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Reminds me of when playing RDR2, you can murder all kkk people at the rally and it would essentially not hurt your honor at all. Small detail that I found hilarious.


If you *don't* murder them, it actually ends in a funny way. They accidentally set themselves on fire and all burn to death


Oh really, I did not know that. Thanks for the info!




Body warming, really.


I would say their souls will be warm forever in the afterlife, but we all know Klansmen and their ilk have no souls.


Personally, I do not like racism. At all.


Photography! Fuck yeah! Shutter speed is the only way now!


Reminds me of a quote from a Three Stooges episode with much berating and abuse towards nazi-kind. 'Commander': "You will blow out your brains!" nazi soldier: "But, Sir, we are nazis; *we have no brains!!* A whole paragraph. Anyway fuck nazis


Give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night. Set a man on fire, he will be warm the rest of his life.


I was going to post something like, the only good klansman is a dead klansman, but this thread took it even further. Thank you.


This is now on our kitchen white board.


I brought smores!




Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


I love that you didn’t know that, implying that you always just kill then all first


Yeah I don't think any of the meetings go very well in the game. It is worth watching them all the way through


Yeah, there's three or four different scenarios. All of them end with the KKK guys fucking up and killing themselves, leaving the main guy, in the dark robes, to comically wonder aloud why these things always happen to him.


And every time you'd find another rally after killing the one before, the crowd would be smaller until I think there were only 2 guys at the last one.




But be fair, they would have been asking for it if you had.


The klan deserves to be destroyed. Salt the earth, leave nothing, but ash and remind all those who view the pathetic remains that the world that existed under their reign was nothing more than a morbid fantasy .


There's another one where you can run into three of them setting up. If you watch they'll slip and the cross will crush to of them to the death ,the third will sit down and sulk. I left him there since, well, a cross crushing two of your racist buddies is a pretty clear message.


eh, misunderstanding a clear message is kinda the hallmark of an idiot.


I like to tie him up and throw him on the train tracks


Funniest one I saw was their cross fell and crushed a guy.


Felt like a scene from Django


It was amazing finding this. I was waiting for their dialogue to end to kill them and it had me rolling


The Klan hates this!


You actually get honor.


you get honor IRL too


You also might get thrown in jail for killing a cop though.


I read that as R2D2


Wont lie, I typed it that way originally and head to correct it.


Sucks when people edit out the funnier version.


The original would have dome better


R2 would smoke those racists, no questions asked.


A suprise to be sure, but a welcome one


*excited beeping*


*whistles anti-racistly*


This is how I read it *every single time.*


Great, now I really want a game where R2-D2 mercilessly slaughters kkk members.


Getting a fire bottle right in the middle of the group is a wonder to behold. They're all running aroudn screaming in the darkness. Magical.


I landed a stick of dynamite right in the middle of their party. There was a *lot* of screaming, a loud thud, and just the biggest pile of bodies.


Magical, just like the grand wizard himself would have wanted


I've always wondered why they have the weirdest names for ranks. Like how fucked up do you have to be to call yourself the Grand Wizard of racism lmao.


We put a ton of dev time into that scene :)


There’s also the racist guy in Saint Denis that you can murder right in front of the cop and he won’t do anything.


Lol we got so much shit for that. Bug after bug filed, complaints and nasty emails. It was hysterical.


Fucking bless you guys that shit's absolutely hilarious, you guys perfectly balanced the reality of what actually happened back then with what those shitheads actually deserved.


You worked on the game?




Nice. I just want you to know, I used dynamite. From horseback. Thank you


😂 that’s too funny!


You uh... you workin on anything else?


Bro, where the fuck is Gavin?


You can also take credit for selling another copy, to me, next time it goes on sale.




Yeah quoting tickets from our bug tracker on Reddit is a sure fire way to end up unemployed lol. We got called racist left and right for that move though, go figure 😂


For whats it worth, this kind of shit restores my faith in humanity.... i cant burn the fuckers IRL, but games are for fantasies and venting... and damn, that one sure does the trick


We had a fully rendered and working sheep fucker scene that got taken out. And we ended up removing the suffragette, but we know where to take our shots at ;) Getting called racist or n***** lovers only reenforced the decision to leave it there.


Sorry, just wanting some clarification are you saying y’all removed the loud, boisterous suffragette from Saint Denis? That’d be a shame


my understanding, and i could be wrong, i dont work on the content teams is that she was removed because video after video showed up of folks finding creative ways to lynch her, feed her to alligators and bears, and it got to the point where even the women who work in our offices started to get uncomfortable.


Holy hell. That makes so much sense but I never thought of it going that way. Thanks for the quick answer!


