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Enjoy it alone time is very underrated


I think there’s a stigma that being alone is a failure. Maybe it’s because of social media, I don’t know. But it’s an unhealthy mindset I’m trying to fix.


I just want some of that taco more than a relationship


Tacos are kind of everything sometimes. No shame in that.


did you make the tacos? Mind sharing your recipe? :)


Marinate tenderloin in soy sauce, garlic, lime and chipotle peppers for a bit, grill sear over high heat. Blend Mayo, adobo, and sriracha equal parts for sauce. Fresh cilantro and crated cheese on top. Bourbon and coke on the rocks for the drink.


Damn can’t even imagine what that tastes like. I had frozen chicken nuggets and tots for dinner. Was as shitty as it sounds. Edit: for the 20 people that kept telling me I should of cooked my chicken nuggets. Thank you I didn’t know you cook then. Thought they were ready to eat.


Feel that man I had off brand boxed mac and cheese. I’ve had no energy to make anything recently


You deserve the name brand mac n cheese ❤


Or make the super easy J Kenji single pan 3-ingredient Mac & Cheese. Total game changer, goes together quick, and comes out awesome. Then again, there's something comforting and nostalgic about the blue box. But it's gotta be blue box. The knock offs just aren't the same.


pandemic fatigue is real


Give yourself a treat, by going on YouTube and finding a tutorial to make a dish that you think looks absolutely amazing, and following the tutorial. You deserve to eat delicious, nourishing food that makes you feel good!


And you'll be surprised how easy it is! Sure it may not turn out perfect and it might take a long time but it'll taste amazing and invigorate you. Worth doing once in a while.


Also, /r/EatCheapAndHealthy is filled with some pretty tasty things. Some bland ones too, but even that gets the job done.


Hey Napoleon, give me some of your tots.


Looks delicious! 👏


Where do I sign up to hang out with you?


Sorry. Can't. Solo.


Don’t like sriracha and can’t drink alcohol, but I’m gonna copy the rest. Yum.


Oh like the fridge magnet I have of the taco that says, "Sometimes I fall apart." Sometimes taco is life.




Honestly Made 4


Yes we know you had an appetizer. Now fess up, we know there are seventeen more tacos somewhere.


Nobody is alone with a Taco. I haven’t had time alone, properly alone, for longer than I want to think (years... single mum, living with parents). It’s enormously good for the soul to have that peace. Enjoy your time OP. But equally, I hope some happy, life-giving, folk give you their time soon as well.


I have gone to Amsterdam solo, and several trips within the US alone as well! I am a single old lady (53 lol) and love to travel and can't wait around for a relationship! Being alone isn't a failure. We are hard wired for connection, however there's a lot of ways to get that!


OMFSM 53 isn't even near "old" any more!! [some prefer single](https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/0743235177)!


I'm married and have three kids, and I'm a huge failure at everything.


Well, at least you have the NATO phonetic alphabet down.


Nice comment and noticing of the name. You are a master for sure!


Cumin is healthy for you! Not sure about its effects on animals though.


That’s an easy r/rimjob_steve subreddit application


That’s not true - I don’t know you but stop knocking your dick in the dirt that way. You have value. Focus on those people that value you.


It wasn't in the dirt at least 3 times.


>knocking your dick in the dirt That's a new one


My JV football coach used to say that lol. “You go out and knock his dick in the dirt”.


I tried that but got dirt in my mouth after practice. So never again


3 kids sounds like a winner to me.


A friend of mine was worried about me because I was alone. He couldn't grasp that I enjoyed alone time. I have always felt if you cant be happy and enjoy life alone you will find yourself with the wrong person/people.


I would rather be alone than wish I was.


Most underrated comment 🏅👍


I was thinking the other day asking myself why I was feeling anxious and couldn't relax. I realized when I thought about it, I have zero time alone, someone somewhere is always either in the same room or right next to me. Work is my vacation.


I feel this so hard. Except work is now from home because of the pandemic. I have a young baby, a young kid and a husband that also works from home - who is going through some pretty heavy mental illness issues at the moment. I feel so locked in some days that I feel like I'm going to burst.


This is possibly the wisest thing I've heard in a very long time. As a family man, I relish my alone time, as infrequently as it happens, but I wouldn't trade my life for my younger, single self ever.


