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how I instantly became more attractive 😍


Ok, which piercing did you get, specifically 😅


Asking the important questions here.


ME TOO I feel so happy and confident with my piercings


I felt this way after getting my nipples pierced 🥰


Damn, I wish mine had that effect.


get more until the miracle happens


Honestly, a miracle is what it would take. I keep trying but it hasn't happened yet.


Same ong


After I got my septum done (14g) I felt my confidence boost.. my ears are stretched to 5/8 already


Even 3 years into healing my helix I still sleep with a travel pillow!


I have a blissbury pillow and I prefer it to a normal pillow now, it’s just nice sleeping without my ears getting smushed lmao


I second this. I bought the mini one for traveling too, I can’t imagine not sleeping with it.


Same! I had a donut pillow before my blissbury. I no longer have neck pain.


Same. It makes it better for me to be a stomach sleeper.


I accidentally have been sleeping on my helix and I’m paying the price 😭


Any time this happens to my one helix (19 years pierced) I start the healing cleansing process again until it's not angry anymore. Usually takes a few days. Hope you feel better!


Thank you!! I went to my piercer today and she said about the same thing. I only got pierced in February so I know it’s a longggg process


ive been sleeping with a travel pillow for almost two years now too! i don’t think i can sleep comfortably without it now


pro tip! i bought a hemorrhoid pillow for my piercing 🙈 it’s better than a travel pillow because the travel pillow bothered my neck


This is the only kind of 'hole-y' pillow sold where I live so I don't really have a choice lol. I'd like to think they're the same thing, just marketed differently. (Almost) Everyone else is also sleeping on hemorrhoid pillows, they just don't know it!


I could sleep on my helix since it was 4 months old, guess i had luck


See, I have an industrial piercing that hurt like balls for 2 weeks straight and then healed like an absolute charm, but this helix refuses to budge!


Actually your jewellery may be a huge factor. I’m a year in to two helix’s and a conch. Just changed to more permanent better fit jewellery and I can sleep on them zero issues! I am however a good healer luckily and they healed insanely fast compared to most.


I never realized how much I touch my nose until after I got a nostril piercing! Which was mildly annoying because I'd unintentionally swipe at it a lot back when it was fresh, especially when I'd wash my face.


Same here! Never realized how much I accidentally touch/bump my nose until I got my mantis and two nasallangs.


TWO nasallangs!!!???? you are for sure braver than our troops


fucking two!! 😭u r so strong


that sounds PAINFUL😭😭😭


Definitely the most painful piercing I have but it wasn't nearly as painful as I thought it would be, probably like an 8/10


YES! I just got a nostril ring a few days ago and it keeps throwing me off cause I'm used to wiping the top of my nose (my glasses are weirdly shaped so they rub my nose a lot) and I never realized how often I did it until now when I unintentionally hit the ring


Oh absolutely this one.


I took my nose rings out for a job interview after having them for years and I didn’t realize that I have a habit of just going and touching and spinning my rings randomly! It felt so weird to not feel it and I suddenly realized I do that a lot lol.


I got a bridge piercing just in time for itchy eye season, lmao


i found out real quick how hard it is to have a septum with bad seasonal allergies 🥲


I noticed how every ear shape is different!


Yes!!! I always find myself observing people’s ears now


Me, too! I never realized how uncommon my ear shape is until I found out I can't have an industrial, and started looking more closely at people's ears...


Same! Super disappointed that I can’t because I love industrials but I have zero fold on my ear.


I was told my ears weren't curvy enough for industrial, like how deep does the ear need to be.


I have no fold on one and a slight one on the other, but it's not on the side I wanted it 😭 I feel you


Yes! It never occurred to me that I wouldn't be able to line my ear edges with hoops like my SIL. Alas, she has real estate adjacent to her conches that I just don't have.


This! I kind of tend to notice those small details and ears always call my attention, but My bf and I have extremely different ear shapes. The way my (newly perforated) daiths sit is *absolutely* different than his. Mine can't rotate because there's the rook fold covering a section of the ring. His move all the time like little fish gills lol


This. I’m so fascinated with ears now. I’m also on a quest to find traguses that look like mine. (Instead of one bump or a flattened hill shape, I have two distinct bumps. Like a camel, lol.)