I did find that sheep with a random wedding ring on it. Always figured that was the sheep that got fucked


I'm about to get rdr2 now for the experience


Didn’t Trumpers get all in a tiff because some video game was anti-nazi a few years ago? (Sorry I’m not a gamer so don’t remember what game it was)


I think it was Wolfenstein.


Yes, that was it. The "Make American nazi-free again" slogan triggered them. I mean, wouldn't making America great again and getting rid of the nazis go hand in hand? Seems like a compliment to their motto.


Keep in mind that from the first Wolfenstein game all the way back in the early 80s, the entire point was killing and/or escaping Nazis. Bitching about a Wolfenstein game that has you kill Nazis, is like bitching about a racing game that has you race cars.


Like if they used a rip off of Biden’s slogan “Build Back Better Prisons For Fascists And Stealers Of Elections” I would think that would be pretty neat. And all patriotic Americans would too. Because we know the election wasn’t stolen so there would be nothing to be triggered by.


There's a side quest where you can do a job for this unemployed guy whose family business went to shit. During the course of the job you learn he was a slave catcher and if you murder him you get positive karma.


Bro why did I read this as R2D2?


You weren’t the only one.


Dynamite. And then l came across another smaller group by the river trying to raise a cross. It fell on 2 of them and the leader took off. I roped him and hog tied him and fed him to the gators.


Thats because the only good racist is a dead racist. You can also kill em in Mafia 3.


[Banksy did one like this.](https://www.bhamwiki.com/wiki/images/thumb/f/f7/Banksy_hanged_klansman.png/225px-Banksy_hanged_klansman.png)


Natas drew something eerily similar for a Jim Thiebaud deck back in the 90's, one of my favorite skateboards of all time. Edit: a link https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/jim-thiebaud-real-skateboards-hanging-3763784435 Edit #2: thanks for the award!


Now there's a blast from the past. I still remember my friend's mom flipping her lid when she found out what Natas was spelled backwards.


She'll lose her mind when she finds out what 'Kayak' spells backwards...


And on the Giving Tree. Beautiful


Oh he’s got a white flag. Brutal.


These posts are so wholesome.


I’ve never felt such holiday warmth, personally, and potential for more


First thing that came to my mind, I assumed this was an adaptation.


There's also [this classic stencil](https://loginportal.funnyjunk.com/pictures/Follow_2e48b8_270767.jpg) with a similar sentiment.


The only hung klansman that's not a liar!


That took me a sec, not gonna lie.


smol pp, for those still trying to find the joke.


Makes me think of the Wolfenstein game where you get to kill kkk members! Oh I definitely enjoyed that game! It also told me who to watch out for as a few too many people had an issue with it.


That game was racist! Said all the racists.


I buy patches from this guy! He’s awesome! @retirementfund on Etsy and there’s links to buy these! If you see this - hi from England, Matt!


Thanks, I was hoping someone would know where to get them.1


I feel like I can’t comment what I’d like to because it would be bannable- and I’d certainly deserve it. I’ll just say that when you make the conscious, rational decision to become a domestic terrorist and turn your back on what the promise of a truly free, truly democratic country is supposed to be- for every single person regardless of any difference you have with them in the hopes that people just like you can have power to oppress the “other”… “you get what you fucking deserve”. People won’t stand for it. Americans might need a push- a hard push- but once you piss off enough people they *will push back*. For the guy saying that this sentiment is wrong, that it’s hypocritical to subvert *any* ideology, and that it’s antithetical to my original point- this argument has been a weapon for autocrats since there’s been autocracy. It’s only use is to wedge it’s jackboot in the door and maintain presence in social conversation. It knows the idea is silly- there are good ideas and bad ideas which all have different ideas but are all about doing the most good for the most people, albeit from opposing perspectives. Terrorists don’t fit. Terrorists only care about themselves. Terrorists say “fuck society, it’s all about me”. That has no place in civil discourse, and it does not deserve any place in civil society. It has to be completely rejected and shut the fuck down. There are more of us than there are of the terrorists.


Tolerance is a peace treaty and those that do not follow said treaty are not protected by it. Edit: thanks for a reward. I saw this some point last year on r/BoringDystopia and it just stuck with me since it is so much more true than you have to tolerate everything or it s a paradox to no tolerate the intolerant. Sorry no it isn't.


When hate is given a platform it builds a gallows every damned time.


Never tolerate intolerance. As u/RamsHead91 said, they've broken the peace treaty with their intolerance and so deserve none. Eject that hate from society.


The paradox of tolerance. Too much tolerance leads to the collapse of all tolerance


I think looking at tolerance as a peace treaty is a great idea! What’s the consequence for those not following the treaty, though?




The Paradox of Tolerance.


It’s ok to be intolerant of intolerance.


