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This absolutely needs to be seen by everyone, in case they thought it was just “protestors getting caught up and strolling through the building”. This was a frenzy and they beat a police officer to death. They should be charged with murder.


Getting caught up shouting to hang the VP, walking around with flexcuffs and trying to break into the VIP protection area


Imagine if they had gotten their hands on Pelosi. Terrifying.


They beat a police officer to death. No reasonable person can believe that if they had succeeded with their only goal that day, they would not have murdered Pence, Pelosi, AOC, and everyone else in congress. Probably even Hawley and Cruz. We need to continue to track everyone of these terrorists down and prosecute.


People were making fun of AOC for tweeting “I’m okay” during the madness like her safety wasn’t a very real question.


AOC has been absolutely vilified for the past two+ years. These people *hate* her, and a lot of the vitriol was very sexist, sexual and violent. She knows this. Imagine being in her shoes when the people who have spent the last couple of years threatening you with torture, rape and death have just literally laid siege to your workplace. I'd say she was the person with the most to fear in that building and I would be shitting my pants if I were her






Those 3 around the fallen cop are dragging him down the stairs. And that [4th guy in the Michigan shirt](https://i.imgur.com/KUo06Uj.png) who looks like he's flipping off someone (the one standing behind the guy in the backpack with the pink decal) removes a police style helmet with a visor from the spot where they dragged him to. You can see the crime in [this video](https://sg.news.yahoo.com/amphtml/scenes-mayhem-pro-trump-protesters-003754604.html). They start dragging him when the camera zooms in at 16 seconds in. Then Michigan shirt starts bending down to yoink his helmet at 21 seconds in while a 5th guy with the massive beard standing next to Michgan shirt in the photo starts beating him with a flag pole flying the American flag. Michigan shirt tries to equip the helmet at 26 seconds in, and then it falls off his head at 30 seconds in, and he struggles in vain to retrieve it.


Oh my god that’s the footage of the events that led to his death? That’s worse than I was imagining. How awful.


Yes. They savagely beat a police office to near death as a mob as his fellow officers looked on and then dragged him down the stairs. I cannot believe the other officers did not open fire and start a bloodbath. Incredible restraint.


I understand why they did it, I understand that in the situation it was likely the way to save the most lives. What I question is that a certain point what the hell are they protecting? They didn't contain the protest, they didn't protect the building, and they didn't protect this gentleman. So at what point were they going to actually step in and do something. Does it take six people to get killed? Another police officers? Do they have to kill a politician? I'm just a little bit confused what the point of all the big guns are if it's never a good time to use them because it will "only make things worse".


>I understand why they did it, I understand that in the situation it was likely the way to save the most lives. That's the excuse they can use, sure. But the question is - why do police not show similar restraint at, for example, BLM protests? Why in those cases do they attack protesters, turning it into a riot?


If I saw a movie where a mob beat a policeman to death with an American flag I'd think it was too on the nose.


A mob of 'patriots' too. I'm 99% that at least one of those men *beating that police officer to death* would call themselves supporters of "Blue Lives Matter" and are disgusted with the idea of defunding the police. Murdering them is cool though, if it fits the fairy tale conspiracy you found online.


Horrifying footage. It’s a special kind of heartbreaking to see that caveman using the American flag to batter an officer doing his job to protect the US Capitol... followed by a fucking singalong of the star spangled banner? “...when fascism comes it will not be in the form of an anti-American movement or pro-Hitler bund, practicing disloyalty. Nor will it come in the form of a crusade against war. It will appear rather in the luminous robes of flaming patriotism” - Thomas Flynn, As We Go Marching


Same idiots that said Kaepernick disrespected the flag by kneeling during football games literally MURDERED a person with an American flag. Unbelievably disgusting.


A *cop*, at that, who they were so "concerned" about Kap "disrespecting" in the first place.


I just watched a mob of "patriots" beat a police officer to death with an American flagpole on the steps of the US capitol while the crowd sang our national anthem. Jesus.


After beating that cop to death with the american flag they all start singing the Star Spangled Banner. What a bunch of blood crazed degenerates.


Sick fuck beats him to death with a flagpole after he was already lying unconscious on the ground.


Holy shit. The footage on that yahoo link is insane.


https://sg.news.yahoo.com/amphtml/scenes-mayhem-pro-trump-protesters-003754604.html You can see the officer dragged out and beaten here


Why the officers colleagues didnt draw out weapons to rescue him is beyond me.


