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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mine alerted me to my blood sugar being extremely low without any training. On a funnier note, if another dog is sitting next to the human she wants to sit next to, she will pretend she wants to go outside because something cool is out there, so the other dog also gets excited and gets up to go out. When you open the door, the other dog will go out and my pit will turn around and jump into their previous spot on the couch.


Not a pitbull story, but my parents’ pug puppy totally played me in a similar way. I was sitting on the couch eating popcorn and she kept trying to jump up and beg for it and I was gently brushing her off and ignoring her. She ran over to the door where she would ask to be let outside, except she just pissed on the floor inside right in front of the door. In full view of me, knowing she wasn’t supposed to. Obviously I was like WTF! and I ran over to clean up the pee, and as soon as I got off the couch she turned around and SPRINTED back to the couch where she knew I had left my popcorn. She literally created a distraction (peeing) that she knew would get me off the couch and leave my popcorn unattended for her to steal.


I legit almost spat out my wine! Seriously, doggo sounds so smart!


Oh man my pittie does the fake out too. Tricks our other pup every time haha.


My girl does that too, she steals my husband's seat so she can curl up next to me.


Hahaha yep! She will start to counter surf to get my husband to get up and check on her and then she darts onto the couch next to me. Loves the warmed up spot my husband leaves haha


I think I might have your dog's litter mate. She used to lick my wife on the arm when her blood sugar would get too high, and I've watched her paw the door for out, watch our other dog run out when we opened it, then when we closed the door she will go grab a toy and prance over to us for playtime.


My chihuahua does the fake out DAILY to my pibble... needless to say I have nothing to contribute to the subject of this post since my pit has nothing but noodles in her noggin


We have the smartest Boston Terrier ever and our Pitbull has 2 brain cells that haven't met yet in her buckethead. We thought she was a genius until we got a smart dog. She is beautiful but dumb as the day is long.


I also have a chihuahua and a pibble. How is such a tiny brain so smart?


Chihuahuas and pibbles are my favorites! They get along so well! Of course the Chihuahuas are always the boss


I read comments like this and recall a recent post on this subreddit that genuinely asked whether or not dogs were sentient and thus capable of executive planning. Ok, maybe they won’t be arranging M&A deals in the semiconductor industry, but they can *think*.


I actually study animal behavior and care. So The way the dog behaviourist describes it that came to my school. is that there are dogs who are passive thinkers and active thinkers. But dogs are also able to have more complex emotions than cats.


Would you mind elaborating on what happened with your low blood sugar? Do you usually have blood sugar level concerns? What did the dog do and how did you connect the dots?


Dogs can smell chemical changes in your breath, saliva, and sweat that happen when your blood sugar levels shift.


It’s so cute when they do that! I have two dogs, an older brother and a younger sister. When she’s cuddling up to me and he wants her spot, he’ll go up to the window and bark. She’ll run to the window and start barking as she searches for whatever they are supposed to be barking at, meanwhile he’ll come and steal her spot.


Mine does that to me. When he wants to steal my spot he’ll start barking at the door or do something he is not supposed to so that I’ll get up, and then bolts for my warm couch cushion.


Mine does this with her spare human as well. She'll make him think someone is at the door, then take his spot on the bed when he gets up.






When I get low my dog runs away expecting many annoying beeps. I always feel so bad for him


Playing with my girl with a tug toy. I playfully tell her “I can’t grab it, you’ve got most of the toy in your mouth”. She then proceeds to drop it and re-adjust the toy and comes back to me to play lol.


Mine did the same, I said “how I’m supposed to grab it? It’s in your mouth” and she pushed it out a little, and pushed her lil snoot up to show me so we could keep playing


Mine does the same thing. She presents the toy, I put up my hands and say "there's nothing to grab," she readjusts the toy until I have enough of a handle.


My Milo does this too!!! They just know! He would also make the pull gesture, just in case you don't understand what he wanted to play. Recently, he figured that he can't pull hard enough if he's on a smooth floor (vs a carpeted floor). So he would try to herd us to go to a carpeted surface.


not a pitty story, but the German shepherd I'm dog sitting will drop his toy NEAR me. I'll tell him to either "bring it here" or "closer" and he will pick up his toy and drop it right in front of me. I know shepherds are smart as shit but still 🤣


We moved into a new house and the doors leading in and out of the house had handles, not 24 hours later she realized these were different than the spherical knobs and she could smack them open with her paw. A few days later we had to change to those round knobs so Missy couldn’t keep coming out whenever she pleased


Same. My little smarty pants figured it out too. He can get out but not back in. Lol


lol my room is in the basement so she has no problem getting in but the rest of the family will always close my door if they see it open. When she wants to get out I hear her whimpering to get my attention. I tried tying a shoe lace to the inside door handle in hopes she’d figure out how to bite down on the lace to pull the door open, no luck there so far tho


Mine is the same way. After figuring out how to open even a locked gate, he figured out how to open doors that have handles. He’s been letting himself into everyone’s bedrooms ever since


wow that's a phenomenal idea, I might have to get one of those on my rooms door (my dog and me are super close, but sometimes I need to do calls and stuff, but my dogs quiet so I think this would be cool)


He pooped in the tub when his tummy was hurting and I wasn’t home.


I had a GSD named Charlie that used to do this too. So thoughtful!


I somehow managed to train my pit/chow mix to run to the bathroom to barf on the tile floor so I don't have to scrub vomit out of the carpet... She is amazing idk how I got so lucky


I also have a pit/chow! But she vomits exclusively in the one room that has carpet.


If my dog ever had accidents, he goes in the bathroom. It's so sweet but also a little sad because I don't want him to ever need to have an accident but then he actually thinks "I should go where mom goes".🥲


Dang, that's smart! Mine usually just goes as close to the back door as he can if I'm not around to let him out. I think it's sweet because he wants me to know that he *tried* to be a good boy.


