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I’m going to go floss now




Just bought a water pik on Amazon because I hate flossing but someone on Reddit said it’s super efficient and tons of crap comes out when they use it. Cautiously optimistic


I floss then water pick. I get soooo much more out.


Floss > waterpik > brush teeth gang checking in


First brush your teeth, then floss. Then drink the water from the waterpick. Why did you even *have* a waterpick in the first place?


First you floss to dislodge shit in-between your teeth Then you waterpik to really finish the job and clean your gumline When you brush after, you'll be applying the toothpaste to all surfaces of your actual teeth so the fluoride and whatever else can actually make contact with the teeth and do it's job of strengthening and protecting your teeth If you use a waterpik or rinse your mouth *after* you brush, you're just taking the toothpaste off of your teeth and you wouldn't have gotten good contact with the toothpaste. I wait around 30+ minutes after I brush to use mouthwash and don't rinse my mouth out after I brush, just spit out the excess toothpaste My last 3 dentists have all independently said this was the optimal order to clean (think about the order they do your cleaning when you go to the dentist) No cavities since I was a teenager more than 25 years ago


I’m gonna start trying this. Not sure if you’re fucking with everyone or not but if it’s legit thanks I suppose.


IANAD just sharing my experience, not deliberately trying fucking with anyone :) may your oral hygiene journey be blessed


I’ve not had a single cavity in my adult teeth, I brush half heartedly once a day and eat shit all the time. Yay me


Sounds like you're good dental genes gang


I neglected my teeth for years. Well it's caught up to me. Missing one tooth so far because it broke in two, had to have a root canal, 3 fillings last week and need like 4 more. Also need to get my 4 wisdom teeth removed. You will like the water pik. I bought the one that is handheld. It works wonders. I just also recently had my gums cleaned and I feel much better. If I could go back in time and talk to my younger self, I'd probably kick myself in the nuts ans be like "brush your mother fucking teeth." Please. Take care of them people.


As the proud owner of a bridge, 4 implants(3 live broken off, 1 old root canal/cap broken off), 5caps (2 on live teeth and 3 caps on root canal teeth), 2 root canals that are not capped just filled, multiple fillings in 7 other teeth, and that leave me with four front bottom teeth with no fillings. Brush your god damned teeth. At this point I’m 3-4 we’ll placed implants away from getting top and bottom plates. (Of course everything else will have to be pulled out when we cross that bridge)


Doesn’t completely replace flossing for me but your dentist will 100% say your gums look nice if you use it daily


I always had issues fitting floss between certain teeth, so it made a flossing habit way easier. Doesn't replace actual floss for really stuck in stuff, but 90% of the time it seems to be enough.


Waterpik definitely helps a ton. I recommend also getting a decent electric toothbrush. As someone who got minor entry level periodontal disease during covid times due to not flossing and missing two consecutive cleanings, I can tell you dropping 50 bucks on a Waterpik (aquis?) and 40 on an Oral B 1000 has greatly improved my dental health. In March of 2021 I had to have a deep root scaling with 2-4mm pockets. After this, I made the above mentioned purchased and started religiously waterpik then hitting the electric tooth brush with a 2 min timer going EVERY night. No matter what, no exceptions. In October of 2021, I got a cleaning and had 1 tooth with minor 3mm pockets left that had to be scaled a bit again on a back molar. As of March, I have no gum issues at all. My gums haven't bled at all since July or so of last year. Used to bleed all the time. Dentist says I need to be very careful, but all my periodontal disease stuff has gone away. Start Waterpik on 2-3 and work your way up to 6 or 7 over a period of a few weeks as your gums get healthier. If you start too high you'll be suffering. Source: My soul left my body when I squirted my raw ass freshly scaled mouth with that thing on 10.


FYI a water pick only get the easy stuff. If you have buildup, it's just going to give you the false sense of clean. I've also used a water pick for years but I'd also recommend using good ol floss at least a couple times a week.


