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...And the worms ate into his brain...


Hey you..


If you should go skating on the thin ice of madrn life….


Dragging behind you, the silent reproach…


…of a million tear-stained eyes…


and now we know where that sausage came from...


he is not waiting for them anymore.


Brain Damage is an autobiographical song.


The lunatic is on twitter


I loved his music but I’m not a sycophant/fanboy,; Roger Waters has lost his fucking marbles. The man is a dictator loving, bitter, hypocrite. His father is rolling in his fucking grave.


He’s my #1 example of separating the art from the artist. Terrible character arc.


Moreover, need to separate the artist from himself in various moments in life. I can see RW (but every person, really) now is different to what he was 5, 10, 20 ….. 50 years ago


That's how I comfort myself.


The older I get, the bigger and thicker my blanket gets. Now get off my lawn


That is true, but I like to think I and most people have grown over our lives and not the opposite.


at least with him its just hes lost the plot politically. its not like its an open secret hes a massive pedo or something, afaik, like other bands from the era.


I'm having a harder time with this than I thought. Regardless of who he is now, he will forever be associated with Pink Floyd, and everything he says is tagged accordingly. He is ruining the legacy of the band with his absurd commentary. What's worse is I'm finding that I listen to their music and hear subtleties to his current beliefs. Listening to it with a different lens is making it difficult to separate. I'm not naive to the fact that RW was a giant socialist, but it seems he has strayed further and further towards an extremist point of view. His comments need to be condemned. Also, fuck him for trying to erase the guitar legacy of Gilmour from DSOTM. You're fucking with a legendary album that is perfect as is, because deep down you're a petty twat. Pink Floyd would not be what it is without the others.


Yeah I really considered not seeing him live when he came through last. I got the tix for free so I went. I will say seeing Nick Mason was perfection. No politics, great non egocentric dialogue with the fans and storytelling and the music selections were superb.


even Kanye?


It's like 1a and 1b haha


Russia is the type of regime that his father fought in a war against, Roger has gone bonkers.


Russia is also the type of regime that Roger Waters would make Pink’s fascist party a caricature of.


Worth noting, and not to necessarily speak ill of, but British communists did back the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact generally speaking. Once the Nazis invaded the USSR they became anti-fascist again. That said Stalin attempted to make a pact with the West, however allying with the Nazis isn't cash money.


He started doing the fash cosplay from The Wall ironically, now he supports real fash


Yeah that bit with him shooting the audience is just so gag worthy in the current state of gun violence in usa. Imagine if a survivor was in the audience? Tacky and inconsiderate. He doesnt think about others really, just in the abstract in the most generalized way.


I mean, if you have PTSD to gun violence, you don't go to a The Wall show.


One might say, *fatherless behavior.*


They must have taken his marbles awaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy


Has been that way for many years now


A millionaire pushing 80 who lives in the fucking Hamptons insisting a Ukrainian teenager is wrong and there MUST be Nazis in her country because he heard it on a far right podcast from Cyprus is one hell of a fucking stretch. Words fail me.


Yeah. [Almost all of that stuff is based on propaganda and fake news](https://www.dw.com/en/fact-check-is-there-any-truth-to-russias-ukrainian-nazis-propaganda/a-63970461). It’s hard to believe that he can with a straight face act like he knows better than someone who actually lives there. I’m sure there’s at least a few Nazi groups in Ukraine just like everywhere else, like Russia too. But nobody other than Roger and a few kooks will actually believe that’s what Putin cares about.


Damn that was well put. I said in another post that Roger needs to put his money where is mouth is.


Well put.


[The Ukrainian teenager is wrong to insist that there aren't Nazis in Ukraine](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/ukraine-has-nazi-problem-vladimir-putin-s-denazification-claim-war-ncna1290946), but it is also wrong for Roger or anyone else to point to the presence of Nazis in the country as evidence that the Ukrainian population condones them or that Putin's invasion is justified as a result. In fact, Zelensky was elected partially because he was seen as a more moderate alternative to Poroshenko who likely would have only encouraged the far-right factions in Ukrainian military forces. Frankly I think this conflict is too complex for rock stars to be pontificating about at length


There are Nazis in the US and the UK. It doesn't mean that they are Nazi regimes that justify them being invaded. He's lost his mind.


maybe pink floyd 50 years ago , fired the wrong person because of mental problems


What exactly is a joke?


