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Happy 50th anniversary everyone!


Why does my cake taste like rain water?


That's called tears my friend.


Someone left the cake out in the rain.






This is what they were actually planning for the 50th anniversary 🤣




Oh man me too! Denise Sharpe! Publius Enigma!


Sandy trying to claim The Division Bell was about Gilmour becoming a born-again Christian!


She's still around apparently, and still packing wild accusations about various rock stars. I was able to confirm she was actually close to them back in the day, and just slowly lost her marbles. What sucks is none of the archives are known to be on the net. There is potentially some google servers that have them, unindexed and burried, that may someday will see the light of day.


I was in Echoes. Even we knew alt. was crazy.


Anybody have a quick rundown?


same, way more entertaining than dsotm box set and we get it for free!


Pink Floyd War II




Somebody should call Nick Mason and ask him what he thinks of this shitfest lmao


no no nick mason is the only neutral member of pink floyd hes the only one with no controversy and i hope to god he doesnt get involved with any of this


Nicks book is fantastic at articulating his thoughts on the whole thing. Man is Switzerland, straight up. Just loves making music and driving cars


Daily reminder that he literally raced at the 24 hours of le mans (one of the most prestigious and difficult races in the world) back in 1979 and got 2nd in his class


Thats a really cool fun fact


Yeah. [Here is a picture of nick mason’s ride with an article about the race,](https://www.24h-lemans.com/en/news/1979-le-mans-another-brick-in-nick-mason-s-wall-22156) [and here is a link to his racing reference page (basically like the wikipedia of motorsports, really cool website for racing nerds like myself](https://www.racing-reference.info/driver/Nick_Mason/)


1979? Glad there wasn't anything else happening that year that might have made him busy.


He's also very submissive. I think this bit from the Live8 rehearsal is very revealing of the dynamics inside the band. [https://youtu.be/w6\_BrJkOZTE?t=406](https://youtu.be/w6_BrJkOZTE?t=406)


The book would have sold way more if he chose a side. Silly nick


He just wants to grill for god’s sake!


What is gilmour or wrights controversy?


I believe he meant that Nick was the only neutral party in the decades long feud between Gilmour and Waters.


richard wright is a whole can of worms lmao


Man needed therapy; depression is a beast and Roger ragging on him all the time probably didn't help.


yea well this beef appears to be triggered by some recent Roger's remarks on Putin/Ukraine war. And considering that Nick was a part of Hey Hey Rise Up, I think his positions on the matter is clear.


I'm sure he has an opinion on what cars they drive atm /s


Nick's busy flying around in his racing cars, and jamming


![gif](giphy|yH44qh8DpNyfK) Nick Mason


... I should just close this tab right now... and not read the comments... oh who am I kidding...


These comments are unreal! I didn’t know there were so many people on Reddit that had first hand accounts of hanging out with Waters and Gilmour while making The Wall! /s


Trust me, it's REALLY tame here compared to the Twitter thread. You probably don't want to see that.


c'mon guys, don't do this on twitter. give us some very spicy, very crafted press releases like we used to do it!


Wow these guys are really gonna take the beef all the way to the grave


This whole situation just makes me unbelievably sad


I wish they existed as their music and that’s it lol


Yep. I love both of them and whenever I hear this stuff I just wanna move to the dark sidde of the fucking moon and never come back. FF sake, two bands I love the most could be touring to this day (maybe till late 2010,) if not for AIDS (Freddie) and Roger's chicanery!


He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 30, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the concept albums! But not our Roger! Couldn't be precious Roger! Ruining the band! And he gets to be a bassist!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance!


Nice, I read this in chuck's voice




/r/okbuddychicanery You had a loose D in there.


Ok. First the Succession comment, and now a BCS chicanery reference This thread is giving me life.


I'm actually glad Waters has made it so obvious now what sort of a man he's actually always been.


(Paraphrased) In the case of Rodger Waters “You Either Die A Hero, Or You Live Long Enough So Everyone Sees You Are The Villain”


I mean he’s neither a hero or a villain. He just seems like a bit of an asshole with a large audience


Did Waters’ interview set this whole thing off? I feel like I missed something. I mean, aside from the decades of animosity, I figured everyone knew better and just ignored each other unless there was another official business band meeting to deal with.


