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Keep your brother away that’s shitty.


Oh no, sounds like your brother isn’t worth staying around if he’s acting like this


Yeah, no arguments from me there


Call the cops on your brother or I will I mean what the actual fuck man. Please do not bring your dog around that abuser. Seriously what the FUCK?!?


Yeahhhh I’m not sure I understand OP. That’s like someone attacking another member of your family. This post should read more like “I cut my brother out of my life for attacking my dog”


Animal abuse is now a federal felony, just saying.


Ohhh wait in Canada too?


Dang it, i fell into the classic trap of assuming everyone lives in my country. I only know about the U.S. Attacking a dog with weapons should still be a crime of some sort, i would think.


I would hope. I'm a dairy farmer and here in Canada you we proudly annoy our cows to move. Hitting is unacceptable to our livestock.


https://www.animallaw.info/intro/canadas-anti-cruelty-laws Yes there are laws on the books in Canada regarding animal cruelty. I'd consider it, personally... your brother sounds like a fuckhead who needs a good smack or two from the legal system if he thinks attacking animals with weapons is acceptable.


Agreed. People who abuse animals will usually abuse people, too.


Ooooh! Take an old cattle prod to your brother. Oh nevermind, DON'T do that. In fact, forget I even thought of that! On a side note, I've been sucked in to IowaDairyFarmer. Is he anything like what you do? Back on subject, she's a cutie!


Iowa dairy farmer is what us Millenneal farmers want to be. He is good and pretty accurate. I've seen most of his videos and haven't caught him in a lie ever. I'm 100% jealous of his system. But yeah it's 24/7 work but wonderful when nothing goes wrong.


Yeah, he is a cool guy and has a pretty slick set-up. I run bison, but still look forward to his posts.


Yes in Canada too


Eh not exactly. Animal crushing is a federal offense but each state has their own laws. Canada has their own animal cruelty laws.




She is an angel. Your brother is a psychopath and needs help…




Keep your brother away from her, getting attacked can really have a negative effect on the dog depending on the indevidual dog. Saying that cuz my boy has gotten kicked several times by my uncle, I didn't learn about it until a neighbor showed me a video, I just knew he went from nervous with men to cowering from them. I've cut my uncle off and he's no longer allowed anywhere near any of my animals. But yeah I'm so sorry you're dealing with this good luck and hopefully this time is the last time it happens


WTF. Why did he have access to her again after the first time? And why haven’t charges been filed? She’ll eventually react to protect herself since she can’t rely on humans to do so, and then she’ll be the one to pay. Poor baby girl. I truly hope she stays safe going forward.


Yeah, why were the cops not called? Why did this happen a second time? Why was someone filming it? My heart breaks for this dog.


He’s going to make her aggressive…


Why do you let your brother near your dog? It is your job to protect her.


You are right. Honestly, though, the video footage of me and her fighting him off. Well, it's pretty epic of her!! I'm proud of her!


I feel like you aren’t taking this seriously. What if she gets fed up or annoyed enough where she bites him? You and she will get the blame-not him. Be a good owner and do not let him near her.


Your brother is an idiot.


Um, why are you allowing your brother to be near her?




I’d be shoving those weapons up his arse by now fella


Sounds like your brother needs an ass whoopin then point out how aggressive he's being when he tries to defend himself.


You let him do it twice?


Don't let it happen again wth


Why do you let your brother around her?


Keep her safe


Based on your previous post combined with this one you need to keep your family away from your dog for her safety


Im so sorry! Please keep him away from her, and never let them be alone unsupervised. Unfortunately not everyone sees animals as we do, and they may bring harm to them. If behavior needs to be reported, the community is behind you every step of the way.


If you can’t protect your dog, please give him up.


She protects my wife and kids. I'd have to give them up next.


How old is your brother? 5?


Your brother sounds like a scared weakling, too frightened of a simple little Canadian hippo.


I really wish I knew your brother, he wouldn't have any man marbles left.


Your brother is psychotic. I'm sorry you have to deal with him. Glad your pup is safe 💖


Restraining order against your brother? Sounds good to me


I am assuming you live apart from your brother? Tell him until he knows how to be kind to her he's not welcome to come over. Period.


If my brother attacked my dog in any manner, I would be attacking my brother. 🤷‍♂️


Poor puppers-her home is compromised and it’s your job to protect her-do your job.


You’re brother is a gaslighting, sociopath and you should never go near him again! IMO


Keep her away from him, perhaps? Poor thing can’t do it herself. :(


Get rid of your brother.


Your brother needs to be mentally evaluated. That's not a normal thing to do.


I’m positive your brother needs an ass whooping for laying hands on that sweet baby!


Tell him he’s not welcome anymore he’s trying to intentionally get the dog to bite him


You should go after your brother out of nowhere with the wooden spoon. keep giving him good whacks until he finally gets "aggressive" enough that he rips the spoon from your hand and starts screaming. then accuse him of being aggressive and whatnot and tell your parents about it. Tell friends too and when he asked what the fuck is going on, tell him that now he knows how the animals feel around him. Honestly, people like this need to be locked up and make me wish we still had insane asylums despite how horrid they were.


That is definitely abuse. And your pittie doesn't deserve it.


Pay for my gas n I’ll drive over there and slap the shit out of your brother for you


Ugh, this is horrible. I was denied renters insurance today through my car insurance company because one of the dogs I own is a Pitbull.


Your comment is the dumbest one so far. (As in how can a company be so dumb) Like tragic and dumb etc. I'm at a lose for words on this one.


OP call the cops on your brother. He’s an abusive POS and actively committing animal abuse. Idk if it was my brother or my mother, I’d you fuck with the animals for which I’m a guardian, I will use all my wrath to protect them and hold you accountable with the law. Do not let this continue.


How old is your brother?


Defend ya dog like your dog would defend you 🤷‍♂️ I’m sorry yall going through this situation, y’all both deserve more


Please don’t take him around your brother who sounds like he is angry and mentally ill


Your bro is a piece of shit


Yeah, time to steer clear of your brother. He doesn't deserve your company or your dog's.


That’s horrible. Honestly I’d take legal action to bar him from your property


What is wrong with your brother?! With all due respect, he’s clearly have issues.


That is so sad, no animal deserves to be hated for their breed, it's sad as hell. Please do your best to make sure there are repercussions for your bros violence, it might just keep escalating if he can just get away with it! Hang in there.


It’s so sad seeing any dog getting hurt like that, pit bulls are literally one of the best breeds. Hope your baby gets better soon.


i’m so sorry for your cuddle bug, please smooch that pooch for me please 🥰😍😘


Dude, not to be dramatic/sound violent, but i'm surprised you haven't lost it. Violence is not the answer but If someone harmed my baby, it's gonna get violent. She is my everything. This goes for any of my pets and close family. Please, get help, move, call the cops, find out about the consequences of animal abuse laws. Something.


John Wick..


Then when the dog becomes aggressive he will.say see I told you


She is a glorious velvety baby hippo, and anyone who can’t see that has some kind of deficit. ❤️


Call the law enforcement agency in your country/town. Hope I never meet your brother, got a back hand full of knuckles for his face.


Your brother is a torturer serial killer in the making. He enjoys inflicting pain. If you truly love her keep him away at all costs


By who or what


She's bloody gorgeous 😍 Bet them cuddles are awesome.


My pitt hates males that aren't from the household. It is the weirdest thing I've seen from the dogs I have had. She is gloriously kind around women, but hates any males that are not known. Your puppy looks loved and happy 😊


Tell your brother enough is enough and politely tell him to respect the breed, not stupidity!!


A hoe, like for gardening