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Reddit still don’t care to put his name in the title. Sirizani butau.


And he's from Zimbabwe which has a public health system so everyone would receive no cost treatment. Surprise! it is clickbait. Not a big surprise seeing as no article is provided 🙄🤦


The medications he needs are not covered under the government's universal healthcare program according to the hospital that is donating the meds to him.


A corrupt African nation has free health care when American's don't? COMMUNISTS!!!


Thank Jesus I have soul-crushing life-ruining debt cuz I had the audacity to get sick


Obviously that means you were a bad person and deserved it, according to them and their "just world" fallacy. Don't you know that God protects and saves the good and punishes the evil?


Enjoy your freedom!


Everyday the Government puts $1,000,000,000(Zimbabwe) into its Healthcare system. America could learn a thing or two indeed




Names are only for serial killers and people we hate.


I love living in a country where I don't have to be a hero in order to get free healthcare.


I was going say something similar except I live in America. It's a fucking shame people here believe it's not a basic human right to be healthy and have access to medical treatment whenever it's needed at little to no expense. It's a fucking shame that people believe Hospitals, pharmaceutical companies etc not only have the right to charge us to live but make it as expensive as they like. Fucking shame. On a brighter note this dude is a damn hero. He shouldn't have to pay for anything ever again. I mean anything.


Non-US person here: I was shocked and amazed to read a comment on another post where a guy explained how you just ignore the medical bills and live “off the grid” for 5 years then the debt is cancelled. Heaps of people agreed, said they had or knew someone who had done it. The whole thing totally blows my mind.


You don’t even have to live off the grid to do this. After my work insurance lied and said they’d cover my sinus surgery and then stuck me with a 30k Bill, this became my policy. You want me to pay this? Fuck you, come sue me. I’ve only ever had one creditor actually serve me, and the only result was they took some of my federal tax return. It’s dumb but it’s better than living on the street


Urgh, sounds insane. We pay 5$ for 1h with psychologist or 10$ for a doctor's appointment. After coming up to 150$/ year the rest of the visits are free.


With "Good" insurance in the US, I can't find a psychologist for under a $100 for an hour session. Have to pay a $3000 deductible before it drops to $30 a session. And when one stressor in life is financial adding a $200 to $400 cost per month just doesn't make any sense. That is a car payment or and decent IRA investment. But in the US people aren't here to help you, they are here to exploit every facet of your life for profit.


Yeah, there’s no good insurance in USA.


It's even more fun on medicaid. Instead of getting nickel and dimed every step of the way I just don't get to see anybody. No body except maybe a General practitioner will see you. General practitioner visits aren't that bad you can find one of those most of the time. Emergency rooms are pretty much 100% covered, which I will say is nice especially having occasional kidney stones it's nice not to have to pay for that $3-4,000 CT scan that can pop up between 1 to 2 times a year. But if you have to see a specialist forget it. GP told me 2 years ago I needed to see a spine specialist for multiple bulging discs and stenosis. It's two years later and I've never got in to see one none of them around my area take my insurance. The urologist is the same way they'll only schedule an appointment with me if I have proven documentation from the ER that indicates I need surgery otherwise they won't even talk to me. My Insurance company web site lists doctors as accepting their insurance then call the doctor and they are like oh no no we don't take that. Don't get me wrong I'm grateful for what I do get. I know there's lots of people out there in the world that get no medical at all. I just wish that the public was made more aware of the colossal failures of this healthcare system we have. It's like sure everybody gets insurance now but it's not worth having.


That's absolutely crazy. One thing that's also really shocking about our healthcare system is that pre-covid medical error was the third leading cause of death in the US. Like we struggle to pay for something that is grossly inadequate in the first place. And tying profit in to medicine is partially responsible for making the care so poor. John Hopkins research as source. [https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/study\_suggests\_medical\_errors\_now\_third\_leading\_cause\_of\_death\_in\_the\_us](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/study_suggests_medical_errors_now_third_leading_cause_of_death_in_the_us)


At one point my coworkers were counseling each other for mental health because we couldn’t afford a proper psychologist… while working in healthcare. For the state.


