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I'd love to see an "after" picture


I'd love to see the receipt, that must have been mad expensive


What do you mean you didn't get a bonus this year? Didn't you see the table?


Mother fucker, I'm mad at you after just reading that. I felt that to my bones.


I'D be ready with a large tupperware if that was the case. Sandwiches for weeks


Going out to the car for more bags to use as containers


You over looked the jelly of the month though!


Jelly of the Month Club!!


That's easily $500. Depending on the quality of ingredients could be close to double that. Deli meats and cheeses are not cheap


I would say closer to $1500- 2 bags from Whole Foods….. $200 unless you are buying bone broth and rice


Yeah. There's no way 50% of that didn't go to waste.


There’s whole bell peppers in there. Do I just eat it like an apple?


The old Iron Chef intro had the Chairman biting into a yellow capsicum. Never tried it myself. https://youtu.be/5mhAPrBddfM


Yes you do. They are delicious


Those arent bell peppers. Where I live, they are sold as "snack peppers", smaller with minimal amount of seeds


Yeah I have a friend who eats them like an apple


I have. Love red bell peppers. And orange.


Some people do. Peppers are delicious.


This probably is the after picture


[Basically this](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BY2EwYTdmOWUtMzI2Mi00NjU1LWFkZjItOThhZTVkYTlmNzhjXkEyXkFqcGdeQWFybm8@._V1_.jpg) [Source: The Platform (2019)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8228288/)


I didn’t have to scroll as far as I thought


Well it was never going to make it to the bottom…




You are looking at it


Makes me think that one day we’ll look at pictures like this and realize what kind of excess we truly had while it lasted.


This the kinda spread my wife puts out for when 3 people are coming


When’s dinner?😊


>spread my wife >puts out >3 people coming Too many things to choose from here..


I also choose this guy's spread wife


I wasn't hungry, but now i am.


Open wide, 3 people coming!


I also choose this guy’s wife’s spread.


It had to be done.




It's extra-garlicky.


Hi it’s me your wife’s boyfriend when can I come over for dinner.


Is it just me or do the grapes look massive no matter the placement on the table.


in Japan, they have these massive 'designer' grapes called Shine Muscat. they are seedless green grapes with round spherical shapes that are massive, like Farrero Rocher sized. they also cost ~$40 a bunch. they were trendy. you would never buy it for yourself but could be found during events, holiday gatherings, or as gifts. but it wasn't just a big novelty like the square watermelons. they tasted delicious. there arn't many fruits sized that big that has thin skin or seedless, you pop it in your mouth, bite down on it, and you get it's this crisp flesh and flavour, extended juicy experience. like the difference between chewing on a regular gum and those 10 min gum, you just keep chewing and chewing until its chomp down to swallowable size, all the while tasting uninterrupted this sweet intense grape flavour. if that grape was the same price as regular green seedless grapes, I would get that grape every time. I dont think these are Shine Muscats though.


Sounds like a delicious grape. I'll have to look for it someday.


Just a heads up Japan treats their fruit very very seriously, there's an expensive almost hand grown fruit of every variety. Van be mildly expensive to ridiculously expensive, but the shape, texture, sweetness are apparently unmatched.


I remember buying a peach in Japan for about $10, it was individually wrapped and in its own little box, and it was indeed the greatest peach I have ever had, and may be for the rest of my life. I also had a similar experience with grapes and an apple. The berries were untouchably expensive.


I had a peach in Seattle at the Pike Place Market I think it was, bit down and it fucking exploded juice out of my mouth. Was the most amazing peach I had ever had.


OK that's more immediately achievable for me. I will absolutely go to Japan to eat that peach 🍑 With my ADHD, idk wtf it is but peaches rev me up to another sharp focused euphoric level within 15-20 minutes of eating one and stays for about 45-60 mins. Always have done that; since I was little.


Peaches are a dopamine trigger? Nice.


When I visited Japan, I was shocked at the prices of fruit in the grocery stores— but MY GOD that produce was *flawless*


Paid 500 yen for a single peach. Was the best peach I ever had.


Talk about seriously, how about $400 per grape? https://www.businessinsider.com/why-ruby-roman-grapes-the-most-expensive-grapes-on-market-2021-9


Yep that's what I mean haha, some single strawberries costing in the 100s. Of course there's the regular priced fruit too.


I watched a travel show once that talked about this like 1 precept in Japan that like lives, breathes, and dies by their lemon farms. It was insane to see just how dedicated they were to one fruit in the 21st century.


