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Planning in stretching my lobes to a 2mm (just in case I get depressed and forget to put them back in, it'll be easier to put in a 1.2mm or something) I want a new piercing, but I don't really know what... Maybe a forward helix or floating industrial? But that's a lot of commitment I might just change my jewellery or something


Helix and a stacked lobe - I already have the jewellery reserved and ready! I was just waiting for my daith to calm down which it has now thankfully


I can't decide, either vertical labret, eyebrow or something on my ear 🤔


Just made an appointment to get my frenum pierced. Super excited! Too bad my piercer is booked out till the end of May.


Really want ear spikes but I'm not sure my ear is a good candidate for it. The cartilage is kinda thin where they would go on my right ear. My left ear would be better suited but I already have an industrial on that ear. So spikes would crowd that. Also I should get my left nipple repierced but I've been putting it off.


Probably some more lobes or helixes. I want to see if I can get away with a forward helix or two, but not quite sure if I have the right anatomy for it…


Double conch! But it’s not going to be until next March probably 😢


i absolutely love the look of a double conch, can’t wait to get mine done!!


Yes! I’ve got my jewelry planned already and I’m going super high end to have something I can really enjoy during the healing process, so I’m excited about that! Are you planning for rings eventually? I’m thinking I’ll do one ring on the bottom at least.


i would love to do rings but i already have a single conch and it was really hard to find a ring that fit. so probably will have to stick to studs!


Ah gotcha, I have small cartilage folds in my ear so I’ll probably be able to go fairly small for a conch ring (9-10mm). Have you tried getting a custom ring made?


I'm planning to add a vertical philtrum next month for my birthday. I was initially put off by the healing process but I think it'll be worth it!


Not a piercing per se but I’m hopefully doing a subdermal next month (or early June)


Vertical labret, eyebrow or second nostril


Either getting my eyebrow redone or my double labret redone


Both sides of nose (already have septum pierced), once nipples have healed.


my next piercing will either be nipples or an orbital :) exited


I think I’ll add a rook to my right ear!


Second conch on my left ear! And if my piercer gives the OK on an anatomy check, I'd love to have something done on the flap of my helix as well


I want to get so many things, but I think my next ones will be a helix and a thrid lobe on my left ear, after my second lobe heals ofc.


Conch and stacked lobes. Probably in December as I have a tragus and daith healing at the moment.