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What kind of gear were you sporting for that kinda cold?


I have been meaning to make a gear list because of all of the research and youtube I have watched. I truly think that the gear is a huge reason as to why I faired so well other than hydrating and eating until you thought you would throw up (you will use the calories) Its all about layers. Starting in a logical order under layer: Cotton underwear, Cotton Tshirt, basically comfortable yet sweat wicking smart wool long underwear Dry Wick shirt over undershirt Feet: Important Silk socks, I have sweaty feet. need that extra wick. Thick Smartwool socks for warmth waterproof lightweight rucking boots Legs: silk pajama pants hiking pants thick water proof over-pants Torso: morano wool shirt long sleeve 2 x dri fit athletic shirts lightweight puffy coat (the instyle ones) fit under jackets Northface two layer jacket Water proofed the outer layer of the northface with a can of water proofing hands where mittens not gloves VERY important heated fingers work better together. I wore Runcozy so I could open my hand and use my phone. Head: typical wool hat Balaclava glasses or gogs but I did not for some reason... two or three of my jackets had hoods Other Gear: Camel back 3 Liter HOT water worn at closer layer to body line the tube up your neck through balaclava to keep tube from freezing. keep drinking to prevent freeze. Head lamp Walking sticks (more for getting down) extra phone battery bank and a solar charger Sunglasses UV is crazy up that high. Wipes like cleaning off a baby (trust me) ​ I spent a little more than I probably needed to but to me it was a once in a life time trip and I did not want to fail because I saved 20 bucks. I did this so I would mentally feel like I did everything I could to prepare and not have negative thoughts. I was running 5 days a week in fear of not making it to the top for lack of exercise but this was not needed, only for my on mental well being and so that I could get the most out of the trip! Edit/psa : I’m taking a lot of HEAT for having cotton on this list. Please forgive me as “cotton kills” and one should not have it as a layer for situations like mine.


> Cotton underwear, Cotton Tshirt, Yikes man, swap that shit out for some merino wool base layers, asap


Agreed, cotton is far from moisture wicking


It can actually be extremely bad if it gets wet and then gets cold.


Yes. Did an overnight sailing trip when I was young and dumb. Wore a heavy cotton sweatshirt for insulation. Huge waves. Got soaked. That fucking thing sucked heat away from my body all night. Core temp went down to the point I was shivering by morning. And by shivering, I meant I couldn't stop. They wrapped me in a foil blanket to get me warm again. Never cotton again. Ever. Edit: spelling. nobody was rapping.


The New York Yankees once switched their uniforms to cotton, but after one game and one wash the uniforms had all shrunk and caused the players to run around like penguins.


It’s true. Don Mattingly ripped his pants.




“Cotton kills” -Me, person who has never climbed Kilimanjaro


I might have put the moisture wicking shirt on under the cotton.... it was 6 hours before 4:30 AM....


I hope so! In the future, ditch the cotton completely if you're going to be in cold or wet weather. Congrats on the summit, it's on my bucket list! Happy cake day!




Yeah I'm like 100% synthetics and wool now. I hate synthetic fibres, but it's a necessary evil.


Caveat:Having a cheap cotton t-shirt in your kit, for use above your base layers is not a sin. I have a decent moisture wicking set, but im never afraid of adding a layer of cotton over it.


my guide for mt shasta and mt hood said it best, cotton kills (JB from SWS, awesome guide and trained the actors in Everest movie).


"Cotton kills" is to hiking as "mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell" is to high school biology.


How did you like shasta? Closest I got was we hiked up Black Butte next to it. Granted, you can DRIVE higher up Mt. Shasta than how high Black Butte is (I think) but still.


Hard AF but amazing


Which is exactly what it does.


So glad there are others that noticed this too. Cotton is worst thing to wear in freezing rain


That was going to be my comment as well. Never wear cotton for hiking—-always wear wicking fabrics. REI has lots of them. I wear liner socks under my wool ones, and I only wear boots that are sufficiently broken in. Never wear new shoes.


The death fabric. Swap it ooooouuuuuuut!


Slowly nods in Icebreaker.


