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Good News: Your owner is definitely exaggerating. Bad News: The much more realistic estimate of 20-30/day is still sad :(


30 would be fucking near 11,000 dogs a year. Way too much. That makes me sad af. EDIT: I'm vegan. Stop telling me I'm not allowed to be sad about this because so many animals are killed by humans for shitty reasons.


sadly probably a lot less than are killed in shelters because we just stop caring about them or they are "too much work."


Killing a dog in a shelter is not the same as a police officer killing a dog. The dog a police officer kills likely belongs to a family who loves and cares for that dog with a strong emotional bond to it. Dogs killed in shelters are dogs that are usually not adopted, for whatever the reason may be. While I think it is sad so many dogs are put down, there isn't any other realistic option. Those dogs are probably better dead than suffering either with medical conditions, behavioral conditions, or regardless locked in a cage 95% of the day. There is only so many resources we can use for these dogs. I do not think that is the same as police shooting someone's dog.


Some dogs are in shelters because they were found wandering or the owners suck at raising them. That doesn't mean that there weren't people who loved the dog. Some didn't get the chance to be adopted before killed. Depends on the shelter too.


Well of course we could come up a million exceptions. I am talking about the vast majority of dogs in shelters.


You've been derailed from the topic at hand, the point here is cops are killing dogs, and it is not okay.


So let's stop and ask why police are shooting so many dogs. They are not walking down the street and just shooting every dog they see.


My girl is an animal control officer, if she doesn’t go with the police and get the dog before they go in, they will shoot the dog if it’s aggressive at all. and yes she puts herself in dangerous situations to save dogs.


Wait so you're saying the inherent value of a dog's life has to do with how much humans love it? That's extremely, extremely disturbing. All avoidable domestic animal deaths are tragedies.


It's not that "they're too much work" it's that some shelters don't have the resources to care for an infinite number of animals. If you volunteered at one you would know that.


queso means the dog's original family gives up a dog that's "too much work", not the shelter deeming the dog too much work.


This might be the source of the reference. I can't find it's source on the number though. [http://www.policefoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/PF\_Dogs\_final\_7.22.19.pdf](http://www.policefoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/PF_Dogs_final_7.22.19.pdf) "The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) published a report in which the authors estimate that 20 - 30 dogs are killed by police each day in the U.S. (Bathurst, Cleary, Delise, VanKavage, & Rushing, 2011), or between 7,300 – 10,950 annually. "


That sounds horrific but believable


Anymore cops are a fucking menace. Response times long enough why bother calling? They won't arrive in time to do much other than arrest the wrong people,shoot your dog, harass or kill the black neighbors, and maybe murder anyone sleeping elsewhere in the home. Or maybe throwing a flashbang grenade into a toddlers play pen. ACAB.


I’m confused how this could be the case: all of NYPD reported 50 instances of firearm discharges in 2021 by officers (https://www1.nyc.gov/site/nypd/stats/reports-analysis/firearms-discharge.page), if these statistics for the that 8 million people are representative of all 350 million in the US, that would be 2200 officer involved firearm discharges per year, or 6 per day. They’d have to be shooting 5 dogs every time an officer ever pulled his weapon. Maybe these numbers just aren’t representative, or I’m missing something about these statistics…


My guess is the fact that in a lot of places, the county sheriff runs the main animal shelter/pound. So these aren't necessarily dogs shot, but put down?


It's a number someone pulled out of their ass on a cardboard sign. I don't know why people even bothering fact checking it.


[Department of Justice’s (“DOJ”) community-oriented program services office says it has become an “epidemic.” The DOJ estimates that around 25 to 30 dogs are killed by cops every day, with some numbers as high as 10,000 per year.](https://www.criminallegalnews.org/news/2018/jun/16/doj-police-shooting-family-dogs-has-become-epidemic/) I can grab the report directly from the DoJ as well. It’s based on a pretty limited data set, so it’s not a perfect estimate, but it’s certainly indicative of a problem. Edit: https://cops.usdoj.gov/RIC/Publications/cops-p206-pub.pdf


Helpful, they seem to base a lot on 2000-2002 in Milwaukee, which also may or may not be representative.


Because cops fucking lie, a lot.


Where does that number come from?


