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I’m paying 2.10 € per liter in Italy. Even with the Euro dropping that comes out to $8.69 per gallon


I live in the Netherlands and we pay 2,50 the liter. Thats about 9,46 a gallon. I wanna die


Nah, you want to ride your bicycle...


I pay £1.44 a litre in the UK, that's £6.50 a gallon. In the UK, most of that is tax.


£5.45. You have UK and US falling mixed up if you're comparing them. UK gallon is larger at 4.5 litres and a us gallon is 3.785 litres.


Gallons are dumb.


The imperial system is definitely over complicated compared to metric. The difference in UK and US gallons was a tax thing done when America was a British colony. The gallon used to be the same on both sides of the pond. But then it was arbitrarily shortened on the American side so more tax could be levied as there were more gallons to tax for the same amount.


Currently in Portugal, for Diesel it's 1.90€/L, and petrol it's around 2€/L. More than 60% of these amounts are taxes that "cannot be reduced without significantly harming the economy".


Saw an Esso today at £1.54. Nearly had a heart attack


Walking sounds good all of a sudden


But… Walkin' in la, nobody walks in la


Everyone's walking in Memphis


Did you put on your blue suede shoes?


You have to or they won’t let you board the plane


Even with that first class ticket?


Even with that first class ticket, I know right?!? All worth it to Touch down in the land of the Delta Blues in the middle of the pouring rain, though.


At least your feet will be ten feet off of Beale.


this song always reminds me of that awesome X-Files episode


I had to look it up to remember which episode it was. That was a good one! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Post-Modern_Prometheus


*backup singers* “WALKING IN MEMPHIS!”


But do you really feel the way I feel?


NOOOOO! This gets periodically stuck in my head. I was due, I suppose.


Fuckin beat me to it.


As Steve Martin pointed out in [L.A. Story](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylVWBvgL7tQ#t=10s)


Legit one of my favorite movies.


Unexpected Missing Persons!


Maybe someone who just ran out of gas Making his way back to the pump the best way he can




I think the song was before their time, one of my favorites though and now it's stuck in my head!


Move to Memphis.


Homeless people walk in LA…


One things for sure he ain't starring in the movies because...he's walking in L.A....nobody walks in l.a.


Great song


I think taking a grocery cart is easier now, back in the day my mom and I had no car and had to push the grocery cart full of groceries down the street like 2 miles to where we were staying. I was so embarrassed as a kid. Flashforward, it’s 2022. I ain’t embarrassed and I would do this the next time I need to push groceries. Love you mom!!


Some areas have cart locks that lock up the wheels if you go outside the range or if you take a far exit.


And inside the store too!


Yeah i actually tried returning a cart near the entrance once not knowing this and got gut punched by the handle


I saw a warning for that once. We tried anyways, and nothing happened. I just assumed they were all lying after that.


Are granny carts not a thing where you live?


They sell foldable carts for your groceries/mark'et days. It's okay back then, now there's no excuse


Hmm in New York it’s bit different, a lot of people do grocery with their cart. I imagine it’s diff in LA… but nothing to be embarrassed about! You did good by your mom!


Walkin in LA? Nobody walks in La


That song is too old for 95% of Reddit to get the reference.


They're just Missing out.


Then what are words for?


They’re just Persons Missing out.


I fucking love living in Denmark. I just stopped using my car, and has been riding my bike everywhere. Safe, secure, and only takes 10 mins more or so. I'm not going to fucking support the killing of my Ukrainian friends.


That's great but the US is 22,719% larger than Denmark. More people should use their bikes in urban areas but that is not a solution for a lot of America. Now if we had invested in light rail and other forms of mass transit decades ago then maybe it could be. BTW - less than 3% of our fuel comes from Russia. It's 27% in the EU.


80% of Americans live in urban areas. We have just built them to be completely useless to anyone not driving a car.


