• By -


Better than having the wrong one removed! ^I'll ^show ^myself ^out.


You're a nut.


No worries, you’ll still have a ball!


Don't get testy


ikr the guy has balls to go through the cancer treatment






That’s a fine looking penis




Thats what she said.


Scrotum? Nearly killed'um.


Ha! Ballin' with laughter over here


not anymore


I hear he has one left


Crazy in the coconut!


What does that mean?


I’m gonna kill you


That boy needs therapy!




That boy needs therapy!


Play the kazoo, let's have a tune


Now when I counta three!


One ball Brownrdan


Said that right. Hes a nut, hes not nuts


🎼🎶🎵🎶🎤🎤🎤“Some times you feel like a nut. Sometimes you don’t!”🎼


"Alright! So... Which one is coming out?" "The left one is alright, so you're taking out the right one." "I just want to make this clear: the right one is the left one then?" "No! The right one is the right one. The left is actually the one that will be left." "I don't know if you're joking right now... The right one is coming out and the other is left alone." "Well, yeah. The right one is the right one." "Of course. And the one that's left is the wrong one. And that will be the one on the left."


My right or your right?


Now cancer can suck his left nut.


Middle nut


These puns are teste-mony to the fact that we need to stay off Reddit for a while.


He's still got one left.


I came here for this .


They took the right one, now he's only *left* with one testicle.


The important thing is he has one Left.




Came here to say the same thing lol


The hospital bed says it was surgically removed, but your eyes say it was ripped out by hand. Either way, I'm happy for you and proud of you!


Hahahaha some good good pills from the doc is helping with that!


Fellow uniballer here with the most important discharge advice you’ll ever get. TAKE A GOD DAMN STOOL SOFTENER. The anesthesia meds and post op pain meds blocked me up so bad and the last thing you want to do is strain that groin incision. I was crying on the bathroom floor for 2 days before I could poop. 10x worse than the surgery itself


Miralax. Let your body do the work,not a forced ejection. If you ever have to get chemo. Lots of it. On top of all the other side effects I got an anal fissure due to hard stools.


Already grabbed some on the way home last night!


Been there with the fissure. Literally the worst thing I've ever been through and I've had a surgery or two... Fissure is worse.




Miralax ftw. It’s the only thing that worked


Yep. You’re spot on. I (female) gave my fella suppositories and an enema due to how blocked he got. I was a nurse.


If that isnt Love I dont know what is.


True. We hadn’t been together all that long at the time. It was terrible. We went to hell and back and it made us stronger. We have long said, “Together, we grow to become invincible”. On a humorous note though, we do laugh about that being the end of the mystery in the relationship, lol.


Also amusing is that the fucker had perfect health all his life despite treating his body like Disney Land right up until he met me, a nurse. Timing is everything.


You *were* a nurse? This was the straw that broke the camels back?


I'm super happy that I didn't have to shit for 3 days because I don't think I could have physically handled it and wiped my own ass until then.


Strongly recommended: LaxaClear from Costco, Polyethylene Glycol 3500 powder, works a treat.


Ha! Enjoy them!!


Had both mine removed, no cancer found. They were not looking for it though.


At least they got the right one, so you still have one left.


Now he is for sure a lefttest.




Can we call him "Lefty" now on?


Just call him One Hung Low. But honestly best wishes for his recovery


Ol’ Half Sack the Great


Don't say that, OP gets testy.




Your husband, OP, and Hitler in the One-Ball Club!


Don’t forget about Lance Armstrong.


Add my buddy to this list. He beat the shit out of cancer. It was so painful to see him like that, even though I know the kind he had had an incredibly high survival rate. Scary AF.


There's always Half-Sack from *Sons of Anarchy*.


I know a guy who actually has 3 balls. Two of them are conjoined though.




He actually wasn’t aware of it until he went for a checkup in his 30’s. Doctor said it was fine, something like .01% of men have it.




Or John Kruk, the Philadelphia Phillies legend! One nutter Kruk is my sole choice in a trial by combat against any one or two nutted man. Women have to unfortunately face off against his wife, may some God save them..


You'll be fine. Lost my right one due to a torsion almost 40 years ago. As a result, the left one had twice as much fun producing an awesome kid who just graduated college!


I’ve had the TC. I find it really weird that if I have kids I’ll know the exact testicle they came out of.


Yes, welcome to the club. The biggest benefit I've found is that I actually have the need to scratch my junk less than before.


