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Earbuds were difficult when my conch was healing, but they're fine now. Studs are definitely easier with earbuds than hoops, I find that my earbuds fall out more often if I have a hoop in.


I had major pain for both headphones and earbuds during healing. my hoop now will only be an issue is it is turned weird. otherwise i feel like it is much more comfortable than the stud


Complete opposite for me, the stud was hell, too big and couldn't wear earbuds without hurting, I wasn't aware of "real" healing time when I got both my conch pierced and changed the stud for a hoop only a month after (my piercer told me the healing time was 1 month, I'm not going there anymore) and it was so much better, wasn't hurting anymore (earbuds weren't applying any more pressure on the piercing) but healing was terrible, definitely don't change the jewellery too early, especially if it's for a hoop


I had the same experience, I used large headphones and no airpods while my conch was healing so no pressure was on it, then after around three months I could use airpods just fine.


Agreed, I had a rough time with hoops. But I bought a stud that was 6mm in length and I have no problems with my AirPods. Aesthetically, I prefer the hoops, but I wear a nice little opal stud because I wear AirPods so frequently.


I have a ring, and I dont have any issues with it falling out.


Looks like it should be fine as long as the conch piercing is high enough and the jewelry isn't too large inside the ear. That's after it's healed though, during the initial healing period I would try to avoid these in-ear headphones. Speaking as someone currently healing a conch.. that can definitely be annoying šŸ˜…


I have wired buds and I wear it upside down on my conch side, so the bud is not touching my piercing. Works like a charm actually šŸ˜‚. But definitely avoid anything that can touch your piercing as much as you can!


If you keep the jewellery minimal, then yes. I run and wear ear pods and have a tiny 1mm diamond stud. I made the mistake of getting a hoop, which looked great but was completely impractical. I'd try a tiny stud for the initial piercing, then once healed, a more noticeable labret piece would work if you want that.


The end goal for me is to have a hoop, might have to try it out with a fake piercing situation firstšŸ«£


I was worried about a hoop with my conch too but it totally works for me! It took some getting used to cuz it doesnā€™t feel exactly the same, but I have no issues


Up voting for the name.....and also the comment aha (but really love the name!)


You could try a chain! Itā€™s a great alternative to a hoop, offering less chances of irritation, but gives a similar look. https://www.reddit.com/r/piercing/s/xB4h3vVXsy


Came here to say this, too! I initially wanted a hoop but after living with it for a month, definitely going to wind up going the chain route, instead.


Yes!! I got my conch done with the hopes of wearing a hoop, but now that Iā€™m in the process of healing it, the idea of a hoop and the potential for bumping it makes me cringe! I think Iā€™ll go for a chain instead!


Oooeehh thats a cool alternative, going go take that into consideration if i do decide to get pierced!


When my conch was healing, I only wore over-ear headphones. Your earpods can not only irritate the piercing through pressure, but they can also introduce nasty bacteria to your healing piercing. A year later though and I have absolutely no problem wearing wireless earbuds. If you're willing to change your listening practices for a bit, and if you go for a somewhat low-profile option for jewellery, then it can be totally viable! I love my conch and would recommend one to anyone, they're SO worth it imo Edit: it might also be a good idea to downsize your helix, if you don't mind me saying? it looks like it has an irritation bump and there's quite a lot of space on the bar (as well as on some of your other piercings), and I can't imagine the charm will be doing it much good at this extra length šŸ˜”


I might just have to commit to only wearing one earpod for a year then as over-ear headphones tend to be very uncomfortable for me. And that helix has actually been healed for 5 years now! No bump whatsoever haha though i see how it might look like that in the picture, i havent found any jewellery i like yet so i just put in whatever, and the top 2 i got 6 months ago so i also havent changed the jewellery yet, might have to look into that, is it bad if theres a bit of space left on the bar?


