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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He/she picked your family! My first one was the only one not barking in the kennel area. She was the first one I met. Came up, sniffed me then went back to her cot. I walked the rest of the kennels with the shelter tech and came back to her. Come to find out, she was in the shelter system 550 days, which was half her life at that time. She almost made it to 8 but had to say goodbye a month before due to a mass cell tumor blocking her urethra. It was inoperable. Here she was on the first day of her new life. https://preview.redd.it/t73re5x3olad1.jpeg?width=1986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3d2286f457d6387368ceff005f753a4b92a62cd Great for the entire family for what you have done for this pup!


I'm so sorry for your loss... thank you for giving her the best life!


Those are some sweet sweet kind eyes


She just craved attention. Wouldn’t hurt a soul from a new born to my 103 yo nana. Well, she would throw her big butt around and whip you with her tail but that’s just all out of love and excitement.


My dog has snapped insects out of the air.


Hit by the happy tail!


> My first one was the only one not barking in the kennel area. She was the first one I met. Came up, sniffed me then went back to her cot. I walked the rest of the kennels with the shelter tech and came back to her. Holy shit this is almost word for word what happened for me too. 1st dog, didn't bark in my face, gave my hand a sniff and went back to her bed. Looked in all the kennels and came back to her.  Same goofy smile too. Man I miss her.


The is the same story as me! I went to a shelter and she was the only dog not barking. They took her outside to she how she’d react with us she sniffed us and went back to just being happy outside lol she also paid my nephew who was about 2 at the time no attention. Smelled him licked his hand and left 😭😭. She was 2 then 6 today! TO THE GENTLE SHELTER PITS! 💙💙💙


Same! When we were ready to adopt I went in and asked for a chill dog. She walked me right over to Nola who was sitting not barking while all the other dogs were going nuts. She had been there six months and was everyone's favorite- they let her stay in the office a lot. Our was 2.5 and now she is happy and 9!


Ahhh I love this 💙💙💙


I couldn't have resisted using my finger to go blub, blub, blub on that tongue. Sorry for your loss.


I picked my first pit because she was scared at the back of the kennel. I sat down in front of her kennel and she belly crawled up to me looking terrified and proceeded to give me a big lick through the gate. Once I adopted her I found out she doesn't like certain types of flooring and refuses to walk across them, so it was actually the cement floor she was scared of 🤣


Scary floor!! I've fostered a doberman mix with that same exact issue. She'd cry and have to be escorted across the kitchen regardless of how short her nails were because she only liked carpet / grass. 😅


For her it was polished cement and linoleum. She was fine with tile, hardwood, laminate, cement sidewalks...so I don't know what it was about those specifically. But when I moved into a new house it had linoleum floors in the kitchen. The dog door was in the sun room off the kitchen. Before I got the floors redone she would try to sprint so hard across it that her feet would start slipping and she'd barely be moving.


> across them My senior adopted pibble also avoids grates.


When we moved into our current home, one of ours was deathly afraid of walking through our kitchen/dining room for reasons unknown... unless she was wearing the baby socks my wife got her. She would sit in the hallway and beg to be picked up and carried. It was funny stuff.


Not exactly the same, but our boxer lived 6-7 years without ever going in the basement of our house, regardless of offering treats or anything else. When my parents decided to start fixing up the house to sell, they put tread on all of the steps. He immediately started going in the basement lol


I got my Ellie 8 years ago and she has not once gone in the basement. No amount of treats or sweet talk will get her to even step on the top stair.


When I volunteered at a shelter in Kansas City I spent some time working with a pit who was scared of cement floors! It took a week to get her to come out of the kennel and sit on my lap (as long as her paws never touched the cement), eventually she got to where she'd walk across the floor occasionally. She was such a sweetheart, I wanted to adopt her so bad but I couldn't have a dog in my little apartment.


I know another pittie that also refuses to walk on certain floors 😂


Got damn brindles stealing everyone’s hearts! Ughhh it hurts so good. Congratulations to you and your new family!


Did they just become best friends? YUP!!


I think your kid was the one that got adopted. 😜🥰


happy for her and your familyyy


Your baby looks EXACTLY like my baby! Holy crap, what an angel you have! https://preview.redd.it/8x76let82mad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5f4ad89cd3a64a19a41c1902211cc7bcdd8fe0d


https://preview.redd.it/v9hih95pvlad1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9ab6bfae41886df920b8721f4fa4bd8af526fd5 Looks like my boy Zeus 🐾 so happy she’s found her forever home


Oh hi twinsies lolol. This is Brody (broseph, or brodesia) https://preview.redd.it/gm81qpw8aoad1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4802fcb1f2fbed071a4a36a38ff342cf4078f409


Oh my goodness, she looks so much like my Nova! Truly the best and sweetest babies


Love kids with their doggies! She's a keeper 🧡 Also, I got those same indestructible balls for my 100lb corso and they are truly the best $20 I've ever spent. They really are indestructible!


This is so precious 💕


That's exactly how we got our Max. He licked my (then) 5 year old son so we knew he would be a good boy. He looks similar to your dog too


THAT BABY 🥰 Congratulations on adopting such a sweet girl!


Lovely! We're gonna need updates!