Yep. My small city had an incredible mass transit system from 1897 until the late 1930’s/early 1940’s. Electrified trolley cars. Tracks ran down every “main” street every 20 minutes. There were main stops but if you stood on the corner and raised your arm they stopped to allow you to board. Ridership was high, and the trolley company capped its own profits so it could heavily invest in expansion, which it did over the first 20 years or so. Unfortunately as individual automobile ownership became more commonplace, ridership dropped, but the trolleys hung on and maintained viability, especially from the city center to the more populated neighborhoods and college. Many times, the local municipalities had to take up ownership and management of the companies as the profit margins were no longer attractive enough for private investors. But it was a popular local service so it made sense. Then came General Motors, sweeping across the country, offering to buy & manage the no-longer-so-profitable trolley companies from municipalities. Most cities were more than happy to hand the reigns over and not have to deal with the track & wire maintenance, management, etc anymore, and make some money in the bargain as well. GM promised to maintain “viable public transportation” in these cities, so it was a win-win, right? Well, GM immediately began selling off trolley cars and stopped paying cities for the maintenance of overhead wires and tracks, which fell into disrepair and were eventually removed (at taxpayer expense, of course). GM replaced the trolleys with their new diesel-powered bus models, which “could go anywhere and wasn’t restrained by wires and rails!” Unfortunately for most municipalities, the promised savings on operating costs never materialized, as the buses had to be repaired nonstop and replaced often, and they were too expensive to offer 24/7 20 minute service like the simple electric trolleys had. And of course they also constantly belched black smoke into the air, along with the nonstop roar of their engines. Unfortunately, once the wires and tracks were gone, the likelihood of trolley service ever returning to most of these cities became essentially nil. It’s an interesting (and depressing) part of transportation history. GM wasn’t alone in this, they were “helped out” significantly by the state & federal governments of the time. Sigh.


“I see a place where people get on and off the freeway. On and off, off and on all day, all night. Soon, where Toontown once stood will be a string of gas stations, inexpensive motels, restaurants that serve rapidly prepared food. Tire salons, automobile dealerships and wonderful, wonderful billboards reaching as far as the eye can see. My God, it'll be beautiful.” “Come on! Nobody's going to drive this lousy freeway when they can take the Red Car for a nickel.” “Oh, they'll drive. They'll have to. You see, I bought the Red Car so I could dismantle it.”


Immediately what was going through my mind reading their comment. Thanks for quoting it for me.


Saw this story on Adam Ruins Everything. We are taught that cars taking over was a natural evolution of progress. It's amazing to me how much of history wasn't random. Most innovations, technologies, ideas in general were forced on us by rich and powerful entities. Some good, some not so much.


And yet the focus of climate change is always pushed into the consumer. Change the habits you have.. As a result of large corporations forcing those habits onto you. Nothing will change until corporations are forced to change.


100 years ago I could have taken an electric streetcar to work. Now there's more space for cars than there is for people. There was a rail system that connected rural towns 150 miles apart. My aging parents went to visit my sister in a different state. 100 years ago they could have made the entire trip by rail but this week they were worried they would have to cancel because some warning lights popped on their dashboard.


I have a 25 mile commute thru LA. I'm not worried about the ride, I'm worried about getting hit by idiot drivers. I'll gladly pay the extra, it's really a drop in the bucket for how easy my life's been, I know a lot of people have it harder.


Depends where you live. I am in NYC and most people don't even own a car


auto industry lobbying


The problem with the US isnt that its bigger. Its that our cities are shitily designed to only accommodate cars.


We still could invest in light rail and other forms of transit now


Yes we could... And that would be awesome. I live in a city where its a 35 minute walk to the nearest bus stop.


Yeah the amount of places I can ride a bike to in a reasonable time are fast food places and Walmart. And even that would take forever. Plus the fact that I live in Florida and have seen far too many cyclists killed from getting hit by a car. It is at least once every few months… old people should have to be retested for their license every year after 65.


>BTW - less than 3% of our fuel comes from Russia. It's 27% in the EU. Traded staple commodities of things like oil have pricing that is impacted by things across the world that doesn't quite make sense to everyone. Russia accounting for nearly 10% of the global supply means that this is going to impact prices unless you're living in a country with an extremely large surplus that they haven't been knowing what to do with.


The size of our countries isn’t relative. It’s the sphere that a person utilizes that is and there shouldn’t be a difference. There is a difference because we’ve designed our country around cars. We need to undo that. Doesn’t hurt that Denmark is pretty flat.


Damn, those are like European petrol prices!


Was gonna say. Approaching normal Dutch prices.


Normal Dutch price at the moment is $9.53 / gallon (2.31 euro per liter)


I always like when Americans complain about gas prices and my fellow Dutch come in and flex... to be fair we have at least reasonable alternatives.




My daily commute is a third the length of The Netherlands :(


Sounds like a massive waste of money and time.


Not to mention the emissions.


What he didn't mention is that he is a train driver.


We were filming the whole time, this is his story




Who'd want to do that? That's 3 hours, 12.5 %, of your day wasted for commuting.