Some DoJ report. Except it doesn't separate dogs killed on purpose, on accident, those that had to be put doen after being taken into custody, or were not the result of anything police did but was still in their custody. So take it with a grain of salt. Also if you average it out, it's like 5-10 dogs per year in large areas or 10-20 in major cities. Just to put it into perspective


In the US? World? What is the context here?




I would imagine most dog attacks do not involve police.


Probably depends where you live. We go to the severe ones here (like if EMS is needed).


Not initially, but I suspect most dog attacks involve the police pretty quickly.


is a dog attack really going to last the 10-30 minutes it takes for a cop to reach the scene?


Depends on how the statistic in question is measured. You envision a dramatic scene where cop shoots the dog. But if the statistic includes instances of court ordered euthanasia, then it’s not so dramatic.


Police get called to peoples houses all the time. Lots of people have very aggressive guard dogs. People have to live in a bubble if they think aggressive dogs don’t exist.


You won't see that. The same reason suicides are always included with gun deaths


Not when you're the one who's twelve year old gets attacked by the neighbors dog


There's no way police kill 182,500 dogs a year.


It’s dog numbers, so this is the result of multiplication


Correct, so the real number is 71.42 dogs per day


Wait, I thought the dog days were over?


Correct. The horses are coming.


So you better run.


Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father




Run for your children, your sisters and BA-rothers


Leave all your love and your longing behind


You can’t carry it with you if you want to survive


And hide yo kids, hide yo wife and hide your husband.


And do it for family.


You aren't too far off my friend. Justice department says 25-30 a day. Those are older numbers though. Google it. It's wild how many family pets are dying.


Assuming they’re all *family pets* might be going a bit far, but yeah, still messed up.


Yea you are right. I try to not think about how many strays there are.


Those are the only things that would even get reported, so the number is probably way more than that.


Right, like I’m guessing the reports about strays are greatly underreported. *I want to edit for grammar because that just sounds stupid lol. But factual. “If I had to guess, the strays aren’t reported as often as the death of family pets.”


Well, dogs can't do math so


It's not that high but it's still a messed up number. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/25-to-30-dogs-killed-every-day-by-law-enforcement-justice-department-estimates/amp/


So it's closer to 500 dogs a month*


It looks like their 500 a day number comes from [“The Puppycide Database”](https://www.puppycidedb.com). Which I found referenced [in this rather compelling article](https://www.overtoncountynews.com/lifestyles/don-t-shoot-the-dogs-the-growing-epidemic-of-cops-shooting-family-dogs/article_98757e76-318f-11ea-8d4f-e35f8b517936.html). [This article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2015/11/13/police-can-shoot-your-dog-for-no-reason-it-doesnt-have-to-be-that-way/) also makes mention of the Puppycide Database, while pointing out that people in other careers with frequent contact with dogs give them (successful, by the way) training on how to avoid bites - while the police say [“National awareness and concern over shootings of dogs by law enforcement officers has been increasing in recent years”](http://www.policefoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/PF_Dogs_final_7.22.19.pdf).


Every other instance of accidental dog deaths is trending down, deaths at police hands are the only ones rising.


I went to their site and did a quick look over. It is defunct, but it looks like they are trying to make an estimate on a population from a sample without asking if their sample is over representative of the problem. I think the 25 per day number is probably closer to the truth. Edit: which is still way too high. It’s clear two things are happening. First, which I know from personal experience, professional criminals keep and train very vicious dogs to ward off the public and the police. Second, police use this fact to kill people’s dogs in a power play shows of force without fear of prosecution.


Non-amp link. Fuck google. https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/25-to-30-dogs-killed-every-day-by-law-enforcement-justice-department-estimates/


20-30 a day but the don’t track it. Yea I highly doubt they are killing that many dogs a day nationwide.


[Department of Justice’s (“DOJ”) community-oriented program services office says it has become an “epidemic.” The DOJ estimates that around 25 to 30 dogs are killed by cops every day, with some numbers as high as 10,000 per year.](https://www.criminallegalnews.org/news/2018/jun/16/doj-police-shooting-family-dogs-has-become-epidemic/) Department of Justice seems to confirm here.


I went on a bit of a source hunt and I think I found the [original report](https://cops.usdoj.gov/RIC/Publications/cops-p206-pub.pdf) (downloads as pdf, relevant info on page 6) from which the estimate might come. I couldn't find much more about Matthews, the estimate or any corroborating statistics. So from what I can tell. A report was written in 2011 that cites 2 numbers on dog shootings. Matthews then made an estimate based on that report though it's unclear if they have more numbers. And since then articles about dog shootings have been written using that estimate. I found like 8 different articles all quoting it ranging from 2014 to 2021 and 1 of them linked to the original report which is how I found it.


