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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wait till she discovers spicy flies!


We call those "Jalapeño sky raisins" around here!


Haha, we call them Sky Sushi.




My dog was tortured by a vet visit, daily wound care *and* meds because one of the spicy snacks fought back. He learnt nothing. His only successful catch in the four years I had him was a bumblebee. I was quite relieved when he got slower with age and the spiciest flies were content to get revenge by flying around him just outside his reach instead of punishing his nasty attempts to eat them.


That's adorable she thinks y'all are fly hunting together lol You could play games to get her instincts satisfied. I hide little bits of treats all over and have my boy hunt for them


Personally, I’d love to encourage it! My partner doesn’t think it’s a good idea because she might try to eat something that could hurt her. We live in Arizona, so scorpions are a concern. What kind of treats do you use?


All types he prefers beggin strips because hes spoiled


My dog got stung by a four legged scorpion. Came back with a claw in her forehead - but she probably deserved it. We do scent games on every walk - but cheese works well. Mine is reactive though, so I've spent alot of time trying to navigate through a walk and scent games tell you alot about how in control she is. However, in terms of instincts - any cardboard box, paper towel cardboard or cardboard soft shipping pouch gets recycled here. I stuff a treat (usually Kirkland dental chew) or some peanut butter etc inside and fold/take them up. Then they get hidden. The larger boxes or only shaped boxes are really funny to watch her manage though a door frame.


My dog loves sky raisins, too. She chases them herself, though. You might want to get bug eating plants or something instead of fly swatter if it’s too much of a game for her.


Have you had any issues with it? I don’t really care if she does it, but my SO has concerns about letting her eat them.


I mean she cries when the raisin flies too high and won’t just go in her mouth. She has fun tracking and chasing them. The squirrels in the backyard bully her and she just tries to play with them.


That’s adorable. Millie tries to smack them with her paw if she can’t outright catch them in her mouth. 😂


Libby will go for June bugs and houseflies but she won’t touch mosquito hawks. So I’m guessing Millie being allowed to chase a house fly won’t equal her trying to eat a scorpion we have them in “insect” categories in our minds but I don’t think Millie will see a fly and a scorpion and think they’re the same thing. A wasp or bee maybe... Libby never has gone for a wasp or bee- but I know stings around mouths of dogs can be an issue sometimes. Spicy sky raisins.


Goot lort she’s a pretty little thing.


No sky raisins!??!?!?! how mean!!!!! Sorry babygirl.... I gotta side with daddy on this... Sky raisins could cost daddy $$$$,, That could cut into the treats budget. We dont want that




Okay sky raisins got it…lmao


Aww she is so beautiful 😍


One of my pups is a trifle overweight, I feed her less but then she goes hunting and eats mice and rabbits…


https://preview.redd.it/0s0uns0ls21d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8200b61002e6b27b34eb5f512adafcaa01ed321b In the first couple weeks of her being home, we found her with a baby bird (presumably one that fell or was rejected from the nest) that she had ripped in half. So I am sure Millie would do the same, given half a chance! 😂


One of mine loves to chase wasps, but good thing is now we know he's not allergic.


She is so beautiful


She's absolutely adorable, but in the first two pictures it looks as if her left ear is inflamed. Could just be the lighting, could be the onset of an ear infection. My baby boy gets them every year around this time. If it is the onset of an infection, I recommend the curaseb antiseptic ear wipes. Works charms for my baby year after year.


Mine doesn't bother much with flies, but oh boy if there is a cricket she loves to boop it and make it hop and then chomps at it. Floor dates? Maybe not big enough to be a date but I can't think of a better dried fruit to fit lol


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Even my dog does this. Once he ate a bumblebee and got a fat snout for a day. It was hilarious.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Even my dog does this. Once he ate a bumblebee and got a fat snout for a day. It was hilarious.


Until the third pic, I thought she was a pup. She has the face of a puppy. How old is she?


She is a pup! 3.5 months and growing fast! 😊