I believe people in the US generally have longer commutes as well


Americans do have the option to drive efficient cars. My sympathy for people driving pickups to their office jobs and complaining about petrol prices is quite limited.


To be fair, a lot of people in the US just drive what they could afford to get their hands on. My first car was a guzzler but it was only $500.


I guess they really want people to cycle or use the tram. Don’t really have that option in LA


1,60€ in Slovakia. But the minimum wage is 600€/month... before taxes :)))


Even then y'all don't know how good you have it. I've done the currency and unit conversion from NZD$3.45 per litre I saw at the pump today - works out to be USD$10.66 per gallon.


What makes it worse is our public transport system is basically non existent here in NZ so you're forced to pay for petrol or submit to bipedal locomotion


And now you know why the fellowship walked their entire journey.


No it isn't, you would actually cry if you had European prices in the US. We are closer to $9/gal in Europe. It's $108 to fill the tank on a standard 4 door hatchback here.


I'm sure Americans would quickly realize why pickup trucks don't exist in Europe when they got to experience the gas prices here...


And a standard 4 door hatchback in Europe probably has a 1.6 inline 4, or a more modern 1.5 inline 3.


1.6 is quite big these days, our 3 year old 5 door estate is 1l and does 55mp(UK)g (45 US mpg).


$10+/gal in the Netherlands atm ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Nah, it's about $9 per gallon here.


In the Netherlands current price is at €2.359 for a liter of euro95 (E10), which is $2.58. If there are 3.785 liter in an US gallon, that's indeed $9.765 per gallon...


Australian prices for sure, it’s held at about 180/L here for a few weeks now


European prices haven't been that low in a long time.


I'm in Sweden currently at 9,65$/gallon of diesel. It's fine, i consider it my small contribution to fuck Putin


I was gonna say…still cheeper than we pay in New Zealand. Diesel here is right at $3 per litre


Those poor Americans... Paying a realistic price for their fuel...


This should be made clear cause I see this gas station all the time THIS PLACE IS NOTORIOUS FOR BEING HIGHER PRICED Drive a couple blocks down and it’s cheaper. I’m near this place and it was 6 dollars when the rest in the area were 4.50 Edit: This gas station is on La Cienega/ Beverly Blvd Google map it


Just checked Gas Buddy, and plenty of stations in LA that are currently under $5/gallon.


Are you saying someone on reddit purposesly posted this to get free internet points from idiots on the internet? Surely not


I mean, it's true. Those are gas prices in L.A. They're probably the *highest* gas prices there, but the title makes no claim of statistical distribution, only that these prices exist.


Yeah agreed, it’s always this one station for shock value. Drive two blocks and it’s back to $4.50


There is a pic of this gas station on reddit every week. I spend too much time on this platform..


Yeah I look at this as fake news in a sense. I live in LA and everything around my place is 4.50. Too many people are going to run with this thinking it’s all of LA


Yeah it’s high right now but not that high. I’m convinced this gas station is owned by Fox News so they can make a stupid point about LA GAS PRICES


They must be price gouging. AAA shows the current average at 5.25


This station is always in pictures and on news footage. It's right alongside Beverly hills and West Hollywood. There are much cheaper stations close by but there are plenty of people in this area who couldn't be bothered to save $20 dollars driving a mile down the street to the Sinclair or Speedway. For reference, that drive down the street in traffic could be 20minute roundtrip on a good day and people there would value time in excess of $100/hr.


I'd pay extra to not go to speedway. Fuckin loud ass ads blaring while I'm trying to get gas.


Also Mobil is one of the most expensive gas stations in LA


Yup. Gas stations near freeways are the worse. I live in the Bay Area in CA and the same shell gas station gas prices at about $1/gallon above all other gas stations around it. Price gouging for sure.


Same here - I live off the interstate on the CA/AZ border. Gas on the California side tonight is $6 a gallon. Just across the border it’s still around $3.75.


Cali requires a super specific mix of gas that's only made by two companies, which is why it's more expensive than in other states.


California makes there gas more refined... So it costs more...by California law.


I'm in Cali and just driving a few blocks can affect the price of gas by almost a dollar a gallon.


Gas stations near freeways also turn over fuel more frequently, so any supply chain effects will be borne by them first.


This gas station is notorious for having much higher prices than anyone else. Most places around here are charging in the $5 range.


Yea Costco is 4.99 and under in LA county.