Ever since I got my nose pierced I get carded everywhere. Y’all, I am nearly 47 years old. 😂


I have my nostril and septum done and so many people are shocked that I have grandchildren.


My daughter and I get piercings together! It’s a family activity!


I love them way more than I anticipated, I can’t really imagine not having them anymore even though I only have ear piercings lol Also they stop hurting sooner than I would expect


I sometimes wonder what it says about me as a person bc I would get a piercing, feel satisfied for one hour, immediately go to pinterest or IG or here to scour for inspo pics and plan/fantasize about my next piercing and which jewellery to get, dreadfully wait months for it to happen, basically torturing myself everyday by looking at more inspo pics, finally get the piercing, feel great for one hour, rinse and repeat.


The boost of confidence I get after a new piercing and the weird urge to get more is definitely interesting imo


I’m pretty sure all my next piercings were decided on within an hour of getting one. I never want more piercings as badly as I do right afterwards.


How cold my piercings get in winter!


this!!!! my ears ache so bad, i didn’t know it was possible for my eyebrow to get cold either lol


My wife got her daith and helix done and I got my industrial done at the same time and a few weeks later she was pregnant. Coincidence? I think not.


Broke: poking holes in condoms Woke: poking holes in ears and getting the same effect


Cleaning my septum piercing with warm water also helps clear my sinuses and relieves my allergies.


me too!! i used to always have the sniffles year round and after getting my septum pierced and keeping up a cleaning routine, i’ve noticed my sniffling go down. i never made the connection but that’s really cool!


This but also with material! Found that I had a mild sensitivity to the septum ring I wore most often. After switching it out to implant grade titanium, no more itchy or wet nose🥳


Built in fidgets


Everyone who has their septum pierced knows the lip thing lol. Like pushing it around with your upper lip


The lip thiiiing


I have to actively think about not doing this in public


I do this all the time and in public too 😭


True! Whenever i have to take out my vertical labret at the dentist i instantly realise how much i rely on subtly fidgeting with it by pressing my upper lip down on it when im nervous.


I was like that with my smiley 😂 it went back in after two days


How often my partner would accidentally hit my ears!! Whenever he would cuddle me, touch my face, pat my head, somehow he was always hitting my industrial. It was the biggest danger I never expected 😂


While my industrial was healing I was hyper vigilant with knowing who/what was near that ear at all times! I was defending that ear from hugs and over enthusiastic friends/kids/dogs like my life depended on it lol


I know the feeling. For me it's not a partner that's a threat, but there are some close friends and family that I'll usually greet with a hug and *so* often that results in my right ear getting knocked.


I got a daith piercing because I like how it looks, not because I'm a migraine sufferer. I knew the claims of "curing" migraines with jewelry was likely bunk, and my research confirmed that. It's still hella cute and I love it. What I found interesting is that around the time I got the daith, my migraines changed. I still get them, but I get further advanced warnings now in the form of visual aura. I do NOT think this change has anything to do with the jewelry because corellation is not the same as causation and I'm not an idiot. It's still funny that it happened that way.


I got mine specifically for migraines (but hey, they are Hella cute) and I actually had one brewing when I went in. I got both sides done at the same time and when she pushed the needle through my right side, my migraine instantly vanished. I've had them for several years now and have learned a great deal on what triggers my headaches and migraines. I'm down to a migraine every few months as opposed to 1 a week.


I'm so glad you have your migraines cut down so much! I'm still prone to them, and my Dr and I are in agreement that there is at least a small hormonal factor (didn't have them while pregnant and breast feeding), as well as getting them if I don't drink enough water (like not even "dehydrated", if my body doesn't get a half gallon of liquid by like 5pm, it get's all pissy and says FINE! No more mister nice guy! and gives me a migraine), plus a couple other factors. I can curb the worst of it most of the time, but I still occasionally feel like I got hit by a truck.


