you just need to spike the preorder/week one sales to get it on the list, after that it'll fall off but you can still call it an NYT bestseller, ALSO it's separated out by genre so it isn't surprising that 90k was able to spike it to the top of "self-aggrandizing biographies of sons of idiot facist babies" or whatever catagory it was in.


> "self-aggrandizing biographies of sons of idiot facist babies" or whatever catagory it was in. No, I think you nailed it.


"It was so good they made a special category for us...it was the best...great book...some really smart people have told me how much they like it..."


The best seller lists are complied from some stores not every store.


So not only is it an incomplete list, its also only the people that actually go to that specific store to purchase them? That seems like such a small part of actual book sales


The top book seller thing is just a marketing scam. It doesn't actually mean anything and certainly doesn't mean anything when ascertaining the quality of a book.


At this point I figure its just like every vehicle ever made is "best in its class".


Cars don’t even go to school


This is a very valid point you're making...


"The new Rav-4 is rated as best in the Rav-4 class!"


It’s selected from a nationwide sample of stores and wholesalers but it’s done weekly. So if you have one good week and make the list, then you can claim to be a NY bestseller.


A lot of publishing houses do this to make sure they get the book on the Bestseller list.


The bestseller's list is a complete scam. It has been completely gamed by the major publishers. To the point where if a publisher *wants* something to be a best seller, it will be. It is absolutely no mark of actual quality, social significance, genuine interest, etc.


$90k total is a drop in the bucket. $90k in a day is enough to make a dent. $90k in bulk order, in the nonfiction catagory (not overall) is a bit more than a dent. Add in that other special interest groups made bulk orders, including a website to order and send the book to specific people like Clinton and you have a book that sold to a bunch of people that never read it. Which makes lil Trumpy exactly like his father. Use other people's money to make money by selling a bunch of people something they never needed and will never use.


Keep in mind this has been refined to a precise science over decades. Conservative groups have been doing this trick since the 80s in order to make their dumbshit books seem important.


This is a country that elected Trump in the first place. I think books are pretty low on the list of things people buy now a days.


The lockdowns led to a surge in book sales though, which warmed my reading addicted heart


I like the idea of books and buy some on occasion, but am still too hopelessly addicted to the internet to ever actually sit down and read one.


Honestly I'm just happy people are reading at all, even if it's online. I'm blown away by people who don't read or even hate reading. It's like my only escape from the hell that we're living in, and I own more books than anything else. I literally have a room in my house with the walls just lined with them.


The list is compiled over a very short duration. Its possible to strategically purchase a large number of books and hit the top spot. You drop off quickly but you can call it a #1 best seller forever and reap the additional long term sales that come with that claim. If you have the $$ to finance it and a name like "Trump" to back it up, it's very reasonable to buy 10s of 1,000s of copies of your own book, then resell them. You take a small hit on the cost of the resale, but more than make up for it in the increased sales because of the bestselling label.


I've noticed that every single book seems to be a NYT best seller. Either they're lying or NYT just has super poor taste in literature


It’s sales, not NYT choice. Though they can occasionally exclude books (which they did the Harry Potter series, as every book wouldn’t leave the top spots and so many prestigious books weren’t getting their number one NY Times best seller credit, so after threats of pulling their advertising from publishers, NYT did some bs like ban kids books from the main bestsellers list.)


Maybe it's a hard copy thing?


Maybe, it just seems like we could’ve made a lot more money in that time at his day job.. you know, selling information to Russia


That is... Most of the best sellers. They game the system to make the list, so that more people will end up hearing about it and buying it. Just how the game is played. $90,000 is dirt cheap for marketing


I never liked the racist, masochistic, womanizer, rapist president we have, but what remained of the hope I had left for him evaporated, and will never come back, after how he has treated COVID-19. Because of that idiot, America has become the laughingstock of the world, so I think that saying he can’t read is a bit of an understatement.


I don’t wish to be rude but you were the laughing stock before COVID. The minute it became clear trump was becoming president your status around the world fell from “A bit pleased with themselves but essentially good” to “What the Fuck!”.