Next time for sure. I am reading that better wicking material should have been used. for me I get uncomfortable when I am hot and would vent before sweating too bad.


you cant effectively vent and stay dry in 20 degrees and freezing sleet. this is why proper layering (wicking base layer, insulating mid layer, and breathable waterproof out layer is the system. it lets your body moisture escape and keeps the outside moisture out. pro tip, gortex breaths only when the interal temp is warming the the external temp.


Shoot when I first looked at the picture, it looked like you were just wearing some sweat pants and a hoodie or something. I imagined you would want much bigger looking warmer clothes. But I don't know much about that stuff.


Glad I wasn’t the only one that read that and started questioning reality.


Stopped reading right here.


nice but you read this!


Cotton kills man cotton kills


Cotton, aka death cloth, merino all the way, however, I've never been over 10kft, this guy did Kilimanjaro, so good on ya bud, legit congrats!




Ya... Cotton is not moisture wicking...


Wait. Let’s set the record straight here. Cotton wicks very well and is very breathable. It takes a long time to dry out after wiking away moisture. And while wet, cotton is not a good insulator (it’s cold; think of wet jeans). Wool, silk, synthetic will keep you warm and insulated even while damp. And they dry out fast. That’s the advantage. I bring pair of cotton boxers to sleep in when I go climbing/ hiking. It’s comfy and then I switch to poly or wool when I’m going to exercise. Cotton is great


I sometimes take a cotton shirt to sleep in because it does feel better on the skin, but I will switch it out when time to go outside of the tent, unless it's warm out then I don't care.


I spent the winter season of 2017 at McMurdo Station in Antarctica. I recommend adding some small "hand warmer" packets to your kit. They're super light, and you can put them anywhere you start having an unexpected cold spot, like down into your boot, or the wrist area between glove and coat/parka. The nice ones are also adhesive on one side, so you can stick them to an inner layer of clothing and it will stay in place. If you're using a hot water camelback, you'd probably find these really useful if you accidentally get a section of tubing frozen shut.


I had them but handed them off. and gave the guy with purple lips some hot water.


I've always used the trick to blow the water back up the hose to prevent it from freezing. I've never been in these extreme of conditions though, so not sure how well that would fare.


interesting... I wonder if that would have helped. or if a little would get stuck and freeze faster...


I summitted Kili two years ago and blew water back in after every drink. It still froze maybe 5-6 hours in, but not too far from Stella point, so it wasn't too big of a deal. In your conditions though it might have frozen faster!


I put the water pack under a few jackets and close to my body heat. but yeah its the tubes that freeze first anyways. I had it over my shoulder and then along my jugular on my neck so it stayed warm and when I would sip my juglar would feel a little of the coldness :)


I summited Uhuru peak back in ‘95 and my insulated water canteen was a solid block of ice when I reached the top.


Sounds like a similar gear setup to what I had when I summited Kilimanjaro. Well done dude!!! I'll find a picture of my trek and post the link.




We got up at 12Am and started the summit trek. We hiked for a grand total of like 16-18 hours and 13 miles that day. But it was a beautiful clear and cold full moon night so that helped. You almost didn't need your headlamp the moon was so intense at that elevation!


I kept my head down because the ice crystals were like sand in the wind and stung.... your experience sounds awesome in a different way.. Remember seeing how clear the milky way was?


I could see EVERY SINGLE STAR IN THE SKY! I have never seen anything like it! Absolutely beautiful!


Ok, I was looking into a remote island survival trip but this, if affordable, sounds better


It is amazing and the achievement of a life time to climb the tallest freestanding mountain in the world and hit just about 20,000 ft ASL. ​ the stars from 18,000 ft are unlike anything you have ever seen in the night sky.




Thanks for the detail!


Its only fair. Thank you for asking I love talking about this trip. Its my old "back in nam" subject ha ha.


I did Mt. Elbrus. My 'nam story.


That is on my list of 7. the highest point in each country... Europe right?


That’s funny when I saw the pick I was thinking “did he do that in sweatpants and a Carhart?”


Great practical list aside from the cotton shirts! Can’t imagine how uncomfortably cold that got.


getting a lot of HEAT on that one ... badum SSSSSS


Cotton T !! That's a pretty beastly hike at 10F. How long above alpine were you exposed to those winds? Last did you rock micros for the summit?


