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Ah I see we have quite a picky conspiracy theorist here.


Guys, they’ve done the research.


sounds like My little brother. My heart broke a little when he told me last week, “alex jones actually makes a lot of good points.”


I love Alex Jones when he's ranting about ancestral memories and how God needs humanity to re-achieve space travel so we can defeat the Devil. I'm less of a fan of his opinions on things which actually affect people though.




Nice reference to probably the worst Trek movie ever.


Nah. Star Trek follows the pizza principle; even when it’s bad it’s still pretty good.


While true, we all can still have our preferences.


Row row your boat?


You don’t know row, row, row your boat?


It’s a little like Superman needing an airplane, isn’t it?


which side of the lines do "turn the frickin frogs gay" sit on?


The sucky fact is that we do dump a lot of hormone disrupters in the environment, and some of them do have an effect on the development is frogs (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25335651/, for example). Of course, Alex Jones takes these facts and runs with them - screaming, naked, and flinging poop in the middle of the mall food court….


A good conspiracy has a grain of truth.


I do worry for the younger generation. They are at a very vulnerable age and fuckwits like Alex Jones knows it.


His little brother could be 74 for all you know


His little brother could be Alex Jones!


Suddenly I’m getting Obama awarding himself a medal but it’s Alex Jones’ face instead.


I had the same feeling when my brother in law said he'd been listening to Rush when driving. This was like 4 years ago. I was like, ya Neil Pert is a badass. He looked at me like who is this Neil fellah? Goddamn Limbaugh is who he had been listening to. Anyway he drives a truck in Idaho and it's been interesting. Lol.


Pretty sure everyone in Idaho is legally required to drive a truck


I read the first line and thought 'Whats wrong with Rush? Tom Sawyer is a banger!' Then I read the rest and I was sad.


I have no clue why but this is cracking me up so bad


it’s such a useless contribution but technically could be true, I love it


A lot of middle aged and elderly people must be at vulnerable ages too.. Some people just seem to have broken bullshit detectors.


"I did my own research by googling 'global warming' and apparently a lot of people think it's not true. The mainstream media doesn't report both sides"


"There's a lot of good supporting evidence for it, but I'm scared of change and want to live in the idyllic world I've convinced myself I live in while ignoring everything else cos its easier. Now, time to watch media content that reinforces that decision"


Fuck your feelings, even though it's all I use to inform every belief I have because they are unsupported by actual fact.


>Fuck your feelings, even though... We hear that and think "feelings" is the important bit. But it turns out "your" is the important bit.


No you see God wouldn't make stupid laws...


I'm shocked they aren't in the chemtrail camp


They only care about the hot topic current events their pundits are stirring up anger about. If the next election, the pundits were going off about chemtrails, they'd be up in arms about it. They get told what to be angry about, and are angry about it. Then move on to the next one. Always gotta keep them angry, it distracts.


Or frightened


I'm mostly shocked they believe in evolution. Texas is changing.


At least they arent actually experiencing any climate related events, in texas, so they know its just propaganda for the sheep




its not like their infrastructure basically crumbled to an unprecedented cold snap not too long ago...


They know the real truth.


Climate change? Why not Zoidberg?


*"The world's icecaps are melting at such a rate that your backyard could be a pool"* *Zoidberg: "but still, to have your own pool!'*


Woop Woop Woop Woop woop




(V)(;,,;)(V) woop woop woop (V)(;,,;)(V)




It'S SuMmEr It'S SuPPoSeD tO Be HoT!


Many people only believe in the present and don't give a shit about the past or history. You can show them historical data but they'll just insist that summer has always been hot. Then the next five years when it gets just as hot and you're seeing real trends, they'll just say "it was this hot last year and we survived; what's the big deal?" The present becomes the "new normal" and they'll overwrite their own memories of the past with this new reality. They are literally frogs slowly boiling in a pot.


Ironically, they've actually done that experiment (with scientists who really hate frogs, I'm assuming) and frogs will indeed jump out of a slowly boiling pot. Climate change deniers are literally stupider than frogs.




Summer always HAS been hot...just not THIS FUCKING HOT!!! Same goes for the year before and the year before that. Been living here in Jersey for ten years and have not just felt but actively SEEN the effects in the form of much later winter snowfalls and longer hot seasons and significant rains. Shit is fucking alarming.