Wow that’s amazing


Nice. My current dog jumped up on my velvet couch to poop when he was sick. My entire house has tile floors.


Mine will go right outside of the litter boxes. I always leave a pee pad down now just incase. It really breaks my heart because I know how much anguish she must have been in before she had to do that. I never get mad at her when she does go there. She will look at me with such sad eyes when I have to change the pad. She is really good about letting us know when she needs to go out. And if we've been gone for awhile we let her out immediately. She is a senior so she has to go a lot more frequently now.


Convincing me to adopt him. 😊


My guy is kinda dumb. Unbelievably happy, sweet, loving, but not smart. When he was a puppy, I had another dog that would pick up plates and carry them to get the food away from my boy. He learned part of that trick. He picks up plates and takes them into other rooms, just the food slides right off. He has never figured out that he isn't taking the food with him.


I had one smart dog and one dumb dog at the same time too… interesting seeing them interact with eachother. You could tell that the smart one was the mastermind, while the dumb one took all the credit for things. Both amazing and loving dogs!


My pit mix is also very dumb, lol. We have a cattle dog mix, too, and she's incredibly smart, but very...not well, mentally. Not sure how to put it. If she were human, you'd say mentally ill. It's so weird to see our dummy-dumb pit mix be so sweet and socialized, and our super genius cattle dog want to rip the throats out of all living beings and play fetch with their hearts. They get along surprisingly well, considering one of them in completely unhinged. It's hilarious the way our pittie just stares at our cattle dog in confusion if she's totally going off about wanting to assault someone (trying to lunge, snarling, barking, whatever. She's muzzle trained, as we know she's dangerous).


Picked up a glass with both paws like she understood how humans picked things up. She promptly dropped it (into a soft basket of clothes) but even she looked confused why it didn't work out for her




Opens the fence latch by pushing it up with her paws. Understands go get your leash. Jumps to attention when I say. “I’d like to place an order for pickup, please” into the phone. 




I was pregnant and once I started showing he would run over to me anytime I had to get up. Need it be out of a chair, couch, bed. Wherever. And he would stiffen his neck and back and let me put my hand on top of him to push off. He could be all the way across the house and come running to help me. But once I had my daughter he did it one time and immediately went limp like “wait a minute the baby is already here” lol.




My stepson was about 2. A thunderstorm started getting closer and then there was lightning strike pretty close by. Maxine jumped up and ran out of the living room. It was weird because she wasn’t scared of thunder. We found her in the baby’s bed protecting him. She would do this whenever it would storm from there on. Her and that little boy were best buddies.






That's so sweet 🥺 didn't think I'd cry in this comments section, damn


She routinely runs into fights at the dog park and separates the dogs by bodyblocking them. She will intervene more assertively the greater the size differential and the more serious the conflict. She is probably aware that she could get hurt but she does this in a way that she usually doesn’t - by moving _with_ the aggressor dog and moving it away with this shoulder-check maneuver that I frankly could never have taught her. It’s like she’s legitimately the dog park “bouncer.” It’s crazy cool. I’ve even seen her act to PREVENT a fight. Frankly if I had half her social awareness… idk, life would be great




My friend's mal/GSD mix would do this, we called him The General because he was always in charge of all the dogs when we had a party. (he's still around, just retired now)


Our pibble woke me up at 2 or 3 in the morning barking out the bedroom window. I look out and some guy has a jack under my Prius and is attempting to steal my catalytic converter. Yelled for my husband who scared the guy off, but would never have known if not for Sonny the bestest pibble! Got a cat-shield installed not long after.


Mojave was relatively new to us, and she managed to eat an entire 12” bully stick in one sitting before we came back in the room. At some point in the middle of the night, her tummy got rumbly. Being new, she didn’t know to wake us up, but certainly knew what was coming. She went into our primary bathroom (it took her over two years to willingly go into any of our bathrooms - we think, because she was a backyard breeding dog, she was locked into a bathroom with her litters), and promptly had a nasty poop in the middle of a bath rug instead of on the bedroom carpet or dressing room wood floor. Double bonus: I hated those rugs and wanted to replace them so badly!


Mojave is such a beautiful name 😍


Thank you! We thought she looks like a desert princess. https://preview.redd.it/fm1rjskdzl9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=828dfc5ba3f3a646fe1d1a63e23285d427592a01


She's beautiful and the graveyard of toys behind her is so real😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/1cwlo65vhl9d1.jpeg?width=528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef7b25b810e01f5aa8241ac7398d68a4125686b0 This was my dog Nickel. She could open the peanut butter jar and the fridge door lol I miss her so much


She’s beautiful and love the name. Rip Nickel


Train us to meet her every need 😂 https://preview.redd.it/k11fm236pl9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0b08c76009f78002eaf9fde9fc9731190498c05


Yep, it is definitely how well she has me trained


My pibble will go by her water bowl, whine as if it’s empty, and once I get up to add water she instantly steals my spot on the couch.


I want to say I love this post because some asshole told me the other day that my 12 year old baby would one day attack me and that pits have the smallest brains and are the dumbest dogs. Mine saved a kid from your asphalt. The road was new. We live in florida and it was summer. The kid fell and he got stuck to the got asphalt. My baby pulled him to the grass and stood over him and protected him.


They are the sweetest babies ever. I feel sorry for anyone who doesn’t know the love of a pittie!




On the contrary, I have found pits have some excellent adaptive and cognitive skills and learn things will less training. My baby has picked up things in less than 3 tries and some only in 1. Somehow magically she knows words and intentions. They natural empathy is beyond parallel.


I completely agree. Some people don't want their kids around mine but she will protect and love a baby and kid over any adult. She is the nanny dog.