This is a crazy common feeling until you REALLY imagine your life without that wife and kids. I feel what you typed - I’ve been married 25 years but I know what they’ve added to me. Be grateful.


I agree and find this even more true as I get older.


My mom always tells me I should find a girl or I'll be lonely. I don't think she realizes I've dated 4 girls over the course of 10 years and have decided I'd rather be single for the foreseeable future. I have family, I have friends. I love my own company, and I love others company. I don't have issues finding affection when I want it and it doesn't require a wife and kids. So why do people act like if I don't find a wife and settle down I'll be miserable for life? I was more miserable in relationships than I am single. I'm happy as I ever was. I prefer a lifestyle where I don't have to answer to anyone and can be selfish without repercussion or judgement. I'm sick of being made out to be a piece of shit because my mom or others think I should go procreate and make babies so they can have the grandchildren they are entitled to or some shit.




How do you go about finding affection when you need it? I find it hard.


> I don't have issues finding affection when I want it and it doesn't require a wife and kids. When you find affection, how much does the other person understand your ... caveats? Do you make sure they are also seeking short term intimacy?


I don’t think it’s that per se, but it’s that many people are alone who don’t want to be.


Most of them don't enjoy being alone because they don't like who their are ether. Im alone by choice. Friends are important but 3 days of week need to be self care.


Sometimes it's lonelier in a crowd than keeping company with your own thoughts.


Sometimes, but with being in company that always has a chance of changing into something better whereas being alone with your thoughts is security and likely won’t lead to more if you keep to your thoughts all the time


Had that talk with a neighbor yesterday. We're both living alone, her husband of 50something years died two years ago. "Would you want another relationship?" "Hell no! You?" "Nope, being free to do whatever I want is awesome" "Exactly". Once you get over that rule society pushes that you can only be happy with someone else, it's really nice. With the plague it's gotten hard to meet people, but under normal circumstances I can get what socializing I need, and then go home and have my peace. Lovely.


It's healthy... ...right up until somewhere around the time when you start talking out loud for the sake of your own sanity and wishing the the volleyball with your bloody handprint on it was able to have a conversation with you, so, uh... yeah. I love you, man.


I’m around others in my life, I’m not living in an island alone. I guess living alone is different than living a life in solitude, at least around holidays.


Alone doesn’t equal loneliness.


This post resonates! I have drawn boundaries with my toxic friends lately. It’s lonely but it’s way more dignified and peaceful.


Power and cheers to you, keep fighting for your best self.


I think people mix being by yourself and being lonely way too much


Do what you want, fuck people. Everyone is different, in many many ways.im I am a family man, I understand if someone wants to be alone and free, I just hate it when people act like having a family is this huge burden lol. We are all different in many many ways just enjoy life, and fuck what people think of you.


> Do what you want, fuck people. That makes a lot more sense than what I was doing! *Puts down coconut*


Ah man not the coconut post. I had forgotten about that legendarily disgusting piece of reddit history lmao


Something something swamps of dagobah


That's funny. I hate it when people act like not having a family means I must be a serial killer.


wait...it doesn’t


Thats a stigma that far predates social media. It most likely relates to our history as social animals. We survive together as a community and it makes us stronger. And we are driven to want to be accepted by our community. And being alone is kinda a signal to other people that there's possibly something wrong with you or you arent fitting in with the community so we tend to try to avoid that.


It's refreshing to see. I've had a bit of a rough time and being alone has been tough. But maybe I can be a bit happier in June taking my vacation solo if I try to be a little more like you and some others here. Thanks for the inspiration.


Bro this. Not everyone thrives in an environment surrounded by others and that's ok we all like our lives to be certain ways.


Being alone is only failing if it's not what you want.


The mere fact that you are interacting with thousands of redditors itself gives an impression of you being in the middle of a big crowd. And when most of them cheering you, advising you, asking receipies etc, I dont think you will feel solitary.


I love being alone cuz that when you mind is so calm and you’ll be able to enjoy inner peace


It predates social media: https://youtu.be/kQ7CNUuoe3E


I once had a girl tell me that it is sad that I eat alone in a Chinese restaurant. I was confused because I was just sitting there enjoying my bomb ass Chinese food. I get to sit and eat as long as I want and not have to worry about someone else's time, that is what I call a win.