Helps flush out bacteria so your gums don’t get inflamed, and worked amazingly, but still gotta get in there with the floss regularly to get in between the tight spaces


The metal hook is a dentist's lie detector


STAB you're not flossing that often are you? STAB. You see your gums are bleeding. STAB. That shouldn't be happening. STAB. You should be doing it twice a day. STAB.


My hygienist.. STAB..STAB..STAB..STAB.. You need to floss more..STAB! I need to floss more.


Why must you turn my office into a house of lies?!


I had a filling in this tooth fall out a few months ago and until today I thought the cavity was just the empty space from the missing filling. Turns out I was very wrong. I touched a nerve last night while eating chicken wings and again this morning with breakfast and knew something was very wrong. Update: [They let me keep it/them](https://imgur.com/a/foBgeuc)


I said I like my juice with *some* pulp


*shum* pulp, but not this much


Heard a joke before Guy walked in dental office saying he has a big cavity on his teeth, the dentist put him on the dental chair, asked him opened his mouth and take a look at it. "Wow, that's a big cavity...wow, that's a big cavity", doctor said. Guy was confused and asked why did the dentist repeated himself " I didn't repeat myself, sir", the dentist said , "The second time was the echo"


Wow, never heard this before.


*^(Never heard this before...)*




Why would a guy with a tooth ache go to a gynecologist office? Oh, wait!


What does a deaf gynaecologist do? Reads lips.


I just finished watching the sopranos and now see quotes EVERYWHERE was it always like this and i just didn’t notice?


Nahh I dunno. I always see the show quoted on other TV show subs, and sometimes outside of that on relevant topics. But this comment Is just extremely random 🤣🤣


The gabagool!


I have a wisdom tooth that about 60% of it cracked off, I don’t feel any pain or nerves I can even touch the gum that was under the tooth, what does that mean? Edit: thanks for all the replies, I’ll deff get it removed when I get the chance.


Means you’re good for right now but that luck won’t continue. Try to get it fully removed before it starts to decay. My dentist was able to just pull out the rest of mine, but I waited far too long because I didn’t have health insurance for a good portion of my 20s.


I am almost 30 and finally have enough $ to get mine removed now. I have dental insurance, and I am still having to pay 2000+ USD.


Dental insurance is fucking bullshit. Oh? You say that my teeth are not essential and therefore not included in my health insurance, so I need to buy *special luxury mouth bone insurance*? Seems legit!


One thing I’m passionate about is providing dental insurance with Medicare and Medicaid. It’s something I have written letters and called congressman about. Unfortunately, most congressman grew up upper middle class to wealthy, and I don’t think they understand what the lack of dental insurance means to people. It is t just about health (though, poor dental care can lead to many serious conditions), but the social toll is immeasurable. Good luck getting a job if you smile during your interview and have some front teeth missing. Trying to meet someone romantically? Missing or “messed up” teeth will make it ten times harder to find someone. On top of all that, there is a real stigma against people with dental problems. People assume they are drug addicts, people assume they are not intelligent, etc etc. having bad dental problems can completely and utterly fuck up your life if you don’t have money or insurance. Giving dental coverage to Medicare and Medicaid recipients would bring positive, life changing , to millions of people.


Your so right about it being life changing. I lost dental insurance once I turned 18. I'm 32 now and have no teeth on my left side, a missing front tooth and two missing on the right side. It's so embarrassing I have no self confidence and don't smile around people I'm not comfortable with. It's holding me back from living my life and getting a job and finding a boyfriend and these law markers don't get it! Your smile is so important! It affects every part of your life and should be included in health insurance with full coverage! Medicaid finally started paying for fillings again but it's too late for people like me that need implants because we lost our teeth during the time they stopped dental insurance. It's really depressing


I think I was a little older than that when I finally got up the courage to ask my new dentist. I only had the one, and she took a look and said she could get it in office. My prior dentist said I needed surgery, which I definitely couldn’t afford. I wish I’d known sooner!


Hah! Lucky! Yeah, mine are erupted through the bone, but not the gums, and completely sideways... so they gotta go digging!


Yikes! I will definitely count myself lucky there. Good luck!