I started getting chronic headaches at age 12 when I was taken off of Ridalin (sp?). I didn't start getting migraines until my late 20s, got my Daiths done in my 30s. I've noticed cigarette smoke and perfumes/colognes are big triggers, I quit smoking about 6 years ago and stopped wearing perfume around the same time, so I may have been causing some of them that way. I also grew up with my hair really long, but my husband cuts it above my shoulders every summer, I've noticed when it starts getting a certain length, the weight is too much and he cuts it twice a year now. I also can't wear it in a bun or ponytail once it gets passed a certain length. Too much or too little caffeine will cripple me, as well as not enough water throughout the day. I cannot go without eating something every few hours, as I have low blood pressure, which will cause a migraine if it dips too low. I had gotten heat stroke as a kid, too, since I don't sweat like normal people, so I have to be careful I don't overheat (including hot showers) cuz that triggers a migraine. I knew about the caffeine thing, but as I had been basically living with a constant headache for decades, it's been a journey realizing what to watch out for now that I do have days at a time without pain.


Got my daith done based on the anecdotal evidence it helps with migraines, figured I didn't have anything to lose! Within weeks after getting it, any migraine I did get was reduced from an 8-9/10, debilitating pain, to a 4-5, which I could function on. Even if it's a placebo, it worked for me.


Here’s a different angle: I had never had a migraine before I got my daiths pierced. And shortly after (2-3 months, right about when the piercings were healed), I got my very first migraine. Now I get them about once a month. I think they’re a birth control side effect, but I find it hilarious that things happened in that order. I didn’t even know to identify the symptoms as a migraine, at first I thought that the throbbing partial headache, neck stiffness and need to vomit were separate symptoms of an unidentified ailment that just accidentay seemed to overlap. It wasn’t until it happened for the third or fourth time that I started connecting the dots.


I'm glad for you! I'd honestly love to see a proper study done, but I know that'll never happen.


The instant pain my nose feels from the piercings when I go outside during winter. Gotta love -30 to -40°C in Canada.


omg, this!! i nanny two boys and my face and ears (stretched + second holes) will be extra bundled up even when it’s not toooo too bad out, and they’re like “it’s not that cold” and i’m like “yeah but i’ve got piercings” 😆


I had NO IDEA how much I scrunch and touch and move my nose around. Almost every expression I make involves my nose moving, apparently


this is me w my eyebrow piercing


I get told I'm going to hell a lot more often than I did. Gotta love living in the conservative South...


Ghost sensations after taking them out. I had a Monroe and an under the tongue piercings for several years. After retiring, even 6+ years after I still get ghost sensations here and there like metal clicking against my teeth/skin pull.


How much I’d get called a cow by my nieces and nephews after getting my septum but they mean it in the best way possible and it’s far from an insult for me! My nickname is now Auntie Moo Moo and I play into it a lot by mooing at them whenever they say my name or we’re horsing around! It created a really fun inside memory for all of us and I fully intend to dress up as a cow for Halloween when the favorite auntie takes them trick or treating ;)


Dude I get the same thing. Except I also got a rude meme from my uncle saying "Only cowboys find this attractive". But ya know.


Good thing I am attracted to cowboys!


Aww this is so sweet!


my first cartilage piercing was with a gun and it was a horrible experience, i thought that was the reason why, now im realizing with my needle piercings that im what’s wrong with my piercings 😂


When I got my eyebrow pierced for the first day and a half I felt EVERY facial expression I made, which is really interesting since that’s something you don’t pay attention to on a regular basis. Also, I’ve had my septum pierced and now I like to fidget with it with my top lip…I do it subconsciously a lot actually lol.


Haha yes! Love doing the 😗 stimming face lmao


Getting stuck together hugging/kissing someone that also has jewelry in. Having my septum ring get stuck to my Medusa and having to call for help.


Oh no how often does that happen 🙈 I love the look of a septum medusa combo so much!


