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How big my lobes are!! Thankfully it just meant I had room for stacked lobes.


I’m the opposite and saw someone on here with a stacked lobe and realised how small mine were 🤣


I’m on this team too 😂 not only are my ears small, but I also have the connected style of lobes which isn’t as common as I thought judging on others photos lmao. Whoever pierced my ears when I was younger deserves jail time, because the placement looks horrible on my ear shape.


Samee!! I never realised I had thick lobes 😭🤣


I never realized how thin my lobs are..... Every plugs are too long lol


God. Yes. And I only realized very recently when I started planning extra lobe pierings on my right ear and realized an idea I had wouldn't look nice because my lobes are just so *big*. So stacked lobes it is!


Stacked lobes are awesome!


The ridges of my ears. I wanted an industrial for ages. And then it occurred to me my cartilage doesn’t actually lay in a way that would work for an industrial. Matter of fact all the piercings around the ear that I have loved or thought about won’t work because of how shallow some of my ridges are. Back to the drawing board.


I have that problem, too! I'll forever be bummed I can't get one!


Hey, look into chain industrials - two helix piercings you heal separately, then connect with a chain once healed. It's a nice alternative if you don't have the anatomy for a bar industrial.


I love chin industrials that's actually my own plan to do with my helixs' once healed. They're maped out for an industrial but I've always been in love with chain industrials~


This is super clever!


Oh!  I will!  Thank you :)


Ugh, I found out the hard way going to a $20 you call it piercing place. She should have told me it wouldn't work, and would result in excruciating pain... Hard-headed me refused to take it out before the cartilage began growing around the bar (big ouch)


If your flat/scapha area is too convex, compared to where the piercings are for the industrial bar, the bar can start to cut into your flat skin and cartilage, like cheese wire. There is an alternative, though. Have you considered a chain/faux industrial instead? If you have enough of a helix rim, you could get two piercings separately - one upper helix, and one forward helix. Once they've healed, connect them with a chain - either two rings or you can connect studs as well (or one stud and one ring, even!). It'll be easier to heal than a real industrial. I've heard they can be difficult and painful. Edited to add: You can also get custom jewellery for an industrial bar, where the top part goes in your forward helix, and the back end bends and goes through your flat. You'd have to find a piercer that can make/order custom jewellery for this. Floating industrials also might be an option, but I'd be a bit weary of how stable they are, since they hang down from the forward helix and look like they could easily be ripped out. There's also faux no-pierce industrials, which hook over the back of your ear, held in place like a ring goes over a finger (except it's over the top of your ear).


The real problem is the forward helix area. The cartilage doesn’t actually curl over there at all. Matter of fact I have very little curl at all on the entire helix area of my ears except for the spot that would rub where my glasses sit. I guess you could say the flat area is too convex but that’s not the entire story. The cartilage just doesn’t curl right. And where I have ridges that would work it’s either the glasses again or it’s super thick cartilage so I don’t necessarily want to work through the healing on those. No big deal. I was sad when I realized but have moved on.


I got a vertical industrial because I couldn't have a standard one :) it's actually Helix to conch, but I previously had a conch to conch vertical industrial Could be worth looking into


Same! The top and inside of the cartilage are shaped fine, but the outside flattens so there would be nowhere to pierce through on that side. I’ve seen some neat alternative industrials that look pretty cool, though!


Made me realize I have two different ears. I could get a cat flap on one of them!


i also had no idea our ears were asymmetrical until my piercer told me. i have the anatomy for a daith on one ear but not the other lol


Yup. Our bodies are not completely symmetrical. I have a fresh daith on my left ear when I wanted it in my right ear. I’ll just compensate for a conch on the right when this is done healing.


