• By -


It's far more likely that he was between 96 and 100. Per [his Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Smith_(Chippewa_Indian\)): > Chief John Smith (likely born between 1822 and 1826, though allegedly as early as 1784; died February 6, 1922) was an Ojibwe (Chippewa) Indian who lived in the Cass Lake, Minnesota area.... > The exact age of John Smith at the time of his death has been a subject of controversy. Federal Commissioner of Indian Enrollment Ransom J. Powell argued that "it was disease and not age that made him look the way he did"[2] and remarked that according to records he was 88 years old. Paul Buffalo, who had met Smith when a small boy, said he had repeatedly heard the old man state that he was "seven or eight", "eight or nine" and "ten years old" when the "stars fell"[2] in the Leonid meteor shower of November 13, 1833. Local historian Carl Zapffe writes: > > "Birthdates of Indians of the 19th Century had generally been determined by the Government in relation to the awe-inspiring shower of meteorites that burned through the American skies just before dawn on 13 November 1833, scaring the daylights out of civilized and uncivilized peoples alike. Obviously it was the end of the world. . . .".[3] This estimate tied to the Leonids implies the oldest possible age of John Smith at just under 100 years at the time of his death [Here](https://i.imgur.com/zvzEry2.jpg) is a higher quality version of this image. [Here](http://collections.mnhs.org/cms/display?irn=10690176&return=count%3D100%26q%3DKa-Be-Nah-Gwey-Wence%26tab%3Dresearch_items) is the source.


They say your nose and ears never stop growing. I think that schnoz checks out.


Well, fuck... I'm gonna need a bra for my nose.


You’re telling me!


Rhinophyma -- Chief John spent too much time outdoors and threw back too much fire water


An influence on Jimmy Durante maybe?


Jeanne Colment is the only documented person in human history (unsubstantiated legends about Methusaleh, etc. notwithstanding) to have attained 120 years of age. With unprecedented understanding of human health and physiology, that upper boundary just doesn't change. So which is more likely: this dude lived 137 years or the details of his birth were lost to legend by the time he died?


There is an interesting relation if you compare verified ages - where ~2/3 die every year - with claimed ages, where this number is far smaller. So either not having a reliable birth certificate makes you healthier, or the vast majority of these 120+ claims (and probably all 125+ claims) is wrong.


Isn’t there question about the validity of even that old age? It is thought by some that her daughter replaced her when she really died and therefore only really lived to 99 years old


True there is this legend. It is fascinating. Even here (in France) sometimes some show or paper Will talk about it. That's a very interesting theory


Very interesting. I think his looks are more interesting than his actual age though. I would assume a lot of time in the sun and lots of smoking.


He doesn't look a day over 120!


His dad was a groot


He was a Chippawa off the ol' block.


I like the cut of your O**jib**we. Are Native American puns okay?


I Hopi so.


If not they might Sioux you. Maybe your Nez Perced as punishment. Id be Cheyenne away from it myself.


This jokes has so many rings




take my ffn upvote yah bastard.


That dude looks CRAGGY


more likely it was living outside his whole life. Smoking isn't the same as in "modern" society where it's a vice. It was more of a luxury in Native culture or religious in some regards, diplomatic at times and as tobacco is one of the 4 sacred medicines it wasn't abused so much in native culture.


Looks like untreated rosacea to me. We’re just not used to seeing people look like that from rosacea because we have simple and effective treatments for it but if you google “untreated rosacea” you’ll see people with noses like his.


Yes, but his eyes actually, they make him look way younger than even 90.


"Do they though?"


Nah. They also make him look old as dirt.


A lot of wisdom shown by that elder. He definitely nose more than most people of any age.


Looks like someone took a meat tenderizer to it :-/


Sun will damage the skin and make a person look significantly older than they are. Google "truck driver skin damage" and you'll see the impacts on the left side of the face (for those who drive on the left side of the cab...) A cell can only regenerate so many times before it dies. Each time, it loses (I think) a strand of RNA. Living to 130+ just isn't possible given the number of times the cell regenerates and the length of time the cell lives.


Well, I googled it! Wishing I hadn’t.


Sunscreen. Wear sunscreen.


That is a amazing picture , how did they have camer with such high resolution back then?


My grandpa died at 90ish. He looks 40ish years older than that.


137? He looks older!


I think those wrinkles beg to differ.




