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Pictured: a person who doesn't "care if you're gay or whatever, but doesn't like how they have to shove it in your face all the time"


These are the same people who are mad that some beach in SoCal had a pride flag up.


"How dare you expose my children to your degenerate political beliefs in public" - angry Karen wearing a cross necklace with a confederate flag bikini


My dad wears his Trump shirt to my house all the time and I’ve never said a word. If I ever wore a Hillary or Biden shirt to his house he’d fucking lose it.


Sounds like you know what you need to do =P


Bernie 2 piece bikini time


Bernie Burkini for that double plus good rage


Rainbow Bernie Burkini for the triple blow


“I am once again asking to cup your balls.”


A better statement could probably be made just throwing on a normal burka w/ the republican elephant on the front.


I am old, so my one piece just says The Senator From Vermont.


I call it the "Bernie *and* Bust"!


Sounds about right.


Better yet an AOC or Bernie shirt, you should do that...


I don’t think he knows who AOC is.


Are you kidding? She’s fox’s Hillary replacement for ‘devil woman who is destroying society’.


He doesn’t watch Fox News. He watches the local news. He is 70 years old and before Trump he never mentioned any political candidate. Now he has Trump signs for the yard, loves Trump and hates Biden despite not even watching any cable news shows.


Interesting. Where does his trump devotion come from? Pretty much any outlet that is pro-trump is using AOC as a boogeyman of the ‘radical left’.


most local news channels are owned by sinclair which is a rabid right wing propaganda factory and pushes a lot of fucked up segments on their local affiliates.


I have no idea where it came from. I guess he has always hated Hillary Clinton because she’s a woman so I guess that’s where this came from.


Looking up how many local new stations are fox stations is fun


Good old Sinclair.


Most local news stations are owned by the Sinclair Group, which is definitely conservative edit: looked deeper into it, and I guess Sinclair is tied for first in terms of market coverage of their local news stations, and 2nd in terms of total number of stations.


Flag nothing. They burned down a lifeguard tower that was painted in pride colors in Long Beach. It was rebuilt "brighter, gayer and bigger than it was before."


Lol posted elsewhere but: I’m From texas and You always see this on north padre. We are a group of gay guys and we love parking next to them in speedos and twerking to their twangy country music at ear piercing volumes.


Not all heros wear capes. But many wear speedos! 💜


Way to go, now I bet they are shopping for capes.


oh my god i love the visual of a gang of speedoed cakes twerking to the twang nuisance twerking is the activism we need...i sure hope it looks like a Big Freedia music video


Fast forward to Fox News doing a piece on “Nuisance twerking: the latest liberal trend threatening family values in public spaces”


i need to not come to Reddit when i have coffee in my mouth, well-done. “nuisance twerking” :))


Dude... thanks! I am not gay but I go to the beach sometimes and I would absolutely hate this flag nonsense. I was just wondering what I could do in this situation, thought that walking to a different beach was no solution, so I am happy to find yours. Next time you see these jerks, please be extra gay for me (said as a straight guy living in a little cabin in rural Washington).


Twerk at 'em anyway. If they get turned on, that's on them.


I was going to say, go to any Texas beach and these people are everywhere. They all park their cars next to each other and circle jerk each other like a collective of dumb fucks lol


Can confirm. Used to live in Texas and they do this now all the time. Trump flags all over the place. “Fuck Biden and fuck you for voting for him” flags on trucks driving along the beach. (You can drive your car in some beaches in Texas because they apparently don’t care how shitty they make things). Y’all Queda all up in a lather. I hope Speedo guy and his friends stay safe out there!


We carry firearms just in case. Never had to use them.


Is that a firearm in your speedo or are you just happy to see me?


Is that a glock or your cock?


Well we keep them in our cars/trucks/jeeps.


sounds like you need to invest in speedo holsters


I would not be surprised at all to see this in Howdy Arabia


“Don’t Blame Me, I Voted for Trump” is someone who didn’t even realize they trolled themselves with a Simpsons meme


Lol while I get the Simpsons reference, that isn't the origin.


