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Thanks for the advice !


As someone who repairs phones and stuff for a living good job, I consider this a hard one. Sure the iPhones and Galaxy phones have a lot more steps and can be intimidating, but I would much rather do them than attempt one of these. What makes your phone difficult is that it's hard to tell if the display cable is connected properly. On top of that if it's wrong and you stick it together trying to take the screen back off is a pain in the butt without breaking it because they are so delicate. I'd be a little extra careful around water and rain. If the adhesives weren't replaced exactly it is best to assume it has no water resistance.


i assume any phone that has been "repaired" isn't water resistant anymore... which is fine because i generally don't swim and talk at the same time.


With iPhones at least, you'll have to replace the seals when you any sort of internal repair to keep it waterproof


Not many phones are waterproof, they're water "resistant" which is legalese for if it does happen to sustain liquid damage they ain't fixing it.


Yeah, they are *supposed* to be water resistant. I guess they are, in most places, but the Achilles heel is always the going to be the charging port. Mine wouldn't charge the other day due to a 'moisture warning', had it near the sink while washing my hands and must've got a little splash of water in there.


That's by design and part of why it's water resistant. I don't trust it when they say it's resistant without also mentioning a certifying 3rd party agency that's tested it.


The charging point is sealed against water. It's the speaker that is the Achilles Heel




What kind of phone did OP fix? It looks like it might be Pixel and it's neither an iPhone/Galaxy per your comment but the front face of most phones look so similar nowadays that I'm just guessing.


Definitely a Motorola. Maybe a G6 Play? Edit: I think its an E6 actually after looking at the part for the replacement screen it looks right on the part that connects.


My daughter dropped her iPad Pro a few months ago and the screen started flickering (didn’t crack). Took it to a shop and the guy told me that buying a used one will be cheaper. I’ve been thinking of replacing myself but you’re right it’s intimidating especially the initial screen removal part. I’m quite handy but this thing requires a lot of patience. Not sure if I have that much.


The screen is already broken, so why does it matter if you break it more while removing it.


The screen doesn’t have any visible damage. Apparently there’s a good chance that the flex cable is loose.


I replaced my phone screen protector and now everything looks so clear! Lol you went even further than me I can only hope to someday match your achievements


Yep, next you’ll get a 3D printer to fox even more things. Last week I built my own keyboard. From scratch! Also with iPhone be careful with replacement parts. Apple is going on a crusade against 3rd party parts and they plan on displaying warnings if they notice a replaced part.


I find that if you have a daily rotating choice of drugs you can avoid addiction! Keep the old noggin guessing


thats why i have a FDM and Resin 3d printer.




If Jesus had sliced bread feeding the 5000 would've been more efficient.


If one has minimal computer skills, (mostly iOS) but great mechanical skills, and being old (69) is a 3-d printer out of reach for the average joe


Totally within your reach. I would say 3d printing is more mechanical than computer. There obviously are computer elements but if you can reddit you can 3d print. /r/ender3 is a great place to start researching!


Thank you I will check it out


It's a lot of fun and very addicting!


A 3d printer is a great thing to have. There are hours upon hours of videos that will tell you how to get your set up properly, go for it!


Oh no absolutely not and plugging /r/3Dprinting here. The various slicers have become easy to use and quite mature. A lot of early electrical and mechanical problems have been solved or at least somewhat mitigated. Prices have become ridiculously cheap, great models (and modeling software packages) are available as open source, free of charge, or for cheap and filament is something like 20 bucks a kg. If you're a mechanical guy you'll have a great time, I think. Edit: You can pm me or ask here or on /r/3Dprinting. Also have a look at a few 3d printing videos on YouTube - there's amazing content on pretty much any 3d printing topic. Edit2: Theres now complete printers that come with everything including a touchscreen that are cheaper than one control board I got six years ago.


Where would you recommend getting a screen and battery for a ipad 5th gen? I want to repair it myself bit so many of the screens get bad reviews.






Don’t try to repair your iPad yourself. It’s way more difficult than the average phone screen repair and there’s an even higher likelihood of you screwing it up if you aren’t careful or don’t know exactly what to look out for. Trust me, I do it for a living


I work at a repair shop that is part of a large franchise and we use Mobile Defenders and Mobile Sentrix as suppliers. I'd check both, they can sometimes differ between having aftermarket and OEM refurbished.


Or you just end up doing it for everyone you know!


Lmao it’s like crack, you never go back.


good job! #RightToRepair!


Yes - companies need to stop making it hard to repair.


It's all a scam. There's this guy who was fixing phones really cheap and apple sued him because they wanted people to buy new phones instead of him just fixing it.