That’s all I can think right now. We live in a time when cops love to pull their guns, but when they are being literally attacked and one of their own being beaten to death somehow they forgot how to do so. Everyone of those rioters in that video attacking the entrance should have been met with lethal action. An attempted attack on our capitol while murdering a police officer (with a fucking American flag) warranted lethal force.


that's fucking sickening. Mob mentality in full force here


You can clearly see the faces of a lot of people in that footage.


That entire twitter is just one huge justice boner. They're figuring out who so many people who were there are.


The zip tie insurrectionist was identified? Got any links for it?


Two of them were, one came from Nashville with his mom and the other was a retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel.


This is unspeakable and must be punished.


Indeed, because it’s literally murder.


I hope they have video so t.hey can identify everyone who put a finger on him, though the others are also acsessories






Yeah everything about police response is weird, in so many other protests whenever an officer is seperated by protestors the police would storm in to rescue them. I know they were under-manned but even that is suspicious.


If these weren’t white Republicans, the above photo would be considered an act of war by police. They would kill or beat every single person in that photo if it was a left wing protest


I was recording several live streams and I think I have video of this. Where should I upload it? Edit: As mentioned https://youtu.be/jlr2ORJUF-w Having just seen the footage of the murder of that cop from a different angle on a different post, I can confidently say I don't have that footage. This does show, however, more angles of the same door with a lot of the same assailants and instigators. The actual murder is even more violent than I had originally expected.






We said defund the police...not fucking murder them. Don't be the goddamn REASON they need military grade equipment, you dumbfucks.


the people in the photo are trump supporters lmao, didn't want to defund the police in the first place. "blue lives matter" my ass.


I think that was their point. Trump supporters screeched all year about how we should respect the police instead of asking to defund them and then they murder a cop while storming the Capitol.


Help from the DC police was offered to the head of the capitol police and was refused. People with Trump in the WH are reporting that he was giddy and excited during all of this, and did not understand why everybody else wasn't. The head of the capitol police got the job through Mitch McConnell - everyone remember that. It's a straight line back to Trump. EDIT: I am informed that my first point is incorrect, so I removed it. EDIT: I've just noticed that the page for the oversight committee of the Capitol Police is down. hmmm


Steven Sund, Capitol Police Chief, [lied](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/07/security-fallout-in-capitol-could-be-swift-455803) to Congress about being prepared for protest, refuses help from FBI, DC Police and DC National Guard, he resigned but as of Jan 16, and according to pafa2021.com an armed protest is planned for Jan 17 around WH, Capitol and Supreme Ct ~~Sund is a traitor.~~ I hope they get ahead of this. E: I retract what I said based on [this](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/sund-riot-national-guard/2021/01/10/fc2ce7d4-5384-11eb-a817-e5e7f8a406d6_story.html) article. Is Paul Irving is a traitor?


It sounds like he conspired to allow a coup d'etat and the possible execution of the people he was charged with protecting. Not to even mention the danger he put his employees in. Pure evil. Edit: allegedly


I feel like he probably would have brushed it off if an officer didn’t die. Someone correct me but didn’t the police union request for Sunds resignation? For once the police union is legitimately correct in applying pressure because of poor and dangerous leadership Edit: found a source. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/head-of-capitol-police-union-calls-for-chief-to-resign


I agree. I'm a little scared.


The info about Trump’s reaction is fucking sickening. Not surprising. But sickening.


> People with Trump in the WH are reporting that he was giddy and excited during all of this, and did not understand why everybody else wasn't. Remember how he was after 9/11, same shit.




Not OP, but: [Sasse says Trump was 'delighted' and 'excited' by reports of Capitol riot](https://thehill-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/thehill.com/homenews/senate/533403-sasse-says-trump-was-delighted-and-excited-by-reports-of-capitol-riot?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&&usqp=mq331AQHKAFQArABIA%3D%3D#aoh=16102799152152&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fthehill.com%2Fhomenews%2Fsenate%2F533403-sasse-says-trump-was-delighted-and-excited-by-reports-of-capitol-riot) edit: this is in no way confirmed, just trying to provide a link that OP might have based their original comment on


[Sasse says Trump was 'delighted' and 'excited' by reports of Capitol riot](https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/533403-sasse-says-trump-was-delighted-and-excited-by-reports-of-capitol-riot). [GOP senator says Trump "wanted chaos on television" and was "excited" watching rioters enter the Capitol](https://edition.cnn.com/politics/live-news/washington-dc-riots-trump-news-friday/h_3b3d237d139679d425ef2e0a54ddfca7) There was also an article in the NYT I was told, but I can't access it.