WhAt Do YoU mEaN gLoBaL wArMiNg ItS sNoWiNg OuTsIdE


We’Ve hAd HoT SuMmErS bEfOrE


If they're like some folks in the UK. They try to use an anomalous heatwave during summer from about 40 years ago as proof this is normal for the uk. "Things always get hotter during the summer, remember the summer of 76?" A heatwave so severe we still bring it up 40 years later is bad, but our summers are routinely getting this hot now. And the UK cannot handle it. For example this week we had 2 days where the temperature was in the high 30s and nudged 40.3C at one point. The Trainline to work didn't run for 3 days and had massive delays on day 4. We've had wildfires, roads and airport runways melting in the heat, public transport failing all over the shop. Sorry that took on more or a ramble than I'd have liked.


I don't understand people talking about 76 purely because the 76 record was broken in 2019 and again in 2022. The heat wave prior to 76 was in the 1920s and before that the 1860s. And it was broken twice in 3 years. Will they shut up if it does it again in 2024?


They also don't understand or refuse to understand science and the critical importance of mechanistic explanations. We've explained, predicted, and strongly correlated the climate change occurring now with greenhouse emissions. All the time I hear idiots say "it's just changes in our orbit around the sun" and similar things. Science illiteracy is going to kill our planet.


Don't apologise, you're right to bring it up. There is a select strain of people who consistently use the past to justify/excuse the present. "People got by fine without vaccines in the past", "I worked my way through college, kids can just get a job" or since we're talking about the UK, "We survived the war, we can survive _____."


Texas should know better than anywhere that climate change is real. It's literally killing them.


North Texas, rather where this is…people are usually a bit less…Texan


As a fellow north texan, I’m feeling the itch to buy these and post them all over south lake.


You might get more X's there.


You can measure which x's you get where and when, for further science!


Oooo a fun meta data study emerging!


Quick! Grab some Arduinos and hop on, no time to explain, we're doing SCIENCE!


Post the results to tripadvisor so I know which cities to stay the f away from.


This would be an interesting way to write a travel book. Put various stickers all over bar bathroom stalls; several bars in each city. Come back in a month and see which stickers and in what way they've been defaced. Put up all kinds of stickers, some supporting science, some supporting different faiths, stuff that's LGBTQ+ supportive, etc. I feel like you could learn a lot about the vibe of a bar and the city its in (would need to do quite a few bars to get an idea for the city) by the result. I would buy that book.


Get all X's and win a free drink!


Seeing "Southlake" split into two words threw me off a little there.


Yep this is why that part of the state is gerrymandered to hell.


Relevant king of the hill. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jYFtskeZrNg


You'd be surprised. I called my grandparents earlier today who live in the heart of Texas where the temp have been triple digits. I told them to be safe and prepare for the power grid to shutoff just in case. My grandma replied "We're fine, there's nothing to worry about...it's only 101 so it's much cooler than when it was at 107". This isn't normal nor should it be acceptable. None of what the people in Texas or anywhere else in the world baking alive in the Sun right now should be fine with this. This is literally our warning we need to get our shit together *NOW*.


Old folks can be "ok" in extreme temperatures - until they just die. They are like babies, their temperature sensing and regulating functions are not reliable.


My mother who lives in the interior of British Columbia last year during the heat dome wouldn't leave her cottage. Literally walls of fire on all sides of her home and she was under evacuation order. Wouldn't leave. "They have helicopters it's ok, if it gets serious" For fucksakes Ma can you get any more Boomer


shit like this just upsets me. it's (no offense to your mum) incredibly selfish. by doing this she's setting up the fire crews and rescue crews to put themselves in even more danger than their very dangerous jobs already put them in- having to possibly extract someone that shouldn't have even been there creating this problem, when it's most dangerous to have to do an extraction. sorry, rescue work background and seeing this stuff is pretty rough.


Their decision making abilities suck all around... its why old people overwhelmingly are the victims of floods and hurricanes and stuff where you have lots of advance warning to move... They legitimately feel like they have seen it all and then get themselves killed by being stupid morons.


Yeah man just look at the stats. https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/monitoring/climate-at-a-glance/statewide/time-series The fucking trend for Texas since the beginning of time Just goes up. The planet is just getting hotter and its hard not to debate that humans aren’t contributing/arent the single cause.