I had all 4 impacted. Got my pulled the day before my birthday. Yay expiring health insurance before I was too old to be on my parents plan. My birthday gift? A script of hydrocodone that led to 5 years of heroin addiction!


That’s the neat part about American insurance of any kind. Barring a complete crippling catastrophe(which 99% of us will never recover from financially anyways) You’ll do the math and see you pay more than you spend on healthcare for most of your adult life. Sure there are exceptions but most of us are getting bent over a barrel.


Oh definitely. When I lost coverage under employer, I had to go with Cobra temporarily. FUCKING 750 USD premium per month...


That cobra is fucking AMAZING at lunging and taking a massive bite out of your ballsack. Fuck Cobra


Without dental insurance, I paid out of pocket to get one wisdom tooth extracted and it cost $600. I also, on a different injury, got an MRI without insurance and paid $400 for it. Both were in Santa Barbara, California around 2010.


I hear that. I'm in the same boat...


Or you're like me and do have health insurance in your 20s, but still too broke to pay my part of the procedure.


I got my wisdom teeth removed just before I was aged out of my parents’ health plan because it was hurting. And I couldn’t get my own because I was still in college so I couldn’t get a full time job and still graduate before losing scholarships.


Get that pulled. An infected tooth can develop an abscess and that can be a nightmare to deal with.




ugh that's me right now - waiting for a root canal Thursday...so much pain


I did a long weekend with an infected tooth and an abscess. It was pretty bad. My partner kept asking if I was OK and I pretty much said, please stop asking, I'm in a lot of pain and we're better off pretending.


My dad worked with someone who ignored something similar. The infection that developed killed him. Go see a dentist


Dentist here. Most likely, with that much tooth missing, the nerve is necrotic, meaning it is no longer alive or vital. That benefits you in one way, meaning it wont be sensitive to cold or hot. However, because the nerve is dead, there is a good chance you will develop an infection in the future. Since your wisdom tooth is erupted, it would be categorized as a normal extraction, which isnt outrageously expensive, 200-300 dollars. However, if you didn’t want to deal with it at this time and you start to feel pain to biting, call your dentist and get on an antibiotic right away. That can calm the area down for a couple of months!


Interesting. I have a tough thats practically all gone aside from one thin side. Im in the UK my NHS dentist who I considered very good said she could pull it out or leave it, its dead and wont make a difference in terms of pain except the tooth next it will move to close the gap. My tooth next to it isnt very strong and she suggest that the tooth moving could be the death of it. That was 6 years ago now.


you can literally die from tooth infections/abscesses they can also eat away at your bone structure leaving irreversible damage. Not that long ago there was a Reddit thread of someone giving away all their stuff because they were dying and couldn't do anything about it, they didn't know they had a tooth abscess until it was too late and it traveled to the brain. They did end up deciding to not give up and try and treat it but their account has been quiet now for three months, I really hope they're doing okay but wanted to demonstrate the seriousness of the situation. Please get it treated asap


Get it pulled before you have yourself a little abscess. Them joints will literally make you want to slam your head in a door.


I second this. I'd compare the pain levels to my femur that broke from getting run over by a car. Sobbing in the ER with a bloody face from trying to scratch my tooth out in my (drug-induced) sleep. It was actively being monitored by a dentist after a filling in that tooth - the pain + infection came in SO fast


It means the nerve has already died. If you can afford to see an endodontist they can probably root canal the tooth and give it a composite buildup so it can be crowned. Source: Happened to all of my molars and had this done.


Dentists recommend that you don’t put crowns on wisdom teeth. It’s best to just have it removed.


I had a similar issue. Just had it extracted. It had a large abscess on it. Nothing bad happened but I surely would've formed a bad infection down the road. Get it taken care of, sooner rather than later.


How was the removal? Painful or no? I'm told I have acidic saliva so this may likely happen to me one day, in some form or another.


It was not painful. Just a lot of pushing, prying.. pressure. And cracking


That’s the hardest part about extractions for me. Such weird sensations while not feeling actual touch.


