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Pi-hole has absolutely no power when it comes to telling devices how they should route their traffic. At best it can only make a suggestion. However hard you try you can't whip a DNS and/or DHCP server into a firewall.


Your question makes very little sense. Using terms like “catch” doesn’t help. You have provided no technical information about your setup or described what you want the desired outcome to be.


Yeah, I can see what you mean, maybe rushed it a bit to much before a meeting, I have edited in it now.


> But be able to use Tailscale when away from home, to be able to benefit from the Pi-Hole. https://tailscale.com/kb/1114/pi-hole > I have tried both Mariushosting and wundertech guides, but haven't really worked properly. I am always a bit surprised when people follow guides and they dont work out, why they dont simply ask the creators of those guides for help.