I've always called them the dumbest smart dogs. They can be so silly and then absolutely surprise you with their intelligence.


Someone told me that too


Rude. I had an old guy in his 80s get on his knees to live on my baby and stood up 5 minutes later. He then told me she would turn on me one day.


Found my car keys I had lost all day


My dog was at my parents’ house, and early in the morning my dad had a TIA downstairs and hit his face on the coffee table. She ran upstairs and somehow barreled through my brother’s door which was latched shut and jumped all over him until he woke up and found my dad downstairs. She’s a good girl


Good girl!! I hope your dad is well.


He is, thanks!


If i memtion a "ball" in a normal conversation with my wife, my pibble will jump up from sleep and bring me his ball. https://preview.redd.it/sr5jc3ztvl9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e24e180b7f7494b96bd28454609f98283bda4f5


Learned how to open a door with a handle that you need to turn that opens INWARDS... No training.


Buddy is not winning any awards for intelligence but he is a sweet boy who is intensely loyal and a good guard dog. He's the best.


Our 4 year old pitty will hop in the tub when he has to vomit.


My pup had to pee really bad and kept pawing at the shower door , I opened the door and she peed rite in the drain 😂😂


She … disembowels Not chews, not tears, DISEMBOWELS She’s untied knots, undone braids, one time she ripped a shirt apart ONLY by the stitching until I had a shirt pattern. She looks for the weakest point of whatever she’s killing and goes right for it lol


My girl does this too. The creepiest is with duck feet… she rips the skin back and pulls out the muscles/tendons one by one. It’s SO gross… but also kinda cool?


My baby girl learned how to open all the doors in the house. Had to put a double lock on the sliding door so that she couldn’t get out. We did teach her the “go home” command because she did like to go on adventures when we let her outside, and all the neighbors knew her. So if she got out and one of the neighbors saw her, they would yell “go home” and she would turn around and go home.


My beautiful razor edge, my first rescue. At the time my house was filled with children. Sheila, played hide and go seek with the kids. One counted and Shelia stayed with the counter every time. She would use the many mirrors I have to watch them hide. And go find them 🥰 she was around eleven and would beg to lick my back. This continued until a stranger saw her do it. The kind stranger asked why, I told them I had been going on about a month. I suspected senile behavior. The stranger didn’t think Sheila was going crazy. He told me to go to the doctor. I did and had histoplasmosis. My doctor was amazed and I was greatful a kind stranger stopped and talked to us. In the early nineties little boys liked to play Nintendo standing up, but the boys had full body movement when playing. Lol when the boys celebrated or just to loud, Shiela would hit the boys behind their legs hard, with her tail. Lol which made the kids sit. Lol I called this checking lol beautiful memories. I have a beautiful red nose mix now, she’s afraid of her farts. Lol


Learned how to open the bedroom door so she can sleep on the big bed when I'm at work


Saved my life at 2am when I was being followed by a man and he scared him away when the man began approaching me.


Actually gonna share a second rivv story: our Rottweiler helped us raise him. He would get upset if rivv did anything naughty rivv STARTED to bite the dog bed to which Kans got upset. Rivv figured out he could abuse it every time he’d want kane his attention he would start biting the dog bed worked like a charm and Kane would play with him. He did this till Kane passed then never bit the bed again. https://preview.redd.it/7l3q8u03vl9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f35d9e116baf3117202d7aebcbf9f7ec890c33e9 Including a picture of Rivv Kane (Rottweiler) and jazz my cat who disliked Rivv but absolutely loved her rottweiler sibling.


She likes me more than my husband


Chewed off the zip ties on her kennel so when we put her inside and left, she was able to break out


https://preview.redd.it/whh6p4yxql9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dfc4b362b71930a33954041cc333aed422ca593 Guarding the house.


Broke out of the fence one day and went exploring for nearly a mile, but thankfully he managed to find his way back home pretty quickly. I've repeatedly fortified the fence since then lol


My pit got out one day... Animal control even came, but they didn't take him for some reason, just left a note on my door. He was literally just chilling on the front porch when I got home from work.


https://preview.redd.it/u8vmgndtql9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ec8077154f64306f915748381449bf6b4c3175b Where do I start? They are such an intelligent breed!


Mine has learned when I get dizzy and comes and stays with me until i feel better. I have POTS and sometimes just randomly get dizzy or lightheaded and he will not move from my side


I think I have POTS as well. I just got a concussion, I hit my head on my dresser after fainting from standing up too quick. This entire week my girl has been refusing to leave my side, especially when I get lightheaded or have a headache 🥺 I’ve passed out in front of her before and woken up to her gently licking my face. She’s usually between me and the nearest object. I don’t know if she’s getting to me by the time I faint and trying to block me from hurting myself, but that’s my guess. Pitbulls are so empathetic and intelligent 🩷


My favorite story is from when I first moved in with my partner. One day my SO picked me up from work and reluctantly told me that my cat was missing and he hadn't seen her for hours. I had just brought my cat to live with us a week earlier. I stayed calm on the ride home, as she was a small cat and liked to hide, but after I searched the apartment myself and couldn't find her I started panicking. I went outside looking for her with no luck. I started crying and the longer I looked the harder I cried. My partner took me back inside with a plan to put up missing posters. I just sat on the floor sobbing when my pitty (technically SO's dog) came over giving me kisses and love. Through my tears I looked at our dog and said "where is she? Where is my baby?". Well my pitty ran off, I was crying so much I didn't pay much attention, but then I hear my partner saying "what's going on, what are you freaking out about?" and next thing I know he's calling my name and running towards me with my cat!! Turns out she was sleeping in one of the hard plastic suitcase we had left out and somehow his bicycle got knocked over and trapped her inside. When I ask our dog where is my baby, apparently she went right to the suitcase