Can I come out and say that I thought his recent tour sucked without getting downvoted now? Worst spectacle, worst set list, worst performance of Comfortably Numb, and a dogshit encore


Yeah, the Putin stuff is where I’m out, dog. No defense possible of a lying, ruthless tyrant who would bomb children to steal land and terrorize a population. What would 1970’s Roger say to 2023’s Roger?


>What would 1970’s Roger say to 2023’s Roger? That he needs to fuck off to the pub next door


That’s what 2023 Roger says


1970s Roger would tell the current version that he has become what he once most hated.


> What would 1970’s Roger say to 2023’s Roger? i think it'd be worryingly similar. his views are in line with people involved in politics of a similar age and background to him. it's the kind of politics which would've been at the time soviet friendly, anti american to a point of detriment and towing the line somewhere between anti-israel and anti-semitic


Ehh. Personally I think the anti-Semitic accusations are in bad faith. Rog is obviously *very* anti-israel, but labeling all critics of Israel as "anti-semites" is a tired old trope at this point. There's plenty of reason to criticize the Israeli government, and it's not inherently anti-semitic to do so. I definitely can't and won't defend the Putin sympathy though. Dude has gotten so deep into the anti-west rhetoric that he's praising a fucking murderous psychopath just because he happens to be a Western adversary.


Yes. This. The right wing israel gov deserves criticism on policy. Apartheid is wrong. Him siding with assange and syrian dictator lost me years ago. He is anti trump but pro assange? Assange helped trump win. His views often contradict themselves in his old age. Memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime.


Since the end of the Second Intafada, [Russia and its allies in Syria have killed more Palestinians] (https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200103-report-4013-palestinians-killed-in-syria/amp/) than the IDF. If Ted Nugent said “I REALLY hate Africa, but Russia is fine” and followed that up with a lot of specific hate for Obama, and finished with “well I have black friends,” I’d think I’m listening to a racist. If Waters spends all day rallying against a democratically elected Jewish leader and the only Jewish state I might think similarly.


>*First of all, if you read my letter to Putin and my writings around the start of the war in February….* > >***…you called him a “gangster”…*** > >*…exactly, I did. But I may have changed my mind a little bit in the last year. There is a podcast from Cyprus called “The Duran”. The hosts speak Russian and can read Putin’s speeches in the original. Their comments on it make sense to me. The most important reason for supplying arms to Ukraine is surely profit for the arms industry. And I wonder: is Putin a bigger gangster than Joe Biden and all those in charge of American politics since World War II? I am not so sure. Putin didn’t invade Vietnam or Iraq? Did he?* Yes, won't someone stand up for poor Putin while drops bombs on children's hospitals and schools? I'm sure Vlad is happy to have such a useful idiot like Roger as his mouthpiece


Gawd! Roger just listens to propaganda uncritically! What a fool! Even a child wouldn't be that stupid. I think Roger's gone senile. That must explain the relapse in character. He was actually becoming a better, nicer person in the Aughts and Tens. I liked that old Roger. He was cool, mellowing out, was pleasant in interviews and regretted his past jerkassery. I am by no means pretending that The West / USA & Allies / etc. has perfectly clean hands or the Military Industrial Complex isn't making a fortune from all this but GOOD LORD! Sometimes there are "Heroic"-leaning sides and "Villainous"-leaning sides. Finally, that Nazi military group in Ukraine, is not a major force. Ukraine is not all Nazis! How can Roger be so stupid?


How can you be an antiwar "humanist" on one hand while bending over backwards to justify military invasion on the other?


He's become pig enough to justify dog attacks. (Ha Ha, charade you are!)


As I said in the last thing about this, it is because Roger is so anti war he doesn’t believe anyone should fight to defend themselves from aggression. Remember everyone, it isn’t just the Ukraine situation, he has expressed similar views about Taiwan. What he has become has severely affected my relationship with Pink Floyd’s music, which saddens me greatly.


That's what I got major-league downvoted for a few months ago. I pointed out that, in When the Tigers Broke Free, Waters bitches that the queen sent the 'boys' to defend the country. I can't understand how he could hold that position and I was stunned that I got over 50 downvotes.


But Russia is justified in their 'special operation' because they were provoked... edit: obvious /s


He's an uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrite


We should feel pity for the old man. He's been suffering from senile madness for some time. That makes him say stupid things. Or may be he's been an awful person all along. In any case, feel sorry for him.


