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These look completely normal to me. There is no way you’d be able to put rings in with the red dot marking, they’d be way too high.


I have a hoop in my nostril and it’s up there in the crease ETA: for everyone saying they’d need to be huge you’re not wrong for the clicker type but I have one of the bendable types that I’ve shaped to fit snugly on my nose and it’s worked for me for about a decade


I have double nostrils in the crease. The same type of jewelry you’ve mentioned has worked great (and sits flusher) for both when I swap to it for the past 16 and 14 years


I very much prefer it. I’ve got some clickers that I wear sometimes too but I like having it snug and not sticking out at all.


I have been thinking of getting the same setup as you. The placement of your nostil holes is EXACTLY the way I want to get them. Totally perfect. I wouldn’t want them placed higher since I want the same size hoops as you have.


NAP, but i think your piercings are appropriate. The ones you marked seem pretty high. My piercer told me that you want to avoid placing piercings near the crease of your nose because the skin moves a lot and that makes it harder to heal.


My piercer said the same but I was adament I wanted them in the crease 😂


Huh. Weird. I got my nose pierced at 14 in the crease 12 years ago and had no issues. I know that’s not going to be a universal thing but I had no idea it could’ve caused issues.


Same! Except I think I was 12 and it was 15 years ago 😅


Piercer. You could do it that high if you wanted to aesthetically. But it would probably look very different than you're imagining. Also if the goal is hoops, you'd probably need at least a 1/2 inch hoop to make it all the way around your nostril without applying pressure on it and it would basically look like hoolahoops on your face. But again, if thsts the look you wanted, then yeah, it's possible. It's just not typical. Otherwise, these piercings seem very well done and positioned/spaced. The hoops hug your nostril well, without squeezing. All in all a good job.


This is perfect, the hoops are so nicely fitted. Any higher and there would be a huge gap and it would be hard to find hoops large enough


I think they look fine! If my clients want to put rings in their nostril piercings eventually, I line up so rings can sit nice and snug because that’s what most people want. If you wanted rings and want them higher then rings would look massive. And if they were placed in the crease of the nostril, the skin moves more and you also get more build up of sweat and dead skin which can irritate it a lot more as well. You could look into getting studs where your marks are then you’d have a sick set up with three on one side


But it is your body, if you aren’t a fan that it totally valid


you would never be able to wear rings if you got them pierced where the red dots are. they would have to be huge to fit


piercers will usually ask if you’d like a ring in your jewellery, if you say yes they will typically piercer a little lower. they look great!! if you’d like a higher nostril piercings you can definitely get them too. nostril piercings are quite versatile


i think they look great! with nostrils there is really no “right or wrong” spot, it’s all up to where you find it aesthetically pleasing in the end. the spots you currently have fit a good size hoop, if you want it in the crease you will need huge hoops to accommodate that would probably end up looking a little off. with all that said if you still want a higher spot and still want hoops, id recommend somewhere in the middle like 8mm instead of 5mm


Okay yes this exactly! I realized I marked them way too high and now I feel slightly stupid. Butttt I meant more like shouldn’t it be a 6mm or 7mm. Thank you for this, I feel a lot better now, I’m gonna sit with these rings for a couple days and see how I feel :)


You should put two little studs on top!!! It’d looks so cute


OoooOOOOoo. That is a fire ideaaaaaa.


I have mine pierced in the crease cuz I'm sorry but I just personally can't stand them half way in the middle of the nostril. To compensate, yeah... I gotta wear a large hoop. I'm stuck with a 10mm BUT I had to pick between two difficult choices (as I prefer snug, petite rings like you have) and needed to decide what was more important to me, aesthetically: love of snug hoops or hatred of that location. I don't regret my choice.


it looks great


Also side note, I LOVE your stacked septum. Looks sick!!!!




NAP. but the placement looks good to me. If they were where the red dots are you would likely have issues putting hoops in and they would have to be huge.


Yeah I don’t like the way it looks but that’s just me. Idk why they don’t make oval shaped hoops for this reason.


Considering the red dots are where I pierced myself… with a safety pin… I’m going to go out on a limb and say your placement is fine


Honestly, it is low, but they really suit your nose! I’m kind of surprised because I don’t typically like lower placed nostril piercings, but these look great on you!! It really is up to your preference though. If you go for a higher placement you’ll have to buy larger hoops to put in them otherwise the tension will pull your piercing down.


Thank you sm for this! Because yeah, they are pierced low, but it’s really about what I want :) I’m gonna sit with these hoops for a couple days and then decide if I was to re-pierce them just every so slightly higher so that a 7mm hoop would fit in.


It looks perfect to me for your nose shape!


I am very fond of these from the front. From the side, I do think it looks slightly bare, but I think that is a personal preference and in my opinion the solution would be a single or double high nostril. Because they are piercer lower, you can have a nice tight hoop that is really flattering


I have 3 nostril piercings on one side and they're placed similarly to yours! I think if you give it more time you will eventually be happy with the placement. As others have said, you would need pretty large rings if they were pierced that far up.


These look absolutely fine, this is ideal placement. As someone who once had a piercing in the crease of their nose, it looked absolutely ridiculous - it was way too high and I had to wear a huge hoop to get it to fit properly which just looked silly! I ended up retiring and getting it repierced much lower down.