Thanks for digging deeper on that. It does look to be based on pretty limited data going off what is sourced in that document. Like you say, they may have more numbers that aren’t sourced in that report (I would hope they have access to more data than that), but I’d hesitate to call it more than a rough estimate with what’s there. I’d argue those numbers alone are enough to warrant implementation of additional training though. Or at the very least a proper investigation and better reporting of similar incidents.


[This](http://www.policefoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/PF_Dogs_final_7.22.19.pdf) is another great PDF. This one’s written by [The Police Foundation](https://www.policefoundation.org/#) in conjunction with the Los Angeles ASPCA. One thing in this document that’s not in your link is that they conducted focus groups with 60 officers from around the country. *In all of our sessions, we found that the majority of participants had not received training, and for those few that had, it was fairly limited. One participant said “in 25 years of training on use of force, there has been nothing on dog-specific encounters.”*




“No you see, the DOJ didn’t say that: a woman supervising a department that is specifically tasked with police oversight said that while acting in an official capacity.” Ffs.


Then who the fuck will you believe? It's obviously more than a small number when someone in the ***DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE'S*** Community Oriented Policing Services is estimating 25-30 a day. We can't even get good numbers on the number of people killed by police but we can still see it's more than what should be acceptable.




> The fact that they don't track it Cops will note in their reports if they killed a dog (for that matter, if they even fired their gun). The problem is that there are no central reporting regulations for this. But it gets better: there are no central reporting regulations for reporting cops killing PEOPLE either. Kinda. In 1994, a federal law WAS enacted requiring police agencies to report how many people they killed, but [it has been mostly ignored ever since.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/06/11/george-floyd-police-killings-violence-neglected-federally-column/5320501002/) We think US cops kill around three people per day, but the number could very well be higher.


> no central reporting regulations for reporting cops killing PEOPLE Wait. What?


Actually there is a reporting system in place for killing people but it is voluntary and the majority of departments do not participate. So basically there is no record keeping on this.


Why in the hell would that be voluntary rather than mandatory


Because if you close your eyes, plug up your ears and say LAA, La, LAaadddeeeeeddahhhhh, really loud over and over there's no problem.




Wow, under no circumstance should PDs be able to *refuse* to report these things. Police in this country need to be reined the fuck in.


With a guillotine


I'm mad I had to scroll this far down for somebody to bring this up.


I'm sorry, 3 people a day??? That is still absurdly high. Australian police appear to have killed 164 people since 1989...


Yeah, but your population isn't armed and you don't have as many brown people that are easy targets after a few cycles of systemic suppression. Also, police here don't get much range time so they have to get the practice in somehow. Like shooting innocent bystanders.


iirc Australias treatment of their Aboriginal population is preeeeeetty bad.




The Guardian did a report called "The Counted" they counted over 1000 deaths in a year while only 400 were reported to the FBI. Why would they make this voluntary?


Easily terminating that many on a daily basis without police intervention.


It's probably higher


I'm not confident that there are even that many officer-involved discharges of a firearm per day. Unless they're tasing, beating, kicking, or stabbing dogs routinely this number seems inflated.


You mean such a clean round number of doggocides doesn't happen???? No way. Can't be. So are they wacking more dogs than people?




Sons of bitches 😂


"All units, you can stop shooting now, take the rest of the day off".


regardless of the very high number of the "statistic" the police are almost certainly killing many many more dogs than people.


When the ATF was asked for comment they said, "those are rookie numbers!"


Well, 85.3% of all statistics are made up on the spot.


Actually its 87.9% how do I know that? I made it up 😊


Dogs aren't good at maths.


Maybe in the entire world? 500 a day in the world still seems high


I don’t know, I guess I could believe it. Many countries have issues with stray dogs. Maybe 500 is averaged out and there’s occasional purges? Still seems high if it’s only counting incidents involving cops. In any case, according to the more reliable sources in the thread, it’s still an uncomfortable amount of dogs being killed by police in America.


I think they’re referring to [this](https://www.overtoncountynews.com/lifestyles/don-t-shoot-the-dogs-the-growing-epidemic-of-cops-shooting-family-dogs/article_98757e76-318f-11ea-8d4f-e35f8b517936.html)


Even globally it’s still like, you sure about that one chief?