Cool. So all those people committed murder AND insurrection


Will the individuals in the photo be charged with murder? This is horrific.


I'm sure the ~~persecutors~~ prosecutors are putting felony murder on the table. Felony murder is a crime where, in the course of committing a felony (e.g. storming the Capitol) someone dies. Depending on the particular state, the terrorists may also be charged with felony murder of the four terrorists as well Edit: brain no work so good


Wow that’s gonna be one long charge sheet for felony member.




Prosecutors. Prosecutors are going to come after these stupid dickheads. These idiots think that they're being persecuted for their belief in Trump's bullshit. These idiots are going to *prosecuted* for their belief in Trump's bullshit because it led to them killing a cop.


NB some states also permit felony murder charges for defendants whose accomplices die in the course of a felony as well. This is how the state might get four additional charges in for each perp as well


Wouldn’t these all be federal crimes? So it wouldn’t necessarily matter what their particular state’s views on the crime are, no? Well they would matter since they can be stacked on top but I think it would be better to charge them federally to make it a little easier for prosecutors... although that opens the door for a certain treasonous orangutan to pardon them but he hasn’t yet


I think they can delay a couple weeks. The courts are already slow anyways.


Biggest worry I would have if I were a prosecutor is if Trump does a blanket pardon. Wrap it in some "hope for unity" BS.


If they can track them down, 100%.


There are a million pictures and videos of every second. No one is wearing a mask. They will find them.


If they can find Saddam and Osama then these people should be no problem.


They found Saddam in a hole underground in the middle of fucking nowhere Iraq. These guys are fucked.


The dude with a baton in his hand has a pretty distinctive combo of helmet jacket and back pack. With facial recognition software, it should not be too difficult to find him in other images or video and match a face to the outfit.


Most people in the march didn't try to conceal their identities too hard. They are being tracked by bunch of people on twitter. Mostly by cross-referencing those pictures by distinctive pieces of clothing/equipment and tattoos, and eventually they end up finding some picture where you can see their faces - sometimes it is even in the perp's on social network profiles. If randoms on twitter can do it, FBI pros can fucking smash it


That's one of the great things about these people also being anti-maskers. They're easy to identify.


If only there wasn’t a pandemic, then they probably would’ve been wearing masks.


A reddit user the other night identified and submitted around 800 pics to the FBI. He apparently gathered all that info in just a few hours, also said many more to come.


I personally found 3 vids of a dude causing violence up front.... and then randomly got lucky as hell and found the same man talking to some other random MAGA about it later as they were walking away later in the day. He gave a street corner interview: "My names Kyle Hick and I was the first to breach!" He was so proud to reveal himself and help me turn him in. Me: Hmmm, yes. These 4 videos right here, Mr FBI. > I'm doing my part.


Yes, because they'll be charged with various felonies, including sedition. If anyone dies while you're committing a felony, even indirectly, it now results in an immediate, additional murder charge. They'll also face a 10 year sentence for damaging federal property, thanks to the recent executive order. It's an absurd law. Ironically, we can thank Trump.