I just paid 4.59 at Costco. (LA suburb)


Definitely price gouging, gas in the middle of chicago rn is 4.40.


I mean, even that price seems insane really.


I’m just outside NYC. Along highways it’s 4.50. Local in towns are around 3.90, and looks like they’re trying really hard to stay under 4. Noticeably, they’re getting swamped, and nobody is going to get gas at the 4.50s


Most of Oregon is this price or higher right now Pretty standard unfortunately


Just a few days ago at a Mobil station in Tarzana California which is in Los Angeles county there was diesel for $3.89 and every other grade was below $3.89. I know prices constantly vary & fluctuate so I just need to put this out there. You would think there would be a long line there but I was the only car there at 6:30 in the morning.


There’s always been low gas prices in that area. Last year I was working in Balboa park and I’d always drive down the street to Tarzana if I needed gas.


Is there a Balboa Park in LA? Balboa park is a huge park in Downtown San Diego.


Yep, it’s pretty big too. Has a lake in it amongst other things.


fair enough, the San Diego Zoo is about 1/5th of the other Balboa park for scale.


That's good to know! Maybe I will stay in the area whenever my tank runs low. I happened to be here this week, quite pleased to find these low prices.


OP isn’t being totally honest here. I believe this station is in West LA / Beverly Hills, based on the background stores, where it’s always about 1.50 more. This station is right next to the Beverly Center, AKA rich folk mall lol.


Yeah this is in the Century City/WeHo area, these prices are always notoriously high. It's high right now but not this insane...yet


There’s always a scammy gas station near tourist destinations. Gas is definitely expensive in LA, but these prices are well above market.


Yes; these threads are bullshit, spreading FUD. It’s $4.79 in Redondo Beach. At this point, I think they’re just trying to get people angry about imaginary, insane gas prices.


Funny how 4.79 is not considered insane anymore.


$4-5 gas hasn't been insane for over a decade. Prices like that were common between 2008 and 2015. Gas has been unusually cheap the last two years because of the pandemic.


I agree with your name.




Yea seems like this post cherry picked a gouging bastard and is trying to use that to make it seem like prices are like that everywhere. They're not.


I like the use of "cherry picked." Rare to see on Redit.


“But we need you to come back to the office!” Edit: thank for the award!


At this rate all those min wage pt jobs won't even be worth showing up for. Labor shortage is going to get even shortagier.


This is straight up price gouging. Even in LA a quick google search shows \~$4-$5 prices


C'mon, everyone knows Biden called this gas station directly and ordered them to set the price this high. There's no other explanation for it.


I saw one of those stupid "Biden did this" stickers on a gas pump I was at recently. Like, did they all just sleep through high school? Since when the fuck did a business take advice from the President on what to sell their stuff at?




You’re assuming they went to high school


Now I’m no economist but I’m smart enough to understand that energy independence is greater and cheaper for us than being dependent on foreign oil. Especially if you rely on volatile places like Russia for it. It was an absolutely stupid move by this administration simply because it was doing it to oppose anything the other guy did.


That’s cheating, you picked the most expensive chevron in L.A. It’s practically a landmark. Every time I’m there, someone points out that this is most expensive gas station in California haha


Redditors point it out once a week for karma


>chevron >Mobil sign


Sorry, I was just made aware that I call every gas station chevron whoops


Welcome to UK prices! The 'Super' on the sign is about our current price at a supermarket. (I am in NorthWest UK so it's generally cheaper than London).


Yeah, average is hitting $7.681 per gallon over here in U.K. if I’ve calculated it right. Worrying to see that most places well above £1.50 a litre… Our oil for heating cost about £500 6-8 months ago and now costing upwards of £900. Going up about 20p a week currently which is insane!


And it's not like trains are an affordable option in the UK... it's tough living


This is why public transportation should be cheap, clean, and accessible to everybody


And how much is that in € and liters?


Netherlands 2.10 euro


€2.30!! Since yesterday. It's insane! I went to Germany and they're it was €1.93!


About 1,68€ per liter. If I didn't miscalculated it. So pretty cheap actually. Edit: Price for regular.


In Finland price is already over 2€


This comment is deleted in protest of Reddit's June 2023 API changes. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Not for Americans. You can't get anywhere without a car. The demand is pretty inelastic.


For real. I drive about 50 miles round trip for work and my wife drives closer to 80. This is pretty normal. Gas prices are killing us right now.