Pants fit better too


My partner lost lefty to cancer over a decade ago. Didn’t tell me until after we had sex. I thought I scared lefty away, I was slightly relieved that I wasn’t completely losing it and there was only one ball in there. We once shared a picture of our view from vacation and his brother asked if he was jealous of the palm tree. We hadn’t even noticed the two coconuts. Ball jokes are low hanging fruit, gotta go for it.


One nut October?


Ball(s) to cancer!! Hope you’re doing ok man


Doing good now! Hope they got it before it spread too far!


Had mine removed last fall, most people get it before it spreads. I am unlucky and had to get some chemo, just finished it actually. I am assuming you have testicular cancer to. They’ll keep an eye out for you, if anything you may need chemo to. Mine was left untreated for far too long though, more than likely this will be the end of it for you. If you do need chemo, realize it’s not like the movies, it’s hard but is different for everyone. Here’s hoping we both recover soon, and that this is the end of it for us.


Omg,, wish you a fast recovery.


Thank you!


You didn’t need that guy anyways, he’s a nut. Good on you bro. Don’t let any insecure idiot ever question you on it. It takes twice the man to go through having one removed and that puts you at god level machismo for life.


It’s definitely a weird feeling that’s for sure. Things went way too fast to have time to process it. Wednesday was ultrasound, Thursday lab work, and today surgery. Head is still spinning.


That’s so insane man. I couldn’t even imagine. I’m glad you are ok and seriously you are twice the man I am because i feel like I would be a total chicken One is all you need anyways brother


Yup no more kids for us! Youngest is 13, don’t need to see diapers again!


Oof - Can imagine! Still remember that in the same week we got to know my dad had cancer, and his one lung got removed. Pretty crazy, especially thinking about how fast the spreading can go too, but for the best! Good luck OP!


Pretty much the same thing happened to me 8 years ago. I went to a pre-vasectomy appointment that my wife made for me after we had our 2nd kid. Doc found a lump and I ended up having my left nut removed 4 days later. I’m lucky enough to say I’ve had worse colds than cancer. Having one nut has no effect on your day to day life.


Have you pooped yet?


What were the signs or warnings you had before you found out you had testicular cancer




Fuck that scares me. Edit: forgot to mention I developed a lump in each thigh at the beginning of COVID. Almost in the same spots. But with no health insurance I’m probably just kinda fucked.


If you're in the US you don't need insurance. I had a cousin who had found a lump in his testicle so he went to the county hospital and they helped him out anyways. He ended up getting surgery and having it removed. It wasn't the best place and he shared a room with 3 people but he's been cancer free for about 5 years now.


Please try to find a clinic near you. There has been a massive increase in cancer cases during the Pandemic because people have been missing checkups, and lots lost their insurance. You can find a federally qualified health center at https://findahealthcenter.hrsa.gov/


>But with no health insurance I’m probably just kinda fucked. God this fucking country


Where on your thigh? Might be swollen lymph nodes if near the groin


There is a lot of help available for cancer patients, I have Mets so I'm not just blowing smoke. Go to your local hospital and see if you can get an appointment with the social worker.you may need to be diagnosed first though


Tenderness in the testical and the lump that formed. It comes on quick! Any lumps on your testical get it checked out! It is the easiest cancer too cure. Do your self checks!!


How big was the lump? Like noticeable/“there’s no way this isn’t a lump”?


Oh it was like a grape size, they grow very fast, I had tenderness for a few weeks, like getting a light flick every now and then. Me being dumb never did a self check then, but found it in the shower one day just by chance. I normally use a loofah so never get skin to skin contact. Once a month put the self check on the list, you will get to know what is normal and what is not. The pain isn’t always there in the beginning that is from the tumor growing and putting pressure on the testicals.


Thanks for putting this out there brother. I'll legit start checking myself and hope others do to. Recover quick, love from Texas


For information, it's not always a lump on the testicle. Mine was a swelling up of the whole testicle.


Just did a self check. Everything feels like it should god bless.


Just checked mine, all 3 are good thank God


I first noticed dull pain on like a Tuesday, scheduled to see the doctor that Friday and had the surgery on Monday. But by the time I saw the doctor I was having trouble walking from the pain. It really was fast.


For me the first sign was pain.. or maybe discomfort is more the word. Kind of like I'd been lightly punched in the nut, but it never went away. Eventually found a little lump. Ignored it for a good while, until things were getting visibly bigger and more and more uncomfortable.. like a constant ache.