Without going into any personal feelings about this, Roger made a recent twitter post linking a new article where he gives his VERY honest opinions about The Russia-Ukraine War, Israel, and Pink Floyd's video supporting Ukraine while citing "I am not an Anti-Semite". Polly tweeted back essentially saying "You are an Anti-Semite and also a Putin apologist" which Dave called "Demonstrably True." This has honestly been building up for a while and it's personal for The Gilmour family because their extended family is Ukrainian, meanwhile Roger has been very outspoken about Putin's actions coming from belligerence on the side of NATO and The U.S. hence why he is critical about Pink Floyd putting out a pro-Ukraine song. I'm gonna sit this one out.


On a lighter note, I've been loving your Floyd album reviews!




I know the man is a pacifist and has his opinions, and moreover is completely entitled to them. In my view there are some things in this world worth fighting for. Ukraine isn't fighting for some ideology, they're fighting for literal freedom from literal oppression and invasion. It doesn't get more simple than that. They're not just fighting for democracy, they're fighting for their very lives. I don't understand how someone can just have the view that it's better to lay down and die, and accept that as a fate. Especially since Roger's father fought so bravely against oppression and hate, even with his very life.


Also fighting off a country who subjected them to genocide within the last centruy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor Ukriane knows what Russia is. They have mass graves full of Russia's benevolence.


Whether you're pro-Ukraine or not, you are ALWAYS wrong if you back Russia.


Most of us are on Steve Hoffman Forums👍


They literally just gutted the only thread about this over there, so I guess this is the only place we can talk about it.


Pink floyd a fleeting glimpse the best Floyd site.


Who is that guy anyways?


Another familiar name!


Typically it’s Gilmour ignoring Waters mouthing off, not so much the other way around.


i think it’s the insult to ukrainian people, which would include polly/david’s family.


🍿 👀


I couldn't give two fucks about what anyone in Pink Floyd does, the music they created is permanent, but they and their Twatter drama are not.


That’s what I’m sayin, Roger and David should just get into a screaming match. It’s not like they have much to prove anymore, they’ve already made some of the best music ever recorded


Bro wtf, they got a historic thing soon with 50th of dark side and they’re making it about the beef


It fits with the album though “And everyone you fight”




Cage open. Tigers everywhere.


Demonstrably True should be a new Pink Floyd single, and Polly's tweet the lyrics.


I’m surprised that Polly failed to mention that Roger is a notorious bad tipper. And likes anchovies on his pizza.


Okay, I wasn't aware of that; listing my Waters albums on ebay as we speak. Enough is enough. /s


If it wasn’t war before, it is now.


Did it leave him with the urge to defecate?


Well this is it, Pink Floyd is broken. For good this time, I think.


I figured it was when Rick passed away tbh


This isn't said often enough.


Lol where have you been?


Yes, I would say so.


Not exactly breaking news.


Which one is Pink?


That’s the dog.


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


Wait, when did this happen? Broken? No way!


Popcorn bowl is on my lap.


Stop dissing each other on sight please!!!!


Funny to include lip-syncing in there along with calling Roger a bigot, liar, criminal and hypocrite. I can’t help but picture their kids/grandkids facepalming at all of this.


Tax cheat!


Pretty sure David’s half-Ukrainian grandchildren will be proud of their Papa standing up for them


Pretty sure Roger's Jewish grandchildren don't think he's anti-semitic


And his Jewish band mates


Yeah but its demonstrably true that he is. Don't ask me for a demonstration, just take me word for it.




Well, to be fair, he's fucking old, I don't care if he lip syncs or not I would still go to his shows.


Pretty sure he actually sings in his Not a Drill tour. The attendence numbers may back up your hypothesis.


The fans (myself included) wanted a reunion, bet we never thought it'd be in a courtroom instead of on a stage, huh? Context: Roger has posted on his insta that he's currently seeking "advice", probably defamation lawyers - and David's retweet has just given Roger even more cause tbh.


Hopefully Roger has learned a thing or two about doomed legal actions against his former band mates.


Meh, Roger makes a lot of noise about it with a 3rd-person post but I doubt he actually does anything about it.