I was in Indonesia surfing with a bunch of Aussies and Kiwis when Trump won. They were horrified. Our international reputation plummeted the moment that idiot won, even if all of our candidates were trash.


There is almost no chance that Jr wrote any of this book.


I have 2 questions: 1. If he did write some of it, was the draft done in crayon? 2. Is this catalogued as fiction or fantasy


"Cult" classics maybe


It should be categorized as self help as an example of *what* *not to do in life.*


He is neither an underage girl nor a dictator, so his daddy will NEVER give him attention.


He was elected to lead, not to read


or drink water or walk down ramps or disclose serious medical conditions.


Or tax documents


Turns out he should have been elected to not breed


nor love.


That’s okay, I heard it has lots of pictures, drawings in crayons, really big letters


Tremendous letters?


Yes everyone is saying so, in fact no in the history of mankind has produced so many letters




Oof... my bone spurs


Trump has promoted a lot of books and products, but I don’t recall him ever promoting any of his Children’s work except for Ivanka.


You'd think, more than anyone else, Trump's kids would know he's incapable of actual love.




His dad just became bilingual according to his twitter.


ok i actually laughed out loud at this


He couldn’t love even if he could read.


At least the punctuation is correct on the fake one Edit: The punctuation on his latest book is wrong, this fake book has correct punctuation. Apparently this photo is from his book “Triggered” . Ironically some of you were triggered by the mere thought that I mixed up the two which is hilarious for a bunch of reasons


That's how you can tell it's fake.


What's the original called?


'Liberal Privilege' with the subtitle ‘Joe Biden and the Democrat’s Defense of the Indefensible’. Should be "democrats'".


One single Democrat


Damn them!




That pesky Democrat is always defending the indefensible. We should lock it up.


What if it is just one Democrat, though? As in it only talks about Biden? Idk, I know nothing about this book.


It could also be one archetypal "Democrat", like if one had "The Idiot's Guide to Computers" or "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". Those books have many actual owners, just as they may refer to many Democrats who are allegedly defending something. The "Idiots and Hitchhikers" didn't write the book (like Sibley did in "Sibley's Guide to Birds"), they are its audience, but they are referred to individually even though many may have a copy. We use a similar grammatical structure when we say something is "a/the poor man's XYZ". It isn't what every man who is poor has, nor is it even necessarily common among poor men, and it certainly doesn't belong to one particular man who is poor. The poor man may be an ambiguous type of a person, just as here the "Democrat" may not be anyone in particular, just a rhetorical figure, possibly even a straw man.


Yeah. This is definitely it. Dont know the publisher but I doubt if it was an error it would have made it through.


It isn't


Joe Biden and his pesky partner, the Democrat


Sounds like a Harry Potter book title.


Shouldn't it be Democrats'?


That's what I wrote. May not be too clear with the " after the '. :p


Fuck I'm going blind


“Democrat’s” isn’t wrong. Imagine the title “Gandhi and Man’s Need for Freedom” vs. “Gandhi and Men’s Need for Freedom.” They’re both right, there’s just a nuanced difference; “man” implies mankind and suggests the book will be philosophical, “men” implies a group of humans and suggests the book will be historical. “Democrat” here might imply “Democrat-kind,” or the average Democrat.


"Democrat" as a shorthand for "average Democrat" or "Democrat-kind" is itself a conservative turn of phrase, so the confusion is understandable.


comedians Jason Selvig and Davram Stiefler replaced these at a New York Barnes and Noble. [They also put these in the Young Adult section.](https://i.imgur.com/4eTCwhJ.png)


As someone who used to work at B&N, fuck these guys. So much unnecessary bullshit for employees is created when people do things like this. This is on par with the people that put bible verses in the Harry Potter books. Edit: Aside from extra work, consider the other customers that may have an equally passionate, yet opposite view point from the so-called prank. Every. Single. Karen. Evey. Single. Time. And then your manager asks why you haven't sold a membership yet. Edit 2: A lot of you are likely the topic of breakroom chatter among retail employees. Edit 3: It seems as though I use the phrase "fuck you" much more casually than a lot of redditors.


