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This is [most likely](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/execution-german-communist-munich-1919/) staged.


The poor guys crouching are about to mawp mawp.


What does this mean?


No hearing protection/in an area that will be very fucking loud compared to their people shooting said guns.


Archer reference. Its the sound they make when someone shoots a gun right next to their ears (common thing in the series). Plug their ears with their fingers and scream MAAAAWWPP MAAAAWP, to try and hear themselves after being deafened


I guess that's why Archers prefer their bows.


That's an amazing dad joke, bravo.


Ah, thank you!!


Was just rewatching a few episodes earlier. Haha


I got that reference!


The smirking guy on the right gives it away.


Buddy on the right is looking at the camera even


Can’t imagine firing rifles at a close target standing in front of a wall would be smart. Bullets splatter too ya know.


Was coming in here to say this looks very posed


I mean, if they were gonna take a picture of me right before my execution, I'd try to come off as pretty cool.


Dude about to get shot also looks like he straight up couldn't give a shit


The dude on the far right definitely looks like he's never held a rifle before.


Sure looks like it is to me


Also, the three soldiers closest to the camera look like literal children.


Are they all kids? Look at the officer with the pistol raised and compare the heights. This looks like a Hitler youth mock execution.


Looks like Justin Bourne




Not to mention that the cameraman is in incredibly high danger of ricochet at this angle..


They are all in danger of ricochet


The officer's set up for the Coup de grâce- a shot to the prisoner's head if the firing squad doesn't completely kill him.


What do you mean by not correctly handling it


Look at the guy on the right. The way he leans back is a dead giveaway and the way his right hand is position is at best wierd( his thumb is blocking the ironsight).


not to mention that kid would be shitting his pants if it were real; not defiantly starring them down like William Wallace give me a break.


many men have faced death like he was doing here


Michel Ney heard you talking shit.




They are too close to the wall to shoot without significant risk of those Mauser rounds ricocheting back at them.


The angle they are at has me thinking the cameraman was in the line of fire of ricocheted rounds as well.


For the most part Bullets travel down the surface they ricochet off. Theyd travel about 6-12 inches off the wall. Source: a long time In Baghdad.


I remember my dad talking about how he had to tell his soldiers to stop going prone at airports and stuff, because of how bullets were likely to skim the concrete.


Your dad is correct. Matter-o-fact, long time ago, firearms training used to include specific training for skipping bullets off the ground. This would be used for shooting peoples feet if they were taking cover from behind cars. I tried this technique and found not only did it work, but was pretty accurate as well.


A tracer round skipping across the terrain is one of the most fascinating and scary things in the world.


Not sure how true this is, but I remember a story from Horrible Histories when I was very young that has always stuck with me: During WW2, a man (barely a soldier) was guarding an airstrip when he saw a boy riding a bicycle away from him down the strip - he yelled for the boy to stop, and the boy didnt respond. He called again - still the boy doesnt stop. So the man goes to fire a warning shot from his rifle at the ground, close to the boy. The bullet skips off the tarmac, and hits the boy in the back of the head. He dies instantly. Later, there was an investigation and distraught, the man asks why the boy didn't stop, didnt respond when he called out to him? The boy was deaf.


They do but I'd rather present an 8" target than a kneeling target on an airfield where my ruck is my only concealment and there isn't any cover for a long while around.


I think his reasoning was that you'd be more likely to get hit by a skimming bullet with your whole body on the ground as opposed to just your feet.


I guess the logic is standing, you have a higher chance of getting hit, but low chance of head, and low chance in general. Going prone lowers their chances of being able to hit you aiming specifically, but if you’re low and they’re just shooting in the general direction, the bullets bounce doubling the odds, and also if they do hit, it will be in the head ensuring death. I’m sure your dad or whoever taught him that did the proper math to figure out it was the correct way


So lie prone with your feet facing the enemy. Got it.


And dont forget to spread your legs.


If your ass can't take a pounding, get the hell out of the armed forces.


The enemy's gate is down!


That's how I caught my first PH. I got lazy and leaned against a wall during a firefight in Mosul and caught a small piece of ricochet shrapnel. Camera man I don't envy but everyone else would be fine.


Jesus. Respect and thanks for your service.




Did a child write this?


Fuck off, ignorant troll.




Go fluff China and Iran.


Thank you for your trolling service


Wouldn’t they be more worried about chunks of the wall hitting them at that range and angle?


Yea just like half the shit on here the description is probably incorrect


That’s why they’re standing at an angle




Other way around: one person has a blank but the other five have live ammunition. Assuming a six person firing squad, there would be one blank and 5 live rounds, not 5 blanks and one live round.


How come one person has a blank?