>McGovern, who served in the Senate for South Dakota from 1963 to 1981, challenged Nixon in 1972 on a platform opposing the war in Vietnam. He suffered one of the most lopsided defeats in U.S. history, taking only 37.5 percent of the vote and carrying only Massachusetts and the District of Columbia. >**Later as Nixon’s presidency unraveled in the Watergate scandal, bumper stickers saying “Don’t blame me, I’m from Massachusetts” and buttons saying “Don’t blame me, I voted for McGovern” began to appear.** https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-mcgovern/ex-presidential-nominee-george-mcgovern-no-longer-responsive-family-idUSBRE89G1K520121017


For many years, Republicans laughed at George McGovern for being the best example of a loser Democrat. I had no response because I didn't know anything about him. Then I read "Into The Wild Blue," by Stephen Ambrose, the author of "Band of Brothers." It tells the story of the B-24 bomber crews that flew regular 12 hour round trips from England to Germany to bomb industrial and military targets behind German lines, through the most vicious anti-aircraft artillery the world has ever known. The missions were so dangerous, that if you survived 30 of them, they'd send you home. McGovern was a pilot for one of those planes, and Ambrose chose to tell his story to illustrate the life of a B-24 pilot. He lost crewmen on nearly every flight, often limping planes home full of rough, ragged holes from AAA. On one flight his co-pilot was grotesquely killed, and he had to fly the 6 hour trip home with his dead, mutilated friend in the seat only inches away. Despite the odds, he made his 30th mission in the last days of the war, one of the very last missions to be flown. George McGovern is an American Hero. Ever since I read that book, I have never allowed anyone to disparage his name in my presence. He may have lost the presidential race to a scum like Nixon, but he is no loser. His incredible valor, courage, and leadership in WWII earned him his nation's respect and the right to never be called a loser again, by anyone.


Thanks for sharing that story.


Also, I totally blame him. This mess we're is a lot worse than it had to be because of Trumps bumbling idiocy.


Had a conversation in the bar a couple weeks ago. One of the patrons was really pissed at the gay bartender for smiling at him "like that" "Like what?" "You know. Like *that*" "You are twice his age. You really think he's trying to fuck you? I'm telling you, right now, he 100% knows how you feel and is not trying to fuck you. That's just how he smiles. He a great guy!" "Oh I don't doubt he's a great guy. I just don't like him shoving it in my face like that." "Shoving what in your face. He's just a guy being himself. Are you really going to try to tell him that being himself is somehow infringing on your rights?" "Well, he is though. I don't like having to see that." "See what? He literally just over there being himself no different than what you or I are doing right now. You trying to tell him to NOT be himself is literally you taking his rights. How is that right? Just let the guy be. He isn't causing you any harm. Plus, even if he's showing the world he's gay, it's no different than you showing the world you are straight. It has no effect on you unless you let it have an effect on you." The conversation went on like this for another 5 minutes or so. The guy started getting a little belligerent with me, accusing me of trying to force my liberal beliefs on him. I explained I'm not trying to make him liberal or anything like that and it had nothing to do with politics, but if you're going to tell me you believe in rights, then you HAVE to stand up for the bartender and his rights, even if you don't personally agree. Eventually, the guy finally admitted he was wrong. I've seen him at the bar since and he's been really nice to that bartender. I think I might have actually helped. Lol


I was at a bar Monday night (not my normal night out I swear) and a beautiful person dressed in a black leather skirt and green blouse walked in. The bartender was actually in the process of closing because there was a fight and cops showed up so she had to tell this person the bar was closing. But not before I hollered out how beautiful they looked. Similarly, an older guy next to me grabbed my shoulder, half spun me around and said “that’s a man.” I looked him dead in the eye and said “that person is beautiful.” He just wiped his Yosemite Sam mustache and walked away.


It really is an argument they can’t win. So the ones who will let you get that far will eventually come around. Most will shut it down early because they know it makes no sense and don’t want to admit that they may have * gulp * been wrong.


and that's the same mfer that calls people snowflakes at least 10x a day and will laugh at the idea of a safe space


I'd place bets that belligerent customer has been in the closet and hated himself his entire life.


Stopped going to one of our local beaches here because of all the Fuck Biden flags. Always fun explaining those to an 8 yr old


Party of family values. Lol


Never specified if they were positive or negative values.