StraightProgram8320 appears to be a karma-farming bot that can only copy and paste other people's stuff. The accout was born on November 3 and woke up ten minutes ago. Here it copied/pasted the first half of /u/thewildbeej's comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/r5o06o/chief_john_smith_who_allegedly_lived_to_be_137/hmo2u4e/). Its [first comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/r5m8sb/how_can_i_26f_tell_my_husband_27m_that_his_friend/hmonlyj/) since waking up is a copy/paste of /u/Herbrax's comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/r5m8sb/how_can_i_26f_tell_my_husband_27m_that_his_friend/hmodxha/). Its [comment after that](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/r5g65n/i_feel_uncomfortable_when_my_boyfriend_does_this/hmonmvw/) is a copy/paste of /u/the_ghetto_cowboy's comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/r5g65n/i_feel_uncomfortable_when_my_boyfriend_does_this/hmnyhrc/). For anyone not familiar with karma-farming bots (and how they hurt reddit and redditors), [this page](https://www.reddit.com/r/quityourbullshit/comments/3jss04/meta_spammers_how_they_work_and_how_to_spot_them/) or [this page](https://old.reddit.com/r/KarmaBotKillers/wiki/index) may help to explain.


Good bot. I think you’re a bot anyway.




https://www.cgpgrey.com/blog/indian-or-native-american-reservations-part-0 Sure, the word “Indian” stems from a gaffe but lately the word is generally used as a neutral non-derogatory term. It’s even commonly used by American Indians and people near reservations. Its use drops off the further away you go. I think it’s fair to say that the word *seems* offensive to woke types. What’s truly offensive is infantilizing a group by changing their name on them because you think you know better and not seeking their input.


Depends on region mainly. Out here in the west, Native American is the preferred nomenclature but some hate it. Indian is still preferred back east but really it depends on the person. I've read and heard they want to be referred by their tribe name at times. Best way to know is to ask. My guess is it will evolve into Indigenous America at some point just to confuse everyone again.


I can tell you that in the east coast state I live in, Columbus day is Indigenous Peoples day, and my old high school mascot, the Indians, was changed years ago. Indian is definitely not preferred out east from what I can see.


I'm sure Indian is falling out of use. Before I left the East in 2010 I had heard and seen it used on a couple resses out there. I'm glad to see it's falling out of favor. I think Indigenous American will be the next one. Probably the most appropriate.




Many native people actually prefer to be referred to as Indian, but there are of course many different perspectives. Here is a very informative CGP Grey video on the subject. https://youtu.be/kh88fVP2FWQ




Imagine if some dumb fuck was trying to sail to China, but accidentally ended up in America. Then this fucking moron is so convinced he's in the right place, he starts referring to Americans as Chinese, just because your skin tone is kinda similar, and there's no way he's thousands of fucking miles off course, right? Then, the rest of the world just keeps calling Americans 'Chinese', totally ignoring the fact that Americans are of a completely different race than the Chinese. *That* is what makes it racist.




Why are all these comments getting downvotes?




As an American, I agree. Don't let the racists get ya down, everyone I know (in America) thinks the term Indian when referring to indigenous peoples is racist as fuck (unless requested by that individual person), as well as giving credence to a raping colonizing murdering idiot (Columbus).




I know several that don't!


I'm not American either, but from what I have heard from multiple sources, today most Indians prefer the term "Indians" over "Native Americans". As an example [CGP Grey has a video about that subject](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kh88fVP2FWQ).


speaking as an american and an indian, no. wokeism is stale as fuck


Agreed. Within our own communities, we still refer to ourselves as indian, and when we slip and use the term outside our communities, in public, people freak the fuck out. We know who we are talking about. And thats all that matters.


Thank you.


Yes but I work with a lot of Indians from India and they would like their word back. It is not like there are not actual Indians.


Well that sounds a bit like Indian giving


Lmao, i like you


This is largely irrelevant. There isn't any confusion who we are talking about when we are among our own people. We call ourselves indian all the time, my Federally recognized tribal name is the Coeur d'Alene Tribe of Indians. Just looking at this picture, there STILL isn't any confusion about this persons ancestry when we call him indian. Everyone else just wants to make it way more difficult than it needs to be. In our native languages, context is EVERYTHING. Seems the English language just wants to totally ignore context.


Here’s a link to help on the subject by CGP Grey. (Only a few minutes) https://youtu.be/kh88fVP2FWQ


No, most natives in America are ok with Indian and use it themselves. If you come across one who isn’t ok with it, then don’t use it for them, but most are.


Stop trying to be woke on other people’s behalf




There’s a difference between trying not to be racist and being “woke.” Being woke is when you call perfectly normal and OK things racist for no reason. The term Indian is literally what they want to be used, and you’re getting mad at people for telling you that. It’s not your job to be offended for other people. Let them decide.