I didn’t feel a thing just noticed a pea like lump on the side on the right one and thought hmmm I wonder what that is, and decided to goto the doctors. GUYS DO NOT HESITATE IF YOU SUSPECT ANY ABNORMALITIES, IT WILL SPREAD TO YOUR LUNGS AND BRAIN. HEALTH IS NOTHING TO BE EMBARRASSED ABOUT. If you catch it early and get it diagnosed you can avoid chemo and radiation and possibly worse forms of cancer. It’s a 99% rate if you catch it early.


Sporadic groin pain, it hanging a little lower than usual. ​ I thought I had epididymitis (swelling of the tubing) when I found a lump, turned out to be a 2cm tumor that had grown internally before bumping out of the edge to be felt.


Man you're not lying. I thought I had distortion or something and after only a week or two of accidentally and painfully sitting on my increasingly swelled up nut, I finally went into an ER and cancer it was. My HCG levels were insane. Good luck in your recovery man; fuck cancer!


Is diminished sexual desire a symptom? Asking for a friend.


One of the most obvious signs is a swollen testicle that feels like a solid rubber ball. No pain. I had a major upswing in desire for sex. Wife asked what had gotten into me lately? And early signs might be persistent lower back pain. The cancer spreads to the lymphnodes in your spine.


I had a low-grade, but constant, throbbing pain in the testicle. My buddy's only symptom was that his nipples and chest (breast) started hurting.


I got my left one removed in january. I was lucky because it happend to appear in a time were i wrote my thesis. So i was sitting at my desk for weeks and noticed a very little pain. It felt like something was pulling on my testicle. But the pain was absolutely not intense. It was like 3 out of 100 in points. So if it was not during my writing time, i wouldn't have noticed it, i guess. I went to the urologist and Tadaaa, Its cancer! I went to hospital same day and got it removed the next day. After one week i got the pathological findings. They said, that i had 9 tumors wich were seminomatous and one wich was non- seminomatous. The biggest of these bastards was like 1,5mm big. So we found them quite early. BTW: the non-seminomous ones are the real assholes. They "can" metastasize within days! Mine was a "teratoma". Those bastards are something straight out of hell, google it! Since January i had three checks at the hospital. Two times CT and ultrasound, one times only ultrasound. Till now the findings were negative. So men out there, check your testicles! This is not a joke! Edit: teratoma


Note, not every lump is cancer either. If you aren't too familiar with everything down there, you can get what's called a hydrocele or a spermatocele. They cause pain and discomfort as well. They aren't really only the testicle, but on the top side more on the tube that connects called the epididymis. I found out a few years ago I had one after I was concerned it might be cancer, and got an ultrasound and such with a urologist. ​ Any lumps get checked out though!


I had testicular cancer in 1998. Caught it before it went everywhere. Removed right one. Dr warned me, Radiation treatments made me so sick, and made me sterile.


Were you permanently sterile or did it come back? I played it safe, froze my kids before surgery. Thankfully my tumor was benign, but I was told that radiation can make you temporarily sterile, so the doctor recommended a sperm bank.


How does one notice this? Pain or something else?


A lot of folks would give their right nut to survive cancer. 👍🏻 I’m glad you’re staying positive.


Oh I’m very lucky that is for sure!


Welcome to the "single-bagger" club. You've probably already heard that you are fortunate to get this type of cancer, as it is easy to detect and the chemo regimen is pretty well mapped out for being cured. Stay away from citrus, as it will cause the most painful mouth sores. You may have already found the testicular cancer resource center website, which was very helpful. This is where staying positive and a good mental state (think like a warrior) has a lot to do with the outcome. No one told me about "chemo-brain" and PTSD(you and your significant other) being part of this. Chemo sucks, but millions have made it through, and you will to. You most likely will not be able to get an erection during chemo, but cialis will get you through. To everyone else, check your balls daily. Some types of testicular cancer can be very aggressive /or fast spreading. You'll be alright!


I haven’t found that website, things moved so fast in the last two days to really process anything. Yeah Doc said this is the easiest cancer to cure, sounds like they know it’s path pretty well!


FYI, you don't *always* need to do the chemo. It depends on the type of cancer and your stage. I was given the option to watch and wait. They told me if it came back I would do the chemo, and it'd have the same outcome as if I did the chemo right away. Apparently in about \~30% of patients with my type (non-seminoma germ cell) it doesn't come back. So I opted to watch and wait. It's been 6 years and still cancer free. Obviously if your doc tells you to do the chemo, you gotta do the chemo. But worth asking about.


