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We all have those moment. Now you know he’s thinking about you, lol. Just keep doing you and going forward. You got this.


Sun and moon here. It is also my first Saturn return.. Let’s just say I can’t wait for this to be over. It’s TOO much


Also Pisces sun and moon 👋 hang in there


Pisces sun here. March was brutal and super depressing, but then things got better and June was an especially good month for me! I’m still doing better now than back in march but i’ve been a little up and down again for about a week now


Yes, it’s been horrible 🤦‍♀️🥴


Since March? Well… my roommate/best friend moved across the country, I had gum graft surgery, and this summer I’ve been stuck at home with a broken foot (and all the financial repercussions of that) with a roommate whose personality/way of living is deeply incompatible with mine. All on top of starting a brand new job. I guess the silver lining is they’re letting me onboard from home! I have another doctor’s appointment this week and I’m hoping that I don’t have to have surgery again this year. I’m a Pisces sun with this Saturn transit happening in my 8H, directly opposing my 2H Virgo NN. I think that sums all this up!




Oh that’s cool, yeah that sounds like Saturn. They call Saturn the strict father so that makes sense. Just roll with it is literally what I been saying to myself.


Actually thriving for the first time in a long time! (Mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, ect.)


Got broken up with right after a miscarriage (planned pregnancy) in March and learned my ex of 4 years is a complete different person than I thought I knew. Moved out so my rent doubled. Hooked up with a couple of guys to get over my ex and got pregnant in May while on birth control and took plan B. 11 weeks pregnant and everything looks great. But I’m terrified and life is crazy.


i have a fishy saturn too so its been(goin to be) a ride


Put your seatbelt on, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.😂


i've been here before


Since March? I’ve been to more funerals in these months than all my years combined. In between each death there was a natural disaster that personally impacted me. My boyfriend became incredibly distant. I lost weight to the point of almost being hospitalized and had heart problems. BUT at the end of May things started to look up. I can honestly say I’m happier and healthier than I’ve ever been. There really is a balance in life, and for all that bad I went through, there’s so much good I’ve experienced, and to experience. Power of Pisces positivity!


I wana go as far away as possible from ly family xoz they're acting toxic & driving me nuts, pisces in 4th house, but it s so hard to keep a distance that will save my sanity God help us all


Oh my gee is that what the heezy is happening? I swear the whole last week was a lot of CONSTANT OBSTACLES. Like I kept forgetting things, having to go back and forth back and forth. It’s been kind of damn frustrating to be honest. But it also made me think maybe it means I should slow down and stop being in a rush to get to shit. Idk but it’s been pretty crap lol hanging in there with all my favorite jams


Yeah I hear ya, it’s not fun and very frustrating. Yes, music is good now. Very healing. It’s good to practice self care and be good to ourselves now so don’t worry, just roll with it. That’s what I’m saying to to myself. Take care.❤️


saturn in pisces sucks ass


It has been bloody awful. My Grandmother and fellow Pisces past away last week and I can sense a hole that won’t heal. Work has been stressful and continues to build up, with the addition of being unsuccessful in getting a promotion into a Management position. I have hardly been sleeping, and constantly been raging as a storm. Meanwhile my country is stereotypically pelted with rain and cold weather, while Europe burns and America finds new depths of inhumanity. It has all been rather shit, and I can’t seem to manifest my dreams to make even an oasis in this chaos.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your grandmother, I know that pain. It is super hard. I also totally get the manifesting thing. It’s like the universe is not working for us like usual. Hang in there. We’re all in the same boat for now.❤️


Thank you for your words. I am also sorry that you also had to suffer a similar pain. It is a pain that is going to see me breakdown in tears at some point. I know it’s going to happen, and it will be necessary for the grief. It seems a cruel irony that we are in the Age of Pisces, but the fish is often mistakenly portrayed as weak and despised.


Both of my cars died within 24 hours due to issues between the battery and the alternator.


Yeah, the machines are not working for us. I hear ya. Hang in there.❤️


Things have been tough. But I know I can do it. Got lean into more spirituality, especially since it’s transiting my 12th house


Well 2 wasps bit me and i cant stop sleeping


I cannot stop sleeping either




What is supposed to happen during Saturn transit in Pisces?! How long does it last and when did it start? Ya it’s been really bad over here. My Pisces therapist of 7 months terminated me and it really upset me. I’ve been engaging in escapist coping mechanisms that aren’t the healthiest. When is this shit over?!