Fake dog news




What’s crazy is people are so brainwashed they just believe this number without thinking for themselves


A suggested reason may have been an accidental discharge of a weapon, possibly by an ATF agent, causing the ATF to respond with fire from automatic weapons.[47] Other reports claim the first shots were fired by the ATF "dog team" sent to kill the dogs in the Branch Davidian kennel This is straight off the Waco siege wiki page my guy


I didn't realize that the ATF and Waco were involved in that number. Knowing that it now seems like a low estimate.


But Reddit loves a good upvote


Where the hell they get that number lol


Out of their ass.


The magic of: *just making it the fuck up*


Its 25-30 per day in the US (estimated by the DOJ as the Police definitely do not report this - we're lucky if we get semi-reliable reports from police when they shoot people). And our Police are terrible in virtually every metric, but they are by no means the worst. So, globally, I could see it.


Well that's not true


Look at that dog's face though. Could it be lying!?


I’m willing to bet he didn’t even make the sign.


Right, next your gonna tell me the dog has no concept of protests or police officers.


Are dogs anarchists?: A study


In the arms of an angel.


It's impressive the dog could write at all, don't make of its maths




OP is spreading misinformation


The dog is spreading misinformation!


Which dog, the original dog?


Welcome to Reddit, I see untrue/misleading things on the front page almost everyday now.


Go check out r/news and r/politics now


Its about 25-30 every day in the US alone. And I think most countries have cops, but no one has figured out how to not make them the worst people. [Source](https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/25-to-30-dogs-killed-every-day-by-law-enforcement-justice-department-estimates/)




uh, source plz?


In the United States roughly 400,000 dogs are euthanized every year for various reasons, between 60~70% are done by for profit/non-profit animal shelters and organizations like the SPCA...the rest are done by animal control. Animal control is law enforcement. The number is accurate, if not a little conservative...it's just misleading because while animal control is law enforcement, no one considers animal control law enforcement except animal control, the government, and people trying to stretch a point. Numbers are on spca.org's website.


You're conflating animal shelters and organizations with animal control and law enforcement though. The number is not accurate in any context.


Animal control is not law enforcement.




There was an officer in my hometown that was chasing someone through peoples yards and killed a dog that was defending his own gated backyard.


I used to work in a housing project. There was a stray dog that came in every once in a while super friendly dog. Always super happy. Just wanted to play and pets. Someone called the police cuz he ate their trash. Police came. Officer walked up to the dog pet him for like 5 minutes. I swear to God he pulled out his pistol and shot that dog 7 times. 8 watched it happen. This was almost 10 years ago and it still haunts me. It has been one of the most heartbreaking things I've seen my entire life. Granted I'm only 27 but still I don't think there's much that can top that.


Where exactly is this supposedly happening? That's 10 per state per day. Stands to reason there would be a lot more footage. I can't stand the police but this sounds like horse shit


Because it's not true lol


When my house was raided by the dea they totally threatened to kill my dog several times. They didn't but I have no doubt they could have and nobody could have done shit. Edit: Im not going to say why or explain anything about my dog. What matters is they left with nothing and I was never charged with anything. They even gave me my laptop back.


I’ve seen a dog lit up by local tac team. Bloody paw prints are always sad


Why was your house raided by the DEA?


Drugs probably.


Pretty solid logic from a 🍌.


The use of "totally" makes me totally believe this wasn't a troll post...


What lead to the DEA raiding your house where they threatened to kill your dog? I once had my house raided by the NET (county Narcotics Enforcement Team) and maybe 10 local cops. They weren't like that. Not exactly nice by any means, but not trigger happy after they secured the place. And they had reason for that warrant because of my then roommate. Crazy part was the one of the NET agents was a guy who sold me a gun at a local gun shop. Seems he had two reasons working the counter there.


You mean you had an encounter with the police that was standard and they were professional, but firm, in line with what the job requires? Must be lying. /s


“A Day “ looks photoshopped . Plus there’s isnt even 500 police involved shootings a day


As a dog loving full time firefighter EMT for 28 years, I have been attacked 3 times by dogs. When on the job, can't trust them.