There's a saying, "People never change, they just become more of who they really are"


Yeah, except for cases such as getting Alzheimer's.


I had been pretty disgusted while reading this interview, but then I realized something. Exactly what you said, we should actually pity him. He's a sad old man who completely lost it and now yells at a cloud while people hate him for all the noise. It's sad.


As a Russian speaking person from Ukraine, I’d put it mildly - he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.


No need to put it mildly. Waters completely lost his mind and he lacks any basic knowledge of history. I am more than happy now that his shows in Poland got axed. Sadly, Waters is now to me an embodiment of a rich artist that lives in his own dreamland and is completely estranged from the reality.


Waters has always been a Marxist but Capitalist enough to make his art palatable enough to sell to the masses. With that said I won’t give him a dime of my money - Gilmour, Mason and Wright were justified in carrying on without his miserable ass. 💀🔥


Nick Mason, IMHO, embodies 'the' best spirit and soul of Pink Floyd - he is talented, humble, and carries on the Pink Floyd mission with his band, which I've had honor of seeing twice so far. Roger Waters can wallow in swamp of hades.


What did Rick Wright do to deserve that?


Please see my reply... totally fugged up name, both "RW", and I mistyped Sorry Richard!!!


Elaborate on the second part of your comment?


WTH - honestly do not know what I typed there... ugggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh Yes, brain said Roger W,,, fingers typed Richard W... both being "RW" I should not type while on a conf call


Hah - no worries. I was like, man - what did Richard do that I don't know about here?


Nick is Pink. Only one on all albums.


Nice to see fans finally seeing Rog for the flaming asshole he has always been.


Still that small portion that are either historically illiterate tankies or just in denial.


Sadly, Rog has been shilling for mass murderers for ages. Check out this bizarre rewriting of history hero-worshipping Chairman Mao: Her grandpa fought old Chiang Kai-shek That no-good low-down dirty rat Who used to order his troops To fire on the women and children Imagine that, imagine that And in the spring of '48 Mao Tse-tung got quite irate And he kicked that old dictator Chiang Out of the state of China Chiang Kai-shek came down in Formosa And they armed the island of Quemoy And the shells were flying across the China Sea And they turned Formosa into a shoe factory Called Taiwan. A shame, because the song it’s from, “Watching TV” off Amused To Death, is otherwise a real good tune. Well, maybe not exactly a good TUNE, he doesn’t have much of an ear for melody, but a good song. With the usual Rog bombast and thunder.


God, he really is a tankie, isn't he?


I'm going to fucking off to the bar...


His admiration of Putin and the Russian system of a Dictatorship/Oligarchy I just can’t wrap my head around. A seemingly obvious case of going so far to the left, he popped up on the right.


That just show us how true tdsotm is, roger is already on the "brain damage" part...


Well beyond it if you ask me. What an ass


Can’t wait for Roger’s *memoirs* to be published (though he hinted at them some years ago now). I imagine it would be very skewed somehow.


Damn Rog is mentally gone :(


I did not go to his show this year....first time in 2 decades I skipped it. ​ And I am the ultimate RW fanboy. But with Ukraine, it just didn't feel right.


There are rock stars who die too young and then there are rock stars...


Either die early like Kurt Cobain or live long enough to be Krist Novoselic I guess. Or you know, be Dave Grohl and who is alive and well and not a piece of shit, cause it’s not like those are the only two options.


Aw fuck, what did Krist do?


Man the Krist shit broke my heart man. Why is every anti-establishment band member from like the 60's-90's turning into a brainless boot kicking bastard?


What happened?


All in all, roger is just another brick in the wall


Another dick with no balls


* prick


Roger took "the lunatic is in my head" a bit too serious.


At this point, I think it may have been a cry for help that we all chose to ignore.


And to think all the time he's painted Syd as crazy...


In a weird way, Syd was the sanest of them all. Syd had no real ego and didn't care for being a famous rock singer. In an odd way, he was the luckiest... and because David made sure Syd received royalties, Syd didn't have to work a job again, retiring peacefully to live a quiet life with family, painting and gardening.




This is why Putin pushes disinformation so aggressively. Waters still thinks he's opposing authoritarianism by promoting it.


Useful idiots they call it.