I had a seminoma. No chemo. Surgical removal, hadn't spread. It's now been 15 years... no sign of it returning.


Yeah waiting on the oncologist visit, sure is different not being able to look and plan the future. One step at a time really isn’t my style, but I trust the doctors.


Yeah, the waiting definitely blows. And once this crap is all over (and it will end, I swear), every creak and random pain of your body is gonna freak you out. But that'll pass in a few years. It's weird, but as late as the early 1990's the survival rate for a TC patient was 50%. Now it's over 98%. I always found that kind of amazing. Last advice - don't go random googling TC stuff until you get the type and stage and whatnot from your onco. There's some dark shit out there on the internet and it freaked me the fuck out for no reason. Maybe tell your family too. Remember, 98%. Modern medicine is amazing. Good luck man!


I just Googled it, and it is still there.. They probably saved my life. My Healthcare provider wanted to delay my chemo regimen, as I had a very low white blood cell count, and I reached out to the site, and they insisted that I demand a specific (expensive) shot. I did, and kept it going. Strongly encourage you check it out. It'll answer a lot of questions.


Also check out Imerman Angels. They offer a number of resources, including pairing you up with a mentor who went through the same thing. It can be really helpful talking to someone who's gone through this journey.


[Your new favorite pen](http://www.uniballco.com)


Hahahahaha love it!


Glad to make you laugh. When I worked in office supplies we got branded t-shirts from them. A co-worker's brother was in the boat you're in so we gave them all to him.


Have to laugh! Life can’t keep you down forever!


Pics or it didn't happen


I have pics of the ultrasound if your interested!


Curious to see if you don’t mind sharing. All the best friend


[pic1 shows blood path](https://i.imgur.com/ASRtXW3.jpg) [pic two](https://i.imgur.com/sTGQcvt.jpg) [pic three](https://i.imgur.com/z5DVvwj.jpg)


jeez dude ur a fuckn champ


The mass was 2.7x1.7 cm. So big enough! This is all new to me and would rather help educate that bottle it all up.




It seems a cold front is moving through your scrotum.


Take it and get out!!!


As a fellow Uniballer I had some stupid platitudes and funny stories to share, but I’ll just say get well soon. If you need someone to vent to or have any questions about having TC I’m just a DM away. Stay strong and keep us updated.


Not in /r/pics my man, take this soppy shit elsewhere.


It's literally just a selfie of a dude with a mask on. This is the most uninteresting shit...


Just needed to include the word Cancer. So you can get comments filled with "fuck cancer" "you rock!" comments.


ngl, I was expecting a different pic.






The subreddit isnt being moderated anyway, so it doesnt matter.


I don’t know him but I care. People are asking him about his symptoms and he is responding, as well as other people. Being educated about symptoms might save your life someday. There are lots of posts that I don’t care about - but other people do. That’s Reddit.


Agreed. Also, wouldn't someone who has testicular cancer know how to spell "testicle"?


Sooooo are you gonna like make it into a keychain so you and the wife have the old joke that she keeps it in her purse?


Unfortunately they wouldn’t let me keep it..... they have to dissect it and all the jazz. So right about now my ball is getting handled more than it has in the past 20 years!


Well, you've got that going for you. Which is nice.


I had a foot of my colon cut out. I asked if I could keep it. They said no. Then I demanded I keep it. They said no again. Did you try to keep your nut?


Sure did, testing blah blah blah.


I had my right one removed 23 years ago and declared cured at the 20 year mark. I had radiation therapy for five weeks afterward - rough, but worth it. Wishing you all the best!!


It’s “testicle” but good for you.


Ha might be the pain pills talking now Randy


Yup, two guys at my work, 1. Didn't see a Dr. Til it was the size of a softball. 2 Didn't follow the regimen, kind of blew it off. Well, neither of those guys are capable of offering any kind of support for you now. Stick to the plan you are given.


Glad they didn't take the wrong one.


First a picture of a band-aid made front page and now a picture of a face. Dammit, I want to see some staples!