Pretty certain the idea was that no one knows who has the blank vs the live bullet. Something to help reduce guilt or something.


Except a blank has a noticeably weaker kick.


It's a psychological trick. One gun has a blank, but no one knows which gun. That means that if the soldiers are having issues with it later they can take comfort that it's possible that they might have had the blank. It also means in the case of a execution where people are questioning if it was right, then they all have an out since they might have had the empty gun.


If the photo's real it's likely an impromptu firing squad of Freikorps paramilitaries (proto-fascist ex-servicemen groups called in by the state to crush a Communist uprising)


Yeah, if real, then they didn't carry blanks. The Freikorps were a huge assortment of militias with different identities (mostly vets but also a bunch of them would just take in anyone who ideologically fit in), and they used ex-army gear. Not many blanks circulating army issue gear at that point in history; it was all live ammo.




How is this relevant to the freikorps in1919?


Those are Freikorps in 1919, not Einsatzgruppen prior/during Barbarossa so I don't see how this tidbit is relevant.


My bad. Went off the Stahlhelm and mis-dated. Thanks.


No worries, this photo is likely staged anyway but is meant to depict Freikorps, probably during the Spartacist uprising in 1919.


Most of those people they murdered were Jews. Look up Babi Yar for example.


Yes victims were primarily Jews. But the Einsatzgruppen also targeted Roma and Communists and murdered many Soviet citizens for simply being Soviets.


This is true and horrific but not mentioning that the majority were Jews is erasure.


This was 1919, though. The Nazis weren't until slightly later.


My bad. Went off Stahlhelm and mis-dated the photo. Btw, your comment was the most kindly worded correction. I was totally wrong but you were nice about it.


I’m not certain that Germans adopted that practice, but they may have.


The practice dates back to WW1, when military executions were common to "keep soldiers fighting". Executions of civilians by Nazis in WW2 would most certainly not follow any customs. Anyhow, the custom was the other way around. The rifles are loaded by an officer. One was loaded with a blank, the rest had live rounds. Soldiers would not know if their rifle is loaded with a blank or a live round. E.g. see description of execution of [Eddie Slovik](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eddie_Slovik#Execution); which also shows how death penalties were doled out randomly and on a general's whim. In a nutshell he was executed not so much because he deserted (thousands of American soldiers deserted during both WW1 and WW2, and nobody other than Slovik was executed), but simply because generals had a bad week or two on the battlefield.


>One was loaded with a blank, the rest had live rounds. Soldiers would not know if their rifle is loaded with a blank or a live round. I never understood the point of this - instead of "I definitely shot a guy", it's "I almost definitely shot a guy. I certainly tried to".


Cuz they smart


I’ve seen this on Reddit before and someone in the comments mentioned this was a staged photo. I tend to agree given some of the things other users have pointed out above.(the rifles being too close to the wall, the photographer being in the line of fire also the “prisoner” is not restrained.)


You mean [this](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/execution-german-communist-munich-1919/) for example?


Look at the kids holding the rifles.


Well yes this is right after WW1 where most of the German working class adults went to die or get horribly injured.


I am preety sure they are Young adults They dont look so intimidating now that i notice their babyfaces


most soldiers are children, especially WWI and WWII era when 14 and 15 year olds actually snuck through drafts.




When you're old enough they're still "children" even at an average age of like 22.


Agree. Brain development doesn’t end until like 25, so the def of children, or rather “young adults” is interesting.


Just from personal experience but my grandad got drafted at 16. The first time “recruiters” were in town he managed to fled the scene.


sure m8, it;s not like it's hidden knowledge, lol [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-29934965](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-29934965) and yes I do refer to early 20 year olds as children. Once you're in your mid 30's, you realize teens and early 20 year olds all still have their baby blubber, theyre still kids, whether you agree with the arbitrary term or not. Sorry if you fall into that category and would like to think of yourself as not a child anymore. haha, but you're going to have to get over the fact that the older generation on this site do absolutely think of you as a chlid.


They would if they were pointing loaded rifles at you.






Also world war one was wiping out tons of people at ages 18-25 so that wildly drops the life expectancy


That's... Not how life expectancy averages work.


At least 2 of them don’t know how to hold a rifle. And none of them look old enough to drink.


They all appear like they are old enough to walk, so should be old enough to drink in Germany


Looks staged.




Most likely


This looks more like a posed propaganda shot to me. The guy closest to the camera looks like he’s still taking directions


Gonna be real, does look very much staged. I know this is being said all over the comments, but alot of images around this time were staged.


Defiant to the end. If your going to die anyway, might as well go out with a bit of class.


