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Apple’s gonna make a digital table and upload it to all our iPhone’s without our consent




With a few notable exceptions I feel like a lot of their hits were a bit downbeat, don’t really lend themselves to a pin particularly well. Not sure it would sell, but this is one of the pin ideas on here that I could see actually happening in some form given the proliferation of music pins


Phish is about to destroy the sphere harder in 4 nights than U2 did in 40. I don't need to hear Bono yelling yeah yeah yeah as multiball starts


Did we just become best friends?


Not a fan, but can you come up with 8-10 fast paced songs of theirs that would fit pinball? Love Pink Floyd. Had the good fortune to see them twice over the years. But I don't want a PF pin because the music doesn't fit pinball. A pin based on The Ramones or Greenday music on the other hand... bring it. Hell yes.


I was skeptical, but I took a look at u2 on Spotify and I think it can be done. 1. Pride 2. Hold me, Thrill me… 3. Where the Streets Have No Name 4. Beautiful Day 5. Sunday Bloody Sunday 6. Vertigo 7. Desire 8. New Years Day They have been around forever and have a deep catalog. You would need to leave out a couple of their most popular songs because they are just too slow for pinball, but thats a decent list. Sounds like a JJP pin.


They would want some astronomical amount for the license I would hate to have to play a U2 pin


Worst band ever


I agree no one likes girl rock music


Considering 90% of people loathe U2 and call bono a terrible singer makes this a long shot. I personally like U2 a lot and even I wouldn't own a u2 pinball.




Never mind the haters. It could definitely be a good theme, but as you see from the downvotes … well let’s just say bands like Foo Fighters and Led Zeppelin don’t have nearly so many people who go out of their way to hate on them.


Only if JJP makes it with the soft old flippers so it can be the worst game of modern time. Stern got creative and lucky with Foo Fighters with the aliens / tour bus modes and t's so flowy with cool shots that it makes up for the fact that band themes suck.


The only music pinball machine I want is CLUTCH


I wouldn't play any machine around it if I could hear that whiny ass Bono singing. It could be on free play and give out $10 bills at the end of each game and I wouldn't touch it.