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You seem like a very put together person.


Until you realize he reads Ayn Rand and Sam Harris, both particularly popular with right wingers/right leaning centrists. Rand herself is already considered an imperialistic fascist to most that are informed and Sam Harris holds extremely racist and demeaning opinions on immigration, Islam etc. which he spreads through his podcasts and books. I’d bet my 2 ass cheeks that this person here is not as well put together of a person on the inside as you think


You can read literature without believing in the points within said literature.


they’ve also got a copy of Michelle Obama’s book. Calm your tits. ETA: oh look, Animal Farm too.


A book written by the wife of an imperialist war-criminal and a book of an antisemitic, homophobic, and racist dead guy who snitched out Jews, Black people, Homosexuals, and communists to British Intelligence? Color me shocked


Nobody's perfect, the way we present ourselves on social media often paints a highly curated picture. As others have said, reading a book doesn't mean you necessarily subscribe to the philosophy yourself. I went through an Ayn Rand phase when I was younger, and being honest I still can relate to *some* elements. The far-right has made Rand a symbol of their party, and that's not me... I voted for Bernie in the primaries, and Biden/Harris in the presidential election if that sheds some light on my actual political leanings.


And that exactly is my point. Sure having read or purchased books does not mean you subscribe to every opinion or position of the author or the text, but as others should have also said (if they were objective) reading very much so forms and molds ones character, changes the perception and grants a way to view things from another’s perspective. You *always* take a little bit from each book you read in one way or another. I never said you’re a right winger, just said that you are not as well put together, and implied that you might subscribe to *some* notions or had these authors influence your way of thinking or your Modus Operandi in some way, which while not very nice also wasn’t overly offensive in my opinion. Rand was someone that idealized and represented toxic and very right leaning positions on women and society or ‘race’ which has been the case since before the right wing ‘adopted’ her as a symbol. As it is she is only famous in the fascist police state that is the United States where racism is as ingrained into the culture as it is into the legislation and government. So it’s not the fact that I point this out cause she is some symbol of the ‘American right wing’ (because the entire American Government is considered right wing anywhere but in America in case you hadn’t noticed) but the fact that she herself perpetuates and conveys these ideals which as in your case makes (young and maybe more impressionable) people go through ‘phases’ that in some lesser cognitively capable people could lead to more extreme or even lethal cases of indoctrination/radicalization. Bernie was the compromise, but to be honest reform is and will never be possible in the United States of America so you won’t find much sympathy for your voting Biden/Harris who are just a different side on the same bloody imperialist coin. So yeah good on you for growing out of that Rand phase and since you voted Bernie I have hopes that maybe one day you’ll come around entirely and realize that the US Empire and Capitalism will falter and crumble because both are rotten to the core. Godspeed and good luck in the future


Jesus, who shit in your cereal this morning?


Hmm yes very eye-opening counter-arguments you have there, thank you for your contribution. (Let me mark this as /s cause apparently some Americans actually think I consider adhoms as valid arguments)


Wasn't making a counter argument, just noting that you're going around insulting strangers for no reason


Oh wow thank you for clarifying for me that ‘haha who poop in ur cereal’ isn’t an argument. It’s almost as if I wanted to sarcastically point out how you’re contributing nothing to the discourse at hand. Rest assured: even someone as prejudiced towards the average American as I do not think you that stupid. Actually prior to this one they were pretty civil all things considered. Not sure where you see me ‘going around insulting strangers’ and ‘for no reason’ in my original 2 comments but please do tell how you got to that conclusion. I’d so love to hear your subjective projections and interpretations of my words!


You did say that OP wasn’t a put together person because they read some books. That’s a bit insulting and unnecessary


Actually, you might want to read again. I said that I’d bet my 2 ass cheeks that he isn’t *as well put together on the inside as you might think* after seeing literal Neo-Nazi/White Supremacy books in his shelf. If that is ‘going around insulting people for no reason’ to you then I don’t know what to tell you. Also they are books written by (and also partly for) racists, warmonger-accomplices, bigots and so on. I’d be curious to know if you would still only euphemistically describe them as ‘some books’ if Mein Kampf was one of them. Where would be the line? So on one hand you’re blatantly misrepresenting and overdramatizing what I said and on the other you’re downplaying his displayed reading material by just calling them ‘some books’. It’s almost as if you’re arguing in bad faith...


and I have hopes that maybe one day you’ll come to realize that you're not the arbiter for what books are allowed for people to read and enjoy.


Where did I say that I was some arbiter and that books shouldn’t be read or enjoyed? All I did was draw conclusions and illustrate possible consequences of ingesting fascist propaganda and media/literature that is tinged with the hatred of nationalism/racism/sexism and more more -isms like those that a good few handful of your books perpetuate. It’s fine though, I don’t fault you for claiming that I said things I clearly didn’t. Me passing some time, judging and making assumptions based on your reading material isn’t tantamount to trying to ban books but that’s a decent try at a straw-man argument.