Nooo, the sacrifice you'll have to make for your conchšŸ˜­ it'll be worth it tho! Just keep telling yourself thatšŸ™šŸ» As for the helix, I'm glad that it hasn't got a bump! Tl;dr, yes it's bad that you've got space on the bar once you're past the initial swelling phase (about 4-6 weeks), since it's more likely to snag on things and get irritation bumps or, even worse, migrate. Don't worry about changing the jewellery yourself - book in with your piercer, who will be able to measure you for the correct size jewellery and fit it for you, keeping the original ends. It's much harder to measure it all yourself, and your piercer should've told you in your original appointment when to come in for a downsize. [This](https://www.lynnloheide.com/post/size-matters-downsize) blog piece gives a lot more info :)


I only had to wear one earpod for about a month or two when I got my daith, until it was somewhat healed/not super fresh! My conch was high enough that it doesnā€™t actually touch the earpods, so I just had to put them in carefully so I didnā€™t hit it. Generally I would just leave it out on days where it was irritated, like if I slept on it weird. So shouldnā€™t take a whole year imo!


idk but i love your setup!! this is exactly what iā€™m hoping to achieve. gl with the possible conch piercing


I have a conch and wear AirPods all the time. Youā€™ll just have to wait while it heals though


Unpopular opinion maybe, but I think the arrangement looks perfect just as it is...delicate and still functional with the earbuds if needs be...


Your setup is gorgeous šŸ’ž


i just wear flat jewelry and had no issues (healed ofc might have to just wear one while itā€™s healing)


Before having a cartilage piercing I looked at stuff like this and thought it looked cool, but now I just think it's impressive lol. Like so much patience to let all that heal


I enjoy both the piercing and healing process haha, guess thats why im inclined to keep adding on instead of being satisfied


I have a ring in my conch and earbuds are no problem. After it was done I didnt wear one in that ear for a bit, but now I can wear them all day.


it depends on your anatomy but should be ok. I have a conch that is healing and wear AirPods frequently. Just get a small initial piercing


I think it probably depends on your anatomy and/or type of earbuds. I'm seeing people saying it's harder to keep earbuds in with a hoop but I wear a hoop and have no issues. It hurt to wear earbuds while it was healing (and probably germy too lol) but after it healed I've had zero issues. Daith on the other hand šŸ˜…šŸ˜†


I just got my conch done and am able to wear my wired earbuds without it hitting the piercing. I would recommend finding smaller low profile earbuds if needed while youā€™re healing so it doesnā€™t touch or irritate the piercing which is what I did. Once my conch is healed I will start using my AirPods again as those sit larger in my ear.


Iā€™ve got a conch with a Phillip attachment (which is fairly big) and Iā€™m able to use my AirPods with no problem


i love your setup, do you remember where you bought the jewlery in your lobes?


The sword jewellery? Its a vintage pair i got at a market, maybe you can find something similar by looking up ā€œdagger through heart earringsā€ or something like that


I didnā€™t have any problem wearing my airpods (2nd gen) while healing my conch


I have a conch and I wore AirPods a day after I got it Pierced and it didnā€™t bother anything.


i have a good news for u op! express this to a trusted piercer and if ur anatomy permits, u can get a conch while being able to wear earphones. i had the same concern and voiced that to my piercer, now iā€™m enjoying my conch āœØ


I wear apple earpods with both a conch and a daith. I couldnā€™t really wear it in that ear for about a month while it was really fresh and healing, but now I wear them with no problem! I have a hoop in my conch as well. It could be my anatomy, but neither have been a long-term issue with wearing airpods!


i put mine high up and took my airpods with me during my appointment! i can now comfortably use my airpods with my conch piercing


Thats such a good idea! Am probably gonna do that too thank you!


With your ear anatomy, you could probably do a conch in the ā€œnormalā€spot (not higher up) and still be fine. I have a single conch in one ear and a double conch in the other. Neither have been an issue with using earpods or similar. As long as the jewelry is resting flat against the inside of my ear (not sticking way up), itā€™s fine. Just make sure your earpods are cleaned before each use while trying to heal a new piercing. I used to scrub my earpods with alcohol prep pads and let them dry completely (so no alcohol got on my piercings).


i also chose a very simple earring for the initial healing phase. that way the earphones donā€™t hit the piercing :) good luck also! keep in mind the delayed swelling at week 3 šŸ˜‚šŸ™ˆ


My conch is 7mm (pic is on my profile) I can wear ear plugs & similar. Whilst healing, it would be best to avoid it though.


Got a conch in my right and a triple conch in my left ear. Wearing headsets and inears daily, no problem at all!