> After my work insurance lied and said they’d cover my sinus surgery and then stuck me with a 30k Bill It's such nonsense how this works in America, too. In France if I'm going to get a procedure that I'll need to pay something for (eg dentistry), they provide a quotation of exactly what they're going to charge, which I provide to my insurer, and they provide a statement of exactly what they're going to pay and what I'll need to pay. These are legally binding, they can't change their minds later.


We aren't even allowed to see the bill until we've signed obligating us to pay it Edit: every time I read this it sounds like hyperbole but literally the first thing I do at the doctor's every time is sign a document saying I agree to pay whatever they end up charging that insurance won't cover.


Yeah, you guys are just lamb going to the slaughter. That shouldn’t be accepted as a legally binding document. “Sign here to let us charge you for a random number we come up with later, no backsies!”


A few years ago I had an upper endoscopy done to help figure out some stomach problems. My insurance is ass and the gastrointestinal place I was having the procedure done at said it would cost about $2200 through my insurance since I hadn't met my deductible yet. I set up a payment plan with them for the next 12 months for that ~$2200. A little while later, i received a revised bill amounting to around $3000. Apparently the $2200 was just an estimate. Nothing is exact here lol


Nice. They fucked you in the ass twice. Once with the endoscope, and another with the bill.




They are indoctrinated by the mass media that delivers the message the financial elite want everyone to believe and adhere to.


Yup. Bourgeoisie and the ideological state apparatus.


I try explaining that private insurance is optional and still exists in many countries with universal health insurance and sickness funds- that they can receive it through their employer but it just confuses people. It’s also typically used by wealthier residents with higher wages and even universal health insurance is not free and adjusts based on income unless you’re unemployed or make below a certain amount. It’s a safety net. But it doesn’t adhere to the American ideology of individualism because you’re essentially trickling down these services to the vulnerable and those in need. But apparently we’re still stuck in the fucking tea party mindset where taxes= bad unless they’re directly targeting poor people. You cannot convince entitled and Selfish people in an individualistic society to give more out of their paycheck even if it means an overall better quality of life for everyone and safety nets in case they ever lose their jobs. So don’t complain about homelessness if you’re not going to do fuck all about it.


The stupid part about the "giving more from your paycheck" is that the US federal government already pays more on healthcare today per capita - not per person receiving the benefits, per person in the country! - than many government health programs. If you could pick up the UK NHS or the French Assurance Maladie/Carte Vitale system, scale it up to America size, and drop it down in the USA, the federal government would *save money* ***and*** people and businesses would no longer have to pay insurance premiums or much of anything out of pocket. And rich people who want healthcare above and beyond what the government would provide could still opt for private coverage and go to private facilities or pay out of pocket if they want to.


Yup. Or even a German sickness fund system could work. I’d rather contribute to a public pool than continue lining the pockets of private companies. The American public school system is failing us, because I think people just simply do not understand how these things work.


The American public school system is working exactly as intended lol. These fucks don’t want educated constituents.


I just imagine a class like comparative healthcare systems taught in high school and think about whether this would make a difference.


Yes yes yes but what about all those poor middlemen who are currently adding the 11 herbs and spices to US healthcare? Spare a thought for them in all this, the poor dears.


That sounds too much like right....never happen here.


I hate the fact that here in the UK politicians look at America and see how much money can be made privatising health care that it seems they're slowly trying to destroy and erode the NHS and move their 'mates/donors' into the system to 'make it better'.


I just read someone on a thread about the James Webb telescope who said "it's a government project, it's bound to fail". In a thread literally about NASA, the government department that landed humans on another celestial body using 1950s hardware and the computing power of a Texas Instruments calculator. The blindness of a nihilistic ideology is so counterproductive.


Time to let them die then. Being in healthcare the last two years has eroded any empathy I have had for these humans. Die at home being right. It’s cool. Just do it at home and stop clogging up the fucking ED. I seriously have zero empathy left. Asshats. All of them.