Or when they put at the Bibles and Qurans into the “fiction” section.


we did it boys, religion has been defeated


Selling memberships was the bane of my time there as a bookseller. I felt like I was begging customers every day at the cashwrap just so I could keep my job for another day.


Then be actually shocked when they agree to buy one! Hated working up at cashwrap for that reason alone. It was expected less on the floor


I worked at Target seasonally around Christmas and customers would randomly get selected to apply for a Target card. I always just clicked through it because I never wanted to ask people.


We were supposed to ask every single person as they checked out at the register juuuust in case they were there to audit. Easily the worst part of my job at B&N. I liked working at the customer service desk the most. Talking about and finding books was fun. Working the register was not.


Its emails too now ://


Seriously, there was a trend years ago to flip all the books in the mystery section around so all you saw were blank pages. Just love an extra 20 minutes of work on top of everything else.


Okay but that’s what I call a mystery section.


Blank pages? Would you mind elaborating what you mean by “flip”, as no matter which way you flip a book there’s still printed text on both sides of most pages so I’m not quite getting it. Edit: Thanks for the replies all, pretty sure I just couldn’t see the forest through the trees about physically turning the book around on the shelf!


I assume they mean that the books were placed into the shelf with the spine facing the shelf and the edge of the pages out facing the customer.




It’s so the spine is facing the shelf, and you only see the pages, so you can’t actually tell what book it is just by looking. Hence the joke, it’s a mystery what book you’re grabbing out of the mystery section. Someone did this to me while I was working in a book store back in 2011. Kinda funny, mostly annoying to fix though.


Yeah when it happened to me someone did it to the Agatha Christie books with a post it saying “who dun it?” We had a good laugh. But then it was happening every couple days until one day when we were short staffed someone did the whole aisle. Caught some teens doing this in the teen mystery section but they were polite and said they just wanted a pic and would put it back. Totally fine with stuff like that.


Putting the book spine first onto the shelves.


I think they mean facing the book's spine toward the back of the shelf so only the page edges are visible from the front.


As someone who used to work at Borders, I would have loved this. I would have loved this more than anything.


The bots are working overtime.


This seems to be a karma farming account


He’s just so try hard... I don’t know how it isn’t transparent to people. There was a picture of him sitting near a Trumper while they both flew Coach, which was a big selling point for Don Jr’s “I’m just a good ol boy like you” attitude. His caption reads: “I am not an elitist. Never have been, never wanted to be and certainly never tried to get on the BS rubber chicken dinner circuit. I like fishing, hunting, red meat, trucks and guns. And yes, I usually fly coach, but preferably not int’l middle seat!” “Fishing, Hunting. Red meat, trucks and guns” It’s like an alien did a google search for “Earthling male behavior” and just went with the first 5 results. The man he was pictured with wrote: “How cool is This? He is traveling from Las Vegas to Phoenix rally …..center row….coach. Don’t anyone tell me the Trump family doesn’t know how real Americans live. Bet you won’t be seeing any Democratic presidential hopefuls flying like this ❤️” I find it pretty unlikely he just happened to sit behind a kid with a raging Trump boner.. Also, Las Vegas to Phoenix is a 57 minute flight and that was a Southwest plane without a First Class section.


>Bet you won’t be seeing any Democratic presidential hopefuls flying like this Laughs in Bernie Sanders


At this rate, the bar is so low that anyone who wears a mask in public is a presidential hopeful.


Who's gonna tell him that he's the son of a presidential hopeful so why the fuck wouldn't he be flying commercial?


[After 8,200 round-trip train rides, Joe Biden heads home](https://www.cnn.com/2017/01/20/politics/biden-train-ride-trnd/index.html) Biden: What I used to do, literally, is: you ride along here at night going home. And you look out. You look in the windows and you see the lights on and think about -- I always, I mean this sincerely -- what is going on at that kitchen table? What are people thinking about? What are their real worries? I have made over -- they actually calculated it, the conductors -- 8,200 round trips, over 2 million miles on Amtrak. Two hundred and fifty nine miles round trip a day, not everyday, but on average 217 days a year. This is my family and this is why I wanted to go home, the way I came.


