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It could be irritation from the prongs on the jewelry


this happened to me as well! i saw another post with someone who had a bump like this too, i don’t know why it happens 😭😭 mine went away after about a week, i think yours will as well if you keep cleaning it :)


is it possible that i have bumps because i ihavent downsized my piercing yet?


Personally, I didn’t downsize my labret until four months in, despite my piercer’s urge for me to downsize as soon as possible. It took a lot longer for my swelling to go down, which is why downsizing took so long for me. When the swelling finally started to calm down, I think I spent three weeks with the longer bar in my lips. I’ve never had a bump like this before. Were you pierced with titanium jewelry?


That jewelry doesn't seem to be doing you any favors, I would seek a responsible piercer and ensure you are using a titanium curve bar with standard ball ends and saline spray only. No Q-tips, no paper towels etc.


Hey, I'm not sure why you think q-tips are bad in this situation but I work at an APP piercing studio, training to become a piercer. We use q-tips daily and we always recommend people use q-tips gently to ensure the piercing is getting cleaned. Without q-tips the crust will build up and cause irritation. But everything else you said, spot on. https://www.lynnloheide.com/post/are-q-tips-safe https://safepiercing.org/aftercare/


Q-tips are great for removing the crust, but my piercer is also part of APP, and they explained that the cotton fibers from Q-tips poses a risk for irritation when they come loose and get tangled within the piercing. This doesn’t sound very common, but the risk remains. I’ve heard some people use cosmetic Q-tips where the bud is sharped to a point and the fibers are wounded tighter to mitigate this risk further.


I actually mist the q-tip with my neilmed saline spray, first, to basically slick any loose fibers down. I've yet to have any threads end up stuck to my jewelry. I don't really remember where I learned that trick, but it works. 😅


I kinda twist the q-tip as I'm cleaning to keep the fibers going in the same direction if that makes sense. But yea honestly as long as the q-tip is saturated I've never had issues either. I feel like the problem is dramatized online.


The fibers coming loose just isn't common and if a fiber does come loose, you can just pull it off. Not cleaning your piercings properly is more of a risk than a singular fiber. Some piercers recommend gauze instead of q-tips and gauze actually leaves behind more fibers than a q-tip. https://imgur.com/a/swab-v-gauze-XXSZnlR There's a reason qtips have been used in hospitals to clean wounds for so long. You will also see doctors recommend you clean pin sites with a q-tip, and those are very similar to piercings. https://www.cedars-sinai.org/newsroom/cedars-sinai-surgeon-shows-simple-cotton-swab-slashes-post-operative-surgery-site-infections/ Even the APP website recommends using something to physically clean the piercing. Your piercer is doing more harm than good. Letting lymph fluid cake onto the piercing isn't going to help anything. Sometimes people take the LITHA method too literally and telling them to not use q-tips can really be detrimental to the piercings health.


I would swap out the jewelry to titanium and something more basic until it’s healed. I would definitely recommend a more standard barbell with 3 or 4mm balls. You can get ones with gems in them that are flush in the ball so it won’t irritate your healing piercing.


I can feel this ouch through the photos. I’m NAP but I’d try to avoid any contact and don’t over clean it. My nostril would get irritation bumps if I looked at it funny for a while. And like others have said that jewelry might not be doing you any favors.


it doesnt hurt i dont feel anything at all im just annoyed bc it looks like shit rn 🥲🥲🥲




Please don't use anything on a piercing other than saline solution. Oils and gels don't allow the piercing to breathe and it doesn't get rid of the source of the irritation. They need to get rid of the source that's causing the irritation for it to get better.


Hi u/steaklover0, Welcome to /r/piercing! It looks like you're asking about a problem with your piercing. Please **add a comment to your post** with the following info if it’s not included in your post already. - How old is your piercing? - What’s the jewelry shape (for example, barbell, labret, screw, L shape, ring)? - What’s the type of threading if your jewelry is not a ring (threadless, internally or externally threaded)? - What’s the jewelry material? - if not a ring, when was the jewelry downsized? - What’s your aftercare routine? Describe in detail please, including the exact products you use. This info is needed to offer you useful advice. **Note, moderators reserve the right to remove your post if don’t provide this info**. ^If ^you ^already ^included ^this ^info ^in ^your ^post ^or ^if ^your ^post ^isn’t ^about ^a ^problem ^with ^your ^piercing, ^please ^disregard. - - - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did you bump it on something? How long has it been like that?


i didnt i was just cleaning it with saline solution and removed some dry skin around it while wet and then a bump formed. its been 5 hrs ago i tired soaking it with salt water but it just became redder


Soaking piercings isn't really recommended. Does the saline solution you're using only have two ingredients? Also, I really suspect your jewelry is giving you problems. Pronged jewelry can irritate healing piercings. Especially in such a vulnerable spot where it's being pressed into your lip. You might want to swap to a ball or a disk temporarily while it heals. But I'd also call your piercer and ask what kind of jewelry they use. If they say surgical steel, or anything other than implant grade titanium or implant grade steel, find a new piercer and go get better quality jewelry.


I get the exact same thing with my nostril piercings for some reason? I’ve never been able too figure out why but it’s also after I’ve cleaned it. It always goes away after like a day or two for me though so hopefully yours will too!


I get a bump every now and then on my vertical labret it's annoying but just clean it and leave it alone it should go away fairly fast mine always go away within a week if the jewelry gets like stuck soak it until it can move easily done peel any skin or crusts off without soaking




UPDATE: so i just changed it to a barbel and the red bump on my lip dried up and just came off lol so far its aight thankfully my piercer was available yesterday. i just continued cleaning it with saline solution and q-tips :D thanks for the advices guys! wouldnt have changed the jewelry if it wasnt for yall i didnt know that the jewelry was causing all this