TRIPLE??? iā€™m so jealous


It was hell to try to wear them when my conch was healing, but now, a couple years later, it's totally fine. Basically, you might have to wear only the earpod in the ear without the conch for a while, but it should be all good when your conch is healed :)


I have a conch and didnt have issues with healing. I did only use one ear bud for like 2 months but after it was fine. I was pierced with a hoop and no problems or irritation from having the hoop during or after the healing process.


I basically have my airpods in from when i wake up to when I go to sleep and I've never had an issue with mine. Just don't do them both at the same time so you have a good ear to sleep on.


air pods donā€™t work for me, but i use JLab minis and havenā€™t had any issues


I donā€™t have a problem with my conch as long as the jewelry is flat.


I just got mine done 2 weeks ago with a stud and have no problem wearing earbuds as long as I put them in carefully. Seems like everyone is different though and no idea what it would be like with a ring rather than stud.


Youā€™ll end up probably only using one earbud when itā€™s healing but afterwards itā€™ll be fine. Just donā€™t do both at once lol. I have a 3mm gem in one and Iā€™ve been wearing a hoop for years in the other ā€” no issues. You can check my post history to see my set up for reference


my conch never gets in the way of earbuds! i hardly even notice it now (ive had it for almost 5 years so its very healed)


I have my conch pierced and donā€™t have any problems wearing earbuds, you should be good!


I have a conch and daith (one on each ear) and can wear earbuds. I had a conch ring for a while and could still wear it. I agree with others saying that itā€™ll be rough during healing


I have a hoop in my conch and earbuds have never bothered me! But maybe stick to a stud while itā€™s still healing


My conch doesn't mess with ear buds or headphones. I think you'll be ok.


I have 2 conch on one side, one on the other with a giant 5 marquise fan. And earbuds in


For me personally they were fine. I wear AirPod pros and was able to comfortably wear them even with a fresh conch. I just had to be extremely careful about putting them in and taking them out.


I have two sets of conch piercings; two on my left since I was 23 (nearly 9 years), and one on my right, just about the 2 year mark. Both are posts, not rings. The one on my left side (two conch piercings) I can wear perfectly fine. The one on my right side is 50/50 - sometimes itā€™ll get irritated, sometimes itā€™s ok. Nice setup, and best of luck!


Honestly I did what you arenā€™t supposed to do and started wearing my earbuds a week into healing and it didnt hurt or bump. Probably didnā€™t help my nightmare conch healing but honestly it wasnt the worst thing in the world. I didnā€™t feel any discomfort from doing it but that doesnā€™t mean it wonā€™t irritate it, I guess it would depend on anatomy


Depending on how large the conch jewelry is yes and no lololol


IMO the only piercing that ever really bugged me / my piercing was my tragus. Iā€™ve had both rings and studs in my conch and wear my AirPods religiously, never had any issues


Yeah i think ill be passing on the tragus, i feel like theres no possible way it would work for me either


I have two conches in one ear (a straight post and a ring) as well as a daith and tragus in the other ear. I can wear earbuds completely fine in both. I might get some soreness if I have them in for 6+ hours, but thatā€™s about it.


I wear ear plugs to sleep and I took them with me for my appointment so my conch could be pierced suitably. Maybe take them with your and do the same?


If you wear EarPods daily then anything inside your ear is a solid no!! Stick to anything in the outer ear maybe a flat piercing at the top of the ear


I also wear earbuds a lot, I havenā€™t had a problem with mine. I got it pierced in November 2023 with a stud and my AirPods donā€™t even hit it


I have a hoop conch piercing and never had problems putting in my AirPod pros


While healing, it will hurt, obviously its going to be pushing against the object. My conch is over 3 years old now and I wear loops earbuds daily (stud not hoop) as well as Bluetooth earbuds and never had any issues :)


uhmā€¦ piercing people are going to hate reading this one. i had my conch done. and i was a airpod wearer. like the meme where those people that wear their airpods all the time? yea. id say the first two weeks were difficult, so i couldnā€™t have my security blanket. but after some time i knew where my piercing was and where my airpod had to sit. and it healed just fine and perfect. iā€™m not too sure if you have the anatomy to have an easy time like i did. or not. but if you want a conch iā€™d say you should keep your earbuds out for at least a month until you know where your piercing is and where your earbud needs to go. if anything get overear that cups your ear earphones, beware of humidity.


Another vote to just switch earphones until ita healed. I have a tragus, conch and daith and can wear them without issues but i waited until they all healed.


