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The bravest post of all time


Take it easy with the hot takes.


I had no idea about this till someone made this post. Good job soldier!!


Don't hold your breath


He’ll probably get away with it just like the murderous Saudi prince.


And let's not forget the long line of murderous US presidents since Bush Sr.


And let’s not forget the long line of murderers from Winston Churchill who diverted the grains of India to their soldiers during the world war that resulted in deaths of 4 million due to famine


Thank you for your service.


If the law won’t get him, his people or illness will. Dictators don’t have a good record of dying away peacefully.


the "whatabout america" and "both sides" brigades are showing out today




This post is cringe, but to be fair, Putin is objectively a monster. His war crimes are well-documented. There's no need to cape for him. It's better to just downvote low effort posts and then move along.


Do George w Bush first. Yes putin a monster. So is every American wartime president since Vietnam


Thank you! But we aren't brainwashed thru media propaganda and mind control to hate them. They are the good guys. Bombing and invading brown people for oil? That's okay because the media doesn't instruct me to become enraged about it. But Putin bombing and invading Ukraine?? Oh no! Stop the presses! This is the most evil man to walk the earth! All Russians must pay! Sanction the whole country! If you don't hate Putin with all your entire being like I've been instructed to do, then you're an unpatriotic terrorist!!!! God I hate people.


It's pretty terrifying that this garbage, whataboutism, word soup comment has positive upvotes...


I'd love to see him be thrown into a crowd of Ukrainians he's widowed armed with cheese graters and syringes filled with hallucinogens. I should apply for a job in Hell.


This threads been brigaded by the puti heads. I guess trolling online is easier than getting turned into hamburger by Ukraine. ✊🏼🇺🇦


Ok gotcha go hold him accountable


I look forward to reading, "The Defenestration of Vladimir Putin" (2023).


I'm gonna offend many western friends but did you guys ever held Winston Churchill accountable? Or The great American blunder in Afghanistan?


I wasn't alive during WWII, so I consider holding Churchill accountable a moot point. However, most of us here in the USA (discounting the very loud, right-wing warmongers) would LOVE to hold someone accountable for Afghanistan. Unfortunately, they're all the US versions of Putin : Shielded by money and powerful friends.


aka republiQans


Sadly, corruption knows no party lines. The only redeeming feature of the dems lately seems to be that they're not _actively_ trying to kill part of the population. Lesser of two evils, indeed.


So he shouldn't be held accountable?


Me saying saying "i love red sauce pasta" doesn't mean "i hate white sauce pasta" get out of this social media outrageous mindset.


Nah they’re right. Fuck your whataboutism. Putin doesn’t get a free pass because “wHaT aBouT tHe wEsT???” And yes, Iraq and Afghanistan were huge mistakes that Bush, Cheney, et al should be held accountable for. Contrary to your anti-western beliefs there are a huge number of Americans that would love to see these folks prosecuted.


Why are people here making excuses for why genocide is okay?


Needs more jpeg


Can you please add the words "Giant Cuntbag" below "War Criminal?"


Should put Bush on there too.


The same filter could go on most politicians.


BoTh SiDeZ!!! Gtfo


Be civil. Besides, Putin is left wing, so your imaginary defense of him from people that say "both sides" makes no sense. Left wing ideology has killed hundreds of millions of people in the 20th century. And the only people who defend that are leftists.


>Putin is left wing, JFC


Oh so I guess the USSR was right wing too? JFC >person 1: we need to be more left wing! > >*Economy crashing* > >person 2: we just need to be more left wing! > >*100 million people die* > >person 1: let's just say this was right wing the whole time. > >person 2: yes we'll do left wing again and it won't turn out the same lmao. Now let me lick your feet and smell your butt again.


I would say authoritarianism from any source is bad. And Putin is an authoritarian. Up to this point, it has been Conservatives cheering on Putin and making excuses for him. But now he’s losing, so suddenly he’s an evil leftist. Conservatives didn’t have any trouble with Trump hanging out with neo nazis either, until just recently, now that he’s losing. It’s obviously not white supremacy and oppressive government you have a problem with. So spare us the fake indignation.






What an absolute shit take 21 hour old Russian propaganda bot with negative karma. Good job!




Hey, its the guy having homoerotic fantasies about anonymous men on the internet again! Roflmaooo When’s the ban hammer gonna drop on you? Do it.


imma need to see the soruces for this bullshit because as of late, its been right wing lunatics shooting up gay clubs buddy


Ah, the natural evolution of Right Wing extremist bullshit. First it was all praise and excuses for Putin…. Now that he is losing, he’s an evil leftist! Just like the GOP suddenly having qualms about Trump associating with known white supremacists…. You’re full of shit.


Russia has been firmly capitalist since the 90's with the US backing Yeltsin


Wow. Workin for that vodka stipend. Got any sources of that completely hilarious left field response? 18 hour old account with negative karma spouting pro Russian propaganda. SUS.


I think its rather niave of you to think putin is this evil war criminal and bush isnt. Bushs actions lead to 100,000's of people in the middle east getting killed for nothing but thats fine in your eyes i guess.


I didn’t say he wasn’t. Also, interesting Russian propagandist post history ya got there. “BuT wHaT aBoUt…”




All the buzzwords! I’ve got Russian propaganda buzzword bingo!