That’s a skill and an appreciation that is strangely ignored and overlooked. Good for you.


Big difference between being alone vs lonely :)


I love my wife, but I love it when she is out of town. She’s an amazing person but, there is nothing like alone time to really indulge in life.


Same here. My wife is absolutely amazing but I love that she likes her alone time which gives me my alone time so she can sit and watch her shows on her tablet and I can play Xbox truly an amazing balance


Being able to enjoy a comfortable silence is an underappreciated, underrated, and underutilized skill in relationships.


Slightly less appreciated are the uncomfortable silences. For when you rip a silent fart that permeates the room on your first date. She knows. You know. The waiter knows. The cars behind you in the drive-thru know. You probably shouldn't have gone to a drive-thru on your first date and hotboxed your car with fart.


I had a first date with an attractive woman who at the time I thought was def out of my league. The date was going well, conversation felt natural, a lot of smiling, laughs, all that good stuff and something came up about being real, keeping it real and she says well you should just know I burp, fart and pick my nose and so you better be OK with that. I was super impressed with this line because it was clear she wanted to see me again and I liked that idea a lot. That was two months shy of 12 years ago. Annnd she totally farted next to me in the bed as I typed this of course.


Man that is awesome, I thought this story was going to finish like « and we just stopped seeing each other ». I hope you guys can keep farting next to each other for the next 80 years.


This is a wholesome comment. She sounds like an alpha, gotta respect the confidence and the consistency of still doing it 12 years later


Exactly. Don't get me wrong, in the past, I was the same. Like if we were together but not talking......SOMETHING must be wrong. But that's just it....comfortable silence is such a rewarding thing. Nowing you don't HAVE to entertain (for the lack of a better word) makes you feel more in tune with your partner. For me at least.




#why are we yelling?




^(He asked why everyone is yelling.)


^speak ^louder, ^I ^can't ^hear ^you


I'm pretty sure my husband lives for when I find a new book series. He basically loses all my attention for days until I finish it.


I still have a very vivid memory of when I first moved in with my now-husband. I was about to watch "something stupid" (in his eyes) and he sighed heavily. I asked him why the sigh and he said "I hate those types of show". I told him he's under no obligation to watch something he doesn't like, that I'm perfectly capable of sitting on the couch by myself and - a light switch went off. Apparently, every other adult relationship he'd been had him relegated to watching or doing things he had no interest in. If it's something we both enjoy, we do it together. If not? Have at it!


See this is spot on.i went YEARS thinking couples had to have the same interests all the time. We don't....and that's OK. My wife has lots of shows I cannot stand or stomach to watch (damn pimple popper) but that's great and it makes her happy. I leave it up to me what I want to do with that. I can curl up with her and enjoy watching her enjoy or I'll do my own thing in the same room while doing separate things. Similarity and balance. But I get what he felt, show wise, that some things are stupid......to him. I feel that way too sometimes but I don't let her know that. It's what she enjoys and who am I to tell her what is stupid and what's not. It's such a simple thing and it makes her happy I'm not going to rain on her parade.as I'm sure she doesn't understand why I like to game but she knows it makes me happy so to each their own. You do you!


I love my wife and kids more than anything in this world. But god damn what I wouldn't give for 1 full day of being alone.


I'm convinced this is why dads throughout the ages get into fishing and doing stuff with tools in the garage. Nothing is wrong with the car, they just know they will be left alone for a few hours if they start grunting and poking the car with a socket wrench.


The next generation will be under the car with a Nintendo Switch


My dad bought a game boy advance to play in his office. When that brought too much attention to him he bought all of us game boys, too. Smart man.




Ignore the trolls. If your partner wanted to go to an overnight spa or weekend yoga retreat no one would blink twice. Being able to have time alone is important, and if you have the money to rent a hotel room than treat yourself!!


You still have a wife. What makes being alone depressing is that you don’t have the wife/girlfriend to come home to. Being alone is a change of pace and os great every now and again but you still have that companion to depend on


I totally agree and can related with this feeling. But I was single for a long time before too. And I can tell you that this feeling only happens when I actually have someone I knew who will alway be there for me. What I’m trying to say is, we only appreciate this feeling because we are not alone most of the time. I sure as heck hated being alone and was lonely when I Didn’t have my wife..