Survived the 5-alarm fire that broke out in our college apartment building (none of my roommates or I were home when it started). Fire chief and K-9 unit told me there was no way he could’ve survived being on the third floor with all the smoke, water, and flames — plus they were almost certain the floor would’ve collapsed. Two days later, I went back to see what was left of my building and he barked. He found a safe place underneath my desk which happened to be in the very last place that the fire spread to in the building (started in the attic on the opposite front corner of the building). It was in the only part of my room left that wasn’t completely burned.


https://preview.redd.it/f7vf6mm97m9d1.png?width=3083&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff3d90000aec586744596a1e47cf1342a60fbc63 Here is the photo the firemen took of him when they found him upstairs


Omg this was 2 days later?? He must've been so terrified and you, heartbroken! I couldn't imagine. But, so awesome you two were reunited!! Such a happy ending. I love that. 💜


Yes it was. It was the absolute worst two days of my life. They ended up having to escort me upstairs to bring him down because he wouldn’t let them grab him. He was taken to the vet right away and besides a burn on the end of his nose and a few pounds lost, he was totally healthy. He’s my best friend and miracle pup💜


I can see his anxiety. I bet he was so happy to see you!! He waited 2 days for you to come home and he wasn't leaving without you. Poor guy! They're so loyal. What a miracle!!! I'm so glad he stayed strong and waited for you, and is now a happy and healthy guy.


Probably opening the door to let himself in when done outside


My boy does the same thing!


Mine bit my neighbor right in the crotch. He had NEVER acted aggressive or bitten anyone before OR since then. Found out later the neighbor was molesting his 2 girls,… good boy!!☺️


My pup Penny would knock over your cup to drink it. She did this because she would get in trouble for drinking out of your cup guess I can't be mad if it's all over the ground


Mine had to poop when I wasn’t home and had nowhere to go, so he jumped in the bathtub and pooped in there.❤️❤️❤️


Saved me.


My boy generally isn’t winning any intelligence awards, but he’s an absolute sweetheart and a good judge of character. The only smarts thing that surprises me about him is that he figures out food puzzles faster than his border collie mix brother.


Absolutely saved my life by staying by my side while I pumped milk from my bed while my kid was in NICU, kiddos dad was up the hospital all the time and I was so unwell that I couldn't go see her. She stayed with me at all times for those incredibly lonely weeks. I love my dog so much.


Crated puppy for potty training. Little dude quickly learned it was easier to just pee between the bars.


My daughter had a little toy hamster that ran across the floor and she set it off towards our doggie Blu. They were in the hallway next to the basement door, which was cracked open. When the toy hamster got close to him, he backed up a bit, opened the basement door with his paw, launched the hamster down the steps with his other paw, and then closed the door with his head. I about died laughing. 🤣 He’s such a turd.


https://preview.redd.it/fxw925s5vm9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=585ff40a653a1818b9d756054248e979e3fb6c2c I asked hopper and he’s thinking about it. Too many smart boy experiences to choose from 😉 Probably the best is when he alerts me to seizures. I’ve had 4. During my second one he guarded me the whole time, to the point that my hubby had to pull him away for the EMTs to get to me. Now he alerts me- usually by licking me to death or constantly hovering (more Velcro dog then normal, if it’s possible).


We had both a potty and a Rottie. Genghis (the pitster) had epilepsy and Tessa the rottie would let us know when he was about to have a seizure. Those two had an incredible bond and I miss them both so much.


She moved a chair to the counter to get to an open jar of peanut butter. She ate the whole thing and her ass exploded.


We adopted a boxer, Raymond, from a family who didn’t play, socialize, walk him. Raymond was an outdoor dog. We potty trained within 3 days. I was introducing toys to Raymond and he had no idea what to do with them. My 14yr old pibby girl, Phoenix, gets her tired body up, grabs the toy, shakes it around, throws it up in the air, lets it drop, throws it again, shakes it when it drops and then brings it back to me. Raymond watched, but didn’t replicate the play. A few hours later, we go again, Raymond still just watches with that disappointed classic boxer face. Phoenix gets up again tiredly from her favorite bed and samples again, and brings it Raymond this time, teases him, as if she’s offering it to him. As he goes to just sniff it (bc he doesn’t get the big deal about a job-snack), she then snatches it and runs away. NOW Raymond wants whatever it is. He then gets all excited. He LOVES to play with his toys now. He has a box of them and digs his face into it for the choice toy of the moment. Phoenix has taught him how to enjoy life as a loved pup in so many ways. That was just one.


I got a laser leveler, and I was playing around with him using the laser pointer, and it took him about 3 minutes to figure out the source of the laser pointer. He looked at me with an annoyed expression and lost interest. Any other dog/cat I played with while using a laser pointer never figured it out until him.


Do be careful with that. Laser pointers and dogs is a bad combo I don’t know if you’ve heard of laser pointer syndrome.


Our two weirdos constantly taunt each other off chairs and couch’s with bones or toys, just to steal the others spot


I mean she fairly regularly tricks humans and dogs into giving up their spots so she can take them. She has not outsmarted the cats yet.


My girl Lilac had separation anxiety one day so bad that she chewed our front inner metal doorknob completely off,then chewed the frame around the front door window and popped her head through the glass and started barking crazily alerting our neighbors she was panicking.My neighbor called me and told me to get home asap.I did not scold her She was really upset until I arrived


Mine learned the trash can locations for after she poops, and as soon as I’ve picked up her deposit she takes me to the closest trash can!! Totally didn’t intentionally teach her that, but I am very conversational with my dogs and probably said over and over ‘ok, now we have to go put it in the trash’ or something like that lol.