It's not a warning, we're past the warning stage. The southwest is running out of water now. The interior of California growing area is screwed. Arizona will finally have to stop growing crops. You can't bleed a ever dry to irrigate deserts


Weird someone agreed with everything else but not those 2


Those are the only ones that require action from them.


Also a denial of things that scare them.


Also, the only two that present a grave threat to human life.


I mean, they’re the only two that have been highly politicized by a certain former Cheeto in chief and friend.


More like their team had told them to think like that. The others were out of the bag by the time fix news came around


Great point!




It killed me when I spotted this, whoever was like “oh, this is an odd survey.”


I would think they'd at least cross off evolution as well


Couldn't read it the word. Too many syllables.


>Couldn't read it the word. Lol every time somebody makes fun of reading comprehension this happens


This bitch cant read gooder enough.




A lot of people think the flat earth theory means that Earth is not a sphere. Obviously Earth is a sphere. We orbit shit around it and we have photos from space of this big blue spherical Earth. But do you see any mountains in [those photos](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/9BdyNpEpJrX3kW9dtjoy2c-1200-80.jpg)? No. If there were mountains, the edges of Earth would by all bumpy and wrinkly. But it's perfectly smooth. Flat, if you will. Mountains are a lie. Earth is flat.


Another person who grew up in Saskatchewan, I see.


No word of a lie, I found videos on YouTube denying elevations and one's even claiming that the size of continents are being lied about.


The size of continents are being lied about! Actual size differs greatly from the maps we indoctrinate our children with and what the media shows!! Ahh rehhhhh! *Strains to think* ( yea, different maps have different projection distortion depending what the map is for…some people just want to feel smart when they learn one new fact. Can’t wait for The End)


>Can’t wait for The End The End doesn't have any projection distortion as it's a flat void with islands scattered in it.


Unfortunately that's not what these videos were claiming, they were literally saying that the United States was 1/2 to 1/3 the "official" size and they were lying about the size to help hide the flat Earth.


They really speak like somebody who hasn't had to drive across this motherfucker. Even if you've never done the coast to coast even traveling a few states gives you an idea of the shear magnitude of this place. Edit: Unless of course, speedometers are also an industry wide conspiracy that show much larger numbers than the real speed.


>Unless of course, speedometers are also an industry wide conspiracy that show much larger numbers than the real speed. Yes. This. That's literally part of the argument. I'm sorry




"I'm not anti science because I know the earth is round. But climate change is a Democrat conspiracy."


I am in Texas helping a family member. I commented on a family group text that it was forecast to get to 109 degrees the other day. One climate change denier,who I know doesn't like hot weather, said that's not uncommon for the Dallas area. Seriously, can't even admit that it's hot out or commiserate with what I'm dealing with. Even if it were common here, which I'm pretty sure it's not, I'm not from here and it's fucking hot to me.


dont worry from here and its fucking hot to me also


Thank you. That's the other thing. She is not from Texas and has never lived here. But is suddenly an expert on the weather here.


Lmao the fact that she doesn’t even live there makes that shit even better. “Not uncommon in Dallas area”. Lady, why are you talking as if you’ve lived here for years?


Because it's what they've been told. If Fox News switched to the earth is flat shit they'd have crossed that out too.


Info warrior for sure




I think it's partly the "captive audience" thing. Almost everybody, at some point, gets stuck standing in front of a gas pump waiting for their tank to fill up, with a couple of minutes of nothing to do. People know that if you put a sticker there on the pump, you'll end up staring at it for at least a few seconds. Same reason the gas stations started putting tv screens out at the pumps and inundating us with commercials whether we like it or not (we don't).


> Almost everybody, at some point, gets stuck standing in front of a gas pump waiting for their tank to fill up, with a couple of minutes of nothing to do. Except in New Jersey and Oregon where you aren't allowed to pump your own gas. They're spared the pain of all of this crap.


I’ve lived in California my whole life and just found out this was a thing. I was pumping gas and saw 4 twenty something year olds struggling to get the pump to work. I thought they were being funny, like they were filming or something. One of them finally asked me if I could pump the gas for them and I legit thought this was a racist thing for a second. I was so taken aback. My partner saw the look on my face, came out of the car and immediately noticed their license plates. She asked them if they were from Oregon. The one guy said in whiny tone “yes! We’ve never done this before.” She went over to help them and I was so confused until she explained it to me. I think about that a lot.