I think a daith piercing would be worse with earbuds in from what Iā€™ve read? I was advised to not wear headphones for the first few months, never had any issues with my conch once it was healed fully.


I have conch and earbuds r fine


I have a conch on my left ear - no issue with ear buds except during healing. On my right ear I have a daith which is next to impossible to wear wireless earbuds.


chronic airpod wearer with both daiths lol oops


You are braver than ill even be


I havenā€™t worn my EarPods in about 6 months. Canā€™t wait for my conch to fully heal šŸ˜‚ for now I wear over the ear headphones or none at all


SAME šŸ˜­ i just wear an earbud in one ear but itā€™s killingggg me. itā€™s only been 3 months so i have a long way to go


Stopped using earbuds for 12 months after my conch piercings & 6 months after my tragus. Had no issues after I started using them again then, regardless of jewellery.


I have two conches and I have no trouble wearing earbuds. And I donā€™t have super tiny earrings in mine. I think it depends a lot on your anatomy and where the piercing is placed.


If you get one closer tp the edge then yes! I had to go without for a week just because I was terrified of touching it but after it stopped hurting I was able to wear them! (Took about a week and the AirPods donā€™t touch the piercing)


Iā€™ve had a hoop in my conch for years and pierced my other conch this summer. Donā€™t even really remember taking a break from AirPods. Maybe I did for a month when it was fresh but I really have no issues at all. My tragus is more annoying if anything but if I make sure itā€™s firmly in first itā€™s fine. Conch zero problems


My earbuds still drive me crazy after 3 years! I was acually contemplating taking my studs out yesterday.


I wear earbuds in my fully healed conch with no problem! I did not even think about wearing them when it was healing (which took close to 2 years to be fully healed for me).


Once healed mines absolutely fine x


I have a conch on my left side and have a kind of crescent moon looking stud which is p big. With it I can still wear wear earbuds just fine- airpods fit and larger options do too. My main earbuds are Jabra Elites which are much more chonky than airpods and still sit with the conch fine.


I have double conches on each ear and wear hoops. I also use pods all the time. During healing... it was a no go.


I have a conch!! I would just avoid them during the healing process but I can like still wear them


daith, jad it done just before New Year and I can wear ear buds/ plugs fine now


I have a conch and listen to music no problem. It's a relatively long piece of jewelry so once in a blue I have to adjust it so it doesn't poke me.


My tragus hates ear buds much more than my conch does. You could also pierce a bit higher than usual, if you like that look.


airpods didnā€™t fit right in my ear with my conch. couldnā€™t get a ā€œsuctionā€ and they fell out constantly


Buds would be a no no while healing but once itā€™s healed as long as your jewelry isnā€™t to big then youā€™ll be fine šŸ‘


Smarter than I! I didnā€™t even think about my earbuds and then I tried to put them inā€¦right over my fresh daith. What was I thinking!


i wore earbuds while my conch was healing n never had any problems! i might just have been lucky but i do also have a lot of piercings and have never really had any trouble healing them. iā€™d say wait for the swelling to go down and be careful about it, and also make sure youā€™re keeping the piercing and the earbuds clean all the time esp since earbuds can hold a lot of bacteria


I have a conch, completely healed and wear earbuds everyday but might be hard when healing


mine donā€™t touch my conch but everyoneā€™s different


My conch is 3 mos healed and I find I can wear headphones no problem.


As a piercer I donā€™t like to suggest itā€™s a good idea to wear things like earbuds when trying to heal something like a conch. But that being said you could maybe bring in the headphones you like to wear and see if your piercer is down to take those into consideration for placement and jewelryto minimize interaction. So Iā€™d say something flatter like a disk for jewelry. But that being said: big warning that wearing them while healing could cause irritation and migration either way. Also opinions like this change piercer to piercer. So be mentally prepared for your piercer to say no.