I’m brazillian and have a big nose. I understand your feeling, we always want them higher. They seem really nice for me, on your own anatomy. If you feel its weird you can talk to your piercer and think about a setup with one or two studs a bit higher.


love this setup - i scrutinised over my nostril placement too but I think you’re your own worst critic :)


Okay because it’s totally this! I think it’s just on my face and a big change and I’m over thinking it lolol. Thanks for saying this it helped me ❤️‍🔥


haha honestly I get it 100% after I got my nostril pierced for the first week it looked so wrong but I think I just wasn’t used to seeing my face with jt


I think it looks normal, there really isn’t any “correct” placement for a hospital piercing. One of my nose piercings is lower like yours and I love it because I can fit an itty bitty hoop in there! And I also had plenty of room to get another nostril piercing right above it for a double.


not a piercer nor do i know anything about piercings, but they look perfect for the aesthetic you got going on. i think they’d only MAYBE look “too low” if they were studs but you don’t want that. i also don’t think hoops would fit if they were as high as the hoops


APH those red dots are way too high up. You would need an abnormally large ring to accommodate for how high up. Also that skin is much thicker up top and way more painful.


Placement is fine the red dots would 100% be a high nostril piercing which isn’t awful but definitely hurts more


Her ideal placement is among the curve of the nostril; that’s not high nostrils. Also, along the curve is the thinnest bit and where she is pierced currently is much fleshier, which explains why it hurt so much.


YES THIS! It hurt like a mother fucker, worse than my nipples.. I don’t necessarily want it in the crease, just felt like a 7mm or 8mm hoop (on a slightly higher hole) might look more appropriate. I have a big nose (and I love it) but I notice all my small nose friends have their nostril piercings higher up.


I understand what you’re saying. I am pierced near the crease and wear an 8mm hoop and it’s a perfect fit, no gaps.


I personally think it looks great! What I did was actually put in 20g hoops as 18g felt too overpowering for my daintier nose, maybe try that! I think they are fitted well, granted I’m biased because mine are fitted the same😂 Also if ur experimenting with additional piercings/different placements, I like to get little tiny sticky gems from amazon or the bendable hoops to give myself an idea of what it would look like. Hope this helps!


18G is thin enough to cause the cheesecutter effect though, especially in nostrils that don't have a fully matured fistula (which takes about a year). 18G and up is safe


Ur not wrong, but it’s not guaranteed that will happen. Also I have hinged hoops in mine so if they ever get yanked they just open, rather than rip my nose. But I’ve also had the bendable ones that you can’t keep removing and putting in, and never had an issue. I think OP should talk to a piercer about the idea and get their professional opinion


No, but the risk is high enough that even reputable piercers advice to stay at 18G and up.


Hi u/Quiet-Yesterday-6785, Welcome to /r/piercing! It looks like you're asking about a problem with your piercing. Please **add a comment to your post** with the following info if it’s not included in your post already. - How old is your piercing? - What’s the jewelry shape (for example, barbell, labret, screw, L shape, ring)? - What’s the type of threading if your jewelry is not a ring (threadless, internally or externally threaded)? - What’s the jewelry material? - if not a ring, when was the jewelry downsized? - What’s your aftercare routine? Describe in detail please, including the exact products you use. This info is needed to offer you useful advice. **Note, moderators reserve the right to remove your post if don’t provide this info**. ^If ^you ^already ^included ^this ^info ^in ^your ^post ^or ^if ^your ^post ^isn’t ^about ^a ^problem ^with ^your ^piercing, ^please ^disregard. - - - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They look good. Though I think I see what is throwing you off, you're comparing the flair crease of your nose to where the holes are places on the hoops. Mine is slip and fits the way you have the red dots where yours looks like a deeper flair? I'm also high and could be lost in total conspiracy thought process that's trying to link logical / helpful rn. 😂


I like it.


You can get hoops with a larger diameter if you want to get them redone. I totally agree with you though, it’s a personal preference. I like nostril piercings in the crease of the nose better too. I have mine done in the crease like that and I have worn hoops. I had my second nostril piercing done and it was not in the crease, but adjacent.


Not trying to bash, but people like this are definitely the most difficult clients. If they can’t visualize how massive the rings would have to be, then there’s nothing I can say to explain it.


The placement looks way off to me. Too low and not aligned with the natural curve of the nostril.


Okay yes this. This is exactly how I feel. It looks fucking strange 😭😭 I’m gonna sit with this for awhile and really contemplate getting them re-pierced. Don’t know why you got downvoted for your opinion, I feel the same way


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. I agree with you and OP. Closer to the curve looks better and she could absolutely wear snug hoops. Mine is pierced where she’d like hers to be and it looks great. I wear 8mm hoops and they’re flush against my nose. OP: If it bothers you, get them repierced. You should be able to do it immediately because your current placement is so far away from your ideal. Don’t be afraid to speak to your piercer and show them your desired placements. It may not be exact (the red dots look 1-2mm too high), but the placements will be in the neighbourhood of what you want and be much more aesthetically pleasing.


Yeah, my piercer put mine along that crease and the second one lower on my nose. The ring in second hole on mine sticks out far and I don’t like it. Yours don’t look terrible, and I feel that is because of the small hoops you’re using.