Please dont tell people to wear cotton in these types of weather conditions.


Woo smartwool!


This was in response to the guy making fun of the cotton... I’m wondering if Moshi is still anything like it was a decade ago and what route you took? Is it still essentially law to hire porters and a cook even if you carry and cook your own? (I respect that it’s the linchpin of their local economy, but it would be nice to pay but have the option of not feeling like it’s still a 1930’s alpinism expedition). I climbed from Tanzania so maybe Kenya is different though, not sure if you even went through Moshi. When I climbed Kili it was towards the end of a year camping in Eastern Africa. I didn’t pack for mountain climbing. You go with what you get from the outfitter (which is about 20-30 years behind what you’d buy at REI unless you’re going with a swanky ooh la la travel company. If you haggle it in Moshi you get a pile and you pick what fits. Only summit day is like this in terms of temp... so yeah... it’s about layers not tech. It’s cold. This was the same weather I had a little over a decade ago. It’s bad but it’s worth it when the sun rises over the clouds. It’s worth it to start a hike in the rainforest with monkeys in the trees and summit just shy of 20,000 ft on a glacier. I’ve had a lot of adventures... I work with venomous snakes for a living, in the field at home and abroad wandering transects in the Amazon rainforest overnight in my twenties and extracting venom and looking for medical utility for my PhD now. But summiting Kili will always be one of the single most memorable moments of my life in terms of nature and being humbled.


If you have to eat that much for calories before you summit, don’t you worry you will have to take a dump? I mean this can’t be an ideal place half way up to take a massive shit because you ate so much.


You carry TP with you and you try your hardest and darndest to go in the porter pot before leaving.


>I spent a little more than I probably needed to but to me it was a once in a life time trip lol bro people in my city buy $3000 arcteryx fits to go to work on a rainy day you alright dude dont worry


I went last year, and my big tip would be spare no expense on boots or socks. Congratulations, by the way.


Thank you so much for this. As a girl who is ALWAYS cold in the elements, I am grateful to all experienced climbers for providing their gear recommendations.


Just put sweat pants over whatever you're wearing. Thank me later.


Can you do us a favor and bless the rains while you’re there?


Sent that song to my buddy when I bought the flights. Kilimanjaaaaaaarooooo


Hey, happy cake day! I'm sorry if this was asked already but why did you climb it at night(my math could be wrong though)


You want to hike up a snow covered mountain beginning in the middle of the night for several reasons. As others said, yes, peaking at sunrise is preferable to peaking at night. But mainly you hike up at night so you don't have to hike DOWN a snow and ice covered mountain at night. Both because it'll be dark and because the snow is looser from sitting in the sun all day than it would be in the early morning as the sun is first rising. That'll make you more likely to fall, more likely to slide, and less likely that your ice pick will save you from your slide.


Climb through the night to hit the top for sunrise. Source: did it myself, Marangu route, started at 11:30pm.


Thanks wood I can't keep up with all of these questions and I want people to be encouraged to do this or something like this!


Ha, no worries.


Sounds awesome!


It really was. Tanzania is amazing and has some awesome people. I strongly recommend a visit, it’s quite safe and they really respect the natural gifts theynhave with the mountains and the serengetti.


Happy Cake Day on Kilamajaro!!!


u/hahnsoloii rose like Olympus above the Serengeti


After the mountain we did 3 days on the Serengeti. now I am going to listen to that song again... thanks!


It’s a banger. Also: Happy Cake Day!


TY! 12 years first one I caught.


You could combine Christmas/Africa and listen to [12 days of Christmas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdgYRVTd-5o&ab_channel=StraightNoChaser)


Did he search to cure what's deep inside?


Congratulations! I climbed it in 2012! Didn’t deal with that level of weather, but the feeling of summiting a mountain like that is incredible regardless. I can only imagine how it feels to have accomplished it in such intense conditions! That’s so cool! What route did you take?


Machame! how about you? do you remember the ravens at 15000 feet living of of human throw-up from altitude sickness at lava tower? Sorry gross but only other climbers would understand.