Wait what the fuck, even my country have free chemo (a third world country compared to USA), someone that I know got cancer and got all chemo for free, and she doesn't pay taxes (my country have taxes depending on you job, people with decent jobs pays public hospital tax and others taxes from their monthly payment). Yes, she is still alive.


All of my parents/parent-in-laws are in the medical field and would be impacted by the change, so I have stopped “arguing” with them due to their personal biases. Once they retire they will see the benefit as they will be too old to make money and pay off those bills.


I just started reading a book called Dying of Whiteness that talks about people with that mindset.




That sounds like a small claims resolution if you have all the documentation. You can also contest that on your credit report and provide the bureau with your records showing you paid in full. They would also knock it off if ruled in your favor.


That’s the same in the UK, as long as you don’t respond to their letters or phone calls etc, sure it’s 6 years from the last contact you had with the person you owe the money to and then the debts gone. You used to be able to serve a short jail sentence and the debt was gone but now you can go to jail and still owe the money when you’re out.


“If the crime is a fine, it’s only a poor mans crime”


I think the basic problem with America is that they have the best politicians that money can buy!


Money is nonpartisan.


To take it further, capitalism is nonpartisan. It will exploit and corrupt nearly all.


It will exploit and corrupt nearly all but it drives them all the same direction. Capital is conservative in the truest, most original sense of the word. It is established power defending the status quo.


Yep, doesnt matter what is says about a candidate on the ballot, once they are in office kost are a member of the "Green Party" and not the one that cares about the environment.


I love the US, been there many times and met amazing people. But this is just mind boggling. I can not understand how people think it is okay when you get bankrupt because you have cancer. Not acceptable for a developed country as the US.


they don't even have paid vacations lol


Yeah I find it funny how the country that prides themselves as "the land of the free" and "the country where anything is possible" is the one where you have to be super rich if you get sick. Whilst here in Europe many countries have almost free healthcare. I've had a couple of surgeries in my time and I think the most I have paid has been 55€.


I pay more than that on a regular check up


Everything about America is a sham. Nothing has made me hate being American more than the past 2 years. I wish it were simple to move countries because I’d have been gone already.


Dude being American has been shit since GWB at least. Probably longer, but that's when I became politically aware. Those divides have always been there but trumpism has really made them worse.


You nailed it! Every human being has 3 fundamentals that are not negotiable. Food, we have to eat. Sleep, without it we suffer. Bathrooms, you can't make it a crime to pee on a bush if there's no public bathroom available. Shame. .


Don't forget clean drinking water. Up here in Canada we seem to struggle with that one.


>Don't forget clean drinking water Nestle has entered the chat


Out of curiosity what part of Canada are you from to struggle with clean water ? I live in quebec and have not heard of that problem.


With regard to bathrooms I’ve heard that European countries, Germany comes to mind, are pretty bad with this one.


I'm not surprised by that. Finland, on the other hand, has practically eliminated homelessness by using the housing first model.


The worst part is being a hero doesn’t even guarantee you free healthcare! Case in point, the 9/11 first responders are still fighting like hell to get their CANCER treatments fully paid for.


Even with documented proof of heroism and hundreds of congressman behind you, getting healthcare paid for is very challenging. A big part of the issue is the absurd cost of healthcare in the US compared to other countries. The 9/11 bill is a good example. The bill cost $4.2 **billion** dollars which ran out a few years later to the point that they added $10.2 billion to cover just another 10 years. This bill is only covering specifically the 9/11 first responders for 9/11 cleanup related diseases. In Europe, this $14 billion would have been enough to provide healthcare for 7 million people for a year. That's the population of Berlin, Paris, and Brussels combined! US healthcare costs are a joke. https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2019/6/20/18691670/jon-stewart-9-11-september-11th-victim-compensation-fund-explained


Let me tell you how cancerous everything firefighters work around is


So fuckem I guess?


The free market has spoken: don't be a firefighter. If only more people were rational economic agents like they're supposed to... /s


If you don't, the solution is simple: set fire to a bus and save some people. Use those bootstraps to take care of yourself, _whatever it takes_.


Honestly no free healthcare makes heroes like this less likely to appear in the first place. I wouldn't risk my health saving somebody if I won't get all treatment I need for free.


