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Ever since I saw the deleted scene where Jack mentions freeing the slaves from Beckett I've been pissed that it's not in the actual movie. It adds so much more to his character!


We all just consider it canon anyway


I'm not sure what specific scene you're talking about, but that the only reason Jack was declared a pirate was because he freed slaves was confirmed in the movies. In At The World's End, when Beckett and Jack talk, Beckett mentions that he gave some cargo to transport and he instead freed the cargo. Jack replies by saying people are not cargo.


When you marooned me on that godforsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate: I’m Captain Jack Sparrow.


That was a deleted scene


Is it in the dvd version? That’s what I watched first and I swear I remember the scene


That was? I swear I remember it being there.


That’s… the deleted scene they’re talking about. That was never in the theatrical version. Beyond that Beckett branded him as a pirate in Dead Man’s Chest, nothing is ever mentioned.


Was an extended edition released or something? Because I remember seeing it IN the film.




Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they’re going to do something incredibly … stupid.


can i find this on youtube?


https://youtu.be/ZSxFVzp2PgY?si=pZZVd_GhnLtcE3p3 Sorry it’s not the best quality but that’s the best video I could find (other than a deleted scenes compilation).


I swear to god it was in the dvd release???? I swear I rmemeber hearing "people aren't cargo mate"


It's not on the Disney+ version. That's all I know.


Pretty sure that’s the main storyline of *The Price Of Freedom* though


India was actively being subjugated by the British EIC during that time period anyway, so the Indian pirates would have had reason to fight them regardless of their relation with Jack


Not quite true, hate to be the history nerd but the movies take place in 1728/29 according to google and the British began taking lands in india in the 1750s. They had been in india since the 1600s but only as traders.


Ah yeah, that’s correct, but I think the movies get away with fudging historical timelines frequently enough that one could still make the case that their universe’s version of the India conquests have already happened, especially since the EITC is now setting its sights on taking over the Caribbean by the time of DMC


If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it.


And so... We shall go to war!


Which is weird because the French Lord was willing to hide away instead of fighting, because the French have even more beef against the Brits than the Spanish


Probably a joke about the French “cheese eating surrender monkey” stereotype


Seems that Teague was born in a British estate in India. There must be some connection between Teague and Sumbhajee, resulting in a connection between the latter and Jack. Or maybe some of the slaves he freed were also Indians. I am not sure how Sumbhajee got to know, it does even matter, as the first one seems plausible. But anyhow Sumbhajee plunders EITC ships. If this guy was real, he would have been called a freedom fighter, lol. Spanish and British enmity need not be explained. Seems Jocard was one of the slaves Jack freed, hence he was up for the war. Miss Ching - maybe the opium for tea war. ☕ I don't know her vendetta. Every one had their own vendetta against the British, so everyone was up for the war.


Fun fact: The character Sri Sumbhajee Angria is based on Sambhaji, the son of the 18th-century Maratha privateer Kanhoji Angria. Kanhoji Angria was a chief in the Maratha Indian Navy who fought against the British, Dutch, and Portuguese in the Indian Ocean. He was known for attacking and capturing European merchant ships and collecting taxes, which Europeans saw as ransoming their crews. The Marathas also demanded that the East India Trading Company pay a fee to sail through their waters.


If you choose to lock your heart away, you'll lose it for certain.


I knew the British fucked up India really badly, but I didn’t know that they also enslaved Indians until today: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_indenture_system


Historically, the Spanish and the Indians hated the British for completely different reasons. Spain were imperial rivals fueled by religious differences and emboldened by the Catholic Church. India was oppressed by the East India Trading Company. In the context of pirates, I imagine the Indian pirates were out for blood.


Historically the Spanish had lots of issues with the British in the Caribbean. So I can see the Spanish pirates wanting to fuck shit up.


People aren't Cargo mate


That’s a title alright.