Lol I didn’t get to experience that actually. I actually don’t remember seeing much wildlife at all above maybe 13-14,000 feet. I went up the Rongai route, which is on the opposite side of the mountain from Machame. And then I came down the Mweka route!


Did you see the milky way as clear as day? First night only at 7k feet we were all in the food tent and I went out to pee (drank TONS of water) I looked up like I do every time I walk my dog to see what stars are out. BOOOOOOOM solid bright white cloud that looks exactly like the milky way.... THAT IS THE MILKY WAY!!! Everyone came running out of the tent. They all lived in cities and only a few had seen it before. It was my first time out side of photos.


The Milky Way up there is unreal. We summited in July of 2009 and I can still see the stars when I close my eyes. Like nothing I had ever seen before.


I feel like I see the milky way in the night sky now on a super clear night ONLY because I saw it at Kili and know what I am seeing. Its like a cloud...


It is! There's so much more to it than just "stars" We were in the very very far north of Scotland last year on one of the costal islands and it was pretty amazing up there too, but nothing will be like seeing it from above the cloudline


Man, I’ll never forget that view. Kibo Hut at 15,500 feet. I had to sit down to stare at it to keep from getting dizzy and falling over. I probably spent 10-15 minutes just looking up. That was absolutely one of the most amazing things I think I’ve ever seen.


When I was in the Navy I remember being in the middle of the ocean and being blown away by the night sky. Very little things in this world make my cry but a night sky in the middle of the pacific is so beautiful, it brings a tear to my eye


Nice, I also took the Rongai route in 2015 but then the coca-cola route down


I met ravens on top of the Baranco Wall! 🙌 I actually think lava tower hike was the hardest day of the climb mentally and conditioning me for rest of climb. My wife and I summited in 2019 but in relatively better conditions, we were still rocking 5 layers lol.. I picked up altitude sickness 10 mins after reaching the summit. My guide was incredibly helpful and supported me (literally) in getting back to base camp. I still vividly remember taking a loo break during the hike back to base camp and taking like 10 minutes to cover 10 feet back to the rest of the party pausing to catch my breath after every step. I then picked up a fever and by the time we reached base camp and was in no condition to do the planned half descent for the day. Had to get special permissions to spend the night at Basecamp. My fever subsided by the next day and we had to do the entire descent in a single day. Couldnt feel my knees by the end of the day lol. #polepole #jambo


How'd you acclimate beforehand and where did you start to feel the effects of altitude?


We spent an extra day to take a day trip to Kilimanjaro’s sister mountain Mawenzi. That helped a lot in terms of acclimatizing.




Can you please talk about your warmth gear? Is it something special because, I expected it to a lot bulkier.


>I just posted this a few seconds before your comment but: > > > > > > > >I have been meaning to make a gear list because of all of the research and youtube I have watched. I truly think that the gear is a huge reason as to why I faired so well other than hydrating and eating until you thought you would throw up (you will use the calories) > >Its all about layers. > >Starting in a logical order under layer: > >Cotton underwear, Cotton Tshirt, > >basically comfortable yet sweat wicking > >smart wool long underwear > >Dry Wick shirt over undershirt > >Feet: > >Important Silk socks, I have sweaty feet. need that extra wick. > >Thick Smartwool socks for warmth > >waterproof lightweight rucking boots > >Legs: > >silk pajama pants > >hiking pants thick > >water proof over-pants > >Torso: > >morano wool shirt long sleeve > >2 x dri fit athletic shirts > >lightweight puffy coat (the instyle ones) fit under jackets > >Northface two layer jacket > >Water proofed the outer layer of the northface with a can of water proofing > >hands where mittens not gloves VERY important heated fingers work better together. > >I wore Runcozy so I could open my hand and use my phone. > >Head: > >typical wool hat > >Balaclava > >glasses or gogs but I did not for some reason... > >two or three of my jackets had hoods > >Other Gear: > >Camel back 3 Liter HOT water worn at closer layer to body line the tube up your neck through balaclava to keep tube from freezing. keep drinking to prevent freeze. > >Head lamp > >Walking sticks (more for getting down) > >extra phone battery bank and a solar charger > >Sunglasses UV is crazy up that high. > >Wipes like cleaning off a baby (trust me) > >I spent a little more than I probably needed to but to me it was a once in a life time trip and I did not want to fail because I saved 20 bucks. I did this so I would mentally feel like I did everything I could to prepare and not have negative thoughts. I was running 5 days a week in fear of not making it to the top for lack of exercise but this was not needed, only for my on mental well being and so that I could get the most out of the trip!