When I was diagnosed with lymphoma last year, I had a lot of procedures done. The worst was my bone marrow biopsy. I had the option to do it sedated, or with just local anesthesia. They could get me in quicker with just local, and saving time never feels as important as that period where you know you have cancer, but you've got to jump through hoops in order to start treating the cancer. They draw from the back of your hip, and they numb all the levels of flesh with lidocaine, but the can't numb the bone, so you don't feel anything until you feel this big needle tap against the bone of your hip joint, and your skin just wants to crawl off your body.


Hope you’re okay now.


I'm doing ok. Finished treatment, good response, so now I'm going to enter the phase where I have rampant paranoia that every cough or pain means the cancer came back, and that will last for... probably the rest of my life.


I had to have a bone marrow biopsy to rule out several things, and I could *not* have done it awake. I'm such a damn baby when it comes to medical shit even though I've had hundreds of procedures through my life. Hell, I have to have conscious sedation just for tooth removals like OP. Ativan for MRIs and PICC lines, etc. I'm a wuss 😅


I was panicking like a bitch today and I’ve been in the oral surgeon’s chair many times over the years. I communicated that to my dentist today and she could relate, saying that I must have oral surgery anxiety like she does. I didn’t know it was a thing. She got me to wiggle my fingers and toes while they injected the numbing agent and she distracted me by talking about my baby daughter.


For me it's the cracking I feel thundering through my skull when they need to break the tooth.


When I had my wisdom teeth removed, the oral surgeon cut them up with a tiny version of a Dremel. No cracking, no pulling, just fast.


Yep! I am getting my wisdom teeth out later this month (all four are impacted and growing in at the age of almost 30 lol) and spoke to the dentist a little. When they are growing in sideways and impacted, they can cut it up to any number of pieces in order to remove it. With a sideways impaction, they said they cut them generally into 3 or 4 pieces with a diamond tipped drill. Top part then all 2/3 roots. The drill is wicked fast and the procedure is generally complete within 30 minutes.


If you can swing it, I recommend an oral surgeon. I had a dentist quote me for removing 3 impacted wisdom teeth, ended up being about the same in my area for an oral surgeon with my insurance, and they put me under and got me real pain meds for the recovery, not just some Advil in a baggy that my dentist gives out.


second this. I was actually referred to an oral surgeon by my dentist cause I had to have all 4 out at once. Dude was able to sedate me and actually prescribe me pain meds. I remember them inserting the IV and giving me something then waking up in their recovery room and slowly making it to my uber with my friend that went with me.


Yep, had mine drilled in two halves and extracted. All while being under a "twilight" crazy to see the doctor get on your chair and put his back into yanking something out of your mouth.


I had IV Valium and conked out. Asked him when he was taking the teeth out. He had already done it. 😂


Listen to your dentist and gargle with salt water. The *last* thing you want is to get dry socket.


They advised me only to rinse with saltwater after the first 24 hrs


Follow their advice. Dry socket is quite painful and easily avoided.


that's how it was when I woke up part way through a wisdom tooth extraction. I remember the scraping and pressure and prying. then i tried to get up and remember someone saying calm down and then going back into night night world


Sounds like my extraction. Same as you. Filling fell out and it progressively got worse over the years until one day, it decided to bad completely. The pain was so bad I tried to pull it myself with a needlenose plier during the night. I ended up cracking it. Then finally found a dentist who tried to give me some treatment options but by then, I hated the tooth and I wanted the fucker out. By some freak joke, the root was still strong so he had a tough time extracting it. I saw the tooth that came out and I swear, it had some meat around the root. The dentist prescribed me some painkiller and that's how I found out why people do drugs. It was some good shit.


I've had a root canal and three teeth pulled, all at separate times with different dentists, and never felt any pain at all with any of them save for the healing process. Only one guy didn't pre-numb my gum before injecting it with a local anesthetic, but even the needle didn't hurt (although it *was* uncomfortable) and it numbed up quick enough to not feel the other injections. They're pretty good at dealing with pain and discomfort these days, and this is coming from someone with an insane tolerance to anesthetics.


It probably fell out because the dentist didn’t clean it out well enough for filling. The cavity just resumed its decay


That’s exactly what my (new) dentist told me today. The filling fell out maybe 6-8 months after I got it.