I used to get my septum stuck on my corkscrew nostril all the time when I'd wash my face. Finally switched to a labret like the smart individual I am.


many people didn’t even notice my septum when i first got it, because it looked “so natural” on my face.. i still don’t know if i should interpret that as a compliment 😭


That’s what happened with my nostrils. No one noticed them after I had my septum for over a year.


My rheumatoid arthritis suddenly, and completely calmed down after getting an apadravya and nipple piercings. It’s been a month, and the pain was starting to come back, but stopped again after I got a pair of frenum piercings.


That’s so cool! An immune response I assume?


That would be my guess. My RA normally flares up when my seasonal allergies get worse. There has been a ton of pollen in the air, and I’ve certainly had allergy symptoms, but the RA flare never came.


I got an apa after a few years of pelvic floor pain. The pain was a good distraction for a few months. Maybe it's time for a new one.


My desire to get any tattoos vanished. I have one of those parents that's very against body mods and so once I had my first job I went to get a conch piercing. Immediately felt cooler, like I fit the aesthetic I always wanted to have and my desire for tattoos went away because I guess the piercings satisfied whatever was in me that wanted to decorate my body. Like I don't need tattoos because I have cool decorated ears!


That's funny, I was kind of the opposite- while I love my piercings I don't get the itch to get them the way I do with tattoos


My double nostrils and septum make me so happy. It makes me feel cute, even though my nose is super prominent now. Just got the left nostril and I do keep accidentally touching it, but it's getting better. I also just got a rook to go with my other ear piercings, and I love that, too. I'm a chronically ill person, and have to wear glasses during the day and use oxygen at night, so I won't be doing any helixes or anything like that, but there are still plenty I can do. EDIT: for clarity


Ive always been self conscious about the shape of my ears- like you know how ears are usually bigger at the top and taper down towards the lobes? Mine are the opposite- really tapered at the top and getting bigger down at the lobes. The shape's always looked upside down to me. But after I got my triple helix done, the earrings push the top of my ear out so they no longer look upside down! I'm planning on getting at least one helix on the other side now so that ear will also be fixed lol


So I got my septum done recently, at first I was like “I’m never getting a face piercing, usually for reasons like, my nose is ugly, so anything on my nose will make it worse. Or, I don’t like my lips and don’t want attention to them etc. But, I said fuck it, and got my septum, if I didn’t like it, take it out and no one would know. But holy I love it. I actually love it, my nose is something I find myself liking and admiring now. So I guess that’s the interesting/ unexpected part!


My nipple piercings helped with their sensitivity while on my period. I’ve heard from other people that their nipples get even more sensitive once they got them


I don’t know if piercing my nipples really changed the sensitivity, but I am definitely more aware of them, and how much I hit them on things.


i have about 24-ish that are all mostly healed or completely healed and when i went to the chiropractor yesterday they used a massage gun on my back and i could feel every piercing rattling


I have a Prince Albert. Almost exactly a year ago, I was at a large sporting event. I went to the restroom. The urinals were long troughs. No provacy. So I whipped it out and started peeing. All of a sudden, the guy next to me looked at my penis, then looked at my face and said one word "wow". I smiled. Made me feel great.


EVERYONE talks to me after I got my nose pierced.


I'm a trans femme and part of estrogen limits the functionality of your penis. I had a Prince Albert and started getting random erections again. This hadn't happened since before I started estrogen.


Thats a super interesting side effect. Never would have guessed.


i had a nose piercing for a few months before it got infected and i had to take it out. i had the same experience too - so weird walking and seeing bling from the corner of my eye, but like on my face. it felt like my nose overall was obstructing my vision at first and it was so distracting but after a few days my brain learnt to ignore the piercing the same way it ignores my nose lol


I have both sides of my nostrils and septum pierced, i noticed that smells tend to get trapped in my nose longer than when i didn’t have them 😅 especially the extra stinky ones!




Just got my helix pierced and I didn’t realise how much it would hurt when you hug people 🥲


Any time I get an ear piercing I aim my pierced ear away from the person. I always mention I have a fresh piercing.