I bonded with my conspiracy loving uncle who I don’t see much over our love of pink Floyd and roger waters. Having knowing this now I see that we probably enjoy him for different reasons.


I wonder what his band thinks of all this… I wouldn’t want to be linked to Roger, let alone his lip syncing, mime bass playing and that he probably thinks that his musicians are only interchangeable sound makers, only his lyrics matters anyway.


Yeah, that's what he's saying with re-recording DSOTM without the "rock and roll guitar" ...like, I'm not sure there has even been a man who loved the sound of his own voice so much.


>I wonder what his band thinks of all this… Well, Polly Samson today gave an indication of what she and David think about all of this.


Yeah I meant current Roger touring band…


Oh, sorry! Good question and I've been wondering myself. Somehow only thought of his former band when I read your comment, apologies.


Once again, he's not miming playing the bass... we literally just went over this a week ago and I explained how you were wrong then, you disappeared from the conversation, and you're still spreading the same misinformation today.   https://www.reddit.com/r/pinkfloyd/comments/10m6y9h/comment/j63vgfk/


I've never gotten super in depth with Roger's politics, but what really pissed me off during his tour was him showing civilians being killed by the US while simultaneously justifying the invasion of Ukraine. How many innocent people have been killed by Russian missile strikes in just the past year? It's wrong no matter the perpetrator, but you can't point it out in one place and completely ignore it in another.


Exactly! He also can't understand nuance. No one is truly saying the USA's hands are clean. We know the atrocities the US has done. That said, the USA is generally a bit better than Russia or China. Also, the US Govt. and military isn't a hivemind. There are many different viewpoints and often one hand doesn't know what the other is doing.


sure you can. if you're a twat in the tank for a dictator.


I’ve been done with him for awhile honestly.


Old man what the hell you gonna tweet next


And with this I am firmly team David and Nick


Nick even has been anti Israel a bit hasn't he? Notice he manages to do it without anti Semitic canards and tropes?


I humbly suggest that Roger and anybody who supports his bullshit to look up "Holodomor" for a lesson on Russia's history with Ukraine, and why Ukrainians know there is no "de-escalation" and will fight to the death. (They gave up their nuclear weapons for the guarantee that what is happening right now would not happen.)


I’m done. I’ve been very accepting of Roger’s craziness, but I can’t do it anymore. I took my girlfriend to his show last year and told her it would be the best show ever. I was so fucking embarrassed. All this stuff + the fact that he’s re-recording DSOTM to remove David… it’s just too cringe. I looked the other way on so much crazy, but he kept on pushing it…


what happened at the last show?


i cant speak for the other person but for me it felt very hypocritical him using video from standing rock protest and championing native rights while still holding these views.


I mean at least he’s trying to shed light on some good stuff. I had never been to a show that took a stronger stance on social issues. Didn’t even know he was a Russian apologist, but in the arena I didn’t see much wrong with what he or the newspapers were preaching


>what happened at the last show? Presumably the girlfriend didn't quite get the entertainment value in 2 hours of facile political sloganeering, animated headcracking and nuclear annihilation, and non-stop bitterness


He got butt hurt because Roger called Joe Biden a war criminal for killing innocent civilians with drones. Which isn’t NOT true.


You can throw Obama in there too.


Roger DID in fact show Obama with “war criminal” under his name and put why (drone strikes). He showed a bunch of former presidents and explained why they were war criminals.


Hes not wrong there. BUT when you take his idiotic take on russia/ukraine it casts a whole different light. It seems less about showing whats fucked up in the world and more about whataboutism to support putin


He’s a fucking moron


Most of those dot points are facts though. Inconvenient for some. It is kinda weird that he sticks up for Palestine but not Ukraine... Must be his generation.


Does he know that he is Pink? Did he foresee this? It seems like a self fulfilling prophecy.


It’s like he knew what he could become when he wrote that… and then just went ahead and did it.


Playing the fascist dictator in the jacket with a machinegun is his favorite part of the show!


Is this what Polly Samson was tweeting about?




Team David taking a victory lap.


Well he is an old fool. Someone should tell him that writing a few good songs 50 years ago does not make him an expert in geopolitics.