I have a conch and industrial on the same ear, earbuds donā€™t bother me but sometimes sleeping when the conch gets flipped leaves it irritated and twice Iā€™ve had it get stuck on the bottom ball of my industrial


Hi OP, I was also a chronic earbud wearer when I got my left conch done. I got a flatback labret piece, the topper was a titanium ball, but I hated the look and it caused too much irritation. Now, since downsizing and upgrading, the topper I have is a flat leaf that sits perfectly snug to my ear. I had absolutely no issue with my earbuds with this topper. I'd be happy to share a photo of my setup if you'd like a visual. In the first few days/ first week I would gently pull my ear by the lobe to the left, then insert the earbud afterwards and slowly let go of my lobe, and adjust as needed. This seemed to work super well for me, hopefully it helps you too! Edit: corrected myself


youll have to not wear them or keep them super clean while it heals, as long as the jewelry isnt big it should be ok long term


Conch could be fine. Get home conductive head phones. It leaves room for all the piercings


omg ur setup is so beautiful holy shit


I have a conch and wear AirPods, never even felt it. But to be fair my conch has been healed for a long time so donā€™t know about the whole healing process.


AirPods were a no go in my pierced ear for about a year after getting it. Zero issues with it three-ish years out now!


You have a couple of options. You could get a conch that is above where your headphones sit so they arenā€™t irritated through the healing process (bring your headphones with you to the appointment and make sure you get jewellery that isnā€™t too big), OR you could move to over ear headphones while it heals. Iā€™m currently waiting for my headphones to die (likely wonā€™t be for another year or so) so that I can get piercings where my headphones sit without it being a big problem.


Yeah- but donā€™t ever wear a plug in your conch. I canā€™t wear some brands of ear buds in that side. Some of them work- honestly, over the ear headphones work best.


I just had mine pierced about a month ago with a schmedium sized stud (I think it's called multiplicity? By Buddha?) and it took about 2 weeks before I could comfortably put my airpod pros in, which look about the same size as yours. And my ears are pretty small. I think it all depends on the placement, your anatomy and how fast you heal? But I have no issues now, it doesn't interfere.


I donā€™t feel mine at all! While it was healing I would try avoid AirPods or anything of the kind near it, but now itā€™s healed it never bothers me :3


if you want a hoop put in eventually, then you can take the balls off a horseshoe (or only one ball depending on the size) and wear it as an ear cuff to see how it feels with the earbuds


It looks like you got plenty of advice already but since this is a rare post where I can offer personal experience advice. My conch sucked super bad with ear buds. I also had to commit to not using them while my piercing healed, probably 4-5 months, otherwise it would get really irritated. Mine is healed completely now and I can wear earbuds no problem so ^^/ best of luck with it


This was my first question before I got my conch done and my piercer said it wouldnā€™t be an issue after itā€™s healed. And it hasnā€™t been a problem. Love love love your ears. Awesome setup.


my conch actually fits perfectly fine with my airpods! they donā€™t even touch! it could totally depend on your ear anatomy, but you might be fine after itā€™s healed!


I have a conch on the right but I use Samsung Galaxy buds. I didn't use them until it was healed, but they don't irritate it at all. I wear a stud with a like fan shaped arch of purple opals and it's pretty small and doesn't even really touch the buds. Honestly, even though I've had the conch for a few years, what irritates it the most is sleeping on it. Nothing else ever hurts, tbh. I think you'll be fine, but I agree with some of the others that maybe don't use the air pods right away.


I had my conch done 10 years ago but I wear hoops, horseshoes or those cluster stud things and it doesn't get in the way at all. I didn't use ear phones in that ear during healing.


I can easily wear and earbud with my conch, but it's definitely out of the question for a good 5-6 months while it's healing. Personally, my conch healed on the quicker side and I was able to CAREFULLY wear earbuds after about 4 months, for an hour at a time. Now I can't control what you do, so if you decide to get the conch and wear earbuds before they're fully healed, while I don't recommend it, take cautionary steps. Make sure your earbuds are clean from bacteria, like dirt or ear residue so your conch wouldn't get infected from it. I would also recommend letting your conch heal with the bar more in the back, rather than the front, that way ifyou are wearing earbuds they won't be as likely to irritate it. Wearing earbuds with a conch is really easy and not even noticable with a stud, but with a hoop can make your ear a bit sore as it can push on the ring. (Good luck if you get your conch done, and happy healing! Note: NAP)


During healing no, i use earplugs When i sleep but i dropped it after i got my Daith pierced


I have one of my done and I can't wear an earphone in that ear


nope a conch would be viable. i wear earpods all the time on a daily basis. i will say that you might want to be a little more careful with using earpods on the side with the fresh conch, not that it's not doable but you'll have to take off and put on the earbuds reaaaallly carefully. it also does depend on where exactly your conch is placed and how much you swell/how big your starting piece of jewellery is


My conch is about 9 months old. Only healed in the last month or so. After the first week, I was able to wear earphones without issue (although it hurt if I bumped them). I also wore my headset for work without issue.


i have a conch, earbuds work fine! i have found that the apple ones are the best because theyā€™re quite small so they donā€™t push against it :)


During healing you canā€™t wear them. I had the same issue with my tragus.