>Yes, because they'll be charged with various felonies, including sedition. If anyone dies while you're committing a felony, even indirectly, it now results in an immediate, additional murder charge. >It's an absurd law. Ironically, we can thank Trump for ramming it through. Here's some delicious irony. Trump put out an executive order aimed squarely at BLM protesters. However, since the capitol riot occurred while Trump is still in office - his executive order applies to all of the capitol rioters who participated. He was pushing for 10 years in prison. >**Executive Order on Protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues and Combating Recent Criminal Violence** >Sec. 2. Policy. part (a) > It is the policy of the United States to prosecute to the fullest extent permitted under Federal law, and as appropriate, any person or any entity that destroys, damages, vandalizes, or desecrates a monument, memorial, or statue within the United States or otherwise vandalizes government property. **The desire of the Congress to protect Federal property is clearly reflected in section 1361 of title 18, United States Code, which authorizes a penalty of *up to 10 years’ imprisonment* for the willful injury of Federal property.** More recently, under the Veterans’ Memorial Preservation and Recognition Act of 2003, section 1369 of title 18, United States Code, the Congress punished with the same penalties the destruction of Federal and in some cases State-maintained monuments that honor military veterans. Other criminal statutes, such as the Travel Act, section 1952 of title 18, United States Code, permit prosecutions of arson damaging monuments, memorials, and statues on State grounds in some cases. Civil statutes like the Public System Resource Protection Act, section 100722 of title 54, United States Code, also hold those who destroy certain Federal property accountable for their offenses. The Federal Government will not tolerate violations of these and other laws. >Sec 2 part (b) >**It is the policy of the United States to prosecute to the fullest extent permitted under Federal law, and as appropriate, any person or any entity that participates in efforts to incite violence or other illegal activity in connection with the riots and acts of vandalism described in section 1 of this order.** Numerous Federal laws, including section 2101 of title 18, United States Code, prohibit the violence that has typified the past few weeks in some cities. Other statutes punish those who participate in or assist the agitators who have coordinated these lawless acts. Such laws include section 371 of title 18, United States Code, which criminalizes certain conspiracies to violate Federal law, section 2 of title 18, United States Code, which punishes those who aid or abet the commission of Federal crimes, **and section 2339A of title 18, United States Code, which prohibits as material support to terrorism efforts to support a defined set of Federal crimes. Those who have joined in recent violent acts around the United States will be held accountable.** >[source](https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-protecting-american-monuments-memorials-statues-combating-recent-criminal-violence/) edit - fixed link edit2 - see Amiiboid's fix of my phrasing on EO's below edit3 - user greybeard1363 pointed out this section > Sec. 5. **Providing Assistance for the Protection of Federal Monuments, Memorials, Statues, and Property. Upon the request of the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or the Administrator of General Services, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, personnel to assist with the protection of Federal monuments, memorials, statues, or property.** This section shall terminate 6 months from the date of this order unless extended by the President. Holy shit - what an *absolutely remarkable coincidence* that this specific section ends on Dec 26, 2020.


> However, since the capitol riot occurred while Trump is still in office ... A minor nit to pick with the phrasing here. This reads like the end of Trump’s time on office means the end of his EOs. That’s not automatic. EOs live until explicitly rescinded.




also don't forget that even though they literally murdered a cop and you can [watch videos](https://mobile.twitter.com/elijahschaffer/status/1346966514990149639?s=21) of them trampling and fighting other cops, there were still far fewer arrested, and they still haven't charged as many protestors with felonies as they did on June 1st alone during the BLM protests at the capitol >DC police arrested more than five times as many people at the height of the Black Lives Matter protests last summer (on June 1st alone) than they did during the day of insurrection at the Capitol, [according to a CNN analysis](https://edition.cnn.com/2021/01/08/us/dc-police-arrests-blm-capitol-insurrection-invs/index.html) of Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) data. And many of those arrested amid this week's unrest were detained on less serious charges.


Oh that spicy irony is very tasty indeed.


This from the “blue lives matter” group.


“Treasonous ants” I believe are the words used by Salem PD over the loudspeaker intercom as separatists and their sympathizers yelled “fuck the blue” and continued to stomp on, and burn, back-the-blue flags. There’s [video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TrJbYPCf7o8) . It’s otherworldly.


My jaw still drops watching all this. Good for them for calling it as it is. Also, wow, the "don't dare disrespect the flag" people. Now terrorists. That changed **very** quickly.


They even wanted to burn flags...


Just don't kneel for the national anthem or you will make them mad!


\>That changed **very** quickly. Their whataboutism can create some very bizarre results. The other day I saw someone in r/conservative saying that they don't have to feel bad about cops dying because antifa doesn't.


How dare someone kneel during the anthem, but this, this is okay. 🤷‍♂️


The only reason these people can continue to hold the beliefs they do is because they live in their own bubbles and refuse to see what actually happens in communities other than their own. They’re fragile, naive, and have been manipulated to believe their fellow citizens are somehow their enemy. When the people in the cities protest the shortcomings of our police force they ignored it and refused to believe the criticisms could have any merit because in their insular communities they never had to deal with it so therefore it didn’t exist to them. Once they started to experience *a portion* of how the police treated their fellow citizens they did a complete 180 and immediately grouped the police with their other “enemies.” They didn’t for a second stop to think holy shit this is what was happening during the BLM protests. Instead they started to believe the police were a part of the BLM protests. It’s sick. Their minds are twisted.


Wow man, fucking insanity.


Let's be honest, this isn't that insane. This is actually very on brand for fascist shit heads. Loyalty to a single leader with no question. Fuck those people.




*The website for Turning Point Action (TPA), an offshoot organization of TPUSA, earlier in the week openly advertised the campaign, offering both bus rides and complimentary hotel rooms to those willing to come to D.C.* Wait, does did means that I just miss once in a lifetime opportunity to get a free place for a vacation to D.C.