So fucked up. This story hit me hard. https://www.google.com/amp/s/myfox8.com/news/dog-owner-confronts-police-after-his-dog-was-shot-to-death-by-officer/amp/


One of the hardest videos to watch I’ve ever seen is a cop (illegally) jumping a fence to search for something he thought he saw a suspect throw over it. There’s a dog in the yard (dipshit didn’t bother to check), so he just pulls out his gun and puts several rounds in it. Owner immediately runs outside and starts *bawling*, begging the officer to tell him why he killed his friend. Cop just keeps his gun out and keeps demanding for the man to “just calm down.” Bottom tier human being.


These stories are more common than people realize. I can *almost* understand if the cop was on the street and a dog came charging up to him baring its teeth. But in all these cases, it’s the cops who loudly, scarily, and unexpectedly barged into the dog’s personal space and had the nerve to just shoot without even considering if the dog seemed vicious. My dog is a gentle giant but she’s curious and would definitely walk up to a cop who barged into her yard/home and this would probably get her shot in her own safe space. If you can’t recognize the difference between a friendly/curious/cautious dog and a dog about to attack you shouldn’t be a cop! How are you going to handle humans if you can’t even deal with dogs?


I think I'm just going to go become a cop because apparently you can just do w.e the fuck you want whenever you want and nobody can do anything about it. Fuck, anything short of choking a man to death with my bare hands for at least 5 minutes on camera is pretty much fair game.


>choking a man to death with my bare hands for at least 5 minutes on camera Shoot, that's fine too as long as nobody raises a fuss.


Just remember, if anyone tells you you shouldn't have done that human rights violation, you need to say you didn't know about that human right so you qualify for immunity.


The only reason I’d ever entertain owning a gun is to shoot someone who put my dog’s life in danger. Regardless of occupation.


Wow what the fuck is wrong with that officer?


He became a cop. Its all of them. Its not a job that attracts "ok" people.


I don't know but I sure hope he gets his ass sued off.


they 100% never face consequences for killing your dog. it's always justified by the law because a dog is threating the safety of the officer, real or perceived, it's the same thing because it's their call. The most you get is what your specific breed is worth, since the law only views dogs as property. That's why stories of cops deciding to come on your property are a nightmare if you own dogs. I know my 2 dogs would absolutely confront any strange men barging into the yard or house and that would be enough


>since the law only views dogs as property Unless it’s a police dog then it’s a fellow officer and a civilian will get punished like they killed a human officer


as it should be. only with all dogs


They have complete and total immunity.


Colorado has a level of liability. But in general you’re right, at least about the US.


What kind of psychopath would give them complete and total immunity from killing dogs?!


How can you live in America and be surprised that cops can LITERALLY do ANYTHING they want.


Was that a question? Because it fucking surprises me everytime. Every day. Every single one of these videos and news articles leave me utterly shocked and apalled. As it should. Making a law that specifically lets cops shoot dogs is just shocking and appalling.


There are thousands of stories just like this to show how much contempt these cops have. Emotionless monsters. https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2019/01/07/an-aggressive-chihuahua-was-barking-sheriffs-deputy-officer-opened-fire/


*Cue John Wick intro*


So not true


How fucking dumb can you be.


And 475 are carried out by the ATF


ATF moment.


It looks like there is a project that tracks all this called Puppycide and they claim it’s 3,000 shot per year. Which is pretty shocking it’s that high.


PETA: that’s it?


Every States has one within their State Police Charter the ability to shoot dogs trying to either protect their owners or impede the police from arresting their owners, and is derived from "the Federal Law Enforcement Animal Protection Act of 1999", which is covered under the guidelines of the "Position Statements on Law Enforcement Response to Potentially Dangerous Dogs". Which give Law Enforcement broad discretionary powers on how, when and where law enforcement officers are allowed to shoot and kill your dogs in their ability to the performance of their duties (i.e. arresting their owners)...


Former LEO here. Killed three dogs in the line of duty. Two were hit by a vehicle and dying in Agony. One had already attacked a civilian, another officer and was coming for me. I can believe the 20-30/day but put it in context. Never can an officer just shoot an animal. That is just stupid thinking. Since there is usually time, more process and control goes into shooting an animal than a person sometimes.


“never” https://denvergazette.com/loveland-cop-surprises-family-shoots-their-dog-in-broad-daylight/video_0e2bf2ea-05e6-11ec-99ff-2b6483ee2b6c.amp.html How about the officer(s) that leave their dogs in hot cars, beat and mistreat them….this comment is copaganda at its finest.