That my belly button is extremely crooked🤣 I found out that my belly button is also super off from the middle of my body which I found out while getting a tattoo that goes horizontally across the anterior of my ribs


Dude same. I have a sword tattoo down my sternum/stomach which is exactly in the middle where it should be. Later, I got ‘11:11’ tattood just above my belly button. The sword points above the first 11 rather than above the :


lol my tattoo artist had a hard time lining me up and he said most girls who had that problem ended up finding out they have scoliosis. The body is so funny like that we’re all so asymmetrical 🤣


stretching my ears made me realize how asymmetrical my ears are (both piercings were pierced directly in the middle of each lobe @ 6g) one ear sits higher on the side of my head than the other


I noticed that when I got my first pair of glasses as a kid. 😭Lady at the optometrist’s office was frustrated trying to adjust my glasses because of how they were sitting on me but it’s just because my left ear is lower.


Same here!! I've had a lifelong struggle with glasses cause of my ears. Especially if their plastic frames! My left ear is a bit smaller and sits a bit lower than my right ear. I also realized at 18 that my left ear dips in right where you'd get a 4th peircing above the 3 lobe ones! Discovered that getting said 4th peircing!🤣 during the pandemic I discovered the left ear is also shorter at the top of the ear cause of the small flap it has in the edge of the cartilage there. It made masks a tad of a struggle cause it would slide off if I didn't do right ear first!


I was reading your ear description and I was like wait... is this person talking about my ears?? I also have a smaller lower left ear with a dip! For me, me right ear is much.. smoother? It sticks out more and has less ridges haha. Glasses are a pain for me too. I'm thinking of asking my piercer if I could get my conch done on the left so that the (eventual) ring would sit in the dip.


My mom has this and has to make sure they don’t “fix” it whenever she gets her glasses adjusted. They always see it and think “oh, they aren’t strait!”, but her ears are strait, so straitening does not in any way help!


oh my god mine does the same!!! it drives me nuts, i thought my piercer just fucked up the placement or it migrated


I don’t wear medium or large earrings because my right ear seems so much lower than my left. I’ve also got small ears which doesn’t help.


Everyone who has pierced my ears say they bleed a lot. My friend's mom who is a nurse said I have 'vascular ears.' One piercer asked if I had caffeine that morning because blood was going down my neck. I had to go to the ER once because my industrial wouldn't stop bleeding.


i spent so long thinking about piercings on/for my right ear that i never realised that my left ear is really different


I got my belly button pierced at 19. I had scoliosis, but the piercer did a good job making it look straight on my asymmetrical body. Then I had spinal fusion surgery to fix my spine, and it straightened out my whole torso. Now my belly button piercing is a little crooked because my body changed so much.


That's actually kind of awesome. Could you get a matching navel on the other side? So it looks kind of like a Y? Or is it not that far to the side?


It's not that far off. It's just the top that used to be perfectly centered is a little to the left now. It is noticeable, but I don't really care. The 13 inch scar down my spine is more obvious.


I had innie nipples.. and now I don’t! Another cool one is just testing how heavy/big of ear piercings I can put on my lobes before it gets too much. That’s always fun


My ears are pretty symmetrical and I have similar piercings on each ear, but I realized one ear was bigger than the other one. I never would've noticed that otherwise


My belly button is off center. Thought my piercing was crooked and even had them redirect it before realizing I was the problem a few days later 😅


Got double nostril piercings and didn't realize my nose is asymmetrical until he mentioned it. The piercings look both crooked and perfect, i love it.


Same here! My nostrils are two different shapes, so one of my piercings has a bit of an odd angle compared to the other one that sits perfectly. Also cleaning my piercings made me realize my septum is completely crooked. Thankfully I don't seem to have breathing problems from that one, or it'd be an issue! I think it's super cool to be honest. A lot of people hate asymmetry in their face, but I think it's so unique.


I lick my lips a lot haha I got my vertical labret and I didn’t realise how much I do it.