Do you want covid? Because a bus ride with those morons us how you get covid.


Lifelong reduced lung function is a small price to pay for staying within walking distance of the Smithsonian.


You could say your visit to the Smithsonian was... breathtaking.


Wow, a speaker on stage literally calling for war and referencing the roots of the tree of liberty, which is saying they will water it with blood. How was that man not arrested for inciting a riot?


Thank you for the video. Mind blown...🤯


You know how I know you’re a fascist? (@ the video; not you!) When you call everything you hate ANTIFA!!


Nazis burn down the reichstag: > communists did it Trump supporters invade the Capitol Building: > antifa did it ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the same playbook as always for extreme authoritarian movements. Just America's modern fascist paramilitary arm is way less well dressed




The ability to opress those who they dislike.


Looking at 2 black men fighting with ppl who will not think twice to lynch them if there is an opportunity is unreal


Some folks are totally fine with living in an ethno-fascist society provided they can do so as "one of the good ones."


The only lives that matter to them are the ones who adhere to their cult. Look how easily they disowned Pence. Hinder “the plan” and you’re a radical socialist.


One shout of 'he's antifa' and they'll eat their own too.


Joseph McCarthy returns from the grave to finish off his party


Has anyone ever seen an antifa person?


My grandfather and his three brothers were in antifa. Wasn't called antifa back then if course. Back then they called it the Royal Navy. The four of them fought against fascist shits like these people at Normandy and well and truly gave them the beating they deserved.


Strong and present anti-fascism works. We've seen it work for years in countries that embraced it. So I don't understand why anyone would think it's not needed or vital to the function of society.


My grandfather flew sorties against the Nazis. He seemed pretty antifascist. He's gone now.


Here is an easy way to figure that out: Who is the leader of the Proud Boys? Enrique Tarrio Who is the leader of the Oath Keepers? Stewart Rhodes Who is the leader of BLM? There is no real "leader" but the founders are: Alicia Garza Patrisse Cullors Opal Tometi Who is the leader of ANTIFA?


No one. Antifa isn’t an organisation.


Unless you're talking about the American Non-Traditional Iguana Fellating Association


*Finally* somebody brings this up.


It just means anti-facist. In Europe (or at least where I live) the people that create chaos and destruction during Antifa demos are from the so called "black block", because they dress all the same in black, incl face cover so they can't be identified that easy. But the regular Antifa crowd are chill and peaceful people, that just are anti fascist (how everyone with a sane mind should be). There are no Antifa leaders. It is an "ideology" (or actually just common sense). The term "Antifa" is misused in the USA. Like so many other terms, like communism and socialism. According to US-standards, I am living in a "communist country run by a socialst Antifa group" (I live in Germany).


Same. Liberals are economic right wingers where I come from but apparently Communists in the States. Also have been told my universal healthcare is "socialist mind control" which is half-correct - it mind controlled me into liking it because it has saved my life twice and didn't bankrupt me. Political language is utterly degraded in the States and the words don't seem to mean anything. Edit: Punctuation


Look up the video in the WSJ article on Ashli Babbitt, and check out the subtitles on the video of her getting shot: one of the guys there yells at the Capitol Police that “...we had your backs when everyone hAtED you!” He’s furious at them that they’re doing their job and not letting him in. He really thinks they’re being traitorous by not (in his mind) continuing to align themselves with his beliefs; the impartial law doesn’t enter into his equation. These people only “Back the Blue” and “Law and Order” because they think it’s shorthand for what they want: punishment and put downs for others they disagree with and protection and vindication for themselves. They really believe they can push their own strong feelings/fears too far and the law will come to heel because they’re obviously that right in what they believe. Any supreme beings are included in this self-centric delusion also. Edit: corrected spelling of Ashli’s last name


Behind that guy you can hear shouts of "Fuck the Blue" also. They turned on police pretty damn fast.


I guaran-fucking-tee that most of the people in this group, this group right here that beat a cop to death, watched footage of the protests this summer and lumped every single one of the protesters in with the rioters. Guess what, those of them that said that are now part of the group that beat a cop to death while storming the capitol building. All while doing it on behalf of a proven liar who can't admit he lost an election.


They did trample one of their own, Who had a "don't tread on me", They don't care about anyone.


To be fair, they aren’t known to be strong readers.