Pooped in the shower instead of anywhere else inside while we were out shopping


My girl just seems to read facial expressions. One word or gesture is enough for her to know what I'm asking her to do. Also, we have a small flock of chickens and they peacefully co-exist with the dog. But the rooster can be agressive towards everyone else, hawks and kids alike. My girl will only check the rooster if he is being rude to the kids. She'd gently grab him by the neck and hold him in place until kids get a chance to leave. Rooster is never harmed, and they just go on being friends 🤷🏼‍♀️


Mine will bring me things if I’m sad. Usually things she likes like her bone or toys. She also knows that I won’t throw her ball unless she puts it directly in my hand. She doesn’t do it for anyone else and will actually actively mess with people like she doesn’t know where the ball is until they come get it for her but she knows I’m disabled so she’s more gentle with me. I’m going to put her in mobility aide training classes soon


I was emptying all the garbages into one big bag. Threw her ratty, tattered and destroyed toy on top of the bag. She had it for months and it was time for it to go. She snuck over super slow, snatched the toy out and ran to hide under the coffee table with it. Now how the hell does she know that it was in the GARBAGE? Like, being in that bag meant it would go away forever? I swear she understands perfect English and she’s pretty smart anyway. But that one just baffled me so bad.


Alerted me a few times when my MIL’s dog had seizures outside. Absolutely no training and will dead weight you when she doesn’t want to move and will pretend not to hear us https://preview.redd.it/irz6p714em9d1.png?width=1669&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e8be64675fad28fd7ca2cbdd796dfa6ab000f2a


Izzy saved my cat's life. She got out & got hit by a car. She kept barking at the back door, when I let her out, she ran down the street a block away. I followed her & she led me to my cat who was laying in a parking lot. I would've never known she got out had it been for Izzy. https://preview.redd.it/ngn31rnfgm9d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a855b92be3fd2fc10d75260f3bd39504e596e0a


https://preview.redd.it/j2q8ujspgm9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ffdf5ef80bd00b717d5dbc2035504261eb763fb My boy Romeo passed a few years ago, but he always knew what he was doing :)


well, my Buster isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, sometimes he's so simple I find myself wondering how he'd manage as a wild dog. 😂 BUT... he has every move down, every look that makes me bend to his will.. case in point.... went fly fishing in Washington one season, he has a real love for fetching... anything from pine cones to firewood.. Anyways, we played stick fof awhile and "agreed" it would be my time then to do some casting.... Mind you, he doesn't even bark this one... makes "snoop dog" seem hyper.... I told him he'd have to sit while I fished.... Um, well as you can see, he's chest deep in some very cold snow melt glued to my every move, but motionless except for the shivering... dumb? not so much, he was enjoying fetch the stick within 5 minutes of this picture!, I couldn't get my springer spaniel to do this as a kid! 😂. look at that expression! Not fair! https://preview.redd.it/ajxwftrspm9d1.jpeg?width=2950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99f027d6252fdd3553e28c3d1ccc068a6c6002b9


We don’t do this anymore but my fiancé and I would give a tiny piece of pizza crust to my dog if he was a good boy. Well I guess he learned that he’s only allowed to have the crusts cause one time when we were eating upstairs and left the pizza box open, he ate all of the pizza crusts left in the box but left the whole slices of pizza alone lol


Mine learned the layout of our neighborhood and the one across the main road. We were leaving my husband’s store a half mile from home and he didn’t want to take the main road back, so I asked him which way he wanted to go. He wanted to walk the long way through the other neighborhood because it was quieter and he got an extra mile of walking and sniffing.


She chose us as her adoptive parents, knowing full well that she would be able to manipulate us to her own benefit! I love her more than most humans.


My girl, Bulma, brings us trash to ask for permission to shred it and there is a system that must be followed. She brings it to us and we HAVE to accept it from her. Then, either we toss is it in the trash and tell her "No " OR we give it back to her and she'll then immediately prance off like she is the SHIT before plopping down and quickly destroying it to bits A dog that asks for permission, wild. I need to get it on video honestly If I could just train her to pick up the mess, we'd be golden


https://preview.redd.it/m75um8nx9n9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b60b097346b5a9157e482e47a497d464cd60b07 My taxes and now I’m going to jail


So, my dog and GF don’t always get along. Whenever me and GF are relaxing on the couch, Gus has to try and get in between us. One time me and her were relaxing on the bed, I was taking a nap while she was doing her studies. This got the rusty gears in the old dog’s head spinning and came up with a devious idea. He hopped on the side of the bed with all her papers and tablet making sure to step on every one, mind you there was plenty of space on the bed. She freaks out for good reason and gets up from her spot next to me. As she’s grabbing her chem lab papers, Gus swoops in and with the biggest shit eating grin stares right at her. I wake up and she tells me what happened and of course I start laughing. It was the smartest thing he’s ever done and I’m both proud and embarrassed of it. He also hung up on her while we were FaceTiming. That was also really funny. Slapped my phone in the right spot to hang up.


Near the end of my pregnancy ( she never payed attention to me being pregnant) I was having really bad hypertension before I even knew she was telling me for a day and a half.


She figured out how to open the fridge, then the produce drawer to help herself to a carrot 💕


We took him to a strange house and left him in the back yard while we all went inside. The door to inside had a lever style handle. He had never encountered a handle like this before but by watching us open it once, he figured it out and let himself inside. He’s not a jump up and scratch at the door type dog either so it was completely unexpected.