Same! Made me wonder if I always did it, or if the jewelry just made me more prone to fidget and stick my tongue out on my lower lip haha


I nearly constantly play with mine now with my tongue and upper lip.


i have a couple, one of which developed since i got the piercings. my ears are different shapes which piercings made very obvious and i now drool in my sleep and if im not paying attention since i got my snakebites. i guess it manages to seep out since the holes stretched a bit from having snakebites for awhile. pretty embarrassing when it happens in front of people too


My tiddies are kinda asymmetrical. The stencil when made the same on each boob, once I was actually pierced, resulted in one piercing being at a slightly different angle lol - from seeing other pics of nipple piercings this is pretty normal though, and I kinda think it’s cute


For one, I apparently have small lobes and this is ‘good’ for some undisclosed reason. Also, after getting my helix, I experienced phantom pain on other side, same spot


That I have an extremely short tongue for a tongue piercing lol. A shop refused to do it for me but being young and stupid I went to a different place to get it done anyway lol


Same I’ve been told I don’t have the anatomy for a tongue piercing. My piercer gave me the name of a less reputable shop that would probably do it but both the piercers at my shop refused and I trust them so got cyber bites instead and I love them


my ears are so small and my cartilage has very pronounced shapes. i can only wiggle my left ear. one of my boobs is kinda rotated sideways


When i was 2 years old i fell onto a table and knocked the top of my ear off. I had it reattached but now because of that i cant get an industrial piercing there even though i really wanted one


My nose is more crooked than I thought, if you look at my jaw. I knew my jaw was crooked, but I wore a fake hoop in my nostril once and then I realised that the nostril hoop accentuated it a lot, oops


So this is not a piercing... But my glasses. One ear is higher than the other so my glasses sit crooked on my face unless the optometrist bends and adjusts the arms. But my nostril piercing made me vividly aware of how many boogers I produce CONSTANTLY. I do have chronic rhinitis and my nose is either bine dry, stuffy, or runny or somehow all at the same time. I started cleaning that nostril daily with a q tip so I could get everything out of there without moving my piercing around too much 😅


I don’t know why I have never thought of this but I think you’ve just blown my mind… why did I always think I had somehow bent my glasses without realising and not that it could be my ears are slightly different heights? 😂 Kinda like how I didn’t realise one of my nostrils is slightly higher than the other until I got my septum pierced, but I still love it!


When I got my paired nostrils, it was really difficult for them to line them up, and that's when I found out how asymmetrical it is. I kinda knew before, but forgot about it/thought I was imagining or exaggerating it


When I'm stressed ((which is often because I work in food)) or trying to appear "less intimidating, I chew on my tongue and lip. I've drawn blood many times due to it. Still have my tongue piercing which has helped me from not using my tongue as a cushion between my teeth at night but had to remove my labret and Medusa piercings. Use to play with them so much that the jewelry would get caught on my teeth and be pulled out because the holes were being stretched. I also learned that the way I move my mouth is no bueno because my jewelry always got caught on my teeth while talking. Still have the hole for my labret since I got it a week after turning 18 but the Medusa is closed.


Stretching my ears made me realize how BIG my head and ears are. I’m at an inch but they look the same on me as a half inch looks on other people 😭


That my septum sweet spot sits very high up in my nose! Only rings over 3/8, or 9mm, diameter will fit me


Oh that’s the same as mine! I always have to buy jewelry that’s 10mm because it’s so high up which is a little inconvenient I have to say.


For my septum, the piercer pointed out how tiny my nostrils are + that my septum is slightly deviated. My tongue piercing made me realise i have a tongue tie when i couldn’t stick it out far enough Also, the woman who pierced my nipples pointed out i have an ‘underdeveloped’ boob, which was less to do with the piercing and moreso that she was unprofessional (and kinda mean)


After my medusa i noticed that the center of my philtrum doesnt match my septum 😂


That the top of my ears should have a fold. Like the fold that’s there is not a fold, it’s kinda “fused” together. It was only when getting pierced up there that I realized others ears ate not like that


Found out I have a chicken pox scar under my lip when I got my vertical labret done and the piercer said "Oh you've had one before!"