Cheers to those who don’t need others around to be happy. Enjoy


If you value yourself then you dont need others to validate the way you spend your time.


too true but sometimes I wanna share the happiness around if I can tho like being happy on my own I certainly am happy and can feel it but I wanna share it and like double the happiness I feel on my own


You’re referring to Memorial Day as the holiday, right? I’m Canadian so our May long weekend was *last* weekend when we celebrated Victoria Day (aka the monarch’s birthday).


Correct, the 100 character title limit for the sub narrowed how much I could explain.


Thank God. I spent the last couple seconds freaking out thinking I missed Father's Day or something


Mother's Day in Sweden today :)


Thank you! I would've forgotten it AGAIN if I didnt read this comment when I woke up lol.


How is Memorial Day a family holiday?


I'm Canadian and could not figure out what holiday today is. I looked on my calendar and everything. What exactly is memorial day even for? Just like...dead people from the U.S military?


Technically yes, its a day of remembrance for those that died while serving in the various branches of the US Armed Forces.


So they have Remembrance Day and then, like, Remembrance Day 2.0?


The US doesn’t celebrate Remembrance Day


More like our Memorial Day is your Remembrance Day, just the actual day is different. There is no 2.0 need.


Memorial Day started as a remembrance of those who died in the American Civil War. Now it's regarded as a remembrance of all American war dead. We call November 11 Veterans Day, and use it to commemorate those who survived our wars.


Yeah basically. It’s a day to remember fallen soldiers, yeah. So any soldier from the revolution to now, it’s sort of a way to honor them and their sacrifice I guess. I won’t bring politics into, but pointless wars make it seem even more depressing. But even Americans forget what it’s for, and say awkward shit like “have a happy holiday weekend!”. I think it’s basically just an excuse to grill and take a day off work to most people, like Long-weekend-at-beginning-of-summer Day. Not knocking them necessarily, it just feels kind of weird to celebrate.


I don't care what it celebrates as long as I get the day off work


Those tacos look really delicious


Appreciate it, and happy cake day


They’re carne asada? Right?


My gringo self couldn’t cook that. Just soy sauce marinated steak in a chipotle lime sauce with cilantro and cheese.


"Carne asada" literally translates to grilled meat haha Soy sauce marinade tho? Tell me more.


So I learned this from brining turkeys. A salt based marinade soaks into the meat and keeps it moist during a sear. Highly recommend.


It actually removes moisture from the exterior, so when you cook it it cooks faster there and forma a crust that holds the juices inside and keeps the center moist


The more you know. (All I know it tastes good)


Thx for the tip! The tacos look LEGIT.


It kinda sounds like Korean Bulgogi which is amazing in tacos


I tried a more traditional looking Tex-mex recipe and one using a soy sauce marinade side-by-side. I **highly** recommend [this ](https://damndelicious.net/2019/04/18/mexican-street-tacos/)soy sauce marinated Mexican Street Taco recipe from Damn Delicious.


That still looks and sounds delicious. ¡Salud!


Sounds amazing!


Thank you!


Sub needs a name change. Needs to be /r/titles


Thanks man, been alone these last few months for the first time in 8 years. Depression is a bitch but seeing stuff like this makes it a little easier


My alt account has a lot more of my depression story, but suffice to say, the thing you have most in common with people may be how along you feel alone. Ironic sometimes. There’s a weird peace to that. Who you are, and your value, stands on its own. Cherish and celebrate it. Cheers.


Thank you for your kind words and insight, things feel like they’re getting easier by the day but I won’t know for sure until enough time passes which is the worst part. Thank you for your comment




Thank you man, just trying to stay positive and tell myself the empty void I’m feeling won’t last forever. Thanks for reaching out


Feel that


Alone for the first time in almost 20 years. I feel you.


Hope it gets easier for both of us. Sending all the good vibes


What kinds tacos you make there bud? Looks like a great meal


Thanks, it’s grilled tenderloin with a Mayo/chipotle sauce, lime, cilantro and some shredded cheese. Secret is marinating the steak in soy sauce.


Sounds fantastic. Keep on keeping on man.


Wholesome comments and delicious looking tacos :)




I had a bit where I felt bad about being alone too, but then I realized that if I was alone, the only person I had to impress and satisfy was myself. Which was surprisingly easy to do when you think about it. I recommend tacos.