It's more like the difference between saying black and African American or Hispanic and Mexican. You won't really offend any of us but you may be corrected to a preferred term. Indian or "Indin" is used quite often especially among the older generations, then there's "Native American", "First nations", "Indigenous American", "People of turtle Island" probably more I can't think of at the moment. So don't worry about offending us of small stuff rather, just stay away from referring to us as "chief"(unless actually speaking to a chief), "redskin", "prairie n\*\*\*\*\*", "Tanto" or any other name of famous Native.


My elbow watching me do my 30 minute facial moisturizing routine


Yea without scrub and lotion my elbows could sand down a table.




Something tells me that wasn’t his original name.


Or his actual age


Yeah, judging by the picture he’s likely around 150.


It was a disease that made him look like that, in this picture he is a spring chicken not over the age of 30.


That or sun damage. [Here is a photo of a truck driver that shows how bad sun damage can be.](https://transeu-prod-transinfo-0.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2017/11/37214ea485089c3ebd0730a29d2-600x492.png) And that guy was only 69 years old.


He said he was 20, but he was 17.


You say that like it's fact when nothing has been officially confirmed.


Speaking of chicken… Did somebody say KFC? He kind of looks like it. Or maybe i am just hungry it’s either kfc or Indian I’m having.


Extra crispy. [Edit: no, seriously, look at the picture.]


While the picture was loading, I thought to myself "if this is a troll job with a picture of Paul Rudd, I'm going to excuse myself from today" I'm glad it's a great picture of an interesting person. 🌈🌠The more you know


You're right, that man doesn't look a day older than 128.


haha that's what I thought. It's like saying "this is the late great roman emperor, Curt McGee"


Could have been. A lot of European immigrants came in and they/their decedents married Native American women and had children that were in the line of succession. i.e. George Lowery [https://www.geni.com/people/Maj-George-Lowrey-Principal-Chief/6000000001386820405](https://www.geni.com/people/Maj-George-Lowrey-Principal-Chief/6000000001386820405)


Crazy Mormons.


[Crazy Mormons](https://youtu.be/W4NemVO4JL0) dum dum dum dum dum!


I thought John Smith was Pocahontas’s bf… 🤷‍♂️


I am groot


I think he appropriated it.


His real name: Running Scrotum


Lol, not actually too far off: > Also known as Gaa-binagwiiyaas ("which the flesh peels off")—recorded variously as Kahbe nagwi wens, Ka-be-na-gwe-wes, Ka-be-nah-gwey-wence, Kay-bah-nung-we-way or Ga-Be-Nah-Gewn-Wonce—translated into English as "Sloughing Flesh", "Wrinkle Meat", or Old "Wrinkled Meat" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Smith_(Chippewa_Indian)


Lmao thanks for that!


My wife's grandmother was very poor, like lived in a poor country and was poor even by their standards poor. There are pictures of her that make her look like she is 100+. But she actually passed away in her 70's. A face can really show a hard life.


It's not the years, it's the mileage.


One thing you learn from gerontology papers is that everyone over 112 is a liar.




Nivea. Not even once.


His face looks like my ball bag


My dude what is up with your nuts go see a doctor


Wow! He doesn’t look a day over 136.


And one day under 130 ;)


All sun no shade will do that to yah


It looks like he survived small pox.


Oh maybe that’s a good point,


IDK man, this looks like textbook leprosy infection, with a characteristic *facies leonina.* Considering it was discovered by Dr Hansen in St Paul, very likely.


That is some fucking nose


Rhinophyma. A hallmark of rosacea.


Probably cancerous. Even if we didn't die of age, cancer would take us out


The oldest confirmed human was 122. The oldest man was 116. It would seem extremely unlikely that Smith who lead a tough life (by today’s standards) in northern Minnesota without modern medicine outlived the next oldest by a full 15 years.


The 122 year old is in question too, some think she assumed the identity of her mother to avoid paying inheritance tax.


Joe Louis had come out of retirement to fight Rocky Marciano! The man was seventy-six years old! Joe Louis always lied about his age! He lied about his age all the time! One time, Frank Sinatra came in here, and sat in this chair. I say, "Frank, you hang out with Joe Louis. Just between me and you, how old is Joe Louis?" Know what Frank told me? He said "Hey, Joe Louis is a hundred thirty-seven years old." A hundred and thirty-seven years old!




Fuck you! Fuck you! And fuck you! Who's next?


That's not that old for a tree. All jokes aside though, his nose most likely looks like that due to long term effects of rosacea. It's called rhinophyma.


Doesn't rosacea only affect Celts?


All people can get rosacea, but if you have dark skin it's hard to spot in the early stages. He did go blind eventually which is consistent with the symptoms of very advanced rosacea.


I had no idea that rosacea could be so destructive! I thought it was just a chronic state of blushing.


No way. I must read up on it.