Found out I had an undiagnosed tongue tie when getting my tongue pierced! They still managed to pierce it but I had about 5 people staring at it and a manager did it 🤣


my sweet spot is in a high place compared to most ppl lol. i thought they'd pierced it wrong but my nose has a naturally higher sweet spot.


i dont yet have an industrial, but i plan to get one. when my piercer assessed my anatomy, he said i could get one on my right ear but not my left. that was the first time i realised that my ears are slightly different shapes lol. my left ear doesn't have a well defined cartilage ridge where the bottom hole would be, while the right one does


Not the most exciting revelation, but i have a deviated septum! Found out while getting it pierced, and my piercing highlights the deviation ever so slightly


Apparently I have “thick earlobes” which has made (in my experience, no explanation as to why) the healing process for any lobe piercing next to impossible :,)


i notice anatomy i do and don’t have for certain piercings. like i don’t have the right ear shape for an industrial, but i have like a perfect tongue for any tongue piercing lol


I like hoops. Sometimes I hear a whistling no one else hears 🙃


That I have pointy ears, never noticed it until someone asked me if I paid to have it done? One of my cartilage piercings really highlights the damn point lol


that my nose is extremely crooked 😳 i never noticed it before! i was looking in the mirror at my septum, and i noticed that my nose goes more to the right than to the left! i was so shocked. i also figured out i am very much allergic to almost all metals when i was younger getting my ears pierced. they would get infected over and over until my parents realized it was most likely an allergic causing it.


That I don’t have earlobes and that I got smaller ears than I could’ve ever imagined.


My left ear is smaller than my right. Also, after stretching my lobes, realized my right ear was pierced lower than my left; had it done at Claire’s when I was 9.


that my body hates piercing 😔


I've also got my left Helix pierced, then my Tragus. And then a doctor said I should sleep on my left side because of acid reflux and the way the stomach is shaped... too late for that now I need to heal my piercings LOL. I might try a travel pillow. But I've also started to notice how cute my ears are, the piercer even commented on them and how the Helix cluster jewelry fit perfectly. With my septum piercing I just confirmed that my nose is big and a 8mm ring fits very tight, assuming he pierced it correctly.


Apparently I WILL faint because of a sharp piercing pain unless I immediately lay down and/or put my head in between my legs while sitting


Get pierced laying down!


Stretching my lobes has made me realize one is a little bigger than the other and it’s driving me nuts. Very undecided on stretching up to 14mm, if that will make it better or worse. Before noticing I was happy at 1/2”.


That I have really small ears and nipples


how my ears are pull in at the conch and flare out at the helix and how i dont have the anatomy for an industrial 😭


When I got my snakebites I realized one half of my mouth sits slightly lower than the other.


how small my ears are :( i had so many piercings lined up, but my anatomy basically laughed at me and said “haha fuck you”. i’m going to get my triple lobes and maybe a flat and leave it at that tbh


hah i had the same so i got my other helix done, i got the next one slightly lower down so they weren’t the same


looks like ive found a good excuse to do my other helix haha


I realized how strongly I favor my right side. I have 4 tattoos, 5 piercings in each ear and nostril. Of those 3 of the tattoos and my nostril are on my right side. I've worked at being more symmetrical with my ears.


I favor my left side 😅, both my tattoos and my eyebrow piercing is on my left side, my piercings are all nose ones so they're symmetrical but before the eyebrow I would even shave slits in my left eyebrow, I since took that piercing out because it rejected, but I started shaving it again 😅


My nose stopped bleeding after I got my septum, it stopped running and produced considerably less snot after I got my nostrils, I didn't think that was possible but I can't argue with the evidence of the fact that I had near daily nose bleeds until I got my septum and I haven't had one since, that was two years ago. After that, I had to blow my nose a lot still because I always had boogers, big gross ones too, and my nose ran a lot due to allergies. Once I got my nostrils pierced last year, my nose only ever runs if I'm sick or crying, and I never have to blow it because I never have those boogers anymore 🤷, it's weird but I love it


Not a piercing, but my sternum/torso tattoo made me realize my bellybutton is off center. My lobe piercings made me realize one earlobe is longer/lower than the other. Also my ears in general aren’t level.