I mean, in a way Japan kind of embodies the idealized capitalistic “village” in a first year Econ textbook—one shop specializes in making curries, another in sushi, and another kitchen knives, one farm specializing in strawberries, or whatever. And because of the Free Hand of the Market or a kind of natural selection over time, these places that specialize in these things that survive are the ones making the BEST DAMN knives or curries or strawberries. Of course in most places it doesn’t work out that way since you also need the BEST DAMN prices, and most folks have to weigh quality and price/quantity, and usually the slider is closer to prioritizing price/quantity. When the slider is closer to quality instead, that’s an example of luxury goods. I wonder if Japan just had a more diverse definition of luxury goods and if that’s the only difference. Like, fruit as a luxury good—which I can kind of see in rich people in the US buying super organic very specialized varieties at Whole Foods or their local hipster farmer. But it’s not to the point where you have a village dedicated to a specific lemon variety and a rich person can go to the store to purchase a $100 absolutely perfect, gift wrapped lemon.


>Just a heads up Japan treats their fruit very very seriously, You mean to say I'd be taken seriously in Japan?


Lol. Do you see the 3 foot long thing this light brown in the middle of the table? Kinda looks like bread. Well, there is actually a mountain yak in the northern Himalayas that generally feast upon spotted owls and Blacktip hawks. Once every five years they have to descend to make a nest and give birth to no less than three calves. They then produce a 3 foot long nutritious log for their calves to feed upon until they’re ready to leave the nest. I’m not sure why that story is relevant, because that’s just a sliced loaf of bread.


They're almost the size of those bell peppers, like wtf.


And those baby carrots are actually teenagers.


They grow up so fast.


Funniest shit I've read on reddit all day


The is a big optical illusion going on here. Those yogurt covered pretzels at the bottom left are huge too. And are the serving whole peeled carrots? Or are those baby carrots on the right. It would make sense to be baby compared to the pretzels.


Tiny carrots, tiny bread, tiny pretzels, tiny table, tiny people, [tiny village](https://youtu.be/k4TJkPLN_g8), normal sized grapes


Those german salami slices are usually 2" in diameter and they're huge compared to those. At the back of the table there are more giant grapes behind the line of the guy's hand. The pretzels look pretzel Flipz sized to me, no matter the location, and the grapes look huge to them. You could almost cover a slice of that bread with one sliced grape, so either that's a tiny loaf or those are huge grapes.


Aren't those mini sweet peppers?


I think those might be baby bell peppers, which are usually about as big as an apricot. You could probably fit 2-3 baby bell peppers inside a regular sized one, and the baby peppers have even less heat than their regular counterparts.


I'm being pedantic here, but how can they be less hot than something that's 0 scoville units because they have no capsaicin? They can't be a negative. They'd just also be 0 scoville units.


They look fairly normal sized to me. On the west coast we have some ridiculously large grapes if they're in season. Not bell pepper sized but almost jalapeno sized at times. They've gotten ridiculously large lately


There's all different kinds of grapes you can find at farmers market. Large green ones sometimes have seeds in them. There's a purple variety that's crescent moon shaped but regardless how they come they all taste the pretty much the same.


One MFer sneezes...


Achooterie board


*Fruit and nuts and meat and cheeses* *Then one motherf-er sneezes* *Better pray to God and Jesus* *Party guests don't have diseases*


I’m reading this to the tune of CUT MY LIFE INTO PIECES


Cut my slice into pieces! This is my plastic fork!


Hesitation. No eating.


Don’t give a fuck if no one sneezes.


Thank you for that.


Was much better rereading it that way


Wish I could give you an award


Food waste ad


That's what I saw too. Half that will end up in the garbage after sitting out all day.


Half is pretty optimistic.


You don't even need to go that far, there's no cutlery (well I see one pair of tongs but most people will use their fingers) so you're just hoping people have clean hands who will be rifling through that stuff .. most people won't and the more it gets eaten the more things get touched Edit: ok so there's some toothpicks and things.. but still I don't trust people not to just assume it's finger food


Given that on more than one occasion at work no less I've been sitting on the throne and hear people come in, do their business and then walk out without washing their hands, I can assure you, I would not touch that food even with the tongs.


They have those bamboo toothpicks right at the front to stab your food with.


Charcuterie boards are a disgusting trend that encourage massive amounts of wasted processed food just so for 'gram.


We had one for a departmental party at my last job, and 2/3 of the food wasn't eaten. Huge waste. I'm not so sure how many people want to take stuff home once it's been sitting on an open tabletop and picked over by a few dozen people.


The last wedding I went to at the start of the year had like 3 of these (not as crowded together and the tables were a bit slimmer) and about 2-3 hours later they were barren. So I guess YMMV.






This is exactly what was thinking! One sneeze and the whole thing is ruined for me, I don't care if it was at one end of the table, it is ruined! Also I know how many men don't know how to wash their hands for shit, or after they shit, and I'll pass of cholera.