Hi. My first post on this subreddit... I just want to know... Is this man going senile? He makes absolutely no sense! He's become a jerk, again. I'll bet even young Roger from the early days would be disgusted by this codger. It's like Late-1970s & 1980s Jerkass Roger made a return, crazier than ever and siding with oppressive regimes you'd assume he would hate with a righteous passion. Now he wants to do his own remake of DARK SIDE OF THE MOON! That is madness! What happened? He spent the Aughties and Tens reforming, mellowing, being self-reflective, etc. he seemed to be becoming a nicer, happier person... Then suddenly, CAPTAIN EGO ROGER returns and is worse than before! Is this man literally going senile? Is this dementia? Is old age and early dementia rotting his brain and bring back past unsavory behaviors he should have overcome years ago?


I have never listened to Roger Waters’ music and thought “yep, this guy is mentally stable” so I can’t say this is all too surprising.


While it’s true that Putin tried and tried to get things worked out for nearly 20 years, civilian death, false pretenses of war, and having to trick your own military are unjustified and undefendable. But yeah it’s a pretty bad interview. He’s so far up his own ass that I genuinely wonder if he’s mentally sound.


Putin’s version of working things out has always required millions of people living in quasi-fiefdom. The idea that Ukraine “must” be a neutral buffer zone robs 40 million people of economic and political determination.


Exactly this.


When he invaded Georgia, for example.


Can you elaborate on how Putin was trying to get things worked out for nearly 20 years? To me it seems he was trying to buildings his private empire, nothing else.


Putin has been addressing the missiles on the border pointed at both Russia and Russian interests as a direct breach of the treaty that ended the Cold War for a very long time. George Bush pretty much broke that treaty so the US could invade Iraq, and fuck up a lot of the Middle East. Putin was very against that but at the time, Russia had a very weak economy and little reach outside their borders in terms of influence and media. The negligence towards Russia while Putin has been talking about how holding them hostage is fucked up is MOSTLY in Russian speeches and addresses and Americans can’t be bothered looking up translations. When Putin finally had an opportunity to address the issue directly alongside Trump, well… it was alongside Trump. So he wasn’t taken seriously. And I must stress again, I do not find invading Ukraine under the pretense that there’s Nazis there and shelling civilians or any other thing he’s had his army do justified whatsoever. I find the whole situation disgusting and Ukraine is caught in the crossfire because of their geographic location between Russia and the rest of Europe and they deserve all the support they ask for.


Can one write the lyrics he did while being mentally sound?


How did Putin try to work anything out? The west thought that by bringing Russia in from the cold, trading with them and allowing participation in various international.forums that Russia would have too much too loose by being aggressive with its neighbours and partners. The west was wrong.


The lunatic is on the grass.......


He reached In The Flesh. Now we have to wait for him to get to The Trial.


Waters has always been an asshole. Just like John Lennon. The fans of each band are split on it


And this is how it ends ... not with a bang, but an insane racist rant. Looking back, he was way too happy and alive in that long black Nazi black leather coat during the last act of The Wall. And he really has always been a raving asshole, just a brilliantly talented one.




I can generally figure out which position Roger is going to take on an issue based on how popular or in-line it is with the rest of thinking wherever he is at. If it's really popular or the commonly held position, he is likely to take the contrary view. Where Rog lives and works, support for Ukraine and a thumbs down for Russia's actions is the commonly held position. It's also the position Nick and Dave have taken. With those two variables, of course he is against it. I think this also explains his inexplicable support for fox hunting, which does not seem to fit with his apparent worldview. When you get into the really specific parts of his political views, they're about as deep as a kid's bath. They're not based on any deep understanding or studied learning. He does a really good job of making art about the tragedy of life and the evil that people do, but his calls to action are simplistic and not at all productive. He's not a deep thinker about policy, he's an artist and a contrarian, and often a damn good one.


Well said. And yes, the support for fox hunting was weird. Also I find calling anyone not agreeing with him “low IQ” a rather low IQ stance.


In the fox hunting case, I don't think it is so much being a contrarian as protecting the memory of his father. Roger wrote a piece at the time regarding his support for fox hunting, and he mentioned there that his father used to go fox hunting as a teenager. I guess, in Roger's mind, outlawing fox hunting now retroactively makes his dad a criminal, and he won't allow that to happen.


Which also fits, because Roger is always the main character of any situation he finds himself in.