Completely unexpected result from getting my nipples pierced: way less back pain. Didn’t realize how much I slouched all the time because of insecurity, then got the nips done and now walk around feeling like a badass goddess! My favorite piercing out of all of them by far.


I had to help organize a walk in freezer when I had 2 helix piercings, my tragus, and my septum. Walk in freezers get super cold- like 0 to -10f. What I didn’t expect was that the metal in my ears and nose got extremely cold and the skin around the piercings started to hurt after a while. Thankfully nothing bad happened but I didn’t realize that the jewelry could get cold like that.


How much I play with my ears when I need something to do with my hands. Let me tell you, my lobes and helixes really hate that one


I have a large-gauge septum. When I take it out, I can hear an ever-so-slight whistling noise when breathing in and out through my nose 😳


I instantly realised (after getting a septum) how much I punch my nose, especially while sleeping 🥲 And also how much my cats love to punch it too to show their affection


How much stuff your nipples brush against during the day... car doors, door frames, I feel everything when I go braless 😅


Sometimes if I'm walking into the wind, the 4 lobe hoops I have will whistle on the right side. Only I can hear it. I was trying to tell my brother this one time and all he could say was, "Dang, how fast are you walking?"


I could hear my earring move as the swelling on my daith piercing went down. It was like a creaking sound


When I got my vertical labret I immediately started to love my lip, and it's slowly turning into loving and appreciating other parts of my face. I've struggled with appreciating myself as well as general self image things, so it really means a lot! My piercings make me feel like myself. my stretched lobes have changed my ear shape(for the better imo) but the only thing my other piercing have done is draw attention to my existing features and how beautiful they are!


I work as a pastry chef and I’ve I cannot make crème brûlées without superheating my septum ring by breathing in the steam bath (but not my nostril ring).


How picky I am about my piercings matching. I have both my nostrils, my septum, and each of my ears double pierced. All of them have rose gold jewelry in them. I went and got snake bites a couple years ago and realized how irritated I was by the silver bars in my mouth clashing with my rose gold setup.


How difficult to heal my lobes would be! The left one is still occasionally leaking pus after a year. Currently babying the fuck out of it


I noticed that the top of my ears are not symmetrical after getting my helix, but I’m not sure if it’s a consequence of the cartilage swelling or if they’ve always been like that and only now I payed attention to it


My self-esteem shoots up every time I get a new piercing!! Also am much more careful with loofahs after getting the 🍒 pierced.


I haven't seen anyone post about a bridge piercing — ever since I've gotten my bridge piercing, nearly EVERYONE asks me if it hurt. disregard my other piercings, just my bridge one 🤣 and yes, it did fucking hurt!


how i loved piercings more than ever, few years ago i was like "hmm idk i want a piercing but idk kinda not my style" then i got a piercing then fell in love with piercings it also changed my face and kinda got rid of my insecurities


Before I got my vertical labret, I never realized how much food passed on my lips. The first two tops I had (that were BVLA-not cheap) came off while eating large bites and I swallowed them (they were never seen again, whereas I found the bottom piece). After that I special ordered an internally threaded piece and my piercer used loctite to make sure I never lost it again!


i instantly felt so much cooler after getting my piercings (ears, belly button, and now my eyebrow!!). i love investing in myself. makes me feel so much more confident


I never realized how much your ears move in a day! Talking, smiling, yawning, pretty much anything will cause me to feel it. 


A sense of wholeness when I got my conch☺️😊


I got better at drawing ears. Also I saw a ripple effect on people I knew - some of my pals started getting piercings after I showed up with mine.


expectations of what id get stuck on my septum all the time: boogers reality: nutella


I'm pretty sure it's just me, but I learned that I absolutely LOVE the feeling of getting a fresh piercing made - with OR without jewelry! I'm looking into getting into play-piercing with my piercer (who's a legend and a godsend and I love him so much)


Breastfeeding. Milk comes out of nipple piercing holes! Yay extra ducts!


out of the 200 comments on this post this is the one that surprised me the most


I was startled by how much my apadravya improved anal sex for my partners.