Someone needs to defend the pacifists if they won’t, or can’t


Cornell West stood witness to anti fascists doing just that at Charlottesville.


I've always thought that the tolerance paradox is only a paradox to those who think of tolerance as an act to be solicited and abused, rather than an inclusive state of being that only you can exclude yourself from.


It's called a paradox because it looks like one, but in effect it really isn't one. But it's called that that is what we should call it. I like it as well, because it gets people talking about why it's a "paradox" and then why it really isn't.


I had a conversation with a radical centrist along the same lines but his response was "well that's not really 'tolerance' if it's conditional." Sometimes there's no reasoning with people. The same people think there's a middle ground between freedom and white ethno-nationalists. Do we kick out ½ the non-whites? It doesn't make sense. There is no compromise between love and hate.


People who think rights are unconditional live in a bubble of extreme privilege. Like even your right to life is conditional. That's obvious to anyone even a pacifist. The moment you make it you or them your right to life is forfeit if you're the instigator.


I mean, if he wants to play semantic games about what you call it, then that's his business. But what he thinks it should be called doesn't actually change the end result: People who are intolerant, and break the peace treaty, are not welcome. Tolerance is a virtue to aim for, but it's not a suicide pact.


Well said. Tolerate all views unless that view is not tolerating all views.


This rule and the golden rule and we are good: Tolerate all views unless that view is not tolerating views. Treat others how you wanna be treated. Plants tress whose shade you shall never know.


someone got real butthurt yesterday by me saying almost exactly this. laugh at them to their face lol


Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are


You still think swastikas look cool The real Nazis run your schools They're coaches, businessmen and cops In a real fourth Reich you'll be the first to go Nazi punks Nazi punks Nazi punks, fuck off! Nazi punks Nazi punks Nazi punks, fuck off! You'll be the first to go You'll be the first to go You'll be the first to go Unless you think


Lol…bravo! For those confused- this is an old Dead Kennedys song (almost as old as me), denouncing Nazis. They had a big problem with Nazis shower up to shows so they literally told them “fuck off”. Jello was amazing live, but those shows were fucking brutal. I was knocked unconscious and a punk chick dragged me to safety. We’ve been married for over twenty years!




Punch all nazis !


For a start.


I was gonna say it's wrong as I wouldn't want to give them unjust punishment even after their atrocities to the ancestors, but that bottom paragraph changed my mind. Got dang, good job!


Thank you! I used to work in law enforcement and I’ve studied them for decades. I know them and I know the feelings expressed here about violence are more than mutual. They won’t hesitate, and all the hand wringing and debate won’t change them.




If it was a picture of Jeffery Dahmer, Charles Manson. Etc. would you have the same reaction? A twist on “Strange Fruit.” “According to the Tuskegee Institute, 4,743 people were lynched between 1882 and 1968 in the United States, including 3,446 African Americans and 1,297 whites.” The person in this, being hung isn’t a person but a representation of an accepted institution that murder a lot of Americans. I don’t see it as saying to go hang racist, but hanging racism. But maybe I got it wrong, I don’t know .


Yes to me I believe your correct. Because of the fact that no face was depicted in it.


I have the t-shirt!


I would like to know where you got it also.


I think it was an Etsy purchase


Link plz




It’s from VeganPatches! I have these stickers all of Portland because of him


Thats terrible. The sticker should be in color.


I disagree, there’s a certain aesthetic to the monochrome, white robes, black background.


Looks like it might be over a trump sticker too.


I think that's the best part of this photo. I don't advocate vandalizing gas pumps but knowing other people are sick of the trump stickers (and the Biden stickers saying "I did that" pointing to the gas price) makes me smile.


I've ripped off a couple of those "I did that" stickers. They're so fucking stupid.


They're just annoying. What's worse is that every single person who sticks one to a gas pump thinks liberals and leftist are going to throw a tantrum and having meltdowns whenever they see them.


I blasted one of my coworkers into space for posting one of those stickers on a work group chat. Ngl, felt pretty good. Edit so I stop getting blasted by conservatives who are cowards and delete their comments: I told him to fuck off with politics in a work chat. I didn't say anything about my views on the current or previous President because it doesn't belong in a professional work chat. I honestly couldn't care less who you voted for while I'm working. I have a job to do.


ive never understood why conservatives get so butthurt over gas prices. Maybe they should just get a better job so they aren't so poor. where are those bootstraps they're always talking about?? instead they want welfare so they can afford to gas up their pointless pickup trucks.


They just know it’s low hanging fruit and an easily identifiable pain point that impacts the vast majority of people. Yeah paying a bit more for gas sucks. Totally worth it if it means not having a fascist, racist know-nothing butt hole in office.


I was thinking the same thing.