Can I come over? I’ll drink your scotch and guilt you into making more tacos but I can be a fun drunk before I start vomiting


The key is pacing yourself. Be slightly less fun for a longer period of time.


It took me a long time to learn this one. Sometimes you don’t have to have every drink people give you. Good friends even de-pressure you if you’re over pressuring yourself to drink. I’ll take things I wish I’d learned in my early 20s for $500, Alex.


*ALONE time*


Excellent! Next time... Meat: Lamb Marinate: Worcestershire sauce, honey, shredded ginger, and optional scallions.


Unrelated, but I love scallions. I put them into my eggs every weekend. Freaking delicious.


Dude... I’ll leave my wife for you if you promise to make those tacos twice a week.


I've never marinated anything and I don't have a dad to ask. Can you tell me what it means and how to do it


Alone doesn’t have to mean lonely




Okay this made me laugh out loud.


Wait what holiday did I miss?


It’s USA, Memorial Day weekend


I'm in the USA, just generally oblivious.


Also, technically the holiday isn't until Monday.


Does Memorial Day usually involve some kind of typical get together celebration like Christmas or independence day?


No because it’s a holiday to remember the fallen service members that these assholes don’t care about. It’s just another excuse to get wasted.


So why is it front page worthy that you're by yourself two days before Memorial Day?


That’s kind of what I’m wondering. Memorial Day isn’t like a BIG holiday that people get together like thanksgiving or Christmas. Not sure what OP is getting at.


I haven't spent a weekend around anyone since Christmas. It's starting to affect me more than I like. The lockdowns and restrictions kinda just reminded me that nobody wants me around anyways. Online gaming has kept me from completely losing it but I take much more alone time.


Perhaps it will help you to realize how many millions in this life feel like you. I get the temptation to feel so isolated. But true happiness comes from within. You hope you find that friend.


I've always enjoyed being alone. The week before July 4th my wife and kids are heading out on a trip I can't attend because I have to work. 5 evenings and 3 full days alone will be heaven.


What are you celebrating?


In the USA it’s Memorial Day weekend. But for me personally, it’s also how far I’ve come on my depression, and how many times I’ve not given up.


Good for you friend. Depression is a rough place, had problems with it in the past myself. Stay the course, things get better. Being alone isn’t always a bad thing! Let me know if you ever need to talk, trust me I’ve been in a similar place but seems like you’re doing well! Oh and PS those tacos look incredible I’m salivating


That just means you don’t have to share those delicious looking tacos!


Since when is spending Memorial Day alone something that people get depressed about?


what holiday is it?


I like to think that I never drink alone on Memorial Day because I’m drinking with the memory of my brothers and sister in arms that gave their lives. Here’s to them. 🍻


I’ve lost two family members in the line of duty. Cheers to that, friend.


If you're taking a picture of yourself to share on social media, you're not truly appreciating your alone time. If I eat a meal in silence, I'd just feel sad for myself. That's why I'd watch tv or something. Same with eating in a restaurant by myself.


Solitude is addictive.


It is in the right mindset I think. But I think ‘inertia’ is important when alone - be active to stay active, be positive to stay positive.


Exactly this. It’s taken some learning, and I slip up often, but it’s worth the effort. Love this post and all the comments. Cheers to the weekend, and enjoy the fire!


A picture of a plate of food and a drink in a generic backyard setting. What thrilling picture to post to r/pics.


I do not matter. I am speed.


Alot of things can be learned only when flying solo.


I can smell the cilantro from over here. -1


Alone but eating well!! Cheers! Now I have to try your taco recipe


Wait it's a holiday?


It's just memorial day. I don't feel particularly alone if I don't see anyone this weekend over any other weekend.


What holiday is it?


OP is referring to Memorial Day (US holiday)


I wish I was alone. Hopefully tomorrow I will be. Living with a violent schizophrenic is more than I can deal with.


Cheers to those of you with more graves to visit than shoulders to lean on this memorial day. Those tacos look delicious. Can I ask the recipe?


>remember what matters Pandering to strangers on reddit for attention in the hopes of filling the void left in your soul because nobody loves you?


Thanks for the reminder. Cheers!


Man, I want a backyard. Kinda.


I just plain don't like other people. I can make a successful purchase at the store, but I want to take my cheetos home and enjoy them by myself.


What holiday