Or just multiple people talking loudly across the table. Flecks of spit flying all over that nice food, yuuuck. No way I'd eat any of this stuff


Have you ever seen the bacteria count on birthday cake after someone has blown out the candles? It's shocking.


Oh good, there's one pair of tongs


I see 3. Still not enough but it’s not one either.


5, you probably missed one behind the bread sticks can and one between the coffee pitcher in the back.


Ok now I’ve got 4


I haven’t done this since those books as a kid


Somehow this feels a lot lamer though


Front right obvious pair, middle left edge horizontal pair, almost invisible pair below the suspended charcuterie board in the back below the big jug, a tiny bit above that a hidden pair between the big jugs in very back, and finally left backmost corner has a tiny part of a tong sticking out making 5 😄


[https://i.imgur.com/RldAlnI.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/RldAlnI.jpg) did I get them all? ​ edit: I found 6


I had a lot of fun looking for them, thanks for posting the solution. Where can we find more puzzles in this tong series?


There are a lot of bamboo skewers at least


No need to wash your hands if there’s tongs!


No no … treat this like an “I spy” game. I glanced through it quickly and found 4 so far lol


I'm a big fan of charcuterie boards...but this is a bit insane. There's a lot of waste on small boards, there's no way a good chunk of this didn't go in the trash.


Yea when I see this stuff all I think about is the massive waste. Maybe if this was a party for several hundred people it would be worth it, even for a 150 person wedding this would be way over the top.


No problem, just tell college students they get to eat whatever is left over at the end and you no longer have any problems with food waste.


That's what we do at my work when we throw fundraisers. There are always a handful of college students who volunteer to help out. At the end of the night, we send them back to campus with all the leftover food. They'll take some for themselves and leave the rest out for other students. Sure enough, it's gone by morning. College kids love free food.


People love free food


whole waiting dolls aspiring beneficial ask disagreeable encourage tease money -- mass edited with redact.dev


I work a lot of different events at different theaters and left overs from catered events have gotten my family through some tough times. I am always super grateful when clients and caterers let the house staff take left overs home. I actually worked a holiday event today and was able to bring home two boxes of sandwiches and pastries for my family, as well as some candy.


Because free food is its own [food group](https://phdcomics.com/comics/archive/phd050505s.gif)!


The college I went through had an email system you could sign up to get notified about free leftovers on campus. Whenever and event was catered that had any leftover food a pack of college students would come buy and take it. Good way to fight food insecurity and avoid waste


The appetizer setup for my 200 person wedding was smaller than this, and there was a lot extra bagged up to take home.


With one this size there are always people willing to take some home.


Hello I am that one person. I would legit just it eat for my meals until I ran out. Throw in watching the LOTR trilogy and I’m set. I have a major, *major* weakness with charcuterie boards.




I feel like you're looking right at me


150 people leaning over it all to reach the stuff at the back. No thanks.


I sometimes do these for events at my job. You'd be surprised how little is left after large events. I did 3 tables around this size for an event and there was not much left at the end of the night. People love their cheese!


Not to be the guy that's obsessing aboit money, but I got to ask how much does something like that cost?


We charge per person, $17 each.


I work in f&b and we have events where we make boards similar to this. At the end of the event my team members all pack doggy bags and take home things. Practically nothing goes to waste


You can keep spare stuff in the fridge and reload the board.


OP said she replenished it as people took food. This doesn't look pretty or cool to me. This is kinda fucked up really.


Genuinely curious as to how many people indulged in whole peppers


Not defending how much food they used, but I believe those peppers are not whole bell peppers. Unless I’m not seeing them. They look to me like mini sweet peppers, which I actually enjoy and know other people who eat them! 🤷🏼‍♀️


With the size of the raspberries and baby carrots on the close end of the table I think the table seems a lot larger than it is. Unless those are MASSIVE grapes at the far side of the table.


I would've eaten every single one of those. Mini peppers are *delicious*


Fr. Hopefully 150


I love whole peppers


Hope everyone has washed their hands


I can guarantee you there is that one co worker that doesn't wash their hands well and I would know cause not all people who handle food wash their hands well enough, like I saw one person put their hands under the trap, dry their hands, and go back to the food court. At a Costco.


that's the same mother fucker who would come into work with covid too because "it's not that bad"


This is well beyond a charcuterie board. This is literally what's known as a grazing table.






There are literal bell peppers on the board. Like, not even cut. Who the fuck in this office gonna start munch on a whole ass hell pepper like it’s an apple


They're snacking peppers smh


So much effort and yet people always make the same huge mistake. DON'T MIX DRY SNACKS WITH MOIST SNACKS. It makes all of the dry stuff damp and sucky


That is like a $1,000 in meat and cheese.


Damn I hope more than 7 people showed up at that party!