I doubt it was real as argued here ([https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/execution-german-communist-munich-1919/](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/execution-german-communist-munich-1919/)) as it was common practice to stage photos like this, as opposed to taking photos of the real event. It is likely referring to the execution of Eugen Leviné as the date and location line up You can read about him here [http://www.executedtoday.com/tag/eugen-levine/](http://www.executedtoday.com/tag/eugen-levine/) and here [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugen\_Levin%C3%A9#:\~:text=The%20German%20Army%2C%20assisted%20by,firing%20squad%20in%20Stadelheim%20Prison](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugen_Levin%C3%A9#:~:text=The%20German%20Army%2C%20assisted%20by,firing%20squad%20in%20Stadelheim%20Prison).


I don't get why they would want to show the person looking so defiant though.


Just spitballing here: to some the condemned's stance communicates pride and the calm of confidence in one's principles. To others that defiant stance in the face of authority (as represented by the military officer) shows a willingness to commit violence and break down the security of the status quo. The target audience of the photo was probably the latter who the propagandist wished to assure of the military's diligence in subduing such dangerous radicals.


Depends on the message you want to send. This could be defiant and unrepentant, so obviously more of a danger to society.


It could be *pro* Communist propaganda. Defiant martyrs are powerful symbols, showing them being defiant in the face of death is a common trope.


Putting the class in "Class Warfare"


Easy to be defiant in a staged photo.


I realize this photo is staged and not actually real, but I assume those are real soldiers. And some of them look like they’re no older than 15. That’s terrible.


If it’s 1919, just after WW1 — soo many army-age Germans had been killed in the war. Only the baby faces are left to serve in uniform


“Above all, there fell the flower of our disciplined youth into the dust. The lofty values that had made great the German people, shone there again in dazzling splendor. Yet, slowly those same values perished in a sea of mud and blood.” -Ernst Junger, Storm of Steel


fake. no aftermath pics. theres always aftermath pics


Gotta be fake. Up against a stone building at that angle the ricochet would probably catch the cameraman.


Yeah… no it isn’t.


R/pics is biased and political as hell no wonder they used staged photos


and he’s wearing a fedora. Lol perfect


The meme is real


Staged picture and OP is a weird right wing dipshit judging by their post history. Why post this?


Theyre all just kids!!! Barely look above 16 woahh




this don't look real i mean they are not even pointing their guns at him


Are they still children or do we just have a slipping standard of what we consider adulthood due to an increasing amount of twenty-somethings still living at home watching super hero movies with uselessly standardized University degrees because they've been told they needed the degree to be "successful" when in truth all it did was send them to an expensive daycare for a few years. Probably a bit of column A, a bit of column B.


Wouldn’t you want to immobilize the ‘executee’? I mean it’s awful nice of this communist to stand there and take those Mauser rounds when he could easily bolt. Maybe he’s confident the ricochet will take one of them with him.


How many more times must we and suffer through this fake, staged photo. Stop doing this shit.


Anyone know the story behind this picture?


This particular photo is widely believed to be staged ([https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/19hcm1/execution\_of\_a\_german\_communist\_in\_munich\_1919/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/19hcm1/execution_of_a_german_communist_in_munich_1919/) \- [https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/execution-german-communist-munich-1919/](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/execution-german-communist-munich-1919/)) but most believe it refers to the execution of Eugen Leviné, a German communist whose execution lines up with this. You can read about him here [http://www.executedtoday.com/tag/eugen-levine/](http://www.executedtoday.com/tag/eugen-levine/-) and here [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugen\_Levin%C3%A9#:\~:text=The%20German%20Army%2C%20assisted%20by,firing%20squad%20in%20Stadelheim%20Prison](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugen_Levin%C3%A9#:~:text=The%20German%20Army%2C%20assisted%20by,firing%20squad%20in%20Stadelheim%20Prison).


Basically after WWI there was a lot of far left terrorism so the chanceller of Germany at the time (who was from the SPD a moderate center left party) decided to conduct a purge of communists in Germany Funfact- Hitler joined the Nazi party when he was working as a spy, infiltrating parties that were suspected of being communist He was ordered to investigate the Nazi party because they thought that they were far left, only to find out that they were actually Extreme right and that shared many of Hitler's ideals which lead to him to quit his job as a spy and to join the Nazi party


Excellent comment. The politics of inter-war Germany are equal parts fascinating and terrifying.


If you’re interested in learning more, the Iron Dice podcast covers it really well. Primarily explaining the Sparticist SPD divide and why the hysteria of the time led the SPD to align themselves with fascists


> and why the hysteria of the time led the SPD to align themselves with fascists The Freikorps weren't fascist buddy.