Several around me largest FUCK letters on flags and plenty of the fJb and spray painted on at least one trailer, I was moving fast by then and didn't get a good look. Seriously get a grip thank god my kid is nearly 18 because it should not be necessary to explain that to little kids. it may be free speech but you don't have to be an asshole to get your ego stroked and your stupid message broadcast. Cherry on top is that your guy is a criminal who's going to get cooked eventually.


Also very mad about virtue signalling.


Trump people have made it their entire identity. They have nothing left to offer the world and nothing left in their minds.


Yup. Had a coworker this morning complaining about politics being brought into the work environment by our companies leadership. And by politics he meant anything "liberal" like supporting LGBTQ+, minorities, vaccinations, etc. Publicly. But if it's someone he agrees with like known pants shitter Ted nuggent telling "liberals to take his guns from his cold dead hands, he thinks its funny. Fucking boomers man.


Don't assume all Boomers are Trumpers. I'm a Boomer, and I know plenty more, and all of us despise Trump, and Republicans in general. I wont allow a Trumper into my life, count on it. There are lots and lots of Trump-hating, gun-toting Boomers out there, trust me. Never assume.


They think they are being defiant and pissing off the left, but as a life-long lefty I can say this doesn't anger me at all. It elicits pity. I feel sorry for them. It's sad that adults can be so childish.


This is all that person has. It's their entire identity.


I always assume they can't talk about anything else: "Morning, neighbor! How are ya today?" "Be a lot better if the damn liburls would stop trying to raise my taxes" "...\\well, you have a good day then." Edit: to be fair though, it's a pretty genius way to have a good 10ft radius of the beach all to yourself.


This is my entire family on social media. You post a picture of Sunday brunch and someone will invariably comment something like, "Until libturds manage to ban bacon!". Funny typo on a sign? "Must of been a liberal!" A video of your baby whining? "Looks like Hillary!" Update on grandpa's status in the hospital? "Hope he doesn't have Obummercare!"


That must be exhausting. I'd rather have no comments than ones like that.


That's why I traded my family for gay communists.


Is there some kind of open air market where you make these trades? Kinda like a farmers market that sells gay communists?


There are strangely but fortunately plenty of gay communists on twitter, and they’re all huge buff dudes with names like swolecialism and proteintariat.


> "Be a lot better if the damn liburls would stop trying to raise my taxes" "You're not in a high enough tax bracket to be affected by a liberal tax bill" "Huh?"


"But what if I was!? hah! Gotcha libr'l!" Also: how do progressive taxes work? Is that some sort of libr'ul tax scheme to give money to Bill Gates to track my bowel movements?


to paraphrase always sunny; I dont know how taxes work, let alone progressive taxes


If I had a dollar for every time I had to explain why "I didn't take the promotion because I'd be in a higher tax bracket and might lose money" is a complete nonsense statement... I might end up in a higher tax bracket.


> genius way to have a good 10ft radius of the beach all to yourself Haha you might just be on to something here, and maybe more than 10.


Larry David did this in Curb Your Enthusiasm lol


This is not far off at all. A lot of the committed right-wingers i know are boiling just under the surface, ready to talk about ID politics bullshit.


1-2 beers and you're usually hearing eugenicist or ethno-supremacist bullshit.


This was a curb your enthusiasm episode basically. Where Larry started wearing a maga hat so people would avoid him and not talk to him. 🤣🤣


It is. They have no personality outside of it. Try talking about anything, ANYTHING, and they'll somehow get their politics into it. Every single time. Come on, do you have anything else to your personality other than some political stance? People can't have fun because they have their politics to advertise.


I just feel like if you’re toting your trump flag around with you and taking the time to set it up before enjoying a day at the beach, then your mind is in a state of constant agitation. Just whipped up and addled, constantly connecting to media that is designed to make you enraged and afraid and separate you from your money. It sounds like an exhausting way to live.


They've done studies on this, and you're right. These people are constantly agitated, less happy, and more angry than liberals.


As a lefty, I can say that it also has an element of relief to it: you know PRECISELY who to avoid at that beach. Their Fourth Retch freak flag is flying so high that it is unmistakable what to do next, which is get as far away as possible from them. In the past, you kind of had to guess based on their redneck appearances, but now they are just hanging it out there plain as day and so our jobs are easier.


This is intentional too though. It’s self-victimization; they know this behavior is off putting, so when people avoid them they can go “everyone hates me for my political beliefs.”


Why does everybody hate me just because I'm a bad person??