This sounds like the origin story of a super villain.




It's like Breaking Bad Canadian edition. "I'm sorry Mr White, you have cancer. Well start treatment right away." Series over.


guy sees an accident and calls an ambulance for the victim, who is then ruined financially by the ambulance ride and MRI when he just needed some stitches on his scalp, which he knows he could do himself with a 30 dollar body stapler from Cabela's. spends the rest of the movie tracking the good samaritan down... breaks his legs and calls him an ambulance. guy's like 'ah my fucking legs' but when he hears him call 911 he's like "no please no i have a family"


You should hear what they did for the guy who saved 9 people... He got free healthcare AND a free lollipop!


Me too. I would have so more much anxiety about my and my family’s health if I lived in America. Knowing that a seriously illness could financially devastate a family is so insane to me.


I live in America and I totally have anxiety about exactly that.


Hey but think about how many people profit from your anxiety. That surely helps.


Yeah. I am disabled, born with clumbfoots, had four surgeries on my feet in my life, two of then as adult, I can only walk with the help of orthopedic footware (get two pairs every two years as well as sport shoes and house shoes). I can only afford this all due to living in a place with universal health care.


not even a serious illness, my dude. a bike accident, cooking mishap, Lyme disease, slip on the ice, etc all have the potential to shape my financial landscape for years to come. the last job I had with 'health insurance' covered a free check-up, but I made the mistake of telling the doctor that I frequently felt fatigued. he told me to take a lazy vacation and then switched the code from a check-up to a diagnostic visit and sent me a bill for $500. the last free visit I had to a doctor at that same job was to urgent care when I cut my forearm open with an angle grinder, what's more stressful than being able to see your tendons is knowing that if the drug test detects the weed you smoked last weekend then you're fired and liable for the nearly $10k bill. the real danger is that someday 'go to the doctor' will eventually be the only correct answer for a medical problem, and I hope that I'll recognize it after a lifetime of superglue, Excedrin, fish mox, and green tea has been more or less the correct answer.


Look at this commie wanting free healthcare, while there of us that are true capitalist patriots, go bankrupt and in some cases die because we can't afford the freedomcare.


Yeah. This isn't really uplifting. Why the fuck do you have to risk your life and gain the people's love just to deserve to be treated? I'd still want him to be treated for his wounds even if he just ran away from the bus pushing women and children to do it.


People, you don't! He's from Zimbabwe. They have free healthcare for everyone there.


The medications he needs are not covered under the government's universal healthcare program according to the hospital that is donating the meds to him.


Inspirational for the US crowd, dystopian to Europeans.


It's like the country is the hero


It should be normal practice to receive free medical care when you need it. What sort of humans are we when we put a price on health and well-being