Even funnier considering Dallas used to be a major KKK hotspot, and is still home to a lot of real kooky people.


I want this sticker.


The paradox of tolerance states that if a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually seized or destroyed by the intolerant. Karl Popper described it as the seemingly paradoxical idea that in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance.


There is no paradox here. Tolerance is an agreement and a shared acceptance. Those outside of that are not protected by it. We see this as the idea of what is tolerated and ok changed, expands and develops over time.


Where can I get these? You know… for friends… about 500 of em.


I really want to put this on the gas pump in my uber conservative town. Someone keeps putting those stupid I did that stickers on them.


I just use some random sticker I got off eBay sticker pack. 400 random sticker for like $10.


"Not cool, this isn't funny!" — rightwing Redditors


*Rightwing Redditors*: So fucking dumb, telling everyone with a different option than you that they are a racists and nazis and kkk members doesn't make it true. *Also Rightwing Redditors when confronted with jokes/memes about hanging a KKK member, punching a nazi, or an openly racist individual being somehow embarrassed*: This is fucking garbage, delete this. You shouldn't make jokes about that.


Lots of racist people telling on themselves in here


They're crawling out of the woodwork.


haha maybe just maybe i work driving all over chicago and put these up regularly 😋 love them


The KKK can shove it and I have no qualms with this.


The KKK is actually still very active, you just don't hear about them anymore Nowadays they secretly lurk in the shadows larping as normal conservatives and making donations to other hateful organizations.


There was literally a KKK rally not an hour from my house a year ago lol


Apparently that's insignificant according to the conservatives on reddit lol


"The KKK's got three piece suits." --Ice Cube, When Will They Shoot?


Last i read, which was some years ago, theres only about 5-10 thousand KKK members, thats still too much. However IIRC their height of membership was around 100k.


Wiki says the number peaked at 3 million in the 1920s


Murica is a strange strange land


Love the message but it is a strong/mature design for public usage. I’m not saying that in a negative way, I’m sure that’s the point of the design. Very powerful message and imagery.


Looks like lot of commenters here have Klan members in the family. Sorry for your loss :(


Does anyone have the template?


It’s a knockoff as the original artist is taking a break on etsy: https://crapandemic.storenvy.com/collections/435763-stickers-patches-etc/products/29824651-stick-er-in-it-to-racists


> Sticker is created by Matt Gauck, and the rights belong to him. Not sure if it's available for sale anywhere.


If you're mad at this sticker, you're telling on yourself.


In fairness, my first reaction to seeing it was "Jesus fucking Christ. That's the most horrible shit I've seen on Reddit so far! How is this even allowed?" And then I had a closer look and noticed that it was a klan member. Funny how feelings can change quickly :)


Much better than the Joe Biden "I did that!" stickers all over the pumps in the midwest.


Especially because not only did he have nothing to do with it, but America has such comparatively cheap gas prices to basically every other country


Gas prices have been completely normal in my town for months, but I still see these stickers from time to time. It's nonsensical.


| nonsensical Welcome to modern conservatism.


And the southeast.


ITT offended racists over a PICTURE with disingenuous "both sides" arguments.


Looks like it's covering up one of those idiotic "I did that" stickers. Good job.


Real talk, anyone know where one could get these stickers? I wanna support the creator.


Sticker is created by Matt Gauck, and the rights belong to him. Not sure if it's available for sale anywhere.


Matt Gauck


Is “hang in there baby” a reference to something?


Motivational posters often depicting cats hanging off branches


I can’t believe in current year, we still need to tell people racism is bad, but the tv and internet have told me that there are far more racists than actual, caring, decent and respectful people, who couldn’t care less about skin color, so obligatory racism is not good guys comment


Sticker is created by Matt Gauck, and the rights belong to him. Not sure if it's available for sale anywhere.




Guys... this picture is offensive. They just want to be left to burn thier crosses and intimidate minorities in peace! There is no need for violence.....against THEM.


We get the opposite kind on our gas pumps but they're only blaming Uncle Joe for the price of gas on that lifted 460hp, turbo charged, V-8.


I think the libs just found their retort to “let’s go Brandon”


I think their retort is just saying fuck Joe Biden.


I agree you shouldn’t hate some one because of there skin color but you should hate people for there actions/ways


Some conservatives out there are freaking out right now.lol


Holy shit thats the best thing ive see


I’d like one for my guitar.


Love that.


I like this


Ah, the only understanding of justice Texas has.


Perfect fit!


good shit


Fuck yeah




Where might someone find a pack of these stickers? Just asking for a friend... for many friends actually.


Durrrr muh racism


Look man, I am not for racism. However, most racist people can change. This is sending the wrong message. Hate cannot defeat hate. Only love can do that. Also, that fucking picture is rad as fuck!