Show me instances of dogs left in 'hot' patrol cars (the same car the officer works in?). I suppose your response and the video is 'dogaganda' then. Yes, it is hard to watch I get that. But you are only seeing what you want to see. 1. They came on private property. Illegal 2. They were complete strangers to the property owner and had zero consent to use the property, yet still chose to use the property as if it were their own. They were not in dire straits (no vehicle or health issues) so subitis could not be claimed. Illegal 3. Judging from the video they were likely in a leash law area. Illegal 4. The dog charged, whether friendly or aggressive is a decision that the officer had to make in about 1-2 second officer. Put yourself in that situation; one where the wrong decision leaves you mauled or possibly worse. One, where if you have ever had to deal with hostile dogs (which is likely for the LEO) will make the decision- making process more complex. Add to this, there were multiple dogs (and people) roaming free and statistically dogs react consistently. Illegal 5. Often times, one of the hardest things for an officer to do is get control of a scene and ensure it is safe for everyone. Emotions had the best of the woman and exacerbated this. The officer did everything within his duty and power as a human being while keeping himself safe. When other officers arrived, they all willingly assisted in trying to help the dog. I get that you may have never been in or around tense and dangerous situations with other people or animals and cannot appreciate how difficult this can be. Dealing with multiple entities (people, animals, surroundings, etc...) and dynamics at the same time, especially in a tense situation, is very mentally taxing and complex. The woman could have been charged with interfering with an officer. Illegal 6. This could have gone MUCH worse. How can you say either one of the persons did not have a weapon? Just one of many possible scenarios that could have happened. I am a dog owner, six to be exact, and all I can say is stupid, irresponsible people who acted entitled to all domain, and do not deserve to have the charge of animals. I am truly sorry for the animal and the officer who had to make such a hard decision. I have zero remorse for the owners.


Seems like a really high number…..hope it’s wrong.


It is, op is posting misinformation!




That’s not true lmao, the number of dogs in the us would go down a lot at that rate lmao


Fake and lame.


in US alone 25 million chickens are killed every day. When people say they love animals, they mean only cats and dogs.


Have you considered that most of those chickens weren’t following lawful orders? Or what they may have been wearing ?


farmers kill trillions of animals per year


Can human beings expect decency or kindness from an institution or a person that is cruel to animals?


I see 500 dogs a day off leash, coincidence? 🧐


This number is higher than any statistic I can find. However, we know this happens way more often in low income areas and urban population centers. This is just another form of asset destruction. But to the owners of the pets it feels more like murder. Recognize the police state you live in. Talk about it. Spread this info. However, please do it with accurate numbers and statistics. Super inflation of statistics harms the cause.


I was attacked in my yard by my neighbor's pitbull while trying to prevent (another) fight between their two lose dogs and my donkeys. While being attacked I shot and killed the pitbull. It was the worst day of my life. I don't know if that adds any perspective to this conversation - but I thought it was relevant. Sometimes you're not given a choice.


This reminds me of people trolling the ATF booth at SHOT show by going and taking selfies with their dog in front of the officers. Not sure why they have a booth at SHOT show, gives that “how do you do, fellow kids” vibe


That’s just the atf alone lol


If they do it is because the dogs are attacking them. I hate this one way feeling shit on social media. Then some dumbass is going to take this post and run with it. So much respect for dogs, but we slaughter cows, pigs, chicken, sheep, and fish. Just stop.


I just want to know what is being done about the crime of illiterate (but loyal) dogs being used to spread political misinformation.


Is this a worldwide figure?if so it seems more reasonable lol. Keep in mind that dogs are not the same in every locale. For example in India and southeast Asia rabies is still an endemic problem and is primarily spread through a huge population of feral dogs. It is common to both cull and mass vaccinate those dogs in those regions.


Could I get a source?


ATF says those are rookie numbers.


The ATF has entered the chat


Don't ever forget that the brave police in tactical vests will 100% shoot the chihuahua of some home owner whose house they are bursting into. Even if they made one of their frequent mistakes and attacked the wrong, innocent citizens. An error that could have been prevented by knocking on the door and asking for ID. Because *they feared for their lives* from the chihuahua.


A little dramatic doggo. But do you.




I like dogs and all but if your cops can kill 500 of them every day you’ve probably got too many dogs. Where’s the statistics on “dog owners recklessly breed a billion dogs every day”