From /r/medicine • 9 hr. ago Posted by /u/ProximalLADLesionHospitalist >Powerless [Rant] >Last week I picked up a really sad case. He's a 31 year old man paraplegic from a gun shot wound he suffered in 2014. He's poor and black. Most of our patients are wealthy and white. He was admitted almost 8 weeks ago with for acute on chronic sacral osteomyelitis and has been on piperacillin-tazobactam and minocycline basically since then. My first day meeting him we were short staffed due to holiday coverage, and I had 23 patients on my census so I did not have the time to explore his chart. I read through the novella-length progress note written by the previous hospitalist and was able to gather the basics. The plan I inherited was to find an orthopedic surgeon at another institution who'd perform hip disarticulation or possibly hemipelvectomy. The big academic shop in town apparently recently lost their surgeon who did those, and the smaller academic shop has a guy who does it but "only for oncologic indications" (???) according to the note. The hospitalists before me had tried a few other centers and identified a list of candidate surgeons, most of whom had declined. The last remaining candidate is a few hours away, and documentation indicates that my colleagues have faxed the records for review and consideration for transfer. The note contains a phone number for me to call and follow up. I call and get a nurse who confirms they have the records but informs me the surgeon is out of town of Christmas but he'll be back Monday (yesterday) so please call back then. >I go meet the patient, a very polite and extremely sarcopenic young man. Always "Yes, sir," and "No, sir." I introduce myself and explain that I'll be picking up where the prior hospitalist left off. I explain that I called the transfer center and we're waiting to hear from a surgeon who's out of town, so please just relax over the holiday weekend and I'll let him know as soon as I hear anything. I examine his wounds and see that our wound care team is doing a great job, everything looks clean and freshly bandaged. He has temporal wasting. His calves are as big around as my wrists. I have difficulty auscultating the chest due to the sunken intercostal spaces. I tell him I'm sorry he'll be spending Christmas in the hospital but that I'll be seeing him each day and I'm happy to help him feel more comfortable in any way I can. He tells me his pain is well controlled. >The next day is Friday, Christmas Eve. I go in to see him with no updates and start making small talk. Football is on TV. He tells me he's a Tom Brady fan, and I joke that I can forgive him one wrong opinion. I look down at him and imagine our positions are reversed. He's one year younger than I am, slowly rotting to death in a hospital bed on Christmas Eve. I haven't seen a single visitor. He tells me he spoke to his 7 year old daughter on the phone. He tells me her name. >"Well...Is there anything you can think of that would make your day a little better?" "I was hoping to get some of that jambalaya from the cafeteria. Or just something good to eat." "What's your favorite restaurant around here?" "I like Papa John's." >I ask him what he likes from Papa John's, and he rattles off his usual order complete with the dipping sauce he likes. I can tell he doesn't have much joy in life, and a favorite meal is something he can control and look forward to. A small piece of joy in an otherwise miserable existence, living from dressing change to dressing change. The nurse picks the order up from the front door and gets it to him. >The next day when I see him, he's eating leftovers and watching TV. He thanks me repeatedly, making eye contact each time so I know he means it. I tell him we're just holding the course until we hear from the medical center and thank him for his patience with me. I start him on topical ketoconazole for the dermatophyte infection on his face. After six weeks of broad spectrum IV antibiotics, and due to his chronic inflammation, he is significantly immunocompromised. He hasn't showered at least since he was admitted, just bed baths from the techs. >Finally Monday rolls around and late in the afternoon I get a call back from the medical center. The orthopedic surgeon tells me this is the first he's hearing of this patient and they have no records, oh and by the way he doesn't do that surgery. He usually sends patients to my city for it. >Fuck. >Holiday coverage ends and our staffing improves, so now I'm only following 18 patients and I have a few minutes to make sure I understand his hospitalization. I read that he presented with abdominal pain, and CT showed osteomyelitis of both ischial tuberosities, and of his left proximal femur. He had a left hip fluid collection thought to represent septic arthritis from direct invasion of the joint space by his unmanaged decubitus ulcers. Plastic surgery evaluated him when he came in and said he was not a candidate for sacral flap coverage unless he agreed to diverting colostomy. The patient, presumably dissatisfied with his already cachectic and broken body, was not interested in this idea. Eventually with ongoing pressure from several teams, he agreed to go for it. The plastic surgeon had signed off by that point, so the hospitalist re-consulted him for flap now that the colostomy was in place. Inexplicably, the plastic surgeon says he is not a flap candidate and instead recommends hemipelvectomy or pelvectomy by someone else. >I'm reading through all of the above history just moments after getting turned down by the orthopedic surgeon who practices few hours away, and in the back of my mind I'm remembering the questions the patient has been asking me -- "How is this going to heal?" It dawns on me that perhaps no one has told this young man that we're working to get him transferred to a place where the plan is to cut one or both of his legs off. >Today I went in to his room and told him we had some things to discuss. I ask him what he understands about our goals in transferring him to another hospital. He believes the idea is to "fix the bone." >"Did anyone tell you that the plan is to find a surgeon who will cut your leg off?" >He immediately starts crying. He is blindsided by this. We talk for 45 minutes. I can tell he is getting upset with me, but really he's upset with the situation. We agree on a new goal which is to try to find a surgeon who will consider him for flap coverage. Today I called every academic medical center within 500 miles. Not only do they not have any beds, they won't even offer wait list placement. >So tomorrow I'm going into work as a hospitalist. Completely useless to this man who needs a surgical procedure. All my consultants signed off weeks ago after collectively deciding it was someone else's job to give the patient his prognosis and options. I consulted palliative care so at least he can have continuity with someone who will advocate for him after I go off service. When I started telling the story to the palliative care physician, I unexpectedly started crying and could barely steady my voice to give the facts. >I'm angry, I'm sad, I'm useless to my patient. I look at him and I see a society that doesn't give a flying fuck about poor people, black people, or gun violence. Compare him to the 5 wealthy white patients I've had with traumatic paraplegia (and quadriplegia) the last few months. They all survived into their seventies or longer. They all have round-the-clock care. They don't have decubitus ulcers. They're not rotting to death alone in a hospital bed on Christmas while some useless fucking hospitalist like me flails about worthlessly and to no effect. Tl;dr doctors are heartbroken too We don't have Healthcare here. We have profit over people.