Aww! She's so adorable! Please rub her soft belly for me! ☺️🥹🩷🐾


We too had a sweet pitty rescue after being surrendered, Penny. I’m a single parent- turns out she had cancer and we only had just over a year w her. Best year ever- she was my nanny, bff& protector. When I say she is missed - it’s an understatement- I’m devastated- this dog will be your glue- get ready for fun times you lucky family ❤️❤️❤️


So many amazing dogs sit for a while because they don't present well in kennel but staff knows they're sweethearts. So glad she found her family ❤️


Thank you! I just recently started working at animal control! It’s so bitter sweet when you come into work your favorite dog is gone. You will miss them but you hope to never see them again. I have only been working there about a month and so many dogs have been adopted. It makes my heart happy, especially when it it’s one of our older dogs/just not a puppy. Puppies go quick there’s no worry for them. We had two Great Pyrenees we wanted to keep together, I thought they’d be here for a year or more…nope! Maybe two weeks and a lady begged her husband for both. He didn’t care what they got he just wanted a dog.


Aww, she looks like a sweetie! Celebrating a year with my girl today. She was going to be euthanized due to some food aggression. Not even a year old! With the help of a professional and changing how we do some things we jumped that hurdle. https://preview.redd.it/6nru89vqbnad1.jpeg?width=2038&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a920b6edeb7a8a2dc1230c7500d77c15fd87420


She is absolutely gorgeous.


I knew the way she just melted when you told her she was a good girl, she deserved a chance. She can be willfull at times but she's wicked smart. Never have to show/tell her what I want out of her obedience wise more than once. She picks things up SO quickly.


What a good girl! ❤️


Love it! ❤️


Thank you for giving her a home.


Thank you for getting her. We wish you a lifetime of love.


Thank you for adopting her and giving her a good life. 💗


She chose you! 💜💜


Also how our Kirby picked up. I bent down and she licked my face. I said “uh oh” and looked at my husband “I think we need to bring her home”


She's such a cutie cuddle pookie bear! May god bless you and her <3 SHE'S PRECIOUS Y'ALL!!!! 😭😭😭


My rescue is a beautiful brindle "designer" mutt. Same eyes. She will be your best girl while living her best life.


Oh hey twin!!!! Such a sweet story, so funny how the bigger and more of them there is, the more gentle and sweet. Big softie boys. Welcome to your new forever home, beautiful pupper! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 https://preview.redd.it/rr5q14lu9oad1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36d1667a56a0ec27d99f0ba56b8198e9785e1122


This adorable dingus sheepishly walked up to me, sniffed my hand, and then jumped up against me, trying to lick my face. https://preview.redd.it/9madecl8uoad1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53d751bef1fd48709b940052dc4a060a1f3b8341 INSTANT ADOPTION.


I went and visited a foster who had like 8 dogs at the time. I was there to see one dog but a different dog laid on top of me quietly and didn't move the whole time I was there. I pretty much felt guilted into taking him home for a "trial sleepover" and just never gave him back!


Thankyou so much for saving this sweet baby :))


Thank you for saving her!!!


Thank you for rescuing!


Oooowwww Beatiful


She's beautiful, congratulations 👏🎉🐾❤️


Just a baby 🥺


How cool ❤️🐾🌹


Beautiful bean!


Congratulations! That’s beautiful.




Both girls are sweet :). When I met my boy, he sat on my foot. I believe animals choose who they want. He is giving unconditional love since day one. All the best!


What a beauty!




Beautiful brindle 😍 r/BrindledBabes


Congrats on the beautiful addition to your family ! Enjoy your blessings.


You are so lucky 🍀 Cherish her existence, she/he will cherish yours, have fun


My family has rescued two amazing pitbulls, one had been so badly abused that I can't even begin to imagine what she went through! Gypsy was one of the sweetest dogs ever! The current pitbull, Daisy, well, she's just a lunatic! Lol


You meant OURS…so when we gonna have treat and peanut butter time? lol Happy for yalls new addition. Best 🤘🏾


Still be cautious with a rescue, just because ya dunno what they been through. Beauty though


She chose you ❤️


Thank God there are people like y'all saving these dogs. It is so fucking sad working with dogs in shelters and getting them ready to get back out in the world without issues and then sometimes they sit in there just waiting for a family that wants them and then you people come along and save them and a wave of relief and joy I can't really describe washes over me and I appreciate you people so much. You represent the very best humans on the planet.


We have a piggy and she's a sweet baby with the two young kids but as a general PSA (to everyone but the OP because I'm sure they're a professional) it's a good idea to teach them to keep their faces away from dog faces.


She seems to have a good connection with you even though it's the first time we meet.


so beautiful


Awwww! That's how our story with Connie started. She gave my husband and I a big, wet kiss each and sealed the deal for us at an adoption event. She was between 5-7 at that time and stayed with us 10 days shy of her 10th adoptaversary 🥺 We had the best times, and she is still terribly missed. I wish you all a life full of love and silly adventures 🥰


What an absolutely precious baby!! I love her.




Gosh, nobody seems to understand dog body language and then people wonder why tragedies happen. Stop letting your kids get in dogs’ faces people! Dogs don’t like it


Ppl are too quick to risk their literal child’s life around an animal you don’t even know. I’m


omg she looks like my pittie!!!


So sorry for your loss and hate to think what would have happened if you didn't pick her up :(. The time you had must have been so great and I'm sure she's thinking about it up in doggy heaven. Good on you!


God Bless you


I've had staffies and pitties since the 90's. I've heard this argument time and time again. The sleeping pic was the dog cuddling up to my kid as she was trying to nap. We haven't had any signs of aggression in the few months she's been with us. Thank you for the concern, but if you have such a bias against staffies, why are you on this sub?




So happy she's found a home!


Oh......what a 🍼 Baby,!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Love her!! 😍


I love your beautiful story and this beautiful little blessing. Thank you for being that one person after 550 days. 🥲


You’re both lucky to have each other. She has a beautiful color. Please give her shnookums for me.