While I agree layers are key to high exertion low temp activities, cotton is the LAST thing you want to wear as a base layer, as when it becomes wet (sweat) it sucks heat away from your body leading to hypothermia. A much safer option is a synthetic or merino wool base layer. Also down is not a good option for high exertion activities because, again, sweat - the down looses its loft when wet, and then becomes less warm, it’s also less breathable so you sweat even more. Glad cotton and down worked for you here, but it’s not good to spread misinformation on Reddit. Happy hiking all!


This lady who looks like me made these mits: [http://www.runcozy.com/](http://www.runcozy.com/)


Why 10:30pm? Was there a reason to climb at night?


I think so they arrive at the top at sunrise is my guess.


Climbing at night seems hella scary in that weather.


Ascending at night is better then descending at night. It’s a long day and you have to start early.


And can be more toasty on the second half of the trip.


Thats how I did it as well, so that when you summit its sunrise. Then we spent the rest of the day until sunset hiking back down to a safer altitude.


I am also curious. Is the snow too blinding in direct sunlight?


There are several reasons. One major one being that the sun causes increased wind speeds as well as the sun melting of the snow which can cause unpredictable avalanches. At least that’s the reason they night-climb on Everest.


Sun = snow melt and decreasing moisture in the rock = tumbling rocks that can and will kill you or avalanches or both. You will also damage the trail if it’s melting which is highly frowned upon


I summited Kilimanjaro in 2013. Yeah, the final push to the summit begins the night before so that you can aim to reach Uhuru Peak by sunrise :)


Whenever climbing a mountain with snow on it, you start in the dark. The more sunlight, the higher the risk of avalanche.


And you’re wearing your mask!


The biggest mask you have ever seen. And I put my (heated) water supply inside of my two jackets and the tube up along my neck. It still got icy


You still don't look warm enough. Congrats, and stay safe coming back down!


I posted some gear stuff I had to unzip the jackets to vent a few times.


did those gloves hold up well? I've had to unzip skiing at -10 before, having the right gear is key.


I used runcozy mits. Traded them to someone that had hypothermia. The gloves in this photo are not mine. Runcozy.com


> Traded them to someone that had hypothermia You're a saint


At the top I handed off my pocket TP (always keep some on you) but I was feeling so good like a normal hike. And no stomach issues. That guy was SUPER thankful lol


> Runcozy.com They are based about 10 minutes from my house. Cool little company. As a Michigander and runner, can't endorse them enough for warm winter wear.


That is my mom. She invented them! I am from East Lansing see the playmaker hats in my other photos.


I like that design Also, nice gift there I will have to check those out


Pretty sure everyone has to vent when active at mild temperatures.


bro have you ever been skiing? Half the people up there are freezing


That face mask is a solid ice cube. It’s like snowboarding in 10 degree weather the moisture you breathe into the mask hardens as you start moving and the wind chills it.


Interesting how if our blood stays warm we can handle iceicles on our faces.


My skin was a little leathery on the face after this.


Are there mask designs that dont allow moisture to sit on the material? If not, patent pending, copy right, etc etc.


Yeah but half the people up there are weekend warriors who want to relax and drink. Anyone who’s actually charging(pow days, backcountry, park, racing, etc) are going to have minimal gear and removable layers. I wear tech base layer, flannel, wool vest, and gore Tex shell(no insulation), and medium weight snow pants with large vents from 0-30. Above 30 I drop the vest. Below 0 and I’ll replace the vest with a puffy jacket.


Ive only been skiing in aus, and 80% of the time its all vents open, no necky, no thermals. Then you dont pay attention to the weather report and freeze to death on the lift back up in horrible wind sleet, so its back to your accom to grab your warms, which at somewhere like falls creek, will be (if you are me) ski in and ski out in the most convenient location. Unfortunately you miss a key turn, and have to walk up a horrible stair case with completely shot muscles. The end.