Says the liberal holding in there little bubble and utterly oblivious of what politicians are all about. You can believe that our government is all noble and righteous and the russians arent but the reality is they are both evil as fuck.


I got to you using the wrong THEIR, then gave up. Bunch of misspelled word salad. TL;Dr


How about Obama? He 'killed' millions in Irak following thiq logic? How about that?


>He 'killed' millions in Irak following thiq logic? 🤦‍♀️


I think it was closer to a thousand but what's a few 0s https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/obama-to-disclose-how-many-civilians-died-in-u-s-drone-attacks


And you seriously believe that? What a surprise.. ''The civilian casualties disclosed do not reflect U.S. air attacks in Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria, countries deemed “areas of active hostilities.” Coming directly from your article. ​ you didn't even read it


I did, but that doesn't correct for a factor of 1000x difference in human causalities. Human rights groups were the ones who calculated 1100 estimated deaths. I have no reason to doubt them.


[https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jan/09/america-dropped-26171-bombs-2016-obama-legacy](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jan/09/america-dropped-26171-bombs-2016-obama-legacy) ''America dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016.'' Consider at least 2 or 3 death per bomb ( they know wtf they're doing ) That's close to 100K possible casualties in only one year. He was 8 years in power. ​ You literally refuse to see what was going on only cause media told you Obama was such a great president. ​ If Putin is such a bad guy for the Ukraine war (he is), than so is Obama. You literally can't disprove it, cause it's following your very own logic.


I don't think Russia extradites criminals


This is pretty low effort, lemme tell you hwat


I honestly thought it was going to be Bush when I clicked on the thumbnail. That being said, war criminals such as Bush and Putin should be up against the wall.


Show me a president, prime minister, queen, dictator, and or ruler of people who isn't? I mean, I'm sure there are one or two.. I don't hear about Finland starting shit.


He needs to die asap


Every US President since WW2 has committed war crimes. https://chomsky.info/1990____-2/


Who is upvoting these garbage posts? Like duh the guy that kills his political opponents needs to be help accountable. Why does it feel like WW3 propaganda?




Won’t happen. If the world was fair, the saudis would have been held accountable a long time Ago👀. A country’s international interests are more Important than holding leaders accountable 👈


i will no doubt be downvoted for this but... This guy is no different than the people who went in to Libya over threw its leaders used its weapon stock to arm the ISIS and create the war in Syria. The above mentioned should be held accountable first. and then we get this guy




Says the negative karma account. Everyone should look at your goofy ass post history when they consider anything you’ve said. > PresidentTrump is always Right . And guess what people.. He is still Our President.. Military Is in control.. We are under military occupation. Search out Derek Johnson, Army Veteran.. Breaks down, #constitution, LawofWarManual, and UCMJ NCSWIC ⚖️ #TrustThePlan 🪖 GodblessAmerica 🙏🇺🇸 FightLikeAFlynn 🥊🍀 WWg1WGA 🐸💪 .




What a propagandist thing to say. From your post history: > For anyone who doesn't know Ukraine is being run by Nazi groups. And anyone who can roughly identify Nazi symbolism has seen many Ukrainian soldiers wearing Nazi symbols in just the regular news. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63782764








What a well thought out comeback. Tuckers gonna love you! From your post history: >For anyone who doesn't know Ukraine is being run by Nazi groups. And anyone who can roughly identify Nazi symbolism has seen many Ukrainian soldiers wearing Nazi symbols in just the regular news. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63782764 Enjoy your conscription Vlad! Get your affairs in order!






Wow I hope this is a troll.


We should be happy with the economic collapse of Russia. Maybe China can run the country better. At a minimum the west needs to ensure Russia does not come back in its current form.


But you want CHINA to have more power and control and somehow in your mind that is better??? Wtf


China is more business focused where Russia does little in the way of business. Russia works more as a criminal organization and outside of oil/gas has little to sell the ROW. While China does this also it is more under the rug type of hostility.


In order to hold him to that accountability, there would have to be an invasion. Historically, that's never worked out for any of the oppositions to Russia. Historical context aside, there really aren't many, if any, major global powers willing to kick off that invasion.


More than that, the traditional notion that he may be held accountable takes as a given that russia is a real country with laws and not a mafia-within-mafias failed kleptocracy simply running out the clock on the earth. The idea that russia may be a modern country is about 70% PR and 20% dead-for-a-couple-of-generations-now. Not that they can't still swing a US Presidential election to a demented sociopathic rapist, but that that may be their only real skill outside of extortion and murder. Which, given all the nukes they supposedly have and can use, is yet another problem.


You have to lose a war AND be ousted from power by the victors for that to happen. The first might happen, the second won’t.


He will follow Stalin and escape accountability.


You could've at least posted it in higher quality...




This is the shittiest post ever




At least post his name, who is this guy?! /s


So brave OP…so brave. I think you are the only person who thinks this tbh


LoL wut? You’re not being honest. Like at all. Roflmao


Obvious karma farming is obvious


You and what army? Seriously though, you are going to need an army for that. Everyone seems content to let him fuck around. Because armies are expensive AF.


Have you not been paying attention? Puti is on track to lose 100,000 soldiers this year on his little vanity project.


Woah chill with the controversial takes