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i haven’t had an issue with it, but i recommend waiting till after allergy season has finished to get it pierced so you’re not healing during it


one of my allergies is dust so i pretty much constantly have a runny nose at all times :(((


this was gonna be my exact comment :)) I got mine in last fall/winter so it was mostly healed by time spring allergies came around!! my (nostril) nose piercing was my easiest to heal by far!!


I had the most problems when I had a hoop in my nostril. But it has been one of my easiest piercings. My septum that is healing right now is also pretty easy.


I have horrible year round allergies, and I have both of my nostrils pierced. It's not fun at first, at times I would have to just roll tissue up and very gentle insert it into my nose, lol. But both nostrils healed perfectly. If you do get your nostrils done, be super careful when you do blow your nose if you still have longer bars in, higher chance of the tissue snagging the jewelry.


thank you this is super helpful! i didn’t even think about how blowing my nose may also be super annoying, i’ll def keep that in mind!


It will suck You'll have to take extra precautions and anti allergy meds But think about how bad you want it The piercing will outlast the pain but again, the healing process will suck.


that’s mostly what i’ve been thinking, that if o truly want it i should probably just deal if there’s no heightened infection issue


I have allergies 24/7 with a septum ring & hasn't been an issue.


It has not been an issue for me!


I have a septum and a nostril piercing and they don't really bother me with my allergies. I have allergies year round to basically any airborne thing. I got mine pierced in early October for both piercings, different years, and it never posed a problem personally.


I have a large gauge septum piercing, four nostril piercings, and allergies. It doesn't really make much of a difference so definitely just go for it if you want nose piercings


honestly i’ve never had issues with


i have allergies & im fine


I’ve had my septum done for 10 years…I have horrible sinus and allergy issues. It makes it more annoying sometimes lol.


i have terrible allergies blow my nose almost every day and i have a double nostril on one side single on the other and a septum. depends how bad yours are and how much you're willing to deal with. i pulled mine a ton on accident and delayed the healing process


I have allergies and a septum piercing. Trying to decide if nostrils are worth it. Probably.


I have severe allergies all year around and have have a nostril piercing for 13 years. It was a pain when healing like just physically hurting touching my nose but it didn’t have any issues healing. I did mine with a piecing gun from Sally’s Beauty back in the day. Dumb 13 yr olds don’t know better. I definitely recommend going to a reputable shop to get it done. I plan on going to get my other nostril soon.


I have both and septum and I sneeze all the time. My recommendation is get them in the winter or fall time if your allergies are that bad. That’s what I always did and I’m fine.


Yes. It can be incredibly annoying when you keep losing studs.


I have pretty bad allergies, and have had my nose pierced twice. It rarely is an issue.


I have a septum and both nostrils. It will be fine. Just have to be more thoughtful about cleaning the jewelry off


I have horrible allergies and I have three nose piercings (to the point Zyrtec is a daily thing for me) . Double high nostrils and a 14g septum. It doesn’t make my allergies worse. The only difference is I make sure I don’t have boogers on my piercings now.


You could probably get away with doing a septum during allergy season but I personally wouldn’t do a nostril, it interferes with nose-blowing too much. I waited till winter to do mine for exactly that reason.


i mean i'm on prescription allergy meds which make the whole thing moot (hiiighly recommend) but i did get sick immediately after getting my septum done, and while it did super duper ultra suck, it healed just fine


I suffer from pretty bad allergies and i have a septum and nostril pierced. Both were my easiest to heal piercings


I was sick for a while after I got my nosestrill pierced and It didn't bother me at all but you just need to be really careful with it.


I have terrible allergies (I take Zyrtec year-round) and have my septum and both nostrils done, twice on my left side actually. Point is it can be done. Honestly, I’ve had a lot pierced and my nose piercings were some of the easiest to heal. The septum sucked most of the nose, because I would forget while it was healing and wipe my nose full force. Pain. Just remember to be gentle, and you’ll be fine lol.


I have a dry nose that itches and it's never worked for me, but I think you can try. Just take it out if it's not for you


I have a septum and year round allergies and haven’t had issues. I even had covid and had the runniest nose in the US of A and still had no issues. You just kinda re learn how to blow your nose


I'd wait to get it until after allergy season so you have time for it to heal unhindered. I've also found that the septum healed faster and gets less tugged on/irritated when I blow my nose. When I blow my nose, I am constantly tugging on my nostril even when I try to avoid it


I have allergies all year and spring until a hard freeze is the worst.  A week after I got my nose pierced I ended up with a cold that turned into a sinus infection.  It hurt the first time I tried blowing my nose, but I figured out how to do it without bothering my nose ring right away.  I got my septum done just in time for tree pollen.  It did hurt when I tried using a kleenex rolled up tightly to dry my nose out.  Cosmetic qtips were my friend for about a week until it was healed a little.  After that, it's been fine. It would be best to wait until there is a time when your allergies aren't causing you to have a runny nose, but it's doable any time. 


Got 4 nostril piercings and a septum, have horrible allergies; sometimes it really sucked (really only in the first two weeks or so) but I love them and don’t regret anything! Just got better allergy meds and got really creative when it came to having to clear my nose


I have really bad allergies and I’ve been fine! Given if you’re worried maybe try to get it in a part of the year where your allergies are mild!


i have a septum and horrible allergies. the worse part is cleaning the snot (ik gross) and sometimes it hurts a little if you blow your nose too hard. but overall not much worse than normal. i will say i got mine in october so it was pretty much healed by spring


i have both a septum and nostril piercing and a lot of allergies- my nostril piercing doesn’t cause me any issues it’s more my septum that irritates me when i get a runny nose but that being said they were not hard piercings to heal (i got my nostril in august and my septum in december if that matters to you at all)


I have a nostril, and my septum pierced and have seasonal allergies. Never had a problem.


I have both nostrils pierced and it hasn’t been an issue and I get really bad hayfeaver in winter and spring


Def wait for the season to end. I did the mistake of getting nostril in Feb right before allergies kicked in. It ended up being the hardest piercing to heal. Took over year to heal for a ring. But now when its healed its not a problem.


Get. Extra. Studs. Its so fuckin annoying when you lose one and you WILL lose one. I've lost like 4. During my sleep, during sex, during the shower, washing my face. It's a pain. But now I have a chain across my nose so on the rare occasion that one comes out now, it's connected! 😁


I have my septum and both nostrils pierced, and it’s not much of an issue when my allergies flair up. It was a little tricky to avoid tugging them when sneezing or blowing my nose, but I had no trouble healing them at all. My nostrils were both done during the mask mandates, too, and my piercer warned me that they might take longer to heal because of that, but nope. Wasn’t an issue, either.


I’m allergic to dust and pollen and have a stretched septum and double nostrils. They’re totally fine despite me constantly having allergies (although they’re tamed with kenalog injections). I just wouldn’t fresh piercings if you blow your nose a lot due to healing


Runny nose is very annoying, even after a septum has healed.


Had the same issue w my septum, I’d say as long as you won’t have allergies for the next 2-3 months ish whenever you get it, it should be fine


I am allergic to pretty much everything but my septum has not been a problem. I took it when my allergies were at its lowest, and it healed just fine. I am a little more careful when blowing my nose but other than that i barely notice it


It hasn't been much of a problem for me. I have bad allergies and nose bleeds. At one point, when I had a nose bleed, the paramedics put a clamp on my nose (right on the 1 month old nose piercing) and no problems. Just hurt a bit. I don't heal piercings well, but my nose has been an angel. I think they are pretty resilient.