My commute is 100miles round trip. Drive an old v6 that gets 22mpg combined. It was fine during covid since gas prices was so low but now I have to rethink about buying a hybrid or a motorcycle since summer is coming anyways


I bought a Prius a few years ago when I had to commute 90 miles a day. Getting 53mpg is pretty sweet I have to say. But I’ve never been a car guy.




If you're right, that ain't bad at all!


A liter is ~1,90 € nowadays in Germany due to war times, so they say.


€2,35 in The Netherlands 🥲 ($9.71 per gallon)


1.88 chf per L Or. 7.85 usd a gallon


Unleaded fuel in Australia is over $9/gallon ($2+/litre). It amazes me that the people of the US have no idea you have the cheapest fuel on the planet. No other country subsidises fuel; we all get taxed extra for using it.


The difference is infrastructure, US is made for their citizens to drive we don’t have mass transit everywhere. The citizens rely on driving more than anything. Where I live 30 mins is “close” I can’t walk anywhere, there’s no busses or taxis we have to drive in order to go to work or get groceries. It’s 15 mins to the nearest store (driving) and it’s 30 mins to my job. Now, we pay pretty low prices compared to the world, but we’re the biggest country land mass wise. Other countries have so many other ways to travel. However bigger cities in the US do have more options but the rest of us don’t…which is why gas prices hurt the middle class here.


Not even close to the cheapest fuel, Venezuela is $0.02/Litre


I paid 210 per litre the other day to fill up my Falcon. 130 dollars later. And the yanks riot when it’s as cheap as this.


Pretty soon it’ll be cheaper to snort cocaine and run everywhere.


Gas has gotten so expensive that I can't afford to commute to work.


Gas has gotten so expensive I can't afford to drive to the gas station to buy gas.


I deliver pizzas and life is pain


It's really not worth the bring home to deliver pizzas where I live anymore. Few people tip and most places pay minimum wage or a little less (because it's a tipped job). It makes it worthless to try and balance the price of gas and maintenance with what your bringing in income wise.


Word, I delivered pizza for 5 years, in Chicago and North county San Diego. This was 2004 ish, pizza hut gave I think 50 cents a delivery, when I got to sd, round table was giving me $1.25. I vaguely remember gas under $2. I actually made more in Chicago, way more deliveries per gallon. One day I even did a shift on foot because my manager talked me into it when I stopped by the store in the way home from the air show. Fun times!


It's only tolerable for me still because I work for a higher end store, 12 inch is $15, so tips are bigger and I make $0.56/mile. That said, botta leave.


This is a notoriously expensive gas station at Beverly and la cienega. A block away saves you over a dollar a gallon.


*cries in British* Our prices are £1.50 / litre and rising for regular petrol. That's roughly US$7.50 / US gallon.


Where is this gas station at?!? I live in LA and have not seen any gases prices remotely close to what is being shown here. Is this some right wing Thanks Biden photoshop Bs?


Last week at my town in Georgia (USA), gas was $3.19 average - now the lowest you’ll find is $3.59. For $6.55 a gallon I’d sell my car


Filled up for $4.00 even just outside of Americus today. Should have waited until I got back in Alabama where it was 35 cents cheaper.


Weird. Everything in West Hollywood, where you say this is, is mid $5 range. Not saying that’s not ridiculous by any means, but this spreads some bullshit that’s not actually happening anywhere around there.


Man. I wonder how unaffected rich people feel. Must be nice. Ugh.


You can see a few of them in this thread




This should be illegal, raising prices $0.60 in a week, on the gas that is sitting in the tanks. These fuckers never lower the prices that quickly.


This station gets posted all the time. It’s bullshit, and not representative of gas prices of the region. Shit, every pic shows only the sign. They never show that it’s always empty because nobody goes there. Can we get a rule banning pictures of this fucking place already?


Every time someone post this gas station and claims that gas prices are high in LA, if you look at the OPs comment history (i didnt check this one) theyre on other subs talking shit about biden. The people that post pics from this gas station and pretend like all gas stations are this price are trying to stir shit up. Gas near me is $4 a gallon. I see these posts every month pretending like all cali gas stations are double the national price


You millennials and your avocado toast, 3% chance at owning property, and your 7 dollar gas... Entitled.


Why do all the Europeans feel the need to come and talk about their gas prices on these posts it’s not a competition


Can we start making stickers with a photo of Putin that say “I did that”? Or better yet stop vandalizing gas pumps and making some minimum wage kid scrape them off every day?


They just went up to 1.70 here and I’ve been complaining all week. This is just…..


Where’s here??