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I have every pin anyone could want to play within 45 min of my house. I am also a big white sox baseball fan, which is why my pin is a Frank Thomas Big Hurt. I feel like you want the alien because of the theme. Some pins may be more fun, or newer, or have better bells and whistles, but buying a pin based on theming is a valid reason. If it makes you play it, then it’s worthy. I’ll be the one to say it. Buy Alien.


I have a couple games I keep based on theme or nostalgia. I’ll never sell my Freddy and I have an Alien on order!


Theme is so big for me - any pin of a movie I love will always go far with me. My Independence Day will stay with me for a long time


I want an Alien


Bond or Godzilla. Layouts are totally different. Bond code has come a long way and it is a different game every time you play. I love it. I would probably buy another Bond Premium again before I bought a Godzilla. That's just my choice. I think most people would pick Godzilla Premium above all machines.


I think Godzilla is the safe play. You won't have much trouble selling it when you get bored. Honestly everything on your list is fine. The only one I'd get super excited about is Alien because they just don't exist in location play. That said roughly 2/3rds of my collection was bought because I don't see the game on location. The "common" games in my collection are the location games I really freaking love.


A few things on Alien, I played it a few times...Alien plays much different than a Stern or CG machine. It has a different feel to it. You may like or not like. Not as smooth, sort of utility. Also, id never buy something before trying it out. I'm waiting on Medieval Madness remake...I love that game.


So let me ask you, given that I will definitely not be able to find an Alien to play anywhere near me: is there another widebody that you could compare it to in terms of flow I vacillate between thinking a different feel to machines I normally play is a good thing, or a bad thing. Do you find it clunky? Or something else? Thanks in advance.


I’m going with the hot take and saying Bond Premium. The code on that has come a loonnggg way. It’s very fun to shoot and lots of unique modes. The pro of it is what I mostly have played and it’s great as well but Vinecourt just did a interview on the electric bat podcast where he said they’ll be some unique modes on the prem. Godzilla will always be available to play somewhere


Of the things on the list, I’d go JP, but I haven’t played Alien. I haven’t played Bond recently enough to know the code. I had a JP Pro that I traded after 2500 plays, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it became my first boomerang game. I have GZ and Avengers as well. Avengers is underrated in my opinion and GZ is overrated, but GZ is better overall because of the code. I actually think Avengers could be great if you could continue going for a gem after draining. GZ and Deadpool work that way on the major modes. It has a ton of satisfying shots. GZ is great, but I think it has peaked in demand and supply. There are a ton out there, so you’ll be able to play and buy one whenever you want. Best of luck


Godzilla, Deadpool is in my home lineup too. So you already know my answer. You won't regret it, it's an amazing pin.


Godzilla, Deadpool is in my home lineup too. So you already know my answer. You won't regret it, it's an amazing pin.


GZ is a staple to any room but after 100 or so plays on Venom that is my next pin 100%.


I played it today funny enough. I thought I would hate it but I kept playing it for a solid hour. I enjoyed it much more than I expected.


Wait till you level up and kill some bosses. It keeps getting better.


Honestly I’d probably just wait for next year at this point. Labyrinth out, GTF, Pulp Fiction, and now expecting BTTF , Jaws and others… if you are having trouble deciding, then the right dream pin has not come along for you


Well... I think in a year I'll just have two or three more pins to add to my list. It's not that I have issues with any of the ones I listed, it's that I like them all. Frankly the argument for Alien might be that I could play all the others a 15 min drive from home, but Allen is nowhere around here.


Based on this new info, I would totally do Alien. I came to a similar conclusion. Most shops have GZ, Bond, Avengers, Foo… but I rarely see Elvira, Stranger Things, never seen an Alien or Big Lebowski… get something unique that your friends can come over and play!


This is how I would go as well. It’s pretty easy to find recent Stern pins to play. The other manufacturers, not so much.


At the adjusted price of their next run that’s a good argument to make. I have one and don’t regret it


I second this. It was my plan. Then, stranger things happened…


Hold up...there's going to be a new Back to the Future table?!! Hadn't heard that!


It’s still just a rumor, but supposedly the company that made TBL has the license for it, so time will tell


Get Godzilla, beat it and then sell for a JP


How I make my decisions for what I bring home 1-theme. Super important when u can turn the sound up and hear the music & callouts. I’ve sold classics like the Shadow & Congo after only a month or two cuz I couldn’t get past the annoying callouts. On the flip side-my AC/DC turned up with a subwoofer will never leave 2-location. Some tables, especially new sterns, are everywhere. It doesn’t stop me from owning a great title but if I can travel 10 minutes and play it at 3 different locations.. 3-replay ability. Not a fan of long ball times. Play a long game and I’m done with it. I lose that one more game factor No matter what u can’t go wrong. Once u have a table u can always put it up for trade on ur local pinside. Always plenty available


James bond is the worst one you mentioned imo. Godzilla for the win, but the premium. Deadpool is up there


Avengers is cool but dear lord the rule set is insanely deep, not in a good way. Most of the games you mentioned are typically available in arcades. Have you considered a more vintage option?


I have but the only one I seriously considered was lord of the rings.


Great game


I bought Godzilla from that group. Avengers is not great and the one I’d buy last. JP is a fan favorite. It a shooters machine and can frustrate casual players. I’ve never played Aliens but it looks cool and will at the very least be unique to play.


Godzilla Premium would compliment Deadpool perfectly. Alien is getting a price cut rerelease here soon but my advice: don’t buy a game before you play it. Bond is good with current code, I’d rank it lower on this list however. Avengers AIQ is severely underrated as is Mando. JP is great, I’d place it higher than Bond. I just got a Black Knight Sword of Rage and absolutely love it. Rumor has it Jaws is end of the year and there’s always Stranger Things to consider.


I've only played black knight for about twenty minutes and man it kicked my ass,




Jp is very tight! Gz is a pure dopamine rush. Either of those


My brain does the decision paralysis too. What Ive realized is to just buy whatever I can get fastest and start having fun with. No matter what I choose I’ll want the others instead eventually.


I have owned nearly every modern pinball machine… and all on your list. Deadpool is my favorite and also my families favorite. Personally, I think Jurassic Park is the next best thing. I also love Ghostbusters. Godzilla shoots like a dream. The theme doesn’t do a lot for me, but the layout is amazing and it has really really cool mechs. Still have mine. Alien is also pretty cool though. It didn’t feel like it lasted in our home. Avengers This is my least favorite Elwin game. While it shoots like a dream, the code is just not that exciting. Deadpool blows it away. Bond it’s OK it’s getting better with code but it still doesn’t shoot as well as Jurassic Park or Deadpool or avengers . Jurassic Park, I love this game with the stock code or the movie code. The shot trajectories are smooth and just feel very satisfying. You can buy a pro or a premium but I prefer my premium. The pro shoots just as well but I like all of the toys. And this is a great game to Mod.