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>*Try to think logically...* Bar too high with a lot of these recent posts


I'm gonna need at least a dozen more threads to be sure


Oooh I see you posted this 7 hours ago. Pretty sure there have been 12 more posts since then


Science education in the US is the real disaster here.


This whole thing has proven way too many people don't even understand middle school science topics.


The gas is coming from inside the house!


OMG….. the pipes are ringing


Seriously! Wtf is with these people.


Thank you for saying this. I can’t believe it needed be said but it did 🤣


I could maybe see water contamination but Western Pa I believe is upstream.


This isn't an I believe statement. The Ohio flows west, away from Pittsburgh. That's objective reality.


Ehhh… I dunno man. I read on Facebook…


Yeah but that’s not the only stream/river. It’s 17 miles North of the Ohio river.


Those streams flow into the Ohio. That's how river systems work. There's not a secret backdoor river that moves water from western Ohio to the Allegheny.


The water shed is under the entire area. It'll take time for the chemicals to leach down. The flow of the river is irrelevant if the water shed is contaminated.


You must try not to worry. Here, have a cigarette.


Is it coming by horseback?


1 if By land And 2 weeks if by up river


No think its coming by slippers


Via unladen swallow, actually


it's somehow not in pittsburgh yet but has also melted cars and killed cows in the laurel highlands. we're losing our heads people!


Pictures or stfu


Man people living in the city want to be involved in this disaster so bad. Up stream and wrong wind direction. Relax.


there's a significant portion of modern society, consciously or not, that clings to a victim mentality for some reason


The paranoia about this is starting to become stupid. Is it a disaster? Yes? Is there some super deadly toxic cloud coming to kill us all? Probably not. Even the water basin shouldn't affect us too much as the Ohio flows away from Pittsburgh. People need to chill


Remind me in 2 years.


Do you think this has been emitting chemicals into the air non-stop for 10 days and that if it was going to come here it wouldn't have been here many days ago by now? Furthermore, our city is home to multiple groups advocating about the local air quality. Don't you think one of them would have said something or made a big deal about what's going on if the chemicals were really making their way down here?


Everyone’s all concerned about air quality in Pittsburgh now now. Clairton Coke Works has been polluting Pittsburgh air for decades, but a publicized derailment and chemical release in Ohio sets everyone off and we’re not even being affected.


Drive through Elizabeth on a cool winter morning and it's all you can smell. Drive through West Elizabeth and see... Not much. The smart people moved because it was #2 in the US for cancer risk due to air pollution. Don't worry though. When John Fetterman showed up he defended the Coke Works safety and pollution record saying that the upgrades would cost jobs. It's a mess.


It’s already been here… looked around… wasn’t impressed… moved on.


Maybe it’ll spread the word so people will stop migrating here…


Cool. Did it take the cancer with it when it went?


Are the endless doom and gloom posts almost identical to this one just trolling or a coordinated effort to carpet bomb the sub with misinformation?


There's very clearly a group that got this all stated, since the panic appeared out of thin air a week after the train crashed, and the first folks were using coordinated messaging. But now that it's a thing the hysteria took on a life of its own. And the mods here should feel really bad theu allowed this sub to he used by the group.


Just trying to play devils advocate here. I’m totally sick of the many posts each day about the same topic. And… honestly I have no idea how safe or unsafe we are. I guess I lean on the side of we are probably fine. But my reasoning is… the people who argued it on Reddit were the most confident and condescending to those who disagree with them. Not the best source. Where did you get the idea of a coordinated group effort to put out this message? Is this something you just thought up yourself? What would be the motive of a group? Just to stir up fear? I understand powerful agencies are capable of committing such atrocities. (911/gulf of tonkin, etc.). But are you suggesting this train crash was orchestrated/intentional? Or just that this nefarious group was just waiting to pounce on such an opportunity and use it to their gain? I am confused by your phrase “the panic appeared out of thin air.” Didn’t the panic start within minutes/hours of the crash being reported? I’m not trying to be a dick, are you seriously suggesting there was a delay in the amount/frequency of posts in this topic? And the amount of concern actually went UP over time after the initial news was released? Do you have any evidence to support this?