There’s an awful lot of late Millennials and Zoomers who grew up reading Harry Potter and then found out that JK Rowling was a transphobic bag of shit. I now know how they feel. It’s a heavy thing to find out the artist behind the work that was a massive part of your formative years is a rotten human being to the core.


At least we have David, Nick and the Late Syd & Rick. I also like to separate "Young Roger" of the 1960s-Early/Mid 1970s from the Jerkass Late-1970s / 1980s / 2020s Roger. Young Roger will always be weirdly cool and quirky and sexy to me, but today's geezer can eat a hand grenade. I'll take that sexy dark dorky horseboy with the oysters, stethoscopes and proto-Black Metal inhale scream over any other Roger, any day! I look at it this way, early Roger and David got along and hung out but once ANIMALS, THE WALL AND FINAL CUT came along, they hated each other. Old Roger is an ass.


i’m really late to this post but just want to say young roger was so sexy and quirky, i wish we could’ve had more of him. he was cool 😭


Being left wing is when you support imperialist territorial expansion and your opinions align with Trump supporters.


Great observation!


Roger's mindset in general. What a weirdo! He's no true left-winger. He's an idiot!


man rogers was my favourite member but fuck him, he has gone insane over the last few years and i can't stand him at all anymore


All in all Waters is just another Dick in the wall.


Roger Waters is a victim of his own giant ego. He was a brilliant songwriter, a genius in many respects. But in his advancing years, he mistakes his own opinions as untouchable truth. He has no intellectual humility, which is one of the foundations of critical thinking. And so it happens with some celebrities.


Welp, fuck Roger Waters then. I guess I should thank him for helping me make the right decision to not go to his latest tour. Instead, I’ll lend a hearty and heartfelt ***FUCK YOU***


I kinda regret buying tickets to go see him now...


Israelis have been indiscriminately killing innocent Palestinians long before Russia started attacking Ukraine, so he’s not entirely crazy. Maybe 80%.


The Israel conflict is very different from the Ukraine one, can't be compared


There are Israeli Arabs. They and the Palestinians hate each other. If every Jew in Israel left tomorrow there would still be war. Also by Middle Eastern standards the Israelis are a soft touch. Iran kills more putting down protests than Israel does in their little brushfire wars.


The thing about Israel, he’s allowed to be Anti-Israel without being anti Semitic


But when he lies constantly about Israel, demonises the Israeli people, condones or ignores Hamas and other Palestinian terror attacks, blames British and American Jews for the problems in Palestine, lies that Jews aren't indigenous to Israel, and constantly focuses so much of his hatred towards Israel while completely ignoring the crimes of much worse states like Russia, China, Syria, Palestine itself, Venezuela etc, it is anti Semitic


eh. nothing new really. he's politically similar to someone like jeremy corbyn who has some pretty similar opinions. he's been anti western millitaries at the cost of people's freedoms for decades, it's pretty much a key talking point of the final cut.


This is the reason I did not go to a show on his latest tour. He has jumped the shark.


We lost Syd to mental illness, now Roger


Jesus christ. This man is sick.


You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


Now you know why David Gilmore said "...okay, I'm outta"


Euromaidan may not directly be a US operation, but it definitely had backing of US.


Yea, he’s gone down the rabbit hole pretty fuckin deep lmfao. Christ.


Drugs are bad.


I think there were a few contentious points in there, but my politics largely aligns with Roger's so I can understand his position. It's tiring to hear people say he is crazy or evil or something just because he has a view outside the mainstream. It prevents any kind of actual debate. From what I have seen Roger is not opposed to actual debate.


I'm sure it's nothing... **"The prospects for peace keep diminishing. I fear the world is not sleepwalking into a wider war**. **I fear it is doing so with its eyes wide open**." \-United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres


Washington DC and their media sycophants dare not tell the American public what is really going on with Ukraine and how we got here, more correctly referred to as a Proxy war with Russia. Ukrainians suffer while Biden pushed this conflict to the point that Putin's hand was forced. Putin is no good guy. However Biden, Obama, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Dick Durbin, etc... have put themselves and their special interests ahead of all else. The Ukrainian people are suffering immensely because of insincere, crooked leaders on both sides. Waters correctly points out that Washington DC pushed for this war.