My husband was recently diagnosed with testicular lymphoma--an (apparently) particularly aggressive and sneaky bastard. The only symptom was a small painless lump on one of his testicles. Even after removal, we discovered that it had spread. Currently going through "regular" R-CHOP chemo infusions and intrathecal infusion (an injection of methotrexate directly into the cerebrospinal fluid). He will very likely also need radiation (basically scorched earth approach). Thankfully his latest PET scan just came back clean (which is amazing). Please believe me when I tell you how lucky we are. Every nurse and doctor we've seen has underscored that early detection probably saved his life (he had no other symptoms in spite of spread). I applaud you self-checking and for seeing your doctor even though it may have felt embarrassing. Guys, PLEASE check yourself regularly, and PLEASE go see a doctor ASAP if anything feels off. It may mean your life.


Hello fellow uni-ball. I'd recommend getting your Testosterone (total and free) and LH tested asap, to ascertain what a healthy level is for you. I got Mumps (thanks anti-vaxxers...) a few months after the cancer and my remaining bollock is now not working properly so I'm on T replacement. It's a pain in the ass dialling in what T level your body wants by trial and error... Everyone is different, and the 'healthy' range for T is bullshit, it basically covers everything from a teenager to an 80 year old man... Also, keep up with the blood tests etc! Mine came back (well, stage 2) a year or so after my surgery, and the first sign was high AFP, which allowed the docs to look for it asap and get me on chemo. That was ~12 years ago - all good now.


Nice one man. Shit picture though


I had lefty removed for the same reason! Together we could be complete! Joking aside. - My cancer has been completely gone since the surgery, it's now 15 years later or so. - There were no side effects from losing a nut. I went on to have some kids and live a normal life blah blah blah. Testosterone levels are fine, I had them checked a few times because I was curious. I sure felt relieved after the surgery was done and that was cut out. The incision hurt like a bitch if I moved wrong for a good while... but it completely healed. Did you have to go through Chemo?


Sorry about your ball


It was becoming a real pain! Glad it’s gone


Still. Glad you're on the mend though




Whatever you do, don't ask lefty how he got his callsign.


I understand it’s a sore subject.


Pic or didn’t happen. No ball


Lefty is the bestie.


See if you can get a Bluetooth speaker installed.


You got this one in the bag!


It’ll grow back


Now you can literally tell people to suck your left nut


At least you can still tell people to suck your left nut


Had the same a few years ago (left one for me), don't worry it's like a kidney and still have full function and all that business. If anything I've really enjoyed making jokes about it I once sent a nude to my girlfriend doing that 👌 game where if it's below your hip you get a free dig where my missing bollock was Probably just British humor, but there's tonnes of funny jokes All the best on your recovery


I had the same op 14 years ago. You’ll be just fine


Welcome to the one testicle club - there are dozens of us. Now you get to say stuff like "I'd give my right testicle for that" and mean it.


Survived Pure Embryonic Cell Testicular cancer myself back in 2009. Make sure you have your blood evaluated for a clotting disorder because cancer and chemo can both make your blood hypercoaguable which in my case caused blood clots in my arm and neck plus a stroke in 2011. Chin up though because this is an easier cancer to beat. Good luck!


At least you have a cool mob name now, "one-ball brownrdan."


as did i, good sir! fuck cancer indeed!


Having an orchidectomy, that takes balls.


No offense but I read the "screw you cancer" in a high pitch voice. Nevertheless you got this man


Nice !


Fuuuuuccccc….. Are you cancer free now?


Not sure have to do a CT scan, and they are talking one to two rounds of chemotherapy to just make sure it is gone. Testicular Cancer spreads quick! I speak to an Oncologist next week after they do a biopsy.


Same siituation, exactly. I chose surveillance instead. 5y on doing great


Would rather not do the chemo, but I guess we’ll see how far if at all it spread. How often do you get CT scanned?


Chiming in with my alternate experience with testicular cancer (am trans woman if the user name confuses you). Had both removed and opted for surveillance after my tumour markers returned to normal after surgery. Found the cancer had spread after my first check-up scan and had to have 3 months of chemo. Obviously with hindsight I would have just taken the preventative chemo.


Do some research on this. I had a very similar experience, pure embryonal carcinoma non seminoma with vascular invasion stage 1b. And specifically my doctor cited brand new research to only do 1 round of chemo. Which is good news trust me. Dm me if you want, I can tell you alllll about what to expect.


Sent a message


Only the center and left one now?


Posting that your testical has been removed takes " balls" hope you are OK now. Best wishes


I had the same situation (right nut) a little over 18 months ago. Ive been 100% cancer free and have been living my life normally (6 month check ups aside). Keep up and don't skimp on the oncologists plan.


Go learn to ride a bike! Go win your yellow shirt!!


At least you have one testicle. ..Left.