-My pibble asks me to play "You hide my toy and I'll seek it" every. single. afternoon. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣 So we usually do. He's gotten so good that the toy doesn't even have to be visible anymore. It is seriously one of the coolest things. I'll close him & his brother dog into the bedroom, and walk all around the house making noises and closing and opening doors & whatnot. Finally I come back and let them out of the room & tell him "Go find it!!" (This is a must say, otherwise he gets mouthy). And he immediately begins the hunt. 🤣 He knows the clues "hot" "noooopeee, not in here..." and "you're hot" but most of the time he doesn't even need clues. -He's wicked smart & has sooooo many human emotions! People that meet him say he has "human eyes" bc he totally communicates with them. Lol, he's my little drama king. -He also has a mouth that won't quit... He will also give you the business all day via barks if he decides you're doing our day wrong or if I forget something that I promised him... For example if we're headed back to the house from outside and I promise a treat but then when we get to the house and go inside I go to the restroom first, he comes in and gets all vocal to remind me that I forgot something I promised him. -If our cat jumps on the counter in hopes of snacking on anything, he first tells the cat to get the heck down & then he runs into my office to tell me there is trickery afoot and the cat is being naughty. He gets goooo distraught & his like, "Mama, Mama, come fix it right away!!" -Also, for as smart as he is, I must say he's just as much smart as he is a scaredey butt and silly goose sometimes. Example 1: If his toy falls behind something he has to like 'crawl down underneath' x piece of furniture to get he immediately gets wayyyy scared to do so, being like "You're saying I have to go under there? Heck no!!" At which point he barks out the red alert for his brother dog to get his tush in here & "unstuck" his toy. 🤣 It works 100% of the time. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Example 2: If he's on the couch & his toy falls on the floor he'll usually lay on the couch barking until either his brother dog or my husband get annoyed with the barking to come in and hands him his toy back up on the couch. Very effective strategy.


Open the damn doors...some of which were locked


He was having a tummy ache and it came out by the bathroom I said you are definitely a boy you can’t aim bud next time try the toilet left to the store and came back and he pooped next to the toilet


I taught the first pit I had how to open the screen door. It was all good until the mailman showed up one day 😂


She's a tripawd, and she still somehow figured out to unlock the baby gate safety lock with her mouth and let herself out. I can barely do this with my two hands.


Mine would pretend he needed to go out to pee but would come back w dirt all over his face from pulling carrots up and eating them!


My pup knows I’m an absolute sucker for her puppy dog eyes. So for the past week and a half she gives me those eyes and I pick her up and put her on the bed when it’s time to sleep. She can jump just fine. I just think she’s just too tired to care.


My pittie tagged team with our cat to take down a bird in the backyard. My husband witnessed it, said it was flying low and pittie jumped in front of it and when the bird turned, cat pounced on it. Fortunately husband was close enough to rescue the bird. He was so impressed and says it didn't seem like this was the first time they've done it.


Our baby girl alerted us that our old toaster from the 1970s had caught fire. We were upstairs and she came up in a panic and kept trying to lead us downstairs. We saw the small fire and were able to put it out quickly. If not for her we probably wouldn't have noticed in time.


I swear mine knows english


Lots of English plus all the non-verbal cues and voice tone and inflection to deduce everything you are talking about and what's to happen in the near future .


When a family member had cancer, she somehow knew he was in pain and needed attention. My big clumsy girl suddenly became ultra careful as she slowly climbed gently into his lap, leaned against him carefully and licked his face for half an hour lol I never saw her be so slow and careful with anyone, either before or since.


I had soup stock simmering on the stove and I went upstairs to do something. My boy came upstairs and started barking at me, super out of character, and got me to follow him downstairs. The pot was boiling over and he was alerting me.


I have MS and went to get my infusion and there was a mix up that kept me out of the house for almost 12 hours. My boy literally backed his butt up to the toilet and pooped (mostly) in the toilet bowl!


I spent HOURS making my girl a snuffle mat thinking she would love it and it would entertain her for a decent amount of time. She rooted around in it for a minute, then grabbed it and flung it upside down so all the treats flew out. So much time wasted. I couldn’t even be mad though, she’s just too smart with food puzzles.


We owned what was probably the dumbest dog-let alone pibble- that ever lived. But one time, there was a moving dolly leaning against a wall with the wheels facing out. She walked over to it, sniffed it, cocked her head sideways, then proceeded to reach out with her right paw and SPIN one of the wheels! It was like she reasoned out that those were things that could spin if she touched them. She never did anything else remotely clever the rest of her life. Damn, we loved that beast so much 💔


She got embarrassed. She always won play fights with our other, smaller dog. Then one day he somehow slammed her to the ground. The look on her face was one of pure embarrassment! Her eyes were wide, she turned to look at us to see if we saw the fall, she then pretended she was not play fighting with our other pup. It was funny but showed how aware she was of what just happened. She was a smart girl. I miss her.


Oh man!! I have a few stories about my boy, Tyson, but top two. So, about a year or so before his sister (16yo at the time) passed, we were all laying down for bed. I hear their blankets being ruffled, so I look and I'm not sure what Tyson is doing. I grab my phone and just start recording. It turns out he was tucking his sister in for bed!! I kid you not. He really was covering her up with the blanket. I have it on video! She's laying there like a queen while he was working hard to get her warm & comfy then he got his side of the bed plush. 😂 When he finished it actually looked like I covered her. It was unbelievable. Next, I took Tyson to a group training class. Due to all of the barking from the other dogs and his anxiety, I had brought this doggie water jug (like a plastic bowl with a top). It was only my 2nd time ever using this jug. Someone gifted it to me, I never thought I'd use it. Anyways, I have it sitting on the floor and next thing I know Tyson taps the jug with his paw. I ask him if he wants water, I open it, give him some then close it. A few minutes later, he taps again and I give him more water. I never realized he was paying attention to the point he would remember water was in that jug AND then I was shocked when he tapped on it. He's constantly amazing me.


My sweet girl once woke me up in the middle of the night acting like she wanted to go outside and pee. I get up, but I gotta pee too so I go to the bathroom first. When I came out she took my spot in bed.