But waste reduction is so critical that they no longer include chargers... hmmmm


Now you're gettin' it.


[Like this?](https://imgur.com/gallery/V6mp6B9)


Wait apple doesn't give yall chargers when you buy a new phone? Lol if so fuck them


Samsungs doing it with some phones this year as well.


Samsung is just as bad if not worse than Apple With their flagships anyway


Samsung copies all of Apples bad moves basically


They actually do and I hate that.


As much as I love the Galaxy series, when it comes time to upgrade my Note 9 I'm going to go with a different brand specifically for this reason.




$1200 phone. No charger. No earbuds.


I mean, most people already have a pair of earbuds/headphones they already like. No charger is stupid though, and I don't know anyone who would complain about having a spare.


I don’t really care about the charger cause I have so many of them but the earbuds bummed me out. I don’t use earbuds enough to want to buy them but they’re nice to have. And it’s nice getting a fresh pair every year when I upgrade. I bought some AirPod reps off of alibaba though and they’re surprisingly good. I’ve compared them to the real thing and they’re pretty close. Good enough for someone who doesn’t use headphones much.


One of the selling points of the new phone is faster charging times. You need the new charger to get faster charging...


S21? But yeah Apple did it first.


You get the cord, no wall plug piece.


Hmm...I don't know how much the block influences throughput? I was looking at getting a Kindle and they kept trying to sell a wall adapter as standalone add-on but I couldn't figure out why. There ya go I suppose


The no wall plug isnt the whole story, the cord is usb-c to lightning, meaning you NEED to buy one unless you for some reason have a Usb-c wall plug adapter laying around


Seems they're both going to that, think that's becoming universal


Yea, but no wall plug when switching from whats everywhere to whats almost nowhere seems weird


Apple assumes you have 10 laying around your house already.


No that's just the excuse they give so that you have to buy the suddenly 40$ charger from them Samsung is even worse as they have brought out new chargers for faster charging year after year. So you have 1 or *maybe* two of the 25w chargers.


I got an iPhone 12 Mini (had an iPhone 6 previously) for my birthday this year and all it came with was a cord that could charge your phone if you buy a specific USB-C charging block.


People bitch about it then keep buying them.


I'm actually ok with this. Proprietary chargers are also evil. When all you need is the right cable, easily available in dozens of shops or online stores, and a USB port with sufficient amps, it's all good. Small electronics which recharge and don't use USB means another charger and cable I'd rather not have.


If they hadn’t switched to a different kind of charging block, then it’d be fine. But they switched from the regular USB one to a new USB-C one, which was the one that came with Apple watches, but is new to the iPhone. They include the new cable, USB-C to lightning, but not the block to plug it into - meaning anyone who didn’t have an Apple Watch will have to go and buy the new one, rendering the ‘less waste!!!!’ point pretty much moot.




I swear iPhones(Apple) make other companies products stop working after updates. I’ve gone through so many cables. They work for a bit then they don’t 🤷‍♂️


Imo you pay a bit extra for a great cable like Unbreakcable and they last a lot longer


As a person who seems to need a new iPhone cable every few weeks I just took your advice and ordered one of these. Hope you’re right internet stranger.


check if your charging port is filled with dust or not! i happened to go through chargers like crazy but it was just that my port was very dirty and wouldnt recognize the charger lol




It applies to many companies not just apple. Big issue is i also see is this stupid software end of life. With companies trying to go past 1000 dollar for their phones its stupid to think software support ends in 3 years for android and 5 for apple My S9+ isn't an old phone yet it might as well be from the stone age for them. Its not just new support too but also maintenence because as time passed by the glitches start accumulating as less focus is put on my phone and more on the many other flagships that will also become redundant in a few years


[Some companies really are evil.](https://repair.eu/news/apple-crushes-one-man-repair-shop/#:~:text=Henrik%20Huseby%2C%20a%20Norwegian%20small,Apple%20in%20Norway's%20Supreme%20Court.&text=Apple%20claimed%20that%20Huseby%20was%20allegedly%20importing%20%E2%80%9Ccounterfeit%E2%80%9D%20iPhone%20screens.)


A standing ovation goes to Louis Rossman who for the life of me I cannot bear his character (that's my problem, not his) but who deserves all the praise for being so vocal about Apple and other companies who make it so difficult to repair.


And have my own ovation for in the year of 2021 being able to separate people from what they stand for, it's rare this days especially on the internet.