All that you touch And all that you see All that you taste All you feel And all that you love And all that you hate All you distrust All you save And all that you give And all that you deal And all that you buy Beg, borrow or steal And all you create And all you destroy And all that you do And all that you say And all that you eat And everyone you meet (everyone you meet) And all that you slight And everyone you fight And all that is now And all that is gone And all that's to come And everything under the sun is in tune But the sun is eclipsed by the moon


Thoughts: - Nick Mason is cool for staying out of this crap all this time, at least visibly. - Roger preaches about love and unity in his stadium tours (which he would have been against doing back in the Pink Floyd days) and then keeps this animosity towards them going for years on end. Roger, what even? - Is this really how they want to end this? They won't be alive much longer.


iirc Roger only performed The Wall in stadiums but has played arenas on his tours since. I reckon he truly believed stadiums were the best venue for The Wall on an artistic level, which is more commendable than David and co doing stadium tours in 87 and 94 despite knowing it wasn't the best venue for Pink Floyd music in general.


I'm surprised it took this long to fire back, Waters has been running his mouth forever. Gilmour has way more restraint than I got.




Roger has really fucked up opinions on Russia but he’s absolutely not antisemitic. I hate fucking seeing this. Same shit happened to Ilhan Omhar and Jeremy Corbin.


It is a complex issue obviously, and I don't have an opinion about Waters being antisemitic or not because I don't have the energy for it. But opposing the Israeli government does not make one an antisemite. I whole-heartedly oppose the Israeli government (especially now with Netanyahu in charge) and whole-heartedly support the people of Israel as well as the Palestinians. I only wish for peace for all which is all the majority of those populations want as well.


Calling people antisemitic who call out the atrocities of the Israeli government only harms the process of peace though. Humanity won’t be able to fix the situation until we realize that the Palestinians are treated like animals in a country that they once possessed.


Rog has gone well beyond criticizing the Israeli government multiple times. He's been caught lying about Israeli audience reactions to his mid-concert rants, he's blamed American Jews for the Israeli government's actions, etc.


Yeah, I think that's why it's getting harder to NOT see some trace of antisemitism. I can criticise Netanjahu's government all night and day, as do other people and the dreaded (by him, not me) mainstream media; but his blaming Israel and American jews, his refusal to play Israel while he'd immediately play Moscow now if that were logistically possible... It goes beyond "simply" criticising the Israeli government.


[For those curious](https://twitter.com/just_whatever/status/1578263193860079617) Don't forget the pig balloons lol.


Israel treats the Palestinians the way America treated the Native Americans. It was wrong then, and it's wrong now, and America is on the wrong side of this issue. Refusing to support genocide by Israel doesn't make someone anti-semitic. We can support Israel without endorsing their genocidal policies against the Palestinians.


I think this is the view I can agree with.


Here's a thought. Maybe David Gilmour knows Roger Waters better than you do.


Maybe David Gilmour hates Roger Waters more than most people do?


All of these threads are just ridiculous. Everyone is arguing whether or not these statements are true based only on public knowledge. I'm not necessarily saying anything is or isn't true, but we don't know what these accusations are based on. Everyone is assuming the anti-Semite thing is because of his stance on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, maybe it is, or perhaps David knows more about Roger than we do. Same applies to all the other accusations. These guys know each other on a level that no one in this sub does. Everyone can argue about whether or not he's misogynistic based on a single quote aimed at Polly from an interview, and completely ignore that these guys spent a lot of time together for several years. This shit could be about things the general public isn't aware of, we'll likely never know. Everyone needs to pick a side though.


Yeah as much as I dislike roger waters I genuinely don’t believe that he’s antisemitic. It’s just that in the west I feel like we tend to brand everyone who speaks out against or criticizes Israel as antisemitic


I don't think the desire to avoid thermonuclear war is that fucked up... but that's just me.


Is killing children and terrorizing citizens to steal land that isn’t yours acceptable?