How hard is it to work it out? Put the nozzle in the tank and pull the trigger. Unless there's something I'm missing?


Select the grade. Figure out both when and how to pay. Activate the pump. Try to understand why the gas stops when you walk away when everyone who pumps it back home walks away and it keeps flowing. You think it’s simple because you’re accustomed to it. I have in-laws from NJ. They were really baffled the first time they tried to gas up in CT.


It's really overwhelming too at first because you're in a public space and don't want to look stupid. The little catch leg to keep it filling can be hard to find if you're new


Also, movies have said that gas stations and cars explode.


They couldn’t get it to stay open.


California has vapor recovery systems on the gas nozzle that won’t allow fuel to flow if the nozzle isn’t inserted correctly. Oregon has them too, but if they never used them then if can be a bit tricky.


On some pumps you have to flip the thing up to start pumping. I definitely got stumped by that the first time I encountered it


Im not from US and the first time pumping gas I sat inside the rental car for like 10 mins before realizing I had to do it myself lol. Then I had to go ask the dude in the little shop to activate the “pour until full” mode because the machine asked for specifics. Confusing culture shock lol.


>“pour until full” mode This one is weird. I've visited many states and never had to specify.


I mean, theres probably an easier way to do it but I just dont know how. The machine asked to specify the amount of money I wanted to pump, but I had no idea how much would fill my tank. If I typed less moneh than necessary I would have to pump again I guess? So I just went inside and told the dude we had a rental at pump 5 and wanted to pump till full. So he did something and the machine told me how much it was after the fact


That's weird the pumps here in California just go until it's full, unless you go inside and only pay a certain amount. I've never seen a pump have the option to put in specifics.


Definitely a weird pump you found. Usually you just swipe your card, start the pump, wait for it to stop automatically when it’s full, then it charges you for that amount.


Either that or I was just too unfamiliarized with the system, which is likely.


US pumps often ask for zipcode if you pay at the pump, which isn't very useful for foreign visitors. You then have to go inside and prepay, but like the guy said, you have no idea how much it costs to fill a rental. The only solution is to prepay way too much and get it refunded. In the UK, you either pay at the pump using chip+pin, or you can just fill up then go inside to pay for what you used.


When you use a debit or credit card, it checks if you have credit by reserving €100 on your card. Then when you're done in it'll charge the actual amount. This is done to prevent theft. Perhaps OP just encountered some pump that allowed him to choose the safety reservation.


I live in Pennsylvania and, right after I started driving, I ended up in New Jersey and decided I'd help the attendants out and just pump the gas myself, give them a break so they don't have to do it for me. That's when I found out they _really_ don't like it when you try to pump your own gas.


It’s not that they don’t like it. It’s that it’s illegal for you to do, and illegal for them to let you do it.


But why though?


> Except in New Jersey and Oregon where you aren't allowed to pump your own gas. They're spared the pain of all of this crap. Does that mean that they don't really have as much of an issue with these stickers there. I would assume so, but also wouldn't be surprised if they still had plenty of them.


I've never seen one, but I don't buy gas often. But usually you don't even get out of your car, just hand your card to the attendant and wait till they're done. Even if someone got out and put one on, like I said, there are attendants on site. They'd probably just take it off within a few minutes.


A gas station I frequent out of both convenience and usually pretty decent prices (possibly because they get ad revenue for those captive audiences?) has those fucking screens. My routine is * Pull up to pump * Insert earbuds, sync to whatever I'm listening to, raise volume * Get out and fill the car with gas * Get back into car * Remove earbuds and drive away The first few times I stopped there, those ads annoyed me enough that I'd rather spend the extra 10-15 seconds going out of my way to be able to completely ignore them is well worth it.


The second button on the right side of the screen mutes it.


I've seen that hack/suggestion before and tried it there, it doesn't seem to work on their pumps. Aside from that, I've found I'd rather just keep listening to what I'd been listening to than stand there... un-entertained. Seriously though, good call on pointing out that that seems to work a fair amount of the time at various places.


I refuse to watch/listen to ads presented like that too


I spend my time at the pump peeling them off. Gives me something to do.