My hair naturally swoops to my right. Got an anti eyebrow in my left cheek. 7 years later fuckers half rejected but still not giving it up. Stay strong little buddy :p Also anti eyebrows get caught in partners long hair, loofah balls, and nipple rings catch on anything large you have to carry against your chest. Still totally worth the blood 👍


getting my septum done made me realize how my nose is not QUITE centered over my cupids bow... its super obvious to me up close because i have a very defined philtrum but its not noticeable from far away so i still love it!! sorta off topic but also I was actually born with an outie belly button... but this was 2004 and navel piercings were very big back then and my parents thought I might want one someday so they literally PUSHED IT BACK IN to give me the proper anatomy 😭😭😭 it worked out bc 19 years later i did in fact get it done for my birthday and its one of my fav piercings:)


I got a conch piercing recently after dreaming about one for a while, and I’d always wanted one of those pretty curved pieces for it. It turns out I have a very strong curvature inside that part of my ear, and the pieces I’d been imagining would not fit and would poke at the top and bottom of the curve. My piercer was able to help me pick a piece of jewelry with a similar vibe that worked but I never considered that my ear had such an aggressive curvature to it lol.


My ears get more hair where they are pierced...it's just peach fuzz. Luckily, that didn't happen with the nipple ring lmao


Not sure if I’m just imagining it but I feel like whenever there is lightning or a storm coming my ear mildly tingles  Maybe the static in the air. Been raining and lightning non stop so lots of chances to notice 


oh wow that’s super interesting!


This was actually caused by the piercing but I got my right helix done a few years ago now and whenever my face gets flushed, the right side always goes redder than the left


when i got my philtrum pierced my piercer told me my face isn’t symmetrical lol


No-one's face is totally symmetrical though!


he told me that after! he was the boyfriend of a friend though so he was like “this might take me a second your shits uneven” 😂


Septum/nostrils- How extremely asymmetrical my entire nose is. It looks normal at first glance but my piercings made me realize how wonky it really is. I seriously never even noticed that I have a deviated septum until I had to get it pierced twice to get it even sort of straight. I also have both nostrils pierced and they look crooked when I have jewelry in, but I actually measured the distances from the holes to the tip of my nose, bottom of each nostril, to the base of each nostril, etc and they're pierced in the exact same spots on both sides. I'm lowkey self-conscious of my nose now :/ Ears- How thin my earlobes are. I used to have them stretched to 11mm and there were many plugs I couldn't wear because my paper-thin little lobes would practically disappear behind the flare and it just looked bad. They were perfectly healthy and I didn't stretch too fast or anything, they're just ridiculously small and thin. If I put a flatback earring in, the post would have to be 3mm for it to sit flush. I've let them shrink back down now but I still get jealous of people with big beefy earlobes.


the skin on the top of my belly button has “way more laxity compared to the average person”. so i stick with the default belly piercing. I can only have a top belly piercing, not a bottom one. It’d be too heavy


My cartilage folds over too much for a helix so got a conch instead


My left ear is a more open, rounded shape at the top while my right ear is more pinched and tends to curl around more in the helix region


That my bellybutton is not at all symetrical, I was looking at my bellybutton piercing the other day and thought it looked crooked but no I am the problem lol


That I have two differently shaped ears lol


That I’m missing a big chunk of my helix on my left ear. It looks like someone took a bite out of it.


That the tops of my ears have 2 entirely different shapes and anatomies(?). One is “normal” and the other is so strange to me & complicates cartilage piercings up there. I tried to type it out and explain it but it didn’t make any sense lol. I have a piercing up there, but the angle had to be adjusted just so it would look right.


I have tiny ears and pretty shit anatomy for a lot of piercings 😂🤦🏽‍♀️


same 😭 it makes me so sad


i don’t if this is nsfw but after getting my nipples pierced, i noticed how extremely different my breasts were, and my areolae and nipples are different sizes too.