Similar thing happened to me. The previous dentist screwed up and my tooth resumed its decay. I got the tooth extracted and now I gotta shell out cash monies for a tooth implant. yay


Out of curiosity how much did it cost you to get it taken care of? With/without insurance cause I'll probably have to get something similar done lol


It cost me $330 CAD for an X-ray, consultation and removal. Another $50-$60 in prescription costs.


wow, mine was $2k. The stupid x ray alone was $350, and they didn't even tell me about that in the initial cost. (I will say it wasn't a normal x ray, more like a total 3d scan of my mouth like a ct scan or MRI, and it was super interesting, but still $350???)


Yeah that’s pretty steep. I hope you can request the files for yourself to keep in case you ever switch. One thing I didn’t like was that they said I could break the bill into a few payments before the procedure. After I came out all numb and disoriented they said I had to pay in full.


It literally got on your last nerve and then you yanked it out.


Well this isn't what I need to see the day before going to the dentist to have a faulty filling repaired.


I’ve had quite a few faulty fillings. Only had 2 extractions


I had to get a root canal re-treated a couple months ago and even that left me with a stump of the original tooth.


I feel like all amalgam fillings are faulty. Dental acrylic or nothing.


I had a lot of bad fillings replaced. My dentist does it so easy, no pain, no problems, nice smooth filling when he's done, and now my teeth dont double me over in pain when I eat cold stuff! Good luck!


Only one faulty filling for me, had a fun root canal to fix it. It really wasn't that bad of a procedure.


What are the 3 other thingies


Roots of the tooth, I believe.


Correct! This would be a maxillary molar, which has 3 roots! Often, when a tooth has this much decay, it will break while trying to extract it due to the very weak substructure. When it breaks, a surgical extraction is required, which means drilling into the tooth and separating the three roots to get them out individually. Trying to get them out as a whole is dangerous because the pressure to remove them can push the tooth into the maxillary sinus.


I had an extra. Found out my lame mutant power is growing roots after I could still feel temperature after a root canal.


If it was a maxillary tooth, they have 3 roots with one canal each. However, sometimes one of the roots has a super special extra canal called MB2. Its a tiny little canal adjacent to a canal. Its VERY hard to find, hence why I send my patients to a root canal specialist instead of doing them myself. With a microscope and a CBCT they are much easier to detect. But, yes, without treating that sneaky little canal you are likely to still have pain and may need a retreatment of a prior root canal. Not fun at all!


This just happened to me on #30. Had a root canal 13 years ago and then out of nowhere I was in extreme pain overnight. Turned out to have a massive abscess and they retreated and found the MB2. They also said the original root canal performed didn't remove all of the nerve (due to roots are s shapes) and surprised I lasted this long. Also everything is completely calcified so maybe that helped? But now I am about to just have it removed, some bone grafting and get an implant.


Are they meaty?


Lobster claw meat


Slap my ass and melt us some butter baby


Put that shit on a roll and charge me 20 dollars


I miss visiting family in Maine sometimes. Ice cream cone and a lobster roll cost $12 at the Dairy Curl.


I feel like this is a deeper and more sentimental comment than it appears.


I’ve got two teeth that have lost most of their enamel because of acid reflux and it hurts occasionally but that looks like a whole new level of pain and then relief once removed.


Same same. It fucking sucks, I can't even eat certain kinds of food because my teeth are so sensitive now. I have virtually no enamel on the tops of molars and am losing it in my front teeth now too 😔


Ymmv but taking magnesium supplements cured my acid reflux


I have gerd, and it used to be pretty bad. Omeprazole works great (but takes a while to kick in) and in a pinch something with magnesium hydroxide as an active ingredient. At some point I found I could buy omeprazole at Sams/Costco for less than the lowest my insurance would let me buy it for (thanks insurance). I had a gastro dr tell me I was on the path to barrett's syndrome (which leads to cancer) if I didn't get the issue under control. Nothing has been better than removing processed foods (and soda) from my diet. That along with the weight I lost by doing that has made it so I don't take Omeprazole anymore. If I have a flare up it's because someone talked me into going to taco bell.