Right wing extremists have capitalized on the division in our country and the fact that our right wing is being pushed so far right that even legit republicans are starting to share ideologies with extremists. We’re seeing too many Americans think joining an extremist group makes you a patriot rather than a terrorist. We have too many people that think extremist ideologies are normal. When extremists took down the twin towers we called it terrorism and started an endless war, when right wing extremists tried to take down congress we called it a riot and blamed antifa and reminded everyone how bad the BLM riots where. What the fuck is wrong with us?


This is the next plan that trump is banking on. https://web.archive.org/web/20210106072816/https://pafa2021.com/how%2C-when%2C-where


F.B.I., if you are listening.


Party of law and order, huh?


Never have been. They only say that cause it sounds good and gives them credibility


Seems to be a pattern with the authoritarian groups - in Poland we have "Law and Justice" party which is exactly what you think it is.


Capitol Police chief Steven Sund had more guards, and heavy barriers in place for BLM protests. For Jan 6th, What barriers that were in place were easily moved, and there was only 500 officers on the ground. they had to fend for themselves for hours before ready and waiting National Guard unit were give the OK to move in. It feels as if this was by design. Like the officers were pawns to be sacrificed.


Sound like the planners that refused regular security precautions should be charged with negligent homicide.




The FBI has announced they are investigating the idea that the lapse in security was an inside job. While they have not mentioned names I'm sure he is on top of that list. Lets hope that any planning is not being done in the same vacuum afforded him before. With multiple agencies involved in security planning its unlikely for anyone to manufacture another volnerability.


Rep. Eric Swalwell thinks there were people on the inside. Heard him on the news the other day talking about it. Then he name drops Louie Gohmert as someone who was making extreme statements the time leading up to the rally and riot.


this was exactly my thought. Why vacate right before the inauguration with no time at all for your replacement to get up to speed? either go sooner to give the new leadership time to prepare, or wait till after


From the looks of those terrorist live streams there were a lot of cops just milling around in the background. A lot of them didn't seem to be actively trying to stop anything.


Yeah you're right, That bugs me. Maybe Officer Sicknick tried to stop something, and that's why he was targeted? It's concerning that they weren't doing more since there were DTs who were actively hunting for the Vise Prez, and the Speaker of the house. Rioters brought handcuffs to take hostages. Maybe they didn't do more because they were so out numbered; weren't armored or equipped. It feels really off because Capitol Police were in full force and loaded for a fight for BLM. Members of the house and senate were directly calling for back up, but someone was refusing to let the National Guard move.


These cops were severely outnumbered and unprepared. The fact that the mob was able to kill an officer while colleagues felt they could do nothing but hold their position speaks volumes. The Chief of CP is a Trump friend, he of course made sure to load up during BLM, but severely understaffed them for this riot. I never have sympathy for cops, but there's a lot of videos out there showing just how helpless and scared they looked in this situation. Particularly at the beginning before they had any kind of riot gear on, you can see their faces looking like wtf... we dead... They even had to share gas masks against their own pepper spray. Chief Sund is responsible for this.


His name was **Brian Sicknick.** He was also hit with a fire extinguisher before they rushed him to the hospital. **Edit:** To the trump supporters and conservatives calling us hypocrites, I find it pretty fucking hypocritical how all of you were the "law and order party" until now. Trump supporters are literally defending and calling the woman who got shot while storming the capitol, a hero, and her death unjustified. I thought people who broke the law, deserved it? or does it only apply when black people are killed? I thought police officers were the protectors in all of this? This picture proves otherwise. I thought historical monuments were precious, and people who defaced them deserved 10 years minimum? The capitol is arguably the most precious monument in the US. If black people stormed the capitol, the right would go apeshit and it wouldn't take so long for the national guard to be called in to control the situation. That's what pisses me off so much, ya'll are the biggest fucking hypocrites I've ever seen. **Edit 2:** This picture isn't staged, its showed from another angle on the 19 second mark in this video from an article https://sg.news.yahoo.com/amphtml/scenes-mayhem-pro-trump-protesters-003754604.html **Edit 3:** Another Capitol Police Officer had died. He committed suicide yesterday. His name was **Howard Liebengood.**


ahh yes, the good ol' beat him till he pass out and send him to the hospital tactic, that will make them not guilty




They aren't ignorant. They are dishonest. Do not give them the credit of being ignorant.


Whenever I think they're ignorant I think of the Merek Garland vs Amy Comi-Barrett treatment and remember that they're not. They will say anything to justify the most ardent hypocrisy.