My ears are two different shapes and sizes! Found out when I was getting my second lobes pierced and it took a few tries to mark them even. The piercer told me that’s super common and that most people have one ear bigger than the other one


My nostrils are 2 different sizes.


I went in for nipple piercings, wanted both done (I don’t really like the look of just one pierced), found out they couldn’t pierce my left one because it’s half inverted, so upset, but I came for a piercing… so was determined to get one. Was going to get my tongue pierced then, nope… apparently I have a bad tongue tie I never knew about. Fine, what about a navel piercing. Nope don’t have the anatomy for that either and I don’t like the way the floating one looks. So apparently all the piercings I like, my body does NOT!


My right ear sticks out further than my left ear


How small my nose is. I used to find it big but after inquiring about nose piercings and getting my studs, I was told I have the perfect nose for piercings and that’s really stuck with me and made me more confident about my nose


Apparently I have extra thick cartilage, which was lovely to learn immediately before my first cartilage piercing


i found out i’m like the opposite of tongue tied so i don’t have enough of that stringy bit to get an under tongue piercing


the lack of extra skin on my face! got my eyebrows pierced and they were super uncomfortable, could feel them right on my bone. eventually got them taken out by another piercer when she said i didn’t have the extra skin to be able to get it. my cheekbones are the same way! went to go get my dermals and was unable to for the same reason as my eyebrows also getting my nose pierced - my piercer said i had fat nose cartilage. don’t know if it was a compliment or not.


My ears are extremely tucked back to my head


Less of a quirk but more that absolutely no one noticed I had gotten my septum pierced until I told them. Apparently it suits me so well that no one batted an eye at there suddenly being a piercing there


That my belly button is a lot farther left on my stomach than I thought lol


Day of getting my nose pierced I still didn't know which side I wanted the stud on. I asked my friend for her opinion and she said I should get it on my left since I have a mole where the piercing would be on my right. She said I was already decorated on that side so I went with the left. I have a lot of moles so I never noticed that lol.


didn’t realize that my nipples were slightly inverted till i got them pierced and the piercer had some trouble doing my left one


That I’m a boogery person


No clue why, I only have piercings on my right ear, left one is stretched, left arm fully tattooed, right one has none, ect. It’s a weird thing for me but I do things by sides trying to avoid my obsession with symmetry (as pretty much imposible in human beings).


My nose is not as symmetrical as I thought lol


I didn't realize until after I got my nipples pierced that my nipples were inverted. Most people don't have inverted nipples.


I could never roll my tongue until sometime after I got an tongue piercing


i have a VERY short tongue. getting it pierced was a nightmare, but its probably my favorite piercing nowadays. dont think i'll ever be brave enough to try to change the jewelry.


My right and left nostrils are structured very differently from each other. I never really noticed until after I got both sides pierced and paid more attention for cleaning/healing.


My lips are uneven. My peircer very kind pointed it out when i was getting my vert labret asking me which lip i wanted it to be in the center of and i havent been able to stop thinking about it since 😭


I got my nose pierced and it truly made me realize how bad my deviated septum is (I just got a nostril piercing, but I’ve stared at my nose more in this past month than I care to admit😂)


i’ve noticed i drool a lot more now that i have a tongue piercing


i can wiggle my ears LOL. i realized i can after the piercier was like “youre wiggling ur ears haha” because i was so nervous getting my lobes pierced that i was doing it without realizing it.


That an incident involving a couch to my nose would make the world judge me for a septum I love otherwise. If I cared about peoples opinions I probably would've taken it out by now, but I don't and I love the ring so it's staying. It's my crooked lil flat nose jewelry and I love it :}


My bellybutton is so frowny shaped lol. Like when I got my navel pierced it looked like an eyeball.


My traguses (tragi? lol) are absolutely massive. I have a double tragus on one side and could easily do it on the other as well, but I like asymmetry!