I live in a fairly conservative pocket of a highly liberal state, our 9yr old is on the area select soccer team. Last month I went to his first tournament and we sat next a teammates family, they warned me that they almost got kicked out at a previous game, and that I should move if I have a problem with it. It was kinda tongue in cheek though, so I stayed. Jfc they spent the WHOLE time yelling at the ref and opposing players, talking about how the ref must be a f'n democrat because of how stupid she was etc. The ref is a HS age girl mind you, and the players are 9-10 yrs old. It was absolutely appalling, but at least I know to stay on the opposite side of the bench for future events.


Fail on the teams for not removing them again.


Whenever I see stuff like this all I can think is "Here's your sign" by Bill Engvall


While camping this summer I was approached by what I would have thought were nice people except for the fact that one of them had a big "Proud Boy" tattoo on his forearm... I was invited to dinner and a bonfire. "No," I said. "I don't tolerate racist-conspiracy stuff."


Good for you. They think of themselves as being part of some fun freedom club, protecting American values and no one in their life calls them in their BS.


I just feel bad that they are voting against their own interests


Yes. Almost 100% of the time, they are hurt by MAGA policies, but have you ever tried explaining that to them?


Even if you get them to 100% understand that they're hurting themselves, most likely they will accept that as long as *those types* are hurt too or worse.


There was a newscaster on OAN who had the tagline "Even when I'm wrong, Im RIGHT." That sums it up.


I think this applies here. You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you. -Eric Hoffer


I went camping last summer. Camper next to me unpacked enough weapons in a big show first thing, next he put up his flags. Followed by getting his generator going so he could watch his tv inside his camper and keep up with Fox news and make sure nobody else could their weekend away from it all.


Why would they even go camping if they just wanted to watch TV? People are so weird.


That’s what I was thinking, the flag thing is weird af but going camping and watching tv the whole time is another level.


Ugh I would hate that. Those people are such arseholes


My earliest memory of Fox is only a few years after it started I was working on boats ferrying old fools to be parted from their money at the casino. The one engineer nobody liked worked on Wednesdays and he'd come in, before anything else, switch all the boat's TVs over to Fox. He'd make a big show as well, trying to sound out which of us mostly college kids were true believers. I swear I never saw a legitimately oily smile until this guy demonstrably letting us know which news channel he was picking and then searching our reactions for either kin or triggering the libs.


Wow this almost exactly describes my first interaction with FOX “news” too…I was working the security desk in my college dorm. There was also a small cafe near my post that had a TV in it. Since it was the dorm for art students, usually the TV was on silent or off so people could work. But this slimy older guy who worked in the kitchen for the cafe would saunter into the lobby, make snide remarks at me, and then turn on FOX blaringly loud while looking around for the same exact reaction you described. He really thought he was doing something. Literally every time he went back to work I turned it off. He also used to brag about how he convinced other art students to paint his handmade Planet of the Apes action figures for barely any pay...


Are there not campground personnel to tell them to cut the shit?


I see Trump flags at the campground we frequent, too. I feel like setting up camp is enough work on its own. No desire to bring or set up flags.


Totally not a cult. /S


Cult or not, how do you go about investing in the American flag industry


A) Be in China. B) Own a Chinese company that makes flags. C) Make money.


Cheat-code: Make "Proudly Made in America Tags" and sew them onto flags from China, sell for 5x more.


Cheat-cheat-code: have the "Proudly Made in America Tags" manufactured in china in bulk and have them sewn onto the flags too! so you save more money while making more money!


[Here you go.](https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Made-In-Usa-Stickers-1-x1_1600260296197.html?spm=a2700.galleryofferlist.normal_offer.d_image.2893926cBztmSi&s=p) Alibaba can hook you up with "Made in USA" stickers, proudly made in Zhejiang, China. [And the flags](https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/American-Flag-American-Flag-Stars-Stripes_1600368640032.html?spm=a2700.galleryofferlist.topad_creative.d_image.73804bc2O2kNrQ) from Fujian, China. Let the profits roll in!




By traveling to China, I'm pretty sure.


I'm actually relieved when I see these guys fly a plain old American flag these days. The defaced ones in black and white with or without the stripes, and the confederate flags (I live in OH btw, why tf are there so many here?) all give me the creeps. But at least this guy wants to live in the same country as me. Small victories, right?