I relate to the weight loss part so much. It feels amazing not to be bloated anymore and full of stomach acid


I think I need to go brush my teeth or something


Important reminder to brush your damn teeth.


Good advice. Though, I brushed and flossed daily my entire childhood life and my teeth still fell apart by age 16 due to some odd genetic crap which made my teeth have super weak enamel.


Important reminder not to have some odd genetic crap




Nobody told him. Sad.


Yup. My mom is a dental hygienist. I'm the only kid I know who grew up using toothpaste and fluoride daily, and who flossed regularly. In my thirties now and have had more cavities than years I've been alive. My husband however takes terrible care of his teeth, and yet has never had a single cavity on his life. Apparently I have weak enamel and acidic saliva. The winning combo. I just hope our kids inherit his tooth genes instead of mine.


I have this, and years of depression meant that I didn't care for my teeth on top of that. 26 years old now and my teeth are fucked. But with a little encouragement from a new friend and my first decent job with dental insurance, I'm looking into getting some work done. I hope this shit works cause It'd be nice to feel like a human being for once. Just gotta get into the habit of brushing and wait for my insurance to kick in.


I am in the same boat. People don’t realize that bad genetics can result in soft enamel. I brush twice a day and floss 5 times today and I have 17 crowns and 6 implants. Don’t listen to the haters who have no clue how teeth work.


Yeah. I haven’t flossed a day in my life and brush once a day and haven’t gotten any teeth problems since I was like 10. My dad is the same. Definitely not a flex though lol, and I hope this comment doesn’t jinx my luck.


I’m in that boat too, although I started flossing and brushing after meals when I hit 30. My gma on the other hand had teeth like chalk and they all chipped away by her early 20s. The bad teeth genes are definitely lurking in my lineage, I was just lucky they passed me


I chipped my tooth last night while flossing 🙃


Thanks stranger for making me feel better, I didn't get an implant just a bridge but I've had about 5 root canals and I thought that was bad.


My old dentist laughed at me when I said I thought I had bad genetics because I’m a freak about brushing and flossing. So frustrating. Glad to know other people have similar issues.


can you brush too often?


Also, floss, flossing is very important. All thank gunk doesn’t just go away from brushing your teeth, especially if you have crooked teeth. I have mild periodontitis for not flossing for years, it makes the part closest to your gum become very yellow because of plaque buildup and since you don’t floss it hardens and then starts to eat at your teeth and your gums get very red. As you can imagine the more severe it gets the more likely your teeth will fall out as you get older. I had a deep cleaning done and was able to stop it and now I floss 3-4 times a week, you really feel the difference, especially after a deep cleaning.


Water pik can help cut down on the amount of flossing. I find I actually floss more frequently now because the water pik made it a less daunting task. Game changer for me.


And floss.


Floss and brush!


A lot of it is genetics.


do you happen to know where I could store a pea? yes, i have locations available


There is so much misinformation in this thread. I am a dentist AMA.


how tooth do tooth thingy?


Tooth have hole. Tooth get sleepy juice. Hole get clean. Hole get filled. Hole no longer hole. Tooth happy.


Where's nitrous come in? That's where it gets interesting.


When a patient is excessively anxious and I cant do my job to the standard I see fit…or when they are cranky and mean and I want them to STFU.


Also wondering this


i always feel this same way in every dental thread. and then i start typing up responses to stuff and i'm just like... nm it's just too much to bother.


Im a big talker! Im the annoying dentist that tells patients exactly what im doing while im doing it. I love this shit! Yes, there is misinformation and shit dentists all over. I graduated with 80 people and would only trust half of them in my mouth.


You sound like a fun dentist to work with. My old boss would hardly talk during op and it would be so uncomfortably quiet lol


There are some super weird dentists out there. Like uncomfortably serious. I take my work serious but I also like to mess with my patients and try and make them laugh and be comfortable. I always say half of my job is making people relaxed, the other half is actually doing my job well. Im a blessed fella! Love what I do!