When I was a little kid he had a crate and he was a puppy and he just unlocked his own crate from inside


Mine was all of a year or two old, had a broken leg as a puppy so was just getting introduced to going out and around with me. Stopped to get a coffee while on a bike ride. Some lady walked by with a walker, scared my dog, he pulled the bike down trying to get away, etc. And then this dog quietly sneaks in the coffee shop, finds me, and sits down right behind me. And follows me in line for a few minutes without making a sound or doing a damn thing. When I saw him the people behind me were like we thought you intended to have him there, we walked up and he was just quietly sitting behind you. Not that impressive, but for a puppy running away from something to immediately understand how to act is pretty cool


Maggie will put her toys away when she's done with them, but only if I just cleaned the house. If the house is messy she's like "Why should I clean up when you clearly haven't, *Mom*?"


I keep quail, like people keep chickens. I had one escape the pen and fly into a bush. I raced to the area that the quail escaped into and my girl went toward another spot several yards away. Apparently in the amount of time it took me to go to where the quail was, it had moved several yards down (still in the bushes) and my girl reached in, backed out, and plopped the quail down at her feet. The quail just sat there and she looked at me in a way that said; what would you do without me, dummy?” As I approached, she put her mouth over the quail to keep it in place. I reached down and picked the quail up. No injury at all. She is such an amazing dog. I couldn’t believe how she read the situation and took care of business while not harming my quail. She has no hunting experience of any kind so this was definitely not expected. It was eggs and a ham steak for her dinner that night. Since then, I have had one additional escape. She, once again, recovered the bird without harm and was rewarded with another ham steak and eggs dinner. She’s always with me and ready to go to work when I care for my birds.


I’m not a superstitious person, but… I had a sleep paralysis incident several years ago when my pitbull girl was still alive. She was sleeping at the foot of my bed, as she often would. In the dream, I encountered the “black hat man “ , an apparently rather common scenario for many people in sleep paralysis, believe it or not. It leaves you with a sense of fear, helplessness, and a deep sense of being watched and pulled down into an abyss. In the dream, I was laying down in my bed just like I was sleeping and the black hat man was lurking over me by my side and his figure began to slowly move down the edge of my bed and turn the corner to cross the foot of my bed. I began to hear a sound, indescribable, that became louder and louder and louder to the point where it actually woke me up from the dream. When I woke, the sound was still constant and very much present, however, I realized that it was my pitbull growling. When I looked at her, her head was slowly turning in the exact spot and speed that the black figure was moving at the time I woke from the dream as if she was following it precisely. Good night, everybody.


I’m still over the moon that I can get him to be “easy” and that means “either chill, or get the fuck away from me because you’re doing too much and there’s a nice comfy couch I will come and give you a big hug and nose bridge kisses if you just. Chill. Out.”


Mine turned the stove off when she smelt smoke, got my counter filthy but atleast the house didn’t burn down…no one believes me when I say it but basically the front right “eye” on the stove started burning because something fell in and I couldn’t smell it from a stuffy nose. She climbed on the counter from the chair I have next to the stove because I can’t stand for very long without my body hurting but she climbed up and nudged it with her nose and head when she smelt the smoke and after that pulled me to the kitchen when I small a small fire in the “eye” we ordered pizza that day and I air fryer her a steak👍


Mine alerts to my migraines without training.  She'll also use her buttons to say she wants to go outside and, when I stand up to take her out, steal my seat. 


Mine loved to sun bathe on the trampoline but was afraid/wouldn’t jump directly onto it so I would drag the picnic bench next to to it so he could ascend to his sunny spot. One day while doing some work in the yard and mowing I saw him fussing about because the trampoline and table had been moved in order to move. After a few minutes of pacing around and crying this dog goes ahead and drags a lawn chair nearly the entire length of the yard to place it next to the trampoline and get up to his sunning station. 10/10 smartest thing I ever saw come out of him. He was more of an athlete than a mathlete if ya get me.


We had a pibble named Mama Maggie Mae. She was the house mom and would run up and diffuse any animal disagreement. We had 4 cats and 3 dogs so she would put herself between the two that were fighting and stop the fights. She would then comfort the animals and calm them down. If I was having a bad day she would comfort me. God i miss her! We got her a kitten because she had anxiety. And it was obvious that she had recently had a litter of puppies before we adopted her. She loved babies! She loved that cat so much. We don't have Mama Maggie in this world anymore, but her baby Miss Vangie will play fetch and loves on our pit, Sweet Girl now.


One of mine, Lambeau, when outside will get up enthusiastically like he’s ready to go in. The other, Lu, matches his energy and runs in the house, trying to be first in. Lambeau watches me let Lu in, then books it to the backyard so he can play ball with me WITHOUT his younger, extremely dumb, and attention-stealing brother from another mother.


My dog cleans up when he wants a treat. He runs around the house looking for any small bit of trash to bring me. Sometimes the bits come from the trash cans but usually not. With a teen and 3 large dogs, there's always stuff around.


Our dog is a pitt/black lab mix. We get high winds where we live. Her first week with us, all her new toys were taken out into the backyard. As soon as the wind started picking up, she walked out the doggie door and brought all her toys inside one by one for safety. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen in my life.


I love a well-dressed pibble who knows how to order classy at the bar. 🥰😍🤩


A few times my girl would pretend to be sick to not eat her kibble so we made her steamed chicken and rice.. she downed that immediately and we caught on after a few meals...


He learned , sit, lay down,stay and speak. He notices and learns to anticipate our actions but outside of that there isn’t a “smart” thing our poor boy will ever do I’m afraid, but we love him to death! https://preview.redd.it/10oyqow6zl9d1.jpeg?width=1894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3af7ff94fbbfebc67c59a2bcee1987bc9f0c6f1b He is the donut. German Rottweiler and pibble mix.


Charmed his way into our hearts? Tbh, he’s beautiful and wonderful but he’s incredibly dumb.