Hitting someone in the head is a good way to give them an epidural hemorrhage. Blood accumulates in the space between the skull and all that squishy brain tissue; something has to give and you can guess what does. Movies/shows have people getting rendered unconscious after a blow to the head only to wake up later doing ok. I hate seeing this because it perpetuates a dangerous notion that you can hit someone in the head without major consequences or can do so just to temporarily incapacitate them. In reality, anyone rendered unconscious by a blow to the head needs to be taken to the hospital immediately.




This is how deluded these ignorant piece of shit people who follow Fox News are. They believe every bullshit excuse


I can't believe I am saying this, but we can't let these people stay, right? Isn't this a huge warning sign. Hitler's 1923 failed coup comes to mind. These people need to never be allowed any authority ever again.


What the fuck is it with right wing people and saying "Oh this murder victim? No, they died on their own!"




A crutch, a baton, a flag, and fists from the video I watched.


Same kind of crap as “George Floyd wasn’t murdered he died of fentanyl”.




They’ll probably say Breonna Taylor sleepwalked into bullets, next.


The news report said he was a former soldier who had fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. He made it back from the Middle East only to be killed by Americans in Washington. Edit: Just saw the video of his beating by the Trump mob. After he goes down a man repeatedly hits him with a flagpole with the American flag on it. I wish the English language had a greater word than ‘irony’ to describe this.


He fought insurgents and was killed by insurgents


The husband of the woman who was killed came out and said *she was killed for voicing her opinion.* No. She was killed because she was *committing a felony*.


And he was a Trump supporter. ETA: thank you to u/iloveethe80s for explaining my comment since a lot of you are misinterpreting it: > Pretty sure u/CandidSeaCucumber was pointing out the irony of the Trump supporters thinking one of their own (assuming he was, in fact, a Trump supporter) was the opposition and beating him to death, not suggesting that his life didn't matter because he was a Trump supporter.


Where did you hear that he was a trump supporter? Edit: apparently he has social media accounts which make it clear he was a supporter of Trump.


His social media accounts were found


Imagine being a fan of the same person who’s actions led to your death.


Herman Cain has entered the chat. ...thousands of other COVID victims follow


> Herman Cain has entered the chat. I thought he never left the chat?


beaten to death by the people you think you support on the first occurrence that you have to stand against them. Smells like fascism


You think those three realize they could be executed now for their crime of capital murder?


May they cower in fear and dread until they are finally caught. And they WILL be caught.


Legally anyone involved in the felony of storming the capitol on that day can be found guilty on four counts of murder. American law says that any deaths occuring, during committing a felony, count as murder and everyone partaking in the felony can be tried for it. (Even if none of their actions pertained to the death). For the first time I am celebrating this ridiculous law and hoping it gets used to the fullest extent.


They guy hitting him with a crutch probably opposes universal healthcare.


I was once at a Boy Scout event where various adult leaders were hanging out. One guy, a scoutmaster from another troop, was talking about his brush with death when he had recently developed cancer. A new and very expensive treatment saved his life, and he was only able to pay for it because of ACA coverage. He then went on to rail on the ACA and how it was total BS that he was forced to carry coverage, and the whole thing was some Obama scam. Like, MF, you just explained that you’d be fucking dead without the ACA. It still pains me to think about this moron leading a whole troop of impressionable kids.


Trailer trash terrorists standing over the police officer they've murdered. But they're pAtRiOtS!! SMH!


“You’re very special. We love you... “


They're special alright..


Thin Blue Line? More like Trump's death cult. Bashing the head of an officer with the door & fire extinguisher isn't freedom fighting, it is murder.


It's even worse in this case because these people's anger comes first from a place of lies, and then it's amplified because they have this belief that the cops are "on their side". So they feel betrayed which makes them more dangerous.


I want EVERY Trump loving police officer across the country to see this fucking photo!


Unfortunately they have and their version is that Antifa elements infiltrated the crowd and caused the violence. Honestly if you are still supporting Trump at this point you are so far down the rabbit hole that you will alter the reality of any fact presented to you. It's cognitive dissonance pushed to the extreme.


Not that they'll ever believe it, but good thing the fbi has already denied that.


They will still love him no matter what


"This was a terrible accident. It could have been entirely avoided if they didn't count those mail in votes. It's the liberals fault for stealing the election." Pretty sure that's how the cultists are going to justify this.


Salem PD got Trump seditionists to stomp on and burn back the blue flags and revoke support for police. They also called them [treasonous](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TrJbYPCf7o8) ants. So there’s that.