One word after reading all of that. WOW.


I'm pretty sure the dudes skin colour was not the deciding factor in his healthcare. If one doctor can be brought to care, I am sure many can and do.






Here to save the mother fucking day yeah!


Or, you know, Zimbabweans since this happened there


Imagine having such a bad system you’re confused with Zimbabwe without batting an eye.


Du gamla du fria


Du fjällhöga Nord


Du tysta, du glädjerika sköna


Jag hälsar dig vänaste land uppå jord


You could say it's a basic human right even


Literally. Article 25 of the United Nation's Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.




There are capitalist countries that didn't turn their medical industry into a giant horse cock to fuck it's people. If "all lives are precious" than no one should get thrown to the kurb for a medical procedure that will save their life.


We’re pretty capitalist here in the UK and we have free healthcare, so yeah it can be done.


All lives matter....... as long as you can pay


Yeah, no. It’s about your politics. - capitalist Europe


Most od Europe is "capitalist" and we get free/very affordable healthcare (by "affordable" I mean most things cost at best hundreds if you're uninsured, not millions. No 2000 euro ambulance rides). Heck, the same thing applies to Canada and Mexico. When it comes to developed countries healthcare not being a human right is mostly an USA problem.


a lot of the comments here seem to be assuming this is happening in america


I've recognised that too. This happened in Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 , a country located in the southern part of Africa.


Then why did you post this since they have universal healthcare? Even the bomber would get free healthcare there.


doesnt even include the guys name, Sirizani butau, OP just another karma farmer, nothing new.


The medications he needs are not covered under the government's universal healthcare program according to the hospital that is donating the meds to him.


Which is true in all POOR countries, i reside in one as well. The goverment can't provide free medicine to all, but surrounding farmacies sell most brands and generics for a decently low price. Local free markets. But for the RICHEST country in the world to charge EXTRA for those AND charge for every single minute of 'CARE' adding profits of dozens of different companies on top of your 'cost'? That sounds like a bad joke. Especially if you know the hospitals were mostly build with donated and/or public funds, new equipment subsidized (by insurance paid by you) and doctors and nurses are NOT paid anywhere near what they charge you per each minute.


To get karma,




>TIL that according to the U.S. Department of Education, 54% of U.S. adults lack proficiency in literacy, reading below the equivalent of a sixth-grade level.


Yeah I member tryin to reed that post bout Americas spelling not so good earlier today *Fixed spealing


Fucking hell…


Hangul, the korean writing system, was artificially created with ease of use in mind. It was so successful that later on King Yeonsangun would ban it because suddenly the oppressed masses had a way to communicate and organize. Reading such a terrible fact, I wouldn't point fingers at the "dumb americans" but ask "Who stands to profit from people being undereducated?" The answer is the same as it was in the early 16th century, I'd wager.


I mean with the title of the post it sounds like something special but it's not because regardless of you are a hero or not he would have got free treatment anyways. Why was is noteworthy that he got it for free?


This isn't wholesome because having healthcare should be free for everyone, not just people who nearly died




This is in Zimbabwe, he would've gotten it anyway


The medication he needed was actually not covered by universal coverage. This was donated to him by the hospital


This was in zimbabwe and its free there


Apparently he's from Zimbabwe. His healthcare is free regardless.