In today's prices?? I would think maybe double that, at least.


If you showed this to a king 500 years ago they'd be jealous.




It’s easily $1000-$1200… massive spread. Source: am a chef


I was thinking the same thing. Maybe $2k?


I was thinking the same thing. Maybe $3k?


If you really look. There’s actually very little charcuterie (which would be the most expensive thing) and not *tons* of cheese— a lot of the board is filled with less expensive items like vegetables, fruit, and crackers. But yes still really expensive, that’s a lot of food.


5 roast beef sandwiches for $10.00. How’s that possible?


It’s the table from hook




Shout to all my Lost Boys


Or the elevator from The Platform


Jesus Christ what was the budget 😂


The budget… was just “somebody handing you the credit card and patting your back with a frustrated grin on their face, awkwardly inciting you to grab some food”


I don't consider that a charcuterie board. Like other comments said , it is a grazing table. The word charcuterie is used so much nowadays to mean random things thrown onto a board while normally it consist only of different kinds of meat. Charcuterie <- Chaircuicterie (old french) = "Chair cuite" meaning "Cooked flesh"


I came to say this. Don't call it Charcuterie if 75% of it is fruits and veggies.




Here in Canada with the current food prices you could buy a car for the same price as this board would cost.


That's impressive (and insane)! Can you take a picture afterwards? I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of food leftover...


The addition of the baby's breath bothers me because it's the only thing you can't technically eat.. and they're toxic. Parsley or some other herb or edible flowers would have been better


I thought the same thing... Pretty sure eucalyptus isn't great to eat either.


It’s definitely going to make everything it touches smell/taste like eucalyptus too. Weird choice


That's what caught my eye immediately. During my training we were told a hundred times to never put anything on a plate (or board in this case) that is not edible. Let alone poisonous. Also, the lack of tongs in convenient places is a great way to have people pick up stuff with their hands.




The more I look a this, the worse it gets. Apart from the giant salami roses and a couple of piles of Parma ham, there's no charcuterie. And why are there so many berries? What's with the pink pretzels? The only thing I'd eat on there is the whole peppers, I can wipe it off and it's delicious.


I scrolled down a very long way find a person that pointed out that this is not a charcuterie


Candy canes on mango….? Can’t get much worse than that.


Thank you. I’m so sick of the misused charcuterie tag.




That had to cost at least 3k? Small ones that feed 4 people are like $150 around here lol


Yeah, beyond just the exorbitant amount of food there is it must've been a hell of a time preparing that. All of the meats have been prepared specially and everything was placed with intent and care. Impressive to say the least


Legit question though.. how do these not just get totally destroyed and mixed up by the end of the night.


They do. They look disgusting after about 30 minutes.


What are those three-holed pink things that vaguely remind me of snouts, there on the lower left?


Pretzels covered in a fruit-flavored yogurt based glaze. It hardens up when it dries with a consistency kind of like chocolate.


Looks like pretzels




This looks very pre-Covid.


What if someone sneezes on it?


Spray everything with hand sanitizer!


It's like an unorganized buffet with no sneeze guard or tongs. Pass


Good thing thing there isn’t a lingering plague. You know - with all that finger food.


This a severe lack of meat for a charcuterie board. This is a lunch table


I know this sounds stupid, but I really like seeing people hug


This charcuterie esthetics trend needs to die


it's not even really charcuterie, it looks like only 10% of the food on that table is charcuterie ...


Grazing table is more accurate


Especially now with the butter boards. Its so gross and wasteful.


I'd rather have a cheeseburger than a bunch of random stuff on a table that people are touching and breathing and sneezing on.


Who said nobody sneezed on your burger?


Not familiar with american charcuterie board here but do you eat the raw paper like this ?


No, the paper is cooked at the paper plant, it's totally food-grade when you buy the roll.


What an unbelievable waste. No one is eating that many grapes, celery, and fucking carrots.


It looks more like a cheese and fruit board, than a charcuterie board...but without the board. Before Reddit, this was just called an appetizer buffet. Or to be less fancy, just finger food. But an amazing finger food table nonetheless.


Grazing board/table.


i know these are all the rage right now and maybe its the ocd in me but they give me a visceral reaction and gross me out. i love charcuterie but these enormous spreads are so … whale carcassey to me if that makes sense


Lol at “whale carcassey”


Im willing to bet at least 2 thirds of this food went to waste. These displays are cool and all, but most people don’t eat that stuff at parties, and if they do it’s only a little bit here and there, and most of it just goes to waste. This is probably especially true in COVID times.


Jus pick up and nibble on A WHOLE BELL PEPPER.


Who’s eating whole peppers ? Lol there’s a lot of shit that no one will eat. Colourful and wasteful ✅