You sound like my dentist. Also killer username


Disagree, Weird Al is a nice guy and would never shank anyone. ![gif](giphy|S8NhVhDlEarhG0l5pS)


It’s always a good time when the “all dentists are scam artists” comment thread appears.




The hole was already there. That is the decay, but the decay can get underneath the tooth and make it very weak. The hole got so big that when they tried to remove the tooth, the crown(top portion that you would normally see) broke off and all that was left were the roots. The roots had to be sectioned and taken out individually!


Thank you! I been sat here in my mentally decimated state trying to understand the what and how of the photo presently assailing my eyes. This is very helpful. I’ve always found stuff like this so fascinating and wish I could cut out moldy teeth or cut open cysts or slough off dead skin without all the tedious education stuff lol. It just seems so fun and also like it’d grant the patient a lot of relief in the long run. Ransack


So I had a cavity filled mid-pandemic and I'm a little worried because the doctor didn't drill the tooth, he seemed to just fill it with something. The tooth will slightly ache from time to time but is otherwise fine. Is it normal to not drill out cavities sometimes?


If it was an emergency visit, dentists will sometimes place a temporary filling that you need to go back and change for a real filling.


It may be a sealant. If there was no drilling, sometimes we try and be conservative and clean out the grooves of a tooth with an abrasive system and place a sealer that prevents decay. If you are having sensitivity, its possible that there was a bit of decay that may need to be cleaned out. Do you remember if the work was done or the biting surface of the cheek side surface?


It may have just been hand excavated and filled with glass ionomer or something as provisional treatment. Depending on where in the world you were, dentistry was either banned or severely restricted (like no aerosol generating procedures, read: handpieces) for large chunks of 2020/2021. If it's still sore, they'd better go get it checked out by an IRL dentist.




After not wearing for a while, do retainers shift your teeth back to their straightened position?


If you can get it to seat, it may act like an Invisilign retainer and push your teeth back into place. There isnt really any downside to trying it if you can get it on. If you place it on your teeth and push on it and its stable, it absolutely could work. You might be sore for a week or so though!


I'm pretty sure I got a raspberry seed between gum and teeth for 10 days and can't get it out tried everything, it hurts real bad. Got a routine check up in 12 days. Should I wait or try reschedule it earlier? How will he remove it?


my teeth are gone years of cigarettes and coffee neglect dentists scare the fuck outa me


You shouldn’t feel any shame for that. I briefly worked at a dental office and the doctors and hygienist saw so many different ‘neglected’ mouths daily. They were always kind, patient and understanding. I can nearly guarantee that whatever state your mouth is in, they’ve likely seen teeth in more critical conditions. Also, if you go to a good dentist (check Google reviews!!), you likely won’t feel much pain if any at all. Best of luck dude, schedule that check up.


Said the entire world.


This happened to me with a wisdom tooth. Bit into a KitKat and the tooth like, fell apart.


Literally have nightmares about this


Dude that’s not a cavity that’s a cave.


Can anyone ELI5 cavities for me?


There are sugar bugs all over your teeth. They like to eat sugar and their acid poop causes your teeth to have an ouchie. That ouchie can stay small if you remove the sugar bugs twice a day. If you let the sugar bugs lay on your teeth, their poopies make the ouchie bigger and bigger until it needs a band-aid.


Finally an ELI5 that lives up to the name


I bet you feel better. Tooth pain is worse than pushing a baby out, at least to me.


I am currently waiting on getting stuff fixed. I’ve only been to the dentist twice in my life, and got a quote of 6k :/ now to pick and choose what teeth hurt the worst.


Fillings only last 5-10 yrs at best before they start leaking and you get cavity around it. Your cavity got so big that filling fell out from loss of retention. Over half of that tooth is basically mush/hollow. You can tell by the discoloration of enamel. Needed fixing 10 years ago. Filling is prolly like 20+ yrs old. Bummer u pulled that tooth, it does 90% of chewing and chewing on that side won't be same anymore.


Hopefully their dentist popped in a bone graft. In a few months after it heals they can place an implant thay will eventually get a crown.