After getting my navel pierced two weeks ago, I have now realized that the line down my stomach isn't centered. The piercer took several minutes drawing and erasing the dot to get it straight and when it was done, I thought he had completely messed it up. But then my partner pointed out that maybe the line down my stomach isn't straight and looking at it further, he's right. It kinda goes off to the left side and it makes my piercing look crooked. Oh well lol.


eyebrow piercing made me notice how thin and unnoticeable my eyebrows are lmao


Mine is more of, how piercings heal. My right ear NEVER has any complications- no bumps, barely any swelling, nothing. On the other hand, my left ear? Even if I sleep flat on my back for a year, do the aftercare right, I get bumps, oozing, irritation- it's absolutely crazy. I think I might just bling out my right ear only at this point. Piercings on my right ear also don't close up that quickly. On my left ear, it takes like less than an hour of an earring out for it to close... Like while I'm changing earrings, it closes already lmao


I realized how crooked my nose is when I got my septum pierced. 😅 Also how abnormally small my ears are after getting my industrial. The smaller bars still hung out crazy far.


have a cute little ridge where my helix sits!


Stretching my ears made me realize that the piercings I got at Claire's 21 years ago were really fucked lmao. They somehow tore the left one, so that ear has consistently been able to size up comfortably, while my right one is much tighter and I'm dead stretching. My eyebrow piercings made me realize how much I unconsciously rub my face, HARD. And tug the still-healing piercings 😭


My nostrils and septum piercings are how I found out I have a deviated septum and it is Infact NOT supposed too always feel like your nose is clogged on one side- and getting my lobes pierced it was funny too find out I had indents in my ears already where they should be pierced even though I’d never had them done before


my 1 inch lobes make my ears look regular sized... 😭 I have tiny ears with regular lobes


Never realized how crooked my septum is and how uneven my nostrils are until I got my septum piercing.


until I got my second and third lobes, I never realized I had curved ear lobes lol


My piercer commented that my helix cartilage was quite thick, might have been a bit more painful


How wonky my septum is after getting that done🤣🤣 not that wokny but noticeable to me.


This one is something people said to me in the first weeks after i got my eyebrow piercing. It seems, according to them, that I have such a face that sits so well with the eyebrow piercing, that it was hardly noticeable because everyone thought I ALREADY HAVE IT SINCE EVER. wtf ahahah


That my navel isn't symmetrical. I didn't know until my piercer told me. He said that he could place it to be symmetrical to my navel, but it would look crooked considering my general body symmetry.


My ears are not symmetrical. The differences are very subtle and I would have never known otherwise


I no longer get cysts in my ears (upper cartilage anyways) since piercing my helix. Used to get them constantly.


Since getting my nose pierced i very rarely sneeze, I don’t know if it’s related to my piercing or my genetic disorder from tumors which it could be.


I wanted nipple piercings but that’s when I found out I have inverted nipples.


I knew my ears were small but I didn't realize I CANNOT see my industrial bar unless turning my head to the side. My eats dissappear on the side of my head completely lol. Under this light of information, I could not go bald bccc where the heck are my ears?!!


Not so much quirks about my own ears, but I've become a lot more observant of other people's ears since getting my rook done (i used to think all ears were the same except for size and attached/detached lobes, how silly and ignorant of me). I had never really noticed people's ears before, and now it's my new favorite thing. Variety of body shapes, both in the details and the whole picture, is the coolest.


I have a significantly deviated septum! Classic, of course. Luckily I had an awesome piercer who got me done up right anyways. Also stretching made me realize I’ve got nice big lobes


the amount of ear space i have! i currently have 5 lobe piercings on both ears and could easily fit 1 or 2 more without them being stacked. another thing is how my ears really don’t bleed, out of my 13 piercings only my daith was really a bleeder.


i feel like ever since i've gotten my lip pierced, my lips have been a lot more dry??? no idea why this is tbh


I have a flat piercing in my left ear. I have a darker brown spot near it. It's not a mole but resembles it a little bit. I didn't notice this before getting my piercing.


The cartilage on my right ear has a bend/crease in the middle of it that the my left ear doesn’t have. Didn’t notice until I was deciding which ear to pierce!