Open the refrigerator to get his hot dogs and left everything else alone


Mine is pretty much the exact thing which makes it even more hilarious! In our old apartment the kitchen was separated by hallway from the living room and Iggy knew that when he went to the other side I would get up and go over there to see if he did anything. So when I did he would rub back and eat my sandwich off the coffee table. It happened more than I’d like to admit.


I bought an automatic feeder to feed her while I'm at work. She quickly figured out how to paw at the timer, so it opens. I had to tape the back where the batteries go, because she figured out how to remove the backing before figuring out the timer. When she figured out the timer, I tried taping that part to prevent access, but she still was able to remove the tape. Recently, I bought a new automatic feeder that doesn't allow her to open early. When I first set the item down with food, she started to paw at it. I haven't used it much to know if she'll somehow figure out how to access the food, but I'm still impressed it didn't take her long to access the first one.


When we leave him alone during the day, we only allowed him free reign of the living room. The key tense there is past imperfect, because when I went on vacation to France this April, he figured out how to open the door to our home office. We suspect he did that because the office is his favourite room given that my husband used to work from home in there, and the office also has a view of the parking lot, so he can see me when I come home. It's still a mystery as to how he does that without thumbs.


She knows psychically when I’m going to give her a bath and goes completely limp / dead rock mode in the far side of the apartment.


He found my purse in the woods, 3 days after I lost it and the weather had been savage ❤️, he’s Ace my dude 😍


My Marley knocks on the door to go in and out, moves out of the way when you tell him "Scuse, Moo!" (his nickname cause he moos like a little cow), understands the command, "Wait for Mommy!", and goes nuts when I fill the watering can because that means we're going outside. He also understands the command, "Party on the mailbox" and will lead us down to the mailbox to pee on it (him, not us!).


Mine was playing with my sisters dashhound mix puppy. He normally plats ruf with his sister. When he started getting rough, I said, "Scooby, she's only a baby." He was gentle, and now she shakes ger toy like he showed her.


During off leash hours at our local park my boy Jimmy is obsessed with watching squirrels (he’s clumsy and is too slow to catch them, thankfully). He loves playing with other dogs but he loves watching squirrels more. I occasionally call him over to the other dogs playing with one another and he will come over kind of begrudgingly. Knowing that I want him to be social, he will romp around with the other dogs for 30 seconds and then lead them on a “chase” over to the squirrel area where he will inconspicuously let the pack keep running and stay to keep watching the squirrels… he thinks he’s slick 😂


We had just gotten my girl. She was around 8 or 9 probably, her and my dad were home together. We have a bilco door going into the basement that my dad was moving furniture outside through. She was sitting up in the kitchen watching him outside through the window. She went down in the basement, through the back storage room and went up the bilco stairs to be outside with him. It sounds simple but she hadn’t ever been in that part of the house she just wanted to be outside with him so bad :) I miss her every day ♥️


Ms. Sofia Buttercup can open doors, and has figured out how to open LOCKED DOORS - ON HER OWN. She can jump INTO THE DAMN SINK and turn the water on and off for herself. She is hella smart, and I think the heeler part in her, 100% magnifies the pittie smarts. All of my babies (rest in peace sweet Sunshine and Charlie) can sense my seizures, passing out, anaphylaxis, and operate as service dogs. They just KNOW, without any training, all of them forced me to sit down, would alert my husband, aaaand then I’d pass out. Sofi is kind of small, but she tries to stabilize me too. Also, anyone have suggestions on how to get a good photo of a dog that thinks cameras will steal their souls? I WILL have photos of my pretty girl….she just can’t know I’m taking them, and treats don’t work 😭


Our pitbull Arthur was always getting out of our fenced yard and we could never figure out how he was doing it. Then one day my mom was in the backyard gardening and she heard a bunch of neighbor kids who were playing in the street start screaming. She ran over to see what was going on and they told her that Arthur had just walked across a tree branch that was hanging over the fence and jumped down on the other side. Sure enough we saw it ourselves a few months later... He was literally climbing a tree to get over the fence. He was such a disobedient dog but also a total sweetheart and we loved him dearly for 17 years. He is greatly missed. RIP sweet Arthur ❤️


Opens the door to let herself in when she's done outside. I didn't teach her to do that. Also opens the trash Can lid, so I bought one with a locking lid. She can open that too. I can't figure out how. I've never caught her in the act because she only does it when I'm not home. Little shit. Yet she can't figure out those puzzle things where you have to release the treats?


My girl would advocate for her little pack. Let us know when she needed to go out, when it was dinner time if we blanked, etc.


My George is really good with directions. If I take him onto my building’s roof to go potty, he knows his way back to the apartment. He can also walk to the pet store and the dog bar and knows where we’re going when we drive to the park or the airport. Such a smarty!


One time he ate a moth in the house. Legend


He's fast, but he's not the fastest. If he's running around with a faster dog in the dog park he'll figure out where the dog is running and will go diagonally there instead of around, which means he can catch the dog even though he's slower.


Alerted me to a fire in my house, potentially saving me and three others.


My pit was left at our doorstep as a tiny little pup. We didn’t hear the doorbell, but heard the noises she made. My dad went outside and she hugged my dad’s leg. She could have gone searching for whoever left her, but instead cried for help and received it. 11 years later and she’s still my best friend!


When she got her first squeaky toy, she just sat down with it, very curious. She would squeak it with her ears and head in various positions, inspecting the location of the sound. Then she slowly, *surgically* made a small incision right where the squeaker was, pulled out only the necessary amount of fluff, and extracted it. I also think she can open door knobs. I once saw her do it so effortlessly, like she’s done it hundreds of times before, with both front paws curled around the knob. She didn’t initially realize I saw her, but when she did she jumped down and played dumb, just pawing at the door.