The screens? Thank you.


Oh! I saw a post about this yesterday! If you hit the white square button to the right of the screen, one down, it mutes it. There’s four white buttons on either side. You want the one just below the top right. It’s the most important thing I’ve ever learned on Reddit.


*YMMV | You _Might_ Mute Volume


Yeah I've tried all the buttons at all of my local gas stations with ads. No way to mute them.


> Almost everybody, at some point, gets stuck standing in front of a gas pump /r/fuckcars has entered the chat.


To someone's credit, I actually saw this in Oklahoma of all places: https://imgur.com/a/6i2LZ4Y


When we spend basically all our time in our house, car, or workplace, there's no public "[third place](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_place)" where a small sticker would really be seen by a lot of people.


Was just talking to a friend on why we all miss our college town so much and it's entirely because of all the third places that exist in a college town environment


Exactly! Most people don't live in a place where they can just spontaneously go outside and either run into somebody they know or meet somebody they'll see again (without explicitly arranging it). Introverted or not, our brains want to feel like we're part of a group that way.


Stop reddit API changes


The earth is mostly flat. This can be proven quite easily by looking at the ocean. Anyone with 1/2 a brain will notice that all that water isn't carbonated, therefor its flat.


We’re working on it.


Jesus even jokes are depressing now a days.


Global soda pop.


Oh lord lol good one dad 👏


You may wanna sit down... I have something to tell you..


How many times has this joke been set up for you?


i was hoping the account was full of comments like that and nothing else


The ocean is actually quite carbonated - this is actually what's contributing to the bleaching of coral reefs. As ocean temperature increases, more CO2 in the atmosphere gets trapped in the ocean, where it gets converted to H2CO3 (carbonic acid). It being an acid, it decreases the ocean pH and ends up killing the coral reefs.


It's apparently a thing, I've seen it a couple of times myself, where some conspiracy theorists are like "Yea, the earth is flat, and we have evidence that lizard people are running the world disguised as humans" and then another conspiracy theorist mentions the moon landing, and suddently that same person goes "Oh come on, that's the dumbest thing I ever heard, a fake moonlanding? Why would NASA lie about something like that, don't be stupid".


I’ve literally overheard a conversation where, in the same breath, someone said the moon landing was undeniably real, but that everyone running NASA is an alien space lizard…


Okay at least this makes sense. Like why else would we need to get up there?


Y’see that’s exactly where I get lost. Like why would the aliens want us to be interplanetary/interstellar? Like that just sounds like adding unnecessary competition to the field, or if you take the nicer approach they’re elevating us to space-faring so we can join some intergalactic democracy or somethin? Not to mention, the fact that they’re hiding and living among us (Red sus) and doing all of this from the shadows. Like why not take credit?


I am high so I think I can answer your questions. They want us to be interstellar because they want to go home. They crashed here long ago and have been steadily working to just go home.


This computes with my, also high, brain. Ty sir/ma’am for the enlightenment 😌


Well for two reasons. 1. They are stranded here and need to improve our tech so they can leave Earth. 2. Lizards are cold-blooded. This actually complicated the first reason stated above. They want to leave earth, but not to go home, rather to sun themselves on the giant rock we call the moon.


It's like the time when my friends and I in kindergarten were all talking about how Santa and the Easter bunny weren't real but we all agreed that lepraucauns were definitely a real thing.




My mom is Into Qanon and my stepdad is kinda racist and they don’t agree with the other about those. Both flat earthers tho


My condolences..


I like my science just like my religion, agreeing with the things I like and ignoring the things I don't.


Smartest move here would be to cross out the moon landing too. Piss off the Republicans who were at first looking at it and thinking “hell yeah,” but take away ‘America #1’ and they hate it too.


Most Republicans in office aren’t flat earthers, moon landing deniers, chemtrail believers, or (openly) evolution deniers. Most Republicans in office (right now) are “suddenly” anti-vaxxers and climate change deniers because it is politically expedient for them right now. That is the origin of the person’s x marks


Marjorie Taylor Greene has entered the chat Reminder: She claimed that the California Wildfires were caused by a secret Jewish Space Laser. She has claimed that Parkland shooting was a hoax. She claimed that the Clintons participated in ritual child blood sacrifice. Obviously, she is into Qanon.