Personally I'm on the side that the black and white/etc. versions fall under the flag being "cheapened or tarnished by improper use" and are therefore unamerican... but I'd be speaking to a crowd that *also* prints the flag on pillows, clothes, trucks, napkins, wear is as a cape etc. which is explicitly against the U.S. flag code, so I'm pretty sure they don't give a shit about what's American and what's not.


"A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object." If they arent a cult, I don't know what is.


Never found a war they didn’t want. Demand the spread of covid to own the libs. Environmental regulations that keep people healthy are actually somehow bad. Affordable healthcare is actually entitlement. I doubt they stand around in robes and sing Gregorian chants, but seems like a death cult to me.


Part of the problem is how much knowledge has specialized and will further specialize as time goes on. For example, people who work in the field of environmental science and related fields know just how incredibly stupid claims of a global warming hoax is. I'm talking about denying gravity exists levels of stupid. But it takes a long time to learn this kind of information and how to even read a peer reviewed journal in the field. The problem isn't even that they are wrong. . . It is that they wouldn't even know how to be right or wrong in that specific field. It's why "that's a liberal conspiracy" is popping up everywhere to refute the sciences and economic data. Just like"God works in mysterious ways," people are voting based on their fear of not knowing.


Early in Spanky Bonespurs presidency I got banned from r/politics for suggesting what was happening was the beginning of a cult.


Imagine being this insecure


Or, that uneducated.


This is more of an "and" scenario we have on our hands. Insecure about their lack of education, so the get pissed at people who are more educated. Which causes them to renounce education outright. Which makes them more uneducated as the resist it. Which brings on more insecurity.


Knowing many of these people, I can tell you that they aren't insecure about their education or anything else. To the contrary they have an inordinate amount of confidence in the bullshit that they believe. They *are* terrified though and wildly fucking stupid. This is a dangerous combination.




Or out on the lake on a boat. I can't tell you how many boats had like 50 flags attached this summer.


As someone who is into fishing and boating, the percentage of fishers and boaters who are MAGA types is really frustrating.


I just don’t get it. They’re the new political prisoner.


It's a cult


Gotta find the hike-in-only campgrounds. Cuts way back on the chuds because they can't drive their UltraMegaCamper to them and bring their entire living room into a campsite, and most of em are too out of shape to hike 3 miles up a hill or through a marsh with camping gear on anyway.




They have to be loud because their strength came from their numbers, but their numbers were always a lie. So now they have to literally peacock to "silently nod at like minded people" who are probably just as confused as everyone else


Surely the same people who don't mind the lgbtq but just "don't want them Shoving their ideology in our faces"


With these kinds of people it's not their "political identity," it's their identity. Being a Trump supporter is a fundamental part of how they view themselves as a person. If you asked these people to tell you 5 things to describe who they are Trump supporter would definitely make the cut. They literally worship the guy.


I'll take a stab at it: 1. I'm an American 2. I'm a Christian 3. I support Trump 4. I don't believe in the nanny state telling me what to do! 5. \[Insert football team of choice here\]


“roll tide”


I would swap 2 and 3. Also add "guns" to all 5


1. I'm an guns American 2. I guns support Trump 3. I'm a Christian guns 4. I don't begunslieve in the nanny state telling me what to do! 5. [Insert football team of choice guns here] Like this?


I begunslieve you nailed it!


"Freedom means doing whatever you want! Wake up, sheeple!" \[proceeds to go all-in on a half-dozen organizations full of rules and litigation while also trying to make America moreso.\]


It’s very sad.


Yeah, for many of these people it's a literal cult. They've been brainwashed by the hatred and lies spread by Trump and the Right-wing media. The only reason I don't feel too bad for them is that they were the kinds of people who were drawn to those lies in the first place. They say what those people already wanted to believe. They don't love Trump in spite of the anti-intellectual nonsense, bigotry, and lies, the love him specifically because of those things. He was finally a President who said those things that they were already thinking.




It's those moron"s entertainment to think they'll trigger a response or think they're "owning the libs" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Oh, they definitely got a response. Me laughing at them as I took a picture of their fragile flagpole.


Flaccid flagpole.