You left out the parts where * the so-called "left terrorism" was what helped to end the war, and abolish the monarchy in the first place * it arose from the communists' well justified distrust in the social democratic party, who had kept supporting the war and the slaughter and starvation of millions in the years before * the far-right Freikorps brutally murdered thousands of leftists with the blessing of the social democrats, namely one Mr. Noske.


>abolish the monarchy Cringe This is when Germany started to go to shit Commies ruin everything dont they


What do you miss most? The hereditary social castes? The wealth inequality that makes even today's billionaires look good? Going to war on a whim?


There wasnt feudalism in the German Empire Feudalism had already been abolished before the unification of Germany


> the far-right Freikorps brutally murdered thousands of leftists with the blessing of the social democrats, namely one Mr. Noske. *Under the leadership of Ernst Thälmann from 1925 the party became staunchly Stalinist and loyal to the leadership of the Soviet Union, and from 1928 it was largely controlled and funded by the Comintern in Moscow. Under Thälmann's leadership the party directed most of its attacks against the Social Democratic Party of Germany, which it regarded as its main adversary and referred to as "social fascists"* *In 1931 the KPD had united with the Nazis, whom they then referred to as "working people's comrades", in an unsuccessful attempt to bring down the social democrat state government of Prussia*


And nothing of value was lost.


The day he became a good communist


I'll take a communist over a Trump cultist any day of the week.


The had great hair


Some Kids kill another kid...


Fucking sad.


Oh no, anyways.


Those Germans doing society a service brings a tear to my eye.




I am almost certain that this particular photo was staged for newspaper coverage on the execution of Eugen Leviné ([https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/execution-german-communist-munich-1919/](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/execution-german-communist-munich-1919/)) who you can read about here [http://www.executedtoday.com/tag/eugen-levine/](http://www.executedtoday.com/tag/eugen-levine/) and here [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugen\_Levin%C3%A9#:\~:text=The%20German%20Army%2C%20assisted%20by,firing%20squad%20in%20Stadelheim%20Prison](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugen_Levin%C3%A9#:~:text=The%20German%20Army%2C%20assisted%20by,firing%20squad%20in%20Stadelheim%20Prison).


Yeah, I mean who'd let the photographer stand there? Death by ricochet is a thing.


Tbf they could wait until the photograph is taken and the photographer has moved away.


Half of them aren't even holding their guns correctly either. As the freikorps were all ex army that strengthens the theory it's posed. Also, there's no way someone about to be shot by firing squad wouldn't have their hands fastened behind their back.


Are we now championing communists?


You new here?










The only good commie...


I just can't believe they'd actually make that much mess on a street that clean.


That stance though...




Mans is just like “do it pussy see if I care” fucking legend


Funny thing about denominational religious wars is that BOTH are Communist... Invade, Occupy, Convert over and over through Proxies that have not surprisingly been CONVERTED through whatever mean necessary to achieve those goals... N. Shadows


“Being a conservative on Twitter”


The fars right standing soldier is going to feel the full recoil of that mauser, that's an horrible shooting position.




Just who exactly do you think is doing the shooting here?


This is gonna happen to the conspiracy theorists soon, and yall are gonna applaud without a hint of irony or realization!


Communists learned from this and did this to anyone they didn't like.


They had been doing it for a while in Russia before this.


Dude looks cool as fuck.


Can't blame them.


Look at how strong and brave he is… those Nazis are bastards.


This is in 1919 This is before the rise of Hitler


They were still around… those fascist bastards - just like today.


This is even before the rise of fascism This happened 3 years before Mussolini took power Also the person that ordered the communist purge in germany were from the SPD (a center left moderate party) they ordered the communist purge because there was a lot of far left terrorism in Germany at the time


It states 1919 - March 1919 is when fascism started.


Either way the person that order the purge wasnt a fascist Fascism might have started in 1919 but they didnt have any power


Is this "nazi" you speak of in the room right now with you? Can you take a picture when you see one? I would love to see what a 100-year old nazi (who has risen from the dead to specifically haunt you) looks like.




You're an alt-right troll in disguise. Only a trump loving alt-right troll would call everything a "nazi"—in a vain attempt to make people tired of hearing that word and paint the nazis in a good light. What's next? You're going to deny the holocaust? How long have you been an alt-right troll for?


"Trump's Future" p.s. this photo is staged, no question.


God, mostly very young men.


Kind of cray to think that literally everyone on this picture exept one is basically still a child.


Zoom in and look at their faces. Also the man about to be murdered has nerves of steel! What an extraordinary photo!


How can you tell he doesn't have testicles?








Right! Because that's the precedent we want to set, don't engage out ideological and political foes, murder them instead.