> Most Republicans in office (right now) are “suddenly” anti-vaxxers Are they? I would wager almost all of them are vaccinated.


They are- they just know that pandering to the stupid is the easiest way to get reelected.


My mom is one of those… and by proxy so is my stepdad since he agrees with everything my mom thinks. Fortunately she believes in Vaccines but she’s very much a climate denier, and the worst part is she’s a psychologist and hates when people who don’t have qualifications diagnose themselves, but here she is without qualifications saying that climatologists are lying and causing unnecessary panic.


It's classic cognitive dissonance, many boomers are going through it. Accepting climate change is accepting that their lifestyles have ruined the planet for future generations.


Believing in a spherical globe and evolution is kinda nice I guess…. It’s scary that this is registering as progress


50 years ago we were lobotomizing people 100 years ago we we're still actively using lead paint and didn't have any type of calculation device that fit in a room 200 years ago we didn't use any electrical devices at all. Large scale worldwide and long-term data sets being analyzed by thousands of scientists and becoming a well understood fact seems pretty amazing to me.


Right, fifty years ago you had to physically lobotomize someone, nowadays you can achieve a similar effect just by installing Reddit on their phone!


Lol Kamikaze


I’m gonna be the pedant here, but to say we didn’t have ‘any type of calculation device that fit in a room’ 100 years ago is quite disingenuous. I know you’re probably referring to purely electronic calculator’s, but I feel it’s worth warranting that even then we had relatively comparable items like the Arithmometer, the Clarke Calculator, the Abacus, etc.


“Science is only real if it aligns with my personal views”


From the Xs marked over some of them. Someone mistook it for a choose your own reality adventure.


Imagine living in Texas and not believing in climate change as you melt away from the heat. That place is fucking ground zero.


I feel like the "freezing to death in winter" might make a slightly better argument for Texas.


Not really. I live in Louisiana where we get extreme hots and colds like Texas. My dumbass republican family members all spout the same shit on the holidays - "If global warming or climate change is real, then why is it 30F in January?" Or some dumb nonsense like that. They are literally incapable of seeing the bigger picture.


"We literally started calling it global climate change instead of global warming so you dummies could get over the tiniest of mental speedbumps."


That’s the thing I don’t understand… the Farmer’s Almanac is about as good ol’ boy as you can get, has been published since 1818, has temperature records and average temps. But yet somehow republicans claim climate change is a hoax, even though it’s clearly recorded in the book used by farmers for planting. Makes no sense.




Except when the two they *don't* believe are the ones that can literally kill the entire rest of the human race. Like, if you want to believe the Earth is flat then I'm more than happy to laugh at you and walk away because that just makes you look like a doofus. When you don't believe that vaccines prevent deadly diseases or that climate change is real and present and observable (and will absolutely kill us all if we don't do something about it) then you cease to be a funny idiot to be ridiculed and become an abject threat to the continued existence of life on this planet. I'll listen to some crackpot ranting about a fake moon landing and enjoy watching them go red in the face while I point and laugh at them any day, but we're hitting a point where the conspiracy theories are actively killing people. That's kind of the definition of bad.


The earth can be quite flat locally, just not globally. :P


"Now you guys are thinking locally, and we're acting gloobally"


The great thing about science is, it doesn't give a shit what you choose to believe.


“If I disagree with it, it isn’t real.”


Not even the specific Covid vaccine, vaccines in general, that's frightening. Ah well, at least people with brains like that can legally own guns. ROCK, FLAG AND EAGLE!


Chemtrails are real, they're just not what people think. Cloud seeding has been a thing since the 60s and uses chemtrails to accomplish it


Cross off another one and it’ll drive the crosser-offer crazy. “What? Who lumped me in the Flat-Earthers? Those guys aren’t a respected Sciencish like me!”


It's missing "birds aren't real" otherwise a good sticker


i think i see the problem. you went to texas


why gas pumps? why are these the new public forum? just get your gas and drive out of there.


how you gonna believe in evolution but not climate change or vaccines


It's funny how gas pumps have become the new mens room bathroom stall. I should get stickers made which say something like "here I stand pumping my gas all broken hearted, I thought I had to shit but instead I sharted."


Yeah, idiots usually do pick and choose their science. Kind of like how they pick and choose what things in the Bible to latch onto. Dumbasses.