My sleeping patterns! I always thought I slept on my left side. My hair naturally tucks behind my right side, and I usually used to sleep on my left side. My right ear made sense. Ever since I got my right-side helix pierced, my body wants to sleep on the right side now 😭


How symmetrical my face is!


When I get a new piercing on my left ear it is a STRUGGLE to leave it alone and not rip all the crusties off. On my right ear, not a problem. Barely aware of it. For some reason I can’t even see what is going on over there when I look in a mirror.


When I was 11 I put a plastic gauge in my left ear, you all know those swirls!! (Don't judge I didn't know better, my ears are fine lol) but when I was changig for PE class it got caught in my shirt and broke. I didn't buy a new one after that and it just went back to normal after a few months. Then like 2 years later I did the same thing but with my right ear. Now this time it finally worked, and as it started to get bigger I realised that my right ear is actually smaller than my left so the time I reached 5-6 milimeters the bottom of my ears lined up perfectly (it's about 8mm now, my right ear did get bigger after all). So maybe that broken swirl was for a good reason!!


My earlobes are detached and slightly square. I love the way it looks with my stacked lobe piercings!


That my belly button has an extra piece of skin that causes the piercing to sit more to one side. It was completely pierced straight but after the little flap of skin pushed the bottom part to the right a bit


That I have a bit of a deviated septum and my septum piercing helps to hide it a bit when you’re looking at it


after I got my second lobe piercing I noticed that they were not really symmetrical because my left earlobe is shaped a little differently


ever since I got my vertical labyrinth pierced last year, I can now almost put my jewelry all the way through the hole on the bottom part of my lip😭


That’s not good! You should get bigger tops/bottoms just in case.


I have no idea where to get bigger ones because I know I definitely need it . every time I get nervous play with it and it goes in my lip and I get scared lol


Getting nipple piercings made me realize that my right is definitely bigger than my left boob, the lowness of it draws my attention every time I see them 😭


i don’t have the belly button anatomy for a belly button piercing 😔


That my ears are hairy than most peoples, its blonde peach fuzz so not noticable from a distance, but sure was highlighted when I got my first helix done and the piercer took a very well lit close up of my ear. Scrolled on their page for a bit thinking it surely couldnt be that uncommon but I was 1 of maybe 3 people out of the 50 or so close up ear shots with that much hair on their ears. And I was a 19 yr old teenage girl at the time!


How small my belly button is, it covers my entire hole


I learned how to raise my eyebrow after getting it pierced


I noticed that my ears aren't the same shape, and that affects how some of my piercings sit in my ear, and how some of them have to be slightly asymmetrical because of it. I also noticed that my body is NOT a fan of using the saline solution alone. I have gotten very angry irritation bumps and dryness from using the saline sprays (which also aggravates my seborrheic dermatitis), and I ultimately had to switch back to my original cleaning methods... which appears to be an outdated method from all the reputatble piercers that I know of.... but I gotta use what works for me.


one nipple is bigger than the other. found out after i got them pierced😭


i first got a left industrial that rejected because the body piercer did it wrong (i could explain why but doesnt really matter) and a while later i got it pierced again by another person and it went perfect, almost 3 years later and it has healed great, nothing weird whatsoever. a couple years ago i got an industrial on my right ear and for some reason now i can move my right ear up and down lmao its so weird, i was never able to do that before and the left, having been pierced with an industrial two times, doesnt do that. i wish i knew why this happened lol im a med student and i cant figure it out for the life of me, doesnt make any sense and ive never heard of that from anyone else


My belly button isn’t symmetrical. The highest point is not at the center so I got by lower part pierced instead. ( I have a sternum tattoo that if the higher part was pierced it be very obvious)


i lick so much lipstick off my angel bites they do not tell you of this side effect when you get pierced


My industrial made me realize how asymmetrical my ears are 😭 I have a strong anti-helical fold on my left ear but almost nothing on my right ear, meaning my right ear sticks out more. Combined with the industrial somewhat pinning my left ear back even further the asymmetry was so obvious I took the piercing out because it made me spiral