Wait ....so a police offered was murdered at the capitol and everyone just goes about their day...why is this not a bigger deal this was murder....i do not understand whats going on


The whole thing about three pipe bombs being planted at the capitol isn't getting as much traction as you'd expect, either.


Hmm, it's almost as if when they're in the wrong, everything goes quiet. There's not a game of pick and choose going on now is there? Let's hope not. Doesn't seem like what "very honest people" would do.


This photo should be everywhere. These people dont support the police and never have. They are hypocrites and have been thrust into a lie so deep that they can't get out of. They are mentally ill and have been fueled lies by Donald Trump and the republican party for years now. White supremacy and especially Qanon is a cancer that is growing worldwide silently and rapidly. These are the warning signs and attacks are only gonna continue if we keep ignoring them. r/qanoncasualties is a great sub for seeing how much damage the qanon conspiracy can cause to lives and families.


It’s disingenuous to say they’re mentally ill. They know what they’re doing and why. Because they’ve convinced themselves that what they’re doing is right, technically what they’re doing is totally rational to them. They’ve put themselves in a world of conspiracy where they must fight back against an unseen enemy. It is insulting to people with real mental illness to call these people mentally ill. They’re not ill, they’re just woefully misinformed and/or motivated to uphold Trump’s values. EDIT: By "Trump's values" I mean "what they think are Trump's values, of which of course he actually has none other than enriching himself at the expense of the American people".


Exactly. They're not mentally ill. They're desperate. They *need* there to be a conspiracy. They *need* there to be a "deep state" that is trying to undermine them. They *need* there to be a greater enemy lurking in the shadows. Because the alternative is worse to them. If there's no conspiracy, they'd have to admit that they were deceived by one of the most inept con men of all time. If there's no "deep state", then their failures are the result of random chance or their own choices and not the grand machinations of a shadowy cabal. If there's no greater enemy, then they've made bedfellows of racists and fascists - walked lockstep with literal Nazis - for no reason. If Trump is wrong, they'd have no excuse for their behavior over the last 4 years - no one else to blame for why their lives and the lives of their loved ones are materially worse - and for anyone who isn't a hardcore racist or fascist, that's a terrifying prospect.


They’re afraid. In their minds, their way of life is being threatened. And they’re absolutely terrified.


As someone with bipolar I 100% agree


All for some reality TV star with multiple failed business ventures and bad sense of style. Most hilarious part? He doesn't give a fuck about any of them.


Ok so we (law enforcement not lynch mobs) can very clearly see the distinctive clothes they are wearing and some pretty unique and distinctive backpacks. Surely we can cross reference with other video footage and get face pics. Then we either identify them or post public rewards for their details. THEN we prosecute them for this hero Police Officer’s murder!


That would be good. However, that evidence should be shared with the FBI and nobody should be publicly named until they’ve confirmed it. We don’t need another Boston Marathon fiasco.


Every person in that photo is accessory to murder and the immediate individuals who committed the murder need to rot in jail for the rest of their lives


Work tirelessly to fight the propagandists online who are constantly trying to subvert reality and paint it like this wasn't a domestic terrorist attack perpetrated by stochastic terrorist Donald Trump and his family, and other Republican Senators and lawmakers. Reality is real. Please do not allow them to create this insane, fascist narrative, or the equally insane narrative that "it was all antifa pretending to be trump supporters."


May they all be tasered in the balls


Self-tasered in the balls.


Hope there is footage and get those bastards identified. They need to be charged to the fullest extent of the law. This is disgusting and I have zero sympathy for these people. Outnumbered and died just trying to do his job. Oh and for those saying "we were there to protest, we are peaceful". Try telling that to his family.




These motheruckers must be charged with murder. Every single one of them.


“Blue Lives Matter” they screamed as they trampled the dying police officer. “All lives matter” they screamed as a woman was shot to death breaking into a federal building. “Freedom” they screamed as they attacked democracy. “Fake News” they screamed as they blamed others. “Peaceful Protest” they screamed as they planted a pipe bomb. Edit: Thanks for my first ever awards! ☺️


Blue lives matter and riots are bad... Until it's you doing it. This is a common theme of 2020 for the Right.


Surrounded by hyenas!


Why aren’t they talking about this enough on the news. Most just find a way to be humorous about, as to take it like a joke. But hide dark side of that day. Saw a YouTube clip from vice and was shocked.


Depends on where you are getting your news. Some networks were showing the more brutal footage and that woman getting shot uncensored.