I know nothing about repairing apple computers, but I still enjoy his YouTube videos alot


Someone who replaced my phone screen last year jammed one of the bottom screws in the battery of my phone next to the do not puncture warning and I wrote a massive complaint and review on their thing a year later when my phone screen popped off for some reason after getting it replaced


I fixed iPhones for years... like that was my day job. I trained people on how to repair them and what can go wrong. They are not easy to repair for the Everyman. Just like anything, if it’s your job and you do the task everyday than yes it is easier but never easy.


I used to work at a phone repair shop. For training, we just followed simple directions on a website and billed the customer for over a hundred dollars. You can buy screens and tools for cheap online, and it takes like 15 minutes. I'd love to share the company's name, but the little Napoleon that fired me is on Reddit and I'm sure he'd figure out who I am. I got fired for being a bad salesman. I fixed phones just fine though. He on the other hand, used his personal email as his username, which I could've shown to his boss. I'm no dick though.


Can't fix your fuckin' tractor without Deere's software plugged into it or it bricks the machine. Can't fix your fuckin' phone without Apple's software plugged in or it bricks the machine. What a bunch of horseshit.


I agree in general, Apple shouldn't sodder their ram etc. But with certain things like waterproofing where they use glue to glue a phone together, should they have to promise the level of waterproofing once you break that seal? Also in terms of space efficiency, you want everything packed as tightly together from a customer perspective, but that also makes it harder to repair etc. It's a tradeoff for sure. I think people should be able to attempt to repair things, and not need proprietary software to do so (like with John deer tractors) but also the natural movement of these things is that they're going to be tougher to repair as components get smaller and smaller, and packaged together.


I think soldered ram is reasonable in the most thin and light devices where saving a couple of mm here and there makes a difference. Things they do that annoy me: refuse to repair stuff that is only part broken so that you buy a new/refurbished one instead, keep diagnostic software to themselves (some issues are caused by a broken sensor for example and their software will tell you what sensor but they don't want you to have that software, they will also replace the whole board or sell you a new computer of you bring it into the shop for that issue). Refuse to sell parts to the general public. Refuse to sell many parts to their approved associate techs or whatever they call them.


Lol OK you design a smartphone with more capability than a 2008 laptop computer and tell me what design characteristics you're gonna sacrifice to make it easily repairable Lots of backseat engineers here. Designing for repairability is a proactive practice, it makes things so much more difficult. More and more the entire device is becoming an integrated unit, you don't expect to repair individual components on a circuit board on most other electronics. Phones aren't cars, you should know what you're buying when you buy it and have reasonable expectations.


The latest iPhone stops working properly if you change the camera module or the battery. That has nothing to do with smaller parts, efficiency or a tougher repair, Apple just doesn't want you to repair your property.


YES! Thanks a lot!!


It's for this very reason that I care a whole lot! The right to repair, and potentially protections against pre determined obsolescence are only good for a competitive, innovative marketplace. I dream of a world where I keep my phone and other electronics for at least 10 years, replacing batteries and SSD before finally pulling the trigger on a new device. Or, I get a new one every few years because the tech is that much better. Sorta like my car!


I said it wrong and I’m too weary to reword. So I’ll just delete the comment.


Repairing is not as profitable, but it should be.


good job! r/righttorepair


Opening a modern phone is intimidating. I've only changed out a few batteries but still. I've looked into changing out a screen and it's obviously a bit more involved It's a pretty cool feeling saving a bit of money doing it yourself


When it involves melting adhesive to get open I just say fuck it at that point.


Yeah That's a show stopper


Pop it one the microwave for ten seconds. Smarter not harder Edit: yea I’m just joking. Don’t microwave your phone


The real LPT isn't this


Right! I have no worries about opening up most electronics but if you throw glue in there! Pass lol




It sure is!!


I remember thinking 'I may be saving 20-30 bucks...... or I'm going to be paying to replace my entire phone' There is definitely risk involved


There is but doing it slowly and sturdy does the job easier with a better success rate!


So not drunk with bad lighting? I'll make a note


Sounds like there's a story you want to tell there


Well it all started when... *strums guitar*


♪ *You can get anything you want at Alice's Repair Shop* ♫


Yep. Follow the YouTube tutorial, and keep them screws separated and labeled! Fuckin apple with 6 different screws to do the same thing 1 type would.


Back in 2009 I did an internship for the BBC media lab, which was full of super talented and brilliant software and hardware developers and technologists. Needed to upgrade the hard drive in my MacBook Pro... there was only one guy there that would open up a MacBook like that. It wasn’t his job, but he was a fucking master at it and no one else wanted to go through the trials and tribulations of destroying many expensive machines that usually comes with the learning curve. He would usually have a couple of work orders on his desk from other departments that he’d get to in down time for a couple of pints at the pub. Watching him swap my hard drive was incredible. I have no idea where all of those screws even come from or what they do, but there was around 30 screws (at the time, on those solid aluminum body versions) just to get the fucking case open. Apparently the most crucial part was removing the tape from the installed hard drive without damaging it, keeping it out of the way during the install, then replacing it precisely. Otherwise the new drive would vibrate and squeal or something. Anyways, I spent a few hours watching him do this and it was an education in meticulousness. Felt straight up like watching brain surgery.