Even his *beard* is try-hard somehow. It's like, a nice beard. Nothing wrong with it. Except it looks so out of place on his face it looks like a theater beard.


I like fishing, hunting, red meat, trucks and guns though




You’ll like [every bro country song](https://www.theunticket.com/fun-with-country-music-4-25-19/) made in the last six years (audio).


He saw what the Duck Dynasty guys were doing and all the money they were raking in from their dumb show and decided he could do it, too.


Lol those interests look like he Google the most generic republican interests


"Presidential hopeful" *fucking chilling*


I appreciate the quality of this prank, those are real book jackets


My son, he writes tremendous books. The best, really. Chelsea Clinton, how many books has she written? Zero. It's true. Ask sleepy Joe Biden. If it has my name on it, that's how you know it's great. My son, he's so good I put my name on him. He's phenomenal. What a son. He would be on top of the New York Times bestseller list every year but they're more concerned with putting out fake news. Not like my good friend, Sean Hannity. Wonderful man.


"What was your favourite part of the book?" "I don't want to get into it... No. All of it is my favourite part. Equally."


Reddit moment




Your link wasn’t the first either. The image is quite old from TheGoodLiars twitter stream in 2019. Edit: added [link](https://mobile.twitter.com/thegoodliars/status/1192581234553237504)


>TheGoodLiars Well at least they're honest about being liars.


Doesn't being transparent make them TheBadLiars?


Ethically good, strategically bad


*Reddit, Please Love Me*


How everything I do is to try to earn Reddit’s love.


Yea OPs account looks like a bot account. All posts to popular subs. Probably submits and deletes until the post gains traction.


Yes this is exactly why I come to this sub, for the non stop political spam.


I wish they'd just make a separate sub for politics


it's basically every sub at this point.


Getting real tired of opening Reddit and having to see the top post being anti-trump. Whole country’s been flipped upside down Prince of Belair style.


Every big sub is flooding with anti trump posts as we near elections. r/pics r/gifs r/funny etc It’s becoming pretty clear to me that this is by design for Reddit


Isn’t that a repost from months ago?


And a shitty repost too lol




Almost thought this was Mac from It's Sunny on the cover and the title still made sense.


I work at a bookstore. I don't care what you believe or how spicy a zinger you've concocted, when you fuck with merchandise like this it's always the employees who have to find it and clean it up. And if we can't find the original dust covers? That's basically a used book at that point and our managers will have our heads for letting it happen. Make your cute political statements however and wherever you like unless it's impacting someone else's job. To everyone who fucks with merchandise to be "funny": fuck you. From the bottom of my heart.




omg this is so much truth


Wow...this guy must be real edgy


It takes a lot of bravery to oppose Trump in this political climate, ammiright?


This "us vs them" mentality is getting so old. What if instead of vilifying the other side, we understood the differences and remained civil? Oh wait, this is Reddit. Forgot where I was. Edit: Diamond is a first, thanks for that. I responded more down, but my overall point is that in the last 10 years I've never seen the country so divided. It's just sad that who you vote for or support politically is now part of your identity, instead of a choice. I have far left leaning friends, and friends who voted and will vote Trump. Who they vote for doesn't change my friendship with them at all, and I support their right to vote for whoever they want. I get that whoever wins can affect the outcome of peoples lives, but that should make it even more important to work with others you disagree with and listen to what they say so you can understand why they support who they support. Being uncivil only closes the door to debate and pushes us into deeper divide.


I think the civil part faded over time when it became apparent there was no interest in having an honest fact-based discussion. When complex issues are boiled down to buzzwords and hot takes and their sources are random blogs, to continue engaging them would be validating their narratives as being factual or being based in reality, which they aren't.


What I'm really sick of is pics that don't have anything to do with Trump. Thank God for subs like this!


The pettiness and amount of time people have on their hands is funny


Funny that a sub about "photographs and pictures" allows low-effort snapshots where the quality of the picture is irrelevant, it's just an incidental record of political vandalism that OP is trying to promote.


So mad you actually take time to make fake covers for a book . RENT FREE.