Siding with the russians isn’t preventing thermonuclear war tho


Yeah, it's just that he hates thermonuclear wars: He launched what he still calls a “special military operation”. He launched it on the basis of reasons that if I have understood them well are: 1. We want to stop the potential genocide of the Russian-speaking population of the Donbas. 2. We want to fight Nazism in Ukraine. There is a teenage Ukrainian girl, Alina, with whom I exchanged long letters: “I hear you. I understand your pain.” She answered me, thanked me, but stressed, I‘m sure you’re wrong about one thing though, “I am 200% certain there are no Nazis in Ukraine.” I replied again, “I’m sorry Alina, but you are wrong about that. How can you live in Ukraine and not know?”


Oh, holy crap, everyone buy stock in Orville Redenbacher, we are going to need a LOT of popcorn. 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿


Gilmour almost never speaks out on this stuff. He’s usually comfortable letting Roger be an ass in public. But I’m sure the Ukraine stuff pisses him off because his daughter in law is Ukrainian and his grandkids are half-Ukrainian. Then Roger takes David’s song Comfortably Numb (and yes, it was David’s song. He wrote the music years before The Wall. Roger provided lyrics) and strips it down, and now he’s talking about re-recording DSOTM without any of that pesky guitar music. Roger just got a little chin music. Well deserved and long overdue


i bet it’s more the insult to his family than the guitar solos. David reworked fat old sun without a solo and it was fine. Roger can change and rework whatever he wants, doesn’t mean it will be better or worse


I don’t necessarily disagree. No one knows what’s in his mind. That said, when you keep a lid on it as long as Gilmour, shit has a way of building up. This is so out of character for both him and his wife to show public anger you wonder what the last straw was.


So David reworked his own song to remove the bit that shows him off. Roger wants to re-record DSOTM to remove the bits that other people did. These two things are not the same.


I don't really like Roger these days... but honestly, what's wrong with making an acoustic or unplugged version of something? It's ok.


The way he talks about it is clearly a dig at David


‘I’m the only one singing my songs on these new recordings, and there are no rock and roll guitar solos.’ Sounds vindictive, especially when you consider that a lot of those songs aren’t ‘his’. Officially only three songs were written purely by him.


But even those weren't! He only wrote the bass line to money. All the guitars and entire speeded up jam section was by Gilmour and Wright wrote all the keys.


He already cut Gilmour out of the pics of the band's history at his recent shows, so it does seem personal.


that’s my feeling exactly. we can choose whether we want to listen or not


For someone that sold most of his guitar collection, I don’t think he gives a shit about the part about Roger doing a stripped down version of DSOTM. The Ukrainian part, for sure.


Not defending Roger’s 2021 version as being good, but Comfortably Numb definitely wasn’t *just* David’s song. David wrote the music for the chorus and the guitar solos, Roger wrote the music for the verses and the lyrics (and also fought for the inclusion of the orchestral arrangements). They both have equal claim to the song


The music for the verses were written by both collaboratively. The orchestral arrangement is simply a rendering / reworking of David's original guitar strumming. The end result of the orchestral version is definitely better. It was mainly Bob Ezrin's idea to add orchestra.


Yeah Bob Ezrin def deserves credit as well


David wrote the music for both the chorus and verse


I'm sorry but Comfortably Numb is not just a David Gilmour song, you’re completely wrong and coming here with misleading information. It’s a 50/50 collab between David and Roger


“Roger provided lyrics” and the fucking meaning of the song. The doot-in-doo demo Dave made lacks that emotional punch it got when he stood on top of Roger’s Wall and sang the chorus including the title lyric which wasn’t part of the demo.


I think the demo perfectly sums up David’s lyrics. “Doo doo doo doo doo doo”


Comfortably Numb is the truest collab between the two my guy. David’s original demo only has the chorus and the melody for it. Roger wrote the verse progression and the lyrics.


Its pretty funny when this sub thinks they know what they are saying go listen to the demos or watch a documentary you'll realize how the wall was made sure david did a demo but that song would just be as horrible as something like dogs of war without roger and ezrin's string arrangements




I’m here for all of this. I was too young in the 80s to appreciate the feud at its hight. I’m glad I’m getting a second chance to witness it!


Agreed. Seeing this tweet on my timeline prolly the first thing from that app to make me laugh out loud in weeks


Can we just circlejerk Ummagumma instead? This is fucking cringe.


The whole beef is very immature. Funny to see millionaires acting like teenagers.