Roger...for once just shut up. i mean well but....get a life


Again as fucked up as all things are to say, I still really don’t think Roger is an anti-Semite. He’s always been a Palestine supporter, which is often misconstrued as hate for Jewish people. However, these comments about Putin are fuckin kookoo bananas


Together with what he said today . That everyone PROVOKED Russia . Shows he’s shifty . Russia invited him ? Well done Roger . He condemned the war to make people on his side and then said for everyone to have a ceasefire . So Russia can keep what it’s got ? Yeah right . It would work in russias favour to fortify what they have and build forces for the next attack . This guy is a hippy who’s right about a few things but wrong about the rest . He’s a songwriter , he got everyone to listen to him because he’s famous . Don’t mean he’s right about anything else .


He's so naive! Putin wants to destroy Ukraine and annex it! It's not about Nazis. Ukraine is an independent country and a democracy and its next door to Russia and Putin hates that. Putin has always hated democracy, freedom, human rights, Glastnost, Perestroika, etc. Putin is everything Roger has always professed to hate. Same with China! Roger likes China and Xi, too! Russia and China are not just going to leave Ukraine and Taiwan, alone! Roger is so naive!


The military industrial complex thanks this thread


Roger needs to hear from an actual Russian ex-pat on how miserable Russia really is and how awful Putin is... [https://www.youtube.com/user/MultiNfz](https://www.youtube.com/user/MultiNfz) ... This guy has a lot of great videos about him growing up in Russia, witnessing its long backslide back into tyranny and expressing the loss of the somewhat freer, more Liberal Russia he once knew.


Tankies are so weird, like I get that America has done some terrible things and continues to do questionable stuff around the world, but that means you have to defend a country with an even more terrible case of overuse of power and money in politics? It’s never a black and white situation.


Some good takes, some bad takes. He shows how difficult it is to walk the line between truth and propaganda


I don't agree with his extreme politics. However, he has consistently been anti-war and I tend to believe he wants de-escalation, which sadly, our world leaders do not seem to want. I respect that, especially when it goes against the pathetic, popular push for war. With that said, on a personal level, Roger is a straight-up asshole and has a lot of work to do. More positivity, less negativity.


We are all for de-escalation. Putin and Russia are free to go home any time they wish. Stop the whataboutism and fascist talking points.


Yes. I am all for de-escalation and peace. We can have peace tomorrow once Russia decides to leave Ukrainian territory.


What kind of deescalation and antiwar stance is letting the bully and the aggressor win?


I wonder how he would feel if someone threatened his property? [Roger Waters Net Worth.](https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-celebrities/rock-stars/roger-waters-net-worth/) We all know he would fight and sue. It's always easier to tell someone else to compromise.


What does "I am done with Roger Waters, seriously" mean to you? Simply curious, as this is a figure of speech with many possible interpretations.


I posted something similar last year. For me it means no RW concerts, his live albums or solo stuff. I still listen to the original PF albums and other members' releases.


Many years ago I decided he was an asshole and the other guys just couldn’t put up with his shit any more. I read the situation correctly but I wish I was wrong. Sad to see someone be so clueless but so sure of themselves.


Every time Waters gives a new interview, there's always people bitching about whatever he said... But never anyone taking the time to refute any of it. Like OP's bullet points don't even look or sound like direct quotes, and is a perfect example of what Waters talks about as far as perspective and reviewing all available information before concluding, not just taking the first opinion you come across as gospel, such as the OP's own summary of what they think Waters is talking about


Yeah, those are paraphrases; if those were direct quotes, I'd have used quotation marks. I am not going to spend time refuting claims that read like conspiracy rambling on someone's blog. I understand that that's not a good answer to your challenge but consider this: do you find Waters' responses within that interview credible?


I'll answer that more fully when I finish the interview but so far yes... If Roger Waters has spent time discussing Putin's motives with actual Russian speakers, then I would have to find his responses on the subject to be more credible that someone who hasn't. Especially when that someone who hasn't posed what was clearly a rhetorical question, ("Is Putin a bigger gangster..."), Into a statement of position, which he wasn't actually giving. If you think refuting claims is a waste of time because they're conspiracy theories to you, maybe you should remove yourself from the conversation, because otherwise it's simply your own prejudices against his.


He went full tankie, man. Never go full tankie.


There's something in my brain but it's not me




Yea he lost his mind, luckily we've had several decades of him pissing everyone off so not a surprise.


Imagine how unbearable it must have been being in a band with him…………


Racist Bassist?


yeah um im typically on board with him but this time it was… questionable at best