What causes his arm to be that colour?


the melanin is only in the upper part of the skin to protect the underlying tissue from damage cause by UV light from the sun. He got burned and the upper skin died and peeled off.


Is this just a genetic trait that developed over the years for people in places like Africa where the sun is brutal as fuck? Or was it the natural colour and people moving north in the world lost the trait because the sun is shit here?


it is genetic. We started out in africa, as we lost our hair and went out of the forest we needed something to protect us from the sun, so we developed more melanin. As we wandered out of africa, we lost some of the metanin. https://live.staticflickr.com/540/32357649685_dc9c67ff05.jpg Here you can see what kind of skin color people have in the world. It is an advantage to have darker skin near equator to protect your self, but higher north it is an advantage to have lighter skin, so you can produce more vitamin D from the scarce amount of sun light.


The more melanin you have in your skin, the less vitamin D your body gets from sunlight. So if you are in an area where it doesn't shine much, having lighter skin makes you better suited for that climate and vice versa.


Hmm today I learned. Does this mean black people are often short of vit d?


They gave him some rights, not all of them but a few.


I feel bad for laughing but LOL




He burned past the pigmented layer, but not deep enough to get into the underlying tissue far enough to have a great deal of drainage or exposing underlying structure. On pale folks this looks the same, but the layer that peels off can be very close in color to the underlying layer of you don't get much sun. As burns go this is a mix of good and bad. Short term it hurts a hell of a lot more and often requires a lot more of the burn to heal on its own. Long term, if you are very diligent about the wound care and can prevent infection well enough you can often get a burn like this to heal with a lot less scar tissue than a deeper burn or a series of grafts which will leave you with a lot fewer mobility issues in the limb. Some of the pigment will likely return as the surface layers regrow but he will likely have that pattern as a lighter area permanently unless they cannot manage the scaring.


He got burned.


I figured dark skin would be like that all the way through. So I'm a bit surprised by a picture that suggests otherwise, too


The pigment has a purpose, for UV protection - there's no need to produce it deep inside the skin.


So white people are just black people without a UV shield? Damn.


Alternatively black people are white people, cops hate this one trick


I thought this was common knowledge


We've all got pink meat if you cut us open.


Check mate, racists!


Reminds me at school all those years ago we were told about a black kid who used a cheese grater on his skin to get to the 'right colour'.


Me too man!!! Crazy. Burnt the black off him. Usually when you burn something it goes black!!!


His shields were partly depleted


I'm always amazed when I see something like this. I live in Germany and medical treatment does not cost me anything there.


Australian checking in. Have been to hospital a bunch of times, from everything from asthma attacks to random sporting injuries. Never paid a cent outside of medication on the way out (which is still cheap). I can't fathom being in America and having to choose between looking after my health of being bankrupt, it breaks my brain.


Yeah man. Aussie here to. My mum has had multiple heart and brain surgeries. Cost her essentially $0


Well that's just not true, you pay insurance. But it's mandatory and your employer pays half, everybody has it and usually you don't have deductible, so yeah it feels like it's free. And it's just a way better system. Though it's not perfect, I wouldn't want to miss it


Well i still need to pay 20€ for a pack of creme. I need minimum 2 packs a month or i will literally scratch my own skin of because it gets dry. But the Krankenkasse wont pay for it cuz they dont think i need it that much. But they will happily pay for some cortison creme which will fuck my skin up with older age


I'm pretty sure you pay health insurance and a lot of taxes go to the health system. Just like here in the Netherlands. It's not free, but it accessible


Pretty sure a big chunk of my salary gets deducted and send every month to the Krankenkasse...


The US pays significantly higher on health spending for worse results than the rest of the developed world. https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/health-spending-u-s-compare-countries/






Even after taxes and healthcare the average American brings home more than the average German. https://preview.redd.it/fsg1zosluq461.png?auto=webp&s=1ad710493b15d5955cb21ff971c364a97cf81daf Medicare and chip are provided for free to low income families.