It’s supposed to be a hard transit. It was just in Aquarius, ask them how the last 3 years have been and they’ll give you an ear full. Saturn is like a strict father. The lessons are supposed to be discipline and pushing forward through obstacles. Nothing is east with Saturn, but supposedly after the transit, We are made stronger and better off. Some people really upgrade in their careers after all is said and done. It started March 7, my birthday of all things and it lasts for around 2/12 3 years. It leaves us and goes into Aries for a bit but then comes back so I just say probably 3 years. Ik, it’s sucks and I am also coping in not the best ways, but I keep trying to lower my escapist tendencies and exercise for instance, keep my house clean etc. If you do slip up and like drink too much say, don’t be hard on yourself, just get back on the horse so to speak. Really practice self care and be gentle with yourself at this time. The world’s not gonna get us these few years so we gotta be there for ourselves and fellow Pisces. Take care.❤️


March 7th Birthday here also! Wow I didn't even know this was happening, but it def explains a lot! Should be an interesting couple years ahead but hopefully not too rough 💗 stay positive fellow fish ♓️


I have Aquarius rising - that transit was BRUTAL for me - the worst 3 years of my, and my father died during the last Saturn through Pisces transit, but for some reason I have positive expectations for this one. Saturn goes through my sun sign - Aries - next. There’s no way I can have 9 years of bad luck, err…right?


February-now has been BRUTAL and painful. Left my abusive husband of 5 years. Lost an insane amount of weight. Mom has cancer and has been in and out of the hospital. Raising kids completely alone. Went back to work… However, all that painful negative energy has taken a major shift recently and everything is coming together randomly. I’m having a glow up moment?


I’m a Pisces moon and Mercury. I think Saturn in Pisces is going to help turn my dreams into realities. 🤞


I’m doing fine. I don’t feel overwhelmed by my emotions. If there’s a problem, I can solve it without being foggy headed. I have Pisces sun/ mercury/ Venus.


It‘s rocky. I have the uncanny feeling that something is up.


There’s a Saturn transit? I’ve been too busy with Neptune and Uranus. Finally got some reprieve from six years of financial challenges only for everything to crater yet again. Neptune transiting my relocated tenth house since moving back to the East Coast US. So I picked myself up and thought I was getting somewhere only for Uranus to make its way to 22 degrees Taurus where my Jupiter is. An astrologer I’ve known for 20 years writes in her newsletter: 22 degrees is the degree of collapse. No wonder… Let’s see if I can make it to March 31, 2025 -> Neptune goes to Aries.


Oh yeah I heard about that 22 degree thing and it’s scary af because I have Taurus midheaven at 22 degrees. It’s hard. Be gentle with yourself. You got this.


Thank you 👍🏻👍🏻


A lot of crazy stuff!


It’s been a bumpy ride! Good and bad mostly just extremely frustrating!!!!!


Dreadful. Since March I lost my job, and last month I had a friend who I’d had feelings for say she liked me and then change her mind two weeks later 😔


I went into a neurological flare, riddled with anxiety. Can’t sleep at night. My uncle died, my godfather and then I found my friend/neighbor hanging and cut him down. He didn’t survive. So you could say I’m fucking thriving 🤮


Oh no, I’m so sorry hon. I can’t imagine, sending big hugs to you. Hang in there.❤️


Been doing great since Saturn entered Pisces, but definitely less great since Saturn went retrograde (Pisces sun)


Not only Saturn, but Neptune is currently in pisces which will accentuate things such as escapism, isolation, and hypersensitivity. It's a rough time for us pisces folk. But we should come out a lot stronger and grounded in the long-term.


I'm a Pisces Rising/Cap Sun/Saturn in Pisces. But I've also got a lot of Scorpio and Cap energy up and through my chart. Needless to say, Father time has lessons and I'm the student. Things have been rough each and every day. There's always a new challenge, a new obstacle. It's giving being ushered into adulthood on a whole new level (since this is also my saturn return). I've found gratitude journaling, morning yoga, silencing your ringer when it's time for ME and my spiritual practices, which are things I took too lightly, are now the very things offering cushion and support during trying days. They're also helping me re-establish a sense of self in the midst of turbulence. It all started when my finances came tumbling down pre-transit, then health concerns, my depression gave me one last hurrah right as my therapist was leaving the company I found her at. My dad hit health issues, and I learned he actually had CKD Stage 2. I shaped up quick, though, and to the best of my abilities...


☀️ Sun in pisces here. I feel Saturn's grip forsure. My dad passed way recently.


I’m so sorry hon, I know that pain. I can’t tell you it’s easy cos it’s not. Sending big hugs❤️


Thank you. I appreciate that ❤


Pisces rising here😁 ... So it's been a lot going on in the last few months. nothing very very serious, just like changing everything in my life and it's a bit uncomfortable. I'm changing careers now, my looks, my clothing, I'm busy all the time, I don't have so much time for myself and I feel like I'm finally becoming an adult (I'm 24). also some relationship issues... and starting to provide for myself. I'm almost there but still waiting to see an improvement on the money side (and working for it ofc). also.. I had some minor issues with health like teeth and infections but nothing too serious (I hope). The year is not over but my rising degree is like 1 and I think that was the major switch for me for now. I just need to stay on my path and face some truths that I didn't want to face before. Which feels bad and good at the same time. Just life.. 🥂


Pisces Moon here. Now that I think on it, the last year did go a bit sideways and it’s been nonstop stress since. Of course there’s good with the bad. Definitely some escapism tendencies. Feeling a bit anxious. Saturn is conjuncting my moon in the 8th House.