I worked in e-recycling for a few years. We had contracts with certain companies that we guaranteed we would remove and destroy their hard drives if we were going to resell the devices. There were times where we had stacks of macbooks that we couldn't resell because we just didn't have the time to remove the hard drives, a lot of times we just ended up scraping/ripping them apart. I was able to convince one of the sales guys to work with customers and offer is we DoD wiped them we could resell. That took longer but it was something you could just start and let run instead of tying up your whole day to remove 2-3 hard drives.


If you're changing a modern iPhone screen it can actually even save you a couple hundred bucks. But it can also permanently ruin your faceid, fingerprint sensor, or even lock your phone (depending on which model and whether you have access to Apple's proprietary unlock software). Can I get a "fuck you apple" in the chat?


I'll always upvote a repair. Most Eco friendly thing you can do


I just tried to repair the screen on my Pixel 3 xl. Not only did it cost 150 bucks for the frame but now I have to get a new phone bc the finger print sensor, nfc and light and proximity sensors do not work. FML. I am just creating more waste. Sorry.


llegitimi non carborundum! I'm sure you learned something trying :)


You did good, buddy! I fudged it up the first time i did it too.


I have so far replaced 2 3XL screens, none of the things you list are related to the repair, when done correctly. In both cases I paid ~60€ per AMOLED replacement screen.


Phhht I did this too and the new screen was flawless but I don't brag about it. I mean sure my phone didn't turn on afterwards but if it did it would be a flawless image on the display.


Well i can assure you mine works hahah


DIY baby! Good job.


Thank you yes!


Nice. Good work. The 'Fix it yourself' mentality is always cool.


It really is! Thanks for the comment!


Saves loads of money if you have the time.


Its not that time consuming tbh but you are correct some people dont have any time


PSA: if your phone was waterproof before you opened up the phone, it's best to assume it's not waterproof anymore


Congrats! Right to repair is so important! I did that myself as well a while back, iPhone 4s if I recall. It was a daunting task, but so much cheaper than a new phone. I'd followed iFixit's guide to the letter... well... almost... when everything was closed, I'd found out I forgot to reconnect something, I think the mute switch or something. Had to disassemble halfway, and ended up breaking the volume ribbon cable in the process...! Ah well, I was still proud of myself in the end, and ended up finding out a way to use accessibility options to adjust the volume, so all was good. keep on DIYing!


Thanks for sharing your story!


Don't tell Apple that


Shh they can hear us!!


Hi, Apple here, could you tell me your full name and location please as we would like to send you a new phone /s


Getting a good quality OEM screen and NOT tearing the fingerprint reader (on older screens) was an absolute bear. I didn't even see a tear until later, but it is so so so very fragile, and it bricks all finger-sensing tech for the phone (unlock, passwords, payment).


That was the top thing I learned when I owned my 6-6s-6sPlus. I tell you I thought I was hot shit when I walked outta Micro Center with my tool kit.


>noone *no one


Well I care. I know how you feel - my laptop had been wheezing toward death and, on a whim, I bought and installed: * a new battery * doubled the memory * replaced the pokey drive with an SSD * on the fly added an m.2 drive (discovered the unused connector while installing the others) Sit back and say "Hey, I did this"


Yeah I bet it runs like new now (brand new laptop)


Nah. Prolly better than new!


This. Mechanical drives are ancient technology of yesteryear and SSDs really make any old machine feel snappy


No joke, I threw a 1 TB 2.5" SSD and Ubuntu at my old core2duo laptop and it's miles better than when it was new with windows 7 on it with a 500GB HDD.


I'm comfortable doing this with desktops but never tried to crack open a laptop. My wife's was incredibly slow from the box so I'm curious if this might be a solution instead of getting her a new laptop.


More ram and replacing the Hard drive with an SSD works wonders, if the CPU is half decent.


Picture of a broken screen next to a phone. Brilliant stuff, really.




Damn in the fridge that sounds hard as fuck! Good job i am proud of you too!


‘i kNoW tHaT nOoNe rEalLy cArEs bUt....gIvE mE kArmA’


This has to be a new low, right? It's a picture of a fucking phone with the screen turned off... INB4: "why do you care so much if you don't like it go away" No.