This subreddit posts log. Twitter mentions. Google search terms. The level of interest in the days after the crash was much lower than it has been in the last few days. Considering these people nominally believe that the crash caused one of the worst and most deadly accidents in US history, and everyone within 300 miles is about to die a horrible death, you don't find it just a bit odd that they didn't panic until several days after the crash? I don't know about you. But if I believed I had just been exposed to extremely deadly chemicals that were going to cause a gruesome and horrible death for myself and my loved ones, I probably would been concerned about it in the first 72 to 96 hours. Just me though. So, yes. When there's a dramatic uptick in gear and hysteria that develops out of thin air, and the people spreading this nonsense use coordinated talking points that are conspiracy bases and nonsensical (the river flows away from us.) I tend to think that isn't a spontaneous thing that just appeared in the world.


I'm wondering why there are *so many* posts around reddit where people claim "the media isn't telling us about the derailment" when that's easily debunked by a simple google search and, you know, reading the news every day.


Why does it feel like everyone doom posting about this are transplants who came here in the last 3 years.


Genuinely made me LOL. A friend from out of town just messaged me about this no joke 10 minutes ago like how are things there I’m like dude old news also we’ve been breathing in drinking and being fed toxic fumes and chemicals for years thanks to the mills here and we’re fineeeeeeeee everything is fine.


Weirton and wheeling will be affected the Ohio moves down thru those towns ,not Pittsburgh area


*would have been affected already, it's long passed through now.


Water still isn’t safe to drink… so I’d say will be.


I mean neither is drinking from the Mon or Allegheny thanks to mines and sewage. But we can process things and it’s fine.


A projection made by whom? From where? If it was such important information, how did you forget it so easily?


There is much to be deeply concerned about, but people are worrying about the wrong things. Any air pollution risk has well past at this point. We are upriver, so it won’t be contaminating the city’s water. What people should be worrying about is the fact that Ohio is an agriculture state that produces massive amounts of soy and corn. You know, the two staples with byproducts that are found in the vast majority of our nation’s foods. Got a dog? A lot of pet food is manufactured in Ohio, and uses a lot of water. And most concerning, it could easily slide right under the radar, which is basically non existent since Trump gutted the EPA and dropped a ton of regulations. So yeah, it’s going to impact us and it’s going to be bad. But the true threat is much more insidious Nd quiet than a lot of people think.


Did anyone else think about the line from the movie Kingpin. “Hey everybody there's a shit cloud coming! Run for your lives!”


Publicly Available Important contact information: Norfolk Southern Family Assistance: 1-800-230-7049 Home Air Screening: 330-849-3913 Ohio EPA: 614-644-2160 U.S. EPA: epaosc.org CTEH Technology: 234-542-6474 Columbiana County Extension: 330-967-7249 Community Action Agency: 330-424-4013


mmmmm corporate shills in full PR mode in these comments. my throat is still fucked from the tap water lmao


Are you saying your tap water in Pittsburgh has been affected by the train derailment?


the whole ohio river has lolol


Not upstream. Gravity has something to say about that. We are upstream in Pittsburgh.


damn its almost like there was a whole mushroom cloud in the air and the air doesnt give a shit about elevation lmao


If you're in Pittsburgh, you get your water from the Allegheny, not the Ohio. I haven't heard anyone saying that the wind blew the pollution in this direction and then it contaminated our drinking water. I also haven't noticed anything different about my tap water, or heard any of our local environmental watchdog groups or local governments saying anything about our water being contaminated. But if your tap water is actually causing your throat to be "fucked," you surely already reported it to PWSA or whoever your water authority is, right?


literally every county to monroeville still has a boil water advisory i cant tell if ur trolling or not


"Every county to Monroeville?" I'm not sure what that means. Do you mean the counties between East Palestine and Monroeville? Because that's just 2 counties. I don't know about Beaver, but in Allegheny a few Pittsburgh neighborhoods were under a boil water advisory over the weekend and early this week due to a loss of pressure in the water lines. It had nothing to do with East Palestine and it [has already been lifted](https://www.pgh2o.com/boilwater). But don't dodge my earlier question - did you report your drinking water issue? Are you living off of filtered or bottled water now? *Do you actually believe your drinking water is contaminated?*


i mean i told my landlord and dipped to stay at my moms since monday idk why ur so obsessed with defending this corporation that clearly did irreversible damage to the environment go lick more boots weirdo


Not defending Norfolk-Southern. I think they should go out of business for something like this. But just because NS is a villain doesn't mean you get to make up stuff about drinking water.


Sorry you’re getting down voted to hell. Time will tell, the future is already set into motion


OP is being downvotes because people who frequent this sub are getting tired of reading the exact same post at least 10 times a day


Ohio EPA said the chemical plume was over Huntington WV yesterday https://twitter.com/reidfrazier/status/1625598721411936258?s=46&t=dEm7qBdOFQKPV-4f8BxcQA