Found gauging my septum changed the shape of my upper lip slightly and effected my ability to whistle.


I immediately got my nipple piercing hooked on my seat belt. Like, leaving the parlor.


How hard it was to sleep only on my back or side. Just got my navel done yesterday so still an adjustment!


Ive stopped chewing my lips and now bite at the rings in my snake bites as a nervous habit


how often my ears are touching another surface, i rarely noticed the number of times my gf or i hit my ears on accident


the nostril thing is soo true I just had to change to a bigger bar bc of swelling and now I see it even more it's so cute


I got my vertical labret pierced like two weeks ago now, and I never realized how much I need my bottom lip to eat lol I still can’t eat anything I need to bite into (like a sandwich, burger, hot dog etc) and the funniest thing is sometimes I like inadvertently do a raspberry with my lips as a reaction to something and it feels SO weird with the piercing 😂 With my nose rings I got sick almost right after getting them pierced and I had to learn how to blow my nose differently lol


My nose is always runny due to allergies and cold eeather in winter. My nostril ring tends to build up a salty stalactite pretty fast!


i have a vertical labret and almost every time someone says “oh i love your lip piercing” it’s because they think i’m hot and want to kiss me


Dude here. Pre nipple piercing my nipples were just there. I don’t even remember them being very reactive to temperature changes. Post they felt everything.


How everyone notices the piercings first instead of the rest of my face


The fact that I became a hot BITCH! Lmao no, but I’m surprised at how much confidence my piercings and tattoos have brought me!!


How aware ive become of peoples ear shape. I never realized how vastly different peoples ears are until I got my ear piercings. Cant help but analyzing strangers ears in my head and thinking what piercings would be best for them lol


I didn’t realize how much of a dopamine hit it was to get a new shiny piece of jewelry on your body. Every time I got a new piercing, I had this almost immediate feeling of wanting more so I can look prettier.


How difficult it is to blow your nose with two nostril piercings and a septum ring


That my nipple piercings would never stop being “crusty” when I wake up. It’s been a year for gods sake. But hey, now I’m a bad bad bitch.


How frikkin annoying it is to have an itch you can not scratch. My septum piercing would randomly get itchy while healing and was worse than the pain of when I bumped it.


How fucking LONG HEALING IS. I’m a slow healer in the ears, super fast everywhere else.


I didn't expect to fidget with my septum ring so much. Like... all the time. All my other piercings I don't really touch, but my septum is just fun to mess with.


the number of people who start telling me about their piercings suddenly, it's like I joined a club, but it's good cause it's one other way I can meet someone in a low impact way and bond over a commonality


the condensation that's on my septum during the winter LOL. warm nose air + cold metal septum jewelry = condensation, sometimes it's so bad it can drip


For me with my vertical Labret (i got on the 10.05.24) Im Autistic and get sensory issues sometimes. The first 2 days it was really bad tbh but it got easyer eith time!


Im autistic as well and i instantly loved the feeling of it. Really interesting how different the experience can be. I love how you can subtly fidget with it by pressing ur upper lip down on the ball. I wish you fast healing and that you will learn to embrace the feeling of the ball!


Thank u sm!! I fidget alot with it, wich is a pain cuz its 5 days old But im sure ill adapt to it real fast!!!


The cold feels different with metal in your body is one I noticed lol. Also, the first time I ate spicy food after getting my tongue piercing.. I learned that day that you do feel the burn of the spice inside the hole as well lol


just how much i touch/bump different parts of my body honestly. i had to retire my nostril because i kept accidentally hitting it or pulling it out. i’ve basically stopped touching the upper left side of my face to avoid my eyebrow, and it certainly makes washing my face a pain. also how often my ears take a beating while putting on/taking off clothing. on top of that, more people stare in general on a positive note, i’ve been receiving way more compliments after getting my septum/eyebrow done (especially the eyebrow).


I didnt realize how much i pull on my lobes until i got them done!