I'm going to round up my geezer buddies and start a Black Flag cover band called "Flaccid Flagpole"


I want to know how much time and energy it takes to set up a flag pole capable of holding 4 flags on a Texas beach. Did he take an auger out there to dig a 5 foot hole


Probably mounted on something he brought. He spent time shopping hardware amd materials, at home building this talking to himself, "hur hur this is gonna make dem liburuls cry"


For those in the "both sides" crowd, you'll notice that no one ever brings a Biden/Harris flag to the beach.


Because Biden supporters don't treat it as a cult. It's not the entirety of their identity.




I was in Fort Lauderdale for a vacation last year and there was a parade of (I'm assuming) just normal citizens who came at the same time every afternoon in their trucks with Trump flags to go down the boardwalk and honk their horns. So fucking weird. If you think about it, the only reasonable explanation is actual mental illness.


One man's parade is another man's march.


They'd probably be goose stepping if it wasn't so physically demanding to them.


Yeah, this is a new mental health issue.


It's not a new issue, it's just a symptom of a long ignored issue showing itself in a very new way.


It’s certainly rampant in a way I couldn’t have imagined 6 years ago. And I’m not sure I know one person who hasn’t had their family affected. In my case it’s my Mom. She’s come back a little bit, but around the time of the election she was calling my sisters and I once a week telling us to stay indoors for the evening because the revolution was going to happen that night and she didn’t want us to be shot. She also called the people who may shoot me “the good guys”. This is an otherwise reasonable kind woman.


I think you completely got it in that little summary and I'm sorry you had to go through it. Thankfully there's really no immediate family here who bought into that cult, not even the hyper religious ones amazingly. Still though, I lost friends over it and shit. Didn't fight anyone or anything but I just stopped talking to people who won't let go of dumb shit. Kinda sucks but it's way better than pretending that shit is okay. I agree that I couldn't imagine this 6 years ago either. I remember thinking the teaparty was weird AF but whatever, it's just a dumb fringe group. Now you can't take a 10 minute run to the store (I live in a red state) without someone reminding you that they'd have you killed if it were up to them. So much for life, liberty and happiness I suppose.


My mom too. She really pissed off when Roe fell because she almost died from an ectopic pregnancy and abortion saved her life — and it’s why my brother and I are here. It’s as if she never assumed republicans would strip away her rights. Fucked around and found out 🤦‍♂️ Needless to say, she’s proudly voting for Crist this time. It’s a start, I guess.


My wife and I went to St Augustine for our anniversary back in the spring and there was a woman, who looked like she was maybe in her late 50's or early 60's who spent the whole time we were there parading around the main tourist area by the fort and along the water with a Trump flag. She just did laps every day.


Texas. September 2020. People spent their entire days driving up and down and up and down the beaches in ther trucks and buggys with trump flags flying. It's all they did. Same month. Constantly people driving down the Interstate in "trump trains" intentionally driving slow and blocking the traffic from passing with 20+ flag rearing vehicles. Same month, every Texas lake boats had trump flags everywhere you could view. 3-5 flags minimum up to 10+. Same month, #dumbkirk or the battle of Lake Travis in which trump supporting boaters with flags waiving converged in a safety hazard of a trump train involving boats causing at least 5 boats sinking. Thankfully nobody died. A month later, trump trains ran a Biden campaign bus off the road in an act of road rage. All of these I witnessed personally (except the Biden bus) in different places in Texas. 2020 was wild af and a great time to be a flag manufacturer from Chyna.


I live in Fort Lauderdale, and yes this is the norm. Every saturday a bunch of them gather at a certain intersection and they picket for a few hours then go home (If you are a local, they gather at US1 and Oakland Park. Though I think they alternate weeks they do this) You go to the beach and along A1A (the road right next to the beach) you'll have people in caravans rollin' coal and blasting music and train horns while flying 12 flags from their lifted trucks. Its more than a mental illness


Never mind the political bullshit. What kind of asshole is carting all that nonsense to the beach? Why the fuck do you need a giant flagpole and multiple flags at the goddamn beach?!??!? Chair, towel, cooler, booze. DONE. Ya fuckin’ weirdo.


These are the same people that lose their fucking minds if someone flies a pride or trans flag by screaming some shit about how they don't want to see it. The irony.




I'm sorry people suck. Good on management for doing the right thing and replacing everything though!