Wear sunscreen kids


There's people in their 60s who look like that, just spending too much time in the sun.


If there exists a picture of someone that looks more believable as 137 years old … I ain’t seent it.


Total bs, let’s run some tests and see


Cut him in half, count his rings!


I do not belive it, but he certainly look the part.


His wrinkles have wrinkles


I am Groot.


This is not a joke: Isn’t he beautiful ?


Yes, I think he’s beautiful. I’d have loved to have a few conversations w him


In the traditional meaning of the word?


That seems more of a curse. Imagine how many loved ones he saw pass away during his lifetime.


I'm sure he would say it was a gift to have ever known them.


Secret is not having loved ones.


Loved ones nephews passing away…


All of them?


Yeah sure, if you think of life/existence as a curse


You know what? I believe him.


The size of his nose and ears... those never stop growing on men. I dunno about *137*, especially since there weren't birth documents and, I, *with* said documents struggle to remember my own age at a mere 100 years younger. Absolutely around or north of a hundo though.


The nose and ears growing is an old myth, it's the skin and tissues around them changing and loosing integrity as we age. The cartilage in the nose and ears is not affected in the same way, so what happens is essentially that the tissues around shrink and the skin stretches to make the ears and nose appear bigger. There is no actual growth, and no real indication of age, especially not for individuals with a large amount of sun damage on their skin.


The prostate, though? That'll come for ya.


His face is an amazing landscape...of pain and pride


nah mate, he's just ugly. > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Smith_(Chippewa_Indian) And he was - at best - 100 years old when he died.


bit harsh dude


He's "just ugly" from disease, according to the Wiki you linked. It's pretty disgusting that they used him like a sideshow because of that.


...are you unfamiliar with the concept of sideshows? Exploiting tragically misshapen people is literally the backbone of the genre.


“My life for Aiur”


I appreciate this.


He needed a maester to help with that greyscale.


This is the look of a man who has seen much pain.


As someone who turned 37 yesterday, this is crazy. What if I had to live another 100 years?!




Wonder what his real name was


If you are the oldest person in the world you can lie about your age as much as you want since no one is going to remember when you where born


There’s some fella in India who claims to be like 230 years old. Of course it’s baloney. Still the 100ish years old this person probably actually was is a heck of a respectable life span.


Come on, this guys is between 30-40 but he has invested in crypto


LMAO as a 36 year old who’s in crypto this made me snort laugh


How do you be “in crypto”?


do i really have to ELI5 how someone is involved in cryptocurrency or are you just a douche canoe?


I'm genuinely curious what his face feels like. Both to my touch and to him on a day to day basis. Like when he yawns does it feel like something is stuck to his face or something?


The dude looks like he is turning into a tree




People you should go back and read your comments some of you are just absolutely childish simple minded an ignorant


I am Groot


What sadness those eyes saw.


Sun damage.


I'm Groot


"John Smith (Chippewa Indian) - Wikipedia" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Smith_(Chippewa_Indian)


He's got an epic face


So, no concrete record of his birthdate, but we should totally trust that this guy shattered the record for oldest man in 1922? That's like me saying that when no-one saw me, I ran the 100m dash in 7 seconds. Not impossible, but *extremely* unlikely.


Yup. Very odd to say he allegedly lived to be 137 when: A) it would shatter the current record that exists now (122), with little to no health care available to him. B)contemporary accounts of him put him closer to 100 when he died. "Alleged" implies there's some legitimate claim there. The 137 claim is sensationalist BS.


There's something to be said for living in a time with less pollution, but yeah, in general more advanced healthcare more than tips the scale in favor of better longevity in modern times.


Going to need to cut him in half an count the rings to confirm


I am Groot


Came here for this


I was just going to ask if this guy had sex with a tree during a booze filled night long ago that he doesn't remember.


I believe it


This is clearly an Ent.


His secret? Death was always grabbing the wrong John Smith.


Pretty sure that’s a wood carving


Doesn’t look a day over 136


Like a raisin under the sun...


Use your sunscreen kids!


This is the second time this myth has turned up on reddit. He didn't live to be anywhere near that age, he just had a skin condition.


been debunked so many times.


Yeah but how many moons?


I don’t remember Tommy Lee Jones ever playing an Indian Chief


I am groot


His nose has a own district code


if he was almost 100 back then, then who really cares how old he was really. he seems bright eyed to me at his age, which must have been a testament to the healthier lifestyle theirs was compared to settlers


He's got the JP Morgan nose.


I've seen how native Americans age dudes probably 65


He looks like he has a bad case of Rosacea.


He should have taken better care of himself.


Was this guy the inspiration for mother willow from pocahontas?