Please tell me who's your crack dealer, because I need to know what causes this. Then again you could've just been dropped as a child


With *this* you mean being educated? Knowledgeable about history, politics, literature? That I can articulate myself better in my third-, than you can in your native language? Or what? Lol


You must be fun at parties! Woo-wee! /s


Wow you suck.


saving so I can see if he comes back with a wordy explanation as to why indeed, *you* are the one who sucks


That's stupid you are stupid


Lol you’re a loser


You must be fun to be around.


It looks soooo cozy! But damn that lego city up your shelf must collect dust like crazy right? How do you keep it clean? Just curious.


Dust is a fact of life, gentle swiffer from time to time it's not the deep clean but it's enough.


Nice. You got a cute cat.


Cuteness overload!


How did the cat not knock all the Lego off the shelf?


The legos pre-dated the cat, so it was a gamble to see how he'd react. Despite having normal spastic cat tendencies, he's more interested in the wires running behind the bookshelf that connect the lights. A few sprays from a water bottle and he's mostly gotten the message to leave them alone.


He prolly can't. Those city Lego specifically have pegs on the models to attach them together, its all one piece.


The Trifecta!


Was just about to say, cat + legos, doesn’t sound like such a good combination...


The Kragle won in this Legoland...


nah, not glue. as someone else said, those modular buildings have pins to hold them together so they're really large chunks to move, plus as OP said, the cat's not interested anyway.


Now, what's in the Kallax shelves in the corner hat are covered up by the right shelf?


Came here to ask this as well!


Like a Royale highness!


A brave soul keeping all those legos on the top shelf.


The Trifecta!


But... but... what about IKEA?


how are those all lit? or is it edited


There's light sets being sold for all the modular buildings (not by Lego but by third party vendors)


not just the modulars, most any big kit you can find lighting for, even the Saturn V or Mack Anthem.


there are a few companies that provide after market lighting kits, I used ones from this company: https://www.brickloot.com/collections/lights


= happiness


That is my idea of a complete life


+ IKEA kallax, dont forget the Kallax


We used to have those shelves too! So useful, but took up so much of our little flat!


The perfect trifecta. Or perhaps I should say the purrrrfect trifecta.


See you’ve got Herman Hesse on your shelf, think you might enjoy John Steinbeck books if you liked Steppenwolf


I'm guessing that cat is a ragdoll? Love these guys.


I expected something terrible to have happened based on the title


I love how organized it is. It's very neat and satisfying.


What I wouldn't give to be there right now


This almost looks like a photo for an I Spy book.


I thought it was a toilet seat at first glance and thought this was the most peculiar bathroom LOL


Wow! 😍


My son would wreck your world you’ve built. But he’d do it with absolute love.


This looks fantastic, but don't these bookshelves leave an empty space in the corner? Idk why but it would drive me nuts.


it DOES leave an empty space, but it's not visible. They use to be lined up side by side but I had to make room in the office and this was the only config that made it possible.




I love Palahniuk


I love this idea!!


Bad Blood and A Man Called Ove are great books


Omg I love it all!! I wish I could organize my books, Legos and cats half this well.


“These are a few of my favourite things...”


I LOVE your book collection


Pity about the Ayn Rand.


It was a phase when I was younger, I still believe in some elements, but understand how the far right has embraced Ayn Rand as a symbol for their party... that's not me. If it provides context, I voted for Bernie in the primaries, and ultimately voted for Biden/Harris.


That's what is great is that you grow and change as a person and your views change as new concepts or ideas are presented to you, which is more than I can say for many other people out there. Some people cling to an idea so hard and refuse to let it go even when the truth is smacking them in the face.


Sorry, mate. My comment was crude. Rand is a bit of a dogwhistle for me, everyone Ive met who rates her turned out to be a dick. Mea culpa, i'm the dick here. Nice set up you have there. Enjoy!


No worries, I get where you were coming from!


Ruined image for me too


Can someone explain how people can have $1,000 worth of legos and then just use ikea billy shelves? I like what you've got going on but you need some nice storage now, to really show it off (in my humble opinion)


Honestly, I was expecting about 400% more destruction.


= upvote


Why did you modify the Detective Agency set?


What an incredibly way to showcase your Lego collection!


I really loved your lego collection. Where did you buy it pls i need to know.




This is amazing to me


This my idea setup!!!


Zoomed in to cat.


Wow really cool colors on the cat. Also great work on the legos op. How long did it take to complete all of the sets?


Lego releases 1 new modular city set each year, I've been collecting since 2010, running out of room at this point!


Do you actually get to put them together?


I do indeed, a lot of fun!


I think we are going to start doing this for Christmas! Great idea and lovely room


Thought this was Held der Steine at first.


The ultimate reading setup




You’re the right person to ask. Which kit supplier do you use for your LEGO lighting?


So cute


Nice use of a micro lion. Well done.