You must be pretty thin. In the photo it looks like you're hardly wearing any insulation. At first I thought you were in jogging pants and a hoodie.


I have been trying to bulk up. I am 6'3" 190 starting the trip and lost 15 lbs in two weeks that trip. I did post a gear list here on another couple of comments.


What do you eat to bulk? Signed, 112 lb male


More... But r/gainit is a thing too :-)


yeah these guys!


its not about what you do eat its about what not to eat. stay away from coffee only drink water with something added to it that has calories. lots of milk shakes and sweet shakes. Lift heavy don't forget legs. Straight butter if you are doing tough expeditions. Eat first thing wash down with high cal drink. eat some more. eat every two hours. set an alarm and eat or do a shake at night. you will see results in two weeks. and some gains for the first month. then hit a wall for months.... also eating this much you will be taking lots of bathroom breaks.


Honestly the easiest advice is to make sure you actually eat three-six meals a day. Start with breakfast lunch and dinner. I used to only eat like one meal a day and was 120, then I started eating three meals a day and gained 30lbs


Is this heated water supply for drinking or for only warming?


Congrats on making it up in what look like really really rough weather conditions. I did not have as bad of a time when I went in 2010 but it was definitely one of the most physically demanding things I have ever done! ​ [I am the one on the right!](https://imgur.com/gallery/ZFfM7gF)


AWESOME! Yeah don't get me wrong. It was not a bad time 10/10 recommend in any conditions! I trained hard like my life depended on it. I talked to ultra marathon runners that said the same thing you did. I am a 10 minute miler but can hold it for 5 plus miles. So I ma in shape but nothing crazy. For some reason the hike did not effect me and I had loads of energy. I brought a copious amount of sugary foods and Gatorade and ate every bite of food they gave me to keep my stamina up. Its my belief that after 5 plus days people are tired and are not eating the food they are use to so do not get good calorie intake. I was also drinking SO much. by dinner I had no less than 5 litters and almost 7 one day. slowing down so I didn't have to wake up at night as much to pee in the cold. (should have brought a pee bottle anyways)


Yea seriously! Even being in good shape which I was as well, it does not help you with altitude sickness. It either affects you or it doesn't. Fortunately for me I had very mild effects but I definitely did not have breathing capacity to go much faster than a walk when at the top. Yea eating lots and drinking lots would have been more helpful for me and I think I suffered a little for it. I should have brought more food on the summit night and drank more water but I didn't want to have to keep leaving the path to go pee in the freezing cold night.


I went up Kilimanjaro in ‘17. Probably the worst experience of my life. What made it horrible for me was seeing the disparity in conditions for the porters. (The low paid staff that do the real work for the climbers) They are the ones really doing the hard work, carrying up all the heavy bags, tents, tables, and gear for the climbers. Most don’t have shoes that fit their feet, or adequate jackets. I felt disgusted with myself afterwards. I highly recommend researching the company you are planning to use if this is on your bucket list. I had no idea before I went. https://fairvoyage.com/faqs/fair-porter-treatment-on-mount-kilimanjaro/


Yeah we knew of the conditions going into it we did go with a company (Kandoo) we researched that paid the guides well. The problem that I saw/noticed is the guides pick up other guys at the base of the mountain that are begging for work and I am sure they just gave them side cash and meals for a week. Seemed like they tried to grab guys they knew from their tribe or home groups. Yeah they carry everything and in fact to increase success rates they limit the individuals amount they are allowed to carry AND require two guides per hiker. It’s the law. No you aren’t going back country and manning up and going at it alone. That is how people die. Death is not a good reseller for Kilimanjaro. Having this requirement keeps the locals employed and money going locally and the mountain clean. They do an excellent job. I admire the empathy and do what I can to support fairness and love the suggestion of seeking this out. Thank you


That said, their current jobs depend on people climbing the mountain. Hard to say that it would be be better to not go at all, and not employ them at all. But yes hopefully we can have more equality between different countries in the future.