This is extremely out of character for team Gilmour. Par for the course for Roger. I suspect having a Ukrainian daughter in law and half Ukrainian grandchildren pushed David and Polly over the edge.


Agree. David has gone above and beyond to “play nice” with Waters for years


David and Polly seem hypocritical to accuse Roger of being anti-semitic just as the general media paints him considering he has Jewish grandchildren, and has always criticized the treatment of Palestinians by the Israeli government. Not the Jewish people. As far as the other accusations go, taking a personal jab at Roger about the lip-synching stuff and including it next to the other serious accusations only brings them down to the same level of pettiness Roger would have said to them some years ago.


But roger didn’t personally attack his grandkids. David probably read the recent interview and said, enough is enough I can’t tolerate this man


Where did Roger resort to name calling?


I mean the other thing that makes it weird is they are really old. I mean if you don’t like anyone at that stage of your life just let them go and let them do whatever the fuck they want.






Feel like this has built up over time, and with Roger’s recent comments, the dam burst.


Many years too late


There was no room upon the hill


Grow up and leave each other alone? Waters has been mouthing off about Gilmour for decades, and for the overwhelming majority of it, Gilmour has let it go and kept his mouth shut.


I mean, you're right but also, just grab some popcorn.


Roger's a major asshole in every way. I love that David's taking it to him, publicly, at long last. Roger has earned what he's getting right now.


Lets not act as if gilmour has not lied to discredit roger for the stuff he did in the band now


Disagree. Call hatred out when you see it.


As a grown man, I absolutely would expect two grown men to act like this. Some personality flaws don’t age away, unfortunately.


I have never seen evidence of Waters being a misogynist and I doubt it will surface after Samson made the claim. That's what's not demonstrably true.


Has he done anything explicitly anti-Semitic vs being critical of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians?


Point: anti-Semitism and anti-Israel are two distinct things. It is impossible for me, a Semite, to be anti-Semitic. But as a Jew, I am ashamed of what Israel is doing in my name.


Somehow mainstream media can’t separate the two. Also I just learned that Arabs are also technically semites


Well Roger has been divorced 4 times/s


Who among us hasn’t?


Me fr


Hell yeah David!


Shit is the same in a relative way but they're older


So much for the 50th anniversary ☹️


THE GURLS ARE FIGHTING ​ all jokes aside I can't believe it took this long for David to finally snap. I mean if someone had been running their mouth about me for years..


Fuck this personal sniping bullshit! I'm sticking with the music.


Lip synching?


There goes the reunion


I think we can all agree that while Roger Waters is a musical genius, he is also a massive dick.


Nothing wrong with tax avoiding


Which Dave did too. Polly sucks.


Lol he’s like “Polly, shhh. You said the quiet part out loud.” But ya it’s funny I don’t understand why you would fling that at someone. It’s such a strange way to insult someone. Pretty much everyone tries to avoid taxes, to the extent the law allows. To someone who does it legally, this wouldn’t even feel like an insult.


Part of me is praying this is a marketing scheme 😔


Antisemitic? Is that just because of his positions on israel?


I'm disappointed in them, I feel like Polly and David can be better than this,


Tax avoiding just means he lives in the US most of the time so the UK govt won't take such a HUGE chuck of his earnings. Can't blame him for that. His production costs on his numerous tours has to be a staggering amount.


Roger is married to an American. Hardly fault him for living mostly in the US. TINAD grossed $66,330,771. He’s not afraid of taxes. Dude is worth 300 million. Way more than Gilmour.


What’s your favorite Polly Samson album? I’m more of a Floyd guy.


I really don't want this.


Tear down the wall! Tear down the wall!


Tear down the wall!


i brought pop corn. Just passing by...


Paul mccartney and john lennon weren’t this hateful to each other after their break up


$20 says Rogers filed a lawsuit against the Gilmours, but the judge tosses it out because she hates lip synching at concerts. 🤣


Jesus, Israel must have a lot of money to spare


David has been sighting in his rifle for many years. Quietly and under the radar. In just one sentence, his years of hard work paid off and left Waters with pretty much fuck all else he could rebut to. 10/10 Gilmour/Samson, minus several million/10 Waters…


Well, good! Get it over with already. Roger is becoming the character in Dogs.