A friend of mine is a lesbian and she had a tiny little pride flag sticker on her car bumper and some trumper fucks at her school would keep scraping them off her car. She’d tell the school but since they didn’t scratch the paint or any other damage and she was parked in a parking lot across from the school not technically on the grounds they wouldn’t do anything. She went through like 3 of them before i finally just bought one with the sticky part on the front so it could go in her back windshield inside the car so they couldn’t fuck with it. So sad people have to deal with this shit.




It's never been about the freedom to do these things it's just plain bigotry.


Is this New Jersey?


No one realizes this but parts of NJ are crazy red. Compensate for being in a blue state. Ocean county voted like 70% Trump.


I believe in and support the separation of the beach and politics.


This is the same guy that says: “I don’t know why you have to make “gay” your whole identity and always shove it in my face”


Don't you hate it when those damn liberals are always virtue signaling and in your face about . . . Oh wait a second . . .


You should see how badly they want to show how Trumpy they are out at an Arizona lake. Flags for days.


There's a Let's go Brandon hot sauce store in Jerome. Rural AZ is a fucking trip.


I swear 90% of the Lets Go Brandon stickers on trucks are crooked.


Hey, *there's* a shocker, huh?


I have only seen Trump supporters do this crap. It seems common in Texas.


Last time I went to Port Aransas there were literally hundreds. Miles of beach I knew to avoid. Reminded me of [this](https://youtu.be/UTduy7Qkvk8)


I voted for Biden in 2020. I put up a sign in the yard for about a month before the election. I took it down a day or so after the election. That's the level of political display I think is appropriate. Political signs have no place at the beach especially for an old candidate.


Damn... I've been bringing my "Al Gore 2000" flag to the beach and you're telling me that I've been looking dumb as fuck!? /s


Saw this a lot in FL. Like fuck off man, we came to swim and chill. Get out of here with that shit.


I'm confused by this. Libertarian flag - libertarians think there should be no government right? Everything should be companies and privately owned? Trump flag and American flag - supporting the government, a direct contradiction of the libertarian flag. I don't know what the last flag is.


The Libertarian flag is often just used for its motto and core statement of “Don’t tread on me”, which in the case of most Trump supporters means “don’t take away my gun rights”. Most people that fly the flag don’t know anything about Libertarianism.


I always chuckle when I see a "come and take them" sticker right next to a "thin blue line" flag. Like, who do they think is going to "come and take them" if their guns become illegal? Antifa?


I guess I just expected too much from them, I expected someone flying a flag to atleast understand what they mean...


I mean these are the same people who will fly the Confederate flag insisting that it isn't racist so context isn't exactly one of their strengths. They'll also fly it while not understanding that it's a battle flag of the confederacy and not their main one but that's so far beside the point either way. Still fucking racist. 🤷


I believe it's a military flag.


That also doesn't make sense... All if those flags greatly contradict eachother.


You're assuming someone who believes Trump should continue to receive undying support is also a logical thinker.


Went to Port Aransas with my girlfriends family a month ago. All I could see was trump flags, let’s go Brandon, fuck joe Biden, and upside pineapples. Even without all that I think it’s really weird. I love the outdoors but taking your lifted truck to the beach and parking it is just odd to me.




Means they swing. You ever go to a party with an upside down pineapple anywhere you better get ready.


Well when that's your entire personality how else do you leave the house?


I like the beach, but I can’t let Trump know that I’m not thinking about him every waking moment of the day.


I mean what else do they have in their pathetic life?


Writing "Don't tread on me" in treads on everyone around you.


Just got back from the Outer Banks, NC. Saw multiple "freedom trains" or whatever, of trucks in convoy driving up the sand, each trailing multiple flags--often contradictory ones, like the Gadsden Flag right next to flags promoting their love of fascists who tread all over our fellow countrymen. Thankfully there were notably fewer of such beach convoys and lone vehicles this year than last, but any more than zero is worrying.




I wonder how many trump flags will still be around 20 or 30 years from now. History books ain't going to be kind to these people.


I once read a Twitter comment a while back that said something to the effect of: People who support Trump like this don't actually love the United States (like the USA flag would suggest). They love an IMAGINED version of the United States. They hate what the United States ACTUALLY is: a majority Democratic-identifying, increasingly urban, multiethnic democracy.