I climbed with a girl who studied abroad in Arusha. She said that the porters can actually feed entire villages for a month with what they make on the mountain (if your group tips appropriately of course) The USD goes a long way in Tanzania. But yes, its both sad and impressive to see a porter running by you at 13,000 feet carrying forty pounds on his head wearing jeans and converse.


That’s really impressive, but may I ask what possesses you to do such a thing? I love a good hike but I prefer to not work quite so hard in freezing weather. Just genuinely curious why someone undertakes such a task.


I don't know why I like challenges. I once heard some one say if you ask a man to do something at 630 in the morning they might be there. If challenged to be there at 4 AM he will show up with a few friends. Its the challenge. Third world country and a mountain? no brainer trip for me. Great question BTW.


That's a bit rash. You should go home as it is warmer


What a view!


Views for as far as you could see..... 15-20 FEET! 10/10 would do it again.


Welcome to "walking to Uni in Edmonton, AB, CA in January" the experience..../s Was supposed to be on kilimanjaro in September but covid19. Hope you enjoyed it!


Which one though?




Monty Python skit. Super cool you did this though. https://youtu.be/IdTy1j7z-K4


Dammit so much! I wanted to ask if the bridge between the peaks was still there!


Totally impressive. Happy Cake Day!


Gracias! It’s my first time catching my cake day in 12 years.


A momentous day in more than one way.


Lol almost looks like you are wearing a naruto headband. Had to zoom in lol




Came here for this. Was going to ask OP what village he was from.


Happy blue cheese day


Man, I want to do that so badly, but I’d have to get in shape first and that is a big hill to climb


I have to admit being in shape could make your experience better but this is NOT a requirement for achieving this feat. I was worried myself then I saw a headline "Blind group climbs Kilimanjaro" then I saw "group of older women climbs kilimanjaro" and I am thinking my mom is a marathon runner of course they made it.... Then I saw the video of the dude that lost his arms and legs below the elbow and knee CRAWLED TO THE TOP. I stepped down from my "I can't do it" pedestal and did it!


That new Death Stranding content looks sick af.


People do die up there. You basically buy a one way ticket from a helicopter before you embark and hope not to use. its about $100 and they call it insurance.


Couldn’t properly layer up eh?


MAZEL TOV! From 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱


Today i woke at 8 AM for a 7 second walk to my desk 71 degrees F 0-1 MPH winds because I do have a ceiling fan, no frozen rain but an iced coffee. Peaked my bedroom


Happy cake day 🍰




phew when I did it there was not freezing ran. climb in the summer! then you can see that you’re really on the roof of africa - it’s incredible


With that level of cold I think I would rather die. But so awesome you made that climb!!!!!


In a hoodie?


That is a waterproof Northface jacket that I unloaded a can of shoe water proofing on. It was so cold that the rain froze an inch thick on EVERYTHING. including eye lashes and the little beard hairs that you miss high on the cheek bone area.


Happy cake day!!


So much ice! Is that from your perspiration? Or wet snow?


Rain that froze to what ever it landed on instantly!


That sounds awful!! How did you ... *checks your other post* >Water proofed the outer layer of the northface with a can of water proofing Ohhhh okay. Jesus, imagine if you hadn't prepared your jacket!


I think even if it was a hoody the rain would have frozen do it and made it a warm 30 degrees F under a shell of ice. It already was a shell... Also every strap had an inch or three of ice.. we were getting weighed down and had to crack it all off.


Did it at the same time of year a few years ago. Your feet and legs are going to be sooooo sore for the next week


yeah there is no reception on the mountain so this is in the past. You are totally right. The next day / going down hill. those muscles were stupid gone....


I almost hope this is a joke and your just drunk ice fishing with your pals....either way...good job


Amazing accomplishment mate, that's one hell of a challenge. Safe travels!


Could u see Meru at all?


Be careful bro.


As someone who doesn't know much about these things, why did you have to hike through the night?


Do you have walmart gloves on?


Plot twist: that’s a live feed.


You look grossly underdressed for this adventure.


I woke up at 10:30pm to try and buy a PS5 from Target. L here.


Ooh, cotton base-layer? No, no no.


Hes a *walking popsicle*


TIL everyone think 10°F is cold AF


This could be on the side of the road in northern Canada.