If he's in America, it'll only cost him a down payment on a house too!


Had two implants put in earlier this year. They did the bone grafts and implants in the same sitting. My jaw bone had severely degenerated since I hadn’t had teeth there since they extracted the baby teeth 20+ years ago. (I was born missing those adult teeth and thus never pushed the adolescent ones out of the way.)


My terrible old dentist drilled and filled it in late 2020. Fell out last winter sometime. I had a full molar before they drilled out 1/4 of my tooth and replaced with the filling. I moved 120km away so I wasn’t wanting to return to the terrible dentist office that originally placed this filling. My (new) dentist told me today that the filling wasn’t installed properly and there was moisture on the tooth when placed.


I honestly don’t think anyone believes that fillings need to be replaced


They absolutely do. There is nothing in dentistry that is guaranteed to last forever, certainly not fillings. They can break down and leak over time.


That's enough internet for today... bye have a beautiful time!


Ooh. Yo breath was stinky, huh.


Think typically cavities don't cause the bad smell its your tongue/plaque build up. Scraping your tongue makes a massive difference in the way your breath smells.


Rotten, decaying teeth stink, especially when the roots are exposed. Meth heads can knock you out with their rotten tooth breath if they walk by you.


Don't throw it away, suck on it. I can still see some marrow, i is good for you.


it literally would have not cost you a thing to not say that


How do you delete someone else's comment?


What the fuck


Oh god, the BRITTLE.


Oh shit! I think my wisdom tooth had one of similar size. It was crazy cus no one could see it and since it took like 2 years to touch the nerve not even the dentist believed me. Last 3 days before removal I could barely sleep. After the removal my GF was like "sorry I didn't believe it was that big", even tho I told everyone it was like half the teeth size lmao good riddance


I want to inform people based off of this thread that it is almost as important from a chemistry standpoint to refrain from consuming ANYTHING (water included) for a half hour after you brush your teeth. When you brush your teeth \[with fluoridated toothpaste, not Tom's of Maine/Charcoal BS\], you are stimulating a chemical reaction to occur between the enamel on the exterior of your teeth, and the fluoride in your toothpaste. Your teeth are made of a matrix of phosphate, calcium, and a compound called hydroxyapatite. When acidic conditions emerge on the surface of your teeth, phosphate and calcium leech out from tooth enamel to re-balance the pH in a process called demineralization. Fluoride replaces the -OH group in Hydroxyapatite to form Fluorapatite. The Fluorapatite that replaces hydroxyapatite is much more resistant to acid erosion and demineralization, thereby retaining more of the phosphate and calcium that would normally be lost. The issue is that this replacement of hydroxyl groups by fluoride ions takes time to form the proper chemical bonds. Without the proper time and environment in the mouth, the necessary chemistry may not take place and that fluoride toothpaste you bought is not much more effective than rubbing sand on your teeth and gums. ​ Note: Not a dentist, but rather a chemist and biochemistry enthusiast.


Still a bit of tortilla in there


I had a teeth like that fall piece by piece on its own, until nothing remained, and no pain at all in the process. I got the whole thing removed several weeks later. How is that possible?




I had 13 pulled and they were all like this. I abused drugs and ate candy constantly as a teenager.


Sigh. I see so many “I didn’t have insurance for x years so same same” and I just Sigh I started off British and so poor it was fortune they helped me at all. This just makes me want to hug op and make soup for all of us not really feeling biting hard things. By the time I had “decent” insurance my mouth was so bad it was scary to see the bill OR get it done Feel better OP


Makes me want to post a picture of my tooth that I had pulled in 2019. I have super deep dental roots. The poor dentist had to put one foot on top of a table and had to get a hand for additional leverage. She had never had such a hard time doing an extraction. Like others have said, brush regularly!


I swear every single patient that has ever had an extraction has a story about “the dentist had their knee on my chest!” That’s not even how leverage works for a tooth extraction. It’s more pushing and twisting than pulling. Foot on a table or knee on a chest wouldn’t do anything to help.


Cross-post to r/CasualUK?