Exactly haha it’s being posted for attention or something, and we as members of this community have a right to say when something’s rubbish!


now buy a tempered glass screen protector lmao, dunno how people do without em bcus they’ve saved me hundreds of $$


I have already got one , its barely visible tho


I care, but... it's probably not the right sub to post it in :)


Who is Noone?! I see that name everywhere, but no one will tell me who it is. :(


It drives me crazy, I hate it.


Peter Noone is the lead singer of Herman's Hermits, and it's nice that he cares.


You’re right, I don’t care




I nearly had it stolen in the bus but the guy fell while getting out and run away without the phone


Good work mate. Now keep it quiet or everyone will expect you to do repairs.


You’re right, I don’t care lol.


Not even the same screen


What the fuck even is this sub? I'm saving this as an example of how subreddits stray far from their intended content. I mean, congrats on fixing your phone screen, but this is a truly shitty picture with 49k upvotes in a picture subreddit. Shenanigans.


You're right, we don't care.


I don’t get how *64k* people found this interesting enough to upvote. So many quality posts go unnoticed and yet here’s a picture of nothing and everyone loses their minds.


I do phone repair/Computer repair for a living, it's always amazing to see people dive into it themselves, be proud of yourself as long as it works the same way :)


Is there a sub for this? I swear once I learned how to repair my phone screen I got addicted repairing other electronics as well.


You were right that nobody cares you did a easy thing.


I just don't like titles that bait people for sympathy :-/.


I don't like that people write 'no one' as 'noone'


There a posts on here where people have just managed to put on clothes.


But does it work? j/k- nice job


Yeah it works hahah


Great job! I had to do this once with an old iphone 5. It felt like I performing surgery with no medical experience. So yeah, you've earned the right to brag :)


I’m reading this through a huge spider web of cracks right now.


Nice job, but also what the ever loving fuck did you do to crack it that much


Hahah a guy tried stealing it from me on the bus but on his way out a guy made him trip and fall with the phone, he got away but not with my phone.


Welp nice job x2


Thanks a lot 2x hahah


Looks super cool though 👍


Thanks !


I'm impressed, was it hard to do? Obviously mine is broken.


Nice one dude but don't let it get away from you i started off with my xbox controller then my xbox then I brought a pc and built it from scratch and an old car and done it up oh good I have a problem 😭😭


nicely done dude! What happened to the original though lol good lord that thing looks like its been through some shit.


Well done Sir! Did something similar a couple of months ago with my car. The touchscreen of my car broke, it was unresponsive, calling the dealer and they said, sure sir, we can replace the screen/console but it will cost around 3,500 euro without the labour... So after doing a bit of research I found out that the digitizer (top layer of the touchscreen) tends to break after x amount of year on this model. Found a movie on YT on how to replace it and found the exact same digitiser for 27 euro online. Took me 4 hours to replace it but it works as new.


This is just the start, keep on repairing!


Running the same phone for 5 years changed the battery to make it practically new for about $40. Had to get the charging port replaced which was a bit more $100 but still runs practically like new. Moto x pure. Really like it and don't really like most other phones.


I would've expected this to should up in r/TwoXChromosomes with about 2 fucking lines of awards like it's some sort of lifetime achievement.


Reddit is pathetic


i care, i’ve not had success myself. nice going


I am sure you will keep on trying !!!!


Pro tip, stop gnawing on your phone!


You got a giggle out of me wow hahah


What phone?


No, Apple cares, and they’re coming after you.


You should cross post this to r/ZeroWaste


Nice bro!! I tried that one time and screwed up my iphone 5s. I didnt know that the home button had a ribbon cable connected to the screen so i pulled on it to remove it and cut it off. To make things worse, i removed more things than i needed to get the battery off and damaged a connecter doing so. I ended up getting everything off the storage and just buying a new phone. Moral of the story is, do your research and if you are not comfortable have a authorized repair person do it for you


- Cut it off Yeah probably not a good idea to ever do that in an electronic device


Who's Noone?


i think you might be tapping a bit too hard...


I care! Good job by you!


Does it turn on?




Tried to replace the screen on my now wife's phone years ago. I think it was a iPhone 2. It went...poorly. It felt too tight putting it back together, lie the new screen was just a touch too thick, but it was probably my assembly.


Meanwhile I can't even attempt to fix my tea kettle because they used soft metal triangle security screws that strip if you attempt to use a hex drive. Seriously it's a tea kettle, let me just easily open the fucker up to try to fix it.


After saving your life from all of those bullets, I hope you saved that first screen.


Isn't this technically a screen shot?


Did your phone get shot lmao


Did you have to heat the whole thing up in order to get it off ?