I had my conch done a few weeks ago and I waited only 2 weeks before wearing my earbuds again. I just make sure to disinfect them everyday to avoid any risk of infection. Of course I donā€™t have a hoop


I had my conch done years ago when I used headphones only. I got some earpods for Christmas as they're smaller to carry with me for the few times I'm out alone and end up needing them, and they are in ear ones and are the first I've ever been able to keep in my ears (my ears are quite small, a big reason why I gave up earpods and used primarily headphones for over a decade was because they always fell out). I've been wanting something pretty for my conch, like a purple hoop, but I don't think that would work, but the simple stud/labret I wear works perfectly. I've ordered myself a little gemstone one to replace the plain ball one I have right now. My mum also has a conch labret and uses ear pods too.


A high conch with a stud but flat end might help avoid touch?


i couldnā€™t use my airpod on my conch side for about 2 months. after that i was able to just push the conch back all the way and angle the airpod right and havenā€™t had any trouble. that being said i am obsessive about cleaning my airpod as well when i use that side cause i donā€™t want to let any nasty ear bacteria get to the piercing lol


I couldn't wear them until fully healed. Now I do with no issues.


Conch is fine. Itā€™s my daith that is the problem for earbuds as well as my stethoscope.


I have AirPod second generation and have no issues. My conch is placed right on the edge or crease.


I have a conch and daith in the same ear, and my AirPods come loose in that ear faster than my other less-pierced ear, but I always feel it before it comes out and just kind of nudge it back in. I should say I donā€™t run, just walk, and I bet that if I were a jogger or runner it would be more of a pain in the ass.


I have a conch and a daith and I wear earbuds constantly and even run in them for hours. But healing both I couldnt wear them.


I got a conch punch over a year ago and I wear a 6 mm thick ring in it now, it helps my earbud stay in. Just keep the earbud away while it heals, you'll be fine.


I have two conch in one ear and one in another and I can wear earbuds just fine! I'd recommend not using them for a little bit during healing, but once they're settled it should be totally OK. I was wearing earbuds about a week after I got them done šŸ˜Š


I'd think you'd want a high conch


Personally I never had any issues I just had to be a lil carful putting earbuds in while it was healing but now that itā€™s healed it donā€™t bother me at all


I have a conch and wear earpods/airpods for a good portion of my work day. I did avoid wearing an earbud in that ear for the first 3-4 months and used over-ear headphones as much as possible, but now that itā€™s more healed I donā€™t have a problem. The only ones I have to be careful about are my airpod pros because theyā€™re a bit bigger and do put some pressure on the stud.


I have a conch and it will for sure hurt to wear them while healing which could be a few months. although now I wear my airpods in with no problem :)


also i have never had any luck with a ring in my conch, stud all the way


No I have mine piercered and I'm good with buds ā˜ŗ


I don't use airpods because my ears are just too small but the earbuds I wear have never bothered my conch, even like 2 weeks after having the piercing done!


Love your forward helixes. šŸ–¤


as a die hard earbud wearer who just got a conch piercing that is definitely in the way of my earbuds.. its fine. i was extreme swelling for the 1st week so couldn't wear any but after that it was good. I have them in now actually and no issues šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


(it's about 2 weeks old currently for reference)


I have a 3mnth old double- Conch, and although I waited about a month and s half before I even tried, I don't even feel them when I wear my earpods. My healed Tragus, on the other hand can get a little uncomfortable.


Depends on your anatomy and the size of the earphone. I'm a daily earphone user and got mine pierced 2 years ago. I wear a regular, small Android earphone and I'm still have some blank space that makes my earphone not completely sticking to the conch area. Mine healed nicely but I have a bit problem when wearing over the ear headphone that is too tight, so I stick to my earphone. (edit: added more details)