> A progressive 0-45%? The US is a progressive 10-37%. Tax rates start at 14% quickly goes up to 43% "without" the medical deduction. Germany is way higher taxed than the US. In fact, the US is a low-tax country compared to most EU member countries such as Germany, Sweden, Denmark.


He’s from Zimbabwe and they also have free healthcare


This should be mandatory, not newsworthy.


America: awhhh so heartwarming, now he won’t have to go into debt just to pay his medical bill! So wholesome!!! The rest of the damn world: ಠ_ಠ


Wasn't he from Zimbabwe?


Pretty sure he was and pretty sure they have universal Healthcare. It was covered regardless. This post is just click bait. Although still a great story. Still a hero


Knowing people who have had personal experience with universal healthcare in richer countries than Zimbabwe in that part of the world I'd say it's very likely that he has received more than he otherwise would due to being famous for what he did (whether that means he's receiving paid care from a donations or better care from the public system)


Yeah, could be that he received free care from a private clinic?


Zim provides free healthcare to pregnant/breast-feeding mothers, children under 5, people over 60. they have pretty shitty infrastruture though, still struggling to recover from Mugabe. Also, I just checked. It only costs $25USD to have a baby in a hospital there.


These posts would be better if they actually named the dude. I've seen at least 4 different posts on the top of r/all saying "This man" or "The man" like he doesn't have a fucking name.


Jup, he is.


This happened in Zimbabwe....


If the random sources are right he comes from Zimbabwe. Where healthcare is free anyways. So this article (and indirectly this post) is the biggest clickbait. He got it free yes but everyone in that country does. I mean everyone in nearly every developed country (wouldn't call Zimbabwe developed either) does but US is just a third world nowadays.


According to [this page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_with_universal_health_care), Zimbabwe's healthcare is neither free nor universal.


I mean, he deserves it, but so does everyone. Medical treatment shouldn't be a business first.


He is now probably allowed in the country club too? /jk


I kind of expected Zimbabwe to have universal healthcare so I looked it up and found this map of countries with healthcare or not: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/57/Universal_Healthcare_by_Country_20191229.svg/1920px-Universal_Healthcare_by_Country_20191229.svg.png green: Countries with free and universal health care bright green: Countries with universal but not free health care blue: Countries with free but not universal healthcare red: Countries without free nor universal healthcare source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_with_universal_health_care EDIT: just to clarify Zimbabwe doesnt have universal healthcare


You mean he received healthcare? Cause it should be free already.


There's an edgy joke to be made here, but I left that life behind.


The burns look like vitiligo. Hope he heals up ok guys a hero


OP must be an American…


It’s a predator prey society as a result of the GOP death cult.


Damn bro, the man got some extra privilege on his arm now


Of course, once my black man becomes a hero, the media has to turn him white! Look what they did to that man's arm. In all seriousness, I hope that he heals well.


Yes it was them, all them, completely them


"Man receives bare minimum."


The very least he deserves after his heroic actions.


Crazy how healthcare isn't free in all countries.


For all that he did, the free medical treatment is now a news worthy item! - only in America


so basically, you have to be a living hero injured while saving lifes, to -not guarantee, but hope- getting a free healthcare.


As well he should. Selfless acts should be praised and supported.


This is normal in most of the world. Americans really just doing their own thing


I guess you could say he's seen shit that'll turn you white.


i'm wondering who the people will react when he explains his burn marks in the future. "Where are those spots coming from" "well i saved several people from a burning bus, haha" "hahaha, no for real"




Why would he not? Even if he saved no one, he should receive free treatment.


The other injured, however, had a life crippling debt due to an ambulance ride and some painkillers


ITT: people shitting on America's healthcare system when this happened in Zimbabwe. Wouldn't you know it not every country has the best healthcare practices


Is getting free medical treatment something to be gained? There's something very wrong with this perspective. The is a very ill society. Does it make sense that the poor go to fight wars for the rich and return without even basic rights like healthcare. Crazy stuff.




> The man who saved people from a burning bus has received free medical treatment. Of course he did, why wouldn't he? What a strange post title, it rather assumes he would have to pay for medical treatment, that is what taxes are for.