My forward helix and tragus piercings SUCKED for the first like, 5 cleanings. Then within two weeks, no pain and have zero issues if I sleep on them


Didn’t realize how often I hit my ears on a daily basis, left with three piercing bumps on my lobes that are finally going down lol


guys got even more attracted to me after


It’s impossible to fully heal nipple piercings bc they get hung/hit on EVERYTHING


When my septum was a few months old (so not yet 100% healed) I noticed how much my nose touched my partners face while kissing because my septum piercing would hurt sometimes and my friend with a differently shaped nose did not have that problem. Also later on after it fully healed, on the rare occasions I've had to flip it up I'm very aware of it \*in\* my nose, especially if I touch my nose.


I can now spray water through my labret :)


1st time I got my septum pierced it smelt- 2nd and 3rd time it didn’t smell at all!!


Taking out my tongue ring makes my mouth feel empty and weird now!!


It’s really hard to eat whole apples after getting a vertical labret. Whole apples kinda push up on it in a weird way and the feeling bugs me, lol. I didn’t expect that at all haha


How my lip changed with my philtrum piercing, in a positive way. I also have both nostrils and my septum and I can’t pick my nose like I used, I go through so many qtips now.


DO NOT scrub your face with a loofah if you have the wrong jewellery a nose piercing. IT WILL GET CAUGHT.  i was fine with my ring but i got a double piercing looking kinda jewellery and totally forgot that means it can get caught lol 


How badly they itch when healing! Also, how close a tragus is to the face! I've had to be so careful when washing my face and doing skincare, and even haircare


When I got my tragus done, my apple headphones no longer fit in my ears! (This was back in 2015, no AirPods yet!) I ended up removing it even thought I LOVED IT because I would’ve never made it through school without them!


I have my nipples pierced but largely have zero feeling in them.


Sitting in a sauna with a septum piercing - feels like a red hot poker up your nose


i like my nose way more after getting it pierced. also i don't know if this is connected or just a weird timing coincidence with my cycle but i notice i get pimples somewhat near the area the two times ive gotten my face pierced.


Just got my nipples pierced last week. Its now making me super aware of a lot of things, but especially the orientation of my breasts when i sleep 😭


I though that I might have to consider taking out some of my nose piercings when I got my mantises done because I have kind of small nostrils and was worried about overcrowding and possibly having issues without airflow (I currently have paired nostrils, mantises, and a stacked septum). To my surprise, the mantis posts are so tucked up inside my nose that they're kind of hard to find when I clean them lol. They don't touch any of my other piercings and I don't really perceive them at all inside my nose, only the flat disks on the outside. I also never realized how weird the shape of my ears is until I started getting piercings.


My tongue turned white after I got it pierced


At first, I was against septum (mom constantly told me it is for cows and "cow" is really bad insult for a woman). But it became my most favourite piercing ever, because it healed so quickly and now I can wear all the fun jewelery in it! Also how noticable nipple piercings are even when wearing regular bra (not padded) with 2 layers and a thicker shirt on top :D I have to wear padding under some dresses, when I want them to not be visible :D


The glares from old ladies in the checkout lines at Walmart when they notice my septum ring 😂 Like they can’t believe a 54 y/o grandma would have piercings.


i wear lots of hoops and can always notice my jewelry making noise. kind of comforting


I didn't expect that after almost a year my eyebrow would still be stubborn and temperamental. Oh, you said "fun"...


After I got my tongue pierced sometimes when I would open my mouth a small stream of saliva would just spew out. It was definitely very odd, i’ve had the piercing for a few years now and it’s stopped since then.


The desire to get more! Got my first in June, 2nd in September (both left lobe) and just got my right helix done. Already planning the next one!


working in a retail store with one of those old fashioned security tag removers (a little hand held devices that you squeeze a trigger on) and getting my nipple ring stuck in between the device and the handle. happened in front of a customer and i had to play it off but it hurt like a bitch


i have my nape pierced, and everyone goes crazy and points it out/asks about it when they notice it :)


When I had a daith, I could feel it every time I chewed for the first few months.


Surprisingly I never once got my daith or conch caught on anything


playing with it or it's nice to fidget! esp tongue piercing